(資料來自:第 030、005、070、009 等次接觸報告)
在第 030、005、070、009 等多次接觸報告中,敘述到Plejaren(與地球人有共同祖先)的緣起與歷史,摘要如下:
● 人類種族(包含 Plejaren)共同的最初發源地,是在天琴座的「環狀星雲」。
● 這個非常大的星球曾經發生過的巨大的破壞,那是在很久以前,由一個嗜權的狂人領袖毀滅了在那裡的一切。毀滅的結果,形成了一個巨大的眼狀星雲,這個星雲被命名為 JHWHMATA 或「上帝之眼」。
● 在地球上觀察,必須要有一個非常強大的望遠鏡,那就是位於天琴座的「環狀星雲」或M57。
● Plejaren 祖先的家園是在「天琴座」中「織女星」附近的行星,那是處在不同的時空結構中,與我們的時空結構偏移了幾分之一秒。
● 他們當時的祖先,早在 2,200 多萬年前就已經掌握了太空飛行的技術,並進行了深入宇宙的探索飛行,然後也已經首次來到了地球。
● 當時的地球還處於原始發展的後期,但還是經常被造訪,因為那是放逐他們家鄉世界上的那些罪犯之地。
● 而某些被放逐的犯人,就與地球上已經存在的一些類人生物漸漸混居在一起,這是在幾百萬年前就已經發生的事。
● 數百萬年過去了,隨著遠古祖先在宇宙中的拓展,他們也在靈性層次有了高度的進化,匯聚了強大的力量。
● 但在此同時,「毀滅者」造成的災難,破壞了許多古老的家鄉世界,使得當時不幸有三分之二的人類因此而死亡。
● 而經肆虐過剩下來的三分之一倖存者開始重建他們的社會,那是條充滿艱辛與匱乏之路。
● 但是在不到九個世紀,他們就運用了宇宙的力量創建了新的文明和文化,並成功擺脫了艱辛的歲月。
● 他們的靈性與他們的意識,以及他們的知識迅速進化,後來,他們發明了以光束驅動的碟型飛行器,自此開啟了進入無際宇宙的時代。
● 他們的科學家們建造了巨大的太空船,並裝備了所有的先進裝備,他們運用了所熟悉的「維度門」,進入了銀河系領域,以探索這地區全新的事物。
● 那些在靈性與意識有高度進化的人,用「JHWH」稱呼他們自己為“智慧之王”,這在地球上則被視為「神明」。
● 然而,於他們的母星系中,在“神明”強大的靈性與意識力量與卓越的知識壓迫下,人民不得不屈從於他們的統治者。但是,對自由的嚮往激發他們秘密地進行戰鬥的準備,這個追求自由的戰爭,爆發在大約二十三萬年前。
● 這場不幸的戰爭席捲了許多行星,其中有許多都被摧毀了。這時候,一位名叫 Asael 的「JHWH」(也稱為「Jschwisch」),趁此機會宣布獨立並逃離了家園。
● 他帶領著 183 艘巨型太空母艦和大約 250 艘偵蒐型飛船,以及艦上容納的 36 萬人,離開了他的家鄉星系。在佔領了一個新的恆星系(後來被稱為「Asael 星系」)後,經過了三百年,他們創造了新的人類。
● Asael 的繼任者是他的女兒Plejara,是一位 Jschrish(也就是女性的“智慧之王”),因此她將家鄉「Asael 星系」改名為「Plejara 星系」。
● 然後他們在這個恆星系中的另外兩個行星定居後,又開始進行了新一輪的宇宙探索。後來他們來到了地球所在的太陽系,他們分別登陸在三個不同行星,也就是:地球,Malona 星和火星,並開始建立起新的文明。
● 但這些行星都很不適宜生存,所以大部分遠征船隊在幾年後又離開了這些世界,留下的少數人開始慢慢退化,並與幾百萬年前那些被遺棄的野人後裔,以及純地球人混居在一起,這種情況持續了許多萬年。
● 後來當 Plejara 星系的領袖 Plejara 死亡後,在地球上歷經野蠻後之倖存者的後裔發展出了新的智慧生存方式,這導致了 Plejara 星系的居民用新的探險隊推進到了地球,並再次像在 Malona 的世界上一樣建立起了文化。
● 不過,那些新移民還是非常的野蠻,在不到三百年的時間裡,他們之間又爆發了權力鬥爭,這導致母星系不得不下令強制撤離在地球上的那些移民。
● 當時 Malona 的居民仍然是和平相處的,然而這種情況只勉強維持了四十年,然後兩個不同民族對權力的貪婪也在那裡再度作祟,還沒等母星系下達任何命令,Malona 人就互相摧毀了對方,並毀滅了他們的整個世界。
● 從此以後,這顆曾經位於火星和木星之間的美麗星球,被一次巨大的爆炸撕裂成了成千上萬個大大小小的碎片,這些殘骸就一直圍繞著太陽系運轉,作為人類瘋狂的長久紀念。
● 於是從母星那裡,地球的發展就不斷受到監視,並年復一年派出探險隊前往地球,也一次又一次試圖重新培植這個非常美麗的世界,但在八百多年的時間裡,這些嘗試卻一次又一次的慘敗。
● 但後來終於有了重大的轉變:隨著幾百艘大大小小太空飛船的接近,地球再次被佔領。一個偉大的文化建立了起來,它持續了六百年,然後雄心勃勃的科學家們對權力的貪婪又再度興起,並導致了新的可怕戰爭,從而再次將一切都徹底摧毀。
● 地球又恢復到以前的生存狀態,有人倖存了下來,但很快就變得野蠻而殘酷。四百年來,地球完全沒有被注意到,任其自生自滅。
● 在 Plejara 家園的星系上,占優勢的科學家和人民之間再次爆發了權力鬥爭,人民被他們可怕的武器和其他手段所奴役。
● 但是,當三個家園星球上都在進行著滅絕的惡戰時,一大批持不同思維的科學家在某位已經擁有 Jschwish 身份的 Pelegon 領導下,聚集了七萬人,他們奪取了各種飛船,逃離了 Plejara 星系。
● 根據舊記錄的座標,難民們進入了這個時空結構,到達了太陽系,從而再次來到了地球這裡定居,根據地球上的時間計算,這大約是十九萬年前的事情。
● 而在母星系上,惡戰打到了最後,人民開始覺悟。此後,他們在大約五萬年前找到了最後的和平,在接下來的八千年裡,他們被稱為 Plejaren,發展到了一個非常高的靈性和意識層次,因此,他們與遠近星系中各種外來和自己的民族結盟,並在 5 萬 1,951 年前,在仙女座星系中發現了一個由半靈態生命居住的半靈態世界,這是一種已經極高度演化的生命形態,他們只以半物質的形態存在,而因此已經是半靈態的狀態。
● 在與這些生命體的最佳協議中,所有人都同意,在偉大的盟約中,未來他們應該用他們龐大的知識和高度的智慧來指導自己民族的命運,這受到了所有民族的熱切歡迎。因此大家決定今後所有的命運都應該由這些已經成為最好的朋友的半靈態生命來引導。指導的形式是來自一個更高靈性層次的「高級理事會」(High Council),它一直延續到今天,而且永遠不會再改變。
● 從那個時候起,所有與 Plejaren 有聯繫之種族的人民都在「高級理事會」的指導下,這對每一種生命來說,是可自由選擇的,但通常大家都是毫無例外地遵循著他們的指導。然而之前那些逃到地球上的人,對(家園星系上)戰爭的結束卻一無所知。
● 時間回到十九萬年前,那些逃到地球上的難民,他們欣然接受了 Pelegon 的嚴酷領導,Pelegon 挑選了 200 名科學家作為副領導人,並根據他們的知識領域分配任務。
● 約一萬年的和諧與和平統治,但隨後一個叫 Jesas 的 Jschwisch 再次出現,他謀殺了 Pelegon 的繼任者,並奪取了當時團結在一起的所有不同人民和種族的權力。然而在二十年後,人們卻奮起反抗 Jesas,一場可怕的世界性戰爭再次在地球上爆發,是由那些走得更遠的遠征者所發動的。
