Contact Report 241/第241次接觸報告
英譯時間:2019.10.17. DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin, Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
中譯時間:2021.12.30. DeepL Translator, James Hsu
本次接觸是在 Billy 的 55 歲生日當天,他和 Ptaah 談到許多話題,所以篇幅頗長,這裡將其中的一些重要內容摘要如下:
二、一段時間以來,犯罪組織故意將愛滋病病毒感染給不舒服的密友、叛徒、不願意或無法容忍的人,以便在不承認謀殺的情況下以這種方式擺脫他們。這是犯罪分子或犯罪組織在地球上進行的最新形式的完美謀殺。這些形式的謀殺也有迅速蔓延的趨勢,根據 Plejaren 的調查,這些謀殺行為已經在全世界 47 個國家中進行。
三、維他命 C 對人類及其生命和健康具有重要的功能,而這種功能必須以相對大量的方式提供給人體,可惜今天在地球上只有透過特殊的維他命 C 補充劑才能達到這項要求,因為長期以來,食物中這種維他命的份量並不充分,即使是水果和蔬菜之類的東西也不是不夠。
五、吸煙不僅會破壞維他命 C,使免疫系統減弱,傷口或身體內部器官的炎症也是由吸煙促成的,而肺炎是吸煙最常見的後果之一。此外,被動吸煙(也就是吸二手煙),如果煙霧的濃度過高,往往會產生比主動吸煙更糟糕的後果。
八、在過去的一萬年裡,地球上只有短短 250 年的和平時期,這在我們的宇宙和 DAL 宇宙中,沒有其他世界和其他地方的人類能夠接近地球人類的瘋狂表現。
十、販賣人口和蓄奴,這兩種官方禁止的行為,卻都像以往一樣在蓬勃發展,尤其是在賣淫圈子裡,販賣女孩的行為非常猖獗。然而不幸的是,個人或單身家庭還養著勞動奴隸或性奴隸,這種情況比一般設想的或被稱為保護和安全機構知道的要更為嚴重。根據 Prejaren 的調查,地球上大約有 1.79 億人仍然生活在這樣的奴隸制和束縛之中。
This is the entire contact report. Parts 1 and 3 are authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translations and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
這是一篇完整的接觸報告。第一與第三部分是一個經授權但非官方的 DeepL 初步英文翻譯,很可能包含錯誤。請注意,所有錯誤和失誤等將持續修正,這將取決於有關人員的可用時間(依照與比利/FIGU 的合約所訂)。因此,不要複製粘貼和發佈此版本在其他地方,因為任何改進和修正將會在這個版本中發生!
Part 1/第一部分(英譯者:DeepL Translator)
1. Certain circumstances prevented me from coming here earlier.
What matters is that you came here at all, and that fact makes me happy.
2. The joy is also worth mentioning for my part.
3. And surely you will also be happy about the many greetings I should order from my two daughters Semjase and Pleija.
4. Also Asket and Nera send you their greetings as well as Quetzal, Taljda and Menara and all others.
5. Also the spiritual leadership of Erra sends you love and good wishes and greetings.
Erra星上的「靈性領導層」(spiritual leadership)也向你表達愛和滿滿的祝福和問候。
6. Many people greet you, although you only know them by sight or they only know you by sight or hearsay.
7. They all have the same wish that I should express to you their connection with them, Eduard.
Thank you – I am very pleased, and all the dear wishes and greetings touch me deeply. It is strange how deeply these wishes and greetings touch me, really very strange …
謝謝你 —— 我真的非常高興,所有愛的祝福和問候都讓我深深感動。很奇怪,這些祝福和問候對我內心的觸動會如此之深,真的非常特別...
8. Everyone will be very pleased to hear this.
Please, dear friend, pay all my dearest greetings and wishes.
9. Of course I will do that.
Thanks, but now I have to ask you questions again.
10. I will be happy to answer your questions, but first I would like to ask you something, if this is not outrageous of me?
But Ptaah, neither a request nor a question from you can be impertinent.
11. I would crave a sip of peach wine if I could ask for it?
But certainly, that's not a question. Wait – here, a glass for you and one for me – now I'll get the wine, which I put outside in the cool, because I myself drink a glass every now and then, if I feel like it – – – Well, here I am again. If you allow me, I'll pour it right away. You know, I thought to myself that you would certainly like to have some bottles of this wine, that's why I also provided a box of six that you can take with you. – How did the wine taste with Quetzal, by the way? But now cheers …
那當然,這根本不是個問題。等等 —— 來,杯子給你,這個給我 —— 現在我去拿酒,我把它放在外面的陰涼處,如果我想喝的話,我自己也會偶爾喝上一杯 —— 好,我來了。如果你願意,我馬上就倒。你知道,我想,你肯定還會想喝幾瓶這種酒,所以我還另外提供了一箱六瓶,你可以帶走。—— 順便問一下,Quetzal也喜歡這種酒嗎?來,現在來一口吧,敬你...
12. For the good… hm, just refreshing. –
祝一切都好... 嗯,這酒就是提神爽口。
13. Well, when Quetzal heard from me that I had tested the wine together with you, found it to be very good and received another bottle from you as a gift, he could no longer be deterred from tasting the bottle he had brought with him together with me.
A huge tasting, a whole bottle like that, I would like to say. And did he find the wine as good as the two of us?
14. Certainly.
15. He found it as refreshing as we did.
Then everything is in butter, and the old word comes true again: "De gustibus non est disputandum". (= There's no arguing about taste.)
這一切又應驗了那句老話:“De gustibus non est disputandum”。(= 關於品味,不該有任何爭議)。
[中譯者註:“De gustibus non est disputandum”是句拉丁語的格言,意思是“在品味問題上,不能有任何爭議”(字面直譯是“關於品味,不應該有爭議”),其含義是每個人的個人喜好都只是主觀意見,沒有對錯之分,所以不應該把它們當作是主觀意見來爭論。]
16. At least in this case it's true, even if I don't always have the same opinion about it.
You may be right about that, especially when I think about how many people on Earth suffer from loss of taste because their taste senses are completely or at least to a large extent destroyed. That's where you can really argue about taste.
17. That's right.
18. Just take French cuisine as an example, whose composition is often absolutely inedible.
I know that when I think of 'rice casimir', which is 'seasoned' with pineapple, or other dishes where meat dishes are mixed with berries and fruits or 'seasoned', then I feel sick.
我知道,當我想到用鳳梨“調味”的「卡西米爾飯」(rice casimir),或其他肉類菜肴與漿果和水果混合或“調味”的菜肴時,就會讓我反胃。
19. The nausea also rises in me when I think about it.
20. So let's keep quiet and don't talk about these impossible things any more.
As you like, although this would have been just the opportunity to talk about the culinary cruelties of the 'gourmets'. But let's not do that, and so I can put my first question straight away: Concerning your statements about the planet racing behind the sun at high speed. I …
21. Your question refers to the planet that is not visible from Earth because it travels around the Sun at such high speed that it always remains hidden behind the Sun?
22. What do you want to know about it?
There is a lack of clarity about the enormous speed. It's usually the case that the further a planet is from the sun, the slower it orbits around the sun. Why isn't that the case with this planet? Why is it much faster than usual, and what is its name?
23. This planet, in terms of its enormous speed, is indeed a phenomenon whose secret we were able to fathom only a little over 76 years ago.
24. Once again we had to realize that the wandering planet 'Destroyer' had also brought its dangerous forces into play on this planet.
25. The planet KATHEIN, as it is called in our records, hidden behind the sun, was touched by the SOL system at the tenth last passage of the destroyer through the SOL system and torn into its gravitational force field, but then broke out of the force field again and maintained its almost normal orbit around the sun, but at an enormously increased speed, while the destroyer continued his pre-drawn orbit and broke into the solar system, causing destruction or changes in many places.
26. Since then, the planet Kathein itself has been orbiting the Sun in the form and at abnormally high speed mentioned above, but slowly moving away from the Solar System and entering the attraction area of a wandering spiral arm of a black hole that will sweep the planet with it later this year.
從那時起,Kathein行星本身就以上述的形式和異常高的速度繞著太陽運行,但慢慢地遠離了太陽系,並進入了一個「黑洞」(black hole)的遊蕩螺旋臂(wandering spiral arm)的引力範圍,這條螺旋臂將在今年晚些時候席捲這顆行星。
27. It is the same spiral arm that also took the sand and dust accumulations of the planet Venus.
When will the rip-off happen?
28. According to our calculations, this event will take place on 16 June.
Is Kathein one of those two planets that we haven't discovered yet and that we call UNI and Transpluto?
[中譯者註:Transpluto在《維基百科》中有德文資料,在英文與中文資料中被稱為「假設的海王星外行星」(Planets beyond Neptune);也就是所謂的「X行星」或「O行星」,並且曾經幾乎被確認為可能是第十行星或第十顆行星。]
29. No, the planet Kathein has nothing to do with it.
30. It is also without any life of any form.
And the spiral arm of the black hole, will it be even more effective in our solar system?
31. No, because if there are not unpredictable changes, then the spiral arm collapses with the torn path of the planet Kathein and again becomes one with the hollow funnel of the black hole or even the black hole, as the Earth humans call these structures.
32. Each black hole is usually a funnel-shaped structure of rotating form, which has wandering spiral arms, which often extend very far into free space and even have distances in light years calculated.
33. In rare cases we ourselves have measured such matter crackers, as we call these spiral arms of the black holes, in lengths of up to 8.7 light years.
[中譯者註:根據《維基百科》中的資料,「黑洞」(black hole)是時空展現出極端強大的引力,以致於所有粒子、甚至光這樣的電磁輻射都不能逃逸的區域。廣義相對論預測,足夠緊密的質量可以扭曲時空,形成黑洞;不可能從該區域逃離的邊界稱為「事件視界」(event horizon)。雖然,事件視界對穿越它的物體的命運和情況有巨大影響,但對該地區的觀測似乎未能探測到任何特徵。在許多方面,黑洞就像一個理想的黑體,它不反光。
And the black hole, to which the spiral arm belongs, cannot be dangerous to Earth, or even to the SOL system?
34. Not the black hole itself, no, because it is too far away from this system.
35. Spiral arms could be dangerous, however, if they spread again and approach the SOL system, which is not very likely.
Very reassuring to know. It wouldn't be fun for me to find myself part of a black hole. – But now a further question: This time it refers again to Boris Yeltsin: Have you in the meantime gained some new knowledge regarding himself and his machinations as well as regarding the stability of the CIS, as the Federation likes to call itself?
知道這一點很讓人放心。如果我發現自己是黑洞的一部分,那就不好玩了。但現在還有一個問題:這一次又提到了鮑利斯.葉爾辛(Boris Yeltsin)。在這段時間裡,你是否對他本人和他的陰謀,以及對聯邦喜歡自稱的「獨立國家聯合體」(簡稱獨立國協;CIS)的穩定,有什麼新的認識嗎?
36. I can still remember your earlier assumptions that you made on 18 May last year.
37. You were right.
38. Yeltsin is now in the process of harvesting those fruits everywhere where Mikhail Gorbachev has cultivated and cultivated them in laborious work and sacrifice of his powers, after he first had to plant, care for and raise the corresponding seedlings laboriously and under many dangers for himself.
葉爾辛現在正在到處收穫那些米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)辛辛苦苦、犧牲自己的權力而培育出來的果實,此前他首先要為自己辛辛苦苦、冒著許多危險栽種、照料和培育出那些幼苗。
39. As you predicted, the Russian people will slowly come to terms with reality and recognize Yeltsin's incompetence and the play of lies and intrigues.
40. But I will tell you a little later about these things and about our foresighted insights.
[中譯者註:1991年12月25日,蘇聯總統戈巴契夫宣布辭職,將病入膏肓的俄羅斯政權移交給俄羅斯總統,鮑利斯.葉爾辛(Boris Yeltsin)取代戈巴契夫大部分的權力,正式成為俄羅斯聯邦的第一任總統,任期為1991年至1999年。
Can't you tell me about it tonight?
41. You misunderstand me, dear friend.
42. Later I thought about tonight, only some time later.
Oh so, excuse me, I really misunderstood you. You know, sometimes I don't quite get along with your time terms. In a short time it can mean that you mean a few days or several months. So later can mean in a few days or weeks or at a little later hour, as you say now.
43. I understand.
Of course, because once you speak according to your concepts of time feeling, and another time you go according to the concept of time feeling that prevails here with us.
44. Your objection is correct.
45. This error is also known to us, but we repeatedly fall for it as a result of the fact that we have to concern ourselves only in a lesser way with Earthly form of the concept of time.
Of course, you are mostly elsewhere, where you live according to your concepts of time. That's understandable and I don't want to blame you. It's not that important either. It would be more important to know whether something is finally being done to eliminate Saddam Husain, because he poses an inexorably growing threat to world peace and the ecological security of Earth. I have made some calculations in this regard and they have resulted in some rather malicious things.
當然,你們大多在其他地方,你們在那裡按照你們的時間概念生活。這是可以理解的,我不怪你。這也不是那麼重要。更重要的是知道是否最終採取了一些措施來消除薩達姆.侯賽因(Saddam Husain),因為他對世界和平和地球的生態安全構成了不可避免的威脅。我在這方面做了一些推算,其結果是一些相當惡毒的事情。
46. It is worked on Earth in the direction that Saddam Husain is to be eliminated, whereby particularly the Americans want to become active in this connection.
47. However, there are no firm plans in this respect – unfortunately, because the danger Saddam Husain grows daily.
然而,在這方面還沒有確定的計畫 —— 不幸的是,薩達姆.侯賽因的危險每天都在增加。
That's what my calculations show. The killer is already so far again that he can strike at a neighbouring country. It is incomprehensible to me that the secret services of the relevant states have not yet learned of this and that the relevant armies have not yet struck again to do the full work necessary this time. This may sound quite warmongering, but it is by no means so. It is a very urgent necessity to prevent very bad things and to save human lives and the world.
48. This is true, even though many people disagree with false and effeminate humanity and unrealistic views.
49. Earth people live on an earth that is inhabited and ruled by still very barbaric human life forms, that murder and kill each other for the sake of profit and greed for power and for the sake of fulfilling their emotions, and this applies not only to Saddam Husain, but also to the Americans, Israelis, Palestinians and others.
50. If in the process falsely informed, falsely humanized, effeminate, religiously misguided and degenerate world do-gooders cry out for peace, love, justice and humanity in the form that violent criminals and mass murderers etc. are simply to be left to their criminal actions and left unchallenged, then this corresponds to a criminal irresponsibility without equal, which is no less violent than that of those who are violent criminals and mass murderers.
