Contact Report 823/第823次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年10月13日,星期四,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年10月21日,星期五,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Ah, there you are already. Be welcome and greetings.
Greetings also, dear friend, Eduard. Today I really have enough time, which is why I also want to bring up various questions that relate to incidents that my father mentioned in his records in his annals. Bermunda also wants to come here later, because she wants to deal with the portraits that have been done variously.
There I am available to answer your questions, of course, to give answers, at least as far as I can remember. Then what Bermunda will have in terms of portraits, I will be surprised.
When I bring up the questions, I think your memory will also stir. Yes, I'm sure it will, because questions also contain clues, which I'm sure will stir memories.
You may well be right, but the question is how far these then emerge from memory.
Yes, that is so, but some things will.
Good, so be it. But, Ptaah, before you start with the questions, I would first like to talk about what is coming up concerning the Corona plague, because I want to put this in writing in the contact report. It is now the time when the epidemic strikes again and the theatre starts all over again. The governments in all countries have acted so irresponsibly that they have abolished the general obligation to wear masks when dealing with foreign human beings in department stores, shops and public buildings etc., which will now take its revenge, because I know that the epidemic will now strike again. You also explained that the vaccines that were so suddenly put into use were not harmless, that they would not only pass into the blood and possibly damage it. The real beginning of the Corona epidemic, which caused many deaths, actually started when vaccination began with 'vaccines' that came on the market so suddenly, as never before in the outbreak of an epidemic. It was obvious that the more vaccinations were given, the more human beings died, which was not surprising. You also said that the vaccine still needed years of testing to be truly effective, but that the epidemic would subside on its own over time, but that many human beings would have after-effects that would also last a lifetime. You also said that the disease would continue to exist in the body as a result of impulses, but the earthly doctors do not know anything about this because they do not have the means to determine this. Basically, they do not even know that something can be impulsively deposited in the organism, such as illnesses, poison, other harmful substances and even metal, etc. They also do not know that a person from the corona can be infected with a disease. Also that a human being can be affected by the corona plague several times, even 6 or even more times, that was already said by Sfath. This, as well as the fact that completely different diseases can suddenly appear, which can probably be traced back to the Corona virus, but which cannot be determined. However, that other diseases can be triggered by the lousy vaccinations, that is another factor that is irresponsibly concealed or completely attributed to other causes, etc. Alleged heart attacks, shortness of breath, cramps, abdominal, muscular and back pains etc. and long-term effects of various kinds, which suddenly bring on some kind of suffering and even end fatally, are not simply consequences of the Corona epidemic itself, but as your father Sfath said at the time, these will in many cases stem from the vaccinations, which will have chemicals that practically turn into toxins in the organism. What is happening worldwide since the emergence of the epidemic, on the one hand with the epidemic itself, but on the other hand with the vaccinations, coincides with what Sfath already explained in the 1940s when we were dealing with the events of the future. But the fact that the epidemic is now on the increase again is really the fault of those in power, who have been completely negligent in issuing the wrong regulations. Everything that is now spreading again with the epidemic could have been avoided and the Corona epidemic could have been contained to such an extent that what is about to happen really could not have come about. Besides, many human lives would not have been left to die if governments had not allowed pseudo-vaccines to be used, as well as later completely untested vaccines.
That is correct. – We had clearly established at that time, when it all started, that at first only distilled water was used by certain corporations as a supposed vaccine, and then after a short time various dangerous chemicals were added on a trial basis and used for initial testing purposes. Since then, things have changed, but there is still no reliable vaccine that would really be very effective against the corona epidemic. Human beings who are 'vaccinated' with the various common 'vaccines', which in reality are not yet sufficiently tested and are highly dangerous, are asking for mischief, which means that with every further 'vaccination' the mortality from the 'vaccinations' increases. Years of research are still needed to produce a real vaccine that can be responsibly labelled as such and be effective. And if certain human beings did not die from the administered 'vaccines' and continue not to die, then it was or is their immune systems that were or are so strongly or simply immune to the so-called vaccines that the administered substances simply remained or remain ineffective. These will, however, possibly be deposited in the blood and later possibly cause unpleasant late effects, which, however, cannot be determined by the still very poorly educated earthly doctors and due to the lack of the necessary equipment and possibilities for a very long time, just as the impulsive deposition of the corona plague in the organism and consequently also in the blood cannot be determined. The corona epidemic that has already appeared in 2019, which spread strongly and rapidly throughout the world and became a pandemic, but which has recently diminished in its effect of spreading infection, does not allow all caution to be left out of consideration for this reason. As far as you are concerned and also all those who belong to the FIGU association, as well as those who read our conversations on the FIGU website, which you call up and write down and which are also published and widely read, I want to urge that they wear respiratory masks for their own health preservation when they come into contact with fellow human beings who do not belong to the personal field of contact and of whom there is not great certainty that they are not infected with the Corona epidemic.
Good, but what about when passive members work in the centre, do they still need a prior Corona test? And what about the visitors who have to register 14 days before they come? Some just come spontaneously, what should you do?
It is good that you ask about that, because I actually wanted to talk to you about that right at the beginning. Unfortunately, I got distracted and forgot about it when you started to speak. So, with regard to your questions, it is to be said that we have consulted and found that it is very detrimental to the spread of the Teaching and the whole fabric of knowledge of everything important that is connected with it. The conclusion is that henceforth you can again receive spontaneous visits and you should of course deal with them in a factual way. However, it is to be noted that the visitors and the FIGU members who are to devote themselves to the task of receiving visitors are necessarily provided with respiratory masks. This should also apply to those visitors who pre-register for a particular appointment in writing, by telephone or by e-mail. We have also discussed that, as far as written proof of Corona non-infection is concerned, such proof is not necessarily required for the time being. However, for all spontaneous visits to the centre in the cold winter period, the duration of the visit should not exceed 2 hours, but the mask obligation is to be observed and the separating screen between the visitor and the FIGU person must be in your visitor room.
Written Corona test certificates shall continue to apply to passive members or FIGU friends who complete their work duty in the centre, as respiratory masks must be worn when dealing with other persons, whereby in any case only masks of the FFP2 quality may be used. Anyone who is ridiculed for wearing a respiratory mask should not be annoyed or leave the mask aside, because health should be more important. This precautionary measure is still appropriate, because there is a possibility that the disease will mutate again, which could make it worse or result in something that is not a change from the corona disease, but has completely foreign symptoms that are not corona-like. For the epidemic is not yet over, consequently it still exists and continues to claim lives, especially through the 'vaccinations' of those human beings whose immune systems react dangerously to it. Thus it can be reliably predicted that the so far only laxly and still insufficiently tested 'vaccines' will continue to claim many deaths worldwide if the vaccination campaign continues, which are currently to be calculated at over 8.7 million, whereas according to earthly wrong calculations only about 6.6 million deaths would have to be mourned with regard to the corona plague.
