THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages
原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond
中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代
原創翻譯: Patrick Shih
One of the first gatherings of the Theosophical Society
Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society
The much more recent Theosophical Society fits a similar pattern of being misunderstood and therefore frequently misrepresented. Since the Theosophical Society is by far the least secret of them all it can be much more easily examined than the others. Its most prominent and founding members were essentially open books who also wrote some of the most revelatory tomes of the 19th and 20th centuries.
雖然神智學會( Theosophical Society )的成立時間遠比光明會更接近現代,世人對它也有很多的誤解。相較其他秘密社團,神智學會算是最公開的團體。神智學會當中最著名的創始成員們是當時的公眾人物。他們的著作則是 19 和 20 世紀最具啟發性的書籍。
In the person of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, one of three founders of the Theosophical Society, do we find a sincere spiritual aspirant who some consider to be the grandmother of the New Age. Being way ahead of her time and a woman to boot, Blavatsky was confronted by many critics who simply could not stand in her monumental shadow. Her level of spiritual attainment and mundane knowledge were beyond compare, especially during the time period of the late 1800s in which she thrived.
神智學會有三位共同創始者,海倫娜.布拉瓦茨基( Helena Petrovna Blavatsky )就是其中一位 。她是真誠的靈修人士,也是新時代運動的開山師太。 身為一位思想前衛的女性,布拉瓦茨基承受許多因為樹大招風引來的批評。她的靈性修養和世俗知識都有不凡的造詣,在她生前活躍的 19 世紀晚期更是無人能出其右。許多靈性團體都經歷過遭外人誤解或刻意打壓。
The story of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society is representative of how many spiritual organizations are mislabeled or purposefully undermined or both. Her sincere and ardent interest in disseminating the spiritual wealth of the world would ultimately see Blavatsky move the society’s headquarters to Chennai, India. Her charismatic authenticity served as a magnet for many other like-minded advanced souls. They include the likes of Rudolf Steiner, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Charles Webster Leadbeater, Henry Steel Olcott, William Q. Judge, and Jiddu Krishnamurti among many others.
海倫娜.布拉瓦茨基的生平和神智學會的故事則是這種遭遇的典型案例。布拉瓦茨基在生前一心一意地想把精神財富傳遞到全世界,乃至於她最後決定將學會總部搬遷到印度的清奈( Chennai )。布拉瓦茨基親切樸實的個性吸引了許多志同道合的能人賢士。例如:魯道夫.史代納、安妮.貝贊特、愛麗絲.貝利、查理斯.韋博思特.李德比特、亨利.斯太爾.奧爾科特、威廉.關.賈奇、 吉杜.克里希那穆提 ( Jiddu Krishnamurti )和其他同修。
Alice Bailey’s Lucis Trust is a perfect example of how an inherently benign and magnanimous organization was linked to the most negative connotations of Lucifer. There are numerous misguided people in the world today whose very paltry knowledge of such spiritual matters render them wholly unqualified to criticize the Lucis Trust. In this case Lucis means light, specifically the divine light of rarefied knowledge and sublime wisdom.
愛麗絲.貝利 ( Alice Bailey )創辦的路修斯信託( Lucis Trust )是正派組織被無端妖魔化的典型案例。當今世界上無數欠缺靈性知識又不明究理的民眾根本不應該批評路修斯信託。 Lucis 的正確意思是光,特別指的是象徵深奧知識和崇高智慧的聖光。
[譯註: 路修斯信託名下有一間出版社。該社英文原名是 Lucifer Publishing Company (路西法出版社)。有些民眾誤以為該社是以聖經的反派角色 —— 路西法為名。]
Because of her intense preoccupation with occult astrology and esoteric psychology, unorthodox healing and Eastern meditation, Alice Bailey has been further misunderstood. Much of her knowledge was revealed to her by way of “the Tibetan” who was also known by the initials “D.K.”, later identified as Djwal Khul . Even a casual reading of any of her material will reveal an extraordinary intellect and genuine spirituality.
由於愛麗絲.貝利非常熱衷秘法天文學、神秘心理學、非傳統療法和禪修,外人經常對她有很多的誤解。她從一位名叫 D.K. 的西藏人學到非常多的知識。這名西藏人其實就是迪瓦爾.庫爾大師( Djwal Khul )。一般人就算隨意瀏覽任何一本貝利女士的著作,也能發現超凡的智慧和正統的靈性知識。
Unless there is an in-depth understanding of the ‘founding fathers and mothers’ of these various secret societies, there can be no honest appreciation for their multi-century missions.
除非我們深入了解這些秘密社團的創始人,不然我們不可能真正了解這些社團傳承數百年的使命 。
An old anecdote accurately reflects a phenomenon which has been repeated over and over again. As follows:
Once there were two barstool philosopher buddies who loved to visit the same corner bar. In moments of inebriation they sometimes became open enough to see the truth of things. Sometimes they would experience a glimpse of the highest TRUTH or have flashes of divine insights. On rare occasions they were gifted with pithy sutras of sublime spiritual wisdom that could liberate the soul. These they would always be sure to write down.