● 數十萬人乘坐大大小小的飛船逃往自由的太空中,然後在馬腹一(半人馬座β)的另一個時空結構中定居下來。但當時仍有數百萬人留在地球上,由於之前所建造的所有東西都被完全摧毀和消滅了,於是那些留下來的人逐漸陷入一種邪惡的退化,而成為一種野蠻的生物。
● 地球相安無事的度過七千年的時間,直到那些來自半人馬座β的難民後裔,再一次來到地球上定居,而現代地球的年代計算,那是在 13 萬 3,000 年前。
● 這些回歸者是由一個叫 Atlant 的 Jschwisch 所領導,他的妻子是一個叫 Karyatide 的 Jschrisch。在 Atlant 的領導下,「亞特蘭提斯」(Atlantis)的領土不停地擴張,千年來變得非常廣闊而且適宜居住。在她妻子 Karyatide 的命令下,小一些的亞特蘭提斯也開始出現。而在此同時,她的堂兄 Muras 則另外建立了巨大的城市「穆(Mu)」。
● 這些科學家與其黨羽,控制了一些太空船,再度逃到了那偏移時空的半人馬座β。這是 11 萬 5,000 年前的事。
● 兩千年後,在這一段時間內,這些惡毒的難民再一次創造了更先進的科技標準和繁衍了更多後代,他們帶著仇恨返回地球。因此這些充滿仇恨的人們,他們在暴君 Arus(Jschwisch 層級)的領導下,乘坐太空船又來到了地球。這發生在 11 萬 3,000 年前。
● 就像幾千年前的 Pelegon,Arus 有 200 個高級的科學家,他讓他們擔任下一階指揮官。他們以閃電般的速度降落到地球,進行搶劫、謀殺,並掠奪土地。
● Arus 的兒子Arus 二世,由北方出發前往現在的印度、巴基斯坦和波斯等等的地方,他們攻擊了蘇美爾人(Sumerians)的先祖(這些是非常和平友愛的人),結果蘇美爾人的先祖逃走,並在南部很遙遠的地方安頓下來。
● Arus 二世時,印度那個時候被叫做是 Arien,是幾個世紀後從極北族人中分離出來的,然後他們和穆、Agharta 居民混合;而佔據極北的 Arus 一世,因為一心想成為統治者,所以經常侵略穆大陸與大亞特蘭提斯。
● 在大約五百年中,戰爭陰謀一直持續著,一直到Arus 一世變得非常年老體弱,但他成功地在那些充滿仇恨的人們中滲透了邪惡的思想,這些人進入到了穆和亞特蘭提斯的領導階層,很長一段時間內,他們秘密地挑起暴力和仇恨,之後他們的後代重複著類似的行為,最後,亞特蘭提斯和穆在幾個世紀後被徹底摧毀,僅剩的一些倖存者因受虐而變成了奴隸。然而當時,一些偉大的科學家,知道即將面臨的未來,也清楚自己將無能為力,於是乘坐太空船離開,返回到了他們祖先的家鄉 Plejaren 星系,建立新的家園,在那裡,他們得到了友善的接納。
● 時間來到了Arus 第十一世(Arus 一世的遙遠後代子孫),也就是在穆和亞特蘭提斯毀滅的大約十萬年後,在很老的年紀時被他的第三個兒子 Jehavon 謀殺了,他的三子替代了他繼續掌管那些充滿仇恨的人民,從而統治三支地球人類和他們自己人,也就是極北族人。
● Jehavon 統治地球直到 3,660 年前(自 1977 年算起,除另有說明,以下皆同),直到他同樣被他唯一的兒子 Jehav 所謀殺篡位,才結束了他 340 年的統治。
● Jehav 實行邪惡血腥的統治直到 3,320 年前,此期間,他育有三個兒子,Arussem、Ptaah 和 Salam。
● 他的大兒子 Arussem 和他的父親 Jehav 一樣沉溺於權利,同樣時時刻刻想著要取而代之。因此Arussem 最後謀殺了他的父親 Jehav,同時想要奪取他的權利。
● 但是他後來徹底失敗了,因為他的兩個弟弟 Ptaah 和 Salam 聯合起來反抗,最後把他流放,因為他們對持續不斷的戰爭,對權利鬥爭和血腥感到厭惡,後來他們兩個努力施行一種人道的領導方式有數十年時間。因此,在醞釀多時之後,他們聯合了一些志同道合的人們,並在他們的幫助之下,控制並驅逐了 Arussem 以及他的 7 萬 2,000 名隨眾們。
● 但是Arussem 秘密返回到了地球,並且和他的軍隊在埃及的金字塔下定居下來。他們改造了原有吉薩金字塔底部的空間和結構成為銅牆鐵壁,作為他們實現邪惡目的的行動中心。
● Arussem 統治到西元前 3,010 年,直到一個叫 Henn(用 Hebraons 語稱其為 Jehovah;就是耶和華)的人背叛而推翻了他,並且逐漸坐大,後來Henn 又多了一個名號叫“殘暴者”(The Cruel One)。
● 西元前 2,080 年,他因為衰老虛弱而被取代,他的侄子 Kamagol 一世接管了邪惡的吉薩精靈,把吉薩金字塔地表下的總部,變成極其牢固的能量中心,以防任何被摧毀的可能性。但是Kamagol 一世的兒子 Kamagol 二世後來推翻了他並剝奪他的權力。
● Kamagol 二世在各方面比他父親有過之而無不及,他在奪權之後,很快就對地球出生的人類,進行窮凶惡極的大屠殺,並以各種方式的宗教力量去凌虐打壓他們。Kamagol 二世活了相當長的時間,他是在 1976 年 12 月死掉的。
● Ptaah 和 Salam(Jehav 的兩個兒子),與天堂的子民們(極北族人與 Plejara 星系遷徙而來的人),以共同協商的方式進行領導。在他領導了的 93 年後,Ptaah 死於不知名的疾病,接著由他的弟弟 Salam 繼續領導政府,多年後直到十分年老,他把權力移交給了他的兒子 Plejos。在距今 2040 年前,由於和他們的母星在幾個世紀前取得了聯繫,因此他(Salam)整頓了他的政府,施行和母星一樣的管理方式,就是靈性導師們的集體領導。
● Plejos 和他父親一樣,也是非常聰明與仁慈的管理者,在距今 1999 年前,他們的母星在已中斷近 240 年的「高級理事會」重新指導之下,他也讓自己與他的人民,處於這種集體指導之下。遵循「高級理事會」的建議,他為渴望已久的母星之旅開始著手準備,在1994 年前(自 1977 年算起),以馬利內(Jmmanuel;也就是耶穌基督)在 Plejos 的指導下,被教育成一個先知並成為履行他任務的適當人選。
● 而在後來,這些“神明的後裔”,則變得越來越人道,在靈性上也有了某種程度的發展。到最後,由於他們心態和意識的變化,他們決定讓地球人類自然發展,並撤回到他們原來的家園。
● 於是在 1943 年以前(自 1975 年算起),他們全部離開了地球,作為和平的人類回到了 Plejares 星系,這個時候,他們原來的種族已經進化到了非常高級的階段。如今,他們團結在一起,與原來的種族共同生活,都有著平均 1,000 歲的壽命,現在他們是一個過著和平與自由生活的同一種族。
Plejaren 祖先的家鄉是天琴座的「環狀星雲」
20. You will also have the opportunity to take a few pictures of star systems and galaxies etc. and also to see from a distance the original homeland of the human races.
