Contact Report 079/第079次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年09月20日,星期五,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman (July 2020), Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年07月21日,星期五,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Gee, girl, this is a surprise, that you are taking me right out of the office. I was about to start writing to get some letters done. But girl, I'm so happy to finally see you again. It has been so long since we last saw each other, about four months. Where have you been for so long, and what have you done? You know, we all waited very longingly for you and missed you very much.
1. This is a very dear greeting – I offer you my thanks for it.
2. I am also very happy that I can be here again, because I feel very connected with all of you.
3. The time was very long for me, but I had to do this and be absent.
4. The reason lies in the fact that I certainly could not have stayed out of your concerns, thus I would have been helpful to you in various things, even though I should not have been.
5. Through all the time that we are now in contact with each other, I have taken such an interest in all your and others concerns that a very strong connection has developed out of it, out of which I would have acted differently in certain things than I was promised.
6. You can see from this that I and my people, too, are only pure human life-forms, which under certain conditions have difficulty in following certain things.
7. It was precisely in this case that I could not determine with certainty beforehand whether I would fit in with the given rules and act according to the given advice of the High Council, because the attachment to you and your group had become too pronounced in me, which is why I found it more responsible to remove myself from the immediate area of your presence, in order to not undertake any actions for your benefit, either unthinkingly or guided by connecting feelings and other impulses, which I should not do for your own good and progress.
8. As you know, I should not and must not interfere directly in your evolutionary work for the sake of your self-development of these things.
9. This also includes all that manual activity that is connected with the building of your Centre.
因此也包括了所有的體力勞動(manual activity),這關係到你們「中心」(Centre)的建造。
10. So as not to interfere carelessly and out of a willingness to help in your concerns to be dealt with by yourselves, I removed myself from your surroundings and reach.
11. But I was not inactive in your affairs during that time, for I explored many important things for you, but it is still too early to talk about them at this time.
12. Only in the course of time and little by little will I be able to give details, at those times when the corresponding data and insights will serve you and be of an evolutionary nature.
13. To explore these things I stayed in various future epochs, after which I have become able to discern certain details of the future of all core group members which are worth knowing and necessary to know, but which, as personal concerns of each individual member, must also be preserved as such without naming them to third parties.
14. This is necessary for many reasons of security, but also with regard to the maintenance of peace in the group itself, because thoughts of envy, betrayal and egoism have not yet been completely eliminated, and some of them still appear in very strong form in constant succession.
15. The researched details for the individual core group members are to be handled in such a manner that when they are named they are written down for those concerned, but are only knowingly taken up by them.
16. When they are mentioned, it should be the case that you should record the given facts in writing in the usual form, but then do not hand them over, but only hand them over to the members in detail in your presence for study, after which you should keep them again.
17. No copies or duplicates should be made of the original document, because only in this manner can the danger of distribution to third parties be avoided.
18. From now on, the individuals themselves must then ensure that they do not knowingly or unknowingly make any statements or results about the matters that have come to their attention.
19. For yourself, the task will be to study in detail the individual concerns of the details for the core group members to be mentioned step by step and to orientate yourself as to what will require many more conversations with my father and with me in the future, for which, however, no contact reports are to be prepared.
20. In the future, a new task will require your attention, which you have already offered to fulfil in the past, namely the predictions for the current years, which I have made for you in the last two years, at least partially, since you have already decisively contributed your thoughts and your researched results to the last annual prediction, without, however, making this known in your group.
21. It would have been correct if you had drawn the attention of the group members to this and had informed them that little more than two thirds of the yearly predictions for the year 1977 came from your foresight and probability calculations and that only the minimal remainder in this respect as well as the statements for the further future arose from my own work.
22. You knowingly concealed from everyone that we had an unrecorded conversation about this, and that I agreed to make the predictions on my behalf if you would later disclose the true facts to your group members.
23. But you did not do this, although you declared at that time that you would do this if you thought the time was given, namely if you recognised the correctness of your calculations and researches into the future.
24. Over the interim of my absence this has certainly become a reality, but you have not yet acted according to your given word, which is incomprehensible to me in any form, since I have never before, during and also not before our acquaintance, been able to determine that you turn a given word into brokenness.
25. So I can only imagine that you have fallen into oblivion about this or that for some reason you do not yet find the time as given.
The latter was the case, girl, but by mentioning the actual facts you have now put a spoke in my wheel, because if the contact report appears, everyone will now be informed by it. I …
26. I can withhold my words in this regard and not pass them on to you for the report, if that is what you want.
27. But it would be important for me to know what your reasons are for remaining silent about this important matter?
So far, the manual work that has been and still is being carried out has not allowd me to devote myself in detail to all members and to the spiritual teaching and thus to all the necessary explanations in the manner that should be the case in order to be able to explain the importance of the predictions. This is why: Different group members need a tremendous amount of explanation and knowledge in order to come out of a near stagnation of consciousness again, into which they have fallen through the hunger for learning of the last months, because I could no longer serve them in any wise with regard to the mediation and explanation of spiritual concerns and spiritual knowledge, because I was simply too much occupied by the manual activity and much more, that I simply had no more time left for it and that I lacked every possibility.
28. I know that; father, Quetzal and Menara informed me about it.
29. According to your words, I find your behaviour understandable, according to which I am willing to skip my statements when submitting the report, if you really want me to.
30. For my part, however, I think that your secret, which you have been keeping until now, can be uncovered at this point in time, because now is definitely the best time for it.
31. I have spent the last two days intensively endeavouring [to examine] individual group members and found that some of them are very approachable for certain recognition values right now, precisely because they had to languish so long in imparting knowledge of spiritual concerns.
32. If, however, your considerations should nevertheless result in you having to wait with the mentioning of the given facts due to a lack of time and necessary explanations, then this is quite understandable and acceptable to me.
I would prefer to wait until the time when everything can take its usual course again.
33. And when should that be according to your calculation?
At the beginning of November.
34. A very long time yet, if I grasp things according to earthly conditions.
35. Your calculation intersects with the time of the starting up of the Centre.
Exactly, because only from this point on do I find enough time again to be able to devote myself fully and completely to all aspects of the spiritual teaching and the writing of articles and books.
36. But then also consider the task that you yourself should be concerned about the creation of a suitable book with regard to our contacts.
I have already thought about that, I simply have to divide my time accordingly. By the way, I have already started this work, and I will also be able to catch up with my neglected work bit by bit.
37. Then I will respond to your wish.
No, I assume, after you have given your reasons for doing so, that I will leave everything as it is now, without you having to leave out your words in the report. Somehow I will be able to cope with it.
38. As you like.
39. But be aware that the next predictions are to be given entirely from your side.
You already said that. I just wonder what percent of the predictions to be made correspond to reality and what benefits they bring. It worries me a bit, because if I miss too much, then I look ridiculous and they will call me a charlatan.
40. Such misgivings about you are very strange to me.
41. Besides, almost all the predictions you made for this year have already come true, without any mistakes so far.
42. Think only once of the most basic things, since your calculations fully coincide with the current and past events, which are mainly the unusual climate changes, the unusual snowfalls and rainfalls, the oil catastrophes and oil tanker ruptures, then also the events about the latest terrible weapon of destruction of the Americans as well as the prediction about the various volcanic eruptions, the rapid prevalence of criminality, family murders and many other things, which you have called, partly by probability calculations and partly by foresight, in the form of future vision with absolute correctness.