Yes, unfortunately, humanity is lied to and deceived, especially by the media, so there are only a few newspapers and magazines today that really try to spread the truth. Large newspapers have merged into corporations and spread the same lies in their organs, just not the truth or small interwoven parts of the truth. The fact that governments have a hand in this is denied, but it is true. And while we are at it, there is also lying and deception about the facts, about what is really happening in Ukraine. This, as well as that since the beginning of the theatre because of NATO and concerning the war in the background, America alone has been pulling the strings. And that America has turned most of the countries on Earth against Russia and that they are all dancing to America's tune, that is undeniable. The countries of the Earth's West have been incited by the USA, and the rulers of the Western countries are so stupid that they are following the same path that has been and will continue to be imposed on them by America. The stupid governments of the western countries do not see and do not understand that they are destroying the world order together with the USA and questioning the whole of what has been achieved since the last world war and possibly completely destroying everything and even many human lives. In this way, the USA can bring its hegemonic plans closer to realisation, together with the help of NATO, which, however, the stupid ones of the rulers and the part of the peoples neither see nor understand in their skulls brimming with stupidity. Besides, I also want to say, this Selensky is becoming more and more marked by hatred in his face, to such an extent that it already reminds me frighteningly of what I saw with Hitler when I was able to see him at close quarters together with Sfath. I was only 7 years old at the time, but the hateful expression on Hitler's face struck me in such a way that I have never been able to forget it, even though that was some 80 years ago in this life alone. Selensky also speaks in a similar way to Hitler at the time, in his own way of course, but for me it is unmistakable. His actions also seem so Nazi-like to me, so it is also understandable to me that he is called a NAZI by various people, because that is how they assess him. I have also been told on several occasions that the Ukrainian military not only behaves like Nazis and commits atrocities, which they then blame on the Russians, but that many of the military, like Selensky himself, are NAZIs and act accordingly. Moreover, the longer it goes on, the more I notice that German politicians in particular are making primitive and childish speeches against Putin, which could not be more stupid and prove just how out of touch these rulers really are. Their speeches are effectively more childish than childish, stupid, dumb, insulting to Intelligentum, illogical and in general not comprehensible in terms of understanding, so that they have exactly the opposite effect of what should actually be intended. These idiotic statements and speeches are still mentioned on television and show how stupid these politicians really are and how they are not able to judge what is actually going on in a human being who is pelted with such idiotic statements, which provoke even more evil to be brought about. When I look at all the hate that is released and take sides with one side or the other, nothing can get better, only worse. For my part, I am only trying to neutrally point out what is happening and what is being done without taking sides, but that is not what those who are biased in helping or disadvantaging one side or the other are doing.
What you are saying, this is nothing new to you or to me, because you have dealt with Florena and Bermunda yourself …
… yes, I know, but I do not want to talk about that.
... 是的,我知道,但我不想談這個。
I understand that, but it must still be said that what you said about America's deviousness corresponds to the truth. America's governance and dark-state leadership are the real driving force behind the ongoing war disaster in Ukraine. America is undoubtedly the driving and leading force of this war, which is being waged in the interest and zeal for the will of the world domination mania of the officially authoritative state leadership and the dark state leadership of America working covertly in the background in Ukraine. These two American forms of state leadership are the real initiators and war-mongers who are waging war in Ukraine and spending billions of dollars on it and putting the over-indebted state even more into debt. This is mainly done through large arms deliveries, as other states are also urged to do, which Selensky also unabashedly begs for and is heeded without hesitation. In this way, by receiving the begged-for weapons, he is able to keep the war going longer and longer, and this in the interests of the Americans, who are addicted to world domination, as he is also able to satisfy his own lust for war.
What the Americans are doing, together with their vassal Selensky, they are doing solely to get closer to their addiction and their will for world domination, i.e. not to help Ukraine and its people. In truth, the only reason behind it is their desire for world domination, and for this the really stupid man Selensky is the correct vassal to do everything in America's interest that will benefit their desire. However, the state leaders, who are also obsessed with power and do not think for themselves, do not recognise this and supply weapons to Selensky, just as the American-influenced sections of the population of the most diverse states do not recognise this, who shout pro and hurrah and support the supply of weapons to Selensky and have them supplied. The people of Ukraine are also blind and non-thinking, because they do not realise that their leader Selensky is a passionate fanatical warmonger beyond compare, who, as a trained comedian and actor, deceives and abuses the Ukrainian population and military for his fanatical lust for war and thereby consciencelessly sends them to their deaths and destroys the country.
Selensky himself is a very unpredictable, vicious and, moreover, unusually conscienceless as well as hateful man against Russia and a warmonger who unthinkingly and irresponsibly, as well as obsessed with power, chases the military of Ukraine into war and death. He believes himself to be great and insurmountable, and in his irrationality he also talks in a confused and insane manner and incites and threatens against Russia resp. against Putin with lies and ill-considered assumptions and promotes fear in the world. He is so stupid resp. not thinking and not foreseeing far enough that he does not realise through his speeches of stupidity that he is provoking a world war and even a nuclear war, which is definitely in the sense of America, which wants to take counter-measures together with NATO, for which certain precautions have been talked about for months. Thus this man Selensky, in his stupidity, is actually endeavouring to do for America everything that is demanded of him – whereby, through his inability to think, he does not even know this and consequently does not understand it. He acts without considering that one day he will simply be thrown out of favour by America when he is no longer needed for the dirty machinations. That he is risking his own life in this regard is also not thought of by this power-obsessed and megalomaniac, who immediately becomes dejected and helpless when something happens that he cannot predict.
澤連斯基本人是一個非常難以預料的、惡毒的、而且是非常沒有良心的、對俄羅斯充滿仇恨的人,是一個不假思索、不負責任的戰爭販子,也是一個迷戀權力的人,他把烏克蘭的軍隊趕進戰爭和死亡。他認為自己是偉大的和不可戰勝的,在他的非理性的腦袋中,還以混亂和瘋狂的方式發言,用謊言和未經深思熟慮的假設來煽動和威脅俄羅斯,反對普京,並在全世界散播恐懼。他是如此的愚蠢,不善思考,沒有遠見,以至於他沒有意識到,通過他的愚蠢言論,他正在挑起一場世界大戰,甚至是核戰爭,這絕對是美國的意思,美國想和北約一起採取反措施,為此已經談了幾個月的某些預防措施。因此,澤連斯基這個人,因為他的愚蠢,實際上正在努力為美國做一切要求他做的事情 —— 由於他沒有思考能力,他甚至不知道這一點,因此不理解這一點。他的行為沒有考慮到有一天,當美國不再需要他的骯髒陰謀時,他就會被美國拋棄。這個權力至上的自大狂也沒有想到他是在拿自己的生命冒險,一旦發生他無法預料的事情,他就會立刻變得沮喪而束手無策。
He will experience it and learn about it, because it has been said since time immemorial: When the Moor has done his duty, then he can go. Moreover, it is to be said that not all human beings in the USA agree by a long shot with what the government is doing with regard to the war in Ukraine, the arms deliveries to Selensky and the billions of dollars in debt the country is incurring for this. These Americans, who do not want the government to act in this way over their heads, are unable to do anything about it and can only make a fist in their pocket without fighting back, which will achieve nothing. These righteous human beings in the USA, however, are also wrongly seen as bad Americans by those who see America as bad, and as such are wrongly condemned as also bad and evil. And these human beings in the USA also have to pay taxes for the irresponsible rulers supplying weapons to Selensky.
But let's not talk about that any more, because it is probably better that you raise your questions than that we talk about the irresponsible USA rulers and taxpayers as well as the uninvolved people of America, because those idiots of the world population who neither see reality nor its truth and consequently do not understand it, will learn nothing either way and remain stupid, because they will not learn to think for themselves and consequently remain just stupid-dumb all their lives.
