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Contact Report 706(2018/4/4) 第706次接觸報告
資料來源:FIGU/ 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier
報告卷屬:Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 16
資訊參考:「FIGU Zeitzeichen 93 (PDF) (German) (External)」
校對改進:Stephen Lane
英版連結:「Futureofmankind. James Moore Contact Report 706]」
中版譯者:James Hsu
分享網域:浩瀚宇宙之Billy Meier現象(痞客邦部落格)
但這一次「在真相的跡象中」(in the sign of truth),這位來自“Nokodemion路線”的“最新且是最後的”宣告者(proclaimer),所傳播的是個具真確性、呈現真相和現實的“真相的教導,靈性的教導,生命的教導”。
Synopsis 摘要
Quinto discusses his particular area of expertise with Eduard. It’s all of Earth’s nation’s governments and all their departments, domains and systems, including the politics, comprehensive economics systems, military, secret services, foreign policies, religious influences, advisers and lobbyists; effects, repercussions, directly, indirectly, openly and secretly; by observation, assessment, evaluation; affirming the damning verdicts presented in previous contacts. His specialism just so happens to be the United States of America, the European Union and Russia. Donald Trump’s presidency and the 'Novichok' nerve agent poisoning incident of the Skripals is subsequently discussed. Quinto’s daughter Bermunda, engaged a continuous 110 year study of Earth’s religions and associated histories, which meant comprehensive investigations and educational time-travels into the past to see it for herself.
Quinto與愛德華(Eduard;比利)討論他的專業領域,也就是地球上所有的國家政府及其所有的部門、領域和系統,包括政治、各種各樣的經濟制度(comprehensive economics systems)、軍事、情報部門、外交政策、宗教影響,並在其一些顧問與說客(lobbyists)的運作下所造成的影響、反應(包括直接與間接或公開與秘密的);這是在以前的接觸中呈現的確鑿判決,透過觀察與評估而來。他的特長恰好是美國(the United States of America)、歐盟(the European Union)和俄羅斯(Russia)。唐納.川普(Donald Trump)的總統任期和“諾維喬克”(Novichok)神經毒劑中毒事件隨後進行了討論。Quinto的女兒Bermunda,對地球的宗教和相關歷史進行了110年的持續研究,這意味著她會以教育的目的,運用時間穿梭(time-travels)進入過去,為自己作全面的調查。
This is a partial and preliminary translation of the contact. This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication.
... but I do not want to talk about that, because your daughter Bermunda told me that you have been on the American continent very early on as an observer and know how the United States of America really works, or how they behave in relation to their own national leadership and generally to the world and to foreign policy. That is something that interests me as much as what knowledge, experience and statements you have about it, and about the European Union, if you also want to express your opinion on it if you deal with it at all. And what I am particularly interested in is the current affair with the Russian double spy Sergei Skripal, who, together with his daughter Julia, was poisoned with the poison 'Novichok'. As I have read on the Internet, what this 'Novichok' is about: (Excerpt from Wikipedia: russischНовичок, German 'Neuling', English transcription Novichok; a group of extremely powerful nerve poisons and nerve warfare agents of the fourth generation, which were developed in the Soviet Union from the 1970s but further researched in Russia at least until the 1990s. The term 'nerve gas', especially for nerve warfare agents, is supposed to be fundamentally misleading, as actually all nerve warfare agents are partly highly viscous liquids, where only a few gases belong to the nerve toxins. The term 'nerve gas' was actually coined because the first chemical warfare agents, such as chlorine etc., were gases against which gas masks were used for protection. And if I may add what I copied from the Internet on Wikipedia - it explains something that should actually be understood so that people know what such toxins actually mean to them if they should come into contact with them:
... 我原來不想談這個問題,但你的女兒Bermunda告訴過我,你很早以前就以觀察員的身份來到美洲大陸,知道美利堅合眾國(United States of America;簡稱美國)到底是如何運作的;換句話說,你知道他們在自己國家中的領導階層如何運作與一般世界國家之間如何打交道,以及他們的外交政策又是如何等等。如果你真的想表達你對這方面的看法,這一點,我對你擁有這些知識、經驗與所作的表述,一樣令我深感興趣。此外對歐洲聯盟(European Union;簡稱歐盟)的情況,如果你也想表達你的意見,我同樣非常願意洗耳恭聽。而我特別感興趣的一件事,是與目前那位俄羅斯(Russian)雙面間諜謝爾蓋.維克托羅維奇.斯克里帕爾(Sergei Skripal)與他的女兒尤利婭(Julia)一起被用一種毒藥“諾維喬克”(Novichok)下毒的事件。我在網上查到這個“諾維喬克”的資料(節選自維基百科):俄語為Новичок,德語“Neuling”,英語譯為Novichok;第四代極其強大的神經毒素(nerve poisons)和神經戰劑(nerve warfare agents),從上世紀70年代在蘇聯(Soviet Union)發展起來,但至少到上世紀90年代才在俄羅斯有進一步的研究。“神經毒氣”(nerve gas)一詞,特別是神經戰劑,基本上根本是誤導,因為實際上所有的神經戰劑部分是高度粘稠的液體,其中只有少數氣體屬於神經毒素(nerve toxins)。“神經毒氣”一詞實際上是因為最早的化學戰劑,如氯等,是需要用防毒面具來防護人體的有毒氣體。以下我加入我從互聯網上在維基百科上複製的內容 — 它解釋了一些實際上應該被理解的東西,以便人們知道如果他們一旦接觸到這些毒素,實際上應該是什麼狀況:[中譯者註:以下是當時的內容,維基百科有動態性更新,請參閱最新版的Novichok agent與諾維喬克]
(Excerpt from Wikipedia: Nerve toxins or neurotoxins are substances that have a damaging effect on nerve cells or nerve tissue even in a small dose. Nerve toxins are a heterogeneous group of substances with a variety of mechanisms of action. The majority of nerve toxins are exogenous, naturally occurring toxins from organisms. Some chemical elements are also nerve toxins, including heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury and thallium. The term 'nerve gas' - especially for nerve warfare agents - is misleading, since all nerve warfare agents listed here are partly highly viscous liquids and only a few gases are considered nerve poisons. The term comes from the fact that the first chemical warfare agents, such as chlorine, were gases and gas masks were used for protection against them, which also offer little protection against nerve agents. Endogenous poisoning of nerve cells can occur due to stimulus overload and subsequent excessive release of neurotransmitters (excitotoxicity). Most nerve toxins are toxins, i.e. nerve toxins synthesised by living organisms and other organic substances. They are often used in the animal kingdom for defence or as prey to hunt other animals or plants and fungi as food protection. The effect of these substances is usually based on the interaction of the substances with certain receptors of the nerve cells by triggering them as agonists (e.g. nicotine on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) or blocking them as antagonists (e.g. atropine on muscarinic acetylcholine receptors), which disrupts the transmission of excitation and thus the function of organs. Another frequent mechanism of action is the opening or blocking of ion channels, such as the opening of calcium channels by alpha-latrotoxin, the poison of the European Black Widow or the blocking of sodium channels by saxitoxin, which is mainly produced by dinoflagellates. The origin of such toxins are for example: Spiders, scorpions, real widows, snakes, poison snakes, vipers, fungi, ergot alkaloids from ergot, ibotenic acid compounds from bulbs, psilocybin from psilocybe species, bacteria, botulinum toxin from Clostridium botulinum, Tetanospasmin from Clostridium tetani, the pathogen of tetanus, plants, tropan alkaloids from nightshade plants, other organisms, saxitoxin from dinoflagellates, conotoxins from the conical snail genus Conus. Nerve agents are a class of chemical weapons that act on the transmission of signals in the nerves and between the nerves. These nerve toxins can enter the body through the skin, respiration and body orifices and lead to severe systemic symptoms, which can eventually lead to death. Such symptoms may include severe muscle cramps and seizures, trembling, muscle twitching, headaches, eye pain, fatigue, confusion, anxiety, tension, nausea with vomiting and diarrhoea, uncontrolled urination and stool loss, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, unconsciousness and respiratory paralysis.)