Still, girl, I just have concerns.
43. Even if you are wanting in certain things, this does not justify a distrust of you or even an accusation of charlatanry.
It is easy for you to talk, because you do not have to live directly with us earthlings, who very often try to twist a rope for vain reasons. Especially I stand thereby almost like an exhibit whereby alone already the contact with you and yours gives extremely much cause for it. What will it be like when I suddenly make yearly predictions in my name? Surely they will accuse me of clairvoyance, and that means that I will appear even more implausible than it is already the case in would-be claustrophobic circles. These would-be intelligence beasts will then be the first to shout out terseness and murder, which is certainly not absolutely necessary, is it not?
妳說的太輕鬆了,因為妳不需要和地球人一起生活,總有個人會站出來在小事上找碴。特別是我站在那些人的旁邊時,簡直就像站在主持節目的台子(presenter plate)上一樣,要說出為什麼只能一個人和妳接觸的種種原因。如果我現在突然以我的名義還去做未來預言,那首先會發生什麼?別人肯定會指責我,就如同指責其它自以為是的圈子那樣,會把我當作極不可靠的人。這批自以為是的人之後肯定會大呼小叫。但這種事情完全沒必要出現,對不對?
44. You are mistaken, because such action from these sides only serves our cause, because the greater and more vicious the anti-propaganda against you and your group and your contacts with us becomes, the greater are the positive successes, which you should know from your own experience.
45. Somehow you seem to be depressed, because never before has your thinking been of this form.
46. Your fighting spirit seems to be stricken, for which I can only find the reason in the fact that I was absent for so long.
You are probably right about that too, because that time was also quite a burden to me. I am sorry if I have now given the impression that I no longer want to fight in the usual way. There have simply risen in me quiet doubts about the correctness of things, if I announce predictions in my name. Of course you are right with your explanation, because that is the case, I have experienced that often enough, also with Jacob, Bertossi and Arends, through whose help we first came to our center, even if these jerks just wanted to prevent that.
47. As other personalities, you have already gathered countless experiences with this in earlier millennia and have never faltered as a different person.
48. The fact that this is to be the case for the first time, however, is probably due to your physical and psychological condition, for I see that the reason lies not only in my absence, but also, and to a very significant degree, in your present state of health.
49. Your face is marked by pain and flares of fever.
50. What ailments are you suffering with?
It is not worth mentioning.
51. Sit down here.
For what?
52. Through this apparatus I will fathom what ailment has befallen you.
That is not necessary, because I know well enough myself what I am lacking. I only poisoned myself with a little sausage, which all of us know. That is why they have been nagging me all the time and thought I should go to the doctor. But it really is not that bad, because I am always probing around a bit in order help myself. It goes halfway that way and I can at least smoke it out.
53. Your constant trivialisation is well known to me, and the expressions in your facial features speak completely different things than your explanations say.
54. Now sit here.
If it is absolut....
如果沒必要 ...
55. You shall not contradict, but sit yourself here.
Okay, I'm already doing it. – Are you satisfied now?
好吧,我照做就是了... 妳現在滿意了吧?
56. Sure, that is how you sit – aha, I thought so.
當然,坐好了... 啊,如我所料。
57. You are completely exhausted, and besides, you seem to have not eaten for days.
It won't be that bad, and how could I eat if I was always feeling lousy?
58. So, yes.
59. Your poisoning is not of an easy nature, but already quite serious.
60. As the apparatus here shows, your blood has already been poisoned, and certain cells of the brain have also been affected, which makes your suddenly pessimistic mood explainable.
I say, that is quite normal for meat poisoning.
61. It is not that natural, because as I see here, it is not a common poisoning, but a far more serious infection from meat parasites.
You mean they are …
62. Certainly, so I'll do what I have to do about it.
63. Give me your arm.
64. So yes, that is good.
What kind of thing is that?
65. A parasite neutraliser, as Earth-humans would say.
66. This apparatus automatically neutralises all pathogenic or life-threatening parasites in the physical areas of a human life form as soon as this colourless surface comes into contact with the surface of the skin, as it does right now.
67. The time of neutralisation is less than 6 seconds for an entire human body, whereby the neutraliser automatically adjusts in a fraction of a second to the physical condition and constitution of the human life form concerned.
68. In the end, the apparatus neutralises all damage caused by the parasites, or they are neutralised if they are of any material or any other substantial or gaseous nature, which has just happened to you, so you are not poisoned.
That is great, I actually feel squeaky good again. But tell me, what do you actually mean by parasites in case of illness or even poisoning?
69. This includes all kinds of bacilli, viruses, microbes and other pathogens whose existence is still unknown to earthly science in many cases, but of which several will be discovered in the course of the next decades when new diseases and epidemics appear and are researched.
Aha, do salmonella and other pack animals also belong to it?
70. Sure, but also new pathogens and new diseases and epidemics.
Good, while we are at it: You know that we have been doing a lot of transplants here on Earth for a few years now. With each of these operations, however, there is always the danger that the patient will only survive for a short time. This is because the foreign transplants are repelled by the body, which is why the body is treated with medication, etc. to such an extent that all antibodies and defence organs in the human body are rendered inoperative, which of course has the consequence that the body becomes highly susceptible to infections, etc., which leads to the death of the patient a short time after the transplantation, at least at present. I now have the question whether it is actually not possible to carry out a transplantation with good or even the best success without the defensive substances and organs in the human body being rendered inoperative. If this is possible, can or may you then tell me what science has to do to be successful?
71. If you had asked this question three months ago, I would not have been allowed to answer it.
72. Recently, however, nothing has stood in the way of answering this question, which is why I can give you as much information about it as I am allowed to:
73. If a transplant is to be successful, then relatively little is required, namely a simple serum, a gene combination, which I am not allowed to describe in more detail.
74. Various earthly scientists researching this field have already found this serum and used it in animal experiments for tests.
75. They name the product they produce antigen serum, which is made from very specific substances from those animals which may later supply the transplants.
他們稱這種製造中的產品為抗原血清(antigen serum),這是從那些動物身上製造出來非常特殊的物質,也許以後會用於移植。
76. However, this serum must already be delivered to the foetus in the womb, after which the foetus immunises itself by developing the relevant serum substances of the animals in cooperation with the foetus' own substances in such a form that the substances build up in commonality and become transplant-friendly.
77. The foreign substances that build up program certain control centres of very specific cells, so these become known through the antigen serum supplied to them at an early stage, whereby they later recognise transplants of those animals as their own property from those substances contained in the serum.
78. The exact same process takes place when the serum is produced from certain substances of another human life form.
That sounds very simple, but there is still a lot of knowledge and ignorance of our scientists behind this step.
79. Since the time is ripe, they should stop their experiments and put everything into practice, because they already know enough to save valuable human life from premature death.
80. Your science should take this step now, because it is evolutionary, even if you will later deviate from it again, because better and further ways will open up and because the realisation will arise that the fluidal powers inherent in transplants are harmful in the long run and influence the carriers of transplants positively or negatively depending on their value and their power.
81. With the human life-form, no matter which race it belongs to, only the human species is important; it is the highest physical form of life with very specific, special characteristics that are not found in animal or floral life.
82. As an autonomous small world, everything is regarded as an intruder and foreign body to the human life-form in the case of foreign transplants, etc.