[中譯者註:薩達姆.侯賽因(Saddam Husain)是伊拉克前政治人物、獨裁者,從1979年至2003年任伊拉克總統、伊拉克總理、阿拉伯復興社會黨總書記、伊拉克革命指揮委員會主席與最高軍事將領等職。2003年伊拉克戰爭中,薩達姆的復興黨政權被美國推翻,其本人也在逃亡半年後被美軍擄獲。經伊拉克法庭審判,於2006年11月5日被判處絞刑,並於12月30日執行。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
I know, we've talked about this before. Nevertheless, it will be the case that all these false humanists and false do-gooders, religiously and falsely humanely misguided and falsely informed, etc., will be the same. The tedious and the murderous will cry out against our words when they become acquainted with them. This is because they understand neither the creative-natural guidelines nor the actual laws and commandments of life and thus also not the laws of self-defence. This is in contrast to those who simply cry out for murder and manslaughter and for the death penalty and who glorify violence and war. These also do not know the creative-natural laws and thus not the law of the logically necessary violence in the case of self-defence. But there is no point in continuing to talk about this, for it is impossible to teach reason to lunatics. Let us therefore turn our attention to things that may be of use: My question refers once again to the AIDS epidemic. You said last year that this epidemic would continue to rise sharply. Do you have any new calculations, forecasts or simply clarifications about the reality of the situation?
我知道,我們之前已經談過這個問題了。儘管如此,所有這些虛偽的人道主義者和虛假的行善者,在宗教方面和虛偽人道主義方面誤導並放出假訊息等等,都是同樣的情況。那些窮極無聊的人與那些窮凶惡極的人在聽過我們的話之後,都會對我們大聲咆哮。這是因為他們既不能瞭解「造物自然法則」(creative-natural guidelines),也不知道真正的「生命法則與戒律」(actual laws and commandments of life),因此也不理解自衛的規則(laws of self-defence)。這與那些僅僅為謀殺和過失殺人以及為死刑而呐喊的人形成了鮮明的對比,他們美化了暴力和戰爭。這些人不明瞭「造物自然法則」,因此也不知道在在自衛的情況下邏輯上必要的暴力規則。但繼續談論這個問題是沒有意義的,因為瘋子不可能接受理性的教化。因此,讓我們把注意力轉移到可能有用的事情上。我的問題再次提到了愛滋病(AIDS)的疫情。你去年說,這種流行病將繼續急劇上升。你是否有任何新的計算、預測或僅僅是對現實情況的說明?
51. In this respect I can give you some information, namely those of the state of reality.
52. Since our conversation on 18 May last year, the situation has worsened drastically, because now 91.3% of heterosexuals are already carrying and spreading the AIDS epidemic.
53. The infection has also taken a rapid form, but this is logically explained by the fact that, of course, the more sick people who carry the disease through their irresponsibility, the more infections occur.
54. The forms of irresponsibility are also based on emotional degenerations such as hatred and revenge, indifference and wantonness, etc.
55. Many people deliberately spread the disease out of hatred that they themselves were infected, which is why they want to contaminate as many people as possible with the disease, because they do not allow the healthy to be healthy and to live, because as carriers of the disease they themselves are doomed to death.
56. If they themselves cannot live on, then others should not be allowed to.
57. This is the motto of these mad AIDS patients.
58. The infections, which occur out of revenge, show similar or even the same tendencies.
59. In addition to all these mentioned infection incidents, there are also criminal infections, which are becoming more and more prevalent.
60. For example, for some time now, criminal organizations have been deliberately infecting uncomfortable confidants, ricochets, unwilling or otherwise unacceptable persons with the AIDS virus in order to eradicate them from the world in this way without the murder being recognized.
61. The rule here is that the persons to be infected themselves are unconsciously infected with this disease and that only in very few cases does a conscious infection take place.
62. This is the latest form of perfect murder on Earth by criminal elements or criminal organizations.
63. A fact that is unfortunately still unknown in official form, and a crime that is becoming more and more widespread.
64. Our research has already revealed several cases in which spouses brought their spouses, who had become tired of them, together with AIDS-infected persons in a criminal manner and persuaded them to enter into sexual relations with their spouses, but without the spouses being informed from the other side that the acquaintances were carriers of the AIDS epidemic.
65. Thus the spouses who had become annoyed were contaminated and committed death, while the criminal spouses could celebrate their perfectly successful murder.
66. A kind of murderous killing of a troublesome spouse, which will be very difficult to prove as murder, as well as the actions of criminals and criminal organizations.
67. Unfortunately, there is also a tendency for these forms of murder to spread rapidly and to be imitated throughout the world, for according to our findings, these murder practices are already being practised in 47 countries around the world.
68. Your homeland, Switzerland, is unfortunately also one of them, for there too such murders have already taken place in large numbers.
69. However, these murders are not or only extremely difficult to prove, which is why the murderers go unpunished, quite apart from the fact that this type of murder is still unknown to the fight against crime.
70. Furthermore, with regard to the AIDS epidemic, it must be said that in 24 to 30 months from today it will be expected to be the main cause of death in certain circles of certain earthlings, at least for the age groups between the sixteenth and the fifty-fifth year of life.
71. Unfortunately, this will not be enough, because the AIDS epidemic also brings with it other factors of evil, such as tuberculosis, a disease that is once again spreading and is infectious.
72. This previously very dreaded disease, which the terrestrial man had got well under control, is once again on the rise and is also on the rise very quickly, simply because of the AIDS epidemic, which promotes this disease and against which the conventional and new drugs are becoming increasingly ineffective.
Your words anticipate a gloomy future on Earth. You can't do much or nothing about it, can you?
73. Unfortunately not yet in medical form; unfortunately also not as a result of the unreasonableness of the know-it-alls, the false humanists, the religiously lost and the do-gooders of the world, who also reject the best safety and prevention measures, because in their sick thinking they quite simply describe reasonable protective and prevention measures as inhuman and for these erroneous views still find enough followers who support them.
Unfortunately, your words are only too truthful. In my opinion, self-defence measures, which would have to be carried out without pardon, would also be appropriate to combat the AIDS epidemic, as well as the drug epidemic. But the effeminate and the false humanists and the religiously lost and the religiously mad, etc., on the other hand, cry out for censorship and murder and thus breed the drug epidemic and the AIDS epidemic even further with giant steps.
74. You say what we have known for a long time and what corresponds to the actual truth.
75. The earth people do not know the responsibility of fulfilling the creative and natural laws and commandments, thus also not the duty of fulfilling the creative-law-directed evolution.
76. False humanity and religious delusion are in degeneration the main motives of the false world of thoughts and feelings of the terrestrial human beings, and in it they are absorbed in softness and erroneous views about the value of life.
Exactly – your words actually say everything. But this truth does not only refer to the AIDS and drug epidemics, but also to many other things, such as the fact that man gradually destroys himself if he simply listens to the erroneous teachings and claims of certain scientists. A few days ago I read a small article in the newspaper in which a maniac with a doctorate claims that humans have a daily vitamin C requirement of only 75 milligrams and that this quantity is fully sufficient to cover the entire body's requirements. For my part, however, I know that the human body needs an average of 750 milligrams per day, which can increase depending on the condition of the body.
正是如此 —— 你的話實際上說明了一切。但這一真理不僅指愛滋病和毒品的流行,還包括許多其他的事情,例如,如果人類只是聽信某些科學家的錯誤學說和主張,就會逐漸毀滅自己。幾天前,我在報紙上讀到一篇小文章,其中一個擁有博士學位的狂人聲稱,人類每天對維他命C的需求量只有75毫克,這個數量完全可以滿足整個身體的需求。但就我而言,我從你那裡知道,人體平均每天需要750毫克,而且根據個別身體的狀況,需要量可能會增加。
77. We have talked about this many times, but we have never given very precise information about it.
78. But this is what I would like to do:
79. In terms of the human body's vitamin C requirement, as it is given on Earth, the average value moves at 750 milligrams with a body weight of 60 kilograms and light activity.
80. This corresponds to 12.5 milligrams of vitamin C per kilogram of body weight.
81. During heavy activity, the body's vitamin requirement increases to 14 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
And how does the measure then behave with medium activity?
82. A medium-heavy activity is the same as a heavy activity.
A person weighing 70 kilograms would have to consume 980 milligrams of vitamin C per day.
83. This is correct, but it is only a guide, because the rule states that a 150 milligram increase is useful, so 150 milligrams should be added to each calculated result.
For a person with a body weight of 70 kilograms, the required quantity would then be calculated at 1130 milligrams per day.
84. That is correct.
So the measure of 750 milligrams is on average only valid for a body weight of 60 kilograms and for light work. Correctly, the vitamin C requirement must be calculated according to kilogram body weight and after heavy work. Most people fall into this category. Very few people actually perform light activities.
85. Also this corresponds to the correctness.
Vitamin C deficiency does not only affect the immune system, but also many other negative things appear, such as hereditary damage, eye damage, etc. Could you perhaps say something concrete about this?
86. I can't get too detailed, because on the one hand this would take too much time, and on the other hand I shouldn't reveal too much knowledge.
A few details are enough for me.
87. Then listen:
88. Vitamin C deficiency symptoms are not as harmless as people on Earth assume.
89. Likewise it is not harmless, what the responsible scientists of Earth propagate concerning wrong quantities of vitamin C needed for the human being of Earth, because by their wrong data and wrong research results damages are caused in the human body and diseases etc. are forced, which could be nipped in the bud and destroyed.
90. Men as well as women endanger their offspring already with conception acts, if the man or the woman or both together suffer from vitamin C deficiency.
91. Offspring whose parents suffer from vitamin C deficiency at the time of conception are at risk because their immune system becomes unstable and susceptible to allergies, ailments and many diseases.
92. Even birth defects of innumerable forms and all sorts of other evils appear, including various cancers that could never occur if the progenitors did not suffer from vitamin C deficiency.
93. First and foremost, DNA damage occurs, which then has lifelong negative effects.
DNA is the basic molecule through which genes are passed on.
94. That is so, yes. -
95. Vitamin C deficiency is an evil that can also lead to severe menstrual cramps in the female sex, but also to severe eye ailments.
96. The poor healing of wounds is often a sign of vitamin C deficiency as well as the poor healing of diseases.
97. However, it must not be assumed from my remarks that vitamin C alone is decisive for human health and life, because that is not the case.
98. Truthfully, many other vitamins are also of great importance, as are minerals.
99. But no other vitamin and no mineral has such an important function for man and his life and for his health as vitamin C, which has to be supplied to the body in relatively large quantities, which is unfortunately only possible today on Earth through special vitamin C preparations, because food has not had sufficient quantities of this vitamin for a long time.
100. This is no longer even true for fruits and vegetables and the like.
Yes, that's probably true, because even scientists are talking about it.
101. But it is still criminal how scientists continue to trivialize things, even though the situation regarding vitamin C deficiency is extremely serious for many people.
102. This is true not only in this respect, but also in the AIDS epidemic, where so much is irresponsibly trivialized, allowing the epidemic to continue to spread unchecked, as demonstrated by the unchecked increase since our conversation on May 18, 1991.
103. Since then, 1 million and 327 000 new AIDS cases have been reported worldwide, which are expected to rise to over two million by the middle of this year, close to the two and a half million mark.
104. Worldwide to this day there are 16 million 897 416 people infected by the AIDS epidemic.
105. Unfortunately, the leading health organizations of terrestrial people assume that the numbers are much lower, which worsens the situation in itself and control.
106. The truth is that there are around five million more AIDS-infected people on Earth than is assumed, while the number of new cases of infection is also much higher than assumed.
These are things that are unfortunately commonplace on Earth.
But let's ask a question: All around the world, people are calling and propaganda is being made that condoms should be used for sexual acts, because only these would protect against infection. What is to be thought of it?
107. These efforts of official and church as well as AIDS aid organizations are well known to us.
108. However, it is very misleading, because on the one hand it is not taken into account that an infection can also occur through kisses with blood saliva transmission, and on the other hand condoms may offer only a very small percentage of protection, because the mucus fluids and the sperm spread everywhere in microscopically small form and condoms are smeared with them inside and outside, even if they are handled so carefully.
109. However, if blood mucus fluids or sperm come into contact with AIDS viruses, they automatically form infectious factors, making condoms unsuitable.
110. In this case, condoms only form a sham protection.
Then the use and propagation of condoms is in certain cases no more and no less than an alibi exercise.
111. So one can also express it.
112. The really only and one hundred per cent security against an AIDS infection offers alone the fact of a complete abstinence everywhere, where not a hundred per cent security of a disease freedom exists, by which I mean, if not a hundred per cent security exists, that the disease is not given.
113. But this means that terrestrial human beings must reconsider their ethics and begin to live according to a clean morality, more intensely and strictly than ever before, if we can even say that this was once the case seriously and interventionally.
You are thinking of the ancient Hebrew peoples, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and also of the European syphilis age, when those afflicted with syphilis wore wigs to hide the disease because their hair fell out.
你想到了古希伯來人(ancient Hebrew peoples),想到了「索多瑪和蛾摩拉」(Sodom and Gomorrah),也想到了歐洲的梅毒(syphilis)時代,當時那些被梅毒折磨的人戴著假髮來掩蓋疾病,因為他們的頭髮不斷脫落。
所多瑪與蛾摩拉的毀滅,John Martin於1852年所繪
114. I thought of that.
115. AIDS, however, is much more insidious than syphilis, which in the end was also contained by terrestrial man, but unfortunately not by the acquisition of a clean morality, but by pharmaceuticals.
116. Of course, it is fair to say that the application of a somewhat stricter morality also played a minor role in the containment of the disease, but this does not carry much weight.
From your words I hear that you also mean that to fight the AIDS epidemic a very authoritative standard of strict, clean ethics would be necessary.
117. Despite my knowledge of your subtlety, you never cease to amaze me.
118. With my words I really wanted to express exactly what you just said.
119. I was just about to interpret the meaning of my statement.
120. In fact, in order to combat the AIDS epidemic in terrestrial man, moral morality must first and foremost be addressed and made to function.
121. Earth humans must once again reflect upon morality and truly begin to live ethically according to it.
122. This is really the first and most important point of disease control and the control of the epidemic, which must ultimately be carried out by means of suitable pharmaceuticals.
123. First and foremost, adulterous sexual acts must be combated, curbed and eliminated, then the unnatural, male and homophile sources of danger and the dangers of drug addiction and prostitution.
