

Chapter 9


Healing of the Paralytic


1. Then he stepped into the boat, returned to the other side again and came into his town.


2. And behold, they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed. WhenJmmanuel saw their faith, he spoke to the paralytic, "Be comforted, because your faith in the power of my spirit and your confidence in my teachings of wisdom, which are the teachings of nature and of Creation, has helped you.


3. And behold, some of the scribes began stirring up talk among the people: "This man blasphemes God and our holy teachings."


4. But since Jmmanuel understood their thoughts, he spoke, "Why doyou think such evil thoughts against your better knowledge?


5. "Yet, what is easier, to say, 'Your faith has helped you,' or, 'Stand up and walk!'


6. "So that you may know that I am a person like you and yet know how to use the power of my spirit through my knowledge, I command the paralytic, 'Get up, pick up your bed and go home!"'


7. And he stood up, took up his bed, and went home.


8. When the people saw this, they became fearful and praised the new wondrous teachings of Jmmanuel, which could give such power to humans.




9. As Jmmanuel was leaving, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office and spoke to him, "follow me!" And he stood up and followed him.


10. And it came to pass as he was eating at home, behold, many tax collectors, ignorant people and seekers of the truth came and ate at the table with Jmmanuel and his disciples.


11. When the Pharisees saw this, they spoke to his disciples, "Why isyour master eating with the tax collectors and the ignorant?"


12. When Jmmanuel heard this, he spoke, "The healthy do not need a physician but the sick do; and the knowledgeable do not need the teachings but the ignorant do. Those who were not misled do not need the teachings, but those who were misled do.


13. "Go therefore, and recognize the falseness of your wrong teachings, so you do not mislead those people who thirst for the truth.




14. Then the disciples of john came to him, saying, "Master, why do we and the Pharisees fast while you and your disciples do not?"


15. Jmmanuel said to them, "How can the ignorant fast and suffer while they are being taught knowledge?


16. "And how can the teacher fast when he must teach knowledge to the ignorant?


17. "Truly, I say to you, your teachings are false if you fast according to a religious dogma; fasting serves only the health of the body and the growth of the spirit.


18. "No one mends an old garment with a new patch of cloth, because thepatch will tear again from the garment, and the rip will become worse.


19. "Neither is new wine poured into old wineskins, for the skins will tear, the wine will spill, and the wineskins will be ruined. Instead, new wine is put into new wineskins so both are preserved.


The Daughter of Jairus


20. While he was talking with them, behold, one of the community leaders came and knelt before him, saying, "My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her so she will live.


21. And Jmmanuel stood up and his disciples followed him.


The Woman with Hemophilia


22. And behold, a woman who had hemophilia for twelve years stepped up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment.


23. She spoke to herself, "if only I could touch his garment, I would be cured."


24. Then Jmmanuel turned around and saw her, and he said, "Be comforted, your faith has helped you," and the woman was well from that hour on.


25. When he came into the community leader's house and saw the pipers and the turmoil of the people, he spoke,


26. "Depart, because the maiden is not dead but is asleep." And they laughed at him.


27. But after the people were driven out, he entered and took her by the hand and spoke, "l order you to get up and walk!"


28. And the maiden stood up and walked, and soon the news of this spread through that entire land.


A Blind Man and two Mutes


29. As Jmmanuel left and continued on from there, a blind man followed him, crying, "Oh Lord, you son of wisdom and knowledge who can use the power of your spirit, take pity on me."


30. And as he arrived at his house, the blind man stepped up to him, and Jmmanuel spoke to him, "Do you have confidence that I can do this?" And he answered him, "Yes, Master."


31. Then Jmmanuel touched his eyes, saying, "Be it done to you according to your faith."


32. And his eyes were opened and he saw.


33. Then Jmmanuel warned him, saying, "See to it that no one learns what happened to you."


34. However, the man went out and spread the news of him throughout that land.


35. After the man had left, behold, they brought to him two people who were mute and possessed.


36. And after the evil demons of self-delusion were cast out, behold, the mutes could speak.


37. And the people were amazed, saying, "Such things have never beenseen in Israel; how mighty are these new teachings about the power of the spirit that they can accomplish such miracles."


38. However, the Pharisees said, "He drives out the evil spirits through their supreme chief, and he blasphemes God, our Lord."


39. But among themselves they said, "Who is this Jmmanuel, who possesses greater wisdom and greater knowledge than we?


40. "His teachings are mightier and truer than ours, and therefore he endangers us.


41. "We must try to seize him, so that he will suffer death."


The great Harvest


42. And Jmmanuel went about in all the cities and villages, taught in their synagogues and preached the mystery of Creation and of the laws of nature, so that the spirit could attain omnipotence.

而以馬內利走遍所有城鎮和村莊,在他們的會堂中教導,並宣講有關造物的奧秘與自然法則the mystery of Creation and of the laws of nature),使人類的靈性能夠達到無所不能

43. He preached about the spiritual kingdom within humans and healed every type of sickness and infirmity.


44. When he saw the people he took pity on them, for they were languishing and scattered like a flock of sheep without a shepherd.


45. Then he spoke to his disciples, "The harvest is great, but there are fewlaborers to bring it in.


46. "Seek and pray in your consciousness that more laborers will be found for the harvesting."


47. And so it came to pass that workers for the harvest were found, who gathered around Jmmanuel to become disciples.





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