I think so too. – Good – so let's leave the subject. In my father's annals I read that he undertook many time journeys with you and took you to places on Earth and to human beings who were completely different from what is claimed according to tradition and which therefore does not correspond to the truth. In 1947, for example, he took you to the highest mountain, that is, to Everest, where you were able to enter the mountain with a breathing apparatus that also provided warmth and stay there for 40 minutes. This, while otherwise and equally protected, you were able to visit the hottest place on Earth, where you stayed for about 6 hours. It …
我也這麼認為。很好 —— 那麼我們離開這個話題吧。在我父親的《大事記要》中,我讀到他與你進行了許多次時間旅行,並把你帶到了地球上與傳統所說完全不同的地方和人,因此真相與那些說法不符。例如,在1947年,他帶你們去了最高的山峰,也就是聖母峰(Everest;又稱珠穆朗瑪峰),在那裡,你們能夠帶著氧氣呼吸器以及提供溫暖的配備進入山中,並在那裡停留了40分鐘。以這種方式,在其他方面也同樣受到保護的情況下,你還到過地球上最熱的地方,在那裡停留了大約六個小時。它...
… yes, I remember that as well as Mount Everest. It was somewhere in the north in Persia – a desert and hot as hell, which I did not notice because my suit was cooling. But I do not remember the name of the desert. I was also in hot places elsewhere, so also in Queensland, as well as in Death Valley, etc. I was sometimes with my 'friends'. Partly I was also on my 'normal' trips in hot deserts and places where otherwise only locals go or are even avoided by them.
... 是的,我記得那座山脈和聖母峰。還有在波斯北部的某個地方 —— 一片沙漠,當時熱得要命,而卻我沒有注意到,因為我的衣服還是涼的。但我不記得那個沙漠的名字了。我還去過其他地方的熱地方,所以也去過昆士蘭(Queensland),以及死亡谷(Death Valley)等等。我有時和我的“朋友”在一起。部分原因是我也在炎熱的沙漠和其他那些只有當地人會去,或甚至連他們也避之唯恐不及的地方進行我的“正常”旅行。
In Persia it was the desert 'Dasht-e-Lut'. My father called it the 'desert of sand'. But he also noted that he visited all the great volcanoes of the Earth with you.
Yes, that's where I saw the biggest ones and also the most interesting ones. In Europe I actually saw all of them, also the small ones. Also the Phlegraean Fields, Etna and Vesuvius in Italy. Stromboli, one of the world's most active volcanoes, which, by the way, will be making news again these days with new eruptions, has several large underground and, as far as I know, as yet undiscovered sea-bottom volcanoes in its vicinity, while small volcanic fissures and other minor volcanic activity characterise the entire Phlegraean Fields and can be observed in many areas as steam or smoke rises from the Earth. There are also many such volcanic outcrops at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, volcanic tubes rising from the seabed and emitting black 'smoke' etc. I also saw not only the very dangerous Yellowstone caldera in America, but also various other calderas on Earth, as well as in the south of Europe, in addition to the volcanoes Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli – which I have already mentioned – where there are several submarine volcanoes in the area around it which, as far as I know, have not yet been discovered. I know Stromboli well because I once had a special experience there. There are also around 1,000 small and larger volcanic underwater ejecta in the Mediterranean. All of them belong to the Phlegraean Fields, which all together form an underground-active giant caldera, whereby this is heading for a tremendous eruption and … will come to an eruption, as will also happen … with the Eifel caldera in the north of Europe.
是的,在那裡我看到了最大的火山,也是最有趣的。在歐洲,我實際上看到了所有的火山,還有小的。還有義大利的坎皮佛萊格瑞地區(Phlegraean Fields)、埃特納火山(Etna)和維蘇威火山(Vesuvius)。斯通波利島(Stromboli)火山是世界上最活躍的火山之一,順便說一下,這幾天又會有新的噴發新聞,它附近有幾個大型的地下火山,據我所知,還有尚未被發現的海底火山,而小型火山裂縫和其他小型火山活動是整個坎皮佛萊格瑞地區(Phlegraean Fields)的特徵,在許多地區可以觀察到蒸汽或煙霧從地球上升起。在地中海底部也有許多這樣的火山冒出頭來,火山管從海底升起,散發出黑色的“煙霧”等等。我不僅看到了美國非常危險的黃石火山(Yellowstone caldera)口,還看到了地球上其他各種火山口,以及歐洲南部的火山口,此外還有維蘇威火山、埃特納火山和斯通波利島火山 —— 我已經提到過 —— 在它周圍的地區有幾個海底火山,據我所知,還沒有被發現。我很瞭解斯通波利島火山,因為我曾經在那裡有過特殊的經歷。在地中海還有大約一千個小型和大型的火山水下噴口。所有這些都屬於坎皮佛萊格瑞地區,它們共同構成了一個地下活動的巨大破火山口(caldera),據此,這個破火山口正在面臨巨大的噴發,並且 ... 將會出現一次噴發,正如歐洲北部的艾費爾破火山口(Eifel caldera)也將發生一樣。
You have also seen many other things with my father Sfath.
Yes, for example, also probably the largest cave on Earth. This was somewhere in the Far East. Although I don't remember the exact place, but Sfath said at that time anyway that I should keep quiet about it, where it is exactly.
So you can't say that openly?
Yes, that is so, he said it though, I remember that, that I can tell you when you come here later on then. And if I still knew exactly and said it, just to you, because then in the report would be the usual, because then I would just make dots.
Then we'll talk about it later.
Yes, I guess that is correct, because we should only talk to each other privately like that.
That is so. – Father's annals also list various incidents you had in North Africa….
… yes, I remember that, but I want to tell you about that later. Also what happened when I was there in the 1950s and 1960s, also in the Sahara. It wasn't exactly pleasant, because …, well, I don't really want to talk about that. But it is perhaps interesting to know that in much earlier times this Sahara Desert was a giant jungle, and also very large areas were very fertile. Everything looked completely different, just as many other areas of the earth also had a completely different appearance than today. Just 20,000 years were enough for everything to change in such a way that no one would recognise the landscapes today if they had seen them back then. This is also the case with Lake Sanura and the whole area around it, where the dwarves resp. the small people lived on the shores of the lake, who settled here about 42,000 years ago, but who migrated again and also died out when, after about 10,000 years, the lake dam broke and the waters poured into the valley. Well, that's how it was, but nobody knows anything about that nowadays, except some of our members, because we found reeds as thick as a thumb during our excavation work when we were digging in the cellar and also for the fortification of the coach house, because this building stands precisely on the former shore area of Lake Sanura.
... 是的,我記得,但我想以後再告訴你。還有我在1950年代和1960年代在撒哈拉沙漠(Sahara)地區時也發生了同樣的事情。那不是很愉快,因為...,好吧,我真的不想談這個。但也許有趣的是,在更早的時候,這個撒哈拉沙漠是一個巨大的叢林,也有非常大的區域是非常肥沃的。一切看起來都完全不同,就像地球上許多其他地區也有與今天完全不同的外觀。僅僅兩萬年的時間就足以讓一切都發生變化,以至於如果有人在那時看到今天的景觀,就不再能認出它們了。Sanura(暫譯為薩努拉)湖和它周圍的整個地區也是這種情況,小矮人住在湖邊,他們在大約四萬兩年前在這裡定居,但在大約一萬年後,湖壩破裂,湖水湧入山谷時,他們就滅絕了。嗯,事情就是這樣,但是現在沒有人知道這些,除了我們的一些成員,因為我們在挖掘工作中發現了像拇指一樣粗的蘆葦,當時我們正在挖地窖,也是為了加固馬車房,因為這座建築正好矗立在薩努拉湖(Lake Sanura)的前湖岸地區。
I am aware of that because we have talked about it before. But you were also in ancient Egypt with my father, where you ….