你還將有機會… 從遠處看到人類種族的原始家園。
21. Today it offers a strange picture, whose origin is based on a violent destruction of a very large star.
22. The destruction was triggered a very long time ago by a barbaric and power-hungry JHWH, which ended in the destruction itself.
破壞是在很久以前,由野蠻和嗜權的 JHWH(最高領袖)所觸發的,其結果以毀滅自己而告終。
23. According to his senses and predictions, however, the destruction developed exactly in the form of the desired image, which was to serve the life-forms of the universe as a memorial to his power.
24. The predicted form was a gigantic image of an eye now looking through the universe as an evil memorial to human insanity and human greed for power, but otherwise millions in the entire universe, but of natural origin.
25. True to its eye-like appearance, the structure has been named JHWHMATA in connection with the producer since its creation.
那座結構因其類似眼睛的外觀,而被命名為 JHWHMATA,因為它的產生者自其創造以來一直就將其命名為 JHWHMATA。
26. This name means translated into your language: 'eye of God' or 'God's eye'.
這個名稱的意思,翻譯成你們的語言,就是:「上帝之眼」('eye of God' or 'God's eye')。
27. According to your astronomical data and designations you will find the 'eye of God' in the constellation of Lyra, and you name it the Ring Nebula or M57.
根據你們的天文資料和認定,你會發現在天琴座(the constellation of Lyra)的「上帝之眼」,目前你們稱它為「環狀星雲」(the Ring Nebula)或 M57。
[中譯者註:環狀星雲(M 57)是位於北半球天琴座的一個行星狀星雲,距離地球 2,300 光年。其天文圖像如下:
(以上資料來自:《第 030 次接觸報告》)
24. The later original home worlds were planets in the constellation known to you as Lyra and near Vega, in a different space-time structure, which is shifted from yours by a fraction of a second.
我們祖先的家園是在你們所熟知的「天琴座」(LYRA constellation)中「織女星」(VEGA;又稱「織女一」或「天琴座α」)附近的行星,那是處在不同的時空結構中,與你們的時空結構偏移了幾分之一秒。
25. Few of the worlds there are still inhabited today by different races, all belonging to our wide alliance.
26. Our early ancestors had mastered space travel for more than 22 million years, carried out expeditions and exploratory flights reaching far into space and came to Earth for the first time.
我們當時的祖先,早在 2,200 多萬年前就已經掌握了太空飛行的技術,並進行了深入宇宙的探索飛行,然後也已經首次來到了地球。
27. However, this was still deep in the late primeval development and was therefore still left to time to develop.
28. Nonetheless, Earth was often revisited to release delinquent elements that were bad on the home worlds.
29. Only a few millennia, however, did this last, and then, for reasons unknown to us, they left the Earth and left this world alone for many millions of years, during which life of all kinds, already developed on Earth, could continue to develop in a natural sense, except that at later times the abandoned life-forms mixed with human-like life-forms already on Earth, which happened for the first time a few million years ago.
然而,這只持續了幾千年,然後他們以我們不知道的方式離開了地球,而使這個世界平靜了好幾百萬年。在這段期間,地球上已經發展出了各種生命,並且得以循自然的規律進一步演化。不過自我們從地球撤離後,某些曾被放逐的犯人,就與地球上已經存在的一些類人生物(human-like creatures)漸漸混居在一起,這是在幾百萬年前就已經發生了。
30. Millions of years went by, as the primeval races spread far into space, also developed themselves in a consciousness -based manner and acquired great powers.
31. But not yet mastering control of these, they were used to doing evil things and became evil for many worlds.
32. During the primeval catastrophes caused by the Destroyer, two thirds of humankind were destroyed on the very early original home worlds in another level of the universe.
(以上資料來自:《第 070 次接觸報告》)
140. The humankind of the distant solar system, two thirds of which were destroyed at that time, found a new beginning which was hard and full of privation.
141. Nevertheless, in less than 9 centuries the human beings built up a new civilisation and culture; created and driven out of the hardship arising from cosmic forces.
142. The people succeeded in preventing further cosmic catastrophes and annihilations.
143. Through arduous research, work and voluntary commitment to the very last one, they created plans for their new culture and for a far-reaching technology.
144. Dwellings were built that could withstand the Gewalt of nature, and generation after generation brought together their knowledge and skills.
145. Their spirit and their consciousness and their knowledge refined themselves rapidly, and soon the succeeding generations had reached a technology which, without any imagination, defied all possibilities.
146. And there came the time when the descendants flew out into the unending expanses of the universe in round, plate-like flying ships with beam drives.
147. Other solar systems and planets were flown to and expeditioned.
148. New worlds and possibilities opened up in order to transplant the peoples of the home planet, which had meanwhile become too small for the new humankind.
149. The scientists with their spacecrafts and abundantly provided means of all kinds and fantastic application possibilities used the dimension gate known to them, to (in another space-time configuration of the DERN universe) reach the Milky Way area and explored the space for ever newer things.
他們的科學家們建造了巨大的太空船,並裝備了所有的先進裝備,他們運用了所熟悉的「維度門」,去(位於另一時空結構中的 DERN 宇宙)進入銀河系領域,以探索這地區全新的事物。
150. They found many new habitable worlds and solar systems, which they often made subservient to themselves using their beam weapons in short one-sided fights, in order to conquer them for the settlement of their race.
151. However, apart from their horrendous material and gene-based technology they also perfected their consciousness and their spirit, so that nothing which they wanted to experience remained foreign to them any more.
152. The use of their powers of consciousness became implicitness to them, and so they gradually raised themselves to rulers vis-à-vis their peoples.
153. They called themselves kings of wisdom with the word JHWH, which is on the Earth translated as God.
154. Far superior spiritually, and in terms of knowledge as well as consciousness to the normal people, they soon dominated it in evil dictatorial form.
155. Yet after centuries, having grown tired of the godlike scientists, the people rose against them initially in silent revolution.
156. Oppressed, however, by the spiritual and consciousness-based powers and by the tremendous knowledge of the gods, the people had to submit to their rulers.
157. But the will for freedom made them secretly prepare for the fight.
158. It glowed like a smouldering ember for four centuries, to flare up in the given moment as untameable wild conflagration.
