

Contact Report 842第842次接觸報告



最初英譯:20230424日,星期DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20230428日,星期ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu


由於平日主要會面的Plajaren都暫時缺席,這段期間因工作需要,Billy 呼叫了兩位代班的稀客,在完成主要工作後,也談到一些事情,重點摘要如後:






This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



You are here early, but you are both welcome and greeted.



Thank you, you are also greeted.



Greetings to you too, and thank you for welcoming us.



I am really very happy to welcome you. By the way, even after your first visit, I looked up what your names meant, …



… my name means 'the one who judges according to the law'.

... 我的名字的意思是「按照法律判斷的人」。


I have already read that from the Book of Names, and you, Jjfa, the meaning of your name is 'The Life Principle Fulfiller'. (Note: The name Juraata appears in the Book of Names in a different spelling but with the same meaning, namely as Jurata, with the 1st 'a' underlined, which means that the emphasis of the name is on this 'a'. The name Jjfa is not listed in the Book of Names, but a similar name, namely Ifana with the meaning 'The Life Principle Fulfilled').

我已經從《名字之書》(Book of Names)中讀到這個意思了,而你,Jjfa,你名字的含義是「實現生命原則的人」。(註:名字Juraata在《名字之書》中以另一種拼法出現,但意思相同,即Jurata,第一個「a」有底線,表示該名字的重音在這個「a」上。名字Jjfa在《名字之書》中沒有列出,但有一個類似的名字,即Ifana,其意思是「實現生命原則的人」。)


That is correct. Where did you get what you are saying, the Book of Names?



I wrote that myself, for which I just got the names from Semjase early on. But it is good that you are coming here already, because yesterday I finished the work I had to do. In the process, a few more things came up that the committee has to examine and decide whether it was formulated correctly by me, as well as whether it is correct at all. That is why I also called out. So you can take it all down and pass it on to the committee.



We can do that immediately, but afterwards we want to talk to you about various things.



Of course, but I am interested in when you learned German. Because I wanted to ask that on your last 2 visits, as well as if our conversation is being recorded at all and if I can retrieve it and write it down?



Everything we talk to each other is recorded. Of course you are allowed to record our conversation, as it is also done from our side. And as far as the German language is concerned, well, we learned it because we were assigned by the board to keep in touch with you during the staff's absence from the station.



Aha, but that everyone had to leave straight away, I guess that has a special meaning, although I do not need to know what that is, which is why I do not want to ask about it.



Then let us do our work first, after which we can talk. We have been well informed concerning all the happenings that are going on here on Earth, consequently we are largely oriented as to what is also happening here on this world at the present time.



That is good, because I would like to bring up some things that I am interested in.



You can, but first we want to do our work …

沒問題,但首先我們要做好我們的工作 ...






… It took this long, but now everything is done.

... 花了這麼長時間,但現在一切都完成了。


Everything takes time. If only the earthly overpopulation could finally be significantly reduced. Politicians should finally intervene and enact a controlled birth stop, but apparently those in power are as stupid as the demonstrators who only demonstrate and cause damage because of CO2 and environmental pollution etc., but do not realise that there are far too many human beings on Earth and that this number must be reduced to far below one billion by a radical birth stop lasting several years. The Earth is not only overpopulated, it is 19 times overpopulated, being designed for a human population of little more than 500 million human beings. Although Sfath said that one day in the new millennium people would get a little wiser and try to take measures against overpopulation, also in governments, nothing has happened in this regard yet. I remember that he said that it would even be decided by the government that a birth control pill would be distributed free of charge by the state in order to prevent pregnancies, but so far I have also not heard or read anything that a country has decided something in this framework. Maybe it will come, but when?



That is so regarding time, although we have a different term for it, but …

在時間方面就是這樣,雖然我們有不同的說法,但 ...


… of course, but it comes to the same thing. But what do you think about what Sfath said?

... 當然,但結果是一樣的,而你們對Sfath說的話有什麼看法?


If Sfath said that, then it will also be so, but actually the question is when that will be.



Yes, that will be so. What is to be said, however, is that wars were on Earth thousands of years ago, there were peoples fighting each other, …



… but what is happening at present with the Ukrainian war, that is a version that you certainly do not know, as it is also happening on Earth for the first time. This is that many countries are interfering unilaterally and supplying weapons to Ukraine in order to strengthen the war-monger Selensky, the president of Ukraine, in his war mania. This, while America is working in the background, because of which the war has also broken out and Russia has started it. All the madmen who thoughtlessly supply weapons to this mad Selensky are thereby furthering the purpose of the whole thing, namely that America with its NATO comes one step closer to its delusion of world domination. Namely, by defeating Russia and making a pig of it and incorporating Ukraine into NATO.

