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Contact Report 672/第672次接觸報告
接觸時間:2017 年 2 月 2 日,星期四,23 時 11 分
接觸地點:SSSC、Erra 星
英譯版本:2019.05.05. DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin, Stefan Zutt
中譯改進:2022.02.03. DeepL Translator, James Hsu
這次接觸會面分為三段,時間由 2 月 2 日到 2 月 3 日,也就是由前一天晚上到了次日 Billy 的 80 大壽生日當天,這完全是 Plejaren 特意的安排,就是要讓 Billy 有個驚喜。最大的驚喜,就是請他透過「維度門」,“瞬移”去了一趟遠在 500 光年之外的 Erra 星,也就是 Plejaren 的家鄉行星,為的是為 Billy 祝壽。
本次接觸後段,Ptaah 還以德文《維基百科》資料為主,逐一檢視了所謂“陰謀論”網頁上的表列資料,並做了真偽的判斷與說明,非常具有參考價值。
一、關於登月的陰謀論:除了據稱 1969 年阿波羅 11 號的首次登月,當時在地球上演出了“真正的登月”一幕,執行任務的參與者在催眠下參與並受騙外,所有其他的登月飛行和登月行動實際都發生了。第一次由電視向全世界廣播的欺詐性月球探險是出於政治原因,那就是要使俄羅斯在太空技術和所謂的太空旅行方面處於落後美國的不利地位。
二、「高頻主動式極光研究項目」(常縮寫為 HAARP)會通過振動對生物造成許多有害影響,引起電磁和天氣相關的干擾,帶來各種形式的軍事利益,並會造成負面的大氣影響,但絕對沒有思想操縱。使用 HAARP,天空通過大型天線系統受到能量射線的轟擊;這些被電離層作為極低頻率的電波(ELF)反彈回來,這些電波隨後可以轉化為陰險的武器,然而,這是官方否認的。
三、「納粹飛碟」(Reichsflugscheibe)是納粹帝國研製的盤式飛機,時速約 2000 公里,高度超過 1 萬 2500 公尺。
五、謀殺羅伯特.甘迺迪的陰謀:美國參議員羅伯特.甘迺迪被謀殺,表明在被指控的肇事者索罕.索罕(Sirhan Sirhan)問題上有些不一致。由於調查的疏忽,關於索罕.索罕這個人,確實存在一些矛盾之處,但毫無疑問,他是真正的肇事者。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
這是一篇完整的接觸報告。這是一個授權但非官方的 DeepL 初步英文翻譯,很可能包含錯誤。請注意,所有錯誤和失誤等將持續修正,這將取決於有關人員的可用時間(依照與比利/FIGU 的合約所訂)。因此,不要複製粘貼和發佈此版本在其他地方,因為任何改進和修正將會在這個版本中發生!
1. Hello, dear friend, greetings, Eduard.
Ah, I come … If I had not heard your greeting now, then I would have stayed at the photocopier, then you would probably have looked for me over there, dear friend; but be welcome and greeted. It's a little unusual that you're coming today because I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow.
啊,我來了... 如果我現在沒有聽到你的問候聲,那麼我會待在影印機那裡,而你可能會找我在那裡找我,親愛的朋友;但歡迎並問候你。你今天來有點不尋常,因為我以為你明天才會來。
2. No, I wouldn't have looked over there for you because I looked where you were first.
3. The reason why I am coming here now is that Florena, Enjana and I will meet in 45 minutes, because we have an important job to do together and also something to prepare.
我現在來這裡的原因是 Florena、Enjana 和我將在 45 分鐘內會面,因為我們有一項重要的任務要做,我們還要有一些準備。
4. After that I can only stay here until shortly before midnight, after which I have to leave, after which we can meet again tomorrow and talk again.
5. When the time comes after, I'll call you.
Of course you can, but you have to keep in mind that I have to do the Friday shopping tour in the morning hours and also take care of postal and bank matters, because since Silvano went his last way on Earth, I don't only have to do the Tuesday afternoon shopping tour, but also the one on Friday morning.
當然可以,但你要記住,我必須在早上做週五的購物之行,還要處理郵政和銀行事務,因為自從 Silvano 辭世之後,我不僅要做週二下午的購物之行,還要處裡星期五早上的這趟。
6. I know that, so there won't be a problem because – depending on how Enjana, Florena and I finish our work – I won't come back until the afternoon or later in the evening.
我知道這件事,所以不會有問題,因為 —— 這要看 Enjana、Florena 和我如何完成我們的任務 —— 我要等到下午或晚些時候才會回來。
Tomorrow in the evening I'll be away as well, from 18:00 to about 21:00 or 21:30, because we have our obligatory Aquarian food in the 'Sternen' in Fischingen.
明天晚上從 18:00 到 21:00 或 21:30 我也會離開,因為我們要到菲興根(Fischingen)的“Sternen”餐廳用我們的水瓶座晚餐。
7. I know that, so there's no problem.
Then everything's no problem. Then I'd like to ask you if you could clarify everything with regard to the list of conspiracy theories I copied from Wikipedia on the Internet, which you also photographed.
那麼一切都沒有問題。然後我想問你,你是否可以澄清一下清單上所有關於陰謀論(conspiracy theories)的內容,這份清單是我在互聯網從維基百科上複製下來的,而你也拍了照片。
8. This is one of the jobs that Florena, Enjana and I want to do from midnight and tomorrow because we have been busy elsewhere.
這是 Florena、Enjana 和我從午夜和明天開始要做的工作之一,因為我們一直忙於其他的事。
Oh, I didn't know that. But I want to thank you for wanting to work through the list, because it would be interesting for us in the core group – later probably also for the readership of the contact talk blocks – what kind of conspiracy theories all the conspiracy theories are, and what only alleged conspiracy theories are. At least some conspiracy theories are only fake conspiracy theories that were specially conceived and invented to conceal and ridicule the effective truth, because it could have unpleasant effects.
哦,我不知道。但是,我要感謝你想要把這份清單整理出來,因為這對我們的核心小組成員 —— 以後也可能對“接觸對話”區塊的讀者 —— 來說,知道它們什麼樣的陰謀論,而哪些只是所謂的陰謀論,會很有意思。至少有些陰謀論只是虛假的陰謀論,那些理論是專門為了掩蓋和嘲弄有效真相而編造出來的,因為真相可能會產生令人不愉快的影響。
9. I also think that it would be interesting for the group members and other readers of the contact conversations.
10. In addition, I would like to explain right now that the probably most famous conspiracy theory in the world, namely with regard to you, me and our common contacts, exists.
11. And this is because our contacts are branded in a very negative, lying and slanderous way by antagonists, know-it-alls, defamers, discrediters, humiliators, as well as by malicious, envious and vindictive negators as lies, deception, charlatanism and fraud to make themselves important.