(摘自維基百科:神經毒素(Nerve toxins或neurotoxins)是對神經細胞或神經組織有破壞性影響的物質,即使是小劑量的。神經毒素是一類具有多種作用機制的異質物質。大多數神經毒素是外來的,自然產生的毒素來自生物體。有些化學元素也是神經毒素,包括重金屬,如鉛、鎘、汞和。“神經毒氣”一詞 — 特別是對神經戰劑而言 — 具有誤導性,因為這裡列出的所有神經戰劑部分是高度粘稠的液體,只有少數氣體被認為是神經毒藥。“神經毒氣”一詞實際上是因為最早的化學戰劑,如氯等,是需要用防毒面具來防護人體的有毒氣體,這也沒有提供什麼對神經毒劑的保護。神經細胞的內源性中毒可能是由於刺激超載和隨後神經遞質的過度釋放(興奮毒性)而發生的。大多數神經毒素具有毒性,即由生物體和其他有機物質合成的神經毒素。它們經常被用於動物王國的防禦或作為獵物來獵殺其他動物或植物和真菌作為食物保護。這些物質的作用通常是基於這些物質與神經細胞的某些受體的相互作用,通過觸發它們作為激動劑(例如尼古丁對煙鹼乙醯膽鹼受體)或阻止它們作為拮抗劑(例如阿托品麝香堿乙醯膽鹼受體),擾亂興奮的傳輸和因而器官的作用。另一個常見的作用機制是打開或阻斷離子通道,如α毒素打開鈣通道、歐洲黑寡婦的毒藥或由薩西毒素阻斷鈉通道,主要由鞭毛蟲。這些毒素的來源是:蜘蛛、蠍子、真正的毒寡婦、蛇、毒蛇、真菌,麥角生物鹼來自麥角,從球莖的苯甲酸化合物,從水囊物種的西洛西賓,細菌,肉毒桿菌毒素從梭菌肉毒桿菌,破傷風梭菌的破傷風病原體,破傷風的病原體,植物,來自夜蔭植物的托品生物鹼,其他生物,來自鞭毛蟲的薩西替辛,圓錐形蝸牛屬的單環毒素。神經劑是一類化學武器,作用於神經中和神經之間的信號傳遞。這些神經毒素可以通過皮膚、呼吸和身體孔進入人體,導致嚴重的全身症狀,最終導致死亡。這些症狀可能包括嚴重的肌肉抽筋和癲癇發作、顫抖、肌肉抽搐、頭痛、眼睛疼痛、疲勞、困惑、焦慮、緊張、噁心嘔吐和腹瀉、排尿和大便失禁、食欲不振。呼吸短促、無意識和呼吸麻痹。)
What you have read is really important and very interesting, but I can't explain it, because I know nothing about chemistry and so on, because my specialities are completely different. This includes the tasks of monitoring and assessing political movements and machinations of all domains of all states. By this I mean all departments, such as direct, indirect, open and secret government and its advisers and lobbyists, as well as the secret services, the entire military system and the comprehensive economic system. My tasks in this regard also include the observation, assessment and evaluation of far-reaching foreign policy, as well as the religious influences of all kinds, which have a disastrous, hypocritical, malicious and false-tongued effect on all people in these departments. This is how I deal with all the states on Earth, but I have specialised in the most important forms and facts concerning the United States of America, the European Union and Russia.
你所讀的東西真的很重要,也很有趣,但我解釋不清楚,因為我對化學這個領域一無所知,我的專業完全不一樣。我的專業包括監測和評估(美國)所有各州各個領域的政治運動和陰謀任務。我指的所有部門(all departments),是指包括直接與間接、公開與秘密的政府及其顧問和說客,以及祕密機構、整個軍事系統和各種經濟制度。我在這方面的任務還包括觀察、評估和評價影響深遠的外交政策,以及各種宗教的影響,這些影響對所有這些部門的人都產生了災難性的、虛偽的、惡意的和虛情假意的影響。我就是這樣觀察地球上所有的國家,但我特別研究了有關美國、歐盟和俄羅斯的最重要模式和事實。
Quinto, you say that religious influences are also brought into all state systems. I can also imagine that, because all religious sectarianism has crept into everything conceivable. But I have a question concerning your daughter Bermunda, because when I spoke to her on the 14th of March, I noticed that she is not very keen on religions, their sects, on religiosity, faith in God and faith in religion etc..
Which you're right, because Bermunda has been involved with everything religious since her childhood, be it with regard to a main religion per se, or the sects that follow from it. And since this subject is an obligatory subject for us Plejars in terms of our psychological education, this subject is taught in all courses in all areas of responsibility, subject areas, fields of activity and spheres of activity, which also require knowledge of psychology. My area of responsibility also requires this knowledge, which is why I too am aware of the effects and all facts relating to religions, faith in God, faith in religion and religious sects, and so on. So I am also aware of the emergence and activity of religions and sects, the origin of which always and in any case can be traced back to the authorship of a person who places himself in the foreground and persuades the audiences with suggestive words and affects and confuses them in their minds and their reason, whereby they become believers in his suggestive influence. And that very many people do not see themselves as the originators of all their thoughts, feelings, decisions, actions and deeds, but are caught up in a belief that an external and higher force directs and commands them, etc., so they very quickly accept another person as a leader and 'saint' and the like sent by a higher force and power, who suggestively gives them a doctrine of faith which they fall into, although this is usually against truth, reality, understanding and reason. This is because intellect and reason and one's own thinking are eliminated and let them think for themselves to the contrary by the teacher and leader, consequently they are no longer able to make their own decisions in order to develop themselves by their own strength in themselves and to create their own inner balance, freedom, justice and inner peace and to live out these great values in themselves and also outwardly towards their fellow human beings and nature. But instead of this being done, men faithfully fall for their false teachers and leaders who influence them suggestively, who place themselves in the foreground and who like to be admired and languished, consequently they are raised higher and higher and finally, as messengers of a higher power and might, are equated to a God, adored, praised, worshipped and glorified. But this has always happened, as I know from our studies and also from the experiences and lessons learned of Bermunda, when she had gained through her studies in the Earthly past her knowledge of many religious machinations.
And especially on Earth she has gained knowledge about the religions - their emergence and explained how already in early times the confused false doctrines were spread, which continue to be circulated and popularized in the same way as rumours even today, by the main religions as well as by again and again emerging confused sects, which bring traditional religious delusions into other forms. Old confused teachings, which have become religions and have also caused religious sects, were and still are suggestively inculcated in the faithful by the religious and other teaching representatives, consequently the diffuse, confused and unrealistic views and assertions regarding false beliefs and belief systems are still carried into the future and people are lied to and deceived by religious representatives and cult leaders regarding the real reality and truth. Unfortunately it also happened, as I learned and also learned through the explanations of Bermunda, that our common teaching of Nokodemion on Erra, the 'teaching of truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of life', which was brought by the old prophets and which you also teach, was completely falsified by the Earth people and became confused religions, from which also many sects emerged. And the fact that this true teaching was not written down by the old prophets themselves arose because they had no possibilities for it, which was also the case with the last two prophets. These two also taught only orally, and their disciples were ignorant of reading and writing, with one exception, for with Jmmanuel was a literary scholar named Judas Ishkerioth, who, however, recorded more events than values of teaching. Since the prophets were unable to record or write down the teachings themselves, it was only many decades after their death that the possibility arose to create written records by those who knew the Scriptures due to extremely faulty memories and false interpretations as well as badly falsified oral traditions and narratives. In the process, these falsifications, also new ones, lapsed through their own interpretations, which were introduced into their writings by those who knew the scriptures. So it could happen that the old prophets were raised against their will after their death unintentionally to religious founders, although this was in fact absolutely not in their sense. Just as our population on Erra was made aware of our Plejaric mission with you before you were born, since then attention has been drawn again and again to all the monstrous criminal events on Earth which have been staged and carried out since the origin of the Earth people by their belief in higher forces and powers, deities and other similar or recurrent nonsense, have cost countless human lives, will continue to be staged and will continue to cost the lives of countless people in the future.