But there again the effeminate, the do-gooders of the world, the sect frights and the false humanists etc. speak up, who call a rigorous crackdown to contain and exterminate the evils mentioned by you inhuman and loveless. Quite a few of them are themselves homophile, addicted to drugs or adulterous sexists or prostitutes. It is not uncommon for such creatures to cry out against rigorous measures because they themselves are profiteers of adulterous sex, of homophile-sexual acts, of prostitutes and of drugs and drug addicts.
124. You say that which sadly corresponds to the naked truth.
Part 2/第二部分(英譯者:Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg)
125. On the Earth however there are unfortunately many kinds of things which are very regrettable and of negative value.
126. This is also the case with the most varied languages, which are often so poor in their possibilities for terms and word combinations, that they fall into the realm of inadequacy for a good understanding.
127. Also the English language belongs to this because, even though it is valued as the most important worldwide language, it is one of the poorest and most inadequate.
128. You have given to us the English and the German version of the text "Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation", whereby you have encoded the German language version.
你給了我們《酷刑、死刑和人口過剩》(Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation)書本的英文和德文版本,據此你對德文版本進行了編譯。
129. With help of the High Council our authoritative linguists have now received a very lengthy instruction in the coding of your writings for all of the languages common to Earth.
在「高級理事會」(High Council)的幫助下,我們的權威語言學家現在已經收到了一份非常冗長的指令,對你的著作進行編譯,適用於地球上所有的通用語言。
130. Regarding this a computer, especially programmed for this purpose, was drawn on for help, in order to code your writings into the most varied Earthly languages, as you have done and will further do with your work in the German language.
131. The disappointment of our scientists was unspeakably great, as they had to determine that it is impossible to code your writings also in Earthly languages other than German.
132. Several computers finally simply refused the service, while various highly specialised linguists, in complete exhaustion, had to give up the attempts of a coding of the writings in languages other than German.
133. A really equal and correct result was provided only by our languages, back to the languages of their origin.
134. Altogether, almost 18,000 linguists occupied themselves with the problem, however entirely without success.
135. Astonishingly the English language is such that the normal terms for the language common to the land for England and America are so primitive and falseness-expressing, and the essential values are of such false meaning, that a coding can in no way succeed.
136. The single possibility of a half worthy coding, which strikes the mark in some measure, came only from the creation of new words and terms or out of various words put together, or from German words and terms simply transformed into English.
137. But English speaking people are, through this poor language, not capable of understanding such innovations of words or terms or word transformations out of another language, as they are also not capable of grasping and understanding the simple joining together of words, and therefore word combinations.
138. This is only possible in the required form with the German or Swiss German language, and therefore this can also only be understood by people who have a command of both these languages or one of the two.
We have known that already for a long time, my friend, yet in spite of this we are continually annoyed by this, if we must translate our writings into English. …
… …
Part 3/第三部分(英譯者:DeepL Translator)
155. I don't master the German language as perfectly as you do, who is held in great respect by our linguists regarding your German language.
156. They think this is very highly of you and say that even in the German-speaking world it is rare on Earth to find such a good and high level of expression and fluency as you would find in German.
Quite a bouquet of flowers. Thank you very much – even if it makes me a little embarrassed, because usually I don't exactly bed myself in roses with my language. I tend to always sit in the nettles.
相當多的花束。非常感謝你 —— 即使這讓我有點尷尬,因為通常我不會用我的語言讓自己躺在玫瑰花裡。我總是傾向於坐在蕁麻(nettles)裡。
157. If you speak a hard language, then this corresponds to the necessity.
158. The truth can never be spoken with soft and flattering words if you don't expect the words to be useless.
159. Of course, you often speak harsh words, but really only when the situation requires it.
160. Quetzal, for example, has already experienced this, but not without good reason, as we now know.
161. But this hard language does not embody your essence, because it is completely different, as we well know.
162. Even the group members know for sure that your true being is completely different from the one you play each time you go to court with the untruth orally or in writing and tear it apart like a piece of paper.
163. And that, too, is not your true being when you become loud, when this requires the truth or simply the situation.
164. All those who really know you from your actual side can testify that this is so.
165. I know how often you have risked your life and your health for others without asking if you would ever receive any thanks for it – and often you have not received any thanks for it either …
我知道你經常為別人把自己的生命和健康置之度外,卻不問你是否會因此得到任何感謝 —— 而且你也經常沒有得到任何感謝...
Please, Ptaah, don't do that. These are things that don't belong here and don't interest anyone. It is and was my life, and I decide about that all by myself, and I will never heal for thanks. Thanksgiving has never been my profession and never will be. When I do something, I do it simply because it has to be done and because it is my duty and obligation to life. So you don't have to talk about it and you don't have to discuss it.
166. It is unpleasant for you, I know.
167. Nevertheless I find that I had to say this once.
It's not only unpleasant, it's even embarrassing.
168. Your modesty; but I want to accept your wish and not talk about it anymore – at least not now.
你的謙虛;但我想接受你的願望,不再談論它 —— 至少現在不談。
Also later please not, and also not in the future.
169. This will probably hardly be possible, because certain things simply have to be said here and there or at least once.
That is certainly not incorrect, but in my case probably.
170. I don't think so.
It is probably once again pointless to discuss why another topic should be addressed again. About 15 minutes ago we talked about the AIDS epidemic and in this context also about the fact that prostitutes, among others, are to blame for the spread of the epidemic. In this regard, I actually wanted to say something else, but it slipped my mind and has now come to my mind again. It is about the fact that I have seen and read reports on television and in newspapers that in many places children are forced into prostitution and then infected with AIDS in this lousy business. As bearers of this still incurable disease, they spread it rapidly by infecting countless people. It goes without saying that no distinction can be made between male and female infectors, because children of both sexes, girls and boys, are forced into prostitution. Particularly in third world countries such as Thailand, India, Latin America and Persia, criminal and AIDS-infested child prostitution has become cruel and excessive. Especially the countries Argentina and Brazil have to be mentioned as well as Thailand and the surrounding countries, where child prostitution is particularly rampant. Often criminal organizations are behind it, which operate a proper girl trade and boy trade for prostitution and earn millions of dollars with it. But drug trafficking also plays a gigantic and unmanageable criminal role in these human trafficking businesses, because the male and female victims forced into prostitution are also forced into drug consumption and drug sales. These crimes, however, do not only happen in the countries mentioned, because the same is true of many so-called civilised countries, such as Germany and Switzerland, Austria, France and America, etc., only that these crimes in these countries do not become as publicised as those in third world countries, because journalists from the so-called civilised countries locate and uncover these crimes there and then publicly denounce them. But the singer's courtesy remains silent about the fact that it is precisely because a greasy pack of so-called civilians from Germany, Switzerland, France, Canada, America, Sweden and Austria, Denmark and many other civilized countries greedily throws themselves at the young meat of girls and boys forced into prostitution that child prostitution can flourish and spread.
171. These criminal and inhuman machinations of Earth people degenerated in this relationship are well known to us.
172. Even wild, ripping animal beasts would never degenerate into this form.
173. But people who have degenerated in this form no longer deserve the name man and belong to the last and degenerated scum and garbage that has ever arisen.
I agree with that opinion. I find that for this scum, sputum, and blight of all degeneration, there is no designation at all that would be just good enough to describe these slime-sneakers, who have sprung up from a satanic fantasy in a nausea and vomiting.
174. – – – Someone should imitate you for once. –
—— 應該有人來模仿你的說詞。-
175. I will remember your words.
176. They are as accurate and powerful as your immense vocabulary can make them.
177. I have already said that your language and expressiveness are extraordinary and must search for their equals.
Please, not again. This praise gets on my nerves.
178. My words don't correspond to praise, you misunderstand.
179. I only record one fact.
All right, I know you're never embarrassed about an answer. That's why I don't want to argue with you.
180. That would probably also be pointless.
Then I would like to ask you something again, which means I have several questions, if you allow me.
181. Of course.
Good. The first question refers again to Columbus, who in truth did not discover America, but practically only discovered it. At that time he met the so-called aborigines, as they say, but that's not true, because as you once explained to me, the aborigines or the first people lived in America about 76,000 years ago.
182. That is correct to the extent that we can speak of larger groups of people.
Did human life forms develop just as independently on the early American continent and in South America before the continental drift, as was the case in Europe, the Far East, Africa and …
183. That also happened, yes.
Well, then another question about the black hole or the black hole, as you say. Can you and may you give more detailed information about it?
好吧,那麼另一個關於「黑洞」(black hole)或黑洞的問題,如你所說。你能不能也可以給它更詳細的資訊?
184. Certainly, in certain things.
Well, then it would be interesting and perhaps even important to know where the black hole is or how far away it is from our SOL system. They once gave me an approximate information about it, but I don't know if it really applies. From an exact specification it would then be possible to calculate the length of the spiral arm that has afflicted Venus and that will take the planet Kathein with it.
185. This black hole is located in the direction of the structure that you call M 87 and that is about 5.4 light years away from the planet Kathein.
And the spiral arm, it should be a bit longer, because it corresponds to an arc, right?
186. Your assumption is correct, but the length of the spiral arm is only about one light year longer than the distance to the black hole.
187. But let me now explain some things that have been happening on Earth for some time or that will happen shortly:
188. First of all, there are the incidents that have been going on for some time in Iraq, where hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered and buried by the order of the criminal Saddam Husain, disregarding all human rights and humanity.
189. This happened before the Gulf War, but since the end of it these mass murders have spread.
這種情況在海灣戰爭(Gulf War)之前就已經發生了,但自從戰爭結束後,這些大規模的謀殺事件就開始蔓延。
190. Furthermore, the racist hate groups that persecute, harass, torture and even kill people of different colors are becoming more and more prevalent all over the world.
191. Particularly South Africa, America, Germany and Switzerland are states in which these crimes appear particularly blatantly, although other countries show the same malicious machinations of racist and human rights violating groups.
192. The governments and security organs of the countries concerned in this respect do not take the necessary steps in an assertive manner to end the evil, nor does the responsible rest of the world, to finally put a stop to Saddam Husain.
193. But just as irresponsible are all those states which would have to bear the responsibility for the safety and health of the people, e.g. with regard to the cholera which rages in the Latin American states.
194. The true situation is concealed, which also means that the danger of the spread of the prion epidemic or mad cow disease is increasing more and more.
真實情況被掩蓋了,這也意味著朊病毒流行病(prion epidemic)或瘋牛病(mad cow disease)的傳播危險越來越大。
195. Truthfully, not only several hundred people have been infected with it to this day, but already many thousands of them.
196. Due to the contamination, there is a danger that the disease will spread faster and faster, according to the snowball system, whereby the disease also threatens to be carried out into the vastness of Earth.
197. It soon represents a danger that may compete with the malignancy of the AIDS epidemic.
198. But those responsible for containing the epidemic are just as lax and irresponsible as those who would have to take very rapid measures to protect the ozone belt and curb CO2 production.
199. Although the two epidemics are still not as bad as the overproduction of carbon dioxide, it will soon be too late to act, which is why radical measures are already unavoidable if a great catastrophe is not to befall the people of this world as a result of these epidemics.
200. The attention of those responsible must also be paid to rigorous measures to curb the production of carbon dioxide, whereby the ordinary citizen must also be addressed as an individual.
201. Almost everything that humans produce also develops CO2 when these products are destroyed by burning.
202. As a rule, however, the production processes themselves also develop CO2, as do all explosion motor vehicles and rectified engines of aircraft and ships, including jet engines.
而在通常情況下,生產過程本身也會產生二氧化碳,就像所有使用內燃機(explosion motor)的車輛以及使用整流引擎的飛機和船舶一樣,包括噴氣式引擎也是如此。
203. We have already said a lot about this, as well as about carbon dioxide production as an exhalation product of pets and humans themselves.
204. The overproduction of human offspring and the keeping of useless domestic animals must be drastically restricted, because all evils that have arisen on Earth are based solely on the irresponsible mass of overpopulation by humans on Earth.
205. This cannot be explained often enough and repeated and denounced again and again.
206. The terrestrial human being must radically decimate his mass humanity by a suitable, worldwide and controlled birth stop, according to the principle which is known to you and which you have already mentioned in your writings several times.
207. Pets must be eliminated and may only find a right to exist where they are considered real farm animals, such as sniffer dogs, avalanche dogs and guide dogs, etc.
208. The same applies to explosion motor vehicles, about which you have already written everything you need to know how to handle everything.
209. The steady and unstoppable increase in the mass of carbon dioxide can no longer be absorbed by nature and the atmosphere.
210. The overproduction leads to extreme climate changes, which cause enormous catastrophes on Earth and increase and aggravate them from month to month.
211. Already it is so far that practically no coming year will take a naturally normal course, because in the future climate disturbances of the worst extent will slowly but surely take over the power.
212. Snowstorms and snowfalls, downpours and floods will alternate with devastating drought and droughts that will make the land infertile.
213. Cold and heat will begin an unnatural interplay, and violent storms of destructive form will shape the future.
214. Food-producing areas will become desolate or submerged, while the seas will rise with the melting of ice in the polar regions, destroying inhabited and fertile land that is vital to human life.
215. But even Earth itself is beginning to rebuild itself more and more with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as will happen in Switzerland in the canton of Graubünden and in England on the 17th of February again and people in fear and terror.
216. For many years we have warned the inhabitants of Earth by presenting you the warnings and the facts, which you then published and also sent to the governments etc..
217. However, the success was in no way pleasing and therefore not worth mentioning.
218. Those responsible in all countries ignored your messages and laughed at you and us because they did not allow your words or our existence to be real and effective.
219. This not least also because on Earth many kinds of swindlers, liars, deceivers and madmen, sectarians, fantasists, hallucinators and many other poor misfits do their mischief concerning alleged contacts to us, to other and other alleged extraterrestrials and 'higher powers' and similar madmen who appeared and still appear, who with their lies and fantasies etc. who sell the stupid for even stupider and shock the thinking with all their nonsense and put them in front of their heads.
這也是因為在地球上有許多招搖撞騙的人和瘋子、宗派妄想者和許多其他可憐的傻瓜在所謂的與我們和其他所謂的外星人甚至“更高權威”(higher power)的接觸方面構築他們的彌天大謊,而這些已經存在並仍在湧現的瘋子,他們用謊言和幻想等把愚蠢出售給更愚蠢的人,並用他們所有的驚世謊言震撼人們的思緒,令他們瞠目結舌。
220. That, my friend, simply had to be said once from my side.
A long speech, powerful and good. I'm happy about every word you've said that has made a lot of things clear. I'm really happy about it. If I had asked questions about this, you probably would not have made such detailed statements, because you only ever give an answer to a specific question.
