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Contact Report 770第770次接觸報告

接觸時間:202155日,星期三,00 08


英譯版本:202174日,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:2021717日,James Hsu












This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Ah – welcome, Bermunda. Hello. – It is nice that you are also here again. This is unusual, because the last time you came here you did not say anything about being away for so long … well, I mean, you have been away for so long now … I also greet you, Florena, and welcome. …

啊,歡迎妳,Bermunda。妳好!很高興再次見到妳。這很不尋常,因為妳上次來的時候並沒有說妳會離開這麼久... 我是說,妳已經離開好久了... 我也問候妳,Florena,歡迎妳...


Yes, but greetings to you too … Unfortunately I was not able to come here because I was called away.

是的,但也向你問好... 可惜因為我被調走,所以好久沒能來這裡。


Greetings also, dear father friend.




… But look here, please, this article was beamed to me yesterday by Achim Wolf. You should please read it, and then tell me what you think of it.

但現在請看這裡,這篇文章是Achim Wolf昨天傳給我的。請妳讀一讀,然後告訴我妳的看法。


… reads …

... 閱讀 ...


Can I listen in if Bermunda reads aloud?



Of course – if you will please read out loud, Bermunda?

當然可以 —— 請妳大聲唸出來,好嗎Bermunda


Yes – … read aloud …

沒問題 —— ... (大聲朗讀資料) ...

AstraZeneca: Dangerous side effect much more common than thought


4th May 2021 06:45 hrs, by Susan Bonath

202154日,上午0645分,作者:Susan Bonath

COVID-19 vaccination: AstraZeneca classified acute platelet deficiency as a "common side effect" as early as mid-April. One to ten out of 100 vaccinated persons are at risk of internal bleeding. However, the Paul Ehrlich Institute does not make a big fuss about this.

COVID-19疫苗接種:阿斯利康(也就是通稱的AZ)公司早在4月中旬就將急性血小板缺乏症(acute platelet deficiency)列為“常見副作用”。據此,100個接種者中有一到十個人有內出血的風險。然而,Paul Ehrlich研究所(Paul Ehrlich InstitutePEI)並沒有對此表示有什麼好大驚小怪的。


Source: www.globallookpress.com © Alfonso Di Vincenzo/Keystone Press Agency

資料來源:Global Look Press © Alfonso Di Vincenzo/Keystone Press Agency

The COVID-19 vaccines can promote blood clots. This has been proven in the meantime. The AstraZeneca company in particular made headlines after young vaccinated people died of cerebral venous thrombosis or brain haemorrhages. Both in combination were found only "very rarely". And COVID-19 was much more dangerous, the German vaccine monitoring authority called Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) and the leading media alike appeased. But the PEI has been hiding one explosive detail for three weeks: so-called thrombocytopenia apparently occurs much more frequently than previously known. Such a lack of blood platelets is not always noticed. But in an emergency it can lead to severe internal bleeding, also cerebral haemorrhage, and is therefore always considered an emergency.

COVID-19疫苗可以促成血栓blood clots)。這一點現在被認為得到了證實。特別是在年輕的接種者死於腦靜脈血栓或腦出血後,阿斯利康公司就上了頭條新聞。兩者結合在一起的情況“非常罕見”。而COVID-19則是較此要危險得多,這讓德國疫苗監測機構,即Paul-Ehrlich-InstitutPEI)和主要媒體都感到放心。但是三週以來,PEI一直在隱瞞一個爆炸性的細節:所謂的血小板減少症的發生率顯然比以前知道的要高得多。這種血小板的缺乏並不總是被注意到。但在嚴重的情況下,它可能導致嚴重的內出血,甚至是腦出血,因此總是被認為是一種緊急情況。

PEI and leading media remain silent


This is what emerges from a second so-called "red-hand letter" of the Swedish-British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. This letter is dated from the 13th of April 2021 and has not been reported in any sensational way in the leading media. Only on the webblog tpk.at is a more detailed report to be found.

這是在瑞典-英國製藥公司阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)的第二封所謂的“第一手信件”(red-hand letter)中出現的。這封信的日期是2021413日,主要媒體沒有以任何聳人聽聞的方式報導。只有在網路部落格tpk.at上可以找到更詳細的報導。

Furthermore, the specialist portal apotheke-adhoc.de reported on the red-hand letter of the British-Swedish vaccine manufacturer. However, the fact that thrombocytopenias are now considered frequent was not mentioned in it. The Paul Ehrlich Institute duly published the letter on its website. But the layperson has to search very meticulously to find it there.

此外,專業門戶網站apothek-adhoc.de也報導了英國-瑞典疫苗製造商這份第一手信件。然而,其中並沒有提到血小板減少症現在被認為是經常發生的事實。Paul Ehrlich研究所在其網站上正式公佈了這封信。但外行人必須非常仔細閱讀才能在那裡發現到它。

One to ten Percent of those Vaccinated could be affected.


The letter states that the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Committee for Risk Assessment (PRAC) continues to classify thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia as a "very rare side effect" of an AstraZeneca vaccination. However, the group literally admits:


"One of the updates concerns section 4.8 of the SmPC. Thrombocytopenia has been introduced as an adverse reaction with a frequency of 'common', based on data from clinical trials."


Side effects of medicines are classified on package inserts according to the frequency of occurrence. "Very rare" thus means that less than one in 10,000 patients is affected.


An adverse effect is declared "frequent" if it occurs in one to ten out of 100 patients. The serum Vaxzevria from AstraZeneca was administered almost three million times by the 2nd of April (more recent safety reports have not yet been published by the PEI responsible). If the studies are to be taken seriously, a platelet deficiency could have occurred 30,000 to 300,000 times in those vaccinated – probably mostly unnoticed or without a doctor being consulted.

如果一個不良反應在100個病人中發生110個,則應宣佈為“頻繁”。截至42日,阿斯利康公司的血清Vaxzevria被注射了近300萬次(負責的PEI還沒有公佈更多最新的安全報告)。如果這些研究是認真的,那麼在那些接種疫苗的人中,可能已經發生了3萬到30萬次血小板缺乏的情況 —— 可能大多數人都沒有注意到,或者沒有諮詢醫生。

AstraZeneca: Thrombocytopenia probably an Autoimmune reaction


According to the letter, the authors of AstraZeneca, Susanne Tubis and Klaus Hinterding, suspect that the dangerous clotting disorder is probably caused by antibodies that are formed by the vaccination. These so-called PF4 antibodies often bind to blood platelets and change their structure. In vaccinated persons who developed thrombocytopenia with or without thrombosis, a particularly large number of these special antibodies were found. This strengthens the thesis, according to the authors.

根據這封信,阿斯利康的作者Susanne TubisKlaus Hinterding懷疑,這種危險的凝血障礙可能是由接種疫苗所形成的抗體引起的。這些所謂的PF4抗體經常與血小板結合並改變其結構。在有或沒有形成血栓的血小板減少症患者中,發現了特別多的這種特殊抗體。根據作者的說法,加強了這一論點。

Officially, the PEI reported a total of 75 cases of cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination by the 21st of April, which represent a small part of all thromboses that occurred. Twelve of these cases occurred after administration of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine Comirnaty, and 63 cases occurred in vaccinated persons with the AstraZeneca vaccine. In total, 56 women and 19 men were affected – most of them younger than 60 years.

據官方報導,截至421日,PEI共報告了75COVID-19-疫苗接種後的腦靜脈血栓形成,這在所有發生的血栓中只占一小部分。其中12個病例發生在使用「輝瑞/生物技術公司」(Pfizer/BioNTechBNT)的「復必泰」(Comirnaty)疫苗後,而63個病例發生在使用阿斯利康(AZ)疫苗的人身上。其中共有56名婦女和19名男子受到影響 —— 他們中的大多數人年齡在60歲以下。

According to the PEI, 34 cases of simultaneous cerebral venous thrombosis and thrombocytopenia occurred exclusively after the administration of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca). Twelve persons died as a result. Three others did not survive blood clots in the brain that occurred after administration of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.