這是因為我們的接觸者被敵對者、萬事通、誹謗者、詆毀者、羞辱者以及惡意、嫉妒和報復性的否定者以非常負面、撒謊和誹謗的方式打上了負面的烙印 —— 如:謊言、欺騙、詭計和欺詐 —— 以使自己變得重要。
12. Various people with very bad character may want to quench their revenge addiction, while others may spread their lies and slander profitably with books and writings as well as through public media in order to earn a living.
13. This applies especially to certain mystic journal producers and to sensational journalists who lieingly distort and falsify the effective facts and thus also create slander.
14. It is common for them to rely on hostile people and their lying statements and allegations, or by simply inventing interviews with you and statements that you are supposed to have made, but which they have fraudulently lied about.
15. Also all machinations of this kind correspond to truth infiltrations and effective conspiracies against you, us and our common contacts, whereby then the population, which regards these conspiracies as truth, consumes these in the form of a conspiracy theory and regards them as given.
16. This form of conspiracy theory, however, corresponds to a completely different form than those conspiracy theories which are used to spread given machinations etc. in relation to not not true, but invented and imagined events etc., which pretend actions and modes of action etc. which are not given to those who believe in conspiracy theory and therefore correspond neither to reality nor to the truth, and which follow them by pretending events which correspond to a pure illusion.
17. Thus, if lies and slander are thus set up in this way in the form of conspiracy theories, they are done in such a way that the effective facts in relation to events and actions, etc., are denied and transformed into other, untrue and illusory events, 'facts' and actions, so that something completely different, evil, underhanded, negative and bad results from them, which really is supposed to have been committed in the background in a different way than is portrayed externally.
18. In the case of our contacts, on the other hand, conspiracy theory has from the very beginning – and will continue to be – formed in such a way that – because no other actions and events etc. can be cited in the background that would expose anything other than reality and truth – a slanderous conspiracy lie has been circulated around the world, namely that the reality and truth of our contacts are lies and deceit, charlatanry and fraud.
另一方面,就我們的接觸而言,陰謀論從一開始就形成了 —— 而且還在繼續形成 —— 而形成的方式 —— 因為不能在幕後引用任何其他行動和事件等,從而揭露除現實之外的任何行為和事件的真相 —— 一個誹謗性的陰謀謊言已經傳遍全世界,那就是我們接觸的現實和真相都是謊言和欺騙、詭計和欺詐。
I can understand what you're saying. In the actual sense, I think, a conspiracy theory is an attempt to give a revealing event, happening, state or development etc. a completely different background in reality – to assume and assert pathologically – than that which is visible to the outside. Hence, in a conspiracy theory, it is morbidly believed that the true background to the occurrence of the event, event, condition or development is completely different from everything else. So the conspiracy theory claims that the truth is not told, but that it is concealed, because in reality something completely different is given or has happened than exactly what is superficially stated, consequently what is superficial is the untruth and thus corresponds to a lie and conspiracy. The focus is on pathologically illusory, profoundly targeted, conspiratorial work, which is usually intended to pursue an illegal or illegitimate purpose. A conspiracy theory is therefore a pathologically conditioned assumption and idea that a conspiracy or conspiracy enterprise is the starting point of something that is misrepresented externally and appears different than it really is.
我能理解你說的意思。我認為,在實際意義上,陰謀論就是試圖給現實中的某一正在發生的事件、狀態或發展等提供一個與外界可見現象完全不同的背景 —— 病態的假設和斷言。因此,在陰謀論中,人們病態地認為,事件的發生、狀況或發展的真實背景與一切表象完全不同。所以,陰謀論聲稱真相不是像說出來的那樣,而是被隱瞞的,因為在現實中,一些完全不同的東西呈現出來或發生了,而不是表面說的那樣,因此,表面上的東西是不真實的,而是謊言和陰謀。那是將焦點放在了病態的虛幻而極度目的性的陰謀工作,這通常是為了追求非法或不合法的目的。因此,陰謀論是一種病態的假設和想法,也就是說,陰謀論或陰謀計畫的出發點,是使表象被歪曲,看起來與它實際的情況不同。
19. You are saying what I also wanted to explain, namely that conspiracy theories are of pathological origin, to which it is also quite clear to say that this pathological thinking of such imaginations and illusions can only occur in people with very poor education and also lacking intelligence.
You mean a lack of education?
20. On the one hand, but on the other hand also the general education, but especially the formation of understanding and reason, through which alone reality and its truth can be perceived in a real way.
Aha, that has to be said, of course, because that sheds a different light on the matter and also explains the lack of intelligence behind conspiracy theories, as your father Sfath already explained to me. If intelligence is lacking, then there is also a lack of understanding and reason, and thus especially of logical thinking, logical combination, and real perception and recognition of effective reality and its truth. In my opinion, however, this also means that man's fantasizing – if he suffers from these deficiency symptoms – is no longer healthy, but sick or pathologically suffering, and he is therefore not capable of real fantasizing, but only of pathological illusion, which accordingly leads to pathological assumptions, illusions and ideas. In this way, unclear sensory impressions or false external perceptions arise, because only a surface sensitivity is given, through which the perceptions are perceived only superficially and thus only in certain individual parts or factors, but not the whole. Therefore on the one hand false interpretations of actual sensory perceptions arise, which have nothing to do with hallucinations, but with a lack of understanding, reason and intelligence as well as of clear, conscious perception. This is also the reason why several people who observe or perceive one and the same thing individually have different recipes or see and judge the result of information acquisition differently than others who have observed the same event or phenomenon. And in this way, of course, all people who are similar in this respect are ill in the 'same hospital', so that they very easily and thoughtlessly become believers of conspiracy theorists and their conspiracy theories as well as believers of religions and sects. It cannot be otherwise, for a man with a normal, healthy mind and just as much reason, with the necessary education and with deficiency-free intelligence cannot simply be a believer, a conspiracy theory or a religious or sectarian faith. Nor can such a person simply fall prey to a 'conviction' which affects him, because through his mind, his reason and intelligence he thoroughly explores and fathoms everything and everyone in himself until he has recognized the definitive reality and its truth and created an absolute certainty out of it, whereby he can never fall prey to faith.