221. I'm used to just giving specific answers.
I get it. – You have now said so much about carbon dioxide, but this is only one of the evils and its connections, because there are many other things that also contribute to the destruction of the atmosphere, the entire environment, planet earth and life in general, such as CFCs and other gases, which the responsible criminals claim to be harmless, such as in the case of the various substitutes for CFCs. You did not mention that at all.
222. That was deliberate, because we've talked about it so many times that I didn't think it was necessary to make another reference to it.
223. Of course, this is also of utmost importance, which is not recognized by the responsible scientists and rulers and is simply trivialized.
224. Those responsible worldwide have not yet been trained in their actual responsibility to such an extent that they are able to contain and eliminate the threatening and already global danger through radical measures.
225. They continue to practice only in big, stupid, trivializing and useless speeches, because they like to hear themselves speak, but without seriously tackling the evil of worldwide destruction.
226. Grosssprecherisch, arrogant and self-important they speak of multi-year plans, of scheduled times, during which the dangerous prevailing evils are to be contained.
227. However, in their self-important and arrogant boasting, they overlook the fact of truth that only the fastest and most radical action can really help, and that multi-year plans are nothing but criminal and criminal alibi exercises that only benefit responsible politicians and scientists in the form of big salaries, which, however, cause fatal damage to the atmosphere, to life in general, to the planet, and to nature and the environment as a whole.
228. Often we have already spoken about it and given advice, which you have spread worldwide through your writings, but the responsible persons did not pay attention to the warnings and advice, whereby the evils could still increase in the last years and have now reached a state, which can no longer exclude climatic-elementary as well as atmospheric and other catastrophes caused by it.
229. If even greater evils and catastrophes are to be avoided or contained in their ever-increasing form, then immediate radical measures are necessary, which must be carried out worldwide, starting with the decimation of the overpopulation by a rigorous worldwide birth stop, up to those small things which are regarded as absolute trifles with regard to the destruction and annihilation of the entire environment, nature, life, the atmosphere and the planetary protective belts as well as the planet itself.
230. Nuclear reactors for energy production must also disappear from the scene as quickly as possible, as must any nuclear bomb tests absolutely stop and never be resumed.
231. The explosion motor vehicle traffic must be contained just as drastically as the air and ship traffic of this kind.
232. Smoke and exhaust gas developing companies and factories etc. must be mothballed, as well as the production of toxic substances of all kinds must be stopped, at least in the form that is not absolutely necessary for the preservation of life.
233. But you know about this as well as we do, and you have already written and distributed writings on it that clearly mention and list the necessary measures.
All well and good, everything you say is true, but if the responsible scientists and politicians don't pay attention to it, then nothing can be done. They all simply believe themselves to be bigger and more understanding than they really are. Most of them are only bigmouthed, as you yourself said, simply intent on their own image, and fine speakers only to hear themselves talk on the one hand and to dry up their mites on the other. Only very few can speak of real responsibility. But these are then sawn off and silenced so that the irresponsible can continue to muddle through and retain their power.
你說的都很好,一切都是事實,但是如果負責任的科學家和從政者不注意,那就什麼也做不成。他們都認為自己比實際中來得更偉大而瞭解狀況。他們其中的大多數,都只是口無遮攔、隨便亂說(bigmouthed)的人,就像你說的那樣,他們只關心自己的形象,一方面發表自己的高談闊論,另一方面是為了將那些少數人晾到一旁(to dry up their mites)。只有極少數的人能夠談到真正的責任。但這些人都被排擠掉了,被封住了嘴,這樣不負責任的人就可以繼續混日子,保住他們的權力。
234. You can name the facts better with the right words than I do.
235. I will try even harder to acquire your powerful language. –
236. It's actually all the way you say it is.
If only that would finally be understood by all those responsible for everything on Earth – the scientists and politicians, the military and the poison producers as well as their customers and world poisoners, etc.
如果這些話被地球上所有相關的負責人 —— 科學家和從政者、軍隊和毒藥生產商以及他們的客戶等等,最終都能理解就好了。
237. It will unfortunately be to be feared that the real scope of all destruction and the real responsibility will not be recognized, therefore another time will not be acted according to what the entire situation of all destruction and the creeping danger of the destruction of all life and the entire environment etc. demands.
Concept of the Earth human sense of responsibility, in particular that of those truly responsible. The people themselves, however, do not think any further, for they still shout enthusiastically for all the irresponsible people when it comes to getting them to the helm, just as it happened with Boris Yeltsin, who greedily and intriguingly took over the helm in Russia and sawed off Gorbi, who could have avoided the crisis triggered by Yeltsin. Yeltsin, however, by his intrigues, was able to mislead the people and bring them to his side, which made him cheer and shout and made Mikhail Gorbachev second. It only amazes me how long the Russian people will let Yeltsin deceive them and lead them behind the light before they recognize their lousy and power-hungry machinations and their inability to lead the people and the economy and start to protest against him.
地球人責任感的概念,特別是那些真正該負責的人,他們缺乏責任感。然而,人民自己並沒有想得更遠,因為在那些不負責任的人掌權時,人民仍然會熱情地為他們呐喊助威,就像發生在鮑利斯.葉爾辛(Boris Yeltsin)身上一樣,他貪婪而陰險地接管了俄羅斯的政權,並擠掉了Gorbi(Gorbachev;德國人對戈巴契夫的暱稱),而後者本來可以避免由葉爾辛引發的危機。然而,葉爾辛通過他的陰謀,誤導了人民,使他們站到了他這邊,為他歡呼雀躍,並使戈巴契夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)成為了第二號人物。我只是想知道,俄羅斯人民會讓葉爾辛欺騙他們多久,才會認清他的腐朽和貪婪會把他們引到光明的背後,以及他沒有能力領導人民並振興經濟,從而開始反抗他。
238. This will happen faster than you think, because already this month it will be so far that this will happen.
But that's good news. – One more question about the explanations you made earlier: These climatic and atmospheric upheavals and the resulting catastrophes, when will they happen?
239. The beginning has already come about, and in the following years the events will multiply rapidly.
240. The growing evil will not happen as slowly as the irresponsible scientists and politicians claim, thereby deceiving not only themselves, but the entire humanity of Earth.
241. The evils and catastrophes are in rapid advance, and already it is so far that certain and quite malicious events can no longer be stopped and not even alleviated.
I can imagine that. But tell me, why don't you mention anything in connection with all the destructions caused by human beings on Earth, which are already caused by all kinds of prevailing motor sports?
242. We have spoken and warned a lot about this as well, as you have stated and explained in your writings, that any sport that is performed with explosion motor devices and vehicles and aircraft that have the principle of the explosion motor must be rigorously banned.
243. Also in this case urgent measures have to be taken, which will lead to an immediate and worldwide ban of these sports.
244. This also applies to sports that damage or penalize landscapes, etc., such as damaging, destroying or penalizing meadows, forests, watercourses, the lives of individual animals or entire populations, the extermination of which is imminent in great numbers in the near future.
For example, by cross-country skiing trails and ski slopes, football fields and similar things, right?
245. That was the meaning of my words, yes.
The fanatics attached to these things won't be happy about these words in any way.
246. That will certainly be so.
So let's go into battle when I publish this conversation. The sports fanatics will try to tear me to pieces as well as the criminal responsible persons of the scientists and the politicians. But the same will also happen on the part of pet fanatics, who prefer to suffer from toxoplasmosis and slowly become stupid from it, rather sleep with cats and dogs etc. in the same bed or at least live in the same apartment. Not to mention those pet fanatics who munch from the same bowl as their animals. None of these irresponsible fanatics will agree to dismiss the useless pets. They will be mistaken in claiming their love for animals, like those madmen who believe that today's medical research can already do without animal experiments, which is why they want to ban all animal experiments for medical research purposes. Of course, animal experiments can be restricted, because e.g. for cosmetics etc. such experiments are absolutely not necessary if they are not medical cosmetics. I find that such fools and lunatics, who reject animal experiments in general and at all in today's time, where terrestrial man still has no other possibility, that such fools and lunatics should actually make themselves available with their own bodies for medical tests and experiments. Certainly, medical researchers etc. can already research many medicines and other things without animal experiments, but the main thing is still in such animal experiments. On the other hand, it is especially those who reject animal experiments who cry out for help and murder when their family members or friends and acquaintances or even in the case of accidents or illnesses they cannot be treated and provided with suitable medication – perhaps precisely because no relevant animal experiments were possible for the aids in question and for the medication required. But what should one be annoyed about it, because idiots, idiots and others who cannot think logically, there are masses of them on Earth, like e.g. the xenophobic foreigners, who have been doing their criminal mischief for years and days, murdering foreigners, setting asylum seekers' homes on fire, beating the foreigners to cripples, spitting at them and insulting them. These criminal creatures are just as bad as the racists. The groups are quite diverse in this respect, given that there are racists and xenophobes, xenophobes and xenophobes, xenophobes and asylum-seekers, and those who hate their social status, and so on. Even if these different groups hold different views of erroneous form and therefore live according to them, they all have one thing in common, namely that they are haters of human beings, who only accept themselves and glorify their own person, no matter if it is a criminal xenophobe Strebel or Neo-Nazis, the Ku-Klux-Klan or other members of any 'National Front' etc., as e.g. a criminal gang calls itself.
因此,當我發表這篇談話時,讓我們進入戰鬥狀態吧。運動狂熱份子以及科學家和從政者的犯罪領袖,會試圖把我撕成碎片。但同樣的情況也會發生在寵物狂熱者身上,他們寧願冒著感染弓蟲症(toxoplasmosis)而慢慢因此變得愚蠢的風險,也願意與貓和狗等睡在同一張床上,或至少住在同一個公寓裡。更不用說那些與動物同吃一碗飯的寵物狂熱者了。這些不負責任的狂熱者都不會同意遣散這些無用的寵物。他們會狂熱地宣揚自己對動物的熱愛,就像那些認為今天的醫學研究已經可以不做動物實驗的瘋子,這就是為什麼他們想禁止所有用於醫學研究的動物實驗。當然,動物實驗是可以受到限制,因為例如對於化妝品等,如果不是醫用化妝品,這樣的實驗是絕對沒有必要的。我認為,在這個時代,當地球上的人沒有其他選擇時,這種拒絕動物實驗的傻瓜和瘋子,實際上應該用自己的身體來做醫學測試和實驗。當然,醫學研究者等已經可以在沒有動物實驗的情況下研究許多藥物和其他東西,但最主要的研究還是要進行這種動物實驗。另一方面,特別是那些拒絕動物實驗的人,當他們的家人或朋友和熟人,甚至他們自己在發生事故或疾病的情況下,他們不能得到治療和提供合適的藥物時,他們會大喊大叫 —— 也許正是因為沒有相關的動物實驗可以用於有關的援助和所需的藥物。但這又有什麼好惱火的呢?因為白癡、傻瓜和其他不能進行邏輯思考的人,在地球上有很多,例如多年來一直在進行犯罪活動的仇外者,他們謀殺外國人,放火燒掉尋求庇護者的房子,把外國人打成殘廢,向他們吐口水,侮辱他們。這些犯罪的生物和種族主義者一樣壞。考慮到這個領域有種族主義者和排外者,庇護仇恨者和仇外者,立場仇視者和尋求庇護者,以及討厭自己社會地位的人等等,這方面的團體是相當多樣化的。即使這些不同的群體持有不同的錯誤觀點,並按照這些觀點生活,他們都有一個共同點,那就是他們只接受自己,美化自己的人,不管是犯罪的排外者Strebel還是新納粹(Neo-Nazis)、三K黨(Ku-Klux-Klan)或任何“國民陣線”(National Front)的其他成員等,正如犯罪團夥所自稱的那些幫派。
247. This fact is known to us, and unfortunately I have to explain that such criminal machinations will expand more and more, because the responsible authorities do not rigorously intervene and do not separate the wrongdoers from society by appropriate measures, which could only happen within the framework of how our ancestors handled such things.
So very long-term or permanent deportation to remote and safe islands, where gender segregation must prevail and where the wrongdoers must earn their living through hard work.
248. That is the meaning of my words, but as the situation looks like with those responsible on Earth and especially in the so-called civilized countries, they have become too effeminate and false-human, as they work for the good of such criminals and degenerates rather still in their hands and in their sense, instead of touching them with hard hands and applying hard measures, as this is also done with drug addicts of all kinds and with the members of violent criminal organizations, as for example the most different forms of the worldwide mafia.
249. As you once rightly said, all these criminals and criminals are touched by the lax jurisdictions with velvet gloves and fed with the best food instead of being taken out of circulation by the hardest measures.
250. This also applies to those who alcoholise themselves and then endanger or even destroy the lives of their fellow men with any vehicles, as it happened to your brother Karl through such a criminal man.
Unfortunately yes. Also this criminal got away with only a fine of 300 francs, without the guy having been further punished. Just think: a human life here in Switzerland is worth just 300 francs. To howl and roar. But our excitement in this regard is of no use, which is why we better turn away from this topic again. You told me that at a later point in our conversation you would tell me what the Taal volcano was all about, which you said was threatening to erupt. Will you now give me the necessary clarification?
遺憾的是就是這樣。而且這個罪犯只被罰款300法郎就逃脫了,並沒有受到進一步的懲罰。試想一下:在瑞士,一條人命只值300法郎。這足以讓你嚎叫和咆哮。但我們在這方面的激憤是沒有用的,這就是為什麼我們最好再次離開這個話題。你告訴我,在我們談話的稍後階段,你會告訴我塔阿爾火山(Taal volcano)的情況,你說它有爆發的危險。你現在能給我必要的說明嗎?
251. For the time being, it is still of no importance, for the coming of the next time are really only threatening occurrences, which manifest themselves in earthquakes and the like.
252. I really don't want to explain more until later.
253. An eruption of the volcano is really not to be expected in the next weeks yet.
254. If this is so far then however, then a catastrophe results.
Fine, if you don't want to talk about it. Maybe you can explain to me why the human body gets tanned by the sun's rays. My question relates especially to tanning of the skin in light-skinned people.
255. The tanning of the skin is a defensive reaction of the body.
You mean that the tanning of the body is a defence reaction against UV radiation?
256. Certainly.
Interesting. Then the sun's radiation, the UV radiation, is more dangerous than is generally assumed.
257. That corresponds to the correctness, certainly.
258. Even if the ozone protective layer is intact, tanning your body can be extremely dangerous.
259. The danger of being attacked by black cancer and other evils caused by UV radiation also exists if the ozone belt is not damaged but fully effective.
