THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages
原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond
中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代
原創翻譯: Patrick Shih
Freemasonry: 33rd Degree And Above
共濟會: 33 階大師和 33 階以上的世界
No one knows with certainty how or when the Masonic Fraternity was formed. A widely accepted theory among Masonic scholars is that it arose from the stonemasons’ guilds during the Middle Ages. The language and symbols used in the fraternity’s rituals come from this era. The oldest document that makes reference to Masons is the Regius Poem, printed about 1390, which was a copy of an earlier work. In 1717, four lodges in London formed the first Grand Lodge of England, and records from that point on are more complete.
共濟會 ( Masonic Fraternity )確切的成立時間和方式至今仍是一個謎團。大多數研究共濟會的學者們認為共濟會源自中世紀的石匠工會。共濟會使用的儀式語言和儀式符號都是中世紀的產物。歷史上第一篇提到共濟會的文件是公元 1390 年付梓的皇家詩歌( Regius Poem )。這本詩集是一個更早期著作的復刻本。 1717 年,四個位於倫敦的共濟會會所共組第一個英國共濟會總會。共濟會從此有比較完整的歷史紀錄。
Within thirty years, the fraternity had spread throughout Europe and the American Colonies. Freemasonry became very popular in colonial America. George Washington was a Mason, Benjamin Franklin served as the head of the fraternity in Pennsylvania, as did Paul Revere and Joseph Warren in Massachusetts. Other well-known Masons involved with the founding of America included John Hancock, John Sullivan, Lafayette, Baron Fredrick von Stuben, Nathanael Greene, and John Paul Jones. Another Mason, Chief Justice John Marshall, shaped the Supreme Court into its present form. [15]
共濟會的據點在 13 年內就遍及全歐洲和北美殖民地。共濟會在美洲殖民時期就是一個深得民心的組織。喬治華盛頓是共濟會會員。斑傑明.富蘭克林是賓州分會的會長。保羅.列維爾和約瑟.瓦倫是麻州分會的會長。其他參與美國建國革命的知名共濟會會員還包括約翰.漢考克、約翰.沙利文、拉法耶特侯爵、弗里德里希.馮·施托伊本、彌敦內爾.格連和約翰.保羅.瓊斯。另一位共濟會會員 —— 約翰.馬歇爾奠定了美國最高法院的運作制度。
Once upon a time there was bonding of men around the art and science of building foundations and edifices of every sort and kind. The dates and places of the original brotherhoods, which were formed for this specific purpose, have been lost with the passage of centuries. Consequently, it is highly doubtful that the true origin of these societies will ever be found. There are many traces of similar organizations throughout the histories of ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Israel. However, because of the secrecy around these groups, they often operated under the radar without any public records ever being recorded.
The key point about Freemasonry is that it has always provided a well established network of highly capable men who lent themselves to address urgent needs and support vital causes within their respective societies. This was particularly true of those Grand Lodges that were established in London during the beginning of the 18th century. It was these lodges that set up the fledgling colonies of America to duplicate the same type of societies. These brotherhoods were essential for disseminating important information which was shared amongst the colonists. The most important information was that having to do with the many oppressive edicts issued by the English monarchy in the form of so many “Acts” like the Stamp Act.
共濟會的關鍵作用是提供一個完善的人脈網路 ,讓各行各業的有力人士表達自身迫切的需求並且互相大力扶持彼此的事業 。共濟會在 18 世紀初期的倫敦成立的許多會所更是滿足這種需求。共濟會後來也在北美的殖民地套用相同的運作模式。北美殖民地的共濟會會所其中一項重要功能就是讓殖民地的拓荒者們互相交流,交換重要的情報。當年英國透過印花稅等立法打壓北美殖民地,因而拓荒者們之間最重要的情報就是應對這些壓迫他們的法案。
There is plenty of definitive evidence that indicates that Freemasons were directly involved with the designing and building of many federal buildings within Washington, D.C. Their distinctive markings and mason work are quite evident all over the District of Columbia. The salient point here is that they were always known for applying the highest standards of architecture and engineering, construction techniques and materials. As for the many hidden agendas which are often attributed to them, they can only be guessed at. However, the intent of these great visionaries was, at once, noble, righteous and providential.
As far as how Freemasonry proved to be essential to the colonies during the American Revolutionary War period, there is one very obvious point. The Freemason Lodges that dotted the American landscape were quite strategically located so that they could be used as nerve centers of information gathering and disseminating. Toward that end the lodges served as bulwarks against British oppression and interference in the lives of the colonists. Because the Freemason lodges were of English origin, the colonists were able to work the system to their own advantage. They were also able to understand how the British might use the networks against them.
Since the post Revolutionary war period, Freemasonry proceeded to go through many different changes. So effectively used were the lodges throughout the new American Republic that the British Monarchy made a point of infiltrating them all and taking them over by stealth. This is precisely what has occurred and why the Freemasons now have such a bad reputation. Of course, it is rarely the lower level Freemasons that are involved in the subversion of the Republic and betrayal by the British agents. Those complex schemes and convoluted plots are always formulated by the 33rd level and above within the Freemason hierarchy, and then executed by lower-level initiates who are unaware of their design.