特別是在地球上,她已經獲得了對這些宗教的瞭解 — 有關它們的出現以及解釋了這些宗教在早期就已在傳播,即使在今天,這些宗教仍然以謠言的方式在傳播,而普及宗教以及由一次又一次出現的混亂的教派,帶來傳統的宗教妄想入其他形式。舊的混亂的教義已經成為宗教,也引起了宗教教派,過去和現在仍然是宗教代表和其他教書會向信徒灌輸的暗示,因此是漫無邊際、困惑和不切實際的觀點關於錯誤信仰和信仰體系的斷言仍然被帶到未來,人們在真正的現實(real reality)和真相(truth)的問題上,任由宗教代表和邪教領袖扯謊和欺騙。不幸的是,正如我從Bermunda的解釋中瞭解到的那樣,我們在Erra上對Nokodemion的通識教導(common teaching);也就是“真相的教導,靈性的教導,生命的教導”(teaching of truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of life),是由老先知帶來的,也是由你帶來並且教導大眾的,現在完全由某些地球人偽造並且成為混亂的宗教,許多教派也出現了。事實上這一真正的教導並不是老先知自己寫下來的,這是因為他們不可能自己寫,最後兩位先知也是如此。這兩個人也只口頭教導,而他們的弟子也不懂閱讀和寫作,但只有一個例外,因為與jmmanuel在一起的,是一位名叫Judas Ishkerioth的文學學者,然而,他記錄的事件多於教導的價值觀。由於先知們自己無法記錄或寫下這些教導,所以直到他們死後幾十年,才出現了由那些認識經文(Scriptures)的人創造書面記錄的可能,但卻是出於他們極其失誤的記憶且錯誤的解讀,以及嚴重偽造的口頭傳統和敘述。在這個過程中,這些偽造品,也是新的,經由他們自己的解釋走偏了,這些解釋是由那些知道經文的人引入他們的作品的。因此,老先知在死後無意間被提到宗教創始人是在違背他們意願的情況下被培養出來的,儘管這實際上絕對不是他們的原意。正如我們在Erra的居民在你們出生之前就知道了我們與你們的Plejaric使命一樣,自那時以來,人們一再關注地球上自地球人民起源以來所發生和發生的所有可怕的犯罪事件他們相信更強大的力量和能量,神明(deities)和其他類似或反復出現的無稽之談,已經造成無數人的生命損失,並將繼續在未來奪走無數人的生命。
Before I came to you, Quetzal explained to me that you are working on your mission in a special way and are writing down the teaching to be spread. So here's what he explained to me: This time - in the sign of truth - you, the new and last proclaimer from the Nokodemion line, should prevent the 'teaching of truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of life' regarding authenticity, truth and reality from being mutilated once again by religious and sectarian degenerations and manipulated into religious delusions of faith systems through lies and deception and deliberate or unintentional falsifications on Earth. Everything has been prepared for this by having been taught, trained and well-informed in language, writing and many other values by our Plejar leaders from the earliest days of your birth, which has also taught you many skills and prepared you for your mission. We also arranged for all necessary technical developments to take place on Earth, through which you could do your work and this time write down and spread the teachings yourself, unadulterated and true to the original. Only in this way can adulterations no longer be possible, which, however, means for the learning people that when they learn the teaching, they only study and evaluate it in the original version of your language. This is necessary because foreign renditions and interpretations would cause just as many distortions as translations into other languages, which is why your original written version in your language is indispensable at this time.
在我來找你們之前,Quetzal向我解釋說,你正在寫下要傳播的教導(teaching),而以一種特殊的方式完成你的任務。所以他向我解釋了:這一次「在真相的跡象中」(in the sign of truth),你這位來自“Nokodemion路線”的“最新且是最後的”宣告者(proclaimer),應該阻止關於這個具真確性、呈現真相和現實的“真相的教導,靈性的教導,生命的教導”再次被宗教和宗派所墮落退化(degenerations),而後者係通過謊言、欺騙和在地球上故意或無意的偽造,操縱成宗教對信仰系統的妄想。從你出生的最初的日子起,我們的plejar領導人就在語言、寫作和許多其他價值觀方面對你進行了教育、培訓和對語言方面的學習強化(well-informed),也教會了你許多技能,並為你的使命做好了準備。我們還在地球上安排了所有必要的技術發展,運用這些你可以做好你的工作,這一次可以寫下來,並自己來傳播教導,而這些教導都是純正(unadulterated)和真實的原始版本。只有這樣,摻假的訊息才不可能再發生,然而,這對有學習的人來說,這意味著他們在學習這些教導時,只能學習和評定你的原始語言版本。這種方式是必要的,因為外國的描述和解釋將導致如同翻譯為其他語言一樣多的扭曲,這就是為什麼以你的母語所寫下的原始書面版本,在這個時候是不可或缺的。
[中譯者註:這裡尤其指的是有關“靈性教導”的部分,特別要強調的是《Kelch der Wahrheit/Goblet of Truth/真理之杯》這本書,其原(德)文具有不可替代的重要性,因此在呈現給讀者時,必須要包含德文原文的版本。]
But now this: So I know that religious, political, economic, philosophical, military as well as secret service sects etc. exist as smaller faith communities with a hierarchical structure, whereby their views, beliefs, actions and behaviour are very often extremely radical, against all human rights, humanity and freedom, peace as well as against reality and truth and are absurd and foreign, as they also contradict the ethical basic values, the healthy human mind, reason and realistic behaviour as well as the right of every personal freedom of the sectarian believers absolutely. Cults correspond to types whose followers can be religious, philosophical or political, but also criminal, felonious or economically founded and oriented. Religious, political and philosophical sectarianism is pursued by groups which, in accordance with their religious delusion, trigger and spread an infectious mass delusional disease that goes against the real reality and thus also against its irrefutable and only truth. Sect groups differ from one another and also in themselves through their false teachings, actions, behaviour and opinions as well as their cults or rituals etc., as well as through all other prevailing confused, false and contradictory opinions and beliefs and are usually in conflict with other sects etc., but especially with regard to the fact that they are completely foreign, defensive, pathological and hostile to reality and its truth. Religious sects correspond to a religious community split off from a main or mother religion, whereby the originally value-neutral expression, which at Roman times referred to a 'follower-ship, party or school direction', has acquired a religious character due to the history and character of the religions and consequently also the religious use of language. Our knowledge in this regard is that religious sects are more radical, fanatical and unrealistic in terms of faith than the actual main or mother religions from which cultism results. Main religions and religious sects, I must explain, judge and understand us Plejaren as the origin of a pathological, unfounded madness of an absurd belief-obsession that is deeply rooted in human consciousness and paralyses and puts mind and reason out of function through a damaging malicious deception. This leads to a confusion of consciousness that makes it impossible for man to distinguish between reality and unreality, which prevents him from thinking, deciding and acting, and in addition, through the preachers' suggestive ideas, he becomes addicted to religions and sects, dependent on them and becomes a blind, stubborn and intolerant believer of what he builds up and practices in his consciousness as a delusion of religion and sects.