159. According to the earthly calculation of time, it was about 230,000 years ago when the liberation war broke out.
160. Evil fightings covered many planets and much was destroyed.
(以上資料來自:《第 005 次接觸報告》)
55. The commander-in-chief of the terrorising forces was a Jschwisch called ASAEL, who, after realising the hopelessness of the struggle, escaped the vengeful and victorious peoples by a quick escape into the space-time structure of this level of the universe.
恐怖勢力的總指揮官是一位名叫 ASAEL 的 Jschwisch,當他看到了這場戰鬥已經絕望時,便以迅雷不及掩耳之勢逃進了宇宙某一層的時空結構之中,躲過了獲勝且要復仇的人民之火。
56. Secretly, he managed to seize a powerful fleet of 183 large ships and 250 space reconnaissance ships with a total crew of 360,000 human beings and to escape under the most severe combat actions.
他暗中成功奪取了一支由 183 艘大型飛船和 250 艘太空偵察艦組成的強大艦隊,船員總共有 36 萬人,並在最激烈的戰鬥行動下逃脫。
57. They quickly left the home systems, only to wander through the again shifted space-time structures for many restless years, before one day they found a large star system, which offered them the necessary possibilities for life, far away from their original home systems.
58. The new star system encompassed 3,000 light-years and 254 partly still young and therefore blue shining suns, which partly however already had their own planetary systems with only a few habitable planets.
新的恒星系統覆蓋了 3,000 光年,由 254 顆部分仍然年輕的恒星組成,因此放射出藍色的光芒,而部分恒星已經有了自己的行星系統,不過適合居住的行星很少。
59. The whole star system was named after the leader of the escape fleet, namely according to your word value Asael's system.
這整個恒星系統就是以這位逃亡艦隊的總指揮官命名的,以你們的文字就是稱為「Asael 星系」。
60. After taking possession of this young star system, where various planets had been made habitable by the titanic fugitives over the course of three hundred years and a new humanity had been created, they set out again in larger groups to explore space and develop new habitats.
61. Of the three worlds made habitable, various expedition ships were equipped, after which the Titan fugitives flew out into the vastness of space to reach and take possession of their predetermined destination after 17 years.
在三個宜居的世界中,都配備了裝備齊全的各種探險飛船,隨後,那些巨人族(Titan)逃亡者飛向浩瀚的太空,在 17 年後到達並佔領了預定的目的地。
62. These were stars and planets in their dimension beyond those stars known to you as Hesperides, which have their own worlds circling around them and were only weakly inhabited by human life-forms, which were subjugated by the conquerors.
這些都是你們所熟知的 Hesperides 星之外維度的恒星和行星,它們有自己的世界在圍繞著它們運行,只有被征服者征服的人類,軟弱地居住在其中。
63. During two centuries a new culture was created on these differently dimensioned Hesperide worlds and inhabited by emigrants from the Asael system.
兩個世紀以來,在這些不同維度的 Hesperides 世界上創造了一種新的文化,那裡居住著來自 Asael 星系的移民。
64. Another seventy years later, Asael walked the path of all transience – he died.
又過了七十年,Asael 度過他短暫的一生就死了。
65. He was succeeded by his daughter Plejara, an Jschrish [=female 'Queen of knowledge'/god], and consequently the home system, the Asael system, was also renamed the Plejara system, because for the human beings of that time, who were Titans, symbolisation was still very much in force, as it still is today with the human beings of the Earth, which corresponds to a perverse illogicity.
他的繼任者是他的女兒 Plejara,是一位 Jschrish[也就是女性的「知識女王」(Queen of knowledge)或者「上帝」(god)],因此她將家鄉 Asael 星系改名為 Plejara 星系,因為對於當時的人類來說,他們是巨人族(Titans),象徵的意義仍然非常有效,就像今天地球上的人類一樣,這是一種反常的不合邏輯行為。
66. Under the supreme command of the new leader, Plejara, further expeditions were prepared to expedite a very distant and lonely solar system, located in this, your space-time-plane, which according to all calculations must have come into possession of a section of a planet from the original earliest home systems, after the destroyer had destroyed the earliest original home worlds many millions of years ago.
在新領袖 Plejara 的最高指揮下,他們將準備進一步的遠征一個非常遙遠而孤獨的恆星系,那就是位於你們的時空平面上的太陽系。因為根據所有的計算,一定是在「毀滅者」於幾百萬年前毀滅了最早的家鄉世界之後,從那裡來的人佔有了這個太陽系一部分的星球。
67. According to the calculations, however, the destroyer itself must also have taken the same orbit, if it had been changed in its orbit by the sun of the distant system and had been introduced into the system in a recurring orbit.
68. These calculations were like a hint for the Titans, which is why they set off for the distant system, not knowing that millions of years before their ancestors had already flown to this system and exposed undesirable elements on a world, namely on Earth, your home world.
69. So the expedition ships set off again and after many years reached the SOL system, where they forced three different planets under their rule and began to build a new culture.
70. However, these planets, Earth, Malona and Mars, were still extremely inhospitable and hostile to life, so the majority of the expedition fleet left the worlds again after a few years, leaving only a few behind, who slowly faded away and joined the animal-looking feral descendants of those abandoned earlier and millions of years ago, as well as the pure earth-born.
然而,地球、Malona 和火星這幾顆行星仍然極度荒涼,不適合生命的生存,所以大部分遠征船隊在幾年後又離開了這些世界,只留下了少數人,他們開始慢慢退化,並與幾百萬年前那些被遺棄的、看起來像動物的野人後裔,以及土生土長的純地球人混居在一起。
71. The scientists of the Plejara system, like their earliest ancestors, left the Earth to its natural development, paying expeditions and controlling visits only here and there, and then leaving the human beings who had become completely wild and were now there to their hard fate.
Plejara 星系的科學家們和他們最早的祖先一樣,任由地球自然演化,只是偶爾前來進行一些考察和監控,而把那些已經完全野化的人類丟在那裡,任由他們接受其艱苦的命運。
72. This lasted many thousands of years.
73. Then, when the idolism had been abolished in the Plejara systems and the leader Plejara had died, a new intelligence developed on Earth through the descendants of the feral returnees, which led to the fact that the Plejara system inhabitants, who were constantly observing the Earth, came forward with new expeditions to Earth and once again built up a culture in the same way as they built up a culture on the fourth planet, namely on the world of Malona.
後來,當 Plejara 星系的偶像崇拜被廢除,領袖 Plejara 死亡後,在地球上歷經野蠻後之倖存者的後裔發展出了新的智慧生存方式,這導致了 Plejara 星系的居民不斷觀察地球,而他們用新的探險隊推進到了地球,並再次建立起了文化,就像他們在第四顆行星,也就是在 Malona 的世界上建立起的文化一樣。
74. Still very barbarically inclined, however, power struggles broke out again among the new settlers after less than 300 years, which led to the fact that the Earth had to be cleared from the home systems by an order under force.
75. Malona, on the other hand, remained inhabited because the population there remained peaceful.
另一方面,Malona 仍然有人居住,因為那裡的居民仍然是和平相處。
76. But this only lasted for barely forty years, and then the greed for power among the two different peoples also took hold there, and before any orders could be made from the home systems, the Malonians destroyed each other and destroyed the whole world.
然而這種情況只勉強維持了四十年,然後兩個不同民族對權力的貪婪也在那裡再度作祟,還沒等母星系下達任何命令,Malona 人就互相摧毀了對方,並毀滅了他們的整個世界。
77. Since then the debris of the once beautiful planet between Mars and Jupiter has been orbiting the SOL, the System Sun, as a long-lasting memorial to human madness.