啊哈,這當然是必須說的,因為這使事情有了不同的見解,同時也解釋了陰謀論背後的缺乏智慧,正如你父親 Sfath 曾經向我解釋的那樣。如果缺乏智慧,那麼也缺乏理解和理性,尤其是邏輯思維、邏輯結合以及對有效現實及其真理的真實感知和認識。然而,在我看來,這也意味著人類的想像力 —— 如果他患有這些缺陷 —— 就不再健康,而是生病或有病理的痛苦,因此他無法真正的想像,而只能幻想病態的錯覺,因此導致病態的假設,幻象和想法。這樣一來,就產生了不清楚的感官印象或錯誤的外部知覺,因為只給人一種表面的敏感,通過這種敏感,知覺只是表面上的,因此只是在某些個別的部分或因素,而不是整體上的。因此,一方面,出現了對實際感官知覺的錯誤解釋,這與幻覺無關,而是缺乏理解、理性和智慧以及清晰、有意識的知覺有關。這也是為什麼有些人在觀察或感知一個相同的事物時,各自對資訊獲取結果的認識和判斷與其他觀察到同一事件或現象的人不同的原因。當然,這樣一來,所有在“同一家醫院”生病的人在這方面都很相似,因此他們很容易輕率地成為陰謀論者及其陰謀論的信徒,以及宗教和教派的信徒。否則,對於一個頭腦正常、理智健全、受過必要教育且充滿智慧的人來說,不可能那麼容易就成為陰謀論、宗教或宗派的信徒。因此,這樣的人也不容易被影響他的“信念”所欺騙,因為透過他的頭腦、他的理智和智慧,他徹底探索並理解自己內心的一切和任何事物,直到他認識到明確的現實及其真相,並從中創造了一種絕對的確定性,因此他永遠不會被一種信念所欺騙。
21. That's undoubtedly how you explain it.
22. But now, Eduard, dear friend, time has passed and I must go.
23. Tomorrow I'll call you back when the time comes.
24. Then goodbye until then.
Take care, and goodbye.
Continuation of the Contact Conversation/接續第672次接觸對話
接觸時間:2017 年 2 月 3 日,星期五,14 時 21 分
You are here very quickly Ptaah, dear friend, but be welcome and greeted. But … sorry it somehow seems to me as if something moves you; you refrain from saying something, it seems to me.
你很快就到了,Ptaah,親愛的朋友,但要歡迎並問候你。但是… 不好意思,不知什麼緣故,我覺得似乎有什麼東西讓你感動;你壓抑著些什麼事要說,我覺得。
25. Sorry, I'm a little absent-minded, but that'll all go away.
26. But it's always amazing how fast you perceive my movements, but also how fast you perceive people's movements.
It is simply my way of approaching my fellow human beings in an empathetic way in order to be able to perceive what is going on in them on the one hand, so that I can adjust to them accordingly on the other. However, I do not penetrate into the thoughts of my fellow human beings, but only into their feelings, which tell me the positive or negative nature of their thoughts. So I do not read minds, because these are purely private in nature for every human being, and they must always remain so.
27. It doesn't matter to you whether they are honest or dishonest with you, with others, or with themselves, because you don't treat them according to their honesty or dishonesty, but simply as people in an affectionate conscience because you like them.
Yes, that's right, and in this way I don't play anything for them either, because I can talk to them in any way that the situation requires. So I can talk normally and calmly and explain something, but if I have to, I can get loud or even very loud. I must also say that empathy is very important for me, because through this I have created the willingness and ability to recognize and understand certain feelings, thought forms, emotions, motives and personality traits of another person. In this way I can react appropriately to other people's feelings, such as compassionate grief, pain, inner misery, inner distress, helplessness and excitement, etc. etc. But this requires my own self-perception, which I have to practice over and over again, because only by being completely open to my own feelings and emotions can I also interpret the feelings and emotions of my fellow human beings. Empathy is for me the most important key to understanding the people who seek help and advice from me. The strength and importance of empathy is particularly evident when there are profound conflict situations, for it is particularly important to be able to grasp and understand fundamentally what drives one's fellow human beings into devil's kitchen. It is only through this grasping, understanding and knowledge that it is possible to be helpful and give advice. Unfortunately, however, it is very often the case that neither help nor advice is accepted, but simply continued negating in the old style. The other thing is that you have to make a good face to the bad game and you must not let anything show when you lie black as fire, so there is nothing left to do but let the lying person believe that the lying will not be noticed. Unfortunately, this happens very often, but I learned from the training of your father Sfath as a boy not to let it show me that I recognize it when I am lied to.
是的,沒錯,這樣我也不會對他們玩什麼花樣,因此我可以根據情況需要,以任何方式和他們交談。所以我可以正常、冷靜地說話,解釋一些事情,但如果有必要,我可以大聲甚至很大聲。我還必須說,同理心對我來說非常重要,因為經由同理心,我創造了識別和理解他人的某些感覺、思想形式、情感、動機和人格特質的意願和能力。這樣一來,我就能夠對別人的感受做出適當的反應,比如對悲傷、痛苦、內心的痛苦悶與苦惱、困惑和焦躁等等的同情。但是這需要我對自己的自我認知,我必須反覆練習,因為只有完全敞開心扉,我才能解讀人類同胞的感受和情緒。所以同理心對我來說是理解那些向我尋求幫助和建議的人最重要的關鍵。在有深層衝突的狀況下,同理心的力量和重要性尤其明顯,因為能夠從根本上把握和理解是什麼把你的人類同胞逼入水深火熱之中,這一點尤為重要。只有這樣的把握、理解和認識,才有可能幫得上忙,說得上話。然而遺憾的是,很多時候,人們既不接受幫助,也不接受建議,只是繼續沿用以往的否定方式。還有就是,你還要裝出一幅完全不知情的樣子,不能讓任何人知道你心裡有數,這樣一來,就只能讓說謊的人相信說謊不會被發現。不幸的是,這種情況經常發生,但我從你父親 Sfath 在我小時候的訓練中學到,當我被欺騙時,不要讓自己去注意它。
28. Then how do you behave towards the person who lies to you?
For me he remains a person like any other who has good and bad sides, who is honest as well as bad and makes mistakes and makes mistakes, so I do not condemn him, but only say what I find out about him and his actions and behaviour in good and bad, etc.. So it also says that if someone harms me, lies to me, malices me and slanders me, that I can probably say that and will say it about his person, but that I am always ready to continue or to go back with him and to have a reasonable relationship if he wants to, with or without excuse. And this is also the case when a fellow man maliciously denigrates and slandered me, because my mission taught me this.
29. Actually, I've always known everything you say very well, but it's still interesting to hear everything in your own words.
30. But now dear friend …
Yes, I know, I have talked a lot again, because we should now turn to the things with the conspiracy theories.
31. That's what I was thinking about, but we'll do that later when I come here again the following night, because now something else is up ahead, namely what you already noticed when I came here, namely that something moves me that I suppress.
Aha, the oppressed is pressing more now, my friend?
32. You can say that because it's time we left now.
I don't see what you mean, where should we go?
