Contact Report 841/第841次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年04月18日,星期二,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年04月20日,星期四,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
本次會談中,Bermunda提到:她聽Ptaah 說,Sfath 在他的《大事記要》中記錄下他與Billy在一起所經歷與看到未來將發生的不愉快事件,而關於這些事Billy會在2023年公開揭露,Billy雖有些猶豫,但還是提到以下四件事,重點摘要如後:
二、其次是「人工智慧」(artificial intelligence;AI)的隱患,也就是在未來會失控並接管地球人類的控制權,同時殺手機器人也會開始行動。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Hello, greetings Bermunda, but I was not expecting you. Welcome and greetings anyway. I actually wanted to go to the office a little later to work, but if you come here, it is also fine with me.
Greetings dear friend, I am sorry to tell you that Florena, Neefos and I will also be absent for the time being and will only come back with Ptaah. This will probably not be until the month of July.
Well then, but I guess there are problems regarding the statutes and by-laws, which we are revising and renewing with the committee yes, this because …
那麼好吧,但是我們與委員會修訂和更新章程和條例方面似乎遇到了一些問題,這是因為 ... 。
Yes, that is necessary, but it will be that a person will get back to you and you can continue, consequently you don't have to worry about that.
Then everything is fine.
Yes. – Florena and Neefos have already left, but I am still to inform you, so I will come to the centre. But I am in no hurry to leave again, because I still have some things I want to discuss with you. Since I am very interested in your experiences with Sfath and already have a lot of knowledge of his annals, which Ptaah has made available to us, I am also making an effort to look up various times where you have been together. So I was also in Peru with the Incas in South America at the ancient site of Machu Picchu, as well as in Bolivia at the hilltop site of Puma Punku, which you visited in the past more than 6,000 years ago. When I went there, it was very strange for me, because I have never experienced such cultures before, as well as what I saw in very ancient Egypt about 5,500 years ago when you were with Sfath at this King Wahanisi, to which I would like to know what …
是的。Florena和Neefos已經離開了,但我應該告知你,所以我還是來到了中心。我不急著離開,因為我還有一些想和你討論的事情。因為我對你和Sfath一起的經歷非常感興趣,並且已經從他的《大事記要》(annals)中瞭解了很多,這些資料是Ptaah提供給我們的,我也盡力在不同的時間找到你們一起去過的地方。所以我也去了南美的秘魯,到了古老的馬丘比丘(Machu Picchu),還去了玻利維亞的普瑪彭古(Puma Punku)山丘,在六千多年前你們已經去過這些地方了。當我到達那裡時,對我來說很奇怪,因為我從未體驗過這樣的文化,而五千五百年前的古老埃及也是一樣,當時你和Sfath在Wahanisi國王那裡時,我很想知道 ...
That's true, the Scorpion played a very big part in that, but I do not want to talk about that openly, as I also do not want to talk about anything else.
It's not like you're obliged to then retrieve our conversation later and write it down as well.
Of course not – – I forgot that again. I just don't want to talk about these things openly and say what really was and will also be in the future.
當然不會 —— 我倒是又忘了這點。我只是不想公開談論這些事情,不想說出過去和將來的真實情況。
I understand that, but when you talk to me, you know I do not kind of … well, I cannot tell human beings of this world. But you two, you and Sfath, you have seen and experienced so much together in the past and in the future when you were travelling for so many years, and that interests me very much. It is certainly much more than what is contained in the written record of Sfath, for details are not recorded, but only rough details, which are sometimes quite meagre, as Ptaah has let us see in the annals. It is also puzzling to me how you, as an Earth-human, have spent all these years …, especially because the Earth-humans are not so …, while you, like us, have spent much …
我瞭解,但當你和我交談時,你知道我並不會以任何方式 ... 嗯,我不能向這個世界的人傳達這些資訊。但你和 Sfath 一起在過去和未來見證和經歷的事情,那麼多年的旅行中,這非常吸引我。肯定不只是 Sfath 寫在紀錄中的那些事情,因為許多細節並沒有被記錄下來,有時甚至非常簡略,正如 Ptaah 讓我們在《大事記要》中所看到的那樣。我也感到困惑的是,作為一個地球人,你如何度過這麼多年 ... 這讓我感到格外困惑,因為地球人並不是那麼 ...,而你,像我們一樣,經歷了許多 ... 。
Without that Sfath just …
沒有那個Sfath只是 ...
I am aware of that, but that it is still not apparent to you, I am surprised.
That is precisely because Sfath also has the method … Therefore, after my departure, it will also not be possible to determine medically that my … Therefore, what really was and is will remain a mystery to the earthlings. However, I cannot speak of this openly, but only to you, because … Sfath has already said that I should keep quiet about it. So I will have to dot my i's and cross my t's again on various call-ups. This as well with much of what really was in ancient times, as well as what will be in the future. The archaeologists, palaeontologists etc. alone 'know' everything 'better' than it really was. So much is fantasised together and claimed as 'it was really like that then', although it never was. In many cases, many of the entire assumptions correspond only to wild fantasies and even deliberate lies or fraud, which are then taken at face value as truth by those interested in them and even by 'experts'. Unfortunately, I had to make bad experiences in this respect, because not only was there slander because of this, but there were even family quarrels in the process that certain members of my family proceeded against me with hatred and lies, which were certainly started by … from Dietikon. In addition, however, apparently not everything had been recognised and understood as what others had also experienced, such as Semjase, then also Prof. Hans Bender, as well as more than a dozen other persons, women as well as men, as then, however, various of them were again afflicted by the same or similar phenomenon and thereby taught better.