78. From the home worlds, the development of Earth has been constantly monitored and expeditions have been sent to it year after year.
79. Again and again attempts were also made to repopulate this very beautiful world, but these failed miserably time and again over the course of more than 800 years.
80. All kinds of life-forms were deported to Earth, also those you would call prisoners, to simply abandon them there and leave them to their fate.
81. Robbed of all technology, it was inevitable that they would wither and become overgrown, mixed again with the overgrown descendants of earlier elements and with Earth human beings and became bestial.
82. But then the time finally came when the great enterprise was finally taken up:
83. With several hundred large and small spaceships the Earth was once again approached and seized.
84. A great culture was built up, which lasted for 600 years before the greed for power among the highly ambitious scientists increased again and led to new terrible acts of war, whereby once again everything was destroyed to the last.
85. The Earth reverted to its old existence, where life-forms continued to exist, but quickly became wild.
86. For 400 years the Earth was completely unnoticed and left to its own devices before it was approached again.
87. This time, however, it was no longer an attempt at an expedition, but once again an escape:
88. On the homeworlds in the Plejarastern systems, power struggles broke out once again between the ascending scientists and the peoples, who were enslaved by their terrible weapons and other means.
在 Plejara 家園的星系上,占優勢的科學家和人民之間再次爆發了權力鬥爭,人民被他們可怕的武器和其他手段所奴役。
89. But while on all three homeworlds the vicious battles of annihilation raged, a large group of dissident scientists came together under the leadership of a certain Pelegon, who already had the status of a Jschwish.
但是,當三個家園星球上都在進行著滅絕的惡戰時,一大批持不同思維的科學家在某位已經擁有 Jschwish 身份的 Pelegon 領導下,聚集在了一起。
90. Under his leadership, 70,000 human beings were gathered, including many scientists who seized various spaceships and fled the Plejara planets.
在他的帶領下,聚集了七萬人,其中包括許多科學家,他們奪取了各種飛船,逃離了 Plejara 星系。
91. According to the coordinates of old records, the refugees entered this space-time structure and the SOL system, and thus once again arrived on Earth, where the Titans once again settled.
92. According to earthly time calculation this was about 190 000 years ago.
93. On the home planets the vicious war was fought to the bitter end and the scientists were put in their place.
94. The form of government was abolished and placed in the hands of spiritual leaders who proclaimed anew the long forgotten spiritual teachings and taught the peoples.
政府的形式被廢除了,而由精神領袖來掌管,他們重新宣揚早已被遺忘的「靈性教導」(spiritual teachings)來指導人民。
95. These recognized the value of the teaching, took it to their own hands and henceforth lived according to it, after which they found final peace some 50,000 years ago and henceforth lived according to the law and commandment of absolute creative destiny, which has been preserved until today and will never change again.
這些人認識到了教導的價值,採納了教導的指點,從此按照教導生活,此後,他們在大約五萬年前找到了最後的和平,從此按照「毋庸置疑的造物法則和戒律」(the law and commandment of absolute creative destiny)生活,直到今天仍然如此,永遠不會改變。
96. In the course of the next 8,000 years the Plejaren peoples, as they were called from now on, developed to a very high spiritual and conscious level, consequently they allied themselves with all kinds of foreign and own peoples in near and far systems and lived in harmony only of evolution.
在接下來的八千年裡,Plejaren,從現在起他們被稱為 Plejaren,發展到了一個非常高的靈性和意識層次,因此,他們與遠近星系中各種外來和自己的民族結盟,只在進化中和諧相處。
97. Thus they developed together into a great alliance, in the course of which they carried out new expeditions and, 51,951 years ago, found in the galaxy of Andromeda a semi-spirit world inhabited by semi-spirit beings, an already extremely highly developed life-form, which existed and exists only semi-materially, but therefore already semi-spiritually.
因此,他們共同發展成一個偉大的聯盟,在這個過程中,他們進行了新的考察,並在 5 萬 1,951 年前,在仙女座星系中發現了一個由半靈態生命居住的半靈態世界,這是一種已經極高度演化的生命形態,他們只以半物質的形態存在,而因此已經是半靈態的狀態。
98. In best agreement with these life-forms, all were resolved that they should in future guide the destinies of their peoples and their great covenant with their gigantic knowledge and wisdom, which was joyfully welcomed by all peoples.
99. Consequently, in agreement with the Spirit Guides, who were human life-forms and Spirit Teachers, it was decided that all destinies of the future should be guided by these semi-spiritual forms which had become best friends.
因此,與作為人類生命體和靈性導師的「靈性引導者」(the Spirit Guides)協商後,大家決定今後所有的命運都應該由這些已經成為最好的朋友的半靈態生命來引導。
100. The form of guidance should be that of a council from a higher spiritual level, which is why this guidance and advice was called "High Council", which has survived to this day and will never change again.
指導的形式應該是來自一個更高靈性層次的理事會,這就是為什麼這種指導和建議被稱為「高級理事會」(High Council),它一直延續到今天,而且永遠不會再改變。
(以上資料來自:《第 070 次接觸報告》)
101. Since then all folks of all races connected to us have been under the guidance of the "High Council", which never gives any orders, but only a "high council", which is optional for each individual form of life to follow and which as a rule is also followed without exception.
102. Those who fled to Earth knew nothing of the end of the wars for the time being.
103. In the joy of their newly won freedom, they gladly submitted to the tight regime of Pelegon, who had chosen two hundred scientists as sub-leaders and deployed them according to their fields of knowledge.[2]
在新獲得自由的喜悅中,他們欣然接受了 Pelegon 的嚴酷領導,Pelegon 挑選了 200 名科學家作為副領導人,並根據他們的知識領域分配任務。[註二]
[註二:請參考144,000—— 在這種情況下,他們應該有 200 個左右或略超過此數,也就是 207 個或 228 個。]
104. Under their leadership emerged large cities with other inhabited areas and a very high culture developed on all the continents of Earth, which had resulted from continental shifts over about three hundred million years
105. For about 10,000 years harmony and peace reigned, but then again an Jschwisch called Jesas came out, who murdered Pelegon's successor and seized power over all the by then united different folks and races.
約一萬年的和諧與和平統治,但隨後一個叫 Jesas 的 Jschwisch 再次出現,他謀殺了 Pelegon 的繼任者,並奪取了當時團結在一起的所有不同人民和種族的權力。
106. Twenty years later however, the folk rose up against Jesas, and a terrible and worldwide war broke out again over the Earth by those who had travelled farther.
然而在二十年後,人們卻奮起反抗 Jesas,一場可怕的世界性戰爭再次在地球上爆發,是由那些走得更遠的遠征者所發動的。
107. Many hundreds of thousands fled with large and small ships into free space, settled down and settled in another space-time structure in Beta-Centaurus, which you know in your space-time structure as the Barnard star.
數十萬人乘坐大大小小的飛船逃往自由的太空中,然後在馬腹一(半人馬座β;Beta Centauri)的另一個時空結構中定居下來,在你們的時空結構中,這被稱為巴納德星(Barnard star)。
108. A few million humans remained on Earth, where everything that had been built by the extraterrestrial humans had been completely destroyed and totally eliminated.