33. It is time for me to open the gate because we have to use it now and go through it because we are expected in a few minutes.
Where is it?
34. I want to tell you this, but you should not call up or write down anything about all this later, what you will experience during the next two and a half hours and what will be spoken, because the whole thing should only serve your joy and your rest and make today – when you have turned 80 years old in the late morning hours – a unique experience for you.
這就是我想告訴你的,但你以後不要回憶這一切,也不要寫下你在未來兩個半小時內將經歷的任何事情,因為整個事情應該只是為了使你快樂和休息,並使今天 —— 當清晨來臨時,你已經 80 歲了 —— 成為你一個獨特的經歷。
35. As we walk through the gate, you will be able to greet everyone you have met during our contact time.
36. Everyone wants to talk to you and be with you for the next two and a half hours.
… That … I, … well, if you say so, but I'm just in my house latches. This is a bit inconvenient, I think, because …
... 那... 我… 好吧,如果你這麼說,但我只是穿著我的拖鞋。我想,這有點不方便,因為...
37. This is not a problem, because at the meeting place, Quetzal's log cabins, there is early sunny summer weather.
這不是問題,因為會面的地方是 Quetzal 的小木屋,那裡有初夏陽光明媚的天氣。
Wow, then we're going to Erra, you can look for me here for a long time. Such a dimensional gate is simply fabulous – just one step through, and you are 500 light years away from Earth on another world and in another dimension.
哇,那我們要去 Erra 星,我可能要在這裡消失很長一段時間。這樣的「維度門」(dimensional gate)簡直太不可思議了 —— 只要一步跨過去,你就在離地球 500 光年之外的另一個世界和另一個維度中了。
[中譯者註:天哪!通過這道「維度門」,你可以在地球上任何特定的地點“瞬移”到宇宙任何特定的地方,那怕是多少光年之外的地方!… 這簡直比科幻電影還要令人震撼!]
38. Come now, Eduard, my friend, because everyone is waiting for us to come.
39. After two and a half hours I will let you step back through the gate again, but then visit you again when you will be back from your group meal in Fischingen and I will call you.
40. But now, dear friend, come …
Continuation of the Contact Conversation/接續第672次接觸對話
接觸時間:2017 年 2 月 3 日,星期五,21 時 26 分
41. Hello, Eduard, my dear friend.
Ptaah, you're obviously waiting, but greetings and welcome, as usual.
42. Thank you.
43. And now, dear friend, may I ask what this afternoon has brought you?
I never expected anything like this, and so your surprise was perfect, dear friend. Really, you can be sure today that I won't be losing my mind. On the one hand the experience with all 48 people – together with you – whom I got to know during the contact time with you Plejaren, and on the other hand the joy to get to know Yanarara. In this way the whole thing was something so impressive and joyful that I have never experienced during my whole life – apparently I only had to live to be 80 years old.
我從來沒有預料到這樣的事情,所以你和們所有的人帶給我的驚喜是完美的,親愛的朋友。真的,可以肯定的是,今天我所體驗到的一切,永遠不會從的我腦海中消失。一方面,在與你們 Plejaren 接觸期間認識的所有 48 個人 —— 和你一起 —— 的經歷,另一方面,我又很高興能認識 Yanarara。就是這樣,整件事情是如此令人印象深刻和愉快,這是在我的一輩子到現在所從未經歷過的 —— 顯然,我必須活到 80 歲才有這個機會。
44. This has been planned for a long time, but the whole thing should remain your purely personal experience and your deep joy, which is why you should not talk about it, but should only go through it in joy.
45. Of course, your working space was too small for the implementation of our plan, which is why we chose the Quetzal area and log cabins for the meeting and for the surprise.
當然,你的工作室空間太小,無法執行我們的計畫,這就是為什麼我們選擇 Quetzal 的小木屋作為會面和讓你驚喜的原因。
And you succeeded in this surprise, even more so, because it was for me a reunion with everyone, which I never even dreamed of, to have a hope that I – except you, Quetzal, Enjana, Florena and Zafenatpaneach – would see one or the other again and could talk to them again.
你成功地實現了這個驚喜,甚至更多,因為對我來說,這是我與他們所有人的重逢,是我甚至連做夢也想不到的事情,我 —— 除了你、Quetzal、Enjana、Florena 和 Zafenatpaneach 之外 —— 還能再次看到這一位或另一位,並可以再次與他們交談。
46. It was a great pleasure for all of us to be able to talk to you again and spend some time together.
47. But now, Eduard, my friend, it is to be that we turn to what I have come here again for, namely that we now turn to the conspiracy theories as I mentioned this afternoon.
48. If you like, we can talk about your impressions of Erra afterwards.
如果你願意,我們可以稍後私下再談談你對 Erra 星的印象。
Thank you, I'd like to do that, because there's a lot going on inside of me.
49. Which I can understand very well.
50. But now I want to lead the list you copied from 'Wikipedia', starting with the oldest – to the newest – officially known conspiracy theory listed there.
但現在我想列出你從《維基百科》複製下來的清單,從最早的 —— 到最新的 —— 眾所周知的陰謀論。
51. Those that effectively correspond only to illusionary theories, I will simply call FALSE, while one thing, however, is to be called TRUE and to be explained, which corresponds to the circumstances.
52. The following therefore applies to the conspiracy theories listed:
List of Conspiracy Theories/陰謀論清單
(from 'Wikipedia' https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_of_conspiracy_theories)
This list lists conspiracy theories of the last centuries. It contains confirmed and refuted, but also still unclear theories that deal with religious, political, cultural or everyday cultural motivated conspiracies. It makes no claim to completeness.
12th Century/12 世紀
1. Ritual murder legend: In 1144 it was first claimed that Jews had kidnapped a Christian child in order to murder him in a secret ritual on Passover.
儀式謀殺傳說:在 1144 年,人們第一次聲稱猶太人綁架了一名基督教兒童,以便在「逾越節」(Passover)的秘密儀式謀殺他。
14th Century/14 世紀
1. Well poisoning: Especially during the great plague epidemics in the 14th century, social fringe groups, mostly Jews, were accused of having caused the epidemic by poisoning public wells in order to destroy Christianity.
井中下毒事件:特別是在 14 世紀大瘟疫流行期間,社會邊緣團體,主要是猶太人,被指控通過在公共水井下毒造成這場瘟疫,來摧毀基督教世界。
15th Century/15 世紀
1. Theology of Witches: The popular belief that natural catastrophes and diseases were in reality caused by damage wizards (witches) was taken up by theologians in the 15th century and developed into the idea of a secret witch sect in union with the devil, which resulted in centuries of persecution of alleged witches.