However, a relevant number of unreported cases is to be assumed. Firstly, only a small number of side effects are reported at all. Secondly, a particularly large number of elderly and sick human beings have been vaccinated so far. Deaths or severe clinical symptoms can be blamed much more easily on previous illnesses and age. In nursing homes, for example, there have been numerous deaths known to the author after vaccinations to which a natural cause had been attributed and which were therefore not further investigated by forensic medicine.


Information intended only for Doctors


The presumed secrecy with severe side effects of these mRNA and vector vaccines seems to be confirmed again by the latest example of AstraZeneca. Why do PEI and the press not inform the general public about the frequent occurrence of a vaccination reaction, which can even have fatal consequences, especially in the case of non-treatment?


PEI spokeswoman Susanne Stöcker explained that such a "red-hand letter" is "explicitly addressed to doctors". In the past, they were therefore sent exclusively to doctors. "For some years now, the PEI and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices have additionally published these documents on their websites, where they are accessible to all interested parties", she added.

PEI發言人Susanne Stöcker解釋說,這樣的“第一手信件”是“明確針對醫生”的。因此,在過去,這些信是專門寄給他們的。她補充說:「幾年來,PEI和聯邦藥品和醫療器械研究所(Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices)也在他們的網站上公佈了這些檔案,所有感興趣的人都可以上網查閱。」

In other words: Anyone who wants to know whether the vaccination possibly poses more risks to them than a coronavirus infection has to search the websites of the specialised authorities themselves. But it is also a fact that the vaccinators should know about this and warn the vaccinated accordingly.


Where is the safety report?


It is also incomprehensible why the PEI has not published a safety report for weeks. The most recent report, available on the 3rd of May, covers the period up to the 2nd of April. So there has been no new information from the responsible authority for over a month. Stöcker appeased: The next publication is planned for the beginning of May and will probably come out this week. She added verbatim:


"Against the background of the increasing number of vaccinations, we naturally also receive correspondingly more suspicious case reports, which have to be recorded and evaluated and for which, if necessary, follow-up research has to be carried out (sic!). In addition, I would ask you to bear in mind that a great deal of activity has been required in recent weeks with regard to the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines."


Already in the PEI's last safety report, originally listed serious suspected cases, including facial paralysis, heart muscle inflammation, stroke and seizures, were no longer explicitly named. A few weeks ago, the spokesperson explained that it was not possible to name each individual effect separately.


Source: AstraZeneca: Gefährliche Nebenwirkung viel häufiger als angenommen

資訊來源:阿斯利康:Gefährliche Nebenwirkung viel häufiger als angenommen


So – what do you think and say about this?

那麼 —— 妳對此有什麼看法和意見?


The whole of these remarks is already known to us, since the first appearance of these vaccines, but I am thinking not only of this one mentioned here, but without distinction of all those which are altogether not sufficiently tested and are used negligently untested in a fast-track procedure.



And you, Florena, you are also well versed in medicine and virology, so I think you could also say something about what your research shows. Or should you not talk about it?



What is fundamental to mention, this was already objected to by Ptaah from the beginning as irresponsibility on the part of the authorities. And as he predicted, these untested vaccines also caused many deaths, but this was generally kept quiet in public and all deaths were wrongly declared as direct pandemic deaths. The long-term damage to health that these vaccinations have caused and will continue to cause for many human beings has not been publicly explained. This, as well as what will result in this respect for human beings who have been suffering from long-term consequences of Corona since the beginning of the vaccinations, as well as what will also follow in this respect from now on, has not been made public.


Our investigations have recently shown that not only in Europe several thousands of human beings have succumbed to malignant severe side effects and long-term health damage as a result of corona vaccinations, but also in all countries where corona vaccinations have been administered and where vaccinations continue to be administered. Particularly to be mentioned here are vaccination consequences which, on the one hand, have repeatedly occurred in many cases since the first vaccinations, but which will occur in the future, such as:


1. Brain haemorrhages,

2. Heart attacks,

3. Anxiety,

4. Loss of taste,

5. Hyperactivity,

6. Hypersensitivity,

7. Visual disturbances,

8. Flu-like illnesses,

9. Fever,

10. Chills,

11. Dizziness,

12. Malaise,

13. Guillain-Barré syndrome, damage to the nerves, especially in the spinal cord, resulting in sometimes severe motor dysfunctions such as paralysis,

14. Voice changes,

15. Bell's Palsy [facial paralysis],

16. Uncertainty of movement,

17. Pain at the injection site,

18. Cerebral venous thrombosis, possibly with simultaneous platelet deficiency or thrombocytopenia, which is triggered by an autoimmune reaction, whereby antibodies against the patient's own platelets are then increasingly formed in the case of internal inflammations and vascular injuries,

19. Arteriosclerotic changes,

20. Heart muscle inflammations,

21. Bleeding in the female sex outside of menstruation.

Furthermore, our findings and research revealed that the following complaints can also occur:

22. Chest pain,

23. Leg swelling,

24. Bruising,

25. Shortness of breath,

26. Abdominal pain,

27. Headache, enormously strong,

28. Blurred vision,

29. Risk for possible narcolepsy [decreased ability to regulate sleep/wake cycles],

30. Digestive problems,

31. Fatigue,

32. Body pains of various local kinds.

1. 腦出血,

2. 心臟病發作,

3. 焦慮症,

4. 喪失味覺,

5. 多動症,

6. 過敏症,

7. 視覺障礙,

8. 類似流感的疾病,

9. 發燒,

10. 寒顫,

11. 暈眩,

12. 萎靡不振。

13. 格林-巴利綜合徵Guillain-Barré syndrome,縮寫為GBS),對神經的損害,特別是在脊髓,導致有時嚴重的運動功能障礙,如癱瘓,

14. 聲音變化,

15. 貝爾氏麻痹症Bell's palsy;面部癱瘓),

16. 運動控制能力的喪失,

17. 注射部位的疼痛。

18. 腦靜脈血栓,可能同時伴有血小板缺乏或血小板減少,這是由自身免疫反應引發的,在內部炎症和血管損傷的情況下,針對病人自身血小板的抗體就會越來越多地形成,

19. 動脈硬化性改變,

20. 心肌炎,

21. 女性在月經期外的出血。


22. 胸部疼痛,

23. 腿部腫脹,

24. 瘀傷,

25. 呼吸急促,

26. 腹部疼痛,

27. 頭痛,極度強烈,

28. 視力模糊,

29. 可能有嗜睡症的風險(調節睡眠/覺醒週期的能力下降),

30. 消化不良,

31. 疲勞,

32. 身體的各種局部疼痛。

Other health damage, ailments and diseases have also resulted from vaccinations, such as numerous short-term consequences and long-term consequences, but also long-term consequences, permanent ailments or various permanent diseases can result from the used and inadequate vaccines of various types, whereby the effective origin of the same cannot be determined and thus cannot be recognised, whether this is due to the Corona pandemic itself or to the inadequate vaccines. When specific symptoms appear in autoimmune diseases, they do not always appear immediately, but only over time, and the whole thing can then become all the worse.


Also, long-standing vaccine damage resulting from other vaccinations with regard to other diseases can recur as a result of corona vaccinations as long-term and late effects and be disputed by scientists, doctors and virologists etc., as they have been doing since 1796 from the very beginnings of vaccinations. It …



Excuse me for interrupting you, but how did that come about in those early days, just, that first vaccinations were made? Unfortunately, I never looked into how and when the first vaccination came about.



It came about because a boy was to be immunised against cowpox, precisely through a manufactured vaccine, with which the first vaccination was tested on a human being, a boy, whereby the vaccination process was then also called vaccination.



