Plejares 星系與 Erra 行星的由來
(摘錄自第 653 次接觸報告)
Thanks. But now I have another question: whether you Plejaren previously had similar forms of government to those that exist today on Earth?
14. That was in fact the case, as the ancient records regarding a peaceful global world-leadership among several Plejaren folks[1] were not heeded, for which reason insurrections, wars, revolutions and diverse forms of terrorism occurred.
15. But that resulted from the fact that five different folks distantly descended from the Nokodemion-lineage had settled on Erra, who were rivals to each other, about which however I should give a few significant explanations for your information.
[中譯者註:有關Nokodemion的詳細權威註解,請參考“Future Of Mankind”英文網站的相關註解,其中還有一張相關的詳細血統圖示,相當可觀!
“Billy Meier中文翻譯報告”的相關網頁,並有許多留言的討論,頗值得參考。]
16. Of course, I cannot be too detailed with those, but will only discuss the most important information, because the whole history is so extensive that a day-long lecture would be required to discuss it all.
17. Hence, I shall begin: our ur-ur[2]-folk, from which I myself am distantly descended, bore since time immemorial the designation Nokdemisdarn, which means, in the language of our ur-ur-ancestors, in brief, folk of Nokodemion.
18. This ur-ur-folk comprised 11 folks, which had their homeworld on a planet called Errana in a star-system called Isdkura.
19. When the astronomers realized that a destructive change was happening in the star-system Isdkura, in which our ur-ur-ancestors lived, and that an annihilation of the whole system was imminent and the destruction was spreading rapidly, through which the home-planet Errana was also threatened with destruction, a resettlement-possibility in another star-system on another planet was sought for all the folks.
20. Such a star-system was in fact found after a few years, so all 11 folks – who in total comprised 510 million human beings – were resettled in the new system within 28 years, namely on two different planets in two different solar systems.
事實上,這種恒星系統是在幾年後被發現的。因此,所有11個家族 —總共有5.1億人 — 在28年內,都被重新安置在兩個不同星系的兩個不同行星之上。
21. The cosmic destruction-process of the Isdkura-star-system lasted 214 years before the whole system was entirely wiped out.
22. The resettlement in the new star-system, which was about six light-years across, happened about 26 million years ago, and since then till the present time we have been based in the Plejaren-system, which will also remain so.
23. The resettlement occurred into two different solar systems on two life-bearing-able[3] planets in a large star-system resp. a so-called open, loose star-cluster.
被重新安置在兩個不同的宜居(life-bearing-able[註三])行星之上,那是位於兩個不同的星系之中,但都包含在一個所謂「疏散星團」(open, loose star-cluster;也稱為銀河星團)的龐大星團內。
24. Already at the beginning of the colonization in the new star-system, it was called Plejaren by our ur-ur-ancestors, namely in alteration of the name Pleijara, after the Jschrjsch[4] presiding over the resettlement.
有關Plejaren的詳細註解,請參考“Future Of Mankind”英文網站的相關註解,其中還有德文並列。
“Billy Meier中文翻譯報告”的相關網頁,其中主要轉譯自第475次接觸報告內,有關Ptaah詳細解釋Plejaren的原文含意,以及為何有些來自他們的名詞最好保留原文,以免翻譯時錯譯了原文真正的涵義。]
25. Our ur-ur-ancestors chose this star-system-designation according to an old, passed down tradition that stated that the first folk that colonized a formerly uninhabited but now habitable planet in a new star-system should take for the name of the star-system the name of the Ishwish resp. Jschwjsch, or of the Ishrish or Jschrjsch in charge of the action.
26. Borrowing from the home-planet Errana, the new home-planet was then named, in abbreviated form, Erra.
27. This on the one hand, on the other hand the new planet Erra was colonized by the first six folks that had been following the teaching of the prophets since time immemorial and were therefore peaceful, democratic and heedful and following of the Creational laws and recommendations.
說到這一方面,要說首先移居到新的Erra行星上的六個家族,就是自遠古以來就跟隨先知教導的那些族人,因此是愛好和平、民主和樂於關注並遵循「造物法則與建言」Creational laws and recommendations)的那些族人。
28. From this lineage descended all the clans of my genealogy, who have undertaken since time immemorial to follow and spread the teaching of the prophets, namely the teaching that had its origin with the universal prophet Nokodemion.
從這一血統開始,我家譜上的所有氏族都包含在內,他們自古以來就承諾跟隨並傳播先知們的教導,也就是這位「宇宙先知」(the universal prophet)Nokodemion所傳授的教導。
29. The ancient undertaking traced back to then, because – as our annals state – the most distant ur-ur-ancestors of my own lineage issue from the universal-prophet Nokodemion.
這項古老的任務可以追溯到那個時候,因為 —正如我們的歷史記載所說 —我自己最遙遠祖先的血統,就是來自宇宙先知Nokodemion。
30. The mission on Earth is also in this succession of undertaking, which has lasted up to this day and in which also our early as well as our direct forebears were involved in recent millennia.