... 但目前烏克蘭戰爭所產生的情況,是你們肯定不知道的一種版本,這在地球上也是首次出現。這是許多國家單方面進行干預,向烏克蘭提供武器,以支援好戰的烏克蘭總統澤連斯基。這是在美國幕後操縱的情況下進行的,這也是戰爭爆發的原因,俄羅斯發動了這場戰爭。所有不考慮後果向這個瘋狂的澤連斯基提供武器的瘋子們,通過這種方式實現了整個事件的目的,那就是美國與其北約向其統治世界的妄想更近了一步。也就是說,通過打敗和羞辱俄羅斯,並把烏克蘭納入北約。


We know this, and all the ignorant and irresponsible of those states that supply weapons, whereby many human lives are murdered and destruction is unparalleled and the war continues longer and longer, are unable to realise, due to their very pitiful inability to think, that this America is the real authorship of the whole thing. As we have followed the events on Earth since ancient times, and as our records prove, America was founded in its very beginnings by murder, when a certain George Washington shot a peacenik without hearing him when he came with a white flag to negotiate peace. That is on our records, as are all the war crimes since then that America, with its military, later emerging and murdering secret services, mercenaries and race hate organisations etc., has carried out and still continues to carry out on the vastness of the whole Earth within this framework of its delusion of world domination. It …



… excuse me for interrupting you, but I do want to say that there is still a distinction to be made, because not all Americans have the same attitude as those who strive for world domination. That only applies to a part of the American people, because another part is good, and that part consists of human beings of righteousness and does not at all agree with what is being striven for hegemonistically and secretly and without the knowledge of the people by the bulk of the rulers, the religionists and, in fact, the sectarians, the madmen of the army and the secret services, etc. Especially the religionists and their sectarians are to be mentioned, on whose cap also goes the emergence of the Corona rampantly spreading disease that is taking hold worldwide as a pandemic, which has so far claimed more than 8 million lives on Earth alone, …

... 請原諒我打斷你,但我想要指出一個區別,因為並不是所有美國人都像那些追求世界霸權的人那樣。這只適用於美國人民的一部分,因為另一部分是好人,由正直的人組成,並不贊同那些在統治階層、宗教界、教派、軍方和情報機構等在人民不知情的情況下進行的霸權主義和秘密行動。特別要提到宗教主義者和他們的教派,他們也是造成在全球爆發新冠疫情的始作俑者,該疫情至今已造成全球超過八百萬人喪生



… this is known to us, because it has been known to us since the beginning of the outbreak of the pandemic, through our planetary information system, so we have been informed about it, that the fanatical religionist … the American … was influenced to seek China's leadership in order to create a rampantly spreading disease, which on the one hand should serve as revenge and on the other hand to exterminate that part of the American people, who are considered non-Christians, people of other faiths, such as believers in Islam. For example, believers who belonged to Islam or Judaism, or non-believers and thus those who were considered infidels, … However, with regard to the religious beliefs and religions of America, I have no knowledge …

... 這已經是我們所知道的了,因為自疫情爆發以來,我們就透過我們的行星資訊系統(planetary information system)得知了這一切。一個狂熱的美國宗教信徒的行為受到了影響,他在中國尋求協助,以創造一場瘟疫,一方面是為了復仇,另一方面是為了滅絕美國人民中被認為是非基督徒的那部分人,包括穆斯林或猶太教徒等信仰不同的人,以及那些不信教的人。但是,我對美國的宗教信仰和宗教並不瞭解 ...


… neither do I, but perhaps you can explain some things to us about that?

... 我也不知道,但也許你可以向我們解釋一些有關的事情?


I can, but also only superficially. The bulk of America is probably a diverse community of believers in Christ, mostly of the Protestant variety, although as far as I know so-called 'evangelicals' or something like that play a big role, but 'evangelical' is not in the foreground, because that is not the same as 'evangelical'. It's a bit complicated, because the word does not actually describe a separate denomination in terms of different churches, such as evangelicalism or Catholicism, because the whole of the denomination is a type based on Protestantism. The religious belief theatre and the intensity of belief within Protestantism in this respect drive very wild and strange blossoms of belief styles, because if, for example, Evangelicalism is taken into consideration, then this, among others, can very well find an allocation to Christian Spiritualism. If you take the evangelicals, then there is something 'personal to God' among them, because they effectively regard God as their Father, whereby they equate Jesus Christ with him as 'Saviour and Lord', which is actually the basis of their delusion.

我可以說說,但只能講得很表面。美國人的大多數是一個多元化的基督徒社群,主要是新教徒,據我所知,所謂的「福音派」(evangelicals)或類似的人扮演著重要的角色,但重點不是福音派,因為這不同於福音派。這有點複雜,因為這個詞實際上並不描述不同教會的信仰派別,例如福音主義evangelicalism)或天主教(Catholicism),因為整個信仰是基於新教Protestantism)。在這方面,新教教義和信仰強度驅使著信仰風格狂野和奇異的興盛,例如,當觀察福音主義時,可以發現它實際上非常符合基督教靈性主義(Christian Spiritualism)的分類。對於福音派來說,存在著一些「與上帝個人」(personal to God)的關係,因為他們實際上把上帝視為他們的父親,同時把耶穌基督與之視為「救世主和主」(Saviour and Lord),這實際上是他們妄想信仰的基礎。

But when I speak of America and its religions resp. beliefs, then I have to speak of the American state resp. the American nation as a great myth, as Sfath explained to me as follows: America was actually founded by the English, by religious refugees who had in mind to create a place where religious tolerance should prevail. This was America, and everything was set up in such a way that the rule of 'separation of church and state' came about. Religion also became practically omnipresent in American society, but such a variety of religious beliefs is so diverse that one can effectively speak of a multi-sect state, the like of which cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. Therefore, religion is so deep and present in American society that the concept of secularisation resp. the temporal of the worldly thinking and also the transition of concepts and all processes and ideas from a religious point of view have been loosened and dissolved and continue to be so, especially with regard to questions concerning the conduct of life, as with regard to logic, the mind and reason.