Aha, interesting, and that name has survived to this day. So cowpox was the reason for it, then the Latin term 'vacca', meaning 'cow', became the epithet for vaccination, which then probably continued with 'vaccinus', which can mean 'coming from the cow' or something.



That is correct. – And what I am going to explain now, you should emphasise in writing our conversation:

沒錯!—— 而我現在要說明的,你在記錄我們的談話時應該強調一下:

What is to be said now is neither fear-mongering nor scaremongering, just as it is not a call to refrain from vaccinations or to have them carried out with regard to protective precautions against the Corona pandemic. Every reflection, consideration, decision as well as action with regard to whether a person decides for or against a Corona vaccination, requires in any case detailed, thorough and logical deliberations and considerations. The whole thing requires a personal, logical and thus one's own, well thought-out, rational decision, which can only be determined by each person for himself/herself, who is capable of his/her senses and able to decide on his/her own personal well-being, woes, doings and non-doings.


The fact is that the whole issue of vaccinations also has aspects of concealing explosive dangers with unknown long-term consequences. In this respect, well-known institutes also lie and claim that long-term data on negative consequences of corona vaccinations are based on misunderstandings and, moreover, very often on the incorrect use or misuse of medicines. However, this is not true, as we have found.


Normally, and this is to be explained explicitly, vaccination reactions normally occur within a few hours or days, but our research has shown that as a result of a corona vaccination various illnesses, diseases, ailments as well as long-lasting health-damaging reactions up to infirmity of all kinds can only occur after a few weeks, months, years or even decades, in which case – according to our forecasts – the causes cannot be explained and no healing methods can be applied.


Our research also shows that women in particular are adversely affected by the side effects of vaccination, but we have also discovered and recognised that the ribonucleic acid of the corona pandemic virus builds itself into the human genome, and so on. Consequently, there are also long-term hereditary damage of various, but not predictable kinds, as well as serious health problems and very serious disabilities of an inner-organic and outer-body kind. I also observe on a daily basis that in all countries where vaccinations are carried out, deaths occur again and again, which, according to our findings, are very often the after-effects of vaccination. Despite the obvious, very massive side effects and deaths, vaccination propaganda continues unhindered in all countries, whereby neither the authorities, state leaders nor health institutes and doctors, etc. inform the public about this, but rather deny, conceal or deliberately deny everything in this regard. And this will be especially the case in the near future, because infections and deaths will be on the decline in various countries for the time being, which will cause many humans to be careless and overconfident and may possibly have nasty consequences, just as it may also be possible that new mutations that arise will bring further pandemic disaster, about which I, for my part, do not yet have any knowledge, because I do not inform myself directly about this, but only in passing and also only sporadically.

我們的研究還表明,婦女尤其會受到疫苗接種副作用的不利影響,但我們也發現並認識到,冠狀病毒的核糖核酸ribonucleic acidRNA會自行構建在人類基因體genome)等等之中。因此,還存在著各種長期的、但不可預測的遺傳性損害,以及可能引發嚴重的健康問題和非常嚴重的內在有機體和外在身體的殘疾我還每天觀察到,在所有進行疫苗接種的國家,死亡事件一再發生,根據我們的發現,這往往是疫苗接種的後遺症。儘管存在明顯且大規模的副作用和死亡狀況,但疫苗接種的宣傳在所有國家仍暢行無阻,當局、國家領導人、衛生機構和醫生等都沒有告知公眾這方面訊息,而是否認、隱瞞或故意否認這一切。在不久的將來尤其如此,因為各國的感染和死亡人數暫時會下降,這將導致許多人的大意而過於自信,甚至可能會造成糟糕的後果,就像新出現的突變病毒有可能會帶來進一步的疫情災難一樣,我對此還沒有任何瞭解,因為我沒有直接被告知這方面的訊息,只是順便、零星知道一點。


I know that, but thank you for what you were able to explain, Florena. I also know from Ptaah, among other things, that many things were, are and will continue to be more than just dishonest and also connected with fraud. Ptaah also explained that in addition to the occurrence of many vaccination deaths, many human beings will also suffer long-term health impairments and late vaccination damage as a result of vaccinations, but how vaccinated persons can nevertheless be infected by the pandemic, which can then, however, in special cases no longer be detected even by tests, because the pandemic only remains impulsively in the organism, which, however, cannot be detected with earthly medical possibilities. Therefore, he explained, such corona impulse sufferers could continue to infect other persons without themselves knowing that they were corona impulse carriers and thus infective. And furthermore, he explained, those infected with such impulses could then also infect other persons, etc., in which case, however, not necessarily corona symptoms again, but a wide variety of other ailments and diseases up to and including infirmity could be the consequences.



Ptaah also explained – and as a specialist he has been very busy with everything and has done research himself – that the pandemic ebbs and flows, new mutations will combine with others and thus form new forms. He also explained that the Corona virus has a sneakiness that can manifest itself in such a way that the virus appears to be retreating, only to suddenly break out again in greater numbers and spread vehemently once more, which is why a drop in infections and deaths could possibly only be a warning sign of a new outbreak. Our scientists also explained that the Corona virus is everlasting and can become active again as new mutations even after thousands of years.

Ptaah還解釋說 —— 作為一名這方面的專家,他一直非常關心每一件事,而且自己也作過研究 —— 這種猖獗傳播的病毒會起伏不定,新的變異與其他變異相結合,從而形成新的病毒株。他還解釋說,冠狀病毒存在一種欺騙性,可以表現以為病毒似乎正在消退,但是突然又以更大的數量爆發並再次激烈傳播,這就是為什麼在某些情況下,感染和死亡人數的下降可能只是一個新爆發的警告信號。我們的科學家還解釋說,冠狀病毒是“永久存在的”(everlasting),即使在數千年後也能以新的突變形式再次變得活躍。


I have already been told this by Sfath, and everything you have said corresponds to what has happened so far and is still happening now. Furthermore, we, Sfath and I, have observed through our foresight that, on the one hand, the Corona virus, which had already developed in India more than 3 months ago, was not recognised as a new mutation until it was too late, after it had already claimed many victims, and consequently no precisely targeted measures could be taken and implemented. And the measures that were then taken and are being taken too late against the new variety of the Corona virus spreading in India are absolutely negligent-useless against this variety that infects more easily than other mutations, as a result of which hundreds of thousands of infected human beings and equally thousands of fatalities will now have to be mourned every day. This Indian mutation, which has already been introduced into Europe as a result of the incompetence and stupidity of those in power, will also change the situation for the worse.


Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, the inability of those in power to assess and recognise the situation and to enact all necessary protective measures has been so careless, inadequate, foolish and detrimental to the health safety of the peoples that there was no chance of ending the evil before it could have become an pandemic.


The Indian mutation will again create new infectious conditions, which will lead to further problems, as will the now emerging too early openings and relaxations of the otherwise already irresponsibly insufficient safety-protection measures. The irresponsibility and stupidity of those in charge of all the authorities are already beginning to relax their otherwise already very inadequate orders and measures far too quickly, which may, however, in a certain time take its revenge in one way or another in the future, although I have no knowledge of this and am not yet informed as to what will actually result from these premature relaxations.



As far as the Indian mutation is concerned, a permanent control of the Corona outgrowths would have been necessary in this respect, but this was just as not the case, as it is not today, and as it will not arise tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, etc., and will therefore still claim many victims. Such a control and also the ordering of the necessary precautions etc. would have been the task of the WHO, which is responsible for this on Earth, but which has failed in every respect in this case, just as it has failed in general with regard to the Corona pandemic worldwide. As a result, this pandemic was able to spread as a pandemic and to claim – according to our very precise counts – 9.65 million human lives, of which, however, official earthly statistics show 3.4 million fewer. This, while estimates of earthly scientists thus assume almost 3 million fewer dead than the 9.65 million we have counted very precisely.