巫術:人們普遍認為,自然災害和疾病實際上是由一些有害的巫師(女巫)造成的,這種觀點在 15 世紀被神學家接受,並發展成一個與魔鬼結盟的秘密女巫教派的觀念,這導致長達幾個世紀所謂對女巫的迫害。
16th Century/16 世紀
1. Exeter conspiracy: King Henry VIII was supposed to be murdered to reverse the Reformation.
17th Century/17 世紀
1. Papist conspiracy: Catholics allegedly wanted to murder King Charles II.
17th/18th Century/17/18 世紀
1. Man with the iron mask: Person from the environment of King Louis XIV:
58. TRUE
59. The mysterious prisoner was the twin brother of the 'Sun King', Louis XIV, who was born secretly in 1643 and died in 1703.
這個神秘的囚犯是“太陽王”路易十四的孿生兄弟,他於 1643 年秘密出生,1703 年去世。
19th Century/19 世紀
1. Dark Countess: The mysterious inhabitants of Eishausen Castle are said to have been the daughter of the executed French king Louis XVI.
黑暗伯爵夫人:據說 Eishausen 城堡的神秘居民是被處決的法國國王路易十六的女兒。
2. Flat Earth Society thesis: The thesis of the Flat Earth Society still propagates today that Earth is a disk.
地平學會(Flat Earth Society)理論:地平學會的這一論調,至今仍在傳播地球是一個圓盤。
3. Kaspar Hauser rumour: The foundling Kaspar Hauser was the hereditary prince of the Grand Duchy of Baden, born in 1812.
卡斯帕.豪澤爾(德語:Kaspar Hauser)謠言:棄嬰卡斯帕.豪澤爾是巴登大公國(Grand Duchy of Baden)的世襲王子,生於 1812 年。
4. World Jewry: Jews allegedly want to seize world domination.
5. Bahai conspiracy: As Zionists or spies, Bahai want to destroy either the state of Iran or the entire Islam.
6. Conspiracy theories around Jack the Ripper: The search for the real identity of Jack the Ripper left speculations open, for example he was a secret child of Queen Victoria.
關於“開膛手傑克”(Jack the Ripper)的陰謀論:尋找開膛手傑克的真實身份,讓人們有了更多的猜測,例如他是維多利亞女王的秘密孩子。
66. Jack the Ripper was a man named Thomas Neill Cream, a trained physician who was arrested, accused, sentenced to death and hanged in 1892 after several murders.
開膛手傑克是一個名叫湯瑪斯.尼爾.克寧(Thomas Neill Cream)的人,他是一名訓練有素的醫生,在犯下幾起謀殺案後,於 1892 年被捕、受審、被判處死刑並被絞死。
67. at the same time with him a second man was doing his mischief in the same way, who came from the royal house of Queen Victoria, but was never caught, because he ended his murder again.
7. Taxil fraud: Alleged eyewitnesses reported satanic rites of Freemasons.
Taxil 騙局:據稱目擊者報告「共濟會」(Freemasons)的撒旦儀式。
8. Know-Nothing-Party-Rumours: Catholic immigration had served the Pope to undermine the values of the United States so that a papal army could land in America and found a new Vatican in Cincinnati.
20th Century/20 世紀
1. Agent Theory: Adolf Hitler's actions had been guided by the economy.
代理人理論:阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)的行動是受經濟指導的。
2. AIDS denial: Allegedly there is no causal connection between HI viruses and the immunodeficiency disease AIDS.
愛滋病的否認:據稱 HI 病毒與愛滋病之間沒有因果關係。
3. AIDS from the US laboratory: HIV is said to have been developed by the USA and to have been exposed or escaped.
73. AIDS goes back to the monkey species Green monkeys, which were abused by irresponsible and abnormal people through sodomistic actions, whereby the transmission of the immunodeficiency epidemic to terrestrial humans was made possible.
愛滋病可以追溯到猿類物種:綠猴(Green monkey),牠們被不負責任的變態人類透過雞奸行為虐待,從而使這種免疫缺陷疾病傳播給地球人類。
74. the epidemic existed with the green monkeys however already 11000 years ago on Earth, whereby the epidemic was transferred in later millenniums to the chimpanzee subspecies 'Pan troglodytes troglodytes' (Note: Central African chimpanzee).
然而,在 1 萬 1000 年前,地球上的綠猴就已經存在了這種疾病,在此後的幾千年裡,這種流行病被傳染了黑猩猩亞種“Pan troglodytes troglodytes”(註:中非黑猩猩)。
4. Amero: The governments of Canada, the United States and Mexico are allegedly planning a North American monetary union.
5. Area 51: The institution deals with or communicates with extraterrestrial life forms.
51 區:該機構負責處理或與外星生命溝通。
6. Medical conspiracy: Doctors of the Soviet Union allegedly planned attacks on high-ranking representatives of their country; see also Rootless Cosmopolitan.
醫生的陰謀:據稱蘇聯醫生計劃襲擊他們國家的高級代表;另請參閱 Rootless Cosmopolitan。
7. Assassination attempt on Martin Luther King: The assassination attempt on Martin Luther King had been carried out or planned by the US government.
暗殺馬丁.路德.金恩(Martin Luther King)的企圖:對馬丁.路德.金恩的暗殺企圖是美國政府實施或策劃的。
8. Gang of Nijvel conspiracy: The attacks carried out by the Gang of Nijvel were a pre-emptive strike against communism in Western Europe.
Nijvel 幫的陰謀:Nijvel 幫發動的襲擊是對西歐共產主義先發制人的打擊。
9. Barschel affair: Former Prime Minister Uwe Barschel was found dead after having conducted an unusually tough election campaign against his competitor.
80. TRUE
81. Uwe Barschel was murdered for political and dubious reasons, but for security reasons details of … may not be given.
烏韋.巴舍爾是由於政治和可疑的原因而被謀殺的,但出於... 的安全原因,不能提及細節。
10. Bilderberg Conference: The participants of the Bilderberg Conference are allegedly planning a world dictatorship or are masterminds of events steeped in history, such as the Iraq War.
彼爾德伯格會議(Bilderberg Conference):據稱彼爾德伯格會議的出席者正在策劃一個世界獨裁政權,或者是歷史事件(如伊拉克戰爭)的策劃者。
83. The Bilderberg Conferences are not aimed at a world dictatorship, but at economic, political, military and secret service planning and machinations that are absolutely informal and are described as private and kept as secret as possible.
84. The meetings bring together influential people from business, the military, politics, the media, universities, the high nobility, secret services and Christian churches.
85. The conferences exchange ideas on current political, economic and social issues, and take decisions on political, military, secret service, economic and Christian-religious forms of leadership, etc., some of which are detrimental to the populations of the countries concerned, but also to the populations and the economy of the countries concerned.