但當我談到美國及其宗教和信仰時,我必須談論關於美國國家或民族的一個偉大神話,正如Sfath向我解釋的那樣:美國實際上是由英國人和宗教難民建立的,他們的目的是創造一個宗教寬容的地方。這就是美國,而後一切都被安排得這樣,以致於「政教分離」(separation of church and state)的規則產生了。此外,宗教在美國社會中幾乎無處不在,但如此眾多的宗教信仰,以至於實際上可以說是一個多元教派的國家,在整個地球上找不到第二個。因此,宗教在美國社會中是如此深刻和普遍,以至於世俗化的概念、世俗思考的時間和所有概念和過程和觀念的從宗教角度的轉換都被放寬和解決,而且在生活方式、邏輯、理性和心靈等問題上都在不斷地發展。

Everything is a little different than here in Europe, such as that in America, namely by a pastor, the national motto 'IN GOD WE TRUST' was stamped on the 2-cent US coins in 1864, when Congress enacted the 'Coinage Act'. Since 1956, the sectarian slogan has also been emblazoned on the dollar notes, which in and of itself sufficiently demonstrates the religious mania of the majority of Americans and also testifies to what is fundamentally responsible for what America is doing, namely a worldwide sectarian-induced murder and destruction by the military, the secret services and other cliques of murderers, conditioned in the faith of Christ, with the bullshit slogan on the notes for this purpose. But the fact that this is counteracted, because torture, murder and racial hatred in all imaginable evil forms have been practised by the US military and secret services etc. since time immemorial, is not taken into consideration at all and is excused in the name of 'state security'. The commandment listed in the Luther Bible, Genesis 2, chapter 20, verse 13, "Thou shalt not kill", is not considered or followed by America in any process. Obviously, this only applies to the entire Christian world outside the USA, but obviously not to America itself, because it obviously has a special 'divine regulation' to be allowed to murder and destroy worldwide through wars, secret services and capital punishment etc., as well as to interfere murderously and destructively in the affairs of foreign states.

一切都和我們在歐洲的情況有所不同。例如在美國,1864年國會通過了「造幣法令」(Coinage Act)後,一位牧師將國家座右銘「我們信仰上帝」(IN GOD WE TRUST)鑄印在2美分硬幣上。自從1956年以來,這個宗派口號也出現在美元紙鈔上,這顯示了大多數美國人的宗教狂熱,並證明瞭美國行動的根本原因,即通過軍隊、情報機構和其他殺手集團在基督教信仰的驅使下進行全球性的殺戮和破壞,而這個荒謬的口號出現在貨幣上。然而,美國的行為卻是相反的,因為美國軍方、情報機構等自古以來一直在進行酷刑、謀殺和以各種惡劣形式推動種族仇恨,這一點根本沒有被考慮到,並且以「國家安全」的名義被辯解。在《路德版聖經》(Luther Bible),即《創世紀》(Genesis)第二冊2013節中規定的「不可殺人」的戒律,在美國根本沒有受到重視和遵守。顯然,這只適用於美國以外的整個基督教世界,但顯然不適用於美國本身,因為它顯然有一個特殊的“神聖規定”,允許它通過戰爭、情報機構和死刑等手段在全球進行謀殺和破壞,以及介入外國國家的事務並採取殺人和破壞的行動。


In America, all conceivable branches of Christianity are present, whereby the believers are predominantly Christians and above all Protestants, because most of the immigration streams came from countries that adored Protestant Christianity, such as Switzerland, Germany, England, France and the northern states of Europe, such as Holland. But there were also Catholics from Ireland, as well as Latinos, but above all Italians, who spread out in America and built up the murderous society and criminal organisation Mafia there. All this happened in the 18th and 19th centuries and has continued to this day.