83. What is right for this form alone are organ and protoplasm forms, which are created or cultivated from the existing life form itself on the basis of the individual coordination of each individual life form.
對於這方面,唯一正確的是器官和原生質形式(organ and protoplasm forms),這些形式是根據每個個體生命的獨特協調基礎上,從現有的生命形式自身創造或培養出來的。
84. This basically means genetic manipulation or genetic engineering, which is already being used in part on the Earth today and which could bring success.
基本上這也就是基因操縱(genetic manipulation)或遺傳工程(genetic engineering),這已經有一部分被應用在地球上並帶來了成功。
85. But for inexplicable reasons this step is not yet taken openly, which will entail that at a later time resistance will be raised against it by the unreasonable and progress inhibiting ones, when the development will already have progressed further, because by then the Earth-human will have become even more effeminate and even more false-human, and indeed, already in only two decades.
86. But genetic engineering has been running for a long time in terms of food modification, etc., secretly.
I just barely keep up with your explanation; but that is all it takes.
87. That is not so important either, because the Earth-human will go his/her way one way or the other, because he/she has already predetermined that in the masses.
I know that, we are all clear about that, so there is no need for any further discussion about it.
88. Sure, I also have more important things to explain to you, namely regarding all your work and the actual meaning of the whole.
89. First of all I would like to express my deep thanks and praise for all the commitment and efforts of the honest and diligent group members who made the creation of your Centre possible.
90. In the beginning it was very difficult and unusual for everyone to get involved in these continuous forms, in both the financial and the manual part.
91. In the course of time, however, as the records of our recorders have shown, everything has changed very much for the better, so that today, with very few exceptions, everything is progressing extremely well.
92. Sure, it was very difficult for me and all others to understand all your actions and thoughts and also all the appearing impulses, etc., but we realised that the beginning of the whole could not be different and that it corresponds to the usual rules of earthly behaviour.
93. It was not easy for all of us to recognise this, because these kinds of manner of thinking and acting were foreign to us in every respect and therefore incomprehensible, which is why we all first had to accustom ourselves to these matters in order to be able to understand you in this respect.
94. Since we now understand this aspect of your earthly modes of life, however, we are in a position to recognise and appreciate it accordingly, which is why I express my gratitude to all of you by expressing my joy.
95. This is for the interests of all those things which are in the financial and manual area of your work.
96. The situation is different with certain other things that I am unfortunately not in a position to circumvent and leave unspoken, which is why I would like to discuss them here:
97. In reference to the actual Centre, unfortunately some of the unwilling and treacherous group members have not kept silent about the fact that no details should become expressed.
98. A few have talked about it with outsiders and unfortunately have also slanderously and falsely distorted certain details.
99. More attention should be paid to this in the future, for it is important that no further false information is disseminated about it.
100. As our apparatuses recorded, the sounding of certain twisted and false details in certain circles has already given rise to wild speculation, which has led to the formation of a loose group, the purpose of which is the theft of not significant things, fortunately, from the Centre.
101. So be careful to secure and guard the whole thing in the future.
102. This could have been prevented by silence, which is not the case now, however, by the recklessness and also by the betrayal of certain group members as well as by their lies and slander and their still prevailing doubts about the value of the Centre.
103. At least this is the case with individual treacherous members.
104. Unfortunately, only a very few are really clear about the purpose and value of the Centre and the mission, which is why corresponding thoughts are rife in them and they work very diligently and endeavour to complete everything at the prescribed time.
105. Particular attention should be paid by those group members to curb and control their malignant and negating thoughts, who, despite their treacherous actions, already have a relatively great knowledge of the spiritual teaching, but for very flimsy and selfish as well as egotistical reasons, and in the misunderstanding of certain situations of action, etc., and for reasons of misjudgement of other members of the group, have become intellectually and even with great thoughtlessness verbally abusive, thereby causing discontent and bringing doubts about the truth of the Creation into creation.
I know it really is so, girl, but I do not think you can blame them, because everyone, no matter who they are, must first recognise and learn certain things of the truth. But how should they have the knowledge if they do not first make mistakes in order to be able to recognise the damage or simply the wrong from their own experience, after which they only then become aware?
106. Sure, that is correct, which is why my words are not reproachfully said, but explaining and advising, according to which the erring ones can recognise themselves in their faulty actions and can develop higher in self-instruction.
107. But it may be, as it is proper for you to say, that you feed poisonous viper breeding on your bosom, which will bite and poison you in order to destroy your work or even to kill you.
Then I am reassured. I thought so because it sounded like a reprimand. But your last words make me think. Maybe you are right about that. But I still cannot condemn the misguided ones, which you do not do either, can I?
108. I have just explained to you that this is not the case.
Exactly, precisely.
109. You are funny again, but keep listening to what I have to explain:
110. The forms of humanity among these various group members sometimes leave much to be desired in certain respects, for they often take sides, which leads to strife and untruth in interaction with others.
111. I would like to advise you that these rather low forms of addiction to prestige, egoism and wanting to be more, etc. are to be dismantled by the erring ones in a controlled manner, for otherwise discord and resentment will very quickly become destructive, which would make it impossible for a larger group to live together once and for all.
112. I shall send you the corresponding rules of order, which will be necessary to follow, when the time comes, when the advice of the High Council has been worked out and drawn up.
113. They are rules of order which take much more time to prepare than my father had assumed.
114. This was because the things and concerns about the psyche, the feelings and thought reactions as well as the actions of the individual are so confused that everything has to be registered and analysed again which will happen again over three months.
115. This has to be the case because many different changed situations have resulted in completely new perspectives of judgement, which can only be analysed through a new registration over a longer period of time.
Man, child, then we can wait a long time.
116. Sure, but unfortunately that cannot be changed.
When do you think it will be, so far?
117. At the earliest in the month of November.
Yikes. It cannot work before?
118. Unfortunately no, rather it can take some time longer.
Then all that remains is to wait.
119. Sure, but keep listening to what I have to say:
120. Some of the group members are also unclear about certain things about you as a person, which is why they should try to be clear about this.
121. This is necessary because certain future work and events require that more trust be placed in you and your actions.
122. But this can truly only happen if one endeavours to see and know you in the light of your mission.
123. You may live in the earthly world of the present time, but that does not mean that you are also at home in this world, which many have not yet recognised and which, on the other hand, often places a heavy burden on you.
124. I know very well how strange you feel on the Earth, yet a very strong bond with your family and group members often makes you forget this, because you reject this burden, because you have no use for it.
125. However, you are still not able to deceive yourself, so that being alone always and constantly remains in your consciousness and burdens you.
126. You have chosen this as it was the case in earlier times, that is clear to me, but all those around you should be aware that you carry this heavy burden for them and all other people, which is why they should be more open-minded and devoted to you, but which requires that they make more efforts to see you as you really are, namely that you take up your task without consideration for yourself.
127. And since you do not show consideration for yourself, you should have a necessary love of all that frees you from the burden of being alone.
128. And when I speak here of an inconsideration for yourself, then I mean the point of loneliness that surrounds you because you can only be active in instruction among the Earth-humans, but not learn, because your knowledge and ability in the matters of the spirit are far too highly developed for you to find an instructive interlocutor.
129. At present there is not even an Earth-human who could understand or even grasp your thought forms in this regard, and it is precisely these things that push you into your inner loneliness in truth, which are so often so burdensome for you that everything weeps and rears up in your innermost being.