但現在以我所知,宗教、政治、經濟、哲學、軍事以及特勤部門教派等作為較小的信仰團體方式存在,具有階層架構,以致他們的觀點、信仰、行動和行為經常極端激進,違背所有人權、人性、自由、和平以及現實和真相,且都是荒謬和陌生的,因為它們也違背了道德基本價值觀、健康的人類心靈、理性和現實行為,以及教派信徒每一個人自由的絕對權利。邪教對應型態的追隨者,可以是宗教、哲學或政治,但也可以是犯罪、惡毒或經濟的基礎與導向。宗教、政治和哲學宗派主義是由團體推行的,這些團體根據其宗教錯覺,引發和傳播一種傳染性的大規模妄想疾病,這種疾病違背了現實,因此也違背了其無可否認與僅有的真相。教派群體彼此不同,也因其虛假的教義、行動、行為和意見以及邪教或儀式等而不同,以及通過所有其他普遍存在的混亂、虛假和矛盾的觀點和信仰,通常與其他教派等發生衝突,但特別是在他們完全是外來的、防禦性的、病態的、對現實及其真相懷有敵意的方面。宗教教派對應於與主要宗教或母教分離的宗教群體,即最初的價值中立的表達,在羅馬時代指的是 “追隨者、政黨或學派的指導”,由於宗教的歷史和性格,因此也有對宗教語言的使用。我們在這方面的知識是,教派在信仰方面比產生邪教的實際主要宗教或母教更激進、更狂熱和不現實。主要的宗教和宗教派別,我必須解釋、判斷和理解我們Plejaren當作是一種病態的、毫無根據的與瘋狂的根源,這種瘋狂是一種荒謬的信仰執著,深深紮根於人類意識,使人的癱瘓,通過一個破壞性的惡意欺騙,使思想和理性失去功能。這導致了意識的混亂,使人類無法區分現實和非現實,這使得他無法思考、決定和行動,此外,通過傳教士暗示性的思想,他變得沉溺於宗教和教派,依賴他們,成為一個盲目、頑固和不寬容的信徒,他建立和實踐宗教和教派的錯覺在他的意識之內。
In this way the person affected by faith becomes obsessed and dogmatic, as well as stubborn and unteachable in his faith, as a result of which he may even become a blind, fanatical advocate of his religious madness and without hesitation turns to violence and even murders, kills and destroys in order to defend and live up to his fanatical religious delusion. In all forms existing in this regard, the believer becomes and is contradictory in himself and outwardly in many ways, full of falsehood, strife, lack of freedom, hatred, revenge, contentiousness and war-likeness, and when he comes to the fore in these forms, then everything comes out of it up to evil fanaticism. The real truth, the right to life, peace, freedom, humanity and justice and all other values are of no importance for a person trapped in religious faith when acts of war, hatred, revenge, retaliation, jealousy or punishment etc. are pending, because in such moments the religious delusion regarding love, peace, freedom, justice and forgiveness etc. no longer applies, but only the urge for bloodshed, revenge and destruction etc.. The unreal of religious faith corresponds to a profound delusion which a person who has fallen into a religious or cult belief believes to be the only and true truth, even if he experiences suffering, pain and many evils because his delusion of faith pretends to him - that everything is wanted by God and he is tested or punished by this delusion. The real truth is not recognised by a religious believer, but he has become so addicted to untruth that he advocates it to the point of self-destruction, because his faith degenerates completely and he is thus interwoven and trapped in such a way that he accepts even the worst torture and his own death for it. But as far as my daughter Bermunda is concerned, to her disgust towards people and their religions that stultify understanding and reason and the faith of religious believers of all kinds, it can be explained that during the last eleven decades and until today she has spent a lot of time to study the religious histories of the Earth's humanity without interruption. In doing so, she has also made a greater number of journeys to past times on Earth and to the various places of religious proliferation, directly following and experiencing many abominable, gruesome and terrible religious degenerations on the spot, which has led her to her rejection of religions and sects, religious faith and belief in God, etc., which is safe to understand and right.
這樣,受信仰影響的人就變得癡迷和教條主義,在信仰上也變得固執和不可教,結果他甚至可能成為一個盲目而狂熱的宗教瘋狂宣導者,毫不猶豫地轉向暴力,甚至變成暴力謀殺、殺戮和破壞,以捍衛和不辜負他狂熱的宗教錯覺。在這方面存在的所有形式中,信徒在許多方面都變得和自己外在相互矛盾,充滿了謊言、爭鬥、缺乏自由、仇恨、報復、爭論和類似戰爭般的,當他以這些形式向前時,一切的邪惡狂熱都從它而起。真正的真相,對生命、和平、自由、人道和正義的權利以及所有其他價值觀,對於一個陷入宗教信仰的人來說並不重要,因為在這種情況下,戰爭、仇恨、報復、反擊、嫉妒或懲罰等行為即將發生,因為在這種情況下關於愛、和平、自由、正義和寬恕等的宗教錯覺不再適用,而只適用於流血、復仇和毀滅等的衝動。宗教信仰的不真實與一種深刻的錯覺相對應,一個陷入宗教或邪教信仰的人認為是唯一和真正的真相,即使他經歷了折磨、痛苦和許多罪惡,因為他對信仰的幻想使他假裝 — 一切都被上帝所需要,而他是受到這種錯覺的考驗或懲罰。真正的真相沒有得到宗教信徒的認可,但他已經沉溺於不真實,以至於他主張它達到了自我毀滅的地步,因為他的信仰完全墮落,因此他以這樣一種方式交織在一起,被困在一起,甚至接受了最嚴重的折磨並因而死亡。但是,就我的女兒Bermunda而言,她對阻礙理解和理性以及各種宗教信徒信仰的人和宗教的厭惡,可以解釋的是,在過去的十一年裡,直到今天,她都有花了很多時間不間斷地研究地球人類的宗教歷史。在這樣做的過程中,她還進行了更多的旅行,前往地球上過去的時代和宗教擴散的各個地方,直接跟蹤和經歷了許多可惡、恐怖和可怕的宗教墮落,這導致了她對宗教和教派、宗教信仰和對上帝的信仰等的拒絕,這樣的理解是安全和正確的。
I can understand that. Then another question: Can you say something about the poison attack on the ex-double spy Sergei Skripal?
I can give you information about this, give you explanations and inform you about what connections exist between the matter mentioned with regard to the ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter. However, according to our directives, I must insist that the relevant information must remain with you, which you can and will do if you are asked to do so, as Ptaah assured me in various conversations.
OK, thank you, but what is really behind this poison attack, and do you have any idea about it?
This is actually the case, because the clarification of such incidents is one of my tasks. And since I have also done my duty in this way, it became clear that this poison attack is based on a far-reaching sneaky machination and malicious intrigue of the ... who are in the service of .... But it takes up again the unscrupulous and traditional hostility and hatred of Russia by the Western states and rekindles it, as it has always been the case since time immemorial, even during the Soviet Union and throughout the Cold War. And the fact that betrayal is also being committed in this way against the Russian state itself is not recognised without understanding or reason. The authorship of this intrigue ... is not aware of the scope of its actions, because its lack of intelligence does not allow it. The attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter, carried out by ..., is founded in an insidious and malicious manner by ... by ... and ... and is thus very stupid, which damages Russia and President Putin, just as it also damages Russia itself. First and foremost, however, this matter gives President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, as well as the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, no chance in the Western world, but also the Russian ambassador to the UN, and others, which may also result in the state of Russia itself being completely isolated from the entire West.
實際情況確實如此,因為澄清這類事件是我的任務之一。既然我也以這種方式盡到了我的職責,那麼很明顯,這種毒藥的攻擊是基於一個深遠的秘密陰謀和惡意陰謀的… 他服務於… 但它再次挑起了西方國家對俄羅斯的肆無忌憚和傳統的敵意和仇恨,並重新點燃了它,就像自古以來以來的情況一樣,即使在蘇聯(Soviet Union)時期和整個冷戰期間也是如此。而背叛也是以這種方式對俄羅斯國家本身實施的,這一事實在沒有理解或理性的情況下是無法承認的。這一陰謀的作者...... 不知道其行動的範圍,因為它缺乏情報而不允許它。對謝爾蓋.斯克里帕爾和他的女兒的攻擊是由… 和… 以及… 以一種陰險和惡意的方式建立起來的,因此非常愚蠢,損害了俄羅斯和普丁(Putin)總統,就像它也損害了俄羅斯本身一樣。然而,首先,這一問題使佛拉迪米爾.普丁(Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin)總統以及俄羅斯聯邦(Russian Federation)外交部長謝爾蓋.維克托羅維奇.拉夫羅夫(Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov)在西方世界沒有機會,但俄羅斯駐聯合國大使和其他人也沒有機會。也可能導致俄羅斯本身與整個西方完全隔絕。
Very unpleasant and also hastily handled.