這是因為Sfath採用…的方法。因此,即使在我離開後接受醫學檢查,也無法確定我的…。因此,究竟是什麼,對於地球人來說,還是一個謎。然而,我只能向妳透露這些,因為… Sfath已經說過,我應該保持沉默。因此,我將不得不在召喚我的記憶時,一切以點(…)來表示。這和許多古代的真實情況一樣,也和未來的情況一樣。只有古物學家,如考古學家,古生物學家等,才會“知道”所有事情,比實際發生的情況“更好”。他們經常會想像出許多東西,並聲稱“當時確實是這樣”,但實際上從來都不是。許多的假設只是狂野的幻想,甚至是故意的謊言或詐騙,然後由感興趣的人和甚至是專家當作真相接受。關於這個問題,我不得不說我有不好的經驗,因為不僅有人因此誣陷我,還造成了家庭糾紛,某些我的家人甚至出於仇恨和謊言對我進行了攻擊,這些行為肯定是由Dietikon那邊開始的。此外,顯然不是所有的事情都被認可和理解,因為其他人也經歷過,例如Semjase、Hans Bender教授以及其他十幾個人,包括女性和男性,就像當時一樣,他們中的許多人再次受到相同或相似現象的折磨,因此得到了更多的教訓。
Semjase herself told me that, and she said it had happened to her again.
I don't know about that because she didn't tell me about it.
She didn't mention it to you because she didn't want to burden you with it. Besides, you were not present at the centre at that time, so she was alone in your workroom, as she explicitly mentioned.
She never said anything to me about that.
It was then when the accident also happened, but she really didn't want to tell you anything. Then later the whole thing was forgotten when the 'little ones', as you call them, were able to put an end to the evil of these attacks against visitors in your workroom. Only a few months ago, however, she still wanted to inform you about it, so I promised her that I would bring it all to your attention when I had the chance.
Funny, because I always find out what really happened long after an incident. I also learned from Berti in the pub in Hinterburg, years after the event, that in the kitchen of the pub … wanted to stab me in the back. This, as well as in several other cases where witnesses were also present, such as … But this is no longer relevant, so there is no need to talk about it. What is important, however, is that we say something about the fact that many human beings die in Africa due to lack of water. Many human beings are deprived of water because they are forced to walk for kilometres to carry water in buckets as a result of the sheer power of human beings – companies and corporations that tap the water of the people. Often the villagers, usually only women and children, have to walk for hours with the heavy and full water buckets and other water containers.
這似乎很奇怪,因為我總是在很長一段時間之後才知道真正發生的事情。就像在後面的城鎮的酒館中的Berti那裡得知,在酒館的廚房裡 ... 想從背後捅我一刀。在其他幾個案件中,也有目擊者在場,比如 ... 但這已經不重要了,所以沒有必要再談了。然而,重要的是,我們需要特別談論一下,在非洲有許多人因為缺水而死亡。許多人沒有水可用,因為他們被迫走很長的路,往往是幾公里,費力用水桶和其他容器提水,因為那些公司和企業奪取了當地人的水資源。村民,通常只是婦女和兒童,背負著沉重的水桶和其他裝著水的容器,要花幾個小時才能走到目的地。
Yes, I know that, because the water shortage affects about 3 billion human beings in Africa according to our findings in this process. The water thieves are big European and American companies, also Asian ones, with China being particularly strong. But I don't want to talk about that now, because I am interested in what you have to tell me about what you experienced with Sfath. In particular, for today, I want you to tell me what happens when …
是的,我知道,因為根據我們的調查,非洲約有三十億人面臨水資源短缺的問題。水資源被歐洲、美國與亞洲的大型企業壟斷,其中以中國的實力特別強。但現在我不想討論這個問題,我對你與Sfath所經歷的事情很感興趣。今天,我特別想知道當 ... 時,會發生什麼事情。
Good, if you must and you have enough time before you have to go?
Yes, it should be, because it is important for me to know what really happened then, and I am all ears for that. Besides, I think you can tell me a lot more when I get back in about 3 months. Florena is also very interested, so we will want to hear your stories together then. But now I want to hear something for a start.
是的,應該是足夠的,因為對我來說知道當時真正發生的事情很重要,我會洗耳恭聽。此外,我認為,當我大約三個月後再回來時,你可以告訴我更多事情。Florena 也非常感興趣,所以我們想一起聽你的故事。但現在,我想先聽一部分。
Okay. It's interesting that you use this expression, with the ear. – But now I want to start with this …
好的,妳用這種表達方式很有意思,洗耳恭聽。但現在我想從這個 ... 開始。
Your explanation is very interesting, which I am sure would also be important for the human beings around you and for the Conversation Reports readership, because it could thereby …
你的故事非常有趣,對你周圍的人和閱讀接觸報告的讀者來說也很重要,因為這可能會 ...