自從美國進入草創建國時期,共濟會就歷經許多次的變革。 由於共濟會會所影響力遍佈剛誕生的美國,英國君主便決定暗中滲透並且接管所有的會所。正是因為英國的滲透行為,當今的共濟會才會背負眾多的罵名。當然,低階層的美國共濟會會員鮮少參與英國特務煽動的顛覆和叛國行動。這些複雜而且迂迴的計謀通常是由共濟會 33 階大師和大師以上的高層人物策劃並且執行。
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is another significant ‘allegory’ which presaged the coming of The New Atlantis. Each of the heroic knights at King Arthur’s court represents the various noble qualities which would be required to bring about a new post-feudalism order. In addition to courage and chivalry, strength and valor, magnanimity and self-sacrifice, so, too, would spiritual wisdom and mundane knowledge, scientific knowhow and technological prowess be prerequisites for the ‘knights’ of the future.
亞瑟王 和圓桌武士( King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table )是另一個預告新亞特蘭提斯的寓言故事。每一位圓桌武士各自代表人類推動後封建時代所需的高貴品格。除了英勇、行俠仗義、強健體魄、雍容大度和犧牲奉獻,靈性智慧、世俗常識、科學知識和工藝技術也是未來的騎士們必修的課題。
The feudalistic societies which predominated during the time of King Arthur would one day evolve into a more free and just, humane and democratic ones. The future English Renaissance would manifest those high beings and advanced souls necessary for an evolution of civilization to take place. It’s highest fulfillment would eventually be realized in the raising of the The New Atlantis via the birth of the United States of America.
If Queen Elizabeth’s court, full of multifarious and colorful ‘Shakespearean’ actors, was a dress rehearsal for the Founding Fathers of the American Republic, it could be said that the enactment (real or imagined) of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table provided a sneak preview of what was to occur during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras.
Perhaps it is no coincidence that Sir Thomas Malory, author of the Le Morte d’Arthur, (originally entitled The Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table) was born in Warwickshire, England. It has never been proven categorically that Malory actually wrote Le Morte d’Arthur even though it is more than likely that he did not. His well recorded personal history, if accurate, consisted of much behavior that was completely inconsistent with the Knights Code of Chivalry . Also, there is no hard evidence, except his name, linking him to the literary production Le Morte d’Arthur.
《亞瑟王之死》( Le Morte d’Arthur )的作者 —— 托馬斯.馬洛禮 爵士之所以在英國的華威郡出生,也許不光是偶然。學界尚未考證過《亞瑟王之死》的真實作者,而托馬斯.馬洛禮爵士很可能不是。如果爵士本人的生平故事都是真的,他在生前做過許多根本不符合騎士精神的事情(例如:戰場上偷襲對手、敲詐、竊盜、姦淫婦女)。除了爵士的名字出現在《亞瑟王之死》一書,並沒有其他的證據足以證明他真的是作者。
Just as it has been proven that Sir Francis Bacon wrote the many and diverse works of William Shakespeare, it really does appear that a very skilled and knowledgeable philosopher/writer penned the The Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table. As the original literary work that authoritatively elaborates the Arthurian legend, Le Morte d’Arthur has become the principal source from which all later editions of King Arthur’s story were derived.
The Arthurian legend is particularly distinguished for revealing the unique qualities of each of the noble knights of whom there may have been as many as 150. The primary 12 knights excluding King Arthur represent the twelve signs of the zodiac. With each sign (and knight) comes special traits, which when united under the banner of a truly righteous mission such as King Arthur’s, will be successfully accomplished.
亞瑟王傳說有一項特點:即便亞瑟王的騎士團可能多達 150 人,故事中每一位騎士都具有獨特的性格 。 亞瑟王麾下的 12 名圓桌武士象徵 12 星座。每一個星座(每一位圓桌武士) 都具備不同的特質 。一旦這些騎士聚集在亞瑟王的麾下,就能達成賢君理想中的大義。
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, UK is located but 25 miles from Newbold Revel, Warwickshire
亞芬河畔史特拉福,位於英國華威郡,只距離紐堡.飲樂鎮 25 英哩
Stratford-upon-Avon, birthplace of the uneducated William Shakespeare and home to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, is also located in the very same county of birth as Sir Thomas Malory — Warwickshire, England. Perhaps this common birthplace for both Shakespeare and Malory has been left as a clue. There may be only one character down through history who was both capable and likely to weave such a mysterious web of coincidences and interconnections. In the event that those uncanny connections have not yet sufficiently crystalized, we present the following narrative for consideration.
亞芬河畔史特拉福 —— 莎士比亞的出生地和皇家莎士比亞劇場的根據地。這個英國文學重鎮正好就座落在托馬斯.馬洛禮爵士誕生的華威郡。或許兩人共同的出生地留下了一條線索。歷史上或許只有一個人有能力和有意願促成這種巧合。在這些吊詭的關聯尚未水落石出之前,我們提供以下的論述供讀者們參考。