在這些會議上,大家就當前的政治、經濟和社會問題交換了意見,並就政治、軍事、情報、經濟和基督教 —— 宗教的領導形式等問題作出決定,其中有些決定不利於有關國家的人民,但也對有關國家的人口和經濟產生不利的影響。
86. The conference was launched in May 1954 at the invitation of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
會議是應荷蘭伯恩哈德王子的邀請,於 1954 年 5 月召開的。
87. At that time the conference was held in his own hotel 'de Bilderberg' in Oosterbeek in the Netherlands, after which the name Bilderberg was adopted for these conferences.
88. The original and first reason for the first meeting was based on the fear that Western Europe and North America would work far too little together, as was urgently needed.
89. At least this was the opinion at that time, which has apparently been preserved until today, and secret decisions have been thought up and taken again and again, which among other things are directed against Russia.
90. And since everything is secret, the 'Bilderbergers' are of course also entwined with various conspiracy theories.
11. Chemtrails: Vapour trails are said to contain chemicals that affect the population.
92. Condensation trails are visible long white streaks, especially those formed in the wake of aircraft by water vapour and other exhaust gases, which form particularly behind high-flying jet aircraft when the humidity in the aircraft exhaust gases condenses.
93. These long 'strip clouds' or vapour trails have nothing to do with the conspiracy theory of 'chemtrails', also known as 'chemical trails', 'poison strips' or 'poison clouds', which are supposed to correspond to the deliberate release of chemicals into the atmosphere.
94. According to the nonsensical conspiracy theory, airplanes are supposed to spray chemicals on behalf of states in order to change the weather and climate, poison people or otherwise influence world affairs, which, however, corresponds to nothing but complete nonsense.
12. Chronology criticism: Certain sections of historiography or chronology had been erroneously or deliberately falsified.
13. Chronovisor: The Vatican is or was allegedly in possession of a time machine.
14. Dagger shooting legend: The defeat of the German military in the First World War was caused by opposition civilians.
15. Estonia conspiracy: The sinking of the Estonia was the result of an assassination.
愛沙尼亞號(MS Estonia)陰謀:愛沙尼亞號的沉沒是暗殺的結果。
16. Rumour from Orléans: In the French city of Orléans 28 young women were allegedly kidnapped and forced into prostitution.
來自奧爾良(Orléans)的謠言:在法國奧爾良市,據稱有 28 名年輕婦女被綁架並被迫賣淫。
17. Greater Israel conspiracy: According to doctrine, Israel plans to extend Jewish sovereignty to the entire area between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River.
100. FALSE
18. GSG-9-use in Bad Kleinen: The GSG-9 mission in Bad Kleinen, in which the RAF terrorist Wolfgang Grams was killed, gave rise to numerous conspiracy theories.
在巴特克萊嫩部署 GSG-9:在巴特克萊嫩(德語:Bad Kleinen)的 GSG-9 行動中,英國皇家空軍恐怖分子沃爾夫岡.格拉姆斯(Wolfgang Grams)被殺,引起了許多陰謀論。
101. FALSE
102. All conspiracy theories in this regard have no truth at all.
19. HAARP conspiracy: The US-American research program HAARP is said to have been used for thought manipulation or artificially inducing natural disasters.
HAARP 陰謀:據說美國「高頻主動式極光研究項目」(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,常縮寫為 HAARP)被用於思想操縱或人為誘發自然災害。
103. FALSE
104. But TRUE is:
105. HAARP can cause many harmful effects on living beings through vibrations, cause electromagnetic and weather-related disturbances, bring military benefits in various forms, as well as cause negative atmospheric influences, but in absolutely no way mind manipulation.
HAARP 會通過振動對生物造成許多有害影響,引起電磁和天氣相關的干擾,帶來各種形式的軍事利益,並會造成負面的大氣影響,但絕對沒有思想操縱。
106. With HAARP, the sky is bombarded with energy rays through the large antenna system; these are hurled back by the ionosphere as electric waves of extremely low frequency (ELF), whereby these waves can then be transformed into an insidious weapon, which is, however, officially denied.
使用 HAARP,天空通過大型天線系統受到能量射線的轟擊;這些被電離層作為極低頻率的電波(ELF)反彈回來,這些電波隨後可以轉化為陰險的武器,然而,這是官方否認的。
20. Denial of the Holocaust: The Holocaust of the National Socialists never existed.
107. FALSE
21. Itavia Flight 870 conspiracy: The plane was shot down by French or US aircraft, all occupants died. The unknown attackers allegedly assumed that the plane was a Muammar al-Gaddafi aircraft.
義大利國內航空 870 號班機空難陰謀:飛機被法國或美國飛機擊落,所有乘客死亡。據稱,身份不明的襲擊者假定這架飛機是穆安瑪爾.格達費(Muammar al-Gaddafi)乘坐的飛機。
108. FALSE
22. Jamantau Theory: The Russian mountain Jamantau is said to house a gigantic underground complex that is used for military purposes.
亞曼套理論:據說俄羅斯的亞曼套山 (Mount Yamantau)有一個巨大的地下建築群,用於軍事目的。
109. FALSE
23. Assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy: The assassination attempt is not the work of a single perpetrator, but of a conspiracy, as whose masterminds the Mafia, the CIA or Fidel Castro are postulated depending upon.
約翰.甘迺迪遇刺案:暗殺企圖不是一個肇事者所為,而是一樁陰謀,是依據黑手黨、中央情報局或菲德爾.卡斯楚(Fidel Castro)所策劃的。
110. TRUE
111. Harvey Oswald, who was under the influence of several groups, was not the direct assassin but only one of three other men who were controlled by an interest group involving the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, a pro-Cuban group, oil barons and the military-industrial complex.
哈維.奧斯華(Harvey Oswald)在幾個團體的影響下,不是直接刺客,只是被一個利益集團控制的另外三個人中的一個,他們涉及中央情報局、聯邦調查局、黑手黨、一個親古巴的團體、石油大亨和軍工複合體(military-industrial complex)。
24. Alternative theories to Korean Airlines flight 007: An aircraft accidentally shot down by the Soviet Union was officially classified as threatening. Theories say that Soviet air security should be tested. Other conjectures suggest that survivors of the accident are imprisoned.
大韓航空公司 007 航班的另類理論:根據官方訊息,一架被蘇聯意外擊落的飛機被認為具有威脅性。理論上說,蘇聯的空中安全應該受到檢驗。其他猜測認為,事故的倖存者被監禁。
112. FALSE
25. Leningrad affair: Supporters of the Leningrad party organization of the CPSU should allegedly be involved in criminal machinations.
