【地球盟友】【柯博拉 Cobra 】 2016 年 5 月 13 日訊息
【 Rob Potter 主持的柯博拉 / 科里古德聯合訪談 第一部分】
資料轉載自: 準備轉變 Prepare for Change
Rob - Very good. Cobra, we know . . . you obviously feel that there is going to be a watershed moment you call the Event. Would you like to comment please.
Rob – 非常好。柯博拉 … 你肯定知道將來會有一場名為事件的決定性時刻。你想發表一些意見嗎 ?
COBRA - Yes, of course. I would just give an explication. It’s a process called phase transition. Phase transition is a process in physics that happens also in society. So when you put a certain amount of energy into a society it begins to behave like water that is boiling. So what we’re experiencing now is this boiling water, it is all this dissent in human society, all of this questioning, seeking. All of this restlessness in human society is a reflection of this cosmic change.
COBRA – 當然沒問題。我想簡單地解釋一下。地球局勢正在經歷一個名為 ” 相變 ” 的過程。相變是物理現象,也是社會學現象。一旦我們對社會施加足夠的能量,它就會向滾水一般開始沸騰。當今人類社會所有的分歧、疑惑和追尋都是人類社會即將相變的前兆。人類社會的不安正是這次宇宙大轉變的縮影。
When a certain amount of energy is brought into that system the water begins to boil. It begins to change into vapor and this is what is happening with human society. It is going through a phase transition. The moment of the phase transition is the Event. It is a sudden change which can be felt before hand a little bit. It can be expected but when it happens it’s a sudden transition. It’s a quantum leap. And this is the way transitions happen in nature. They don’t happen gradually.
Phase transitions happen suddenly and this is what is going to occur because we simply do not have time. We do not have millennia to wait. We are actually responding to cosmic forces that are triggering this transition. They are guiding us through this transition so it can happen as fast as possible as harmoniously as possible. Human race are known for taking one part of this transition, but it is a global cosmic event and each of us of course plays a role in this event.
Rob - Thank you. And I would add that those of you who are familiar you want to look at cymatic shift, you can see a plate of metal that is vibrated to sound and you can see the sand is in a chop mode and then it moves when a certain frequency is established the sand moves into a specific pattern and we are going through this chaos position very shortly to re-establish a new pattern. Corey, are there specific plans that you know of for the Sphere Being alliance specifically to become allies openly with the earth’s surface population at some future date?
Rob – 謝謝。我想補充一點。聽眾朋友可能看過沙盤震動實驗。一塊上面有沙子的金屬板隨著聲音震動。當我們把聲音調整成特定的頻率,盤子上面的散沙就會形成特定的圖案。目前地球就是要從短暫的亂世轉變成一個新的世界。 科里,你是否知道球體存有聯盟將來有沒有和地表民眾公開結盟的具體計劃 ?
Corey - No, not that I know of. What has been communicated to me is that they will remain in the back ground. As the outer barrier and these different spheres slowly faded out or transitioned out as this cosmic energy comes in then they will be no longer be needed here and even the light __ we don’t need them. We’ll be in a different state ourselves.
Corey – 我並不曉得。我現在知道的是 : 他們會繼續隱身在幕後活動。 它們會擔當太陽系的外圍屏障。不同的球體存有會緩慢地撤出或繼續傳遞進入太陽系的宇宙能量。到最後,他們就不需要留在太陽系了 … 我們將不會需要他們。我們屆時也已經演變到不同的狀態了。
Rob - So it seems that some of them we will never meet. Cobra, you speak of the Resistance Movement (RM) and we know that they are definitely involved on the surface of the planet. I personally feel that there are many other beings that are here on the planet that have been here a long time. Some come and go and some are a lifetime earth members now. Can you talk about the plans for the, you’ve mentioned this before, so from your group they do have plans to communicate with the surface population. Can you share with our listeners what those plans are. Many want to sign up that’s really not that way is it. Can you talk about that contact that will take place in the future Cobra.
Rob – 看樣子我們是沒機會見到他們其中一部分的成員了。柯博拉,你曾談過抵抗運動。我們知道抵抗運動肯定有涉入地表世界。我個人感覺許多存有已經在地球上待了很長的時間。他們有些往返地球好幾回,也有些已經轉世成為地球人。你能不能講一下關於他們聯繫地表民眾的計劃 ? 你能談將來星際交流的型式嗎 ?
COBRA - Yes it is not safe now for that contact to happen but after the Event the contact will happen. The RM will make physical contact with people who are I would say, the most awake and aware individuals. This will be the first interaction that will happen and based upon how this goes they will gradually begin to reveal themselves to the surface population.
COBRA – 現在的情勢並不能安全地進行星際交流。事件發生之後,民眾就會開始跟外星種族互動。抵抗運動在事件之後會與地表上覺醒程度最高的民眾面對面互動。這會是社會大眾的交流初體驗。抵抗運動接著會根據交流情況逐漸向地表民眾透露自己的存在。
They are not the main group to interact with the surface population. The main group will be the Pleiadians, later the Sirians and the Arcturians and I would say the other positive galactic races from our galactic neighborhood. The RM’s role is to tactically support the Event to make sure that the infrastructure is running that we have electricity, internet, food distribution chain. They will support military in their operations. They will support the media that releases intel. There will not be so much face to face interaction with the surface population at least not in the initial stage. At a certain point after the Event, they will have guided tours for certain surface people a guided tour or their underground dwellings. They will show one part of this to the surface population. And for those who would like to join and be integrated it will be possible if certain conditions are met.
原文: http://2012portal.blogspot.tw/2016/05/joint-cobra-corey-goode-interview-by.html
原創翻譯: Patrick Shih