The reason for these false estimates is that the statisticians lack all the possibilities to accurately clarify and count all corona deaths and corona events. Due to the lack of these possibilities to ascertain the effective facts, however, inconsistent figures as well as hypotheses are brought up and presented to Earth human beings as facts, which, however, corresponds to a deception and work of lies. In this respect, a new deception and work of lies by the WHO will also arise – as has already been mentioned, as I know, by Ptaah as well as elsewhere several times – because, as a further consequence, a bogus research into the alleged origin of the corona plague has again been started, whereby new allegedly scientific investigations etc. in China are to prove the origin of the corona plague. And as we have learned through our observations, clarifications and overheard secret conversations, bats have already been determined by a few certain participants of this research commission as the alleged cause of the Corona plague, although the alleged research will not provide any corresponding evidence for this, because the persons infected with the virus from the secret laboratory have already died of the plague a few weeks after the virus was carried away. And I have already explained that this spread of the virus also brought mammals, such as bats, into contact with it, as well as the fact that this has also occurred in isolated cases in other countries.

造成這些錯誤估計的原因是,統計人員缺乏對所有的冠狀病毒死亡和冠狀病毒事件進行準確釐清並計算所有的可能案例。然而,由於缺乏調查這些有效事實的可能性,不一致的數字以及假設被提出來,並作為事實呈現給地球人類,然而,這相當於是一種欺騙和說謊的工作。在這方面,世衛組織也將出現新的欺騙和謊言工作 —— 如我所知,Ptaah以及其他人也已多次提到 —— 因為作為進一步的工作結果,對所謂的冠狀病毒疫情起源的假研究已經再次開始,據此,在中國進行新的所謂科學調查等,以證明冠狀病毒疫情的起源。而我們經由觀察、澄清和監聽到的秘密談話得知,蝙蝠已經被這個研究委員會的幾個特定參與者確定為所謂的冠狀病毒疫情的始作俑者,儘管所謂的研究不會為此提供任何相應的證據,因為從秘密實驗室感染病毒的人已經在病毒被運走幾週後死於疫情。而且我已經解釋過,這種病毒的傳播也使蝙蝠等哺乳動物接觸到了,此外這種情況在其他國家也有個別的案例發生過。

Through the work of lies and deception, which is already a done deal, the whole of what has emerged as the effective origin of the Corona virus in the 1970s between Mao Tse-tung and the American … who was grown up in hatred against America, is to be prevented, whereby the virus was bred in secret laboratories and then released through carelessness. So, in a short time, a new work of lies and deceit will be put into the world by the WHO and fraudulently presented to the peoples, if the origin of the Corona pandemic is to be investigated again pro forma, whereby, however, as said, it has already been considered for some time to determine bats as the originators of the pandemic, which, as mammals, were also partly attacked by the Corona virus. This happened when the virus infected laboratory workers in a secret laboratory through carelessness and they spread it to the outside world. Not only human beings were infected by the Corona virus, but also various bats. And since bats are the only mammals on Earth capable of active flight, the search was also spread to some other mammals and creatures, but this has not yet had any widespread consequences that would have made the whole thing known. However, this has not only been limited to China, because the whole process of spreading the disease to the rest of the world has been carried out by infected human beings who, despite the Corona disease, have travelled around and spread the virus to various other countries, so that individual bats and other mammal species have also been infected by the Corona virus in other countries. Although this has so far occurred in very few cases in the wild, it has already occurred several times in private animal husbandry and in show animal facilities.


As we have known since time immemorial through our observations and investigations etc., the earthly peoples are misled by authorities, statisticians, authorities as well as by secret services and politicians etc. with fraudulent data and lies – which are presented as alleged scientific facts. This, while effective factual data and important enlightening information are concealed and hidden from the peoples, as is also the case with many political secret negotiations, high-handed decisions and secret resolutions which are often hostile to the people and the state and degenerate to the detriment of national populations and state constitutions, but as in this way such machinations also lead to acts of war and terror against other countries and peoples – which would be absolutely impossible with us Plejaren. And these facts have nothing to do with the widespread pathologically insane delusions of the so-called conspiracy theories that have been spread on Earth since time immemorial.

正如我們自古以來經由觀察和調查所知道的那樣,地球上的人民被政府當局、統計學家以及秘密機構和政客等用騙人的資料和謊言所誤導 —— 這些資料和謊言被作為所謂的科學事實提出。在這種情況下,真正的數據資料和重要的啟蒙資訊則被掩蓋和隱藏起來,不讓人民知道。就像許多政治上的秘密談判、高層的專斷決定和秘密決議一樣,它們往往違反了人民和國家的利益,並惡化到損害國家人民和國家憲法,但由於這種方式,這種陰謀也導致對其他國家和人民的戰爭和恐怖行動 —— 這對我們Plejaran來說,是絕對不可能的。而這些事實與自古以來在地球上廣泛傳播的所謂「陰謀論」(conspiracy theories)的病態瘋狂妄想毫無關係。


Conspiracy theories, you're talking about something that could not be more idiotic, but which has been driving large groups of earthlings crazy with delusions since time immemorial. These conspiracy idiocies arose through religious-sectarian delusions, as for example in the case of pandemics, in which the believers in God's delusion, in their delusion of faith, regarded the whole thing as God's punishment for their disobedience to Him and therefore chastised themselves, not infrequently to the point of suicide. The whole thing was driven forward by priests and clergymen as well as by crazy sect fanatics, as I was able to observe with Sfath.


But as far as the WHO fellows are concerned, whom you have addressed with regard to new alleged research, they are only loudmouthed and run a useless and very expensive organisation, whose operators 'earn' horrendous salaries, as is also the case with the majority of all government officials. But let's leave it at that, because talking is useless, and besides, one is viciously denigrated by the stupid people of the population who stand by the rulers and believe all their lies, but also by the authorities and the 'people's watchdogs' who call one a troublemaker and register one as antisocial in fiches, as I know from my own experience, but also from police reports and state archive records etc. which I have requested and received. But now something else, and it is the following: In the case of infections by the Corona virus, is it possible that the vaccines, which have not yet been tested to a large extent, and the vaccinations carried out with them, depend on the current state of the immune system with regard to their effect?



Yes, that is true, I am aware of all that. However, what I wanted to mention with regard to conspiracy theories is that on the one hand the whole of the truth cannot be fathomed because the entire technical instruments for this are lacking due to all the necessary development possibilities and therefore do not yet exist, on the other hand everything will be concealed or, which could very probably become the case, will be brought up as a conspiracy theory. The reason for this could then be that America is to be protected from all blame and also to remain as a major financing force for the WHO. But how do you arrive at your question?



It will probably be as you say. On the one hand, it is the case that pathologically stupid human beings invent conspiracy theories, or such crazy theories arise unintentionally through some circumstances, while effective truths are also deliberately constructed and spread as conspiracy theories, not only by private individuals, but also by authorities, governments and organisations etc.. This is the case, for example, with the faked alleged first moon landing by the USA, which was fabricated during the 'Cold War' in order to get one over on the Soviet Union and to scare them. And if it possibly comes to that with the origin of the Corona plague, then it will be to absolve the USA of any guilt, although it was an act of revenge by the American … in collaboration with Mao Tse-tung, because the hatred of … was directed against the American people and he wanted to punish them, although this …, but that is all the same.