The Mafia is still present today in large numbers and continues to work in a murderous and criminal way, and it has also spread to many other countries around the world, so also to Europe. The very special thing about the Christian religious sectarian movements in America is undoubtedly their immense multiplicity, which can hardly be surveyed, consequently among the Protestants alone there are many groupings of Evangelicals, who form quite a number of very different groupings, as is also the case, for example, with the most diverse 'varieties' of Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists and Mormons. Among the multitude of religious sects there is also a movement which, especially and mainly in America, indulges in a religious delusion of faith of an American alleged 'prophet' named Joseph Smith, who is considered the 'chief' of the sect he founded in the 19th century. These religious-delusional communities, which could not be more different, including the rich mainstream churches of the actual Protestants, as well as the equally financially strong churches of the Catholics, are in truth nothing more than places of delusion, which are moreover led by cultists, as they also exist and operate in Europe, which also have the same negative connotations as in America. From…

黑手黨至今仍大量存在並繼續從事殺人和犯罪活動,此外,它還在全球許多其他國家蔓延,包括歐洲。美國基督教宗派運動最特別的地方無疑是其巨大的數量,幾乎無法調查,因此單在新教徒中就有許多福音派組織,形成了眾多不同的組織,如不同類型的浸信會Baptists)、路德會Lutherans)、衛理公會Methodists)和摩門教Mormons)。在眾多宗派中,還有一個特別且主要存在於美國的運動,奉行美國所謂的“先知”約瑟夫.史密斯Joseph Smith)的宗教狂熱信仰,他被視為該宗派的“領袖”,他於19世紀創立了該教派。這些宗教狂熱信徒的社區各不相同,包括正宗新教的主要教堂和同樣財務實力雄厚的天主教堂,實際上都只是狂信者的聚集地,而且還由教派信仰的募集者領導,就像在歐洲一樣存在和發揮作用,而且也有與在美國相同的負面含義。從 ...


…and that there is a large Jewish population in America, mainly in New York, we know that.

... 在美國有大量的猶太人,主要是在紐約,我們知道。


That's right, and that was also the thorn in the side of the religious fanatic … who wanted to exterminate people of other faiths with the help of … precisely, which is why he teamed up with this vengeful man who negotiated the deal with Mao that ultimately led to the Corona Pandemic and …

沒錯,這也是宗教狂熱者 ... 的眼中釘,他想在 ... 的幫助下滅絕其他信仰的人,正是如此,他才會與這個與毛澤東談判達成交易的復仇者聯手,最終導致了冠狀病毒疫情和 ...


… I do not understand? Why the man did not remove his thorn in the eye? After all, it was causing him …

... 我不明白,為什麼這個人沒有拔掉他的眼中釘?畢竟,這導致了他 ...


…Excuse me, you would not know. We have words and sayings that describe something, such as 'a thorn in the side', which means that the man was driven by hatred, or that the expression simply means that one human being is a nuisance to another. It is also meant to be a howl, a red rag, a runaway, unbearable, rotten, as well as such that a human being is upset or indignant, obstructive, embarrassing, intolerable, intrusive, unacceptable, intolerable, indignant, tormenting, unwilling or devious, or that he is considered unsympathetic, sullen, obnoxious, stuffy, uncollegial, irksome, insufferable, or mean, etc. etc. This is actually taken from the Christian religious book Bible, which claims in Genesis 4, chapter 33, verse 55, that the 'dear' imaginary God said something like, "If you do not drive out the inhabitants from before your face, then if you let them remain, they will become thorns in your eyes, just as they will become thorns in your sides and urge you to get out of the land in which you dwell." While this is not literally what is written in the Bible describing what refers to the exodus from Egypt to go to Canaan, I have simply reproduced it with the necessary changes. There are other ways of speaking than that of the thorn in the eye, depending on what is hidden behind the mental behaviour of the human being, and so we human beings of the Earth need certain expressions, such as 'a thorn in the eye', which would be very painful and can therefore mean hatred. Another form of expression, for example, like 'a louse has crawled up his/my liver', means roughly that something has simply gone wrong with the human being, etc.

... 對不起,你不會知道。這些詞語和語句在我們這裡是很常見的,但你可能不知道。我們有一些詞語和語句,用來描述某些情況,例如“眼中釘”,這意味著這個人充滿了仇恨,或者這句話的意思是,一個人是另一個人的惡劣令人討厭的事物。它還意味著,它令人感到哭泣,是一個紅布條,難以忍受,卑劣,令人憤怒或憤怒,阻礙,尷尬,無法忍受,過於煩人,無法接受,無法承受,憤怒,痛苦,不願意或卑鄙等等。這實際上是從基督教聖經中引用的,《聖經》在《創世紀》第3355節中聲稱,“親愛的”虛構上帝大致上說:“如果你不驅逐居民,他們會成為你眼中的荊棘,就像它們在你身上成為刺,並驅使你們離開你們居住的土地。”這不是聖經中實際的文字,而是描述《出埃及記》中的出走,前往迦南Canaan)的內容,但我僅僅是意思相似地再次描述了它。還有其他的說法,不僅僅是用“眼中釘”,而是根據人們的思想行為中的背後隱藏的東西而不同,因此,我們地球上的人需要某些表達方式,例如“眼中的刺”,這非常痛苦,因此可能代表憎恨。例如,另一種說法,“一隻蝨子在他/我肝上爬行”,大約意味著人們只是遇到了一些問題等等。

