Contact Report 251-10 (1995/2/3) 第251次接觸報告之十
That's ok, it was only a last attempt. Then back to Michael Hesemann. What do you think of him?
那好吧,這是最後一次嘗試。回到 Michael Hesemann 這個人,你認為他怎麼樣?
He would be a very valuable individual in disseminating the truth about our entire Mission and beyond; if only he would desist being influenced to such a great extent by lies, deceit, fraud and charlatanry, and if he were more courageous in disseminating the genuine truth instead of so much nonsense that is presented in his books and magazine.
You are expressing my opinion as well.
Truly, he could be a person to be accorded the required trust to disseminate Mission material, if only he would possess the courage to commit himself to it.
I know, but, unfortunately, this essential factor does not seem to exist. What about future contacts with extraterrestrials, may we speak about them now?
Unfortunately this remains impossible. Nonetheless, I am, or rather you are, permitted to reveal that new events will soon occur.
You mean the fact that time is fast approaching when official contacts with extraterrestrials will take place?
Of course. I have told you about them. In times to come, many things will occur and changes ensue with regard to extraterrestrial aircraft, their crews as well as terrestrial, mysterious and exotic-looking flying craft. Extraterrestrial contacts may be expected, but they will be completely different from the current contacts that these many lying, deceitful and fraudulent would-be contactees have portrayed them to be through their religious-sectarian absurdities and other things. Immensely significant new discoveries are also forthcoming that will take place on Earth, on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as you have previously stated and extensively revealed in your 23page report without mentioning the specific dates for particular events.
沒錯,我已經告訴過你。將來,很多事情都會發生,隨著外星飛船與其中訪客以及地球(自製)神秘且外觀奇特的飛行器的出現,局勢將跟著改變。外星接觸將可以預期,但他們會與目前的接觸完全不同;目前乃充斥著許多說謊、欺騙和冒充的被接觸者,他們透過宗教派系描述其謬論之類的東西。而具有重大意義的新發現也即將到來,這將會在地球、月球、火星和更遙遠處發生,正如你之前在那 23 頁報告中廣泛透露而沒有提及具體日期的那些特殊事件。
It would have been wrong to name the years or the exact days and months and so forth.
I have already stated that you acted correctly. Regarding this correctness, I would like to point out something that is not particularly pleasant: After observing what has been transpiring over the past years, I have noticed that only a small number of Core Group members have sufficient capabilities to write in a such a manner that they can produce their own foreordained texts and books through their individual volition and ability. This is particularly grave among the male group members, excluding Guido. The situation with various female group members is much more positive. With regard to current writings in the way of upcoming books and writings, I find the required labor-intense corrections and revisions absolutely frightful, and this applies also to the required sentence structure to achieve the appropriate wording.
我已說過,你的做很正確。講到正確,我想指出一些不是特別愉快的事情:經過這幾年來的觀察,我注意到只有少數「核心小組」成員有足夠的能力用(你)這樣的方式去寫作,也就是可以透過他們個人的意志和能力製作出自己預先設想的文字和書藉。這在男性成員之間尤其不足,但不包括 Guido ,而很多女性成員的情況則好的多。對於目前即將推出的書籍和作品,我發現需更正和修改之處,極其耗神費力,這也包含需要修飾的句子結構與潤飾的適當措辭。
Our people simply are not writers, and often they do not have the ability to write well.
There are at least three male group members who are convinced that their literary effusions are of unique quality. Should their works be published, however, they would require complete re-editing, proof-reading [the old German expression 'korrektiert' is used here] and revising so that they would be both stylistically correct and readable.
至少有三個男性成員的作品顯現出獨特的品質。他們的作品應該要出版,不過,還需要全面重新編輯、校對[這裡使用了古德國詞語 'korrektiert' ]和修訂,以使他們的文體正確可讀。
That's a fine mess. But tell me, from where do you know the term 'korrektieren'?
真是一塌糊塗。但告訴我,你從哪裡知道 'korrektieren' 這個字詞?
This is a very old, long-gone term in Old German that means something is, or must be, "put right" again.
I know this too, my friend, because I use this term all the time.
It is a word-merit that briefly and concisely expresses the meaning.