But my question: Sometimes thoughts and questions just come up in me, like right now, when I remember that Sfath and recently also Ptaah said that we should continue to exercise extreme caution and wear respiratory masks and keep the necessary distance from our fellow human beings even when the pandemic is receding, because an easing of an pandemic wave is no guarantee either for its end or for greater safety. Moreover, I know from my time with Sfath that what is happening at present with the somewhat subsiding Corona pandemic is not simply due to better protective measures and their observance by the sensible among human beings, but is largely due to the climatic condition of the emerging spring, as Sfath explained at the time. This, however, may cause the pandemic to rise again if the climate continues to influence it. This, however, could possibly be caused by other factors than the plague itself, such as other ailments and diseases that arise from the plague through impulse triggers or through transformation consequences, as Sfath explained. It is possible, however, that suffering and disease could also arise insidiously from unrecognisable viral infections. And further, the Corona plague leads in many human beings – I recall what Sfath explained at the time – not only to death, but also to severe long-term health damage that cannot be cured. This is also the case with the respiratory problems caused by the pandemic, which very often lead to death and cost many human lives, as is the case with various long-term brain diseases, which cause serious lifelong problems or in many cases lead to death. I also know from Sfath that virologists, medical doctors and epidemiologists as well as health institutions conceal a lot of information that is important for the population, such as the fact that the corona virus proteins very strongly attack the signals of the immune system and manipulate it in such a way that it fails.

但我的問題是:有時我心裡會冒出一些想法和疑問,就像現在,當我想起Sfath和最近的Ptaah說,即使在疫情消退時,我們也應該繼續保持極度謹慎,戴上防護口罩,與我們的同伴保持必要的距離,因為疫情的緩和並不能保證它的結束或表示環境更安全。此外,我從與Sfath的相處中知道,目前發生的冠狀病毒疫情有所緩解,並不僅僅是由於更好的保護措施和人類中明智的人對這些措施的遵守,而是主要由於新出現的春季氣候條件,正如Sfath當時解釋的那樣。然而,如果繼續受氣候的影響,這可能會導致疫情再次上升。然而,這也有可能是由疫情本身以外的其他因素造成的,例如通過脈衝觸發或通過轉化後果而產生的其他病痛和疾病,正如Sfath解釋的那樣。然而,痛苦和疾病也有可能從無法識別的病毒感染中隱秘地產生。而且進一步說,冠狀病毒疫情在許多人身上 —— 我記得Sfath當時的解釋 —— 不僅導致死亡,而且還會造成無法治癒的嚴重的長期健康損害。由疫情引起的呼吸道問題也是如此,這些問題往往導致許多人喪生,各種長期的腦部疾病也是如此,這些疾病導致嚴重的終身困擾,或在許多情況下導致死亡。我還從Sfath那裡知道,病毒學家、醫生和流行病學家以及衛生機構隱瞞了很多對民眾很重要的資訊,例如,冠狀病毒的蛋白質非常強烈地攻擊免疫系統的信號,並以這種方式操縱它,使其失效。

Consequently, it is necessary – as I have already learned through the teachings of Sfath – that everything necessary be done for the immune system to maintain its extremely vital total body-organic function, which in particular is sensibly to be done by the human beings consciously in such a way as to supply the immune system with additional strengthening vital substances as required.

因此,有必要 —— 正如我已透過Sfath的教導所瞭解到的那樣 —— 為免疫系統做一切必要的工作,以維持其極重要的全身有機功能,這尤其是要由人類有意識的理性形式來進行,以便根據需要向免疫系統提供額外而強化的生命物質。

Vital substances correspond to various nutrients that the body organism needs indispensably for its function, but which it cannot produce itself; consequently, these nutrients must be supplied to it through food. If, however, the vital substances contained in the food are not sufficient to keep the body organism healthy, then such nutrients must be supplied separately. This can easily be done by purchasing sufficient food supplements available on the open market and giving them to the body organism as – as the term explains – food supplements, in complete defiance of all the stupid and impudent naysayers and know-it-alls, etc., which also include certain doctors, etc., who consider themselves called upon to deny the truth that such vital substances are vital for many human beings and their immune system function and health.

生命所需的重要物質Vital substances)指的是與身體有機體功能所需的各種營養物質,但它不能由體內自行產生;因此,這些營養物質必須經由食物來提供。然而,如果食物中包含的重要物質不足以保持身體機體的健康,那麼這些營養物質必須額外供應。這可以透過購買市面上供應充足的食物補充劑,並把它們作為 —— 正如這個名稱的含意 —— 食物補充劑,給身體補充營養。完全不必聽那些愚蠢和大放厥詞的反對者和知識份子,其中也包括某些醫生等,他們否認這種生命所需的重要物質(以下簡稱生命物質)對許多人及其免疫系統功能和健康至關重要的這一事實。

The fact that doctors etc. often deny the fact of an additional necessary use of vital substances can often be justified with the stupidly impudent reason that this is not necessary because the food contains enough of these substances. However, the fact that the private purchase and use of vital substances and food supplements by patients puts doctors etc. at a disadvantage in that they have to restrict the sale of their chemical medicines and expensive vital substances to their patients is not mentioned. This is on the one hand, while on the other hand 'good patients' become healthier or simply stay healthy, so they do not need a doctor and can claim much lower fees. This fact, however, is vehemently denied – which should be logical.

醫生等經常否認額外需要使用生命物質的事實,他們往往以食物中已經含有足夠的這些物質這種愚蠢無知的理由,來說明這樣做是不必要的。然而,沒有人提到這樣一個事實,那就是病人私人購買和使用生命物質和食品補充劑使醫生等這行業的人無利可圖因為他們被限制不得向病人出售他們的化學藥品和昂貴的生命物質。這是一方面,而另一方面,好的病人變得更健康或是維持了健康,所以他們不再需要醫生,或可以要求更低的費用。然而,這一事實被強烈否認 —— 但這應該是符合邏輯的。

To strengthen the immune system, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in particular are indispensable and can be purchased in the open market. However, special attention should be paid to good, clean and high-quality products, which are usually only available in state-certified products and therefore only in specialised shops, such as drugstores, pharmacies and state-recognised, legally binding specialist shops.


In particular, the following vitamins, minerals and trace elements are important for the development, correct functioning and maintenance of a functioning immune system:


1. Vitamin A


2. B vitamins


3. Vitamin C


4. Vitamin D


5. zinc

6. copper

7. selenium and iron


The immune system is innate in human beings as an organic protective factor against harmful bacteria, fungi, microorganisms, pollutants and viruses. When the body organism is attacked by such invaders, it reacts immediately and takes defensive action against them. This means that no illnesses or diseases can be caused by the invaders, so that the immune system fights them off and renders the invading pathogens harmless. The immune system's permanently vigilant defence capability is fundamentally and comprehensively geared towards maintaining the health of the entire human body organism, which constantly ensures that all pathogens and disease-causing agents that constantly affect the human organism from the environment are not only combated when they penetrate the organism, but also protect it from the pathogens to which the body is constantly exposed from penetrating the organism.


I still remember some of the things that Sfath explained about how the immune system and everything else works, and because someone recently asked me for relevant information and explanations, I read up on it a few days ago on the internet and reworked it, so that I am up to date again with my knowledge in this area, which is why I can now also explain some things about it. Therefore, I can now say and explain the following:


The immune system protects the body and the various organs, cell types and proteins from pathogens and from disease-causing cell changes, and thus of course from all attackers and harmful substances etc., whereby it does not make itself noticeable, however, but simply functions silently and smoothly and keeps the body's own defences under control. The immune system fails, however, when it is weakened or can no longer do anything against particularly aggressive pathogens, consequently the body then becomes ill. This can explicitly be the case when a pathogen is still unknown to the immune system. Without this system, the body's inner organism would be just as defencelessly exposed to harmful influences from the environment as the entire body's outer area, whose main task is to protect it against pathogens and injuries through the body's own defensive measures, and additionally through clothing, etc. Fundamentally, however, the human being himself must be concerned to make rational-intellectual efforts to keep his immune system healthy by internal and external measures, etc., and thus to protect himself from suffering, diseases, injuries and damage to the body, organs and also to the mind, etc., and to render harmless everything that can impair his health system in any negative respect. In the first place, the human being himself must, through his intellect, his mind and his reason, be anxious to recognise everything that is harmful and to keep it away from his body and from the whole of his inner and outer organism, or, if he is afflicted with harmful agents, to remove them from the body or to neutralise them, which may be necessary as a rule through professionally correct medicinal treatment. This is the case when microbes, bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and toxic pollutants as pathogens cause suffering or diseases that require specialist treatment throughout. This is the case when, for example, the following pathogens occur:


1. Microbes or microorganisms: Fungi, e.g. mould, filamentous fungi, fungi that grow on shoots.

微生物(Microbes or microorganisms):真菌,如黴菌、絲狀真菌、生長在嫩枝上的真菌。

2. Viruses, such as influenza, hepatitis and noroviruses


3. Bacteria, such as staphylococci, enterobacteria, pseudomonads, salmonellae


4. Parasites, such as helminths or worms, amoebae, lambliae

寄生蟲,如螺旋體或蠕蟲、變形體amoebae;俗稱阿米巴蟲)、蘭氏賈第鞭毛蟲giardia lamblia)。

5. Pollutants of all kinds from the environment, such as poisons of all kinds


6. bodily injuries caused by accidents and other factors


Microbes or microorganisms are tiny living organisms, too tiny to be seen with the naked eye, but which surround the entire human body, but are also found in the air, in water, in the Earth and practically on and in everything and everyone that exists. The human body alone is inhabited by millions and millions of these tiny microorganisms or microbes. Some species are agents of suffering and disease, while others are absolutely vital to the health and ability to exist of human beings. If we look at the most common of these microbes, fungi and viruses are the first to be mentioned, while there is also another group that consists of microorganisms that cause diseases, such as malaria and toxoplasmosis. What remains to be said with regard to individual pathogens is the following:


Bacteria/bacilliBacteria are single-celled organisms, some of which need oxygen to survive, while others can do without it, some of which can tolerate heat, while others prefer to live in a cold environment. These are unicellular spore-forming rod-shaped organisms.


Bacteria can produce their own offspring and have a metabolism. They are unicellular organisms without a cell nucleus. Everything that bacteria need to live and reproduce is located in their cells.


Bacteria are also needed to produce certain foods, such as yoghurt, sauerkraut or cheese.


Bacteria have their special name because of their rod shape. Bacilli are generally equated with bacteria and with pathogens. From a technical point of view, bacilli are also equated with bacteria, although bacilli correspond to a subform of several genera, which also include cocci or nucleus or spherical bacteria. Altogether, they all occur in many areas of the human body, whereby many, as already mentioned, are benign and useful and even vital for the human organism, others, however, are harmful. The latter must be contained, especially in the oral cavity, through regular and correct oral and dental hygiene, because new dangerous pathogens are constantly forming and multiplying in the oral and dental area – especially in the case of dental decay – which can possibly lead to fatal consequences. If the whole thing is considered, then it is realised that in principle the fight against bacilli etc. must be waged for life.

細菌因其杆狀而有特殊的名字。桿菌一般等同於細菌和病原體。從技術角度來看,桿菌也類似細菌,儘管桿菌屬於幾個屬(genera)的一個亞型,其中還包括球菌cocci)或核菌(nucleus)或球形細菌。總體來說,它們都出現在人體的許多地方,如前所述,其中許多是良性的,對人體是有用的,甚至是至關重要的,然而,其他的則是有害的。後者必須得到控制,特別是在口腔內,要透過定期和正確的口腔和牙齒衛生來達成,因為新的危險病原體在口腔和牙齒區域會不斷的形成和繁殖 —— 特別是在蛀牙的情況下 —— 這可能會導致嚴重的後果。如果考慮到整個事情,那麼就會意識到,原則上與桿菌等的抗爭必須是一輩子的事。

Microbes/microorganisms are tiny living beings that are far too small to be seen with the naked eye, as already explained.


Viruses are not living beings in the true sense of the word, but only simple organic structures that have no metabolism of their own, but which invade healthy cells of the human organism (as they do in animals, creatures and other life-forms) and thereby cause suffering and disease.


So they are not living organisms either, but rather consist of one or more molecules enclosed in a protein shell containing genetic information needed by the viruses to reproduce.


Many viruses are responsible for many ailments and diseases, while others are harmless to human beings or cause only a troublesome cold and other insignificant health-related harmless phenomena, while others, however, can unrestrainedly cause serious or even life-threatening diseases, such as. e.g. the Corona plague, AIDS, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza, Japanese encephalitis, the human papilloma virus, hepatitis, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, rabies, severe diarrhoea caused by the rotavirus, rubella, varicella, yellow fever.

許多病毒是許多疾病的罪魁禍首,而有些病毒對人類無害,或只引起麻煩的感冒和其他與健康有關的無害現象,但有些病毒卻可能引起嚴重甚至威脅生命的疾病,例如:冠狀病毒、愛滋病、甲肝、乙肝、流感、日本腦炎、人類乳突病毒Human papilloma virusHPV)、肝炎、麻疹、腮腺炎、脊髓灰質炎poliomyelitis;俗稱小兒麻痺症)、狂犬病,以及輪狀病毒引起的嚴重腹瀉、風疹、水痘、黃熱病。

Viruses penetrate healthy cells and multiply from there. Without such a host cell, a virus cannot reproduce. Not all viruses are such that they cause symptoms, and in many cases it is even the case that the body is able to fight the invaders so successfully that no outbreaks of disease occur, as is the case, for example, with cold sores, which are very widespread among many human beings. So cold sores are triggered by viruses that are found in certain nerve cells and lead to cold sores in some human beings when the immune system is overstrained.

病毒藉由侵入健康細胞而從那裡繁殖,所以沒有這樣的宿主細胞,病毒就不能繁殖。並非所有的病毒都會引起症狀,在許多情況下,甚至是身體能夠成功地對抗入侵者,從而不會引發疾病,例如,在許多人中非常普遍的嘴唇皰疹cold sores)就是這種情況。所以嘴唇皰疹是由病毒引發的,這些病毒存在於某些神經細胞中,當免疫系統過度緊張時,就會導致一些人的嘴唇皰疹。

Viruses are relatively difficult to fight with medication because they are not life-forms, but only lifeless organic structures that have no metabolism and therefore no nutritional process and therefore cannot absorb and digest any medicinal substances. However, vaccinations can 'train' the body's defences and thus make the body less sensitive to the pathogens.


Fungi are very widespread and also adapted to many different habitats, so also in the household and living quarters of human beings, where probably the best-known moulds of all kinds are to be found in this respect.


However, some species of fungi also occur naturally on the skin or in the body of human beings, whereby they can also cause ailments and diseases or mycoses, which often appear as foot and nail fungi.


Fungi in human beings can also lead to serious infections and even pneumonia, as well as to inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth.


Fungi in human beings are not harmless and can also be spread and transmitted to other human beings, especially if sexual organs are infected by fungi and sexual acts are nevertheless performed.


Fungi that affect body organs can be cured well, but if complications occur, they can become life-threatening.


Fungi can also be useful, because plant fungi of certain varieties are edible and therefore serve as food for human beings, just as various fungi also have helpful properties for them, such as a mould fungus, from which the antibiotic penicillin can be obtained.


But let us get back to the immune system, because it should be said that especially in the cold season, temperature fluctuations and dry air caused by heating quickly cause the body's own immune defences to falter, making human beings more susceptible to colds and flu infections, so an effectively healthy immune system is of particular importance, because this alone protects human beings from illness. The task of the immune system is always to


1. differentiates its own components from foreign invaders and then fights these strangers in order to eliminate them as harmful invaders, pollutants and toxic substances, etc.


2. The immune system is – simply explained – the defence system of the body itself and of the entire internal body organism. It ensures that pathogenic microorganisms of all harmful kinds, as well as bacteria and viruses, fungi, germs and parasites, etc., that enter the body organism are fought and prevented from causing an infection. However, the immune system is not an independent organ, but is made up of numerous components, including organs such as the skin, the spleen and the entire intestine, whereby the large intestine fulfils a very important task. Together with other endogenous systems, these organs protect the entire organism from suffering, disease and infirmity.