130. It is better for all those who are able to cry openly to express their feelings in this manner and thereby ease themselves.
131. You, however, are denied this because you are only able to fulfil your mission if you are master of your feelings and other impulses, if you have learned to master them and thus become lonely, to overcome all your problems within yourself, deep within yourself, but which entailed that you lost the open crying over your own pain, which in turn had the consequence that the congestions began to discharge inwards, through the crying deep inside you, when the burden of loneliness becomes too great for you in each case.
132. In this relationship you would be given a lot of help if you were given more open-mindedness and tangible love by everyone.
You are talking about things you really should not talk about, girl, because I have to deal with this part of my life myself. So why should the others be burdened with as well? That is really not necessary. I have been carrying this burden for forty years now, so I can carry it for the rest of my life.
133. You should be more cautious about your life span.
你應該更謹慎看待你的壽命(life span)。
134. Look, I cannot share your view, for you too are aligned with the creational laws and recommendations therefore you too have your rights, like all other forms of life.
聽著,我不能同意你的觀點,因為你也是遵循「造物法則和戒律」(the creative laws and commandments),因此你也有你自己的權利,就像任何其他生命形式一樣。
135. This means that you too should receive love and not be more lonely than necessary.
136. Sure, your mission demands a lot from you, but certain concerns do not have to be, and can also be changed, if the necessary reason and understanding and feelings go the right way from all sides.
137. I know that you never liked to talk about these things and that you hide them from those around, but this is not of correctness, because there is always the danger that you will break down and not be able to complete your work, which is why I must officially talk about them so that those surrounding you finally grasp these concerns and facts clearly and give you the necessary help.
You treat me like a baby, damn it.
138. You are now irritated about my explanations, but if you think them over thoroughly, you will see that they are correct.
Damn, I know that well enough myself, but so far I have dealt with everything and so I would have continued to do it without you pillorying me and my feelings, etc.
139. I do not understand your irritation, for I am only ready to help you – and I also think about all our tasks.
Oh, come on, lets leave that now. I know that you are right as always. But I will still think about it and perhaps once again get some dreams in order to get my feelings going, so that they move again in somewhat brighter paths.
140. Sure, you should do that, and even more often because of dreams, because they bring you relief and a certain balance.
I just had not thought about it so far. Sometimes one is so burdened with completely different things from other humans that one has no more time to think about one's own problems.
141. That is right, at least on Earth at the present time, which will last for a long time to come.
142. But you of all people should always remember that especially you should not do this in your time, because the human beings of the Earth do not hold by such things, but only burden themselves with their own things and do not think of others.
143. Therefore, when I explained earlier that this burden is at least the case now on the Earth, it refers only to those few people who have already reached a height in their state of evolution that exceeds the normal present norm.
144. Therefore, if you want to live as a life form with your knowledge and abilities, which are very enormous for Earth-humans, among them and with them, then you must not burden yourself so much in the problem-related sense for your environment that you fall prey to absolute selflessness, but you should do the same as the Earth-humans and act according to their norms, even if it may be difficult for you.
145. So that means that you should think more about yourself in every respect than you have done so far.
146. If you do not follow this advice, then you put your whole mission into question, which you are aware of.
I know.
147. Then you should act according to my advice.
Okay, I will do it. My word on it.
148. Thank you.
Why then? You know very well that it is not you but me who is in the wrong and that I acted incorrectly.
149. I am grateful to you that you know this and that by your recognition you correct this mistake, which saves me a lot of worries.
Okay, things can change, but on the other hand it was the same in much earlier times as it is now in this life. If one wants to accomplish certain tasks and achieve certain goals, then one has to take a lot on oneself.
150. Sure, that is the truth, nevertheless, it does not mean that one should destroy oneself on account of this.
Certainly not, but do not you think that we should finally end this tiresome topic?
151. Sure, but I had to bring it up once.
Well, then we can talk about other things now.
152. Sure, there is enough too.
Then shoot.
153. A very important issue is still to be clarified:
154. Have you made and finished the necessary core pieces?
Of course, they have been well stored in the box for months.
155. I will have to take them with me at the end of September.
You once told me that you have to bring them to Erra, is that right?
156. Sure, because they have to be purified to be freed of all the negative radiations and swinging waves.
And will you bring them back at the right time?
157. Sure, you will get them back in time.
Then I am reassured. But tell me, can you not at least give me some decisive details about the individual core group members in terms of living here and their division of tasks?
158. It is too early to talk about this, as we will have to wait for the results of the High Council.
現在說這個還太早了,我們得等候「高級理事會」(High Council)的結果。
159. In any case, however, there will be various changes, as it has already become clear that certain factors do not appear in the same manner as they should for certain tasks.
160. For example, unfortunately, there is also the fact that two or three members have proved incapable of living in a direct community, which is why it would be a good idea if they continued to live in separate places and at a certain distance from the Centre.
161. However, I am not yet in a position to explain exactly what this is all about, as I do not yet have the necessary results from the High Council to do so, but the new registrations will also have to be submitted in the future.
I understand, but why should these two or three not fit into the community?
162. In one case there is an extremely pronounced form of domination, paired with mistaken views, which would inevitably lead to disagreements in the community after a relatively short time, only to lead to aggressive statements and actions among each other shortly afterwards.
163. In the second case the circumstances are similar, but in addition there is a very strong individuality of a pronounced revolutionary sense.
164. Although this is the result of a complex of inferiority, it is extremely dangerous and destructive for a community of the kind envisaged.
165. In the third case, things are such that ambitions appear in the respective group member which, like your earlier personalities, could elevate you to glory in earlier times, which must be avoided at all costs.
166. Especially in this case I would like to require you to be extremely careful yourself, because the behaviour around you from this side is very pronounced.
167. The seeing and hearing of non-existent things from this group member refers to this erroneous glorification of your person, since the clear and rational thinking has been switched off and given way to an imagination, as unfortunately was the case much earlier, when his consciousness was confused by the performance of your fireworks at the time of your persecution.
You speak of F. K.?
妳說的是F. K.?
168. Sure, you know very well.
But I was not that sure, girl. Anyway, thank you very much for your tip. On the other hand, you do not have to worry so much, because you probably know that I act accordingly against it. Furthermore, not much can happen from this side in the form you mentioned, because for the member in question the time of the group membership is already too limited for him to reach his confused goal.
169. You have researched this?
Of course; I had to know how to behave and what was behind all this talk.
170. Sure, you did a good job of that, but I can also dismiss my concern as unfounded.
You really did not have to worry about that.
171. I only know that now.
But now I am interested in something else, girl. What about these negative influences that have had such a strong effect on all of us? They had told me, I think it was your father – stupid word -, I simply cannot remember who said it, that if everything takes its normal course, everything will be better from the month of July. Somehow I have had the feeling for days that a change is actually taking place and that the previous negative is flattening out a bit?
現在還有點其它事讓我感興趣,姑娘。負面影響力到底會在我們身上持續多久?有人告訴過我,我相信你的父親曾... 不對... 我完全記不得是誰跟我說的了,要是所有人都步入了正軌,那麼七月份一切會改善起來?我這幾天已經感覺到了,確實有了改變,而過去的負面情緒會再次變得平緩嗎?