I am pleased that I am no longer the only one who knows and uses this term. But it seems that nowadays nobody really knows it any more - even in academic books one cannot find anything about it, as though it had never existed.
It is shown in our old German language records, however.
Well, this won't help me here. - And our "great authors" will be "elated" by your words.
好吧,這對我沒有幫助。而我們(小組)的那些 “ 偉大作家們 ” 將會因為你的話而 “ 得意洋洋 ” 。
It would be pointless not to speak about this fact, for the errors would never be recognized. On the other hand I would be lying if I praised them, and such actions are foreign to us. - The written works produced in the aforementioned manner truly cannot be published until they have been thoroughly re-edited.
And who is to do all this re-editing?
Probably you will not find the time, although you are predestined to do it. And yet, perhaps, you should not be considered for this task. I would like to suggest that Mariann does it, if she is willing; but it would take up a much of her time and would restrict her freedom. Although a few female members in the Core Group could also perform this task, they, too, have very little spare time. Therefore, we must drop this subject for now and see what can be done about it in the future.
雖然這本來是你的工作,但你可能沒有時間,所以這工作你暫且不需考慮。我提議由 Mariann 來做,如果她願意的話;但這會佔用她很多時間,並會限制她的自由。雖然「核心小組」有一些女性成員也可以執行這項任務,但她們也都沒空。因此,我們現在先擱下這話題,看看在將來怎麼處裡。
Some prospects! Tell me now how far your research and tests have progressed regarding the latest travel and transportation technology?
Everything remains hampered by failures, and it will still take more time before all the functions perform flawlessly. Some additional, unexpected problems arose again recently. Once everything is functioning without defect, we will have the capability of visiting you more often as we will not have to traverse the distances to Earth and you in such an awkward manner; instead, we will do so without losing any time at all, among other things. Likewise, we have not forgotten your promised trip to visit my daughter Semjase.
一切仍然乏善可陳,而且在所有功能達到完美之前,仍然需要很多的時間,一些意想不到的問題最近又再次出現。一旦一切都正常而沒有問題,我們就能夠經常來探訪你,因為我們不必再以這樣麻煩的方式長途跋涉來到地球;取而代之,我們將會以完全不需浪費任何時間的方式到來。同時,我們沒有忘記你要前來看望我女兒 Semjase 的承諾。
I am happy to hear this. I am eager to find out when this will finally take place.
As it looks now it may still need some time according to your concept - perhaps two or three years.
Man, oh man, I am already old and rickety now! - One more question regarding terrestrial UFOs. You told me that you are not allowed to discuss them. Nonetheless, there are many people on our planet who openly speak about them and can even present photographic and movie-footage evidence of these craft. Even insiders now speak openly of these matters and divulge secrets.
噢,天哪,我現在已經老了,而且是搖搖晃晃的!—— 然而還有一個關於地球 UFO 的問題。你告訴 我你不可以討論它們,然而,在我們的星球上已有很多人在公開談論,並展示這些飛船的照相和影片證據,甚至有些內線人士目前在公開揭露這些秘密。
That may be so, but they are not in my position. I must adhere to our directives that dictate I cannot speak about such matters. We are prohibited from interfering with any terrestrial matters other than those where we are in direct contact with you and are providing you with the information, among other things.
Of course, I should have thought of this myself. - Oh yes, what are we going to do now in future when I have questions for which I would like an answer from you?
We have already taken care of everything, so when something important arises we will be able to contact you telepathically. You will not have to try very hard to reach us, for the monitoring device that will remain over the Center is adjusted and programmed to receive your telepathic impulses, which are transmitted as a signal to me at several times the speed of light. I will then contact you. Likewise, I will get in contact with you when I have important information, instructions or other matters for you or the group. So, you need not struggle to call me; in other words, you need not try for hours if I am not available at that exact moment. A simple, elementary-type telepathic call will suffice and be registered by the monitoring device, whose signal is continually transmitted until I receive and confirm it. My telepathic contact with you, in turn, will ensue as rapidly as possible in normal spirit telepathy.
Thanks for your efforts. I will only call you when something really important turns up.