… yes, we went there. I also met the warrior king there, Senela or something was his name, but I don't remember exactly. Later Sfath told me that this man was killed resp. murdered.
... 是的,我們去了那裡。我還在那裡見到了勇士國王(warrior king),名字是Senela還是什麼的,但我不太記得了。後來Sfath告訴我,這個人被殺了,是被謀殺的。
That's right, that's how it is listed in Father's annals. But the name was not Selena, but Pharaoh Senebkai, although he was actually only a war conqueror at first. In fact, he was then assassinated by a descendant of an actual pharaoh's dynasty.
That was about 4,000 years ago or so.
According to Father's records, around 1700 B.C. Jmmanuel, just 'Jesus' as he is wrongly called by the Christians and Muslims, although he never bore that name. You were together but often and at different times in Egypt.
Yes, that is correct, we were there many times, also in those years when a heavy earthquake tore up the ground and the buildings and let them sink into the sea. I remember that at that time there was a man whom Sfath knew well and had long conversations with him, while I was able to listen with interest and understand everything through the translator. The man dealt with the stars in the sky, as well as with the Earth, the Sun and the whole SOL system, and Sfath also enlightened him about the fact that the Earth moves around the Sun in 365 days, as do the other SOL planets, but with completely different orbital periods. Then we were also there, as I said, when a severe earthquake literally tore the land to pieces and destroyed all the city's buildings, after which an even more severe quake followed and everything sank into the sea.
Now as for Jmmanuel, his name was really Jmmanuel, but not Jesus as was imputed to him and is still imputed to him today. He was crucified through the fault of 3 high priests as well as that of a small fanatical group of believers. There were about 10 or 12 people, fanatical followers of the high priests. He was accused by them as an alleged 'blasphemer of the truth' and 'blasphemer of the doctrine' of the Jewish religion to the chief of the Roman occupiers, to Pilate. The 3 high priests and the few fanatical followers from the people succeeded in persuading Pilate that Jmmanuel was a criminal against the teaching of 'Adonai' resp. Jod. He. Waw. He. and should therefore be sentenced to death. Pilate did not want this, because he saw no guilt in Jmmanuel, but after the efforts of the 3 priests and their fanatical followers, he finally gave in and shifted the blame for the execution onto the Jewish high priests and their fanatical followers, because the Jewish religious law of that time supposedly demanded this punishment, which however corresponded to a lie of the high priests.
現在,至於以馬內利(Jmmanuel),他的名字確實是以馬內利,但不是被認為的「耶穌」(Jesus),而到今天卻仍然這麼稱呼他。他被釘在十字架上是因為三個大祭司和一小撮狂熱的信徒的過錯。他們大約有10到12個人,是大祭司的狂熱追隨者。他們向羅馬佔領者的首領彼拉多(Pilate)指控他為所謂的“褻瀆真理者”和“猶太教教義褻瀆者”。三位大祭司和民眾中少數狂熱的追隨者成功說服了彼拉多,說以馬內利是違反“Adonai”(聖經一般翻譯為「主」)教義的罪犯,也就是四字神名(Jod. He. Waw. He.)教義的罪犯,因此應該被判處死刑。彼拉多(Pilate)原本並不想這樣做,因為他認為以馬內利並沒有罪,但在三個祭司和他們狂熱的追隨者的努力遊說下,他終於屈服了,但把處決的責任推給了猶太大祭司和他們狂熱的追隨者,因為當時的猶太宗教法據說要求這種懲罰,然而這都是那些大祭司的謊言。
[中譯者註:以上有關「四字神名」為古代希伯來人尊崇的神名,在《希伯來聖經》中,四字神名由四個希伯來字母組成,分別是yōḏ(י)、hē(ה)、vav或wāw(ו)、hē(ה);拉丁化為IHVH、YHVH、YHWH、JHVH或JHWH來表示;是猶太教、基督教所信仰的獨一神的名稱之一,一般尊稱神為「主」(the Lord)。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
The fact that the majority of the Jewish people actually saw Jmmanuel as a prophesied prophet, that they had been expecting him and waiting for his teaching, corresponded to the facts. The teaching that Jmmanuel taught, however, which was completely different from the one that had been handed down infinitely distorted since ancient times, endangered them and consequently also the high priesthood, because the teaching that Jmmanuel brought threatened to dissolve the faith. Therefore, Jmmanuel was accused with lies of being a 'traitor to doctrine' and sentenced to death. However, in reality and truth, he was not nailed to a cross, but to a long Y-shaped execution stake, on which he fainted deeply after hours and was considered dead, which is why his followers were allowed to take him down and 'lay him to rest' in a cave outside the city walls of Jerusalem. There, however, he was secretly nursed, and when he regained enough strength to walk, he fled from Jerusalem to Damascus, then northwards to the Greek city of Myrrha, and then further eastwards until he reached Kashmir, where he was called Yuz Asaf and where he continued to spread the teaching, which, however, was distorted ad infinitum.
大多數猶太人實際上把以馬內利視為預言中的先知,他們一直在期待他,等待他的教導,這與事實相符。然而,以馬內利所講的教導與自古以來被無限扭曲地流傳下來的教義完全不同,危及到他們,因此也危及到大祭司,因為以馬內利帶來的教導有可能使信仰瓦解。因此,以馬內利被謊言指控為“教義的叛徒”,並被判處死刑。然而,在現實和真相中,他並沒有被釘在十字架上,而是被釘在一個長長的Y形刑具上,幾個小時後他深度暈倒在上面,被認為是死了,這就是為什麼他的追隨者被允許把他帶下來,並被“埋葬”在耶路撒冷城牆外的一個山洞裡。然而,在那裡,他得到了秘密的護理,當他恢復了足夠的力量行走時,他從耶路撒冷逃到大馬士革,然後向北逃到希臘的Myrrha,再向東逃,直到到達喀什米爾(Kashmir),在那裡他被稱為Yuz Asaf,他在那裡繼續傳播教導,然而,教導卻被無限的扭曲。
以馬內利(Jmmanuel)的畫像(圖片資料來自:Valdemar Reis)
Actually, no one knows today why anti-Judaism, I mean, why hatred of Jews arose. The consequence of Jmmanuel's execution was – what started early on – that the later followers of Jmmanuel accused the whole nation of Jews of murdering him, although only their 2 hands full of fanatics managed to condemn Jmmanuel to death by lies etc. and have him executed. In fact, this is the reason for the hatred against Jewish believers, the people of the Jews, consequently anti-Judaism as an origin is based on a few guilty people who were so fanatically indoctrinated that they themselves were willing to wish death on an innocent person. In this respect, however, this and that is fancifully claimed as the origin of hatred of the Jews. In truth, however, this only arose because there were 3 originators and a few fanatics – i.e. not the people of Israel – who wanted to have Jmmanuel murdered.
事實上,今天沒有人知道為什麼會有反猶太主義(anti-Judaism),我的意思是,為什麼對猶太人的仇恨會出現。以馬內利被處決的後果是 —— 這在很早就開始了 —— 以馬內利後來的追隨者指責整個猶太民族謀殺了他,儘管只有那些滿腦狂熱的分子透過謊言等來判處以馬內利的死刑並將他處決。事實上,這就是對猶太信徒、猶太人仇恨的原因,因此,反猶太主義的起源是基於少數有罪的人,他們被狂熱沖昏了頭,以至於他們強烈希望一個無辜的人死亡。然而,在這方面,有許多說法被胡亂聲稱是仇恨猶太人的起源。然而,事實上,這只是因為有3個始作俑者和幾個狂熱分子 —— 他們不是以色列人 —— 想讓以馬內利被殺害而產生的。
But the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was made out of the real name Jmmanuel by crazy people who did not understand him and that they made him the founder of Christianity, actually came only afterwards, when he was already in Kashmir. The fact that many separated themselves from Judaism and turned to the emerging Christianity dragged on for long centuries. The devaluation of the Jewish faith took a long time, as did Christianity, which was able to openly break through to a faith after a very long time.