Yes, it's unpleasant, but what does your remark 'hastily' mean?
是的,這很不愉快,但你的話 “草率” 是什麼意思?
There is a whole series of linguistic expressions relating to an action that are also anarchic, inconsiderate, hysteric, excited, blind, crazy, stupid, thoughtless, shabby, fretful, confused, heedless, unnerved, disorganized, senseless, careless, reckless, disorderly, unclear, wacky, stressed, strung out, dazed, premature, hurried, chaotic, madly, rushed, hastily, overburdened, headlong, half-baked and disturbed, etc. to be named.
有一系列的用語可以來表達有關這次行動的說法,諸如:無政府主義狀態的、不體諒別人的、歇斯底里的、過度興奮的、盲目的、瘋狂的、愚蠢的、欠考慮的、不光彩的、煩躁的、糊塗的、掉以輕心的、焦躁不安的、計劃不周的、不明智的、粗心的,魯莽的、雜亂無章的、不清楚的、古怪的、焦慮的、神智恍惚的、迷迷糊糊的、急促的、匆忙的、混亂的、倉促的、輕率的、過勞的、沉重的、考慮不周全的、精神不正常的… 等等。
Thanks for the explanation.
Since the observation and assessment of the United States of America, Russia and the European Union is your special task, I would like to hear from you what you have to say and judge.
The United States of America and the European Union proclaim themselves democracies, but this claiming self-representation must not be judged truthfully, because it is based on a lie that beguiles the people, stupefies the people and obscures the truth. The fact and the truth is that both states, both the United States of America and the European Union, correspond to underhand dictatorships. All government officials in each administration act autocratically and outside the will of that part of the people who are clear and reasonably decisive and considerate, acting for peace, equality for all, but also for justice and real freedom, for just governance, state responsibility and the exercise of that responsibility, for real democracy, and for it not to be only for the state authorities, their advisers, followers, military leaders, secret services, and also the economic magnates, but only the people who decide and determine. But all this is not understood and not recognised by some of the peoples concerned, because they have no knowledge what is to be understood by democracy, peace, justice and real freedom as well as responsibility for state leadership at all, consequently they follow the unsuitable state leaders and all the forces of all ministries belonging to them obediently, because they let themselves be bewitched and persuaded by words in their instability, their undermined intellect, their lack of reason and their lack of self-decision.
But if I now have to explain what needs to be said about the United States of America, its foreign policy and its truly multifaceted aspirations, then this is a very unpleasant picture which could give the impression that it is slandering, branding and betraying the entire American people, or in other words, calumniating, denigrating, maligning, exposing and dishonouring them. This, however, does not correspond to the meaning and truth of what I have said, nor does it correspond to hatred against the American people. The truth of my statements relates solely, and indeed only, to the fact that the whole unpleasant and negative assessment of the attitude of the entire US Government system is addressed, in which the leaders, their advisers, the lobbyists and all politics, the secret services and the economy, the religious conduct and military power are included, but also that part of the US people whose attitude is equally in line with that which corresponds to all the aspirations, leadership and power behaviour of the US American government and the associated powers of all departments. The US-American population resp. the people, are not attacked with my statements, explanations and declarations, but only the opinions and the explanations and the committing of wrong actions, deeds and behaviours are mentioned, which are based on intrigues, deceptions, deceitfulness and criminal manipulations and conspiracies, which lead up to torture, murder and war. This is because peace, freedom, justice and order, international law and human rights are planned and acted upon illegally, criminally, outrageously, culpably, unlawfully and wickedly on the government side with the entire apparatus of all government departments.
Everything corresponds to an attitude and an attitude, behaviour and action that can only be described as shameful, reprehensible and contemptible, heinous, unworthy, dishonourable, nefarious and evil. But what needs to be said about the question about the United States of America is this: The United States keeps all the regional states of the world under its dominating supervision under strict control, which means that they cannot develop, do not aspire higher and cannot control themselves, but are as good as dependants and vassals of the United States who think they are the only world power and want to survive this way with all their unfair infiltrations. That is why the United States does not want peace, but hates it and does everything it can to keep all the nations it controls down with the same means of repression and to keep self-management to a minimum. The United States actively intervenes in the affairs of other nations under its control, politically as well as militarily, secretly, economically and even religiously, if this seems necessary and useful, but also interferes everywhere in foreign problems and circumstances that do not concern it. However, they are constantly plagued by the fear that they will face politically, militarily, diplomatically and economically harmful competition from other nations, especially Russia and China, but also that certain government leaders of other nations - especially Russia - could make efforts towards world peace and also encourage other nations to do so. This miserable anxiety, fear and threat to the American rulers, military and secret services - along with various other profoundly low, unjustified and meaningless motives - have existed since the founding of the United States of America and have always led all those responsible to thwart any peace efforts that have been undertaken in many states of the world since ancient times and that continue to reappear in the millennium to this day. Since the United States of America has existed, they have not allowed peace among the peoples of the Earth to become possible, because they do not want peace, but hate it, because on the one hand they are afraid of losing their far-reaching power on Earth, but also because they have to give up their world domination.
所有一切都反映出一種態度,而這種態度所導致的行為,只能說是羞恥的、應受譴責的以及是可鄙的、令人髮指的、不光彩的、不名譽的、不道德的與邪惡的。但關於美國的問題,需要說的是:美國將世界所有國家與地區置於其主導的監督之下,受到嚴格的管控,這意味著它們不能自行發展,不能企求更高的生活,不能控制自己的前途,就像美國的扶植國和附屬國一樣,因為他們認為自己是唯一的世界大國,而他們都以不公平的方式滲透他國,希望以這種方式生存下來。這就是為什麼美國不想要和平,而是痛恨和平,他們會盡一切努力,以同樣的鎮壓手段去壓制其控制的所有國家,並將其自我管理控制在最低限度。美國積極干預其控制下國家的事務,從政治上、軍事上、秘密組織、經濟方面,甚至如果必要而有效的話,也會涉入宗教領域,但也會干涉所有地方涉外事務與其無關的情況。然而,他們不斷擔心他們將面臨來自其他國家,特別是俄羅斯和中國的政治、軍事、外交和經濟上對他們不利的競爭,也擔心其他國家的某些政府領導人 — 特別是俄羅斯 — 可以為世界和平而努力,甚至會鼓勵其他國家這樣做。自美國建國以來,對美國統治者、軍事單位和情報部門而言,這種可悲的焦慮、恐懼和威脅 — 以及各種令人深刻的低下、不合理和毫無意義的動機 — 一直存在,並一直主導著所有這些動機,他們有意阻撓自古以來在世界許多國家進行的任何和平努力,這些努力至今仍在千禧年中再次出現。自從美國存在以來,他們一直不允許地球各國人民之間的和平成為可能,因為他們不想要和平,而是痛恨和平,不僅一方面害怕失去他們在地球上常遠的影響力,另一方面也因為他們最終不得不放棄他們對這個世界的統治。
From the US side, everything violent is being done and undertaken at all costs against peace on Earth and its desire for world domination. And this is done first and foremost according to the powerful will of those in government, the military, the secret services and the economic powers, but also according to the will of those sections of the population who belong to the government, military, secret services and the economy, and absolutely against the will of that minority of the population which strives with understanding and reason for peace and freedom and also strives for it with appeals and peaceful demonstrations etc.