But if I am to say anything further about America and its religious delusion, I must mention the following concerning the Corona rampantly spreading disease: That part of the American people which is thoroughly unrighteous – and which must never be associated with the righteous – naturally does not want to admit that everything of the Corona rampantly spreading disease is American-made, which is based on religious fanaticism and on boundless hatred. Therefore, every means and effort is being frantically sought to 'define' the Corona virus as natural in origin. But now back to the religious and secular delusion regarding hegemony and thus the delusion of world conquest, which primarily results from the religious delusion of faith, which fundamentally plays the main role in everything that happens in America's actions, activities and governance, as well as in daily life. Especially in politics, the military, the secret services, which of course includes the whole sectarian system, it has to be said that all this is unique on Earth. In fact, there is nothing like it elsewhere in any other country on Earth. For example, apart from the mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches, there are countless other sects, some of which I will mention – to name just a few of the countless different God-deluding sects. There are, for example the Catholic Apostolic, the Seventh-day Adventists, as well as the Adventist sub-congregations, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Theocratic Organisation, In the Shadow of the Watchtower – Free Bible Students Congregations, Church of the Kingdom of God, Les Amis de l`Homme, Scientology, Youth Christian Fellowship, Worldwide Church of God, Branham Movement, Keller Fellowship, Philadelphia Movement, Temple Society, Original Christian Fellowship, Emma Berger Fellowship, Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity and Mazdaznan Movement. The bulk of all the sects form the bulk of America's delusionists who slavishly rule everything and financially exploit and suck the delusionists to the bone, as well as commit countless murders – not only through wars America wages worldwide under the motto 'In God we trust', murdering as well as destroying land after land for its old-fashioned hegemony delusion.


If America's sectarianism is examined closely, then in addition to Christianity, Judaism and Islam, which are effectively the most prevalent religious sects, there are countless other sects, ranging from Buddhism to Enthusianism, that exist like nowhere else on Earth. In New York alone, in the Jewish district of Brooklyn, there is the second largest Jewish population in Israel after the metropolis of Tel Aviv, as I discovered with Ptaah, and we found that this Jewish population is not popular with Christians, nor are the Muslims, who are present throughout the country. An immense number emigrated or fled to America after the last world war, but on the other hand, many are also in America as a result of illegal immigration and slavery, such as Muslims, who make up about 14 per cent, as Ptaah said. Due to the immigration, which took place from all over the Earth, practically all religions are represented up to the craziest small sect of all kinds, so also up to Satanism, Shintoism, nature religions, witchcraft, necromancers, Native American religions, Zarathustra freaks, esoterics, devil worshippers, magicians, gnostics, Lucian freaks, deathmetalists, occultists, freemasons, the fan community, and so on.

如果探討美國的邪教問題,除了基督教、猶太教和伊斯蘭教之外,還存在許多其他的邪教,從佛教到狂熱主義都有,而這種現象在世界其他地方都找不到。單是在紐約市布魯克林的猶太人區,就有全球第二大的猶太人口,僅次於以色列的特拉維夫市,這一點我已經通過和 Ptaah 的溝通得知。我們還發現,這些猶太人和穆斯林同樣不受基督徒的歡迎,而穆斯林在整個國家中的比例約為14%。由於大量人口在二戰後移民或逃亡到美國,而另一方面,也有許多人因非法入境或因為在美國被奴役而成為移民,例如穆斯林。由於來自全球各地的移民,幾乎所有的宗教,甚至是最瘋狂的小邪教,包括撒旦教、神道教、自然教、巫術、通靈術、印第安人口中所有的宗教、拜火教瘋子、神秘主義者、魔鬼崇拜者、魔法師、諾斯底主義者、盧克西非爾教瘋子、死亡金屬樂迷、神秘主義者、共濟會成員和全球組織等都有代表。

American society is thus far contaminated in all manner of sectarian processes, consequently it is never as perfect as the bulk of that part of the unrighteous Americans and the gullible and stupid of the world imagine it to be. Even if it is said that America, with its large number of believers of all kinds, is a pretty good example of religious tolerance, this is nothing but deception, lies and deceit, consequently my advice is to think for oneself and to see, perceive, understand and accept reality and its truth as effective reality.


Of course, every human being must always be open-minded and respect the respective faith of every human being as such in such a manner that he does not object to him for the sake of his faith, harm him physically in any way or harm him with regard to material forms. This is also true if he is completely blindly addicted to sectarianism, as is particularly true of sectarian and therefore God-delusional Americans. This must be said specifically because many of the earthlings tend – because they do not have the true values of ethics and morality as a whole sufficiently intuited – to rise up ethically-morally badly against fellow human beings.



You know America's condition quite well.