That Jmmanuel died for all human beings and should have borne their sins to death, this erroneous idea was still Jewish at that time, and indeed by those apostate Jewish believers who misunderstood and misinterpreted all that Jmmanuel brought as a teaching. The believers who misunderstood everything, namely that the teaching that Jmmanuel had taught had been dictated by God Himself, had thus been completely misunderstood by the followers. This was not unusual, however, because the long-established belief in Adonai and his greatness and omnipotence did not allow for anything else. Moreover, Jmmanuel's parents were Jewish, and consequently Jmmanuel was also regarded and judged as a Jew, even though he did not represent the Jewish faith. He was probably understood by a large following as an itinerant rabbi, but his teaching was not, and not even what he actually taught. It was not understood that he wanted to teach the good and the correct throughout his life, that he wanted to break down the old faith structures, and that he did so by gently working towards teaching the human beings about the truth, without openly touching their erroneous belief in God. This was more than necessary at that time, because it was life-threatening to say something against God and, in addition, to think for oneself and not simply to think religiously. Nevertheless, 3 high priests recognised what Jmmanuel was aiming at and what value his teaching contained, which is why they complained to Pilate against him with insults of lies and demanded death.
Jmmanuel was never a believer, so he was not a Jew, but only an Israelite. For over 2000 years Christianity has concealed and distorted this truth, while the Jews have remained with their old conventional faith, because they could not be taught the truth by Jmmanuel and his teachings. It was Jewish believers at that time who were Jmmanuel's followers and who misunderstood and misinterpreted his teaching, consequently they spread the teaching according to their wrong understanding, out of which the Gospel finally arose. The whole thing was misunderstood by Jmmanuel's followers from northern Galilee and spread throughout the world without anyone ever asking about the actual truth, but everything was simply believed without hesitation. This is also why there are so few traces of the religion of Judaism in Christianity. When the followers of Jmmanuel separated from Judaism, it was already at the time when Jmmanuel was brought to the Y-pole. That was fully enough for Jmmanuel's followers to separate from Judaism and curse those who were guilty of Jmmanuel being executed. Unfortunately, the result was that many people incited by the guilty – as was customary at the time, as incitement is still customary today, which quickly creates a mob of roaring fanatics – gawked at the execution, consequently the followers, who were also present in large numbers, insulted the gapers and equated them with the guilty, which was also maintained from then on and generally the believers in the Jews were held innocently liable for Jmmanuel's execution. This was quickly spread everywhere, which also led to the devaluation of the Jewish faith and which resulted in the emerging false faith of Jmmanuel's followers. And it was not long before Jmmanuel was ascribed a sonship with God and his teaching, which was misunderstood, was declared to be the Word of God, whereby the false belief was formed into the Gospel. With this, everything became a faith with such an authoritative character of false correctness that the delusion arose to unconditionally recognise God as the highest authority and one's own actions as His will. This, together with the false letters that were written over a very long period of time again and again by followers of Jmmanuel who knew the Scriptures and by the followers' successors and their descendants, ultimately resulted in the Jesus faith and then the Christian faith and Christianity. This created the dramatic consequences of bloody Christianity, which claimed millions of human lives over the next more than 2000 years, both through the persecution of Christians, the witch craze, and also the religious wars, etc. etc. All too often, the Christian faith was increasingly turned into a factor of hatred against the Jews in general, who were allegedly guilty for the execution of Jmmanuel, although only a few fanatics were to blame. This is how Christian anti-Judaism actually arose, but not in such and such a way as old racist writings and mendacious allegations would have us believe, which provided an opportunity resp. a reason resp. an argumentation aid for the persecutions of the Jews and the holocaust of the World War 1939 to 1945 by the NAZIs.
以馬內利從來不是一個信徒,所以他不是一個猶太人,而只是一個以色列人。兩千多年來,基督教掩蓋和歪曲了這一真相,而猶太人卻一直保持著他們古老的傳統信仰,因為他們無法從以馬內利和他的教導中得到真相。當時的猶太信徒才是以馬內利的追隨者,他們誤解和曲解了他的教導,結果他們按照自己的錯誤理解傳播了教義,最後福音書就是從這裡產生的。整個事情被來自加利利(Galilee)北部那些以馬內利的追隨者誤解了,並傳播到世界各地,沒有人問過真正的真相,但一切都被毫不猶豫地相信了。這也是為什麼基督教中很少有猶太教的痕跡。當以馬內利的追隨者從猶太教中分離出來時,已經是以馬內利被帶到Y形架的時候了。這已經完全足以讓以馬內利的追隨者從猶太教中分離出來,並詛咒那些對以馬內利被處死負有責任而有罪的人。但可惜的是,結果是許多人被有罪的人煽動起來 —— 這是當時很常見的,就像今天的煽動仍然是很常見的一樣,這很快就形成了一群咆哮的狂熱者的暴徒 —— 目不轉睛地看著處決,結果,當時也有大量的追隨者在場,跟著這些目不轉睛的人一起在侮罵,於是他們等同於那些有罪的人,這也從那時起被保留下來的觀點,一般來說,相信猶太教的人被認為是要為無辜的以馬內利之處決負責。這事很快就傳遍了各地,這也導致了對猶太教信仰的輕視,這也導致了以馬內利的信徒們出現了虛假的信仰。沒過多久,以馬內利就被賦予了上帝兒子的身份,而他被誤解的教導也被宣佈為上帝的話語,由此,錯誤的信仰被形成為福音。這樣一來,一切都變成了具有虛假權威性的信仰,以至於產生了無條件地承認上帝是最高權威,自己的行為是他的意志的錯覺。在這方面,再加上在很長一段時間內,由瞭解聖經的耶酥追隨者以及追隨者的繼承者和他們的後代一次又一次寫下的假信件,最終導致了耶穌信仰,然後是基督教信仰和基督教。這就造成了血腥的基督教的戲劇性後果,在接下來的兩千多年裡,無論是對基督徒的迫害、獵巫狂熱(witch craze),還是宗教戰爭等等,都奪走了數百萬人的生命。很多時候,基督教信仰被越來越多轉化為對整個猶太人的仇恨因素,據稱猶太人因處決以馬內利而有罪,儘管只有少數狂熱者應受到譴責。這就是基督教反猶太主義的實際產生過程,但並不是像舊的種族主義著作和惡意指控所認為的那樣,它為納粹對猶太人的迫害和1939年至1945年世界大戰期間的大屠殺提供了機會或理由或論證的幫助。
Also the fact that Jews were good businessmen and quite efficient at it and became filthy rich, such as the Rothschilds, probably the best known, did not suit the Christians, which is why they were hostile to them and still are today. It simply cannot be understood that these human beings worked hard for their wealth, even if there may have been certain irregularities at times, which is certainly not to be denied, but that is human and therefore nothing out of the ordinary. But as it was, one way or another, and that envy and hatred are still being spouted today, that is simply not correct, but corresponds to an evil, reprehensible disposition and proves that the human beings acting in this way have a damned dirty, depraved and lousy character, consequently they also carelessly torture, murder, destroy and annihilate, if a louse creeps over their liver, they are afflicted with hatred or go to war, etc.