172. Father and Quetzal informed me about the events.
173. Sure, the situation is beginning to balance out and normalise, but this is mainly due to Quetzal's merits, because he has been trying for months to analyse things and put them in order.
174. In the main, the Giza intelligences were guilty for the negative events.
最主要是吉薩精靈(Gizeh intelligences)的負面影響。
175. Realising that your Centre lies very exactly on a magnetic radiation centre, they were tempted to exploit this in their favour and bring forces into play that you could not cope with.
176. As you yourself know very well, you too had all sorts of trouble and misery in order to cope with, or at the very least to reject, all kinds of hostilities.
177. Even when it is a mystery to us how you could do that, this fact nevertheless remains.
At times it was also very crazy for us. Many simply cranked through, spun out and went crazy. This affected the work and much more. What was left to me in the end? Only roaring around like a madman was still useful. Nevertheless, I do not want to ascribe all events to the Giza twerps and the swinging waves of the stars, because in many cases the spinning out of the individual was because they did not know what to do with all the work that had to be done, within which was the factor that they were unaccustomed to this kind of work, which also helped with everything.
178. Sure, that is correct; but the analyses that have been made in the meantime have shown that these concerns have become more balanced and that these difficulties have largely come to a standstill.
179. All the honest and mission-conscious members of the group have made a great effort, for which I want to express my gratitude to them.
180. Nevertheless, I would like to remind everyone that the last time-consuming construction project still requires a great deal of work and a great deal of joint effort.
181. As I have read from our registry recorders, there are those who are thinking about leaving the group or going on vacation, although their current involvement with you at this time is crucial to building everything necessary.
182. But if this actually happens, that certain people at cross purposes or even all group members of honest form stay away from the necessary work during the whole holiday period, then the project will get into time pressure and would not be completed at the required time, which you may know.
183. Therefore, I would like to take the liberty of interfering in your concerns and suggest to you that all of you give a part of your holiday time for the necessary work and work this time daily.
184. You know that if the project is not finished by now, there will be irreparable changes that will shake all plans and damage individual core group members.
I know that, but people need their holidays too.
185. Sure, but the more important one certainly has a priority with everyone.
They will have to decide that for themselves.
186. But they should know that for some, time is very tight, if it would no longer be sufficient for what is required, which is why the project must be completed very precisely on time.
Of course, that is all very clear to me, but the decision is really not mine to make.
187. In this respect, too, you should be trusted more and your words more respected.
Do you have any idea what is sometimes thrown at my head?
188. Your thoughts probably refer specifically to Jacobus.
189. His thoughts are familiar to me, because very often they are unmistakable in a form that hurts me.
190. He is very uncouth in his thinking, for he does not make an effort about this.
191. Thus his thoughts of unlove are often exposed when he talks of me or about me, which I often also have to take from our registry apparatuses.
192. In particular, his speech of extreme inaccuracy is that we are unaccustomed to work and that we have good things to say, because we do not have to do his work.
193. It is very unfortunate to have to find this out, because his thoughts and speaking clearly state that he does not strive for true thinking and therefore is not able to recognise that we too have very hard days of work and very often have to do our duties for several days without sleep, especially when, through the unreasonableness of individuals in your group, things are done which we have the duty to balance out.
194. Especially with Jacobus we have our trouble, because by his stubbornness bordering non thinking he is extremely susceptible to all negative forces acting on him, which is why we have to constantly strive for him like no other to protect him from thoughtless and damaging actions.
195. His world of thoughts therefore corresponds to very selfish and bad gratitude, which he is very much advised to remedy.
196. Notwithstanding this, we must nevertheless thank him for his commitment and cooperation.
Well, what can I say about that?
197. You should tell him these things more often.
Man, what more should I do? Ask Herbert once again, or rush around in his thoughts, then you will see how often I have already told Jacobus that.
198. Sure, I know that from Jacobus' thoughts.
199. Nevertheless, you should do it more, even if he always reacts aggressively.
Aha, you know that too.
200. Sure, I explained to you that his thoughts reveal everything and go out from him unchecked.
Aha, yes, of course. Okay, I will knock on his door again.
201. You should also try to make him understand that his expressions and speech become more moderate about me and my girlfriends, etc., because his speech and thoughts about physical love and connectedness are often so impure and even primitive that the feeling of shame is not spared to me, although we only know such feelings from earlier lore.
202. What Jacobus allows himself in this relationship, however, is something so new and primitive for me that it took me almost two years to talk to you about it.
203. That an Earth human can think and speak so impurely in this regard is an abomination to me.
204. It is so impure and unclean that one should fundamentally not talk about it.
205. The constant repetition of the same concerns, however, nevertheless requires these remarks.
I am very sorry, girl. I have told him all this many times before, but his damn stubbornness is so great that he just laughs at it and appears to be a hero. That damn jerk, I will have to read him the riot act again when the time comes. I will give him a… girl, please, do not do that…
這讓我很抱歉,姑娘。我也總是跟他說過這些事,可是他那該死的固執是如此強烈,他對此還笑著把自己當作勇士一樣。這該死的傢伙!我一定會在合適的機會好好教訓他一頓。我會給他一個... 姑娘,求妳了,別這樣啊 ...
206. … I have lost control, sorry.
... 對不起,我失控了。
You should not apologise and you need even less to cry.
207. It hurts me very much that Jacobus does not care about the true things and values.
Little child, girl, come on, do not be sad now, this lousy jerk may one day understand.
208. Sure, maybe … but it …
是的,也許吧... 但是...
There is no but, sooner or later he will have to learn it even if it's going to be when he's done something damned shitty. But he will learn.
209. Sure, but a malicious event is already slowly pushing its way towards him, which he can only avert when he finally lets himself be instructed.
I have told him that many times before, but it is useless. In his cursed stubbornness, he simply thinks he knows better. But is it really so far that these things are about to happen?
210. Unfortunately yes …
Well, I will put the jerk through his paces again when the time comes.
211. It would only be to his own advantage.
Okay, girl, now please do not be sad anymore. When Menara and Alena were here on July 6th, I took a lot of pictures of the ray gun and the tree that was shot through. Afterwards first, namely on the slides, we made some quite strange observations. First of all there was Jacobus' tractor photographed in different pictures, although at that time it was not in the place, but in Wila. In second and third place were the shed and the dwelling house respectively the part of the barn and the wooden gate next to it, the passage and the trees, etc. so crooked on the pictures as if the film had been damaged by heat and had caused distortions. But this is not the case, because the films are completely in order. Could it therefore perhaps be possible that these things were caused by the protective shield that Menara had placed around the area from the ship? I also wanted to ask you again what the High Council had to say about Jacobus' name, if we write it with a C instead of a K.
好吧姑娘,但現在請妳別再難過了。請妳跟我說那可能是什麼,或者那是什麼:Menara和Alena七月六號來這裡的時候,我拍攝了很多輻射槍(blast gun)和射擊樹木的照片。事後在幻燈片上我們有一些怪異的發現。首先是Jacobus的拖拉機出現在不同的照片中,雖然那個時候它不在那個位置,而是在維拉(Wila)。第二和第三個地點是車棚和倉庫,它們的旁邊就是木門,還有通道和那些樹等等在照片上大部分都走樣了,也許底片由於熱量而損壞導致了扭曲。但是情況並非如此,因為影片撥放完全正常。也許是因為Menara的光船放在那周圍,它輻射出來的保護屏障導致了這種情況?此外我還想問一下,高級理事會對Jacobus的名字解釋的如何了?如果我們寫他名字的時候用K替換C的話。
212. The reference of your first question could not only be so, because it really was so.
213. Menara erected the protective shield so that which you mentioned could come about, to explain to you, and of course to all the others in your group, what we can do with the protective shields.