Little did they know that the Devil himself was well aware of their philosophizing ways. One night, as the Devil lay in wait with his sidekick, something very unusual happened. Both men left the bar together as usual, but this time they seemed different … perhaps transformed … maybe even transfigured. Now the Devil knew that his time to strike was near.
兩位哲學家根本不曉得魔鬼非常了解他們的思考方式。 某天晚上,魔鬼和他的手下在酒吧外等待。一件非比尋常的事情發生了。兩位哲學家跟往常一樣同時離開酒吧,但是他們的外表非常的不一樣;彷彿脫胎換骨,容光煥發。魔鬼此時知道:他出手機會就快到了。
All of a sudden a tattered piece of paper fell from the hand of one of the philosopher friends. It had written on it words of supreme TRUTH as though uttered by the Almighty God Himself.
The Devil’s sidekick immediately prodded him to go quickly and abscond with the paper with the sacred TRUTH written on it before one of the two friends realized it had been dropped on the cobblestone street.
“No, no, we mustn’t do that, my friend.” said the devil. We must wait for them to find the paper with the TRUTH and clasp it close to their breasts” he said with utmost confidence. “In this way, we will wait … we will wait for them to organize. Yes, we always wait for them to organize around the TRUTH. After they have done all the hard work, we have only to take over what they have so idealistically organized. [14]
魔鬼跟手下說:“千萬不要這麼做,朋友。” 我們必須等到他們找到寫滿真理的紙張然後記到滾瓜爛熟。他信心滿滿地說: “我們會等待。我們等他們建構出一套體系。我們只要等他們繞著真相建構一套體系。 等他們嘔心瀝血想出一套體系之後,我們再把他們充滿理想的世界奪過來就可以了 。“
Order of the Rosicrucians: A Protestant Response to the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus.
Sir Francis Bacon was relatively safe and secure in his powerful position within the court of Queen Elizabeth. However, he knew the day would come when those who wished to co-opt the original plan for The New Atlantis would plot to take him down. By taking down the messenger, he understood, would the entire plan to create The New Atlantis be either undermined, slowed down or terminated altogether.
身為伊麗莎白女王的重臣,法蘭西斯.培根爵士相對地可以保障自己的身家安全。 不過,他知道某些想參與新亞特蘭提斯計畫的人士總有一天會企圖把他趕下台。培根知道:一旦他失去負責傳達訊息的中間人,就會使新亞特蘭提斯計畫受挫;延宕甚至化為烏有。
In this regard, Francis Bacon fully appreciated that his greatest enemy lay deep within the Roman Catholic Church. During the very same time frame when he was fleshing out the skeleton of The New Atlantis, a new male religious congregation was being formed within the Roman Church known as the Society of Jesus (SoJ). Founded in 1540, Ignatius of Loyola set about the process of establishing a quasi-military organization that would serve to protect Roman Catholic interests around the world.
法蘭西斯.培根非常清楚:他的頭號宿敵就躲藏在羅馬天主教會內部。正當培根勾勒新亞特蘭提斯的輪廓,耶穌會也在同一個時期成立。 公元 1540 年, 依納爵.羅耀拉創立耶穌會 —— 旨在保護羅馬天主教會利益的準軍事組織。
Because the Church was so determined to function as the primary authority on Planet Earth, they permitted the Jesuits, as they are known, to operate in a manner that was far from the virtuous conduct of all the other congregations in the Church. In fact the SoJ was initially formed to serve as a powerful countervailing force to the Protestant Reformation. The charter and mission statement allowed for the SoJ to use every means possible to protect the Church from agents of the Reformation. It was likewise empowered to take offensive measures against any perceived threats around the globe, which it has frequently done.
With this context did the Rosicrucians come into existence. Their primary goal was to function as a counterweight to all of the political intrigues and military machinations which the Jesuit were notorious for executing across the planet. The only way that The New Atlantis could be protected from the anticipated assaults and conspiracies hatched by the SoJ was to acquire the necessary intelligence that would prepare them. Bacon et al. were grimly aware of the pervasive power and extraordinary prowess of the Roman Church. They also felt that Bacon’s cohesive band of righteous men could effectively short-circuit all Jesuit attempts to subvert their grand plan to resurrect Atlantis in the New World, if they were properly organized to do so.
Herein lies the original purpose and mission of the Rosicrucians.
為了不讓耶穌會在全世界興風作浪,玫瑰十字會( Rosicrucians )誕生了。玫瑰十字會的主要工作就是牽制耶穌會士,阻止他們在全世界引發政治動亂和軍事侵略。培根知道:新亞特蘭提斯需要他和其他準備好對抗耶穌會的勇者,才能不受耶穌會攻擊或顛覆。培根和其他人也十分清楚羅馬教會無孔不入的權勢和超乎常人的本領。羅馬教會也知道:一旦培根和他身邊的能人賢士們聚集成一個有效率的組織,耶穌會根本不可能阻止他們在新世界復興新亞特蘭提斯的偉大計劃。
因而隱瞞了玫瑰十字會初始的目的和使命 。