109. Those left behind, deprived of all technical and other cultural possibilities by the complete total destruction, gradually fell into a wicked lethargy, atrophied and became wild beings in a nasty barbarism.
110. For 700 years the Earth was simply avoided, before the descendants of the fugitives set out again to populate the beautiful blue world again.
111. This was 133,000 Earth years ago, according to your current chronology.
以現代地球的年代計算,這是 13 萬 3,000 年前。
112. The returnees were led by an Jschwisch with the name Atlant, married to an Jschrisch named Karyatide.
這些回歸者是由一個叫 Atlant 的 Jschwisch 所領導,他的妻子是一個叫 Karyatide 的 Jschrisch。
113. in the latest episode, under the leadership of Atlant, the continent of Atlantis, which had been headed for again and again, and used for millennia, was expanded and made habitable, while under the command of his wife Karyatide, Lesser Atlantis came into existence, as at the same time her cousin Muras built the gigantic city of Mu, which, like Atlantis, also found its origin in very early times.
最後,在 Atlant 的領導下,「亞特蘭提斯」(Atlantis)的領土不停地擴張,千年來變得非常廣闊而且適宜居住。在她妻子 Karyatide 的命令下,小一些的亞特蘭提斯也開始出現。而在此同時,她的堂兄 Muras 則另外建立了巨大的城市「穆(Mu)」,穆大陸就像亞特蘭提斯一樣,在很早就開始發源壯大。
114. The reason for the construction of these cities so far apart was, that the humans had become cleverer through all the wars, and hoped for peace as a result of the great distance between the cities, if everyone stayed in their domains.
115. So it went well for many long years – a whole 1,800 years, to be precise.
因此經過了很長的時間;精確來算,共維持了 1,800 年的和平。
116. Then, however, again some scientists exalted themselves, whipped up by power lust, and tried to snatch up control for themselves.
117. This time however, they had not reckoned on folks memory of war, which had been passed down over the ages.
118. So before the scientists could strike, the folk rose up against them.
119. Through an accomplice, the scientists obtained possession of spaceships and fled into the space-time-shifted regions of Beta-Centauri.
120. This was 115,000 Earth years ago.
這是 11 萬 5,000 年前的事。
121. After 2,000 years, during which the malicious refugees again created a high technical standard and produced many descendants, they returned filled with hate to the Earth, after they had increased their hate immeasurably against the extraterrestrial inhabitants of Earth, and were only able to preserve order within their own ranks with terrible punishments.
122. Spurred on through their inhuman hate, they, through research and the knowledge obtained from it, drove up their life expectancy to more than a thousand years.
123, Their single wish was, however, to gain control over the Earth, for which reason every individual was taught wicked intrigues and was instructed in the craft of war.
124. After 2,000 years, this hate-drenched people was so far along that it could venture an attack on the Earth, therefore it manned its ships and came newly to the Earth, and indeed under the leadership of the Jschwisch Arus, the barbarian.
因此在兩千年後,這些充滿仇恨的人們,已經有了相當發達的科技,敢於冒險在地球上發動一次襲擊,他們在暴君 Arus(Jschwisch 層級)的領導下,乘坐太空船來到了地球。
125. This happened 113,000 years ago.
這發生在 11 萬 3,000 年前。
126. Arus was extremely bestial and barbarous in his disposition, and his power was feared.
Arus 的性格是非常殘忍和野蠻的,擁有讓人恐懼的力量。
127. Like Pelegon, already thousands of years before, Arus also had 200 high-grade scientists with him, which he made sub-leaders.
就像幾千年前的 Pelegon,Arus 有 200 個高級的科學家,他讓他們擔任下一階指揮官。
128. In a lightning action they fell upon the Earth, robbing, murdering, and taking possession of the land.
129. Primarily, they conquered the distant land in the northern regions, where the climate was moderate and very good.
130. These were those regions, which are traditionally known to you as Hyperborea, and which were far in the north, before an upset of the Earth shifted its axis, so that the then regions exist today where you name Florida.
131. Coming from the north, Arus's son, Arus the Second, set out and fell upon those lands which today you call India, Pakistan and Persia, and so forth, whereby they struck the earliest forefathers of the Sumerians, who, peace loving, fled and set down far in the south; folk of dark coloured skin, but by your terms, not Negroid, but like Europeans and of tall growth, risen from a race of former Sirian refugees, who had likewise settled on the Earth 133,000 years ago, as did the refugees from the Plejaren-System.
Arus 的兒子 Arus 二世,由北方出發前往現在的印度、巴基斯坦和波斯等等的地方,他們攻擊了蘇美爾人(Sumerians)的先祖(這些是非常和平友愛的人),結果蘇美爾人的先祖逃走,並在南部很遙遠的地方安頓下來。這些人是深色皮膚,並不是你們今天的黑人,而更像是高個子的歐洲人,是早先天狼星難民(Sirian refugees)的後裔,同樣是在 13 萬 3,000 年前來到地球定居,和來自 Plejares 星系的難民一樣。
132. Named after Arus the Second, the India of today was at that time called Arien, which, however, split off from Hyperborea after a few centuries, after 210 years, to be exact, and joined with the inhabitants of Mu and Agharta, while from Hyperborea, Arus the First constantly troubled Mu and Greater Atlantis by wicked war activities, in order to become their ruler.
Arus 二世時,印度那個時候被叫做是 Arien,是幾個世紀(準確說來應該是 210 年)後從極北族人中分離出來的,然後他們和穆、Agharta 居民混合;而佔據極北的 Arus 一世,因為一心想成為統治者,所以經常侵略穆大陸與大亞特蘭提斯。
133. During around half a millennia, or said very precisely, during 502 years, those war machinations continued, until Arus the First, who in the meanwhile had become old and weak, succeeded in infiltrating wicked elements of his hater humans into the leading controlling ranks of Atlantis and Mu, who secretly stirred up violence and hate for so long, as also did their descendants over several centuries, until, through boundless intrigues, Mu and Atlantis were able to be completely destroyed some centuries later, while the only few survivors were beaten into servitude.
在大約五百年中(準確說應該是 502 年),戰爭陰謀一直持續著,一直到 Arus 一世變得非常年老體弱,但他成功地在那些充滿仇恨的人們中滲透了邪惡的思想,這些人進入到了穆和亞特蘭提斯的領導階層,很長一段時間內,他們秘密地挑起暴力和仇恨,之後他們的後代重複著類似的行為,最後,亞特蘭提斯和穆在幾個世紀後被徹底摧毀,僅剩的一些倖存者因受虐而變成了奴隸。
134. However, great scientists, in knowledge of the coming things and conscious of their powerlessness, set off in spaceships and fled towards the early home-worlds in the Plejaren systems, where they were affably received.
然而當時,一些偉大的科學家,知道即將面臨的未來,也清楚自己將無能為力,於是乘坐太空船離開,返回到了他們祖先的家鄉 Plejaren 星系,建立新的家園,在那裡,他們得到了友善的接納。
135. I indeed do not need to speak yet again about the destruction of Atlantis and Mu because you will find that as a separate chronicle in the explanations given to you.
136. So it only remains for me to report that Arus the Eleventh, as a very distant descendent of Arus the First, was murdered in his old age many thousands of years later, and around a hundred-thousand years after the destruction of Mu and Atlantis, by his third-born son Jehavon, after which this one took over command of the hater-people, in order to rule these and three Earthly peoples and the Hyperboreans himself.