此外,猶太人是很好的商人,而且在這方面相當有效率,並變得非常富有,如羅斯柴爾德家族(Rothschilds)可能是最有名的,但這並不適合基督徒,這就是為什麼他們敵視他們,至今仍然如此。根本不能理解的是,這些人為了他們的財富而努力工作,即使有時可能有某些違規行為,這當然不能否認,但這是人之常情,因此沒有什麼不正常的。但事實上,無論如何,如今還在嫉妒和仇恨,這根本就不對,而是一種邪惡、應受譴責的心態,證明這樣行事的人類有著該死的骯髒、墮落和低劣的性格,因此他們也不經意地折磨、謀殺、破壞和毀滅,如果有蝨子爬上他們的肝臟(if a louse creeps over their liver),他們就會受到仇恨的襲擊或發動戰爭等等。
Today, there are more and more attacks against Judaism, against those who believe in the Jews, even hunts, acts of violence, riots and attacks against the lives and property of the Jews, whereby, in truth, everything is religiously motivated, but today's Jew-haters are often not aware of this. Internationally, however, the concept of anti-Judaism only developed from 1881 onwards, although everything had actually already begun in the 1820s, when Christians from Germany immigrated to the Ukraine and Russia, which then gave rise to the anti-Jewish attacks in Tsarist Russia. These effectively originated from the immigrant Christians from Germany, who founded an underground movement and spread their hostility towards Jews in Russia, mainly also in the Ukraine. It was also this organisation that assassinated Tsar Alexander II of Russia, which, however, they mendaciously claimed was the fault of the Jews. This had repercussions until the new millennium, when, shortly after the turn of the century, many Jews were murdered, mainly in Ukraine, with the help of the police and the military. This persecution and murder of Jews lasted almost 20 years and claimed many thousands of lives. However, this was not the end of the persecution of the Jews, but only the beginning of the murder of around 100,000 Jews from 1920 onwards, mainly in the Ukraine, where the Ukrainian People's Army was on a Jew-hating rampage, along with others. At that time, Adolf Hitler also came into play, and that already during the World War 1914 to 1918, when he, as an Austrian, assimilated in Germany and went to war together with Jew-haters, who indoctrinated him with their hatred of Jews and he became an unparalleled Jew-hater. When he then managed to come to power in Germany and proclaimed the 'Great German Reich', the persecution of the Jews really began, forming the Holocaust and millions upon millions were murdered in gas chambers, beaten to death and shot. But the effective truth of what happened in Ukraine and Russia was deliberately falsified and passed on in such a way that today no one knows the truth of the effectively truthful events, consequently the human beings take the lying and fraudulently falsified at face value and believe every lie. But this is how everything has been handled on Earth since time immemorial, consequently lies and deceit rule the world, the people in every country are lied to and deceived as well as being controlled by a rope of fools. Truly, they are presented with a world history that does not correspond to the effective truth – and is even believed stupidly and stupidly by the respective rulers, although only a few truths are interwoven into it. So it is that nowadays Germany is once again at the forefront – including the European dictatorship with Ursula von der Leyen – to participate in the Ukraine-Russia war with words and deeds, supposedly in the sense of 'providing assistance', but in reality, as always, to be the sneaky good guys. But the real reason is concealed, and that part of the people that knows the real truth and is against the actions of the rulers and their fellow travellers from the people has to look down the tube and cannot change anything. This is in addition to the war-mongers of the USA, who are in the mood for hegemony and will do anything and everything to achieve their goal. Now, once again, the process of the separation of the followers of Jmmanuel from Judaism and the emergence of Christianity is to be mentioned, which was a really creeping process that already began when Jmmanuel was saved not as a dead man but as a fainter. His continued life was interpreted as a 'divine resurrection' and spread among the followers of Jmmanuel, which quickly spread far and wide like wildfire. This was also brought to the notice of the culprits, who sent out henchmen to kill Jmmanuel, but they failed and he escaped to Kashmir. Nevertheless, the followers formed a so-called early church, which dealt with the misunderstood teachings of Jmmanuel and found more followers resp. believers, namely many of those who saw in Jmmanuel the prophet who had been promised to them.
今天,針對猶太教、針對那些猶太人信徒的攻擊越來越多,甚至出現了針對猶太人生命和財產的獵殺、暴力、暴亂和襲擊,因此,事實上一切都有宗教動機,但今天的仇視猶太人的人往往沒有意識到這一點。然而,在國際上,反猶太主義的概念只是從1881年開始發展起來的,儘管一切實際上在1820年代就已經開始了,當時來自德國的基督徒移民到烏克蘭和俄羅斯,然後在沙皇俄國引起了反猶太人的攻擊。這實際上是源於來自德國的移民基督徒,他們建立了一個地下運動,並在俄羅斯,主要是在烏克蘭,傳播他們對猶太人的敵意。也正是這個組織暗殺了俄國沙皇亞歷山大二世(Alexander II),但他們狡辯說這是猶太人的錯。這一直影響到新千年,在公元兩千年後不久,許多猶太人被謀殺,主要是在烏克蘭,且是在員警和軍隊的幫助之下。這種對猶太人的迫害和謀殺持續了近20年,奪去了成千上萬人的生命。然而,這並不是對猶太人迫害的結束,而只是從1920年起約10萬名猶太人被謀殺的開始,主要是在烏克蘭,烏克蘭人民軍與其他國家一起瘋狂地仇視猶太人。就在這時,阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)出現了,而且已經是在1914年至1918年的世界大戰期間,當時他作為一個奧地利人,被德國同化,與仇視猶太人的人一起參戰,這些人向他灌輸了對猶太人的仇恨,他成為一個無比仇視猶太人的人。當他後來能夠在德國上台並宣佈建立“偉大的德意志帝國”時,對猶太人的迫害才真正開始,形成了大屠殺,數百萬人在毒氣室中被殺害,或被毆打致死甚或被槍殺。但是,在烏克蘭和俄羅斯發生的實際真相被故意篡改和流傳,以至於今天沒有人知道事件的實際真相,因此,人類把謊言和欺詐性的篡改信以為真,相信每一個謊言。但自古以來,地球上的一切事情都是這樣處理的,因此,謊言和欺騙統治了世界,每個國家的人民都被欺騙,被愚弄的繩索所控制。事實上,他們所看到的世界歷史並不符合實際的真相 —— 甚至愚蠢地相信各自的統治者,儘管只有少數的真相參雜在其中。所以,如今德國再次走在前列 —— 包括烏蘇拉.馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)領導的歐洲獨裁政權 —— 以言行參與烏俄戰爭,據說是在“提供援助”的意義上,但實際上,一如既往地成為假好人。但真正的原因被掩蓋了,那部分知道真正真相、反對那些當權者和他們同路人行為的人,只能望洋興嘆,無法改變什麼。除此之外,還有美國的好戰份子也是如此,他們對霸權主義情有獨鍾,為達到目的不惜一切代價。現在,要再次提到以馬內利的追隨者與猶太教分離的過程和基督教的出現,這是一個真正緩慢前行的過程,當以馬內利不認為是一個死人而是一個昏迷者被拯救時,這個過程已經開始。他的持續生命被解釋為“神聖的復活”,並在以馬內利的追隨者中傳播,很快就像野火一樣傳播得很遠很廣。這也引起了那些罪魁禍首的注意,他們派出心腹去殺害以馬內利,但沒有成功,他逃到了喀什米爾。然而,追隨者們組成了一個所謂的早期教會,處理被誤解的以馬內利教導,並找到了更多的追隨者和信徒,也就是在以馬內利先知身上看到了被應許給他們的那些人。
They held on to this idea, while the other believers considered everything to be completely absurd and distanced themselves from it. Jmmanuel himself never gave a confirming answer to the question whether he was this prophet, but this led to the followers seeing in him all the more the prophet they wanted to see, which has remained so until today and he is traded as the 'Son of God'. This is actually what I have seen, experienced and learned on the spot during my many journeys with Sfath, and that everything is in truth quite different from what has been mendaciously and fraudulently handed down. All religious belief is false either way, and no belief of any kind justifies denigrating, haraming or even murdering religious human beings and exterminating them through wars and massacres, as has been the custom since time immemorial, especially with Christianity and Islam, and is still the case today – even if this is officially hypocritically denied and hatred of Jews continues to be secretly cultivated.