113. FALSE
26. Invented Middle Ages: Larger periods of medieval history were invented.
114. FALSE
27. Death of John Paul I: John Paul I was poisoned because he probably wanted to uncover internal machinations of the Vatican.
若望保祿一世(John Paul I)之死:若望保祿一世因中毒而亡,因為他可能想揭露梵蒂岡的內部陰謀。
115. TRUE
116. John Paul I died by poison, which stopped the heart from working, giving the impression of a heart failure.
117. He was murdered because he shocked the noble rule of the Vatican and his behaviour and way of life in the Vatican provoked an impulse.
28. Lusitania conspiracy: The sinking of the ship by a German submarine is said to have been deliberately brought about in order to stir up displeasure against Germany among the US population.
118. FALSE
29. Majestic 12 Committee: The US Secret Committee deals with the activities of UFOs and aliens.
MJ- 12委員會(Majestic 12 Committee):美國秘密委員會處理不明飛行物和外星人的活動。
119. FALSE
30. Men in Black: Secret US government officials dressed in black ensure that mysterious sightings do not give rise to witness testimony.
黑衣人(Men in Black;MIB):身著黑色衣服的美國秘密政府官員,確保神秘的目擊不會成為證人的證詞。
120. FALSE
121. 'Men in Black' have nothing to do with US government officials, because that is pure fantasy, as opposed to the 'Black Men' who belonged to a group intent on destroying the FIGU mission, up to and including assassinations.
“黑衣人”與美國政府官員無關,因為那純屬幻想,與所謂的“黑衣人”不同的是,真正的“黑衣人”是屬於一個意圖摧毀 FIGU 使命的組織,甚至是暗殺任務。
31. Conspiracy theories on the moon landing: The moon landings between 1969
關於登月的陰謀論:據稱,1969 年至 1972 年美國 NASA 的登月行動從未發生過,都只是偽造的。
122. FALSE
123. Apart from the alleged first moon landing of Apollo 11 in 1969, which was fraudulently staged on Earth as a 'real moon landing' and in the execution of which the participants participated under hypnosis and were deceived, all other moon flights and moon landings actually took place.
除了據稱 1969 年阿波羅 11 號的首次登月,當時在地球上演出了“真正的登月”一幕,執行任務的參與者在催眠下參與並受騙外,所有其他的登月飛行和登月行動實際都發生了。
124. The first and fraudulent alleged lunar expedition, broadcast worldwide by television, took place for political reasons, namely to put Russia at a disadvantage in relation to the USA with regard to space technology and so-called space travel.
據稱 1969 年阿波羅 11 號首次登月的照片(圖片來自:維基百科)
32. Death of Marilyn Monroe: Marilyn Monroe is said to have been killed by a US secret service because she had an affair with John F. Kennedy.
125. FALSE
126. Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the Monroe psychiatrist and therapist Dr Ralph Greenson with an injection of chloral hydrate into the anus on the night of 4-5 August 1962 on behalf of the two brothers John Fitzgerald and Robert Kennedy, which is why no puncture wound was found anywhere on the body.
1962 年 8 月 4 日至 5 日晚上,瑪麗蓮.夢露被夢露的精神病醫生和治療師拉爾夫.格林森(Ralph Greenson)代表約翰.菲茨傑拉德和羅伯特.甘迺迪兩兄弟在肛門注射水合氯醛(chloral hydrate),因此在屍體的任何地方都沒有發現穿刺傷。
33. Montauk Project: In the Montauk Project, the US military tried to steer or influence the thoughts of civilians between 1970 and 1990.
蒙淘克計畫(Montauk Project):在蒙淘克計畫中,美國軍方試圖在 1970 年至 1990 年之間引導或影響平民的思想。
127. FALSE
34. Afterlife of Elvis Presley: Elvis Presley did not die in 1977, but lived on under exclusion of the public.
貓王的來世:貓王艾維斯.普里斯萊(Elvis Presley)在 1977 年沒有去世,而是生活在公眾的排斥之下。
128. FALSE
35. New world order: Secret societies allegedly try to seize world domination.
新世界秩序(New World Order;NWO):據稱秘密社團試圖奪取世界統治地位。
129. FALSE
130. In modern times from 1844 there was no known or unknown organization, apart from the USA and Hitler, which tried to seize world domination.
在 1844 年以後的現代時期,除了美國和希特勒試圖奪取世界統治權之外,沒有任何已知或未知的組織。
131. Even today, there is no state and no secret or known organization, apart from the USA, that claims world domination.
36. Oklahoma Connection: The bomb attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was supported by Islamists.
132. FALSE
37. Paul is dead: Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was then replaced by a doppelganger.
保羅去世了:披頭士樂隊的保羅.麥卡尼(Paul McCartney)於 1966 年去世,隨後被一個分身取代。
133. FALSE
38. Attack on Pearl Harbor: The US government or the US military allegedly knew of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor, but did nothing to be able to cite a reason for the war in public.
134. FALSE
39. Philadelphia experiment: A US military experiment allegedly led to the disappearance of a warship and its teleportation to another location.
費城實驗(Philadelphia experiment):美國的軍事實驗,據稱導致一艘軍艦失蹤,並將其傳送到另一個地點。
135. FALSE
136. There has never been such an experiment in the USA or anywhere else on Earth.
137. A book writer named Berlitz wrote a fantastic story only according to the fraudulent claims of a man named Kal Allen.
一位名叫 Berlitz 的作家只是根據一個叫 Kal Allen 的人欺詐的說法,在這方面寫了一個精彩的故事。
40. Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion: The protocols pretend to be secret documents of Jewish world conspirators.
138. FALSE
41. Coup against the Mossadegh government: The coup against the Iranian government of Mossadegh was long considered a conspiracy theory until it was admitted by the US government in 2013 (Operation Ajax).
針對摩薩德政府的政變:針對伊朗摩薩德(Mossadegh)政府的政變一直被視為陰謀論,直到美國政府在 2013 年承認(Ajax 行動)。
139. TRUE
42. Reichsflugscheibe: The Third Reich had been in possession of a futuristic aircraft.
140. TRUE
141. The NAZI empire developed disc aircraft, which were about 2000 kilometers per hour fast and reached over 12500 meters altitude.
納粹帝國研製的盤式飛機時速約 2000 公里,高度超過 1 萬 2500 公尺。
142. However, these flying discs were single-wing aircraft, which were of a completely different type than normal wing aircraft.
43. Reich Citizens' Movement: The German Reich continues to exist legally to this day, while the Federal Republic of Germany is illegal. A provisional Reich government exercised jurisdiction over the German Reich within the borders of 1937.