It is truly remarkable and amazing, to which I must confess that I find you ande…



… don't do that, please, I already know what you want to say, which is not necessary. Actually, I wanted to say something that on the one hand concerns America, but is also common in many other countries. Namely this, that at an inauguration the president sectarianly takes an oath on the Bible, as well as that at sectarian holidays sectarianism is held in the highest forms, such as Christmas and Easter, that it is really almost unbearable to listen to the radio or watch television, because everywhere it is overflowing with religious-believing sectarianism. Although more and more heated debates are being held by devout Christians regarding 'Holy Christmas', 'Holy Easter', 'Holy Ascension' as well as 'Merry Christmas' etc., more and more of these expressions are being rejected, even by sectarians. In particular, it is the affluent, although I think that they are adapting to the changing times and language and therefore use, for example, 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Holy Holidays', which means that they are not directly classified as sectarians, which really does somehow cause offence in some places and is unwelcome to hear. Why this is so may very well be due to the fact that much of the delusion of faith is hanging out of the throats of the earthlings resp. is too much, because many of them have distanced themselves so far from religions that they no longer want to know anything about churches etc.. Perhaps many of them still cling to religious delusion, but not so much that they take all the humbug of faith seriously and therefore leave the houses of delusion, the churches, behind. In Germany, according to the news, last year, 2022, about 300,000 Protestants, but also 265,000 Catholics, will have 'said goodbye' to their churches.

... 請別這樣做,我已經知道你想說什麼了,但這不必要。實際上,我還想說一些關於美國的事情,但在其他許多國家也很普遍。換句話說,就是在總統就職儀式上,總統會對著《聖經》進行宣誓,這是一種宗教狂熱的表現方式,在某些宗教節日,如聖誕節和復活節,宗教狂熱也達到了最高點,收音機和電視上到處都是宗教狂熱的表現。雖然虔誠的基督徒們一直在爭論「聖誕節」、「聖復活節」、「耶穌升天節」和「聖誕快樂」等問題,但這些詞語越來越受到反感,即使在教派中也是如此。尤其是富裕人士,我認為他們會適應時代和語言用法的變化,例如使用“美好的節日”而不是“聖潔的節日”,這樣他們就不會被直接歸類為邪教徒,這在某些地方確實會引起反感和不願意聽到。為什麼會這樣,可能是因為很多信仰瘋狂的東西讓人受夠了,因為很多人離開了宗教,他們不想知道有關教堂等方面的任何事情。也許他們中的許多人仍然信仰宗教狂熱,但不再那麼強烈,不再將所有的信仰胡說八道當作真的,並因此離開了狂熱信仰的場所,也就是教堂。據報導,去年2022年德國約有30萬新教徒和26.5萬天主教徒“告別”了他們的教堂。

In this respect, the questions of religions are now also being dealt with publicly, whereby it even happens that hitherto believing Christians take the risk of being frowned upon, namely by insulting their own hitherto practised religion or another. The fact that this has become ubiquitous is proven by telephone calls explaining to me that the 'shit' no longer works with these persons, because the delusional belief in a God and Saviour or Jesus Christ is nothing but lying and money-grubbing, and they don't want to know anything about it any more. Moreover – and I find this particularly worth mentioning – it is often said that the persons are now better off in every respect since they no longer indulge in the nonsense of faith, think for themselves and begin to realise reality.



I can understand that.



That must be something special for these Earth-humans – to suddenly be free from the influences of faith, to think for themselves, to decide and act independently without the influences of faith, and without fear that there is a God above them who will punish them for it.

對這些地球人來說,這一定是很特別的事情 —— 突然擺脫了信仰的影響,獨立思考,不受信仰的影響而獨立決定和行動,也不用擔心上帝會因此懲罰他們。


You are probably right, because the very fact that people have told me on various occasions that they have become free from faith addiction makes them happy and glad, because now they are really free, and the delusion of God has held them like a slave. The fact that I tell the truth about delusion is viciously reproached and denounced by delusionists as cursing God. But the fact that the callers profess to now be carefree in many things, to be able to think, decide and act freely for themselves without having to fear a God above them and his punishment, has made them a completely new human being with a healthy self-esteem. And when I think of these words, which I have heard several times, I just curse at the delusion of God, but I think that if I am going to curse, then I know what I am talking about and what I am cursing.



I also expected that from you.



I know that. Partly I also said some things about it in the last years, which was also mentioned in the contact reports.



We all know that because we follow everything important that you say. And this has been happening for the whole duration of the teachings by Sfath. That was a decision taken by the body at the time and has been followed without fail ever since. Apart from that, however, we also deal with many areas of earthly processes, but not with religions and their connections and so on, because in that respect we want to …

我們都知道,因為我們遵循你所說的一切重要的事情。而這在Sfath的整個教學過程中都一直在發生。這是理事會當時作出的決定,並且從那時起就一直遵循著,沒有例外。然而,除此之外,我們還涉及到地球進程的許多領域,但不涉及宗教及其聯繫等等,因為在這方面我們想 ...


… I understand that, because your ancestors had very bad experiences with it, from which they could only free themselves a little more than 52 000 years ago …

... 我理解,因為你們的祖先有非常糟糕的經歷,他們僅在五萬千多年前才得以解脫 ...


… when …

... ...