But I don't think so, and besides, Sfath already told me to keep quiet about it. I stick to that, because it is better if the human beings of Earth don't know everything and moreover too exactly …
但我不這麼認為,此外,Sfath 已經讓我對此保持沉默。我堅持這樣做,因為地球上的人類最好不要知道這一切事情,而且也不要知道得太準確 ...
Perhaps …
也許 ... 。
I won't get involved in that, because I know the reactions of the earthlings, and they are unfortunately completely different from those of human beings, who can be told everything and are capable of coping with such knowledge. This is not to say that I consider Earthlings any less responsible than you Plejaren, but they are not so advanced in the development of their abilities and their mastery of them that they would grasp and understand what is being said in such a way that they would not 'go crazy'. This may sound to many like an arrogant insult, a wicked humiliation or even a conceit of presumption, presumptuousness, hubris and haughtiness, such as were attributed to the goddess Hubris in ancient Greece. But there is no trace of this, for I only think that everything is not understood, and that is because the human beings of Earth lack the necessary moments of knowledge for this, as well as the possibilities of mentally comprehending everything in such a way that they can recognise and cope with the effectiveness of the whole.
我不能這樣做,是因為我知道地球人的反應,這種反應往往與人們可以接受的完全不同。他們並沒有像你們 Plejaren這麼進步,在能力的發展和對能力的掌握方面也不如你們。因此,他們不能理解所謂的知識,也不能像你們那樣正確理解和接受。這可能聽起來像是對地球人的一種羞辱、貶低或者是自認自負、驕傲和傲慢的行為,就像古希臘女神 Hybris那樣狂妄自大。但是我只是認為,這一切都不會被理解,因為地球人缺乏必要的認識和體驗,無法從思考上理解整體狀況的正面意義和承受真相的能力。
It never ceases to amaze me, for, according to your words, you evidently foresee the reactions of Earth-humans before they come about. But now something else I have to address, for Ptaah said that Sfath noted in the annals that in 2023 you would openly announce what you have experienced and seen together regarding what unpleasantness will occur. What is there in terms of connections etc. regarding all the world events?
根據你所說的話,你經常會預先思考地球人的反應,這讓我感到驚訝。但現在我想談談另一件事,因為 Ptaah 說 Sfath 在他的《大事記要》中記錄下你們在一起所經歷和看到的,關於即將發生的不愉快事件,而這些事你會在2023年公開揭露。那麼世界上有哪些相關的事件呢?
I remember Sfath telling me to talk about it, but I don't remember it being specifically 2023. But it is the case that all the years that have passed I have said something here and there that will happen in the future.
我記得 Sfath 讓我談論這些事,但我不記得是具體的2023年。但事實是,在過去的這些年裡,我已經偶爾說出了一些未來會發生的事情。
Yes, that has always been the case, but you were never so specific in your statements that everything could be understood to a large extent. And besides, to this Ptaah also said that Sfath had listed that you would do this in more detail in 2023.
是的,一直以來都是這樣,你的陳述從來都是如此具體,以至於一切都能被廣泛理解。此外,Ptaah 還說,Sfath 列出了你將在 2023 年會詳細說明的一些事。
Then it will probably be so, but whether that will really be clever, I would like to doubt that, and besides, it will not bring much in the grand scheme of things with the earthlings, but certainly trouble for me. This is because with what I would have to say and with what I am now really saying, I would probably step on the toes of the authorities, governments and those who do not think much of the effective truth and who also feel attacked. Also the antagonists, who are otherwise already against me and who scream at me all over the world and accuse me of lies, fraud and fantasy, etc., will now all the more cry fire and murder because of what I am going to say and will start anew against me.
You are used to that, and besides, you don't mind, I know, because you don't care what is circulating slanderously against you all over the world.
You just try because I guess there's no other way.
What Sfath told you to do 80 Earth years ago, you really should …
Sfath在80年前告訴你要做的事,你真的應該 ... 。
… good, good, you are right. Then I will do what seems necessary, even if I do not like it. But I am just saying some things that seem important to me, and I am going to point by point, and I am going to start by taking up what's brewing around the world first.
... 好吧,好吧,妳是對的。那麼我將做看起來必要的事情,即使我不喜歡。但我只是在說一些對我來說似乎很重要的事情,我將逐一指出,我將首先討論世界各地正在醞釀的事情開始。
In the peoples of the whole world, a network has been running underground for several decades, through which independence from the governments is being sought, whereby various groups with underground movements in all states of Europe are particularly involved in this. America is also particularly involved, with those groups behind Trump already appearing in public and acting against the corrupt US government. Trump is the body that is publicly championing the cause without actually knowing that he is doing so, just as elsewhere, e.g. in Switzerland, those elements in the government are working underground, trying to break neutrality, just as those who want to force membership of the European dictatorship, the EU. The hammer of these stupid traitors to Switzerland is that they are not even aware that they are being directed and abused by other traitorous elements to do their dirty work. Unfortunately, I do not know who these treacherous whisperers are and what their names are, otherwise I would not hesitate to mention their activities and their names. Unfortunately, several of the misguided people in government positions can simply be influenced, because they are uninformed gullible people – often because they are religious believers and therefore also worldly believers – who instead of clear and conscious thinking and understanding only have a sham and are completely lacking in understanding. On the other hand, there are also groups in the background, especially in Europe and America, who want absolute independence and freedom without a state structure, a 'liberty world', a world of freedom, while other groups want a world kingdom. It is already bubbling heavily underground in this regard, and the movements have already become strong, especially in America under the leadership – not recognisable to supporters – of Trump.