所以我只說說 Arus 第十一世(Arus 一世的遙遠後代子孫),在穆和亞特蘭提斯毀滅的大約十萬年後,在很老的年紀時(統治數千年後)被他的第三個兒子 Jehavon 謀殺了,他的三子替代了他繼續掌管那些充滿仇恨的人民,從而統治三支地球人類和他們自己人,也就是極北族人。
137. The one Earth folk consisted of the very distant descendants of the Armus folks who had lived where today the region of Armenia is there.
其中一支地球人類,由非常古老的 Armus(Jschwisch 層級)人的後代組成,他們曾經生活在如今的亞美尼亞地區。
138. These were descendants of the Jschwisch Armus, who settled there with his race 133,000 years ago, after he had emigrated from the Plejaren systems.
這些 Armus 的後裔,都是於 13 萬 3,000 年前由 Plejara 星系遷徙而來。
139. The second Earth folk which fell under the Jehavon's control were the descendants of the Aryans, who meanwhile had mingled themselves with the still very under-developed, pure Earthly and lethargic, native population, after the Sumerians were expelled.
第二支落入 Jehavon 統治的地球人類,是古老的是雅利安人(Aryans)的後代。雅利安人在蘇美爾人被驅逐後,逐漸和當時還處於非常落後混沌的純地球人類混居。
140. The third Earth people was actually, in and of itself, no such thing, because it concerned a very widely disseminated alliance of gypsies, which was interspersed with Jehavon's spies and saboteurs, who, in unity with the gypsies, brought about dissention everywhere, greedily drawing everything to themselves and were always constantly eager to murder, burn and rob, for which reason one named them the Hebrons by the original language of our forefathers, therefore Hebraon and later then Hebrons.
第三支地球人類,事實上,就像並沒有實際存在一樣,因為牽涉到分佈很廣的吉普賽人(gypsies)的聯盟,這裡遍佈了 Jehavon 的間諜和陰謀家,與吉普賽人混在一起並在各處帶來了糾紛,貪婪地搜刮一切,持續不斷的謀殺,放火和搶劫,因此他們也被先祖們叫做 Hebrons,之後他們便有了 Hebroan 和 Hebrons 這樣的名字。
141. These names correspond to gypsy, scum and outcast in the sense of the original language, which therefore has not been transferred to your present languages, because the sense of your present term for gypsy still only means the wanderers, the itinerant, and the unsettled ones.
142. Thereby it should be clarified that the present gypsy people have not the least in common with the Hebraon of that time, who proclaimed themselves the first born and the chosen ones, just as much as do their distant descendants, who today still dare to assert this.
因此需澄清的是,目前的吉普賽人和那時候的 Hebraons 並非一點關係都沒有。當然他們始終宣稱自己是新生的且是被挑選的子民,就如同那些 Hebraons 的子子孫孫,如今也還膽敢如是說。
143. In truth, the Hebraons were the real scum and outcasts of Earth humanity, because through them fights and quarrels within the whole world were constantly stirred up and yet further spread, which has been maintained until the present day.
事實上,Hebraons 是地球人類真正的人渣和無賴,就是因為他們,戰爭和紛爭在整個世界持續不斷被挑起並且進一步惡化,一直持續到今天。
144. Earth will first finally be calm, then, when this power-hungry and bloodthirsty Hebraon alliance, and which they themselves named as a people, which has split into various sects addicted to world control, and so forth, is fully dissolved.
只有當這些對權利和血腥饑渴的 Hebraon 聯盟,從各種教派中滲入而掌握世界的力量完全瓦解了,地球才會得到最終的平靜。
145. Jehavon ruled until about 3660 Earth years ago, until he was likewise treacherously murdered by his only son Jehav, who then snatched up rule for himself, after 340 years of his father's reign.
Jehavon 統治地球直到 3,660 年前(自 1977 年算起,除另有說明,以下皆同),直到他同樣被他唯一的兒子 Jehav 所謀殺篡位,才結束了他 340 年的統治。
146. Jehav ruled wickedly, and always screamed for blood and revenge, until 3,320 years ago in your chronology, during which time he sired three sons, who were named Arussem, Ptaah and Salam.
Jehav 實行邪惡血腥的統治直到 3,320 年前,此期間,他育有三個兒子,Arussem、Ptaah 和 Salam。
147. Megalomaniacal like his father Jehavon, he let himself be proclaimed as creator, and celebrated as such, and like his father, he caused terrible devastation among the three human races, and he demanded blood and death.
如同他父親 Jehavon 一樣的狂妄,他(Jehav)對三支人類種族實行血腥恐怖的統治,並宣稱自己是創造者而大肆宣揚。
148. As addicted to power as his father Jehav, was also his firstborn son Arussem, who constantly wanted to take over his father's power.
而和他的父親 Jehav 一樣沉溺於權利,他的大兒子 Arussem 同樣時時刻刻想著要取而代之。
149. So he also finally murdered his father Jehav, and wanted to snatch up the power for himself.
因此 Arussem 最後謀殺了他的父親 Jehav,同時想要奪取他的權利。
150. But he failed profoundly, because his younger brother Ptaah and his youngest brother Salam positioned themselves against him, in order to expel and ban him into exile, because, having become disgusted by the constant wars, power struggles and bloodshed, Ptaah and Salam already made an effort themselves for many decades to lead humane forms of life.
但是他後來徹底失敗了,因為他的兩個弟弟 Ptaah 和 Salam 聯合起來反抗,最後把他流放,因為他們對持續不斷的戰爭,對權利鬥爭和血腥感到厭惡,後來他們兩個努力施行一種人道的領導方式有數十年時間。
151. Therefore already for a long time, they assembled around themselves many like-minded people, with whose help they gained control of Arussem and his 72,000 followers, and expelled them.
因此,在醞釀多時之後,他們聯合了一些志同道合的人們,並在他們的幫助之下,控制並驅逐了 Arussem 以及他的 7 萬 2,000 名隨眾們。
152. But Arussem secretly returned to Earth, and settled down with his army, in the land of Egypt, in the old cubical constructions which had existed there unused for more than 70,000 years.
但是 Arussem 秘密返回到了地球,並且和他的軍隊在埃及的金字塔下定居下來,在此之前,這個古老的立方體已經被廢棄了七萬多年。
153. Deep in the interior of the Earth and deep below the pyramids, they established themselves securely, whereby they converted the rooms and constructions deep below the present pyramids of Giza, as a centre for their wicked purposes, from where they and their descendants since then tried to realize their tyrannical plans, but as of now without noteworthy success, although their way of obtaining the goal of deceit, lying and intrigues was by wrong teachings and the leading astray of the uncorrupted Earth humans through religious teachings of madness and cults, and many kinds of other evil machinations.
154. Due to their expulsion they, however, forfeited very much, because all possibilities for technical and otherwise scientific further development was prevented for them, as also however was all their research, and so forth, which thereby led to the quite rapid reduction in their life expectancy, and today still only amounts to an average of 94 years, which in relation to today's people converts to practically only about 20 years higher than the average in European regions.