214. The explanation for the processes is very simple:
215. The appearance of the tractor on the film is an as yet unknown form of visualisation of all matter by a type of infrared radiation, as yet unknown.
216. Probably the earthly science is so far along, that it knows of the infrared light and many of its application possibilities, so e.g. such as making any matter visible, which has already been removed hours or days before from its location to be photographed.
217. The relevant and previous earthly technique is usually only able to capture shadow outlines, while our technique is so far developed that an object is reproduced in all its details and true to nature.
218. The tilting, as you call it, of the buildings is quite simply due to the fact that everything that is not in the immediate range of radiation appears blurred or distorted, while in the process with the tractor the former location was in the immediate range of the radiation.
219. Concerning your question about Jacobus, the High Council declared that the name would also do justice to the required values with a C written on it.
Aha, I understand all that once again. So that is clear. Then now another question, namely concerning the demonstration you promised: What about it, is it to be expected in the near future?
220. That lies entirely up to Quetzal's decision.
221. For the time being, I am not yet supposed to initiate anything in this regard, but to adopt a wait-and-see attitude.
But why is that?
222. I was afraid of this question, and if it were possible, I do not want to talk about it.
Why is that?
223. Because it would be unpleasant news for some of your group members.
Shall we play cat and mouse? I think these things should also be brought up, because maybe they could be quite useful.
224. Maybe that is correct.
225. Well, then I want to give the explanation:
226. For some members of the group, the registration apparatuses have recorded that the appearance of our ships or demonstrations carried out, or to be carried out, by us are evaluated in such a manner that they serve to brighten up and loosen things up, but on the other hand they also find an evaluation of privilege and sensation.
227. The actual consciousness-based matters of learning and the evidence of our existence are pushed into the background, which in the last few months has partly contributed to the disharmony.
228. Under these perspectives no demonstration can take place for the time being, which Quetzal has decided to do.
229. So such a demonstration will be postponed to a later date, since it will then also be divided into different demonstration phases with only smaller observation groups.
230. This is partly because more and more steps have been taken by various departments of your army to monitor you in particular, and under certain circumstances, they hope, erroneously, to get hold of us.
231. This special part is also the reason why we have not recently ordered you out to our contacts, but have brought you directly into our ships through transmitters.
232. In the future, the matter about our contacts will change again from time to time, the type of the contact as well as the respective location.
233. We have to do this because the near and far surroundings of the Centre are monitored too much by certain army officers.
234. With regard to the members of the group, who now think of our appearance as a visual privilege, etc., I would like to explain that we are in nowise averse to releasing our ships to their eyes in demonstrations, but not for reasons of privilege or sensation, etc., but simply because we feel joyful about their own joy, and because we would like to promote joy in all of them in dear solidarity, when they can observe us at demonstrations or otherwise.
235. But that gives nobody the right to demand that as a right.
236. How these concerns will develop in the near future, that will be the results of the registry apparatus, after which Quetzal will make his decision.
237. Until then, however, at least another three months will pass if he does not allow himself to make an exception.
It is a pity, but somehow I have already seen that coming, because some certain remarks from some group members have come up to me. Too bad, but I think Quetzal's decision is probably the right one.
238. I am very sorry too, but I do not want to evade Quetzal's determinations or even act against them.
That is not required of you either, which I suppose I may say on behalf of everyone.
239. I thank you.
You with your eternal thanks for something self-evident. – What about the two who are supposed to take over the task in the Centre? You once told me that Amata had been chosen for the women and girls, but you did not tell me anything about the men.
妳總是對一些理所當然的事情道謝。—— 關於那兩個應該接手中心任務的人選怎麼樣了?妳跟我說過,Amata會被選中負責的女性,可是妳卻沒有告訴我關於男性的人選。
240. Amata was chosen, as you correctly mention, but there should also be a suitable person on the male side.
241. After a discussion with father and Quetzal, we decided that Jacobus should take over this task for the male part.
242. On the other hand, both need representation, which can also only be recruited by residents of the Centre.
243. Since there will be no other permanent residents in the Centre for the time being, your wife will be responsible for the female part and you for the male part, but you will find relief from this task as soon as the problem can be solved elsewhere.
244. Furthermore, the task of the familiarisation [into the meditation in the Sohar-Centre] will also fall to you, since this is necessary.
245. The unfamiliarity of absolute loneliness and absolute silence, which all are not used to, could otherwise lead to shocks and other unpleasant things, as I have already explained to you earlier.
246. So it will be necessary for you to be present in the Sohar-Centre mainly at the beginning and the next following times with one or the other as a calming factor and for possible help in case of silence and seclusion-distress.
You already explained that to me, but you also know that this can lead to quite unpleasant things?
247. I do not understand.
You know, if I have to be down there with a man at first, that is still possible, you know? We live here in a messed-up world, because the Earth-human sometimes thinks a little strangely. But if I now …
248. I understand – unfortunately.
我明白了 —— 很遺憾。
249. Sure, it will be connected with problems that you can really solve.
250. Everybody should know you so well by now that they should place their trust in you and know that you are only focused on your mission in the whole enterprise, without having any thoughts that could have a devastating effect on everything.
251. I would very much like to free you from this task, but not a single analysis has shown that there is an appropriate and suitable power [person] with all the necessary qualities and the necessary ability in even the half-value sense in your or your wider environment that could take on this extremely trustworthy task.
252. Where character traits would allow this, there is a lack of the necessary cognitions, ability and knowledge.
All that remains is to bite the bullet.
253. Sure, because you prepared yourself for it.
254. Just thinking about your concerns, I see that other difficulties may arise, so you must be very careful to exercise appropriate control over everything, after which thoughts and actions cannot Ausartung [get very badly out of control of the good human nature].
I have been thinking about that for a long time and that is why I have been rolling over problems. Maybe it would be very good if Ptaah, Quetzal and you and I could work through these problems together. I have certain ideas about how I could exercise this control, but unfortunately, I do not know if that is possible. It would therefore be very dear to me if you could talk to yours once about it and present my wish.
255. That is what I want to do, because your idea for such a conversation corresponds completely to my sense.
By the way, I now know why Ptaah gave me a very specific reason for the Centre.
256. It could not remain hidden from you.
The only reason I came across it was because I wanted to use the compass to swing the exact north direction.
257. I already told you that it could not remain hidden from you.
258. The only reason we did not want to tell you about it was because you were able to gather some valuable insights through your own initiative.
I actually found out some things, for example why everything down here in the Sohar-Center becomes and is much more pronounced than it usually is. Somehow, however, it is incomprehensible to many that the compass needle shows two different north directions within one meter of horizontal displacement.
259. You should not officially spread these concerns yet, because so-called experts would accuse you of fraud and deception again, although a very strong north deviation actually exists and the compass needle in reality shows the old and the new location of the magnetic positive pole of the Earth, at least at present, but this will correct itself in two decades.
260. The pole of the Sohar-Centre points very precisely to the old magnetic pole, which is also valid at present, while the compass needle at the house points to the new positive pole of the Earth, namely in the direction of Greenland, where this magnetic pole is now located.