一、在全世界的人民中,一個網路已經在地下運作了幾十年,目的是要實現脫離政府的獨立,其中包括了各種與歐洲國家的地下運動有牽連的組織。此外,美國也特別牽涉其中,尤其是那些支持川普(Trump)的組織已經公開反對美國的腐敗政府。川普公開擁護這一機構,而他其實並不知道自己在幹什麼,就像在瑞士的政府中,那些在地下工作的份子正在努力破壞中立,以及那些想要強制加入歐盟這個歐洲獨裁政權的人。對這些愚蠢叛徒的打擊是,他們甚至不知道他們正在被其他叛國份子秘密操縱和濫用,以達到他們骯髒的目的。我不得不承認,我不知道這些卑鄙的幕後操縱者是誰以及他們的名字,否則我就會毫不猶豫地指出他們的行為和姓名了。遺憾的是,許多在政府職位上犯錯的人很容易受到影響,因為他們是天真的信徒 —— 往往是因為他們是宗教信徒,因此也是世俗的信徒 —— 他們沒有清晰和有意識的思維和理解,只有虛假的思維和完全不明智的行為。另一方面,在幕後也有一些團體,尤其是在歐洲和美國,他們希望實現絕對獨立和無政府狀態,建立一個“自由世界”,而其他團體則想要一個世界王國。這方面的情況在地下醞釀已久,這些運動已經變得非常強大,特別是在美國,在川普的領導下 —— 但這對他的支持者來說,是無法識別的。
This movement has also been active underground in Switzerland for some time, except that it has not yet officially 'broken out'. But the same thing is also happening in Germany, where various groups are also active and have been appearing semi-publicly for some time. So these underground movements are already at work in the countries of Europe, even with stupid elements in the governments themselves, without the co-governors knowing it and without having any idea that they are partly controlled by them. Stupid-dumb elements even sit on the highest chairs, where they do not belong and only cause mischief, which is not only detrimental to the country but also to the people, who often only understand whistle and bang from politics and say yes and amen to everything that is chewed on from above. There is no real thinking, but everything is only based on a sham thinking, which means that everything that is not thought through is simply accepted and thus approved of, even the biggest pile of dung, when it comes to representing what others think is good. This is despite the fact that it may be exactly the opposite and consequently wrong and detrimental. The only important thing is to be able to make one's own 'YES' on the ballot paper and to approve the opinion that others have come up with. Self-thinking is generally frowned upon, because only faith is always the order of the day, which means that the electorate never thinks about the fact that an opinion that is represented and accepted with a YES on the ballot paper is nothing other than a personally invented component resp. an idea of a human being that he brings to bear. In any case, however, such an idea, which the human being makes into an opinion, is always only an assumption, opinion, view, way of looking at things, attitude, conviction, and thus an absolute theory, which is neither proven to be correct nor wrong. If, however, such a theory is put to the vote, then this must be done in such a process that first everything is thought through collectively down to the last detail and the pros and cons of the effective content of the idea resp. opinion are discussed and a 'clear ship' is created through clear thinking and talking through before it may be put to the vote in the form of a 'good' according to fixed and correct as well as generally accepted rules. This has to be done by the people themselves or by a many-headed committee etc. elected by the people, which does what arises and what is required with absolute integrity.
But these, of whom they do not know that they are ideally controlled by them, are really the ones who want to bring very great disaster and world domination. The people themselves, who actually only allow themselves to be lulled, therefore do not know what is being played and that there will be consequences that will bring adventurers, extremists and degenerates who no longer want anything to do with the state. The 'savages' will radicalise and bring the citizenry to such an extent that they will create motives from the outset that will bring dazzling communities of anarchists and freaking businessmen, esoterics of all kinds, as well as many self-proclaimed freedom fighters, stubborn people, dreamers, drop-outs and extremists of all kinds. And the nations will begin to teem with self-governors, system rejecters and others who will turn their backs on the state. There will be a counter-society which has already formed and which will spread, just as a private resistance against the respective states will arise, because the ineffectual rulers cannot prevent the idea of those who strive for world domination, as America is doing in a different process through its desire for hegemony resp. world domination. Everything has already formed underground in all states in Europe and America in such a way that it can no longer be stopped, so that the only question is when it will come to a bang – although it should not be said when that will be. That is also the case here in Switzerland, only here it is still hidden, while in America everything is already beginning to manifest itself publicly, as also in Germany, where the corresponding groups have already been brewing for decades, such as the Reichsbürgerschaft, which actually emulates the NAZI Reich, as well as others who also emulate the NAZI being. And while I am at it: It is really not to be wondered at if the human beings go berserk when already the German government – which Ptaah calls a neo-NAZI government – has elements who actually undoubtedly behave and also act like NAZIs. This is especially true of Selensky, but also of Ukraine, a country that has otherwise already made a name for itself as a result of its, to say the least, strangely NAZI-connected behaviour over many years. Just as America, addicted to world domination, is also being worked into the hands by granting all possible help to the warmonger Selensky. America itself is working behind the scenes in the Ukraine war, as I have seen for myself with you.