I would be much obliged. Furthermore, please refrain from asking questions that concern the interests of group members or other individuals. In the future the intent is that all of you are on your own; you must all determine, guide and handle everything by yourselves. Future questions will only be answered when they are closely or loosely related to interests in the Mission and those generated in some form by your own interests.
What about those control discs that monitor the world -- will they remain stationed around the Earth?
All of the monitoring devices have been removed now. The only remaining one is intended for the Center. It is no larger than 7 mm [approx. 2/8th of an inch] in diameter and 3.2 mm [1/8th inch] in thickness.
目前所有的監控設備都已撤除了。唯一剩下的,只有中心的這個 ,它直徑小於 0.7 公分(約 2/8 吋)而厚度小於 0.32 公分( 1/8 吋)。
And that contains the entire monitoring electronics and the signal transmitter?
Along with many other devices of which you could not even dream, as you express it. The monitoring device also contains the transmitter, receiver and a related picture transmission system that transmits everything at a multiple of the speed of light to a checkpoint near to our dimension passage at the . . . star in the Pleiades star cluster. From there it reaches us by way of a dimensional transmitter located in our own space-time configuration, hence, in our dimension. For security reasons I am unauthorized to provide any further explanations.
如你所說,連同其他許多甚至是你做夢也想不到的設備。該監控裝置還包含發射器、接收器和一個相關的圖像傳輸系統,以數倍光速發送一切到一個靠近我們維度通道的檢查站,在 … 昴星星團中的恆星。從那裡透過一個位於我們時空結構的維度發射器,由此傳到我們的維度裡給我們。基於安全,我無權提供任何進一步的說明。
You are probably referring to security regarding other space travelling intelligences?
Precisely. To provide you with more detailed information would be dangerous for us.
My friend, you are once again very laconic. - You probably feel that certain Earth visitors from other worlds beyond our solar system could obtain your information to me and then find their way into your dimension?
我的朋友,你再次說的很保留。—— 你可能覺得某些來自我們太陽系以外其他世界的地球 訪客,能夠獲得你給我的信息,然後找到進入你們維度的方式?
Yes, that is what I am telling you. We know of at least one such group of intelligences who are capable of entering other dimensions to the extent that they would be capable of penetrating into our dimension, which would be rather unpleasant.
I did not know that. Do these intelligences come to Earth, too?
Yes, they do.
Then one can understand your concerns even more. - Are you speaking of those who . . . .
那麼更可以理解你的憂慮了。—— 你是說那些…
They only visit Earth sporadically.
In the Spirit Lessons I have begun an extensive project about dream interpretation. I already explained that dream symbols throughout the Universe possess the identical value, respectively interpretation, for all human life forms, assuming of course, that the humans on other worlds receive the same symbols as us here on Earth. This is not always the case, naturally, because many other prerequisites exists on other, extraterrestrial worlds, such as in the animal kingdom, technology, landscapes, etc., etc., which have an influence on the type of symbols.
If we assume, then, that on other worlds ravens exist, too, or snakes and so forth, they would possess the same symbolic value as here on Earth. Stars, fire, water, air, volcanos and thousands of other things exist throughout the entire Universe. As dream symbols, they have the same values and interpretations as those on Earth. Symbols on Earth that are non-existent here due to different types of fauna, environment, technology, music, landscapes, flora, etc., but exist on other worlds, would have the identical values on Earth or elsewhere as long as the appropriate prerequisites are given here as well. Does this apply to other Universes also? I think that it cannot be any other way.
Your assumptions are absolutely correct.
Then I have another question regarding . . . .
那麼我有另一個問題關於 ……
. . . . One never knows. So many unexpected things seem to happen all the time, and they could change everything.
…… 沒有人知道,很多意想不到的事情似乎總是會發生,而且它們可能改變一切。
This is correct, of course, and we cannot say what the future will hold in this regard. But just like you, we also hope that everything will happen as predestined.
That's easy to say, but we are really hoping for it, too. By the way - Heidi and Bob in San Diego as well as the many group members who gather around them are always very active, diligent and successful. A true joy.