The irrefutable fact is that the United States neither wants nor seeks a far-reaching nor a global peace, nor true freedom, but wants to seize world domination, that there is absolutely no will to bring about a truly truthful task of nuclear physics, nor can there be any responsibility or interest in ending the development of more dangerous and destructive nuclear weapons or, ultimately, anything that totally destroys them. So no efforts are being made for nuclear disarmament either, in honest and sensible cooperation with all other nuclear powers, to free the Earth from this scourge of fear and destruction that threatens the world's existence, created by the USA and used nefariously and criminally in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and has since then been continuously developed and has become a danger of planetary destruction and humanity extinction to this day. This, while crimes were also committed in their own country against their own ignorant population in an outrageous and reprehensible manner by ordering their own soldiers, actors, internees and private persons etc. into areas, allowing them to be admitted and deliberately contaminated by radiation, by exposing them to nuclear experiments with atomic bombs and being contaminated by radiation. Of course, it was inevitable that other states would also take up nuclear research through espionage and scientists and develop nuclear weapons of various kinds, creating further nuclear powers and thus the danger of an all-destructive and all-destroying nuclear war. And this danger has persisted to this day, and it has even been rekindled by the new hostilities of the United States of America and the dictatorship of the European Union and various supporters of these two dictatorships, as a result of the hateful and hostile machinations against Russia.
The current threat and danger of the use of nuclear weapons and thus of nuclear war, triggered by the nuclear powers in armed conflicts, but also by extreme terrorist organisations in possession of nuclear weapons, is very great despite the partial disarmament of nuclear weapons. Moreover, all nuclear powers still have more nuclear weapons than officially admitted, and not even this greater number of nuclear weapons would be needed to devastate and even destroy Earth to such an extent that all life on the planet would be annihilated and none could exist any-more. Even a small part of the officially known and existing nuclear arsenal of the major nuclear powers would be completely sufficient for this. But to remain with the United States of America, which I am talking about in relation to your questions, it can be said that, in the light of all the facts mentioned so far, the hostility towards peace and hatred towards peace, as well as the world domination of the US rulers and their proponents from the population, will continue far into the future. The irresponsible part of the state leaders, as well as their incompetent advisers, secret services and economic powers, etc., but also that part of the power-obsessed and belligerent elements of the military leaders and military possessed from the population of the United States of America, remain in the same delusion, as was the case in early times of the emergence of this multi-state formation. Even then, many outlaws committed serious crimes, just as many state officials committed crimes because they were as insulted, unscrupulous and criminal as many of their successors to this day. Even in the early days, the rulers in the United States exercised their power and abused their trust in that part of the population that was straightforward, hard-working and innocent, as is still the case today, but as will also be the case far into the future - also in other undemocratic states of the world. Unfortunately, the peace-seeking minority of the US population has never had a chance to intervene in politics, to achieve a political turn towards peace with good, right and peace-seeking interventions. Even peace-building demonstrations have never achieved anything, because they have not only been disregarded by the rulers, the military, the security forces and the secret services, but ridiculed or violently suppressed.
目前,使用核武的威脅和危險,無論是由武裝衝突中的核大國引發的核戰爭,還是擁有核武器的極端恐怖組織所引發的威脅和危險,儘管部分核武器裝置已被裁減,但這種威脅和危險仍然非常巨大。此外,所有核大國擁有的核武器,仍然超過官方承認的數量,甚至不需要這麼多的核武器來摧毀,地球本身乃至於地球上的所有生命都將被消滅殆盡,而沒有任何生命存在的可能。即使是官方已知和現有的主要核大國核武庫的一小部分,也完全足以做到這一點。但要留在我正在談論的美國問題,可以說,根據迄今提到的所有事實,他們對和平的敵意和對和平的仇視,以及美國統治者和支持他們的人民對他們所統治世界的現況,將繼續很長一段時間,直到未來。除了部分不負責任的國家領導人,以及他們不稱職的顧問、特情部門和經濟霸權等,但也有那部分權力癡狂者和好戰的軍事領導人與一些擁有槍械的美國人民,仍然處於同樣的錯覺之中,就像早期這種多方勢力形成時的危險時期一樣。即使這樣,許多國家官員犯下的罪行,就如同許多不法分子所犯下的重罪,因為他們因不擇手段所犯下的罪行,就像今天的許多繼任者所受到的辱罵。即使在早期,美國的統治者也因一部分人民的信任而濫用了權力,而這一部分的人們是直爽、勤奮和無辜的,到今天仍然如此,但未來的情況也會是如此 — 在世界上其他不民主的國家地區也是如此。不幸的是,美國民眾中那些尋求和平的少數人,從來沒有機會干預政治,即使努力以良好、正確和尋求和平的措施,企求實現政治轉向和平的機會也不可得。即使是建立和平的示威也從未取得任何成效,因為這些示威,不僅被統治者、軍隊、安全部隊和特勤部門忽視,而且還遭到嘲笑或暴力鎮壓。
As a minority in the United States of America, the population striving for peace never had a chance of ever achieving success, as was and is the case everywhere else in the world. Therefore, only the government and its allied military forces, secret services, security forces and that part of the population that goes hand in hand with the machinations of the government leaders and their followers in a spirit of unity and agrees in every way with all their manipulations, win. This, during which, despite many pacifist efforts, the thirsty and righteous minor part of the population for harmony, peace, freedom, justice, reconciliation and solidarity with all peoples and countries is fundamentally disregarded or may still be oppressed and punished by security forces and the ruling classes. Just as it happens in the United States of America, however, it is also the result of the European dictatorship centre in Belgium, as well as in the countries affiliated to it, whose governments and peoples are dominated by the European dictatorship and which in turn dictatorially impose discord and lack of freedom on their peoples. But in many other countries, too, the same picture and events arise because, because of their psychological innocence and lack of knowledge of human nature, peoples are misled, impressed and deceived by false, deceitful and lying promises, hypocrisies and pretences of false facts by candidates for election by the government and other state offices.
在美國的少數群體,他們為爭取和平的努力,從來沒有取得成功的機會,在這世界上的其他地方,情況亦復如此。因此,只有政府及其軍事單位、特勤部門、安全部隊以及那些與政府領導人及其追隨者理念一致的民眾與之一鼻孔出氣,並以各種方式附和他們所有的操弄,才能嘗到甜頭。在這種情況下,儘管作出了許多和平的主張與努力,為了實現與所有人民和國家的和諧、和平、自由、正義、和解和團結,那些渴望正義的小數人民根本就被忽視,或可能仍然受到壓迫,並受到安全部隊和統治階級的懲罰。然而,正如發生在美國的情況一樣,這也是在比利時(Belgium)的歐洲獨裁中心(European dictatorship centre)以及其附屬國家中的狀況,這些國家的政府和人民以歐洲獨裁政權為主,而這些國家又在歐洲獨裁政權的掌控下剝奪他們人民的自由並造成彼此之間的不和。但在許多其他國家,也出現了同樣的情況和事件,因為他們的心理過於純真且對人性缺乏瞭解。一般人民在選舉時容易被候選人為了維護某政府和其他機關的利益,誤信了他們虛假的承諾,並被其捏造的事情欺騙與誤導。
And this is because the candidates for state offices, etc. hide their true low mindset of domination and power-seeking behind false-friendly, cheating and beguiling gestures, expressions, gesticulations and facial expressions and vow with false words of honour and promises to do only the very best for the people if they are elected to the office in question. And they do so even though they are completely contrary and unwilling to keep and fulfil their promises when elected to their offices. As a rule, the candidates for government positions and other state offices etc. appearing in this way are only concerned with obtaining and exercising power and thus with being able to rule over one's fellow human beings or the people. Another type of person who seeks aspirations for government and state offices is probably good and honest and willing to do their best for the government, the people and the leadership of the country, as well as for peace, justice and freedom, and to do so honestly and well with all means and possibilities at their disposal. When they are elected, however, everything changes for them in a negative way, because on the one hand they are either suggestively redirected by their internal employees, advisors, managers and dominators etc. to their dominant power and brought to their meaning and will, consequently they then act in the same power and behave accordingly. On the other hand, however, it may be that honourable persons elected to appropriate state offices - all of whom have good intentions for a righteous administration and are also willing to implement and enforce it reliably and in a trustworthy manner - have no chance of being able to enforce their intentions and aspirations.