這些人並不知道他們被這些意識形態所控制,而他們真的想帶來極大的災難和世界統治。實際上,這些只是讓自己被蒙蔽的人民,不知道發生了什麼,也不知道那些冒險家、極端主義者和已經失控的人帶來的後果,這些人已經不再關心國家。這些“野蠻人”會變得激進化,將公民帶到他們所想要的地步,並在其中創造出光彩奪目的無政府主義者和瘋狂的商人、各種神秘主義者,以及許多自認為自由鬥士、固執己見者、夢想家、離經叛道者和各種極端主義者的社區。然後,民間將出現許多自治主義者、系統反對者和其他人,他們將轉身離開國家。將會出現對抗社會,這已經形成了並且將會擴散,同時對各個國家進行私下反抗,因為無能的統治者無法阻止那些追求全球支配的人的想法,就像美國通過其霸權主義和追求世界霸權一樣。在美國和歐洲的所有國家,一切都已經在地下形成,已經無法阻止,現在只有問題是什麼時候會爆發 —— 儘管不應該說出何時會爆發。瑞士的情況也是如此,只是這裡的情況還很隱蔽,而在美國,一切都已經開始公開表現出來,在德國也是如此,那裡的相應團體已經醞釀了幾十年,例如德國的“帝國公民”(Reichsbürger)組織,實際上是在追隨納粹的帝國,以及還有其他同樣追隨納粹思想的組織。在我說到這裡的時候:當德國政府 —— Ptaah稱之為「新納粹」政府(neo-NAZI) —— 有一些人的行為和舉止無疑像納粹分子時,那麼人們就不會驚訝瘋狂。澤倫斯基(Selensky)尤其如此,但烏克蘭也是如此,這個國家在其他方面已經因其多年來至少可以說是與納粹有關的奇怪行為而聲名鵲起。而且它給了追求世界霸權的美國一個優勢,因為戰爭煽動者澤倫斯基獲得了所有可能的幫助。美國本身在烏克蘭戰爭中也在幕後操縱,就像我和妳一起看到的那樣。
The USA and Germany are diligently helping this big-talking clown in every conceivable way, while the German Foreign Minister Baerbock is also doing everything she can to work into the hands of America and NATO, namely by bullying the leaders of various states and creating hostile sentiment against Russia, thereby evoking an evil mood of war. But that's not all, the German neo-Nazi government is also playing into the hands of the Americans by not intervening in any process against the fact that Germany has been bogged down by America since the end of the Second World War and is still occupied by the US military, and that so-called Germany is still not an independent state but is under America's war patronage, i.e. it is a country of occupation. This is not known to the majority of the people. It is true that the 'Germans' have an identity card and a passport to 'legitimise' themselves, but this is really only a pretence, because the so-called 'Germans' are really stateless persons. (Note: As can be read in the book by Daniel Prinz: 'Wenn das die Deutschen wüssten', edition 2022) There would be a lot more to say in this regard, for example also with regard to the various so-called state security services, then also because of France and England, Italy, Spain and also Switzerland, then especially because of Sweden, the various former Eastern states, Russia and Finland etc., as well as with regard to the rest of the world. Only a few names are known to me, which I also do not want to mention, although the cross-dumb Baerbock is a special case, because as Foreign Minister she does everything and agitates between many states with her stupid stupidity and creates even more enmity between the peoples and promotes war. Besides …
美國和德國在各種形式上努力幫助這個誇誇其詞的小丑,而德國外交部長貝伯克(Baerbock)則盡一切努力幫助美國和北約,並且通過欺壓各個國家的統治者並製造對俄羅斯的敵對情緒來製造惡劣的戰爭氛圍。然而,這還不夠,德國新納粹政府還通過不干涉來幫助美國,自第二次世界大戰結束以來,德國一直被美國監視和佔領,所謂的德國仍然不是一個獨立的國家,而是在美國的戰爭指導下,成為一個被佔領的國家。大多數人不知道這一點。雖然德國人有身份證和護照來“證明”自己的身份,但這實際上只是表像,因為所謂的“德國人”實際上是無國籍者。(註:Daniel Prinz的書中查看:《如果德國人知道了這些》(Wenn das die Deutschen wüssten),2022年版)在這方面還有很多話要說,比如關於各種所謂的國家安全機構、法國和英國、義大利、西班牙以及瑞士,尤其是關於瑞典、各種前東歐國家、俄羅斯和芬蘭等,還有其他國家。我知道的名字很少,也不想說,但那個極其蠢笨的貝伯克是個特例,因為作為外交部長,她竭盡所能地煽動各個國家之間的仇恨情緒,甚至激化了人民之間的敵意,推動戰爭。此外...