他們堅持這種想法,而其他信徒則認為一切是完全荒謬的,並與之保持距離。以馬內利本人從未對他是否是這位先知的問題給出過確認的答案,但這導致信徒們在他身上看到了他們想看到的先知,這種情況一直持續到今天,他被當作“上帝之子”。這實際上是我在與Sfath的多次旅行中所看到的、經歷的和當場瞭解到的,一切的事實都與被惡意和欺騙流傳下來的東西完全不同。所有的宗教信仰都是虛假的,任何一種信仰都不能成為詆毀、騷擾甚至謀殺宗教人士並通過戰爭和屠殺滅絕他們的理由,這是自古以來的習慣,尤其是基督教和伊斯蘭教,今天仍然如此 —— 即使官方虛偽地否認這一點,並繼續秘密地培養對猶太人的仇恨。
Unfortunately, this is the truth, because I know this through my investigations, which I have carried out with countless Earth-humans who believe in religion.
Exactly, that is also the observation that I myself make again and again. But it occurs to me that Sfath has said that climate change then also triggers changes in the earth's magnetism, which in turn causes environmental influences.
That corresponds to correctness, but we should talk about that later, because …
Yes, is good. I also learnt from Sfath that, for example, different suns come into being and pass away again, and also that large suns do not live as long as small ones, resp. that large suns are not able to exist as long as small suns, such as ours, around which we orbit with the Earth. About 4 billion (4,000,000,000) years ago, it took 473 days for the Earth to orbit the Sun, but this changed again and again, so that the Earth once needed only 80 days to orbit the Sun at breakneck speed. Once, about 20 million years ago, it took about 425 days, then much later again somewhat less, but then it finally settled down at 365 days and somewhat squeezed hours, as it still is today. As I have seen several times together with Sfath, the whole thing of the different length of the Earth's orbit around the Sun resulted from collisions, a simple ramming or also collisions of the Earth with very gigantic or large planetary formations, with large, smaller or small asteroids. As a result, the Earth became faster or slower – depending on the situation – so that it took more or fewer days to orbit the sun. And as Sfath explained at that time, the orbit around the Sun was also changed, just as the rotation of the Earth around itself, just as the rotation of the axis at its poles underwent a change in rotation, which has been preserved up to the present, whereby the Moon also contributed to this, which only joined later and which came from far away from your universe and was 'captured' by the Earth. Of course, the Earth scientists do not want to admit this and claim that it was formed from the Earth. These 'luminaries' have still not understood that their assumption – like various others – is fundamentally wrong. Many of them also do not understand and do not accept that other planets and other space formations can have exactly the same resp. the same matter compositions as exist on Earth. Also many other planets carry life-forms, some of which are very high in their consciousness development and much more advanced and intelligent than the cleverest earthlings. Other worlds also have lakes, streams and rivers, forests and seas and much more that also exists on Earth. It's just that the surfaces of other planets are shaped differently than those of Earth. But the earthlings are not ready, especially the 'heroes' who cannot imagine, do not understand and do not want to admit that many other worlds in the entire matter belt of the universe are full of life and even carry higher life, which even has highly developed techniques that also allow them to travel through the matter belt, and so on. Very many of our 'scientists' – airheads, I farewell to say, to which also various normal people belong – do not understand that the Earth in the humanly incomprehensible 'infinity' of our Creation, which is only a 7th part of all universes of Creation, is not alone inseminated and carries life, and partly also more highly intelligent life than exists on our planet. And that our Creation consists of 7 universes, each with a matter belt, has not yet been grasped by all those schoolboys who want to know so much about the universe, whose effective number is 7, which in turn are arranged in dimensions of the past and the future. They do know that the matter belt with all its galaxies etc. is expanding more and more, but in truth they do not even know that the origin of Creation with its 7 universes was tiny smaller than an atom when it exploded through the so-called Big Bang, but they only assume resp. suspect it, but do not know how this tiny thing came into being, from which Creation with its 7 universes emerged through the Big Bang. Let alone that they have any idea that what they call the Universe is nothing else than the 7th part of the Creation, but not the product of an imaginary God or God-Creator etc. In truth, they do not even have an idea of the development of the whole, consequently the origin out of the nihilo, out of which all the beginning of all existence found its becoming, is a book with 7 seals to them, which they will not be able to open for a very long time. Also what Sfath said, that you Plejaren assume the number of galaxies in the one as well as in the other matter belt to be more than 900 billion (900,000,000,000) each, the 'clever ones' of the earthlings undercut this enormously, for they reckon with something like 100 billion (100,000,000,000) as far as I know.