這是因為國家級官員的候選人,在面對選民時,善於運用虛假和欺騙的手勢和面部表情,以及使用華麗包裝的言論和誓言,隱藏他們背後真正低級的追求權力與統治的心態,並承諾只有當人民選他出任相關職位時,必定為他們盡最大的努力解決問題。儘管他們在選完後的表現完全相反,在當選後不願意遵守和履行承諾,但他們還是這樣做了。一般來說,以這種方式競選政府職位和其他國家職位的候選人只涉及獲得行政權力,從而能夠治理自己的同胞或人民。另有一種人,他們抱持的信念對政府和國家事務可能是善良和誠實的,願意為政府、人民和國家領導人服務,同時為和平、正義和自由盡最大的努力,他們運用可用的所有手段和可能性,也誠實地這樣執行。然而,當他們當選後,一切對他們來說,都發生了未預料的負面變化,因為一方面,他們不是被內部員工、顧問、經理和管理者等,暗示轉向他們自己的主導力量,並賦予了他們的意義與意志,因此,他們便在相同的權力下作出相應的行為。然而,另一方面,一些可敬的人當選擔任適當的國家官員時— 他們都對一個正義的政府有良好的意願,也願意以可靠的方式執行和實施它 — 可能沒有機會能夠執行他們的意圖和願望。
The possession of nuclear weapons never gives any reason to assume a hostile military threat from other countries, to maintain this threat assumption and to simply, illogically and foolishly claim that in return, peace security can only be guaranteed with ones own threats and a dangerous nuclear arsenal. It is reasonable to consider and understand that neither small nor large stocks of nuclear weapons and conventional weapons can be a guarantee of security and peace, but only a guarantee that such weapons will be used without thinking and that populations will be murdered and enormous destruction will be caused if any conflicts with combat weapons take place irresponsibly or even wars are instigated. And such weapons of all kinds are produced in large quantities in the United States of America and sold to many states, but only those are considered that on the one hand can be made politically, militarily and economically dependent on the USA through the purchase of weapons, and on the other hand become a guarantee that the American striving for unrestricted world domination can be maintained. So the arms sales practised by the USA all over the world - as well as many other things - correspond to underhand intrigues, which serve the purpose of the aspirations of a world-dominating power through all kinds of intrigues, obstructions, conspiracies, infiltrations, machinations, overthrows of government, criminal secret service actions and fraud manoeuvres as well as cunning manipulations etc.
For the United States of America, the use of military force has always been - and will continue to be - an option today, tomorrow and in the foreseeable future. Any other peaceful and liberal alternative would stand in diametrical contradiction to the foreign policy that has been staged and implemented since the founding of the United States, which has always ensured that US-Americans can assert their political, military and economic interests in an international manner, as well as their world domination-induced tendencies.
對美國來說,在今天、明天和可預見的未來,使用軍事力量一直是 — 並將繼續是 — 一種選擇。任何其他和平和自由的選擇,都將與美國建國以來一直在實施的外交政策截然相反,美國一直確保美裔美國人能夠在國際上堅持自己的政治、軍事立場與經濟利益,以及他們統治世界的趨勢。
The fact is that it is not the USA that must be afraid of enemies - through its war arsenals and its military and air force they are too powerful to be attacked by smaller countries, consequently only another major power would have a chance against them - but many countries in the world must have reason to be afraid of the USA, namely of the invasion aspirations, respectively. the violent incursions of the US army into their country, just as they must be afraid of possible annexation manoeuvres or forced final integration under the rule of the United States of America caused by wars or any sneaky political, military or secret service infamous US machinations. Naturally, however, the state and military powers, secret services and those responsible for the economy, their advisers and other followers, deny everything in this regard in a choleric, energetic and bitterly wicked manner, as well as that part of the population which is in every respect in bondage to the irresponsible persons in state positions and, furthermore, completely ignorant of their really far-reaching, secret intrigues and aspirations to world domination connected with them.
事實是,必須害怕敵人的不是美國 — 通過其戰爭武庫及其軍事設施和空軍,他們的力量太大,不至於受到小國的攻擊,因此只有另一個大國才有機會對付它們 — 但世界上許多國家一定有理由害怕美國,那就是入侵的企圖,也就是美軍對他們國家的暴力入侵,就像他們一定害怕戰爭或任何狡猾的政治、軍事或特勤造成可能的吞併演習,或最終被迫納入美國的統治。然而,國家和軍事單位、特勤部門以及經濟負責人、他們的顧問和其他追隨者,自然會以憤怒高調且非常邪惡的方式否認這方面的一切,而同時認為這一部分的人民這在各方面都是被對這個國家處境不負責任的人所約束,甚至使他們完全不知道他們真正深遠的秘謀,以及與他們聯繫在一起的統治世界願望。
The US is ready at any time, if it is of use to them or if it is about its so-called national security, without hesitation to brand foreign states as alleged villains and possibly to attack and completely destroy them. And as has been the case in various countries since time immemorial, President George Walker Bush - who branded various countries as the 'axis of evil' - had the US army marched into Iraq with tremendous spreading lies, just as his equally belligerent father George Herbert Walker Bush did before him during the first Gulf War. And as is customary in the USA with regard to their demand for world power, it remained and remains the case that once they have invaded a country, they keep it occupied for all time or direct their US American demands, intrigues, directives and, if possible, their laws etc. to the respective countries. In this way, the Iraqi President Saddam Hussain was also deposed and executed.
如果對他們有用,或者是為了所謂的國家安全,美國隨時準備好,毫不猶豫地將外國貼上所謂“流氓”(villains)的標記,並可能攻擊和徹底摧毀他們。而就像自古以來在各國發生的那樣,美國總統喬治.華克.布希(george walker bush) — 他將各國貼上 “邪惡軸心”(axis of evil)的標籤 — 以散佈重大的謊言進軍伊拉克,就像他同樣好鬥的父親喬治.赫伯特.華克.布希(George Herbert Walker Bush)一樣在第一次波灣戰爭(Gulf War)中在他之前。按照美國對世界權力需求的慣例,他們一旦入侵一個國家,就會一直佔領這個國家,按美國的需求指揮、策動、命令他們,現在仍然是這樣,或者如果可能的話,連他們的法律等都會介入。就這樣,伊拉克總統薩達姆.海珊(Saddam Hussain)也就被解職並處決了。
If we look at the morals of those responsible for the nation, the military, the secret services and the economic powers of the United States - as well as the majority of those responsible for many other countries - it is clear and undeniable that all irresponsible people among these 'responsible people' always find an argument for an attack, etc. on other countries, even for a nuclear attack, and that without any previous provocation of the country concerned, which is to be attacked. That is a fact, whether it wants to be understood or not, because that is the real side of US foreign policy.
如果我們看看那些對國家負責的人、軍事人員、特勤部門和美國的經濟大亨 — 以及對許多其他國家負有責任的大多數人 — 的道德,明顯而不可否認的,所有不負責任的人在這些 “負責任的人” 中,總是可以找到攻擊其他國家等的理由,即使是核攻擊,如果沒有有關國家以前的任何挑釁,這些國家也會受到攻擊。這是事實,不管它是否想被理解,因為這是美國外交政策真正的一面。
Unfortunately, all honourable, righteous and responsible people of all countries on Earth who strive for peace and freedom are in a minority, because part of every nation has succumbed to the indifference and serfdom of state officials and the other state forces of all kinds, and they do not assume their responsibility for state leadership and security and peace-building, but act and work completely irresponsibly to the contrary, and this also against the well-being of the population. It is no good, therefore, if the sensible people who are striving for peace unite and try, through peaceful demonstrations, to relieve the governments and all their hostile state apparatuses by demanding peace. So there is no point in the minority of the population demonstratively expressing the desire to end the formal hostilities that have always existed among people. Therefore it can only be a very long-term goal on Earth and for humanity to achieve a comprehensive peace, to which all states can approach only very slowly through understanding and reason and in doing so must be careful and learn to proceed in a harmonious and peaceful manner and to accompany one another in good, without dispute, without violence, sociably, conciliatory and tolerably. However, all Earthly states and parts of the population have always stood in the way of this goal, with the United States in particular standing out in this respect, which must make a very strong effort to become reasonable and to abandon its request for world power in order to bring peace to the world instead of fighting it as before. Unfortunately, however, the United States is not making any effort in this respect, but is doing everything to the contrary in a contradictory sense to create enmity among all states and peoples in the world on the one hand, and to continue its desire for world domination by all evil means and intrigues on the other.