Then there is also AI resp. artificial intelligence, which is getting out of hand and will take control of the humanity of the earthlings in the future, whereby resp. killer robots will do their evil work. This is because quantum technology will completely slip away from the earthling and get out of control. Quantum technology is actually based on the fact that it can be used, for example, to explain the basic behaviour of energy and matter in the atomic and subatomic range. Quantum technology is actually the basis of so-called modern physics, which is actually concerned with 'Creation-energy', but which is still erroneously called 'spirit' – this is probably from a religious point of view, because the earthling is a believer in religion. In the level of Creation-energy resp. the quantum level, as it can also be called – which for the time being is probably the last 'realisation' for physics – is actually the level of the original substance of matter. This level, which precedes matter, has no measurable particles for material technology and likewise no waves, because it already reaches the area of the outer levels of Creation-energy, which can no longer be measured with gross material apparatus.
二、接下來要提到的是「人工智慧」(artificial intelligence;AI),也就是在未來會失控並接管地球人類的控制權,同時殺手機器人也會開始行動。這是因為量子技術(quantum technology)將完全失控。量子技術實際上是基於它可以解釋原子和次原子級別的能量和物質的基本行為。量子技術實際上是所謂現代物理學的基礎,其實是在研究「造物能量」(Creation-energy),但由於地球人仍然虔誠地信仰宗教,因此仍然將其錯誤地稱為「靈魂」(spirit)。在造物能量或量子層面上,這暫時也可能是物理學最後的“實現”(realisation),它實際上是物質原始物質的層面。這個層面比物質更重要,對於物質技術來說,它沒有可測量的粒子和波,因為它已經進入造物能量的外層,這些無法使用粗略的儀器進行測量。
This energy level is distributed in the entire space of Creation, i.e. in the entirety of all 7 universes, each of which has a different dimension and exists within one another. So we can speak of a quantum field that is in itself superluminously attuned to all forms of Creation-energy, thus permeating all 7 dimensions of the 7 universes in Creation-space. This field is actually 'egg-shaped'; the Creation with all its 7 dimensions, which are interwoven and independent of each other, is, roughly speaking, egg-shaped.
這個能量層在整個宇宙的空間中分佈,因此在所有七個不同維度、互相交織和相互依存的宇宙中都存在。因此可以稱之為「量子場」(quantum field),它本身對造物的所有形式的能量進行了超光調諧(superluminously attuned),因此貫穿了造物空間(Creation-space)的七個宇宙的所有七個維度。這個場實際上是“卵形”的;造物空間有所有七個維度,它們相互交織又相互獨立,從粗略的觀點看就像是一個卵形。
The Creation, I will explain, is a gigantic All-Consciousness, which is not only single-universal, but 7-fold-universal and thus all-creative – once arising from the 'Absolute Absolutum', which developed via the 'Primordial Absolutum', then the 'Creation Absolutum', 'Super Absolutum', and further via the 'SOHARAbsolutum', then the 'BEING Absolutum' and finally found its original origin in the Nihilo, the 'Absolute Nothing'. see book, Billy: 'Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Origin of All Existence'). Unfortunately, I cannot say much about all that is commonplace in earthly physics, because my knowledge of physical moments only relates to a general knowledge that I learned from Sfath and at school. But the truth is nevertheless: The whole of Creation has nothing to do with the limited cosmos, which alone comprises only the 4th belt of the 7-fold belts of the universe, which again is only 1 part of the 7-fold Creation, which in itself contains 7 universes, each of which exists in a different dimension within the other. The nihilo itself is the unrevealing, the formless, unfathomable and unspeakable, and the essence of the primal ground of all existence, from which alone everything has emerged.
這裡我們需要解釋一下,「造化」(Creation;等同上述的「造物能量」)是一個巨大的「宇宙意識」(All-Consciousness),不僅是一個宇宙,而是七個宇宙,因此是整個「造化」起源於「純粹的絕對空間」(Absolute Absolutum),經過「原始絕對空間」(Primordial Absolutum),然後是「中心絕對空間」(Central Absolutum),然後是「造化絕對空間」(Creation Absolutum),「超級絕對空間」(Super Absolutum),然後是「能量體絕對空間」(SOHAR Absolutum),「生命體絕對空間」(BEING Absolutum),最後回歸至其真正的起源「虛無」(Nihilo),也就是「絕對虛無」(Absolute Nothing)[註:有關進一步說明,請參閱比利書籍《所有存在的起源》(Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Origin of All Existence)]。[中譯者註:有關上述翻譯名詞,另請參閱英漢對照版《Creation/造化》中的相關解釋]。所有地球物理學所得出的結論和日常生活中的事物,我不能說太多,因為我對物理學的瞭解只是一般知識,是從Sfath和學校學到的。但事實上:整個「造化」與有限的宇宙沒有任何關係,這個有限宇宙只是 7層帶狀區域中的第 4 層,而這又只是7層宇宙帶的一部分,而整個「造化」包含七個宇宙,每個宇宙是在不同的維度上相互存在。虛無本身是無以名狀的,是無形、深奧和難以言喻的,是所有存在的原始基礎。
The hammer of the future will be that the earthling will sink so low in his ethicslessness and moralitylessness that he will 'eliminate' for life sick or physically deformed, as well as invalid human beings, on the one hand first under the name of 'euthanasia' and incurably ill etc., whereby firstly in this respect seriously ill children are to be transported out of the world by 'euthanasia', as later also adults who are still alive. Later on, newborns with damaged bodies or consciousness or later human beings with damaged bodies or consciousness are to be euthanised because they will be a burden on society in the future. Europe and America in particular will be pioneers in this, with the first steps already being taken in the form of euthanasia resp. 'assisted suicide' with regard to seriously ill children.