260. Unfortunately, people on Earth believe that solar radiation is harmless to the human body with an intact ozone belt.
261. Reason is unfortunately not enough to grasp the truth.
Faith and reason are mutually exclusive, even if mistaken philosophers claim that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive.
262. That is no more and no less than a phrase of people who do not exactly think far – even if these call themselves theologians, pastors and priests, or philosophers, etc. – that denies truth in an erroneous way.
這這句話不外乎是那些沒有深思熟慮的人 —— 即使這些人自稱是神學家、牧師、神父或哲學家等 —— 以一種錯誤的方式否定了真理。
Well said. On May 18 last year, you actually wanted to explain a lot to me, especially about the coming events of the future. Among other things, however, there was also talk of you explaining a few words about smoking. Unfortunately, that didn't happen anymore, because you didn't have enough time.
263. That is correct.
264. First of all I want to explain a few things about the dangers of smoking.
265. I will do this in the same sentence as what my daughter Semjase explained to you on June 6, 1976:
266. Smoking is not only a vice and an addiction, but also very dangerous and harmful to health, even if it does bring some very few advantages, as my daughter explained to you back then.
267. But these advantages in no way outweigh the dangers and damage to health.
268. Not only does smoking destroy vitamin C, robbing the immune system of this necessary substance, but the toxins and toxic gases from tobacco smoke, herbal smoke products, etc. directly attack the immune system and severely impair its function.
269. The body's own defence system is thus impaired and damaged, resulting in inflammations, allergies and diseases, which often lead to death without people knowing that the reason for everything lies in smoking.
270. So far we know of 147 diseases that are caused or promoted solely by smoking, along with many allergies that are not included in this figure.
271. The inflammation of wounds or internal body organs is also promoted by smoking. Pneumonia is one of the most frequent consequences of smoking.
272. Various toxins, such as nicotine and benzene, reduce the supply of oxygen to the blood, and the tar deposits in the lungs do not help to stop the lack of oxygen.
273. The blood supply vessels to all parts of the body are also affected by deposits that inhibit blood flow, which can lead to heart attacks as well as the death of limbs or body parts and brain parts.
274. The best known in this respect is probably the so-called smoker's leg.
在這方面最有名的可能是所謂的“吸煙者的腿”(smoker's leg)。
275. Smoking can, in certain circumstances, also affect vision and lead to blurred vision, etc.
276. Various types of cancer also originate from smoking.
277. In special cases, smoking can even lead to impaired consciousness, in the form of a confusion of consciousness that can even end in suicide.
278. It has been known for some time in earthly science that smoking can cause very serious health damage to offspring, but that a father who is addicted to smoking can also cause health damage to offspring, is still completely unknown.
279. Even if the parents give up smoking after procreation, the offspring may still suffer serious health damage.
280. In order to exclude health damage with the descendants to a large extent, it would be necessary that smoking parents at least 3½ years before the conception their vice and their addiction stop.
281. However, care must be taken to ensure that the mother does not give in to a single need for smoking until the time of birth, because a single fulfillment of a need for smoking in between would call everything into question, because even a single cigarette can cause as much harm to the health of a person accustomed to smoking as if he had smoked without a cigarette break; just consider the 5834 different poisons contained in the smoke.
Many would like to give up smoking, but they simply cannot. For this reason, there is also a well-known trade in questionable anti-smoking products, along with the machinations of hypnosis and acupuncture. I think everything is pointless, because you can only stop smoking if you are really anxious to do so and if you make this aspiration a reality. Anti-smoking means rubbish, lies and deception; with real hypnosis and acupuncture, however, I would like to say that it is possible, but in no way with these charlatan hypnotists who offer themselves in newspapers or by word of mouth.
282. I am of the same opinion.
283. You yourself have smoked for 33 years, chronically.
284. But you tried to end this vice when your health required it for you.
In any case, it could be done. But look here: I saw and cut out this newspaper cutout a few weeks ago in 'Blick'. Would you take a look at it and tell me if it's true?
285. If it is so important to you?
286. What is it?
It's also about smoking. There's information there that says what happens after what period of time when you stop smoking.
287. Then let me have a look at the excerpt.
Here you go.
288. It's amazing what is written here, but I want to say that the arrangement of the individual points is well chosen.
289. Unfortunately, according to our research results, some details are not correct, because some are misleading and euphoric.
290. If you want, I can request our research results in this regard.
291. Then tolerate an eye
view …
(deals with a 5x10 cm device he takes off his belt.)
292. These data here you must change by the following data: 28, 11, 3 days, 5 days, from 5 months, 3 to 18 months, 3 years, 7 years – heart attack risk after 7 years about half; lung cancer risk after 11 to 17 years half.
你必須在這裡按以下日期改變這些資訊:28、11、3天、5天、從5個月、3到18個月、3年、7年 —— 7年後心臟病發作的風險約為一半;11到17年後肺癌的風險為一半。
293. A regeneration and normalization is given after 35 years.
294. Unfortunately, the responsible earthly science is not yet able to fathom all these things in the form that is possible for us, who have the ultra-fine instruments and apparatuses necessary to fathom these facts.
295. The values given here in this newspaper clipping are only very rough and unreliable.
296. And as far as the knowledge about the final normalization and regeneration of a smoking-affected body and its organs is concerned, we are not talking about that at all.
The earthlings are far from as far away as you are.
297. Of course not.
298. My words shouldn't be a reproach either.
I didn't understand that either. But before you tell me about the coming events of the future, I would like to ask you a few more things: Because of you it has been possible for me several times to observe the fantastic phenomena of the northern lights above the North Pole, but also the phenomena of Earthquake lights, which always occur when earthquakes shake Earth. Here is the question: How do these light phenomena arise? Do you know about them?
299. Light phenomena usually have two origins, which can be traced back to the workings of Earth and its elements themselves, although atmospheric and cosmic facts must also be taken into account, which make the glow possible in the first place.
300. The two earth origins can be found in the magnetism of the planet and in its resonance.
301. I don't have to explain anything about earth magnetism to you, whereas about the resonance of Earth a small version is certainly not inappropriate.
302. Every planet and every star has its own resonance, its own sound frequency, which is called planetary harmony or planetary melody, echo or echo.
303. The sound frequency is fundamentally different from planet to planet or from star to star, so practically no celestial body has the same resonance and sound frequency as another.
304. Vibration is to be defined as sound, which in turn is built up on a certain frequency, which is determined by the mag-netism of the celestial body.
305. If these two factors now work together, as is the case with the celestial bodies, then the resonance, the planetary melody and planetary harmony is created.
306. When I explain that the oscillation is to be defined as sound, I mean the natural oscillation of the planet.
307. So this natural oscillation results in the sound, which is called resonance, echo, etc., just as the planet's own melody.
308. The frequency of this sound now produces vibrations in Earth, which reach far into the atmosphere and stratosphere and even far into the world space and produce certain effects.
309. Depending on whether the sound waves vibrate out into the atmosphere through earth or rock, through ice masses or through water masses, different impulses are generated which produce different effects, e.g. the northern lights are created together with solar particles or the glacial lights, which are also known to you.
310. The earthquake lights are also based on the same causes, only that they are created because the planetary sound changes when underground and aboveground volcanic activities occur actively, when underground gas chambers explode or water infiltrations take place in magma masses, or when tectonic earth plate shifts or other events of an earth-internal nature occur, of which there are many forms.
311. The actual process of luminous phenomena, for example, has different forms in its formation, which can vary from molecular changes and molecular cleavages to pure electromagnetic oscillations and pure gas formation or electricity agglomerations.
例如,發光現象的實際過程,在其形成過程中有不同的形式,從分子變化和分子裂解到純粹的電磁振盪和純粹的氣體形成或電聚(electricity agglomerations),都有可能。
You also think in a very extensive way about jack-oŽ-lanterns and ball flashes, if I understand you correctly?
如果我沒有理解錯的話,你還以非常廣泛的方式思考過「鬼火」(jack-oŽ-lanterns)和「球狀閃電」(ball flashes)?
[中譯者註:「鬼火」(德文是Irrlicht;英文有不同名稱,包括Will-o'-the-wisp 、jack-o'-lantern等,)中國古稱「粦」(音「臨」)。古人認為的「粦」是古戰場人馬屍體的血,經年落入草木後產生的奇特物質。與人接觸即會發光,進入空氣會產生鬼火。現代科學證明是動物骨骼進入地下發生一系列反應,產生了磷化氫氣體。磷化氫氣體較輕,浮出地面後接觸空氣產生自燃,即是鬼火。(資料來自中文《維基百科》與德文《維基百科》)]
312. That's true, but really only in a very long-distance form, because such phenomena belong only very remotely to Earth magnetism and earth resonance phenomena, although it is not to be denied that there is a connection, even if only in a very distant form.
313. Explaining these connections, however, would go far too far, and it would fill books with explanations and formulas, etc.
What you have explained is enough for me. Thank you. Then another question: Don't the Serbs as well as the Armenians and Azerbaijanis want to finally stop their killer monkey theatre?
314. Earlier I told you that these people are would-be rambos, which refers to the Serbs and Croats as well as the Azerbaijanis and Armenians.
[中譯者註:“蘭博”(rambos;又譯為“藍波”)式英雄人物,出自美國作家David Morrell在1972年所著同名小說改編的系列電影《第一滴血》(First Blood 1982)中的主角,象徵孔武有力的孤膽英雄。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
315. An end to their murderous machinations is not yet in sight.
316. However, we should not lose any further words about this, because the murderers involved in these inhumanities do not deserve in any way to be said about them, no matter whether they are Serbs or Croats, Azerbaijanis, South Africans, Armenians or Irish, etc., who have been feuding and murdering unrestrainedly with people of other faiths or races for hundreds of years.
317. A word of compassion is only earned by those who, as neutral and uninvolved, have to suffer damage.
This cannot be argued about. – But what does Russia's power-hungry Boris Yeltsin want in the future? What will be his next coup?
318. He desires more and more power, you know that.
319. His next request will be to set up his own Russian army and also to seize the office of Minister of Defense.
That was to be expected. But I just remembered a question about smoking: What about the danger of the blue haze for the so-called passive smokers, namely for the non-smokers, who are forced to inhale the blue haze of the active smokers? And what about the suffering of the descendants of smoking parents? And what about animals that are exposed to smoking or blue haze?
320. If I may answer your last question first, then I would like to say that earthly science is already aware of a certain number of smoking disorders that affect descendants of smoking parents as well as animals.
321. Such congenital conditions and diseases range from asthma, lack of concentration and various types of deformities to nasty allergies, cancer, and disturbances of consciousness, etc.
322. With regard to passive smoking, it should be said that it is by no means harmless, but can often have even worse consequences than active smoking.
323. It must be explained, however, that such a danger only exists if there is a direct inhalation of strong form.
324. The denser the concentration of passive smoke is, the more the danger of passive smoke successes increases, because the denser smoke concentration also binds more environmental toxins to itself, which are then inhaled, which naturally leads to greater damage.
325. If the concentration becomes thinner, then this danger is also alleviated, which should be understandable.
326. Nevertheless, passive smoking remains a serious health hazard.
Thank you. – Ah, do you know anything about how the food stall in Ethiopia is developing this year? Will there be another famine as usual or will this evil finally be remedied?
327. The usual annual food shortage problem will continue this year, claiming many lives.
328. As usual, millions of people will go hungry and many will starve to death, but this is not surprising considering the large overpopulation that is also prevalent in Ethiopia and that is further cultivated by the various aid organizations of many financially strong countries by pumping development funds and food into the country.
329. This is what drives the overpopulation, the greatest evil of earthly mankind, even further.
330. But also in other countries the same unreasonable thing happens in the same form, both with regard to the famine and to the overpopulation breeding and the irresponsible help with regard to the development and the famine.
331. Such 'help' truly has nothing more to do with a sense of responsibility and nothing more to do with humanity and therefore nothing more with help for man, but such irresponsible help is irresponsible and unparalleled in terms of crimes against humanity, which, however, the sectarians and false humanists on Earth can neither see nor understand.
332. Help in this regard is truly unhelpable, and such help is in turn inhuman and criminal – criminal in all earthly humanity, in all fauna and flora, in all nature and in life and in the planet itself.
在這方面的幫助確實是無法幫助的,這種幫助反過來又是不人道的和犯罪的 —— 對所有地球上的人類、所有動物和植物、所有自然和生命以及地球本身的犯罪。
While we're on food: What is the actual situation with regard to food cooked with microwaves, is there also a certain danger for man, if we disregard the harmfulness of the waves themselves to man's organism, etc.? I was asked about it.
333. The use of microwaves in food preparation is usually harmless if your question refers to the influence of microwaves on food and its consumption.
334. A person can very well eat spit prepared with microwaves without any risk.
335. Only the microwaves themselves are dangerous if the human being is hit by them.
336. Many microwave ovens do not shield the microwaves in any way, which can harm humans, animals and plants.
337. The danger for humans, animals and plants therefore lies in the microwave radiation itself, which can cause very harmful effects on all living organisms – apart from the fact that, for example, in medical form, microwaves in the correct dosage can very well be health-promoting.
因此,對人類、動物和植物的危險在於微波輻射本身,它可以對所有生物體造成非常有害的影響 —— 但除了這樣的事實,例如,在醫學上,使用正確劑量的微波,很可能對健康有益。
Thank you. May I ask a few more questions?
338. Certainly.
Next, De Klerk's reform course is to be voted on in South Africa. Is it finally time for apartheid to be abolished? And what about the new Russian Federation; are the individual new states also setting up their own armies? And what about the nuclear scientists left over from the old Soviet Union? Are the new states now forming their own nuclear powers or are the nuclear scientists migrating to foreign countries?
接下來,將在南非進行德克勒克(De Klerk)改革路線的投票。是不是終於到了廢除種族隔離制度的時候了?那麼新的俄羅斯聯邦呢?個別新國家是否也會建立自己的軍隊?舊蘇聯留下的那些核科學家動向又是如何?會在新的國家形成自己的核力量,還是會遷移到外國?
339. On 17 or 18 March, the end of apartheid policy is decided in South Africa, but bloody rivalries and power struggles are far from over.
340. Different power groups will continue to be at odds with each other, which will lead to further bloodshed.
341. Unfortunately, I have to answer the question about the nuclear powers of the new federation states of the former Soviet Union by saying that several of these states will endeavour to form their own nuclear powers and continue to develop this malignant weapon of destruction.
