

Contact Report 854第854次接觸報告



最初英譯:20230717日,星期DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20230722日,星期ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu


本次接觸會面的對話不多,主要重點是強調:有關上(853)次接觸報告中所提到的那部影片揭露美國政府與NASA所謂首次登月活動是個世紀大騙局),雖然有人反映是在開玩笑而偽造的,但Quetzal強調,根據他們先前的調查,加上其他6位專業人士的參與,都表明這些錄影(還有其他幾部)都是真實的,絕不是什麼玩笑。而這整個原始錄影的真正製作者(名字是St... K…在公元兩千年前不久被謀殺,這是美國對付那些帶來麻煩的見證者所使用的一貫手段


This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Good of you to come quickly. Be greeted – and we are leaving quickly because it is important that you see what is happening at the moment.



Yes – Salome – then so be it.



Silence is the order of the day though.



Okay, good, so it is like that once again. But I thought you already knew something about the whole thing regarding the film, whether it was real or not.



… I will talk about that later, but right now we have to go …

... 關於這個我待會再說,但現在我們必須立刻離開了...




And here we are again. It is now 19:39 hrs, we were gone for 1½ hours. But now I want to know what is going on with the moon landing film, because there are already reactions from all over the world, and they say that everything is a fake. I have also had a phone call from the US from Michael saying it is all a hoax.



No, it is not, because our clarifications so far – for which 6 experts were called in and clarifications were also carried out in the past – have so far shown that the whole thing corresponds to reality and truth and therefore does not equate to a hoax. The actual author of the whole original recording was murdered shortly before the turn of the millennium, whereby the lie was fraudulently spread that he had died as a result of heart failure.



Who was it then?



His name was St… K…, and he was …

他的名字是St... K…,他是 ...


But I will not mention that when I recall our conversation and write it down. The name St… K… is certainly well known, but I think everything will be vehemently denied, namely that his demise was a vicious murder, as America is probably in the first place worldwide in this respect, to simply get rid of inconvenient witnesses.

但當我接收我們的談話並把它寫下來時,我不會提到這個名字。St... K... 這個名字肯定是眾所周知的,但我想一切都會被強烈否認,那就是說,他的死是一起卑鄙的謀殺,因為美國在這方面可能是世界第一,只是為了擺脫帶來麻煩的證人。


This is true, as I also now know, what really happened and that also the authorship of the nunme…



I guess that was to be expected, because the truth is just not supposed to get out to the public. America, after all, is known for murder and manslaughter to prevent anything true from getting out to the public.



True. The recordings of St… K… are treated as forgeries, but they effectively originate from the forgeries of the then state leadership of the USA and NASA, which are now also called forgeries by other forgers for the purpose of ridiculing the whole thing, but which are to be called 'real', but are now being used and spread to bring the lies and frauds of the time into the public eye again. It was so purposefully and so intentionally arranged that it was so confusingly intertwined with lies and deceit that, logically, as time has passed, discovering the truth has become all but impossible. The actual originators of the original film as well as the whole set-up of the fraud, as well as the originator of the distribution of the present copy-film product, which however corresponds in reality to a copy product of the original recordings, have all gone their way of transience and have therefore passed away. Nevertheless, the lie and the fraud of the 'first moon landing' will continue to be advocated, maintained and falsified until the farthest future. However, the film sequence currently circulating on the internet is the only way to recognise and prove NASA's falsifications. More is probably not to be said about this film excerpt, which is only a small part of the entire recordings – of which several films exist – except that the counter-assertions and lies against the real truth will be without end and will lead to endless debate, and only with the purpose of thereby leading the controversy to even greater confusion and lies. More fictitious 'evidence' of the alleged first moon landing will be produced in the future by the false machinations of NASA and its supporters, as well as by the fakers who rightly deny it but produce false material about it. This is also done elsewhere in various other respects, especially among others also by the American secret services, as well as by truth-falsifying American persons. However, this is also being done worldwide by persons who are pro-America. Also, with regard to the true political, secret service, military and also the machinations of the shadow state leadership as well as the sectarian groups and associations of America, there is such falsity and mendacity that everything is effectively completely unclear in its entirety. That is all I want to say about this today. I will tell you more about it when our investigations are finished, but what I have said should suffice for today, and tomorrow I will certainly know more from the others who are continuing their investigations. When I come back, then …

沒錯。St... K... 的錄影雖然被視為偽造,但實際上它們來自當時美國政府和NASA的造假活動,現在也被其他偽造者稱為偽造品,以嘲笑整個事件。但這些錄影卻是真實,現在卻被用來再次引起當時謊言和欺詐的討論。因此,整個事件被有意地安排得混淆不清,與謊言和欺詐糾纏在一起,隨著時間的流逝,要想弄清真相幾乎變得不可能。原始影片和整個欺詐計畫的真正策劃者,以及現在的影片副本的創作者,實際上都已經過世。然而,直到遠遠的未來,“首次登月”的謊言和欺詐仍然會被辯護和堅持,並繼續製造假證據。唯有通過目前在互聯網上流傳的影片片段,我們才能認識到NASA的偽造和證明其為偽造。這個片段只是所有錄影的一小部分,還有多部影片存在。對於對抗真實事實的反對主張和謊言,將會是無窮無盡的辯論,只為了將對立推向更大的混亂和謊言。將來,NASA及其支持者將製作更多偽造的“證據”,聲稱這是第一次登月的,而偽造者則會有適當的反駁材料。這也會在其他各方面進行,特別是美國的情報機構和篡改真相的美國人。然而,全世界的親美人士也在這樣做。此外,在美國的政治、情報、軍事及影子領導層,以及邪教組織和協會方面,普遍存在著虛假和謊言。這使得情況變得非常混亂,以至於難以全面了解。這就是我今天所要說的所有內容。當我們的調查結束後,我會向你解釋更多,但今天就暫且說這麼多,明天我肯定會從其他繼續調查的人那裡知道更多的情況,他們也在進一步進行調查。下次我回來時


… that is also enough for now, but I would like to say something about the arms deliveries to Zelensky, because recently America has been sending cluster bombs, which are outlawed worldwide, to Ukraine, which will make everything even worse. In my opinion, even the delivery of 'normal' weapons is a participation in war.

... 這暫時足夠了,但我想說說向澤連斯基(Selensky)提供武器的事,因為最近美國向烏克蘭運送集束炸彈(cluster bombs),這在全世界都是非法的,這將使一切變得更糟。在我看來,即使只是提供“常規”武器,也等同於參與戰爭。


I understand that in this wise as well.



Then I am not alone in my view. And what I also want to say: The designation NAZI applies many times to human beings in Ukraine and will remain so for centuries to come, as I experienced together with Sfath.



I am also aware of that. But now I want to leave, because …



It is okay, then goodbye.








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