Murders and suicides resp. suicides will become daily 'order', whereby everything will degenerate more and more in this respect and the perpetrators will be younger and younger, just as the form of the human being's psychological state will become more and more negative and he will become more incapable of living. He will again be dominated more and more by the addiction of religious and worldly beliefs, as well as by the urge for wealth and 'to present oneself' and 'to show oneself off' and 'to be more than one's neighbour', etc.
The demonstrations concerning environmental pollution and climate destruction etc. are increasing and becoming more and more blatant in their methods and in the destruction they cause etc.? The real evil, however, is neither recognised nor brought up, namely overpopulation, through which everything negative and destructive comes about. Through all the CO2 and methane, like all the other toxins etc., the climate is affected and damaged, just as all the greenhouse gases etc. are increasingly promoting the demise of the Earth, the destruction of all its ecosystems, all of nature and its fauna and flora, all the waters, the atmosphere and the extermination of countless creatures of nature.
More and more trees are being senselessly felled and whole areas of forests destroyed for the sake of profit, although every single tree is already important for the preservation of every living being, the climate, the atmosphere and oxygen, as well as for the absorption of toxins from the air. In truth, it is already criminal to unnecessarily fell or cut down a tree or shrubbery instead of planting as many trees and shrubs as is at all possible.
Earth's humanity, with almost 10 billion human beings, is already about 19 times larger than the number of human beings that planet Earth can support and feed without any problems, namely 500 to a maximum of 530 million, as I have often explained over the years. This also includes the mammals, the animals, as well as the birds, fish, snakes and the billions of other very diverse creatures, some of which have already been wiped out by the human beings of the Earth by up to 76 percent. But instead of the earthlings moderating very violently with the creation of offspring and submitting to a general and really worldwide controlled birth stop that has become necessary, this is not being done. On the contrary, it is not even thought of, consequently – instead of Earth's humanity being sensibly reduced – more and more Earth-humans are unreasonably 'bred', as a result of which the Earth and its entire nature must inevitably collapse one day.
More human beings and therefore more births not only mean that they require more and more energy, whereby even climate-neutral power generators etc. produce greenhouse gases, which is usually concealed from the earthling. Every new earthling needs more food, clothing, more living space, roads, homes and so on and so forth … And it needs more trees and other plants that create oxygen, water and countless other things. But instead of the leaders of the states insisting and strictly endeavouring that a worldwide birth stop, carried out under strict control, takes effect and that humanity is reduced in a normal process – India's project alone is of no use whatsoever – they themselves continue to produce en masse, irresponsibly, and contribute everything to the fact that overpopulation continues to rise, and continues to rise, endlessly, so to speak.
越來越多的人和因此也有越來越多的新生兒,這不僅意味著他們需要越來越多的能源,即使是無碳排放的發電機等也會排放溫室氣體,但這通常是對地球居民隱瞞的。每個新的地球居民都需要更多的食物、衣服、更多的生存空間、道路、住房等等。而且需要更多的樹木和其他植物來產生氧氣、水和無數其他物資。然而,政府不是在強調並嚴格努力推行全球嚴格控制的生育政策,以正常方式減少人口 —— 僅僅是印度的專案是沒有任何用處的 —— 他們自己大量繁殖,不負責任地繼續推動人口過剩的不斷增長,並促使人類過度增長,幾乎無休止。
Demonstrations against the increase in greenhouse gases and air pollution etc. are of no use at all if the demonstrators do not finally realise and understand that overpopulation alone must be removed. This alone made it possible for everything to get out of hand, for the greenhouse effect to arise, for pollution to become rampant, for ecosystems to be damaged and to continue to be damaged. And nature has been and continues to be harassed in every conceivable process, and many genera and species of fauna and flora have been and continue to be wiped out.
And all the doings of humanity have been furthered by bloody and all-destroying wars, which, in addition to all the evil, have maltreated and continue to maltreat the atmosphere with polluting gases and poisons through all kinds of poisonous exhaust gases and bombs. But that is not all, for all the above-ground, underground, atmospheric and underwater atomic bomb tests carried out to date, totalling to my knowledge about 2050, have brought the greatest evils of natural destruction and poisoned and destroyed a great deal of the Earth's interior. As usual, America is also in the lead in terms of nuclear bomb tests with a total of 1030, while Russia is in 2nd place with 750, but has the most powerful with the Tsar atomic bomb.