342. Many of the former nuclear physicists of the former Soviet Union will join in and actively participate in this direction in their countries, while others will commit themselves to foreign countries, because they will be promised a better standard of living and better remuneration.
And is it still the case that many of these new federation states will sell nuclear weapons and knowledge of nuclear weapons etc. to foreign countries?
343. Unfortunately, this will be the case as well as with regard to conventional weapons and weapon systems.
Then it stays with what you said earlier. But what about the drug problem, the drug problem? Does this continue to increase and so does drug crime, or can it finally be expected that the law enforcement agencies will take better action? But a change for the better would be something of a miracle, if I consider that there are many idiots who want to legalise the drug, as it were, as in Holland or Belgium and in Liverpool or where else it is done in a criminal way, because those responsible are effeminate and false-human.
344. The drug problem and the associated crime of all shades will unfortunately not be contained, quite the contrary:
345. Due to the guilt of the lax handling of the fight by the guilt of the false humanists and other effeminate among those responsible, these evil evils will rapidly grow and continue to exist until very far into the future, as is also the case with capital criminal organizations or small criminal groups.
346. The Mafia is spreading unstoppably throughout the world, as are many other criminal organizations.
347. What to do about it, you know, but those responsible on Earth will not listen to it, because they are already too soft and indulge in their false humanity.
348. For the reason of the irresponsibility of those responsible, many kinds of addictions and crimes can flourish in Earthly man, which in truth could easily be prevented.
349. Because of the irresponsibility of those responsible, however, AIDS and other diseases can themselves be used as common means of pressure and blackmail, etc.
350. On the other hand, through the irresponsibility of those responsible, enormous crimes can also be committed unpunished, as will happen, for example, in the middle of March in Belo Horizonte in Brazil, when an avalanche buries the slum district of Favela underneath, which will of course cause human lives to be mourned.
另一方面,由於當局的不負責任,重大的罪行也可以不受懲罰,例如,三月中旬在巴西的美景市(Belo Horizonte;也稱作貝洛奧里藏特),雪崩將Favela的貧民區埋在下面,這當然會造成人命的傷亡。
351. That the fault of the triggering of the first avalanche – at least a second avalanche will follow – will be the merit of criminal elements who want to make the slum area disappear by the avalanche, of course there will be no question of that, although a closer examination of the facts would show that criminal human machinations stand behind the triggering of the catastrophe.
引發第一次雪崩的過失 —— 至少會有第二次雪崩 —— 將是犯罪分子的功勞,他們想通過雪崩使貧民區消失,當然,這是毫無疑問的,儘管對事實進行更仔細的調查會發現,引發災難的背後,是犯罪分子的陰謀。
352. But let me tell you about other things in the future that I might not be able to mention if you still have a lot of questions:
353. So hear that it will come to pass that another marriage will break up at the English royal court, namely that of Prince Andrew and his wife.
所以請聽我說,英國王室的另一場婚姻將破裂,那就是安德魯王子(Prince Andrew)和他的妻子。
354. Andrew's wife has had a relationship with another man for quite some time, which, in addition to her inability to behave according to strict courtly etiquette, will lead to a break in the relationship.
355. An inability, only of another form, is also present in the new federation of the former Soviet Union.
356. On the whole, the new federation forms only a 'hollow structure' without stability, such a disintegration threatens.
357. In order to make the federation stable, all kinds of decisions and things are necessary which will not be considered in any way until the end of March.
358. Every new federal state lurks for defeats and for the failure of the other states.
359. Hypocritically, fraternity is drunk to preserve the appearance of an alleged togetherness.
360. A hypocrisy, however, that fades more and more.
361. But the same sham and the same hypocrisy will also arise elsewhere, for example with Saddam Husain, who will suddenly agree around March 20 to comply completely with the UN sanctions, which demand that he destroy all chemical and other weapons of mass destruction.
362. The fact that he will be threatened with a new war will make him appear to respond to the UN demands, especially because the Americans will agree to strike a new blow against Iraq if Saddam Husain does not give in.
363. Saddam Husain, on the other hand, is the deceiver himself, which is why he will suddenly appear to be responding to the demands, while in the background he happily continues to hoard his conventional weapons of destruction and laughs at the stupidity of those who believe him.
364. So he will continue to be able to commit his crimes, including the torture of countless people and their abduction and murder, which he often carries out through mass executions.
365. A fact which is still not fully recognized by those responsible in the world and against which nothing is done, as is not the case in Burma, where many people are also abducted, tortured and executed or murdered in any other way.
Most of the time these criminals are also racial haters and xenophobes, etc. Is there actually nothing against racism, except that racist riots etc. should become punishable in Switzerland and that anti-racism demonstrations take place in Germany?
366. The UNO is also dealing with this problem and also the authorities of different countries.
367. Those responsible everywhere, however, are too effeminate and adhere to a false humanism that does not allow them to take the right steps and take the right action against racists, asylum seekers and xenophobes.
368. But when I speak of asylum seekers, I do not mean economic refugees, but only those who are persecuted in their homeland because of their philosophy or because of their faith, including those who are driven out of their homeland by oppressive and life-threatening political machinations.
369. In reality, however, there are not many asylum seekers of this kind, for the majority are those who flee their homeland for economic reasons, which is an act of cowardice and a betrayal of the fatherland, but it is also a betrayal of one's own people.
370. With regard to racism, many groups around the world are concerned and demonstrating against it.
371. This will also be the case in Switzerland on 21 March, for example, to reaffirm the International UN Day against Racism.
Nevertheless, far too little is being done in this direction. Those responsible are simply incompetent, also with regard to criminal crimes and addictions of all kinds.
372. That's right.
373. Only drastic, rigorous radical measures would be useful.
Those responsible do not really know their responsibility. But look here, I still have lots of notes with questions. Unfortunately, they're increasing more and more since you don't come here so often anymore. So it is no longer possible to deal with all the questions in a single conversation. I am asked a lot of questions, from which further questions arise.
374. You know that you shouldn't ask questions that don't come from you.
As a rule, they are also questions that also interest me.
375. Then I don't want to stop you.
Beautiful – thank you. – Here, these two questions: The AIDS epidemic has its origin in animals, namely monkeys. As Quetzal once explained to me, the Green Monkeys, a species of monkey, are the original starting points of the AIDS epidemic that infested the chimpanzees. According to Quetzal, African people are supposed to have done sodomistic acts with AIDS-infected chimpanzees and ate their meat, which infected them with the AIDS virus. Through further sexual connections of heterosexual and homosexual forms, the disease spread very rapidly in Africa, after which it was spread by the people to Haiti, from where it spread to America and then all over the world, primarily due to homosexuals and drug addicts. In the meantime, it is heterosexuals who spread the disease the most, because it has found its way into all strata of society. You once told me that at least until the year 2008 no useful cure for AIDS will be found. It could take a very long time until such a drug is found. Now the question on this topic: Do you know since when the AIDS epidemic already exists on Earth and what number of virus types exists?
那好 —— 謝謝你!這裡有兩個問題:愛滋病的流行起源於動物,也就是猴子。正如Quetzal曾經向我解釋過,綠猴(Green Monkeys),猿類的一種,是愛滋病侵襲黑猩猩的最初來源。根據Quetzal的說法,非洲人應該是與感染了愛滋病的黑猩猩進行了離經叛道的雞奸行為,還吃了牠們的肉,從而使他們感染了愛滋病病毒。通過進一步的異性和同性的性接觸,這種疾病在非洲傳播得非常快,之後它又被人們傳播到海地,從那裡傳播到美國,然後傳播到全世界,主要是由於同性戀者和吸毒者。同時,傳播這種疾病最多的是異性戀者,因為它已經找到了進入社會各階層的途徑。你曾經告訴我,至少在2008年之前,不可能找到治療愛滋病的有效方法。在找到這種藥物之前,可能需要很長的一段時間。現在是關於這個話題的問題:你知道從什麼時候開始地球上已經存在愛滋病疫情,以及存在多少種病毒類型?
376. Your remarks are absolutely correct, which also allows me to confirm Quetzal's statements.
377. Concerning your question the following has to be said:
378. We know of 14 types of viruses so far, while the Earth's scientists are only talking about 6 of them.
379. The epidemic itself has existed in various forms on Earth and in animals for 11364 years, especially in monkeys and cats, which are usually only carriers of an AIDS virus, but have immunity against it themselves, as is the case with green monkeys.
380. It is therefore completely wrong to assume that the disease was caused by humans with genetic manipulations or by laboratory accidents etc., because this does not apply in any way.
381. First and foremost, sodomists with homosexual and heterosexual impact are to blame for the human disease, who also transmitted the disease to bisexuals, who then infected women and men in large numbers until the disease was able to spread rapidly.
11364 years. – Are you sure about that?
1萬1364年。—— 你確定嗎?
382. Certainly.
383. This result corresponds to our research results, which we achieved by research trips into the past.
Then there is no doubt about it. – Here is another question: Can the Chernobyl catastrophe be repeated, there itself or at other nuclear power plants?
那就沒有疑問了。但這裡有另一個問題:「車諾比核事故」(Chernobyl catastrophe)是否會重演,是在那裡本身或在其他核電站?
[中譯者註:車諾比核事故(Chernobyl nuclear disaster),或稱車諾比事件,是1986年4月26日於蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義共和國普里比亞特市車諾比核電廠發生的核子反應爐破裂事故。該事故是歷史上最嚴重的核電事故,也是首例被國際核事件分級表評為最高第七級事件的特大事故。事故的主因是反應爐進行緊急停機後的後備供電測試時,因操作人員的訓練不足,最終使功率急遽增加,破壞反應爐。該事故對蘇聯影響甚大,前蘇聯共產黨總書記戈巴契夫曾經說:「車諾比核事故可能成為5年之後蘇聯解體的真正原因,其重要程度甚至要超過我所開啟的改革事業」。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
384. Unfortunately, this will already be the case in the coming third week of March, near St. Petersburg, in the nuclear power plant of Leningradskaya.
Also as bad as in Chernobyl?
385. Fortunately not, no.
386. But a certain contamination will still appear, even if it won't be very pronounced.
387. It would finally be time for all those responsible on Earth to become one in order to put all nuclear reactors out of order, because generating energy in this way is simply too dangerous, dangerous to the environment, life-destroying and criminal.
388. First of all, however, the necessary must be done to drastically reduce the overpopulation of Earth, which can only be done by a radical and worldwide birth stop, as I have already explained several times.
389. That means:
390. In the first and second place the measures of the non-functioning of all nuclear reactors and the rigorous worldwide birth stop coincide.
391. To answer your question completely:
392. Unfortunately, the nuclear reactor accident to be expected will not be the only one in the near future, because such accidents, as man on Earth trivializes these life-destroying incidents, will increasingly appear in the future, and in a worldwide form.
393. Especially in the Eastern states a very big danger threatens, because the nuclear reactors there are all outdated and form an enormous safety risk factor.
日本福島第一核電廠事故現場(圖片資料來自:the Japan times)
394. nuclear reactors, I say it again, are a crime against any life and must be destroyed as soon as possible.
395. In order to be able to carry this out, however, the great evil of the energy demand must be solved at the same time, which is founded in the irresponsible overpopulation, which must be decimated as quickly as possible by a radical birth stop.
396. If this is once taken by the hand, if the human population is drastically reduced, then many other evils also appear in inferior form, just as also wars, of which already again a new one threatens, and this time in Kurdistan, on the territory of Turkey.
397. If one considers that on Earth during the last 10000 years only just round 250 years peace, spread over these 10000 years, then you could get sick.
398. As far as things are known to us in our universe and in the DAL universe, there is nowhere another world and another humanity that would even come close to the mad and insane human machinations of Earth.
399. We probably know warlike humanities on many planets in the vastness of the two universes known to us, but in this respect none comes close to the data of terrestrial humanity.
400. The known humanity of a planet, which has the longest time with wars during the last 10000 years, comes to a total war time of about 4062 years, which means that it had 5938 years of peace during the last 10000 years.
401. This is in contrast to the humanity of Earth, which has only just about 250 years of peace.
402. An inhuman crime without equal.
403. But also with regard to the atomic destruction and with regard to the endangerment of life in any form, the human being on Earth is unique.
404. Especially with regard to nuclear energy, which is produced by nuclear reactors, there is nothing like it in the universe, neither with regard to energy production itself nor with regard to the life-threatening destructive and destructive failure products and other effects.
405. The terrestrial man, however, is not yet content with this life-destructive crime, for he works even further in this destructive direction, namely by detonating atomic bombs for experimental purposes and using such bombs also for war purposes, as Hiroshima and Nagasaki prove.
406. Also many other nuclear weapons of all kinds belong to it:
407. Projectiles with nuclear warheads and many more, to which must be added the biological and chemical weapons of all kinds, which also kill people on a massive scale and destroy their lives.
408. But even that is not enough in terms of crime and irresponsibility, because the irresponsible of all kinds on Earth commit further crimes that destroy nature and life, of which the great mass of earthly mankind has no idea whatsoever.
409. Only that atomic bombs are also used in civil form and destroy and destroy many lives as well as radioactively contaminate everything and endanger further life, this is completely unknown to Earthly normal human being.
You mean those incredible crimes against any life that atomic bombs are used commercially, which is then declared under the term 'use of civil atomic bombs' or 'civil use of atomic bombs', whereby it is a matter of millions of cubic meters of large cavities being created by underground atomic bomb explosions, in which then radioactive materials are stored or which find use as storage if gas, oil or water etc. are stored in it. But you also mean the crimes that occur when underground atomic bomb explosions are carried out, creating huge craters that are then used as artificial reservoirs whose radioactively contaminated water is used to irrigate plantations. And by that you mean the incredible crimes that underground atomic bomb explosions simply blast away hills and mountains when they stand in the way of new rivers and roads or new villages or cities, etc. The fact that the workers are radioactively contaminated, that they work in the contaminated area immediately after the respective explosion with regard to earth movements and rebuilding, etc., is no longer relevant, at least not for the irresponsible people who plan and carry out these crimes.
410. That's exactly what I was talking about.
411. An unparalleled crime against the entire earthly humanity, against all life in general and against the planet itself.
As far as I know, such nuclear crimes are also committed in order to carry out seismological experiments and research, whereby atomic bombs are also exploded underground.
412. This also corresponds to the correctness.
413. But a question about that:
414. From where do you know these things, for I, for my part, have never spoken of them, and on Earth these facts are treated strictly confidentially and not in public.