Vital substances correspond to the constant needs of the immune system, and these substances are basically absorbed through food and processed through digestion in order to then reach the organs concerned, which have an explicit immune system-building effect and accordingly utilise the corresponding vital substances and thereby strengthen the immune system.


Vital substances correspond to substances and materials foreign to the body, through which all organs involved in maintaining health and building up the immune system are activated when the substances are supplied to them. These substances also include the proteins on the surface of fungi and viruses. When these dock onto special defence cells, a whole series of cell processes are triggered and set in motion. After an initial contact with a pathogen, the corresponding information emanating from the pathogen is usually stored. If a new contact of the same kind then occurs, the stored information is immediately recalled, as a result of which the attacked immune system activates itself more quickly for defence and fights the pathogen.


3. The immune system is the human beings' innate protection against harmful viruses, bacteria and pollutants of all kinds that can make them ill, and it is therefore of particular importance and significance for them to keep their immune system fully functional at all times, so that they can rely on it day in, day out, and thus ensure their health.


What else needs to be considered in order to maintain the immune system, to keep it healthy and strong, it is also important to make sure that the entire body is always given enough exercise and enough sleep, just as the entire respiratory system, right down to the lungs, requires fresh, healthy and oxygenated breathing air.


What is particularly harmful and greatly impairs the effectiveness and strength of the immune system and makes human beings susceptible to suffering and disease are the following factors:


Smoking should be refrained from, for it is – as is generally known – very harmful to health, especially with regard to the lungs, although it is little or not at all known that the immune system also suffers greatly from it, is impaired and weakened.


Alcohol also has an adverse effect on the immune system, so – if alcohol 'must' be consumed – it should only be consumed in extreme moderation.


Medicines of a chemical nature (possibly also natural ones) can be harmful to health, even if they are prescribed by a doctor and are capable of recovery and therefore curative or are considered almost harmless – especially the painkillers that are usually ready to hand for every little ache.

化學性質的藥物(也可能是天然藥物)可能對健康有害,即使這些藥物是由醫生開的處方,而且具有康復的療效,或者被認為是幾乎無害的 —— 特別是那些通常為每一種小疼痛準備好的止痛藥。

Pain tablets/Pain powders etc. contain harmful toxins etc. which, as pain messengers, dock onto the pain receptors of the nerve endings in the tissue and not only inhibit the sensation of pain, but also have a negative weakening effect on the entire immune system. This is because the pain-relieving substances effectively correspond to dangerous poisons, such as paracetamol, naproxen and diclofenac.

止痛片/止痛粉Pain tablets/Pain powders)等含有有害的毒素等,這些毒素作為疼痛信使,附著在組織內神經末梢的疼痛受體上,不僅抑制了疼痛的感覺,而且對整個免疫系統產生了負面的削弱作用。這是因為緩解疼痛的物質實際上相當於危險的毒藥,例如:對乙酰氨基酚、萘普生和雙氯芬酸(詳如下述)。

Paracetamol/Naproxen = stomach ulcers; Diclofenac = heart attacks, contain toxins and are dangerous to health. Paracetamol is present in most painkillers, and an overdose can be fatal, but normal use alone can lead to severe liver failure. In addition, any painkiller containing paracetamol greatly increases the risk of heart attack, stomach ulcer and stroke. Kidney damage and internal bleeding in the digestive tract can also result, just as the skin can be attacked by paracetamol. In the worst case, fatal consequences result.


Paracetamol also causes liver damage by breaking the connections between the liver cells. If these are destroyed, then the structure of the liver tissue is also damaged, whereby the cells can no longer function correctly and they also eventually perish. An overdose of paracetamol can be fatal. Taking painkillers – with paracetamol, possibly also without – can lead to liver failure. In addition, the risk of heart attacks, stomach ulcers and strokes etc. is greatly increased by painkillers of all kinds, as Sfath has already explained. This, while earthly-scientific research has also established that all painkillers containing paracetamol have malignant side effects, such as the following, which I have copied here as a list from the internet, whereby other painkiller additives and their active ingredients have, in my opinion, similar side effects:

對乙酰氨基酚還通過破壞肝細胞之間的連接而導致肝臟損傷。如果這些細胞被破壞,那麼肝臟組織的結構也會被破壞,從而使細胞不能再正常運作,這些細胞最終也會死亡。過量服用對乙酰氨基酚可能是致命的。服用止痛藥 —— 有對乙酰氨基酚,也可能沒有 —— 會導致肝衰竭。此外,各種止痛藥會大大增加心臟病發作、胃潰瘍和中風等的風險,Sfath已經解釋過了。這一點,同時地球上的科學研究也已經確定,所有含有對乙酰氨基酚的止痛藥都有惡性的副作用,比如以下這些,我在這裡複製了一份來自互聯網的清單,據此,在我看來,其他止痛藥添加劑及其活性成分也有類似的副作用:

1. Increase in liver enzymes (serum transaminases),


2. Decrease in blood platelets (thrombocytopenia),


3. Decrease in white blood cells (agranulocytosis),


4. Allergic reactions (skin rash/hives),


5. Shock reaction,


6. Narrowing of the airways (analgesic asthma).


It should also be said – but this is not mentioned – that human beings who are overweight and/or obese, alcoholics or suffer from a poor diet are particularly at risk from the side effects of painkillers. If painkillers are taken too often or in excess, it can lead to severe liver poisoning as well as other liver damage, etc., especially with problems such as being overweight or obese, frequent alcohol consumption, poor diet as well as drug use.

還應該說 —— 但這一點沒有被提及 —— 超重和/或肥胖、酗酒或飲食不規律的人特別容易受到止痛藥副作用的影響。如果止痛藥服用得太頻繁或過量,會導致嚴重的肝臟中毒以及其他肝臟損傷等,尤其是超重或肥胖、經常飲酒、飲食不良以及使用藥物等問題。

This is the basic thing I had to say about this subject, also from the point of view that later on some human beings may be able to benefit from it when they read our discussion report, which I will retrieve and write down and which will then also be posted on our FIGU website.



I will talk about that later, if you really still want to then, because first Florena should tell you the explanations Ptaah ordered for you regarding the Corona plague, which he mentioned as significant to inform you.



This is indeed the case, so I have the following to explain on behalf of Ptaah: The WHO and also certain European and American authorities will again try to find out the origin of the Corona plague, but its germ cell cannot be fathomed and effectively does not want to be found, in order to keep the shame of treason away from America. Therefore, it will be that several times deliberately false theses and suppositions will be put forward to prove that the plague is of animal origin. However, we will have to talk about this again and again.


Another comment by Ptaah refers to unpleasant things from forecasts which show that in the next few weeks the majority of all precautionary measures and lockdowns regarding the Corona pandemic will be relaxed and in some cases completely lifted by state and authority decrees worldwide, thoughtlessly and irresponsibly. This lulls the populations of all countries into a false sense of security, which could possibly have serious consequences, about which, however, according to his order, no statements are to be made, about which I myself also lack personal knowledge. Ptaah explained that his foresight has shown that unthinkingly and irresponsibly far too early even the safety of the lockdown is being lifted and the non-use of respirators and non-resistance is being allowed, which in connection with new corona virus mutations could lead to further major outbreaks of contamination. He therefore recommends:


1. No one should get involved in these ill-considered decrees and irresponsibilities that will be issued in the near future by those responsible for the state and the authorities, but should behave correctly and responsibly according to their own sense and reason in each situation that arises.

1. 任何人都不應參與國家官員和當局在不久的將來所發佈的那些考慮不周的法令和這種不負責任的行為,而應該根據自己的智慧和理性,正確並負責地處理每一種狀況。

2. Respirators of class FFP2 should continue to be used when dealing with other persons who do not belong to the personally safe and disease-free handling area.