人類所做的一切事情,加上流血和毀滅性的戰爭,更加加劇了這一切,這些戰爭除了其他的不幸事件外,還用各種有毒的氣體和炸彈攻擊了大氣層,製造出污染物和毒素,而且仍然在繼續進行。但這還不夠,直到今天,進行了地球表面、地下、大氣層和海洋中的約2050次核試驗,這些核試驗帶來了最嚴重的環境破壞問題,污染和破壞了地球內部的大部分。像往常一樣,美國以總共1030次的核試驗居首,而俄羅斯以750次的核試驗位居第二,但擁有最強大的沙皇核彈(Tsar atomic bomb)。
Since the American nuclear age began in July 1945, more than 2050 nuclear weapons tests have been carried out; the last one, to my knowledge, was carried out by the crazy dictator of North Korea Kim Jong-un on the 3rd of September 2017, as well as various nuclear weapons tests. The consequences in terms of health for human beings and for the environment – all the fault of America – are more than just shocking. All human beings on Earth and all living beings in general carried – and still carry – radioactive substances in their bodies that originate from the fallout of the nuclear weapons tests and which, how could it be otherwise, increase the risk of cancer in human beings. A great many parts of the earth's surface have also been radioactively contaminated at one time or another. This is because the demands and all the many desires etc. of each of the overpopulation are the great evil, because through the needs and desires all the poisons, greenhouse gases and all the evil environmental destruction, the exploitation of the earth and its consequences have been produced and will continue to be produced, as well as the destruction of nature, of the waters, of all the ecosystems of the planet and, the longer, the more, gradually of the atmosphere, after which all life will inevitably become extinct. It will first of all be the living beings, and they will be wiped out primarily by the human beings themselves, then the decline will take place in that everything or almost everything will die in this respect, because the foundations of life will be minimised and destroyed to such an extent that survival will only be possible with difficulty or not at all. The phantasmagoria of 'space travel' is also of no use here, because until it is finally so far that the Earthling can travel in space – which only begins outside the SOL system and not already outside the Earth's gravity – a great deal of time will pass if the foreigners from outside do not intervene and help the crazy Earth's humanity – or enslave and abduct them. Besides, let it be said, the nearest extrasolar system is Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus), and that is little more than 4.24 light-years away. The maximum speed that could be reached in space by a material object resp. a rocket would be the speed of light, which means that such a rocket would need 4.25 years to reach Alpha Centauri, one light-year being 9.46 trillion kilometres away. But the Earthlings only have rockets that can travel just under 8 kilometres per second. Moreover, with manned rockets they can only just reach Earth's orbit or the Moon and back, requiring about 30 million horsepower to get them off the Earth. So the earthlings don't even reach the speed of light, and that's 299 792.458 metres per second. If the Earthlings wanted to get to the Alpha Centauri system, it would take them about 70,000 years – by today's rocket standards – but they would have to cover 1.6 billion kilometres a day. A bit long for human lives, which are currently calculated at the upper limit in Central Europe with an average of 82 years for a man and 86 years for a woman. This, while different values apply from country to country. That is what I would like to say for the time being.
自從1945年7月美國開始了核時代以來,已經進行了超過2050次核武器試驗;據我所知,最後一次核試驗是由瘋狂的北韓獨裁者金正恩於2017年9月3日進行的,還有其他多種核武器試驗。對於人類和環境的健康影響 —— 這一切都是由美國所造成的 —— 不僅僅是令人震驚。地球上所有的人和所有的生物都攜帶著 —— 並且仍然攜帶著 —— 源自核武器試驗塵埃的放射性物質,這些物質,怎麼可能不增加人類患癌症的風險。此外,地球表面的很多地方在某個時候也被放射性污染。這是因為超大人口的所有需求和許多願望等等,造成了大災難,因為這些需求和願望產生了所有毒素,溫室氣體和所有惡劣的環境破壞,地球的開採和其後果,以及大自然、水和所有生態系統以及大氣層的破壞,時間越長越多,逐漸破壞大氣層,之後所有生命將不可避免地走向滅絕。會滅絕的是生物,特別是它們將會被人類所滅絕,接著會由於這方面的一切或幾乎一切死亡而進入衰落,因為生存的基礎被極度縮小和摧毀,生存將變得非常困難或完全不可能。即使是“太空旅行”的幻想也無濟於事,因為在地球人能夠旅行到宇宙之前 —— 宇宙始於太陽系外而不是地球引力範圍之外 —— 還需要非常非常長的時間,除非外星人介入並幫助瘋狂的地球人類,否則就是他們被奴役和綁架而被迫如此。此外,必須說,最近的恒星系是半人馬座α(Rigil Kentaurus;又稱南門二),距離僅為4.24光年。太空中通過物體或火箭可以達到的最高速度是光速,因此到半人馬座α的距離需要4.25年,其中一光年的距離是9.46萬億公里。然而,地球人目前只有以每秒近8公里的火箭推進。此外,他們只能用載人火箭飛到地球軌道或月球,然後返回地球,需要約三千萬馬力才能離開地球。因此,地球人甚至無法達到每秒2億9,979萬2,458公尺的光速。如果地球人想到半人馬座α星系,根據當前的火箭速度,他們需要約七萬年的時間,但每天必須前進1.6億公里。這對於目前在中歐平均為82歲的男性和86歲的女性的人類壽命來說可能有些長了一些,儘管從國家到國家的計算結果不同。這就是我目前想說的。
That must also be enough for today because I have to go. Then we will not be able to talk again until July.
But I will say that America is spreading its lousy language all over the world, although, I think, German is probably the best language. But since you are in a hurry now, I wish you all the best and a good time. Give my regards to the others. Take care, and goodbye.
That will be so; then I will go now. Goodbye.
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