But you have researched these things very thoroughly.
261. That was also our task, because for the entire Centre this value of the things so present is of important significance, as you know.
The actual value, however, I recognised only by sounding out the different poles. Only then did I realise that I was able to recognise the real and also all correlations to a great extent.
262. That was to be expected from you.
You do me too much credit, but the findings were interesting after all. I also got a glimpse of why so many telemeter disks were pulling away over the center because of the facetted trajectories of the magnetic currents.
妳對我過獎了,不過這確實是很有趣的發現。我也透過這些發現看到了為什麼那麼多遙測盤(telemeter disks)因磁流的多面軌跡而離開中心。
263. That is also correct, and if you are talking about it right now:
264. You should really refrain from your pranks in the future and not take the discs off course at every opportunity you get.
265. Although our technicians have now equipped them with special track stabilisers that work automatically when the corrective illumination is switched off by thought influences, these stabilisers are not yet so perfected that they are fully functional.
And what about your technology?
266. The prepared track stabilisers of this form have only been developed since then, since you have been constantly driving the discs off course with your funny pranks.
267. We were not aware of any problems about this before, which is why a new invention first had to be made, which is not yet fully developed at the present time, but which will be soon.
Not much can happen if I let the little things dance a little across the sky, can it? Or do the little apparatuses suddenly flash down?
268. They cannot crash, at least not ours, but there is a danger that they will collide if they suddenly stray from the prescribed path and fall into the trajectory of another.
It will not be that bad, because then they just dissolve, as you once said.
269. Sure, but that only applies to our own registering-discs.
270. Those of the other participants would crash.
But it is still kind of fun to direct the things a bit.
271. I know you, like every human life-form, need the constant testing of your powers of consciousness, but please use them elsewhere, only not directly on our telemeter discs.
I will make an effort, but I cannot promise anything.
272. You are simply incorrigible in certain things.
Ha, that is what I think, and I am even happy about it. You know, sometimes one is really driven to make some jokes and to smile about it secretly, and then it is a lot of fun to see that others cannot understand the fun as such because they do not recognise the connections.
273. This is typical of you.
274. But now the fun aside:
275. For some months now all the members of the group have been waiting for some valuable words from me, which I would now like to give to them at this time, because they have gone through the hardest strains and become a little freer again, according to which they can truly also understand my words:
276. In every single one of you, except in the dishonest and traitorous, who are still in the group doing their mischief, the longing for certainty flares indelibly, especially for the certainty of your BEING and continuing far beyond your earthly passing away, which you call death.
277. This…
Sorry if I interrupt you; it seems to me that you speak quite rashly, for I am absolutely clear and conscious, with all certainty of what my BEING and continuing is, far beyond my earthly existence, after my passing, in truthfulness. So why come…
278. You misunderstood me:
279. I am not speaking for you, but for your group members.
Ah, then excuse me. Keep going then, please.
280. So then, I speak therefore for the group members …
281. Yes – this certainty can truly become apparent to each individual if each individual defeats the ego, for in truth it is only the mist of the ego that prevents the prospect of the realm of true life, of the spiritual, beyond the transformation of becoming and passing away.
是的,當每個個體都戰勝了「自我」(ego)時,這種「確定」才會真正體現在每一個身上,因為事實上,只有「自我」的迷霧封鎖了真實生命與靈性領域的前景,超越了“成長”(becoming)和“消逝”(passing away)的轉換。
282. This is because the ego, the I, attaches too much importance to its own well-being, because in most people it develops further to egoism.
283. Thus, doubts and uncertainties hang over the individual as well as over the entire humankind of the Earth, like heavy thunderclouds from which thunder and lightning break unpredictably for the Earth-human called into existence by egoism and materialism and all other unworthy things to which he/she has become subject and by which he/she is imprisoned.
284. To fight this shall be one of your first recommendations, for only when, through the knowledge of the truth, the sun of the love, embodying the manifestation of the spirit of the life, rises up on the horizon of one's psyche, thereby driving away the storm clouds, will one be able to perceive how close they really are to certainty and how unfounded their fear and anxiety was.
去跟這一切戰鬥是你們的首要「誡命」(commandments)之一,因為只有當你們認識到真相,那體現「靈識生命」(Spirit of Life)的「愛之陽光」(Sun of Love)才會升起在你們心靈的地平線上,從而烏雲才會消散,那時你們才能察覺到你們是多麼接近「確定」,而你們的恐懼和憂慮是多麼地毫無根據。
285. Unfortunately, for many human-beings, only the death of their physical body means the beginning of their actual life and thus the gradual resurgence of their inner Sohar. [In the book Talmud Jmmanuel, Sohar, aka, Zohar is defined as, the radiant splendour of spiritual-Creational energy]
[中譯者註:依據Future Of Mankind網站的解釋,Sohar也稱為“Zohar”,意思是「輝煌」(splendor)或「燦爛」(radiance),這是一種尚未被人類發現的科學現象。
在《以馬內利的教誨》(Talmud Jmmanuel)中,Zohar被視作靈態造化能量(spiritual-Creational energy)的燦爛輝煌之光。
由Randolph Winters在書中所繪製的一張圖
(以上資料,請參閱Future Of Mankind)]
286. When, however, the next incarnation takes place, the same can apply again in the new life through a further ignorance, if an improvement in life was not laboriously struggled for and worked for by the preceding personality.
287. Only through a truly inner rebirth will the darkness of absolute or semi-lightlessness within an earthly existence be ended, when the light of the inner being becomes visible to you and the action of the consciousness of life no longer appears to you only as a dull fate, which you yourselves in truth create in deformity.
只有通過一個真正的內在重生,當你們感知到內在的光明,且生命的意識活動在你們看來不再只是昏暗的命運 —— 其實這只是你們自己造就的畸形 —— 之時,那麼在地球人世間存在的絕對黑暗或半黯淡狀態(semi-serene lightlessness)才會被終結。
288. But when at last the Sohar shines in you, then you recognise the invisible, the might of the spirit and of the consciousness as well as their unlimited power as the true workings, while the visible workings already disappear again as a shadow, but remain as a permanent and invigorating memory, in order to continue to work and to be evolutionarily serviceable.
289. It is still the case with many of you that behind all love and wanting to be loving lurks naked fear – fear of the end of love, fear of the passing away of a loved one, fear of being separated and reunited, and above all fear of changing to the beyond from this world.
你們還有許多人,在所有的愛和所有相愛的整體之下,仍然潛伏著顯而易見的恐懼 —— 害怕愛的終結,害怕深愛的人去世,害怕分離和團聚,最重要的是害怕今生轉變到來世。
290. These fears are joined by that of pain, originating from ignorance and erroneous teachings, that all life always falls victim to death and evermore lives on in another life, in which it is destroyed and must be destroyed, in order to be [exist].
291. A terrible thought, truly, but it is only of earthly human nature, arising from the incomprehension of the truthly truth, for all life lives out of the other life, that is true so far, but life does not murder other life in order to be able to exist and live itself.
292. One is coordinated with the other, and one helps the other to live, in order to be again positioned in the passing away at its given time, when it has fulfilled its time and its task.
293. Life is not a progressive sacrifice and becoming sacrificed, as the earth-human mistakenly accepts it and is bolstered in it through corresponding erroneous teachings.