… the sphere came. I know that, because I know the history. But with regard to religions resp. the religious-worldly delusion, I would like to say the following in connection with America: At first I was completely ignorant about everything; only when I knew the closer connections, such as that the religious fanatic … was behind everything that happened with the vengeful … did I understand everything. The fact that … was not only the actual originator of the idea and was on fire for the Vietnam War and was able to influence the respective superiors, that this war was then really waged, clearly proves, as has been the case since time immemorial, that the American government leaders – which is probably also the case in practically all other countries on Earth – can be influenced by religious faith and control politics in some way in this regard. Besides, … also interfered in politics everywhere, and at his religiously devious request, the vengeful … was also harassed and became willing to do what was demanded. But the fact that the whole thing got out of hand, failed and turned out completely differently from what was intended, that was just bad luck, as we say when something goes wrong. This happened in the same way as … also the old Bush – who was president of the USA at the time – was persuaded by lies to start a war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein was not a Christian but a Muslim, which did not suit the religious fanatic … at all. Bush Junior, in his lust for power, then completed what his father could not. Consequently, he too launched a war against Iraq and then had Saddam Hussein hanged, and not only because he believed all the lies that were fed to him about the nuclear weapons that Saddam Hussein allegedly had, but which were never found because they did not exist.

... 球體的到來。我知道這一點,因為我知道這段歷史。但關於宗教或宗教世俗迷信,我想在與美國有關的情況下再說一些:一開始,我對一切都一無所知;只有當我瞭解了更多相關聯的事情,例如,宗教狂熱分子 ... 是如何牽扯到所有與復仇有關的事情時,我才明白一切。事實上,不僅 ... 是這個想法的實際發起人,並為越南戰爭火力全開,而且能夠影響各自的上級,這場戰爭當時真的發動了,這清楚地證明,自古以來就是這樣,美國政府領導人 —— 地球上幾乎所有其他國家可能也是這樣 —— 可以受到宗教信仰的影響,並在這方面以某種方式控制政治。此外,... 也到處干預政治,在他的宗教陰險企圖下,復仇的 ... 也受到騷擾,變得願意做所要求的事情。但事實上,整個事情因失控而失敗了,結果與原意完全不同,這只是運氣不好,就像我們說的,有些事情會出差錯。這件事情就像用謊言說服當時擔任美國總統的老布希對伊拉克開戰一樣,因為薩達姆.海珊Saddam Hussein;又譯為薩達姆.侯賽因)不是基督徒而是穆斯林,這完全不符合宗教狂熱者的要求。小布希出於對權力的渴望,隨後完成了他父親無法完成的任務。因此,他也發動了對伊拉克的戰爭,然後將薩達姆.海珊絞死,這不僅是因為他相信所有關於薩達姆.海珊據稱擁有核武器的謊言,而這些武器從未被發現,因為它們根本不存在。

Well, when I was still in Iraq – several times – where I also met Saddam and at that time the country and everything in general was really nice and well maintained, even if Saddam was an evil conscienceless dictator and killer, everything was really clean and in order all around. With his help I was able to buy a camel with which I could also travel through the deserts with my Turkish friend Kurtulmush. Today, however, due to America's war and guilt, there is chaos all around and something like anarchy etc., and Iraq has not been able to recover from the war, which is also called the Gulf War and took place in 2003. And the hammer of the whole thing is that practically many rulers of all countries of the Earth are incompetent fools who let themselves be charmed by lies and deceit by false know-it-alls and schemers, liars and profiteers and make wrong decisions and act contrary to what would be correct.


America, however, has not only destroyed Iraq by war and wreaked havoc, but has also murdered horribly in Vietnam and in various other countries. Much of what I saw as good and beautiful in Iraq was completely destroyed and fell out of order, which was good and right despite the bloody dictatorship. The complete destruction of Iraq was basically due to the American religious fanatic … who brought about America's attack on Iraq, whereby at that time the fanatic … was able to incite the old US president Bush with lies and hatred against Saddam Hussein by lying and claiming that Saddam had and was manufacturing nuclear weapons, etc. The American religious fanatic … was the only one to blame for this. The religion-fanatic American, precisely …, who also … incited, who then agreed with Mao in the 1970s that the Corona rampantly spreading disease – as it has been called since 2019 – was 'tinkered' in laboratories, lived long enough into the new millennium to continue working undisturbed in US politics, which was very easy for him because the majority of Americans believe in Christ.

然而,美國不僅在伊拉克犯下了戰爭罪行並導致了破壞,還在越南和其他各種國家進行了可怕的謀殺。我在伊拉克看到的許多美好和美麗的東西都被完全摧毀,變得一團糟,而這些東西即使在血腥的獨裁統治下也是好的和正確的。伊拉克的完全毀滅基本上是由美國的宗教狂熱分子的過失引起的,他成功地讓美國攻擊了伊拉克,當時他成功地通過謊言和仇恨來煽動美國總統老布希,謊稱薩達姆擁有並正在製造核武器等等。這位宗教狂熱的美國人 ... 是唯一應該受到譴責的人,他煽動了…,並在1970年代與毛澤東達成協議,認為冠狀病毒 —— 2019年以來被稱為的那樣 —— 是在實驗室裡“搗鼓”出來的,他活到了公元兩千年,繼續在美國政治中不受干擾的工作,這對他來說非常容易,因為大多數美國人都信奉基督教。