Quetzal is the author of my knowledge. He also showed me different end products of such criminal machinations, which are operated in several countries, whereby in particular the former Soviet Union and US-America stand at the very first line with these murderous violent crimes, which carried out in certain years up to three hundred such atomic bomb explosions and still carry out.
415. That corresponds to the circumstances – unfortunately.
Yes, but many other crimes happen worldwide, but everything is concealed as well. It is not enough that only the generally known chemical burns on the high seas are carried out on so-called combustion ships or dumping ships, but also enormous amounts of toxic chemicals are poured into lakes, rivers and the oceans by many states and companies, whereby the polluted waters die off slowly but surely, whereby of course all life in the polluted waters is also destroyed. But this is not enough, because I know from Quetzal that various states and private companies simply dump radioactive waste into lakes and especially into the oceans. For example, radioactive hospital and medical waste is dumped into lakes and seas as well as similar waste from reactors of all kinds, such as ship reactors and nuclear power plant reactors, etc. This has already led to severe changes in fauna and flora. Fauna and flora have already been severely damaged, and horrendous mutations have been part of the agenda of these sequelae for years. The same has happened and is happening not only through radioactive waste, but also through contamination with chemicals. Even various states have made lethal chemical weapons and the like disappear by simply sinking them into lakes and oceans. All nuclear powers, chemical weapon manufacturers and users of chemical weapons are involved in these crimes, as are countless private companies of all kinds.
416. Unfortunately, this also corresponds to the facts.
417. The time has now come, however, as such crimes are uncovered and made public.
418. However, countless crimes are still undetected, e.g. those that occur through the carrying out of explosions and other explosions with commercial explosives and gases, and that are triggered by dangerous earthquakes and many other evils.
419. Also by neglecting precautions such events often occur, especially earthquakes.
420. It is therefore not only atomic bomb tests and commercial uses of atomic bombs that are to blame for earthquakes, but also the aforementioned things.
421. Also enormous weight shifts on Earth as well as weight renewals contribute to this, e.g. by reservoirs and overpopulation, which we have already talked about.
Well-known – but useless to talk about. Here is a question that refers to something else: Several years ago you were still talking about the fact that towards the end of the 20th century Earth would be visited by extraterrestrial people, who would then officially make contact with Earth people. Through all sorts of bad machinations of Earth people, however, it then emerged that this extraterrestrial visit would no longer take place and therefore no such contact would take place. Are the facts today still as they were when you told me that such a contact had no chance anymore?
這是眾所周知的 —— 但說了也沒用。而這裡有一個問題是關於其他方面的:幾年前,你還在談論這樣一個事實,也就是在20世紀末,外星人將造訪地球,然後他們將正式與地球人進行接觸。然而,由於地球人的各種邪惡陰謀,後來出現的情況是,這種外星訪問將不再發生,因此這種接觸也不會發生。今天的事實是否還像你告訴我的那樣,這種接觸已經沒有機會了?
422. Things have changed fundamentally again in the meantime by all that has changed in the meantime in political form in many countries of Earth.
423. A lot of positive things have come about and the prospects for such a contact have increased by a great deal, so that the old plan can come true again under certain circumstances, whereby we ourselves or any other forces from our federation have no connection whatsoever to those human beings who are supposed to establish official contacts with terrestrial people and whose knowledge and ability in every respect will not yet have developed to such an extent that they understand all things that are peculiar to us in terms of knowledge.
424. They will also not yet be able to grasp our dimension in which we live and exist.
425. And with regard to the teaching of the spirit and Creation and their laws and commandments, they will also not be developed according to our state.
關於「靈識與造化的教導及其法則與戒律」(the teaching of the spirit and Creation and their laws and commandments),他們也不會按照我們的狀態而發展。
426. If the contact with these alien beings one day comes about in official form, but this is still questionable, then this means for us and all our allies that we then withdraw and keep away from Earth in every form, whereby we will then only maintain telepathic contacts to you.
427. If the mentioned contacts actually take place, but what is really questionable for the next decades, then Earth people will enter into connections and alliances with Earth strangers, into which we may interfere according to our laws in no case and under no circumstances.
428. This means that we must then withdraw into our dimension and no longer be active on Earth.
Then it is certain that these contacts with aliens will take place?
429. At present, the overall situation points to this, but the next six to eight years can again change a lot, because Earth-man is so unstable and fickle that in the long run everything always floats in the air and in the unknown.
430. This is in contrast to events that are already fixed and cannot change.
Like what?
431. For example, that in the month of April Boris Yeltsin must fear for his power, whereby he will only just pass by a loss of power.
432. Or that the volcano Etna on Sicily will not calm down so quickly and will also develop dangerous activities in the month of April, as it will also be in Nicaragua with the volcano Cerro Negro, while at the same time especially in America large firefires will haunt various national parks and also the International Peace Park.
或者西西里島上的埃特納火山(volcano Etna)不會那麼快平靜下來,在四月份也會出現危險活動,就像尼加拉瓜的塞羅內格羅火山(Cerro Negro)一樣,同時特別是在美洲,大火將困擾著各個國家公園和國際和平公園(International Peace Park)。
433. But also Europe will not be spared by different events, like e.g. Germany, where the people will fall into fear and terror, if in the border area of Germany-Belgium-Holland a moderate earthquake will shake the country, which will then cause many aftershocks.
Another question concerning the events against the year 2000, when aliens are supposed to approach the terrestrial people. Is this something that has already been determined, and if so, how will it happen?
434. My explanation already went to the effect that such an event will only take place if the overall situation of earthly politics and the efforts of all human beings develop in such a way that such an event can occur.
435. Even if at present everything points to the fact that what has been said could take place, it is in no way certain that what is positive on Earth and among terrestrial human beings will actually take place in such a way that the event can take place.
436. The fickleness of Earth people is simply so great that not much can be predicted for a nearer or later future.
437. In order to be able to give such predictions of the future in precise form, we would need the effort of looking at the future.
438. But we don't want to do these, for which you know the reasons.
439. If it can be avoided, then we refrain from this kind of exploration of the future.
Of course. Can you tell me, however, whether human beings from otherworldly worlds will otherwise visit Earth in such a way that they will be recognized by terrestrial humans, without the aliens being harassed by authorities or the military or by any madmen, or even endangered their freedom or their lives? Is it therefore possible that even before the year 2000 alien astronauts will come to earth, with whom earthlings will perhaps be able to make secret contact, as is the case with you in a similar or identical form – I mean between you and me?
當然了。然而,你能告訴我,來自其他世界的人類是否會以這樣的方式訪問地球,從而被地球上的人類所認可,而外星人不會受到當局或軍隊或任何瘋子的騷擾,甚至危及他們的自由或生命?因此,是否有可能甚至在2000年之前,外星太空人就會來到地球,地球人也許能夠與他們進行秘密接觸,就像與你們類似或相同的形式 —— 我是指你們和我之間?
440. Such occurrences could very well occur, both in this century and in the next.
441. This form of alien appearance is more possible than that of official contacts with authorities and the military.
442. Space travellers are usually extremely cautious and take certain protective measures into account if they do not make themselves known officially.
「太空穿梭者」(Space travellers)通常都非常謹慎,如果他們不正式公開自己的身份,就會考慮採取某些保護措施。
Doesn't that contradict what you said a few minutes ago, that possibly even before the year 2000 foreigners could get in touch with earthly authorities etc.?
443. No, this is not the case, because I explained clearly that this would only be the case if the overall situation on Earth would change in such a way that such an event could become possible.
444. Even though a lot of positive things are happening at the moment, this is by no means a guarantee that people on Earth will continue to do so.
445. It can very well be that everything will soon be negative again, because Earth-man is just unsteady and fickle.
446. However, this has nothing to do with the fact that non-earthly people from other worlds cannot nevertheless land on Earth in this form in a secret way and move among Earth people without being recognized, or that they are only recognized by a few, who, however, remain silent about it responsibly until the space travelers have left Earth again, so that they cannot be hugged by madmen, authorities and the military etc..
447. However, it will be more difficult for all those who crash or are forced to make an emergency landing due to an accident of their spacecraft, because their technology does not yet correspond to the form that such incidents would no longer occur.
448. Such crashes and emergency landings have occurred on Earth since ancient times, and will continue to occur in the future, albeit very rarely.
449. But this must always be reckoned with, especially for spacecrafts whose technology has not yet been developed in such a way that no more damage can occur.
450. The crews of such crashing spacecraft usually suffer death, while there is a high chance of survival during emergency landings.
451. The crews of such emergency landed spacecrafts, however, are usually helpless and are not able to carry out the necessary repairs on their missiles, which makes them planet-bound in the world where they crash.
452. The rule is also that they cannot survive or that they are captured in the most mild case, etc. when they crash on worlds whose inhabitants are still barbaric, such as the inhabitants of Earth.
453. Of course, there are many other barbaric humanities on foreign planets, whose inhabitants simply kill crashed space travellers or often worship them as gods and then do not let them leave again as such.
I understand. So we will have to wait and see what the future brings. And the man on Earth will not change so quickly into a saint. So let's talk about something else. Here is a question: What about AIDS among the Catholic priesthood?
454. Unfortunately, according to our knowledge there are very bad things to say.
455. As a result of celibacy, the Catholic priesthood has a custom of secretly filling chandeliers, in which both the forms of bisexuality and those of sodomy and homosexuality and heterosexuality appear.
456. As mentioned above, celibacy is a secret form of chandelier fulfillment, which must serve wives and homosexuals as well as children and animals, as is the case with many non-priestly earthlings who surrender to their sexual chandelier fulfillment.
457. Many of the Catholic priesthood, up to the highest organizational ranks, indulge in secret sexual chandelier fulfillment, the percentage being about 88%, as our calculations indicate.
458. Homosexuality among these religious representatives is also very high.
459. So from the very beginning it could not fail to happen that these circles were also affected by AIDS, a plague of desire that is already widespread among the Catholic priesthood today, but which is currently still attempted to conceal by all means.
460. However, it will not be very long before this evil becomes publicly known.
Your answer matches my assumptions. In my opinion, this is tantamount to a degeneration of consciousness and ethics. In general, it seems to me that many things in the world are degenerating more and more, especially man. Such observations of degeneration can also be made with animals. For example, when I look at birds in my aviary or in the wild, I notice that they change slowly but surely. The males become more female and the females more male. For me, this results from the fact that the males increasingly take over the breeding business and neglect their duty as defenders of the nest, while the females take less care of the hatchery, but defend the nest and clutches. I also made similar observations in other animal species, but also in humans in a very special way. The men of the genus Homo sapiens are becoming ever softer, more feminine and more feminine, and carry out distinct female tasks such as house husband and diaper moth etc., while the women become more masculine and dominant and push into powerful positions, often appearing as emancipations and the men stomping into the ground. It seems to me that this is not only a very damned evil spirit of the time, which causes this change in humans and animals, but there must still be something behind it, which probably must be very dangerous. Also in the language enormous changes occur, because for more than three years I make the frightening statement that our German and also the Swiss German language is ruined by the fact that suddenly in the spoken sentences many words are wrongly stressed. A phenomenon that has found its way into all social classes and is spreading more and more. If, for example, a sentence says: "Something must be done against this language falsification evil", then the word 'must' or the word 'done' is no longer emphasized, but the final word 'become', which results in a completely idiotic emphasis. What might be the reason for all this?
你的回答與我的猜測不謀而合。在我看來,這等於是意識和道德的退化。總的來說,在我看來,世界上很多東西都在日益退化,尤其是人類。你也可以在動物身上觀察到這種變化。例如,當我在鳥籠裡或在野外觀察鳥類時,我注意到牠們在緩慢但肯定地發生變化。雄鳥變得更像雌鳥,雌鳥更像雄鳥。對我來說,這是因為雄鳥接管了越來越多的育雛工作,而忽略了牠們作為鳥巢保衛者的職責,而雌鳥則不太關心孵化工作,但確實在保衛鳥巢和鳥群。我還在其他動物物種中進行了類似的觀察,但也以一種非常特殊的方式在人類中進行觀察。智人這個物種的男性越來越柔和,越來越女性化,並執行明顯的女性任務,如家庭煮夫和尿布男(diaper moth)等,而女性則變得越來越陽剛和霸道,並擠進權力的位置,經常以解放的女性形象出現,把男性踩在腳下。在我看來,這不僅是一個非常可惡的時代惡靈,導致人類和動物的這種變化,而且背後一定還有什麼東西,可能一定非常危險。在語言方面也發生了巨大的變化,因為三年多來,我提出了一個可怕的說法:我們的德語和瑞士的德語被毀了,因為在口語中突然有許多詞被在錯誤強調。這種現象已經進入了所有的社會階層,而且越來越普遍。例如,如果一個句子說:「必須對這種語言造假的罪惡做些什麼」,那麼“必須”這個詞或“做了”這個詞就不再被強調,而是最後一個詞“變成”,這導致了一個完全愚蠢的強調。造成這一切的原因可能是什麼?
461. Unfortunately, your statements correspond to the facts, as we ourselves have recognized them.
462. And indeed, part of the evil lies in the general softness and negative conscious change of the human being on Earth, as you have correctly recognized, at least that which relates to the human being on Earth himself.
463. The way of thinking of Earth-man became wrong-human through the influence of the Falsch-Humanisten and thus already degenerated negatively in the beginnings, which can lead to a gigantic catastrophe, if the man of Earth remains further in this poisonous fairway.
464. The guilt of the false humanists, who are mostly to be found in religious-sectarian or do-gooders' circles, as well as in circles of liars and deceivers in matters of alleged contacts with foreign beings, etc., or in circles of channelers and media, enlightened beings, etc., is enormous.
虛假的人道主義者的罪過是巨大的,他們大多是在宗教教派或行善者的圈子裡,以及在所謂與外星生命接觸等問題上的騙子圈子裡,或在通靈者和靈媒、開悟者(enlightened beings)等圈子裡。
465. But this is not the only reason of the whole evil, because all these lunatics and madmen are often victims of the environment, which influence everything maliciously by various poisons and destroy it slowly.
466. Countless environmental poisons endanger all life forms and slowly destroy everything.
467. Poisons of all kinds in particle and gas form are inhaled by all life forms or absorbed through the skin, leading to impairment and confusion of consciousness.
468. This drastically disrupts the coordination of consciousness, affecting thinking and emotions.
469. This results in ways of thinking, feelings and actions that are untypical for the life form in question and completely contradict the nature of the life form in question.
470. This also leads to confusion of language and concepts, and thus to false emphasis of words in spoken sentences.
471. Environmental poisoning, poisons and poison gases, etc., not only have these effects, but many others too, which lead to the death of all life if man does not eliminate these deadly evils as quickly as possible.
