THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages
原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond
中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代
原創翻譯: Patrick Shih
Count Saint Germain: Merlin, Roger Bacon and Francis Bacon
Count Saint Germain is the common denominator among all the major aforementioned people and places, events and happenings. There are even those who consider him to be a reincarnation of Merlin, the legendary wizard in the court of King Arthur. This recurring relationship would fully explain why a very similar storyline occurs in each of the three historical narratives discussed herein. The main characters of each of the aforementioned historical dramas really do seem to mirror each other: (i) King Arthur and Merlin, (ii) Queen Elizabeth and Sir Francis Bacon (iii) George Washington and Comte de Saint Germain.
聖哲曼伯爵在先前提到的人物、地點和事件中佔了極大的份量 。有些人甚至認為聖哲曼伯爵是梅林的轉世。這種反覆出現的人物關係足以說明為何本文探討的三個時代會出現非常雷同的故事線:( 1 )亞瑟王和梅林;( 2 )伊麗莎白女王和法蘭西斯.培根爵士;( 3 )喬治華盛頓和聖哲曼伯爵。這三個時代的重要人物反倒像出自同一個歷史故事 。
All three of these great leaders are well known for their truly egalitarian ways and democratic vision, moral uprightness and intestinal fortitude. Each of them was tasked by their times and their destinies to lay the foundation for a new revolutionary societal edifice which would dramatically change the course of civilization. In each case there are clearly powerful and determined forces at work which would not be thwarted. The real source of those forces, given their miraculous successes in the mundane realm, appears to be a higher power as in the Highest Power.
這三位偉大的領袖有幾個共通的特質:講求公平正義、以民為主、品格高尚而且勇氣過人 。他們在他們所屬的時代履行自己的使命並且大刀闊斧地改變當時的社會,進而大幅改變了文明的發展方向。這三個時代顯然都有強大而且不會退縮的勢力在幕後運作。考量到這些勢力在世俗世界造就的奇蹟和成功,這些勢力顯然都是來自最高層的勢力。
Likewise, all three of these giants of history were surrounded by the greatest men of their respective eras. Just as Merlin worked his magic during the Arthurian legends to ensure that each and every knight showed up at the right time, Sir Francis Bacon played precisely the same role throughout the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras. His super-secret circle of Shakespearean writers continued a time-honored tradition of disseminating highly privileged information and esoteric knowledge via a troupe(s) of Shakespearean actors.
這三位歷史偉人的身邊都是當代數一數二的人物 。如同梅林利用魔法確保每一位騎士都能在正確的時間點出現,法蘭西斯.培根爵士在伊麗莎白女王和詹姆士一世的時代也承擔著相同的任務。他和一群鮮少人知的作家們透過莎翁劇團的演員們傳遞重要的訊息和珍貴的神秘學知識。
Fast forwarding to the American Revolutionary War period, there is Saint Germain, himself, appearing throughout the capitals of Europe as well as throughout the 13 Colonies, making sure that everything happened according to the “Master Plan of the Ages”. Toward that end, he used his adroit statesmanship and infallible diplomacy to ensure that each country that participated, both directly and indirectly, in the birthing of the American Republic — England, France, Spain, Russia, and Germany — played their proper roles at the perfect time. Similarly, he moved each of the Founding Fathers, when necessary, into their proper positions so that they, too, kept their dates with destiny.
For example, it was Saint Germain who influenced Marquis de Lafayette to help fund the American Revolution, just as he encouraged him to visit General George Washington. Upon their very first meeting both Lafayette and Washington enjoyed a camaraderie and instant recognition that the Marquis was destined to fight alongside the general until the war was won. And so he did.
Another graphic illustration of Saint Germain’s profound influence on the Founding Fathers was his mentoring of Benjamin Franklin in the emerging sciences. It didn’t take Franklin very long to catch on as he is now world famous for discovering electricity. He is also credited for a number of inventions to include lightning rods, bifocals, an odometer, the Franklin Stove and swim fins. Saint Germain also lent his insight to Franklin in his extremely important endeavor of mapping the Gulf Stream ocean current.
Franklin’s original map of the Gulf Stream.
It might even be postulated that the Comte Saint-Germain was responsible for assembling all the great souls — of all three magnificent sagas — in his various incarnations as Merlin, Francis Bacon and himself. Such is the unequaled mastery, ineffable mystery and grand destiny of the incomparable Saint Germain. Truly, the New Atlantis would never have risen from the North American continent were it not for his ever-present guidance, moving inspiration and vital intercession. Only through the timely and decisive intervention of Comte de Saint Germain was the United States of America born as a free and unfettered nation.
我們甚至可以假設聖哲曼透過三次轉世在三個重要的時代集結了所有的能人賢士 —— 梅林 、法蘭西斯.培根和他本人 。這就是聖哲曼的無與倫比的實力、永垂不朽的傳說和獨一無二的宿命。 倘若沒有他時時刻刻的指導、激勵人心的帶動和出面排解紛爭,亞特蘭提斯根本無法在北美大陸重生 。正因為聖哲曼在關鍵時刻鼎力相助,美國才能成為一個自由而且獨立的國家。