But let's go back to the Corona virus: While the first virus was created in the mid-1970s in China through laboratory work, which then spread through a laboratory accident, mutated and caused epidemics that claimed victims in many places, nothing was yet known about the later epidemic. However, further research was carried out, after which it happened at the beginning of 2019 that after a change resp. a new one of the many mutations, another laboratory accident occurred and the virus was released to the outside – this time in Wuhan – whereby the Corona virus spread rapidly, which very quickly spread to human beings and also to animals, livestock and other living beings, and finally triggered a worldwide pandemic. This has so far claimed, as I said, more than 8 million lives, and more will follow, that is absolutely certain, contrary to the claim that it is all over, because it will all flare up again here and there, consequently no guarantee of absolute certainty can be given. Even people who have already been affected by the rampantly spreading disease are not immune, so they can be affected by the disease again. And the fact that many of the vaccinations were not harmless, but caused many deaths, is officially denied with flimsy claims, with Switzerland even leading the way with alleged 'precise findings' and 'investigations' etc. that only extremely few deaths were caused by vaccinations – if any at all. Ptaah, however, contradicts this and says that this is deliberate lying, because the number of vaccination deaths is also quite high in Switzerland.

但讓我們回到新冠病毒這個話題:在中國進行實驗室工作的初步階段中,第一種病毒已經在1970年代中期誕生,但這隻病毒通過一次實驗室事故傳播開來,進行了變異並引發了許多地方的疫情,造成了許多人的傷亡,當時對這種後來的疫情還一無所知。然而,研究工作還在繼續進行,直到2019年初再次發生了一次實驗室事故,引發了病毒再次外泄 —— 這次是在武漢 —— 新冠病毒迅速擴散,對人類和其他動物產生了極大的威脅,最終導致了全球大流行。正如我之前所說的,這場疫情已經造成了超過八百萬人死亡,還有更多的死亡將會發生,這是毫無疑問的,儘管有人聲稱一切已經結束,但疫情仍然會不時地再次出現,因此絕對無法保證絕對的安全。即便是已經受過感染的人也不能完全免疫,因此他們可能會再次受到感染。而許多疫苗並不是無害的,反而造成了許多死亡,但官方以牽強的論據否認了這一點。瑞士甚至以所謂的“準確資料”和“調查”而名列前茅,聲稱只有極少數人死於疫苗接種,甚至一個也沒有。但 Ptaah 反駁了這一點,稱這是有意的謊言,因為在瑞士,疫苗致死人數也很高。

Well, the actual authors of the whole Corona rampantly spreading disease have all died, the American … who, out of revenge, won the dictator Mao as an accomplice in order to have the disease created in laboratories, as well as the religious fanatic … who was able to win over … in order to persuade Mao as an accomplice, whereby the Corona rampantly spreading disease finally came into being. Many millions of human beings were murdered by the fanaticism of the religion-obsessed man alone, just as millions of human beings who were not included in the murderous plan died as a result of the Corona rampantly spreading disease that was created willy-nilly.


A fact which the part of the unrighteous Americans do not want to be believed as truth and claim that the rampantly spreading disease must have developed in the animal world. However, that the rampantly spreading disease was brought out as a result of a laboratory accident and has spread to human beings, animals, livestock and other living creatures contagiously and worldwide, this part of the Americans does not want to admit. The longer, the more they claim that it is a rampantly spreading disease that resulted from nature.


Now it is simply to be said once again that the unrighteous of the people in America are to blame for the fact that the Russians started the war in Ukraine, which has now lasted for over a year and has cost many human lives. It is worth mentioning that the righteous of the Americans can distance themselves from this, because they are not listened to anyway when the bulk of the unrighteous masses howl away. So it is also with regard to the fact that the culprits for much that is unjust and shameful are actually to be sought in America, even if the actual authors of it all have already all died. But so what, for this is the Anthropocene of the present resp. the time of the earthlings, the so-called human beings, of whom the majority are not much good as far as humanity is concerned, as they have no idea of the whole scope of ethics and morals and, moreover, have a damaged conscience, advocate and wage wars, murder and destroy and act like idiots in the same way as the NAZIs did in the last world war. They deliver weapons to a war fanatic in the Ukraine, with which they also support the world domination mania of the Americans, consequently the descendants and their descendants of the weapon suppliers can then be enslaved and also directed by the corrupt and religious fanatic Americans.



We could discuss a lot more regarding all these happenings and incidents, but unfortunately we have to end our conversation for today because we have other things to attend to. Besides, the whole of what we have photographed is to be handed over to the committee, because it is to be processed quickly. The two of us, that is Juraata and I, will stay in the ward as substitutes and be available for you. It may be that we will visit you again privately, but in any case when we bring you back the material that we now have to hand over to the committee for processing. So I wish you all the best and tell you that my thoughts will be with all that you have said.



I want to echo the words of Jjfa: on that. We will surely meet again and have another conversation with each other that will be as interesting as it was today.



I think that will be so. Goodbye to both of you.



That's how it will be.





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