說起來容易,但是我們也真的很盼望,順便說一句, Heidi 和 Bob 在聖地牙哥和許多聚在他們周圍的小組成員總是很主動、勤奮和成功,真是高興。
I am well aware of the situation. Please extend to them my special greetings and high esteem, for they are truly very diligent and successful in their efforts for the Mission. They are a rare exception in America with regard to their honesty, along with their true efforts and esteem for the Mission, for you and for us. When I think of the evil schemes, fraudulent activities and exploitations perpetrated by Americans against you, I permit myself to say that the individuals in this small group around Adelheid, respectively Heidi and Bob, as well as these two themselves, belong to a very select group of people for whom you would have to search for a long, long time to find. How did you phrase it once in a parable: "Some very few, healthy, germinating seeds in a gigantic desert." A phrase I have since never forgotten.
我很清楚情況。請代我向他們致上特別的問候和至高的敬意,因為他們真的非常勤奮,並且在他們對「使命」的努力中取得成功。關於他們的誠實,以及他們真正的努力和對「使命」、對你和對我們的尊敬,他們是美國一個罕見的例外。當我想到美國人對你所犯下的邪惡計劃、欺詐活動和剝削時,我容許我自己這樣說,這小組中圍繞 Adelheid 、 Heidi 和 Bob 的人,以及他們自己兩個,屬於一個精選的小組,是那些你不得不花很長很長時間去找的人。你曾以一個比喻表達:「一個巨大的沙漠中,一些非常少而健康且發芽的種子。 」—— 一句 我從來沒有忘記的話。
I did say this once. That is correct. It was a very long time ago. But it actually applies to Heidi and Bob and the small group gathered around them. The Toronto Group, FIGU Japan and the few people in Sweden are also doing quite well, even though in Canada and Japan a few small snags still remain. But there is truly no comparison with Heidi's and Bob's group.
我是曾經說過,是的,這是很久以前了。但它真的適用於 Heidi 和 Bob 還有那些聚在他們周圍的小組成員。多倫多小組、日本 FIGU 和幾個在瑞典的人也做得相當不錯,雖然在加拿大和日本的一些小障礙仍然存在。不過與 Heidi 和 Bob 的小組真的沒的比。
One must truly show them due respect.
You've said it, my friend. I wanted to ask you still about the future meditations: If you are not here any longer, does this mean you are not participating any longer either?
No, everything remains the same way as it has been until now. There will be no changes in this regard. Everything will continue the way it always did.
That's good, so we are not truly alone. May I ask you still something regarding the epidemics that threaten us here on Earth?
Present your question.
You did mention that new epidemics will also manifest themselves and spread throughout the world. When will that begin?
The tribulation began originally with the initial epidemics when, as usual, everything was kept covered up.
How could it be any different. Our glorious scientists also claim that certain diseases cannot cross over the species barriers such as epidemics, for example, of scrapie, also called cattle madness or BSE, and AIDS. In both cases this has already transpired, in fact a long time ago. Yet, the narrow-minded, megalomanic, moronic scientists still claim that this is impossible.
怎可能有什麼不同,我們輝煌的科學家也聲稱某些疾病不能跨越物種障礙,比如流行病,舉例,瘙癢病,也稱為狂牛症或 BSE 以及愛滋病,事實上在很久以前,這兩種情況已經發生。然而,心胸狹隘、妄自尊大、低能的科學家仍然聲稱這是不可能的。
What you say here is absolutely correct: Pathogens of animals as well as humans are very much capable of crossing over the species barrier, mutating, and causing the infection of other species with the same disease. Pathogens have the ability to spread from one type of animal to other animal species and on to humans while, likewise, pathogens of human diseases have the ability to spread to animals. Due to the change from one species to another, the state of the disease also changes. The pathogens mutate and adapt to the other life forms. These are facts that are denied by the reprehensible, criminal and irresponsible individuals in charge. On one hand they are truly megalomanic and narrow-minded, as you said, and on the other hand, they remain so restricted in their knowledge that they fail to see the genuine correlations, or are unable to even fathom them. - Now, my friend Eduard, we should turn to other things, for we still have much to discuss.
Of course - I have no further questions.
Michael Hesemann's reply to Ptaah's comment (that Hesemann thinks he is of an ET origin) can be read here:
Michael Hesemann
(第 251 次接觸報告 全文完)