472. Environmental poisoning has already developed into a life-threatening drug that endangers all life on planet Earth.
Again a question about the aliens: Apart from the fact that their objects can crash or have to go down on Earth by emergency landings, it is also given that their flying bodies are simply observed by earth people when they race through Earthly air, isn't it?
473. Certainly, this will remain so.
474. Sightings of such flying machines of alien beings are still made, whereby it must be paid attention, however, that not all really observed or to be observed flying machines are really extraterrestrial origin, because certain powers on Earth also have flying bodies, which are generally regarded as unidentified flying objects, because their existence is kept secret and is largely unknown, which in no way means, however, that all observations regarding such flying machines would point to earthly objects.
475. Certain observations actually refer to aircraft of extraterrestrial or even alien origin.
This is clear to me, but not to other people, because they always turn everything in such a way that they can claim that their real or self-deceptive or self-deceiving, invented, lying or simply charlatan-like fictional sightings of missiles of all kinds are UFOs, by which of course spaceships or jet ships etc. are meant.
476. That is unfortunately correct.
477. Many phantasts, liars, charlatans, swindlers and so-called experts of ufology act in this form.
478. Especially the so-called experts are usually unobjective, gullible, misbelieving and unrealistic, which is why they are unobjective.
479. Out of this, they recognize every obvious fraud as a real event, while they classify a given reality and true event as fraud, which is especially true for all well-known so-called ufologists.
480. Not only are they biased and deny any real truth because it does not fit into their concept, no, they also dare to denigrate and deny the truth in order to propagate all nonsense and nonsense as genuine and truthful.
481. Nor do they shy away from interpreting all possible and impossible things, movements, noises, shadows, whisperings, imaginary touches and deceptions of all kinds as machinations of extraterrestrial intelligences and as their manifesting themselves, which corresponds more than only to a ridiculousness, because all this is truthfully already based on a hopeless delusion.
482. Of course, all this does not contribute in public to a reasonable and unbiased discussion as well as to a pertinent assessment of the facts about alien aircraft and the actual existence of alien life and its sporadic presence and visits to earth.
483. All these stupid-dreamy boastful elements contribute in truth to the fact that the actual existence of extraterrestrial flying machines and extraterrestrial human life is just as doubted and ridiculed as their actual appearance in terrestrial airspace and on Earth itself.
484. This fact is ridiculed just as you are ridiculed around the globe, as Nostradamus prophesied about you when he said that you would be mocked at the time when the great earthquake in California was near and when the wall of the GDR fell.
這個事實會被嘲笑,就像你在全世界被嘲笑一樣,就像諾斯特拉達穆斯(Nostradamus;另稱諾查丹瑪斯)在那個時代的預言一樣,當你說加州大地震將要來臨以及柏林圍牆(wall of the GDR;也就是Berlin Wall)將倒塌時,你會被嘲笑。
I know, but we shouldn't talk about it. Let's stay with the other thing you said: The fact is that many of the so-called ufologists and ufo experts etc., through their fantasies and their unobjectivity, do more harm than good to all ufology and the truth about alien, extraterrestrial missiles and their crews, just as Yeltsin does more harm than good to Russia and the entire Russian Federation in his field.
485. Which corresponds to absolute correctness – in both relations.
這是絕對正確的 —— 在這兩件事中。
486. Only Boris Yeltsin must slowly fear for his power and start to fight for it, because he creates more and more enemies with his inability, which will be confirmed already in the month of April.
487. He loses many sympathies because his inability is recognized more and more.
488. Nevertheless, he will unfortunately be given another chance for his further incapable action, as will Saddam Husain, who will again be given new confidence because he will have his important atomic bomb destroyed by the international controllers.
489. But the fact that he has other important conventional facilities at his disposal, which are well hidden and partly underground, the control organs have no idea about.
490. Saddam Husain is devious, infamous, deceitful, criminal, cunning and devious, and he is not only leading the UNO, but the whole world by the nose.
I can vividly imagine that. So it may very well be possible that he will remain in power for a long time to come and hatch new crimes. But please keep talking about the things of the future that will happen. I interrupt you all the time, so that you will always get away with it. What happens next in your predictions?
491. It is something that earthly scientists will regard as a phenomenon.
492. This is about the fact that around April 23rd or 24th near Los Angeles and in the wider surroundings of that area there will be an earthquake about 6.2 on the Richter scale, which will be followed by another more severe earthquake after a few days.
493. The first quake near Los Angeles will, however, only be the beginning of the phenomenon of which I have spoken, because this first quake will be followed by various other quakes all over the world, e.g. in China and Burma as well as in Romania and Alaska, etc., after which areas of California will be shaken again.
A chain reaction, so to speak, as if an earthquake would trigger another one, which is actually possible, as Quetzal once explained to me.
494. This also corresponds to the reality in this coming case, because truthfully the first quake at Los Angeles far away triggers another quake, which in turn triggers another one, and so on.
495. That the first quake will be triggered will not be based on a natural reason, because truthfully Earthman will be to blame for it, who criminally endangers the entire earthly life and the continued existence of Earth.
496. In this coming event, the Mexican state company PEMEX will bear the blame for the triggering of the first earthquake, because through its criminal machinations huge quantities of petrol and petrol waste products will be channelled into the underground channels of the city of GUADALAJARA in Mexico in order to dispose of them in this criminal way.
497. This results in highly explosive poisonous gases that mix with other toxic explosive gases that escape into the sewers through defective gas pipes.
498. And since these underground canals cover virtually the entire main streets of the city, this highly explosive gas acts like a gigantic underground bomb when an igniting spark reaches the gases that have been emitting to the surface from the canals for some time now, but which no one cares about.
499. Between the 18th and the 23rd of April it will then be so far that by the carelessness of a bus driver a spark throw develops, which causes the many hundreds of thousands cubic meters of explosive gases in the underground canals of the city to explode and triggers a world-wide catastrophe, which will be seized however in its consequence even by the terrestrial specialists in no way and is then considered as phenomenon.
500. Just under 20 gigantic chain explosions will tear apart the streets of the city of Guadalajara and cause countless houses to collapse.
501. Passenger cars, buses and trucks will fly high through the air, and hundreds of people will die.
502. Exactly, there will be 17 gigantic explosions that will act like atomic bombs and that will shake Earth to such an extent that waves will arise at the San Andreas Trench, leading to a tectonic movement that will result in an earthquake.
確切地說,將有17次巨大的爆炸,這些爆炸就像原子彈一樣,會使地球搖晃,以至於聖安德列斯海溝(San Andreas Trench)處出現波浪,導致構造運動,從而引發地震。
503. The shock waves of this first quake then race through the inner plates of Earth, creating further plate shocks and plate shifts that extend to the east-west plates of the San Andreas Rift as well as the European plates, the African plates, and the north-south plates of the Himalayas, etc., resulting in new quakes in a chain reaction around Earth, and which will hit California again in a stronger form than before.
504. There is then the danger that even greater quakes will follow and that the great predicted quake at the San Andreas Rift will later appear earlier than would be the case if it were purely of natural origin.
And all this only as a result of the madness to which the man on Earth devotes himself.
505. Certainly, for his irresponsibility knows no boundaries.
506. Even a human life is not worth a chanterelle to him, as you once said, because he surpasses himself in other areas of degeneration as well.
507. If I only think about what is going on around the world in all countries with regard to the desecration and murder of children, then I feel sick.
508. We spoke earlier about the fact that especially in Brazil children are killed in order to get transplanted organs through them and that more and more children are being abused in prostitution.
509. This does not only apply to Brazil, because many other countries are equally involved in these crimes around the world.
510. All Latin American countries are involved, as are the so-called civilized countries of America, Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, etc.
511. I don't have to name all the third world countries specifically, where the same thing happens and nobody cares about it either.
512. Not only the indifference and conscience of the people is to blame for all this unbelievable evil, but also the lax legislations and the sloppy law handling.
513. This also applies in Switzerland, because it is precisely this country where the little criminals are hanged and the big capital criminals are allowed to run, if I may use your own words another time to present the truth.
514. It is not enough, however, because your home country is planning to make legislation and the handling of laws even laxer, because all sorts of criminal acts and deeds should be trivialized and exempt from punishment.
515. The reason for this is supposed to be that too many criminal acts would happen, which could no longer be mastered, because their condemnation would be too time-consuming.
516. The truth, however, is that the criminal investigators and the judges, etc., have become too autocratic and too lazy to deal with these crimes.
517. Their desire lies in rest, comfort and obvious laziness, for which they wish to reap a great salary.
518. So there is also work shyness and thus injustice, whereby scandalous judgements are pronounced for the most serious crimes, which are so low and obvious only in appearance and pro forma that one must almost ask oneself whether certain judges and prosecutors do not commit themselves with bribes to the step of ridiculing the law and the jurisdiction.
Oha, tough words, but I think you're probably right, because it's the only way you're not going to make these accusations.
519. With which you unfortunately meet the truth, which looks very questionable in this relationship.
520. In many respects, laws are maintained by terrestrial man only as an alibi exercise, as you once said, without these actually finding a just application.
521. This also applies to human trafficking and slavery, both of which are officially forbidden, but both of which flourish as ever.
販賣人口(human trafficking)和蓄奴(slavery)也是如此,這兩種行為都是官方禁止的,但這兩種行為都像以往一樣在蓬勃發展。
522. Especially girls and women are sold as well-paid merchandise, if I may put it so mildly.
523. But men and boys are also traded as goods.
524. Men, boys, girls and women are very often traded as sexual objects for prostitution, for which they must be regarded as slaves just as much as those who are traded with false employment contracts and the like or in traditional form as slaves, whereby Mozambique and South Africa as well as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as well as China are to be mentioned, which still operate these kinds of slavery on a large scale.
525. The methods are quite different and range from kidnapping and abduction to false employment contracts and conditions as well as sham marriages and death threats etc., whereby not only individuals but often whole families are forced into slavery.
526. Human trafficking and slavery are still common not only in the countries mentioned, but also in civilized countries such as America, Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria.
But which is more likely to be the case in prostitution circles or in degenerate families, isn't it?
527. That is correct, because especially the trafficking of girls flourishes in these countries in the circles of the prostitution milieu, whereby however single persons or single families keep themselves working slaves or sexual slaves, which unfortunately is the case to a greater extent than is assumed or is known as the protective and security organs.
Is there a figure that says roughly how many people on Earth still live in such slavery?
528. According to our investigations, about 179 million people still live on Earth in such slavery and bondage.
Man oh man, this is madness, but once again it cannot be changed. But here I have a question from Guido, which refers to our conversation on the 18th of May last year. There is an ambiguity in relation to the age of our galaxy: You explained that our Sun has had an age of one trillion and 730 billion years since its first agglomeration, whereas you give the age of our Milky Way as 810 billion years. Something cannot be right there, because our sun cannot be older than our Milky Way. There is indeed the possibility, as Quetzal once explained to me, that a sun or an entire system can actually be older than its galaxy, because the matter of such a sun or such a system originates from an older galaxy and can be captured by a younger one again, where it then compacts again, out of which a new sun or a new solar system can arise. But whether this is true in our case is unfortunately not clear from your explanation.
天啊,這太瘋狂了,但我想這又是沒辦法的事。但在這裡,我有一個來自Guido的問題,它提到了我們去年5月18日的談話。關於我們銀河系的年齡,有一個模棱兩可的說法:你說我們的太陽從第一次聚集(first agglomeration)到現在已經有1萬7,300億年的年齡,而你又說我們銀河系的年齡是8,100億年。這裡有些事情可能是不正確的,因為我們的太陽不可能比我們的銀河系還要老。有一種可能性,正如Quetzal曾經向我解釋的那樣,一個太陽或整個恆星系實際上可以比它的星系更老,因為這樣一個太陽或這樣一個恆星系的物質來自一個較老的星系,可以再次被一個較年輕的星系捕獲,然後在那裡再次壓縮,從中可以產生一個新的太陽或一個新的太陽系。但在我們的情況下這是否是真的,可惜從你的解釋中並不清楚。
529. My data correspond to the actuality, only I have expressed myself apparently somewhat inaccurately.
530. Quetzal's explanation does not apply in this case, so the sun of your system is not older than the galaxy.
531. If I gave the age of the SOL as 1 trillion and 730 billion, then this age referred to the total time of the formation of the sun back to the first agglomeration of the primal energy.
532. When stating the age of the galaxy, I assumed that it was understandable that I was talking about that period of time which refers to the time from which the galaxy as such began to exist.
533. So I was not talking about the first agglomeration of the primordial matter of the galaxy or the Milky Way, as in the case of the Sun, but about the actual existential development of the galaxy.
534. However, in order to satisfy the more precise explanation, I would like to mention the time known to us of the first agglomeration of primeval matter for the Milky Way.
535. This amounts to 1 trillion and approx. 911 billion years, so the total age of the galaxy Milky Way covers this period.
536. When the galaxy found its existence as a galaxy 810 billion years ago, it didn't take another 1 trillion and 730 billion years until the primeval matter for the SOL became primeval, but its matter found its origin about 140 billion years after the first primeval matter agglomeration of the galaxy Milky Way.
537. That should be understandable.
538. The sun is already very old and is nearing its end.
I think so – it was just a misunderstanding.
我想也是的 —— 這只是一個誤解。
539. Such a misunderstanding was not my intention.
Be no greater evil. It's not as if the facts were not recognized, because it was really just a matter of uncertainty. You know that we do not simply negate or question something just because something is unclear. We tend to get to the bottom of things, ask questions and search until we find or get the logical explanation. We really don't think that we act like the critics, doubters and troublemakers to whom the motto applies: "Those of greed, know-it-all, selfishness and desire see and recognize only what they hold in their hands. Logic, wisdom and real knowledge apply nothing to them, but only the material, the tangible, which they can grasp with their hands.
540. This is also a form of materialism.
541. But now, my friend, I must go.
542. Time is up again.
543. Farewell, dear friend Eduard, and pay also to all my dear greetings.
544. Take care of yourself and your safety, because something is not quite right in your environment.
545. Only, unfortunately I cannot explain what it is about, because it is indefinable and strange, which is why I am very glad that you carry your firearm again.
546. There is a danger lurking somewhere, which unfortunately cannot be defined.
Don't worry, I'll be careful. Goodbye, Ptaah – until the next time. Your friendship honors me, I've wanted to tell you that for a long time …
別擔心,我會小心的。再見,Ptaah —— 直到下次會面。你的友誼讓我感到榮幸,我很早就想告訴你了...
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