自他們被驅逐後,他們退化了很多,他們喪失了許多技術(出現了技術斷層),同時他們的壽命也大大縮短,平均大概在 94 歲,比歐洲的普通地球人壽命只高了 20 歲。
155. This means for the renegades, called the "Giza Intelligences" by us, that they are slowly dieing out, and today are still only fewer than 2,100 in number.
這就是說這些叛徒,我們稱為“吉薩精靈”(Giza Intelligences)在慢慢地滅絕,今天只剩下不足 2,100 個。
156. Due to complete isolation from free space, these remaining ones will also be no more, in fewer than three decades, because they are all already old and no longer capable of procreation.
由於他們與自由太空完全隔離,在不到 30 年的時間,他們將不會再存在,因為他們都太老,已經不能再生育。
157. But in spite of that they still maliciously hold firm to their tyrannical plans, and they don't see themselves as beaten.
158. Arussem ruled until about 3,010 years before your time reckoning began (3,010 BCE) until a powerful forced departure was secured for him by a mutineer by the name of Henn, who was called Jehovah in the tongue of the Hebraons, and likewise also gradually within his own ranks, whereas the appellation "The Cruel One" was added.
Arussem 統治到西元前 3,010 年,直到一個叫 Henn(用 Hebraons 語稱其為 Jehovah;就是耶和華)的人背叛而推翻了他,並且逐漸坐大,後來 Henn 又多了一個名號叫“殘暴者”(The Cruel One)。
159. In the year 2,080 BCE already old and weak, he was displaced, and his nephew Kamagol the First, took over the evil command of the Giza Intelligences, in order to expand the headquarters below the surface of the pyramid of Giza to a murderous centre of power, which allowed no possibility at all of being destroyed anymore.
西元前 2,080 年,他因為衰老虛弱而被取代,他的侄子 Kamagol 一世接管了邪惡的吉薩精靈,把吉薩金字塔地表下的總部,變成極其厲害的能量中心,以防任何被摧毀的可能性。
160. Like no ruler before, Kamagol the First forced all Earthly religions under his control and created terrible cults which demanded human blood, which were able to be partially maintained until the present.
不像其他的統治者,Kamagol 一世把所有宗教集中在他的控制之下,並且創造了以人血祭祀而極其恐怖的邪教,至今還有部分被流傳下來。
161. All efforts from outside were in vain, as his position of power could not be broken.
162. But also Kamagol the First was only a human, so one day he met his own fate from out of his own ranks, in the form of his own son, Kamagol the Second, who overthrew him and deprived him of power, and let him die miserably in a deep dungeon.
但是 Kamagol 一世畢竟也只是個人,因此他終有一天也抗拒不了命運,他的兒子 Kamagol 二世後來推翻了他並剝奪他的權力,讓他痛苦地死在深深的地牢中。
163. Kamagol the Second was in many things even more malicious than his father, which he soon revealed, after taking over power, through the introduction of monstrous mass murdering of Earth-born terrestrial human beings, who he slapped under his religious power through many kinds of means.
Kamagol 二世在各方面比他父親有過之而無不及,他在奪權之後,很快就對地球出生的人類,進行窮凶惡極的大屠殺,並以各種方式的宗教力量去凌虐打壓他們。
164. As one of the last really extremely long-lived, Kamagol the Second attained a great age and died a natural death just a few days ago, which we were able to ascertain just 2 days ago.
Kamagol 二世活了相當長的時間,在前些日子才自然死亡,我們也只是在 2 天前才查明。
165. He departed this world on the 27th of December 1976, therefore around 10 days ago.
他是在 1976 年 12 月死掉的,10 天前左右。
166. The still remaining Giza Intelligences, already old and weak in many ways, but still filled with hate and tyrannical plans, do not give up.[3]
[註三(Gaiaguys註解):據 Plejaren 說,這些殘留的人(也叫做 Bafath),在 1978 年 5 月,被他們放逐到很遙遠的太空去了。]
167. But indeed their days are numbered, so in three decades at the latest they will be no more.
但是他們時日不多了,最多 30 年,他們就會消失。
168. With the heaven's sons, the Hyperboreans and the emigrants from the Plejaren system, Ptaah and Salam, the sons of the murdered Jehav, led the further rule by common agreement.
Ptaah 和 Salam(Jehav 的兩個兒子),與天堂的子民們(極北族人與 Plejara 星系遷徙而來的人),以共同協商的方式進行領導。
169. They governed well and created peace, and only occasionally mixed in the affairs of the Earth-born Earth humans.
170. After his 93rd year of government Ptaah was stricken by malicious and unknown disease, from which he succumbed a few days later, consequently his brother Salam continued to lead the government alone, until, weak from his great age, he handed over command to his son Plejos, 2,040 Earth years ago, after he had taken up connections to the home worlds already centuries before and had placed himself and his people under the home form of government, namely, that of the spiritual teachers.
在他領導了的 93 年後,Ptaah 死於不知名的疾病,接著由他的弟弟 Salam 繼續領導政府,多年後直到十分年老,他把權力移交給了他的兒子 Plejos。在距今 2040 年前,由於和他們的母星在幾個世紀前取得了聯繫,因此他(Salam)整頓了他的政府,施行和母星一樣的管理方式,就是靈性導師們的集體領導。
171. His son Plejos was, like his father, very wise and a kind governor, and, as 1,999 years ago of Earthly chronology, the home worlds, after an interruption of around 240 years, newly positioned themselves under the guidance of the "High Council", he also arranged himself and his people under it.
Plejos 和他父親一樣,也是非常聰明與仁慈的管理者,在距今 1999 年前,他們的母星在已中斷近 240 年的「高級理事會」重新指導之下,他也讓自己與他的人民,處於這種集體指導之下。
172. Respecting and following the advice of the "High Council", he prepared for the long-yearned-for return to the home worlds, which resulted 1,994 years ago, by your chronology, after Jmmanuel, at Plejos's direction, was begot by the spiritual leader Gabriel, was educated as a prophet and had become right for his mission.
遵循「高級理事會」的建議,他為渴望已久的母星之旅開始著手準備,在 1994 年前(自 1977 年算起),以馬利內(Jmmanuel;也就是耶穌基督)在 Plejos 的指導下(由靈性領袖加百利傳達消息),被教育成一個先知並成為履行他任務的適當人選。
(以上資料來自:《第 070 次接觸報告》)
166. It was only the later "descendants of the gods" who became more humane and developed in the sense of the spiritual evolution.
而在後來,這些“神明的後裔”(descendants of the gods),則變得越來越人道,在靈性上也有了某種程度的發展。
167. When this was finally the case, they decided, in accordance with their change of mentality and consciousness, to leave the development of the Earth-humans to their natural courses and to withdraw themselves to their original home.
168. So the last of them left the Earth 1,943 years ago and returned as peaceful creatures to our Pleiades, where their own humankind had in the meantime become very highly developed.
於是在 1943 年以前(自 1975 年算起),他們全部離開了地球,作為和平的人類回到了 Plejares 星系,這個時候,他們原來的種族已經進化到了非常高級的階段。
169. Today they live united as particularly long-lived with the normally aging, who on average reach 1,000 years of age, and so today we are one single people in peace and freedom.
如今,他們團結在一起,與原來的種族共同生活,都有著平均 1,000 歲的壽命,現在我們是一個過著和平與自由生活的同一種族。
170. That is the essential which is important for the Earth-human to know.
(以上資料來自:《第 009 次接觸報告》)