A peaceful unification of all nations and peoples is not in the interest of US foreign policy, but only the effort and desire to accelerate the achievement of world domination. And that in any case always malicious armed forces are brought into play, but there is no doubt what has been proven again and again since time immemorial, whereby also allegedly 'good' and 'moderate' state leaders of the USA ultimately put all action and activity focused on violence, war and on the potential use of US weapons. This was even stated by President Barack Obama, who, at the 60th anniversary of the Korean War truce, threatened to remove the war beasts if necessary, as he threatened to say: "The United States of America will always maintain by far the strongest military the world has ever known. Yes, we certainly will." And this statement proves very well the true attitude of the US, as is also made clear by the fact that Obama prevented the differences of opinion between North and South Korea from being resolved. And just as the so much 'peace-loving' and 'reasonable' Barack Obama spoke and acted at the time, and completely contrary to all his election promises, so the same picture emerges today, when the stupid and brazen warmongering threats, speeches, demands and confusing orders, as well as the irresponsible actions and actions of US President Donald John Trump, are closely examined and judged.
所有國家和人民的和平統一不符合美國外交政策的利益,而只是加速實現世界統治的努力和願望。而且,在任何情況下,惡意的武裝部隊總是被發揮作用,但毫無疑問,自古以來就一再證明了,那就是所謂的美國“友好”和“溫和”的國家領導人,最終也把所有的行動和活動都放在了身上重點是暴力、戰爭和美國武器的潛在使用。巴拉克.歐巴馬(Barack Obama)總統甚至這樣說,他在朝鮮戰爭休戰60周年之際,威脅說,必要時將清除這些戰爭野獸,他威脅說:“美國將永遠維持世界上迄今最強大的軍隊”從來沒有知道。是的,我們一定會的。而這一說法很好地證明了美國的真實態度,歐巴馬阻止了南北韓的意見分歧得到解決這一事實也清楚地表明瞭這一點。正如歐巴馬當時如此多的“熱愛和平”和“合理”的言論和行動,完全違背了他所有的選舉承諾一樣,今天也出現了同樣的情況,當時愚蠢而厚顏無恥的威脅、演講、要求和混亂的命令,以及美國總統唐納.川普(Donald John Trump)不負責任的行動和行動,都受到了嚴格的審查和評判。
If the global situation is viewed and understood from the US perspective, then it is very easy to see that the United States of America is an overwhelming political, economic, intelligence, military and thus also gun-toting power, which it uses to make more and more countries and peoples worldwide dependent on the US and to control them underhandedly. And they also use this power to expand their sphere of influence throughout the world on the one hand, and on the other hand to prevent any other competing powers from leading them in their quest for world domination. But they also use their power to prevent the countries concerned from working their way up and gaining their own power. These are the three most important reasons for the United States of America to repeatedly intervene politically, militarily, economically and commercially in various countries around the world, as well as to carry out secret service actions and cause unrest in foreign states. This would be the main reason for all countries and peoples of the world to strive peacefully and sensibly to restrict and control the United States of America in its criminal actions and practices and in its madness of addiction to world domination. But this would mean that all countries and peoples would have to stand united and act together in a peaceful manner because it is impossible for one country and one people alone to make a difference to persuade the US into a peace process. Ongoing attempts in this respect alone are useless, as are unilateral alliances with the United States, which are geared solely to their advantage, for such alliances are doomed to failure in any case with regard to peace and freedom for the sole benefit of the United States, but thus for world peace and freedom.
The truth must finally be recognised that the foreign policy of the United States of America not only disrupts any attempt to create world peace and freedom, but never lets it come about globally, which is why they continue their intrigues. And they do this by not letting weaker nations aspire, but only supporting them in various respects, only to curb and weaken them once they have developed formal agreements for the benefit of the USA - in a sustained and subtle way. The intrigues to achieve the goal are manifold and range from trade sanctions to supporting rivals and creating new US bases in suitable neighbouring areas. Then, finally - because it is necessary for the USA to gain power in the country in question - relatively small specialized US troops of various disciplines are introduced into the country in question in order to block its own power, destabilise it and ambush the entire region under US control.
必須最終認識到,美國的外交政策不僅破壞了任何創造世界和平與自由的企圖,而且從未讓這一企圖在全球出現,這就是他們繼續陰謀的原因。它們這樣做的方式不是讓弱國渴望相助,而只是在各個方面支援它們,只是在它們以持續和微妙的方式為美國的利益制定了正式協定後,才會遏制和削弱它們。實現這一目標的陰謀是多方面的,從貿易制裁到支援對手,以及在合適的鄰近地區建立新的美國基地。然後,最後 — 因為美國有必要在有關國家獲得權力 — 將不同訓練相對較小的專業化美軍引入有關國家,為了阻止自己的權力,破壞其穩定,伏擊整個國家地區,使其在美國的控制下。
And that, I think, will continue the psychopathic and governmentally incompetent oaf Trump irresponsibility and, in my opinion, do and organize all kinds of other idiotic and insane things. If he and the United States had done what he promised, that the United States would withdraw from interfering in foreign countries, then he would have been a good president in this respect alone, but contrary to this promise, oaf-Trump, together with his advisers, lobbyists and other followers and the EU dictatorship, interferes in the case of the poison attack against the Russian ex-double spy Skripal and, together with the dictators of the EU dictatorship, heightens new hatred against Russia. And he does this by going along with the dictatorship and various other countries, as these Russian diplomats are expelled from the USA, blocking the bank money of Russian businessmen in the USA and other nonsense, such as imposing idiotic sanctions against Russia, and so on. He also plays idiotic and dangerous games with the psychopathic unadulterated child's head of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, and plays the strong man, just as he goes mad against Mexico in relation to building a wall and commanding down the army or the National Guard, and proves with all his idiotic decrees or edicts that he is no good at all as an super-bird in the form of a head of state.
我認為,這將延續這個精神病態和無能的川普政府不負責任的行為,在我看來,還會進行各種其他愚蠢和瘋狂的事情。如果他和美國做了他所作的承諾,美國將退出干涉外國的行為,那麼他就將在這方面是一個好總統,但與承諾相反,唐納.川普和他的顧問、說客和其他追隨者以及歐盟獨裁政權,進行了對俄羅斯前雙重間諜謝爾蓋.斯克里帕爾的毒殺襲擊,並與歐盟獨裁政權的獨裁者一起加劇了對俄羅斯的新仇舊恨。他這樣做是為了與獨裁政權和其他國家立場一致,就像這些俄羅斯外交官被驅逐出美國,阻止了在美國的俄羅斯商人的銀行資金和其他無用之舉,例如對俄羅斯實施愚蠢的制裁等等。他還和這位患有精神病態的“朝鮮兒童”頭目金正恩(Kim Jong Un)玩愚蠢而危險的遊戲,並扮演強壯的人,就像他在修建隔離美墨圍牆,並指揮軍隊或國民警衛隊方面對墨西哥大發雷霆一樣,且用他所有的愚蠢判決與法令來證明,他作為國家元首的“超級人氣王”(super-bird),完全不是件好事。
More could be said about this, ...
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