294. Rather, it is in truth, only a becoming and passing away in the sense of the constantly advancing evolution and purely in the sense of the creational rules, recommendations and laws, to which Creation itself is in every respect classified.
295. So it is only a matter of many great times of rebirth and renewal in the wheel of passing away and becoming.
因此人生只是在「凋零和成長之輪」(the wheel of decay and becoming)裡,歷經無數世代的輪迴和重生(rebirth and renewal)。
296. Thus the passing away, the death, reaches into the heart of life, but likewise the life, the becoming, reaches deep down into the heart of death, whereby two realms complete each other, which take over each other simultaneously and gradually bring each other to cognition.
297. Life does not strive for the overcoming of a single passing away/death, but for the overcoming of the passing away and becoming in general, via evolution.
298. It works towards the upward development of everything that has become, towards that which is imperishable in the innermost of innumerable myriads of life-forms and works towards the ultimate goal of all creations, towards the Creation, towards universal-consciousness.
299. The actual meaning of life in the material realm is simply that:
300. Self-defeat of the always wanting-to-dominate ego and the following evolution in the totality of the consciousness and of the spirit.
301. To defeat oneself therefore means that you should help your highest self to victory in order to recognise an even higher self, namely the Creation's self, into which you will awaken through even higher evolution.
因此,征服自我意味著要幫助「高我」(highest self)獲得勝利,以便認識到還有一個更高層的「自我」,也就是「造化的自我」(Self of Creation),進入這個自我後,你們還會通過更高級的進化而覺醒。
302. Sure, it is one of the most difficult tasks of your life, but it is also the most beautiful, the most valuable and the most productive.
303. For behind this task awaits for you the supreme certainty of your all-great-life BEING beyond all external and physical forms of existence.
因為在這個任務之後,等待著你們的是超越一切外在和物質存在形式的最高確定 —— 你們最宏偉生命的「存在體」(all-great-life BEING)。
304. Since your spirit of life in you is a part of the spiritual energy of creation, it is necessary to reflect on this creational root of your being in order to unite yourselves through true internalisation with the all-great-time within yourselves, for to be one with the spirit of life in yourselves, with the part of Creation in yourselves, means to become absolutely free, so also free from the fear of passing away, of death.
305. To be one with the part of Creation's energy in yourself also means to recognise your other ego behind your outer ego, namely the creational self.
306. It is certainly the greatest, for the still inwardly unprepared ones but truly the most terrifying thing that can happen to a human being, namely to truly see and recognise himself/herself – his/her innate ego, which reaches beyond all spheres and boundaries and floats beyond all senses into the all-great-time and humanly incomprehensible realms of the Creation.
這當然是最偉大的,但對於精神上還沒準備好的人來說也是最可怕的,當這發生在一個人身上的時候,他真的就會看到並認識到本身 —— 他的「最本源自我」(very own ego),這種最本源自我超越了任何領域和界限,飄浮在所有的感官之外,進入了「造化」的「全程宏偉時光」(all-great-time)之中而是人類難以理解的界域。
[中譯者註:有關「全程宏偉時光」(all-great-time)的相關解釋,請參閱《靈性教導 - 造化》中的第7句。]
307. But the one who unites himself/herself with the part-piece of Creation within himself/herself, with the spirit, solves at the same time the riddle of the passing away, of death, which is so frightening for the human being and yet truthfully harmless, if he/she recognises death as only the other side of life, which means nothing else than sleep in the physical realm, which replaces the wakefulness of the day.
308. Only human irrationality, ignorance and blindness believe that sleep is the darker side of life, which is why it is the same in reference to death.
309. Of course, many other factors are reflected in the fear of death, but it would be absurd to mention them all.
310. All that remains to be explained to you is:
311. What the life-abandoned human body is only imperfectly able to unravel, the part of Creation in you is able to reveal with all clarity and truth, namely the certainty of your absolute duration in the all-great-timeliness.
沒有生命的人體只能不完全地揭示 —— 而你們內在的「造化」片段則能以所有的清晰和真實揭示出 —— 也就是你們在全程宏偉的此時(all-great temporality)中絕對持續的確定。
312. You should look unswervingly to the tasks of your life on the Earth, in the knowledge that on this side the realms of coarse matter rule and in the otherworld the realms of fine matter rule, but that the divided realms of this side and the other side [the other world] are a single realm, present in the same place, but dimensioned differently, and therefore not in the same period.
你們在地球的生命中,要堅定不移地把目光聚集在任務上,認識到在這一邊是“粗粒物質”(coarse matter)主導的領域,而另一邊則是屬於“細緻物質”(fine matter)管轄的領域,但這個世界所劃分的(兩個)領域,其實都屬於同一個範圍,都存在於同一個地方,然而只是維度不同,因此不在同一時段內。
313. Of course, it seems that the total sum of misery and suffering on planet Earth is much greater than that of joy and happiness.
314. But this is only a fallacy on your part, which your erroneous teachings, handed down and implanted by yourselves, are of the confused and dangerous view that this is, in fact, so.
315. Not at all, however, for need and suffering, as well as joy and happiness, are always in balance in their measures.
316. Through your wrong thinking alone you overestimate, register and keep in constant remembrance need and suffering, while in joy and happiness you all too quickly forget the events and you lose the memory of them.
317. For you have not yet learned to move in balance in these matters and to register negative as well as positive things in equal measure and to preserve them as memories.
318. Nevertheless, you are able to see and recognise the human being's destiny, if you are able to change conditions and establish an island of Sohar and security from out of the shores of darkness.
319. You need not disturb and worry about the duration of time, for millions and billions of years may still fall into the past before the realisation of the highest goal.
320. Many millions and billions of years are still devoted to you and are given to you to smooth out again the creation-related face of your creational homeworld, which has been rutted by you, but you must now be devoted to the change presented to you to grasp the goal of the evolution, to truly grasp, evaluate, and establish the goal of the helpful hand and the knowledge material presented to you.
Girl, that was a good speech, simply wonderful. I have not heard you speak like that for a long time. You are simply a power.
321. Your face is so strangely changed and your feelings are in turmoil; I have …
Do not worry, girl, I am simply moved by your words. They did me so much good. Thank you very much for that.
322. The thanks are on my side, because I am very happy that I was able to convey a joyful mood to you and that I see you so moved, although the words were not meant for you, but for your group members.
You know, it's suddenly funny to me. At last I have heard again words whose knowledge is well known to me, but which have been offered so excellently, with so much knowledge and understanding that I could savour them properly. Thank you very much for that.
323. I know you miss such conversations very much.
324. In the future I will try to entertain myself here and there with you mentally in this form.
Very gladly, and thank you for that, but do you think that you can always call things by their name so that I can write them down? You know, sometimes I find it hard to find the right expressions when I have to retranslate the symbol images.
325. You shall not write down these thought conversations with you that I have promised you, for in these times and on these occasions I would like to talk with you about greater matters that cannot yet be understood by the Earth-humans of the present time.
Then I feel reassured. Many thanks. Now, can I maybe talk to you for about 15 minutes about some things that I want to keep between us?
326. Certainly, but what concerns do you have?
I do not want them written.
327. Certainly, I will finish the reporting at this point.
As always, you are very sweet. Many thanks.
中譯編輯自原創作者Für SEIN於2017.11.08的網路分享
並借助 Deepl Translator 與 ChatGPT 的協助