帝國公民運動:德意志帝國一直合法存在到今天,而德意志聯邦共和國是非法的。1937 年,德意志帝國臨時政府對德意志帝國行使管轄權。
143. FALSE
44. Reptiloids: Reptiloids are human-like intelligent beings derived from reptiles or reptilian-like aliens. They had infiltrated Earth and were part of a secret pyramid-like organizational structure.
144. FALSE
45. Roswell incident: A UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico.
145. TRUE
146. This crash actually took place, but for reasons of state security the whole thing was declared a state secret, all facts, reports, records and factual reports were put under lock and key and were largely lost over the decades.
46. Black Volga: Between 1960 and 1980, inmates of a black Volga car are said to have kidnapped and tortured children after they were asked the time.
黑伏爾加:1960 年至 1980 年,據說一輛黑色伏爾加牌汽車的囚犯在詢問兒童的時間後,對他們進行了綁架和折磨。
147. FALSE
47. Controversy over the seal of the United States: The seal refers to the Illuminati Order.
148. FALSE
48. Conspiracy to Murder Robert F. Kennedy: The murder of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy shows some inconsistencies regarding the alleged perpetrator Sirhan Sirhan.
謀殺羅伯特.甘迺迪的陰謀:美國參議員羅伯特.甘迺迪被謀殺,表明在被指控的肇事者索罕.索罕(Sirhan Sirhan)問題上有些不一致。
149. TRUE
150. There are indeed some inconsistencies concerning the person of Sirhan Sirhan as a result of negligent investigations, but it is undoubtedly established that he was the real perpetrator.
49. Support for the Bolsheviks by the economy of the German Empire: The Sisson documents allegedly prove that the German Empire supported Russian revolutionaries financially.
德意志帝國經濟支援布爾什維克:據稱《西森文件》(The Sisson documents)證明德意志帝國在經濟上支援俄羅斯革命者。
151. TRUE
152. For years the empire supported the Bolsheviks with money, weapons and logistics.
50. Skull & Bones: The student fraternity not only deals with occultism and Satanism, but also has contacts to the CIA.
153. FALSE
51. Slavic legend: Slavs in the east of present-day Germany were allegedly Teutons from the Middle Ages who decided against Christianization.
154. FALSE
52. Sun Templar Conspiracy: The radical organization of the Sun Templars was allegedly infiltrated by right-wing extremism.
155. FALSE
53. Death of Lady Di: The accident that led to Diana's death was caused by the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).
156. FALSE
54. Bomb attacks on residential buildings in Russia: the originator of the bomb attacks is unclear and leaves room for speculation.
157. FALSE
158. The bombings were the work of the Russian secret service FSB.
55. Sinking of the RMS Titanic: Allegedly not the Titanic sank, but her sister ship Olympic.
159. FALSE
56. Vril Society: The Vril Society had been able to revive National Socialism with supernatural methods.
Vril 協會:Vril 協會已經能夠用超自然的方法復興國家社會主義。
160. FALSE
57. Fire during the Waco siege: The FBI is responsible for a fire that ignited during the siege of a Branch Davidians plant. A two-digit number of people died in the fire, including children.
161. FALSE
58. Tupac Shakur's death: Tupac Shakur is said to have been killed by the US government; alternatively his death is only faked.
圖帕克.夏庫爾(Tupac Shakur)的死:據說圖帕克.夏庫爾是被美國政府殺害的;或者他的死只是偽造的。
162. FALSE
59. Zionist Occupied Government: A right-wing extremist conspiracy theory states that all important government posts are occupied by Jews.
163. FALSE
21st Century/21 世紀
1. 9/11 conspiracy theories: The terrorist attacks on the 11th of September 2001 are alleged to have been either knowingly authorised or carried out by US secret services themselves.
9/11 陰謀論:2001 年 9 月 11 日的恐怖襲擊事件據稱是由美國情報部門自己故意授權或實施的。
164. FALSE
165. The US President and US intelligence services had only suspicions and vague indications of impending attacks in the US by US-hostile Islamist terrorists, but no knowledge of how, when and where they would take place.
2. MASCAL conspiracy: An exercise called Project Mascal in 2000 dealt with the accident in which a plane crashed into the Pentagon. One of the contributors then worked for American Airlines.
MASCAL 陰謀:2000 年,一場名為 Mascal 專案的演習處理了一架飛機撞向五角大樓的事故。其中一名撰稿人隨後為美國航空公司工作。
166. FALSE
3. Death of Jürgen Möllemann: It is not proven whether the politician killed himself, but there were speculations about a murder.
Jürgen Möllemann 之死:沒有證明這位政治家是否自殺,但有關於謀殺的猜測。
167. FALSE
168. Jürgen Möllemann committed suicide.
Jürgen Möllemann 是自殺身亡。
4. Conspiracy theories on the Madrid train bombings: Allegedly, the Basque terrorist organization ETA is behind the attacks.
169. FALSE
170. The train attacks in the Spanish capital Madrid were attributed to Islamic terrorist acts.
5. Death of Jörg Haider: The Austrian politician is said to have been murdered.
Jörg Haider 之死:據說這位奧地利政治家被謀殺。
171. FALSE
6. Coup attempt in Turkey 2016: One theory says that the Gülen movement and the 'Deep State' carried out the coup attempt.
2016 年土耳其的政變企圖:一種理論認為,Gülen 運動和“深層政府”(Deep State)實施了政變企圖。
172. FALSE
Another theory is that the coup attempt was staged by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
另一種說法是,政變企圖是由土耳其總統雷傑普.塔伊普.埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)策劃的。
173. TRUE
174. These, Eduard, are the facts that Florena, Enjana and I were able to find in relation to the conspiracy theories listed for the periods from the 12th to the 21st century.
愛德華,這些是 Florena、Enjana 和我能夠找到關於 12 世紀至 21 世紀期間列出的陰謀論的事實。
This is more than I expected, and besides, I was not aware of many of these conspiracy theories, nor of the fact that there have been those that date back to the 12th century. Only by a telephone reference I became aware of the fact of this list.
這比我預料的要多,而且,我沒有意識到許多陰謀論,也不知道有那些可以追溯到 12 世紀的事實。我只有通過一通電話的舉報,我才意識到這份清單的事實。
175. We never talked about old conspiracy theories either.
We didn't, no. And now, as I said, I only found the list because someone told me something about it.
176. We didn't know anything about it either and only became aware of it through you, then Enjana and Florena tried to clarify it, and finally I also participated in it.
我們對此一無所知,只是通過你才意識到這件事,然後 Enjana 和 Florena 試圖澄清它,最後我也參與了。
177. But now, dear friend, I have to say goodbye because I am being called to an important conference.
178. But if it's possible for me, I'll be back here in eight days from tomorrow.
179. Goodbye, Eduard.
Gladly, dear friend. Goodbye then, Ptaah.
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