是的,很好。我還從Sfath那裡瞭解到,例如,不同的恆星產生後又會消失,還有,大恆星的壽命沒有小恆星長,也就是說,大恆星不能像小恆星那樣長期存在,比如我們的太陽,我們和地球一起繞著它運行。大約四十億年前,地球繞著太陽運行需要473天,但這種情況一變再變,所以地球曾經只需要80天就能以驚人的速度繞著太陽運行。有一次,大約兩千萬年前,它花了大約425天,後來又少了一些,但後來它終於穩定在365天和些許幾個小時[中譯者註:由1984年起,天文學統一規定一年為精確的365.25日。],就像今天一樣。正如我和Sfath一起看到的那樣,地球圍繞太陽的軌道的不同長度是由碰撞造成的,是地球由一些小規模的衝撞或與非常巨大的行星或行星群,或與大、小型小行星的碰撞結果,導致地球變得更快或者更慢 —— 視情況而定 —— 因此它繞太陽運行的天數更多或者更少。而且正如Sfath當時解釋的那樣,圍繞太陽的軌道也被改變了,就像地球的自轉一樣,其旋轉軸的兩極也會變化,這種變化一直持續到現在,在這方面,月球也發揮了作用,而月球是後來才加入環繞地球的,它來自你們宇宙的遙遠地方,後來被地球“捕獲”。[中譯者註:有關月球的來源,請參考《第005次接觸報告》中Semjase第64句至126句的陳述。]當然,地球科學家不願意承認這一點,並聲稱它是由地球形成的。這些“傑出人物”仍然沒有明白,他們的假設 —— 像其他各種假設一樣 —— 從根本上是錯誤的。他們中的許多人也不明白,也不接受其他行星和其他空間結構可以有完全相同的物質組成,就像地球上存在的一樣。另外,許多其他星球都有生命形式,其中一些生命形式的意識發展程度很高,比最聰明的地球人要先進和聰明得多。其他世界也有湖泊、溪流和河流、森林和海洋以及更多地球上也存在的東西。只是其他星球的表面形狀與地球的不同而已。但是地球人還沒有準備好,尤其是那些“英雄”,他們無法想像、不理解、不想承認在整個宇宙物質帶(matter belt)中的許多其他世界充滿了生命,甚至承載著更高的生命,這些生命甚至擁有高度發達的技術,也允許他們在物質帶中旅行,諸如此類。我們的許多“科學家” —— 我不得不說,就像廣大的普通人一樣屬於那些笨蛋(airheads) —— 他們不明白,人類無法理解的地球在我們“無垠”的「創世宇宙」(Creation)中,只是存在於其中的七分之一那個部分,不只是地球能孕育和承載生命,在某些情況下,無數星球上也是如同我們星球,存在著更高智慧的生命。而我們的「創世宇宙」由七個宇宙地帶組成,宇宙地帶中有一個是物質帶,所有那些想瞭解創世宇宙的小學生還沒有掌握,他們的有效數字是7,而這些宇宙地帶又是按過去和未來的維度排列。他們確實知道物質帶及其所有的星系等越來越膨脹,但事實上,他們甚至不知道創世宇宙的起源及其七個宇宙地帶在通過所謂的大爆炸爆炸時比原子還小,但他們只是假設和懷疑,但不知道這個小東西是如何產生的,創世宇宙及其七個宇宙地帶是通過大爆炸出現的。更不用說他們知道他們所謂的“宇宙”不過是「創世宇宙」的七分之一,而不是想像中的上帝或造物者等的產物。事實上,他們甚至不知道整個創世宇宙的發展,因此,所有存在的開始都是從“虛無”(nihilo)中產生的,對他們來說,這是一本有七個封印的書,他們在很長時間內都無法打開。還有Sfath說,你們Plejaren假設一個和另一個物質帶[中譯者註:根據理解,這應改指的是「原始空間帶」(Ur-Space Belt)與「固態物質宇宙帶」(Solid-state Matter Universe Belt)(有關「創世宇宙」的結構名稱與其大小,請參閱《第143次接觸報告》)]中的銀河系(galaxies)數量都超過九千億個,地球人的“聰明人”極大低估了這個數字,因為據我所知,他們計算的結果是一千億左右。
In any case, the human being of Earth is effectively not the non plus ultra of all intelligence and living beings, as he assumes in his megalomania. He will learn that yet, and to his own sorrow, but that is another matter.
What is more, at present the human beings of Earth can see with primitive telescopes – which they consider to be high technology – only something like 14 billion/milliard (14,000,000,000) light-years away and no further. Therefore, he also does not see that the universe is so vast and infinite as he cannot imagine it in reality. He would call the real vastness of the universe 'infinite', which it is not, however, because even this infinity has its limit. In truth, he sees only the matter belt, to which, however – neither explainable to human beings nor visible to their telescopes – 3 empty spatial dimensions of various consistencies of infinitely empty universe space are set. This, as outside or on the other side of the matter belt there are also 3 infinitely empty universe spaces of different consistencies. Also no scientist knows that the whole universe with the 3 empty spaces in front of the matter belt itself, as well as the 3 empty spaces after it, is only ⅐ of the whole, which is called Creation, which holds 7 different universes in itself, which, in addition to the dimension of the present, still hold innumerable dimensions of the past and the future.
更重要的是,目前地球上的人類用原始的望遠鏡 —— 他們認為是高科技 —— 只能看到大約140億光年的距離,不會更遠了。因此,他也沒有看到宇宙是如此的巨大和無垠,因為他在現實中無法想像它。他將宇宙的真正廣袤稱為“無限”,然而這並不正確,因為即使是這種無限也有其極限。事實上,他只看到了物質帶,但是 —— 人類無法解釋,他們的望遠鏡也看不到 —— 無限空曠的宇宙空間不同性質的三個空曠空間設置在其中。這是因為在物質帶的外面或另一邊,也有三個不同性質的無限空曠的宇宙空間。也沒有科學家知道,整個宇宙與物質帶前面的三個空曠空間本身,以及它後面的三個空曠空間,都只是整個宇宙的七分之一,這就是整個所謂的「創世宇宙」,它本身擁有七個不同的宇宙地帶,而除了現在的維度外,還擁有無數的過去和未來的維度。
I don't think I need to explain anything further about this, but with regard to the war in Ukraine, I will mention some other time that America is the real aggressor and is inciting the entire West against Russia, but in this regard it is incomprehensible to me why Earth-humans do not recognise this.
Language, too, is used as a weapon even by very primitive-thinking human beings, creating hatred and revenge and persecution all the more, especially through the English language, which is already learned and used all over the world, which is in the spirit of America and was basically very much striven for at the time of America's creation, whereby the sense at that time was already that not the language English, but America itself should dominate the world. And also in this respect it was a German-born citizen who emigrated to America and proclaimed the English language as the one that was necessary.
Yes, I know that, as well as that the US was eavesdropping – still is – against the intelligence services of many states around the world, with equipment invented and created by the Swiss company …. Especially the CIA and the BND and KGB were masters at it, which is probably still the case today. Religious and political terror has also increased, not decreased. I am thinking in particular of the political terror of Islam, but also of the terror of Islamic religion fanatics, and of course, as I have already mentioned, of the terror against the Jewish believers worldwide. And as long as there are still religions and militaries among the peoples of the Earth, there will never be peace and harmony, but, on the contrary, even more atrocities. For example, together with Asket and Semjase, I have seen how in Argentina, for political reasons, human beings were flown far over the sea in aeroplanes and simply thrown out alive, as a result of which they drowned. When such corpses washed ashore in foreign countries, heavy weights were henceforth attached to the human beings, causing them to sink into the sea and never be found again. The same was true at the time when human beings were stolen and enslaved in Africa. They were tied to chains and simply thrown into the sea when there was a danger of a storm or when they were controlled by foreigners, where the weight of the chains caused them to sink and drown. Today there is a particularly great famine in Africa, and this is not only due to a lack of food, but mainly due to overpopulation, which is especially the case in poor countries.
是的,我知道,還有,美國正在竊聽 —— 現在仍然在竊聽 —— 針對世界上許多國家的情報部門,使用瑞士公司 ... 發明和創造的設備。特別是中情局(CIA)和德國聯邦情報局(BND;德語:Bundesnachrichtendienst)以及國家安全委員會(蘇聯)(KGB;俄文羅馬化:Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti)都是這方面的高手,今天可能仍然是這樣。宗教和政治恐怖也在增加,而沒有減少。我特別想到了伊斯蘭教的政治恐怖,但也想到了伊斯蘭教狂熱者的恐怖,當然,正如我已經提到的,還有對全世界猶太信徒的恐怖。而只要地球上的人民中還存在宗教和軍隊,就永遠不會有和平與和諧,相反的,甚至會有更多的暴行。例如,我與Asket和Semjase一起看到,在阿根廷,由於政治原因,有些人被用飛機載到遠遠的海面上,然後被活生生地扔出去,結果是都被淹死。當這些屍體在外國被沖到岸上時,重物又被綁在屍體上,導致他們沉入大海,再也找不到了。當人類在非洲被掠劫和被奴役的時候,情況也是如此。他們被綁在鐵鍊上,當有暴風雨的危險時,或者當他們被外國人控制時,鐵鍊的重量導致他們下沉和淹死,他們被直接扔到海裡。今天,非洲出現了特別大的饑荒,這不僅是由於缺乏食物,而且主要是由於人口過多,這在貧窮國家尤其如此。
I am aware of all that, but we should now talk about certain things that you should not then call up and write down.
Whatever you say, then …
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