2. 在不保證個人安全和無病毒的區域與其他人打交道時,應該繼續使用FFP2級的防護口罩。


3. Like the wearing of respiratory masks of class FFP2, the necessary distance to other persons should also be kept, especially to strangers, while in the circle of close acquaintances and friends, further distances are not necessarily required if there is a certain degree of certainty regarding non-infection.

3. 如同配戴FFP2級防護口罩一樣,應與其他人保持必要的安全距離,特別是對陌生人,而在熟人和朋友圈中,如果在不會感染方面有一定的安全保障,則不一定需要保持某種距離。

4. Not wearing respirators or wearing inferior non-FFP2 masks, such as FFP1 and cloth masks, etc., should be refrained from because they offer no protection against the Corona virus and all its mutations. Wearing inferior masks is not only negligent, it is also irresponsible and a health hazard – possibly life-threatening.

4. 不配戴防護口罩或戴了劣質的非FFP2,如FFP1和布質口罩等,都應避免,因為它們不能對冠狀病毒及其所有變異病毒提供任何保護。配戴劣質口罩不僅是一種疏忽,而且是不負責任的,也會危害健康,甚至可能危及生命。

5. With regard to vaccinations against the Corona pandemic, we cannot and must not give any advice, because the pros and cons lie solely in the personal decision and responsibility of each human being.

5. 關於接種冠狀病毒疫苗,我們不能也不應該給出任何建議,因為無論是接受或是反對,完全在於每個人自己的決定和責任

These are the 5 important things that Ptaah wants explicitly mentioned.



I think this is all correct, good and right, but I also have to say that we at the FIGU adhere to this and do not give any advice as to whether someone should be vaccinated or not. Effectively, each human being has to decide for himself, use his intellect and decide everything personally after his own mature reflection according to reason and rationality.



That must be so and is important. But now let's move on to what I have to explain according to Ptaah's order: Throughout the world, human beings have been criminally abused as test subjects for dubious and dangerous vaccine tests through the use of negligent, testless or untested Corona disease vaccines without their knowledge. This inhuman and even criminal action and deed of the corresponding chemical and vaccine companies has not only led to very numerous negative effects and to much suffering, misery and suffering – which is deliberately concealed or kept secret – as many deaths and long-term illnesses, but also as late effects which will only occur after months, years or decades and whose origin and cause can then no longer be determined. This is in addition to the fact that various ailments etc. can be caused by the dangerous gene-based vaccines, whereby in the case of individual human beings it cannot be predicted how, when, whether and which reactions will or can occur as a result of a vaccination. In addition, a certain proportion of vaccinated people may not show any detectable corona symptoms, even though they carry corona impulses, so they may show changes in their blood levels in the same way as recognisable corona infected people. Our research also shows, as Ptaah explains, that spike proteins from corona viruses also cause blood clots, with D-dimers being formed in the blood as cleavage products.

必須這這樣做,而且是很重要的。但現在我必須根據Ptaah的指示,繼續作必要的說明:在全世界各國,由於普遍使用未經測試的冠狀病毒疫苗,大眾在不知情的情況下,身體被具有犯罪性質的濫用,成為可疑和危險疫苗的測試對象。有關的化學和疫苗公司這種不人道甚至是犯罪的行為和作法,不僅導致了無數的負面影響和太多的痛苦、不幸和苦難,這些痛苦和苦難被刻意掩蓋或保密,例如許多死亡和長期病患的案例,而且還將出現晚期的影響,這些影響會在幾個月、幾年或幾十年後才會出現,到那時,其來源和致病原因已無法確定。這一方面,除了危險的基因疫苗」(gene-based vaccines;指的是mRNA疫苗)可能引起各種疾病痛苦等之外,也無法在個人身上預測是否、何時、如何以及哪些反應會因接種疫苗而可能發生。此外,有一部分接種疫苗的人可能沒有表現出任何可察覺的冠狀病毒症狀,儘管他們身上帶有冠狀病毒的脈衝(impulses),因此他們和可識別的冠狀病毒感染者一樣,可能會發生血液值的變化。正如Ptaah的說明,我們的研究也表明,來自冠狀病毒的「刺突蛋白」(spike protein;又稱棘蛋白)也會導致血栓blood clots),血液中的D-二聚體(D-dimers)會形成裂解產物。

Ptaah further explains that small thromboses can also form unnoticed, using up clotting platelets, as our research and findings clearly prove. So the gene-based vaccines are absolutely not harmless, and not even then when completely irresponsible claims to the contrary are made.


In addition to all that has been mentioned so far, there are numerous other different symptoms that result from the various Corona vaccines in the human organism, some of which lead to death as well as to long-term damage and late effects, the cause of which is, however, concealed and denied, and will continue to be so in the future. Consequently, deaths and severe side effects will also result as long-term consequences and late effects far into the future, the fundamental cause of which, however, will – contrary to reality – no longer be sought in the Corona pandemic as well as in the dangerous gene-based vaccines, which are used unconscionably and irresponsibly untested, primarily as a result of greed for money and profit on the part of the vaccine manufacturers. And this unconscionability and irresponsibility is also given when, in various cases, a certain immunity against the Corona pandemic can be achieved through vaccinations, whereby this immunity may only last for a short time or be such that an infection can nevertheless arise and be spread, without an infection being detectable as a result of the vaccination. This is also related to the fact that impulse depositions of the disease occur, which are carried on and can thus produce new infections in this way, which could possibly persist for centuries and millennia and lead to new mutations and the outbreak of the disease again and again, as is similarly the case with influenza viruses. Ptaah explained that this peculiar phenomenon was completely unknown to the scientists responsible for it, because no scientific research had ever been carried out on the deposition of disease impulses, and all the necessary possibilities were lacking.

除了到目前為止提到的所有情況外,還有許多其他不同的症狀,這些症狀是由各種冠狀病毒疫苗在人體(human organism)內造成的,其中一些會導致長期傷害和後期影響甚至死亡,然而,造成這些的原因會被掩飾和否認,未來也將會如此。因此,嚴重的副作用和死亡,也就是長期的後果和晚期的影響,將在未來很長一段時間內發生,然而與現實的狀況相反,那些致病的根本原因將不會再去從冠狀病毒疫情以及危險的基因疫苗中尋找。使用這些未經完整測試的疫苗既不道德且不負責任,主要是由於那些疫苗製造商對牟取暴利的貪婪所致。如果在不同的情況下,通過接種疫苗可以獲得抵禦冠狀病毒的某種免疫力,然而這種免疫力一方面可能只是短暫的,另一方面卻可能出現再度感染並進一步傳播病毒,而且這種感染會在已經接種疫苗的情況下而降低警覺,這也是一種不負責任。這與冠狀病毒的脈衝沉積(impulse deposits)有關,這種脈衝沉積會延續下去,因此會產生新的感染,這種感染可能會持續幾個世紀或幾千年,並一再導致新的變異和疾病的爆發,正如流感病毒的情況一樣。此外,Ptaah解釋說,這種奇特的現象對負責它的科學來說是絕對未知的,因為從來沒有對冠狀病毒脈衝的主題進行過相關的科學研究,而到目前為止,這方面也缺少所有必要的可能性。

Ptaah went on to explain that the vaccines used up to now, which have still not been sufficiently tested, are toxic and therefore also have toxic effects. Among other things, the antibodies from these vaccines, some of which are very dangerous to health, are also transferred to the colostrum or the colostrum of the female sex and therefore also to the hormone prolactin, which is crucial for the formation of breast milk. This means, however, that newborns are already infected with the Corona virus through such infected breast milk, which can also cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract of infants. However, all these facts, as soon as they become known to the experts, especially also by the vaccine producers, are concealed and hidden from the common people, who, on the contrary, are encouraged to take untested vaccinations, unconscionably accepting suffering and illnesses and even the death of human beings, and all this just for the sake of filthy lucre.


In addition to all the information disclosed so far, it also emerges that spike protein develops in the organism of human beings as a result of the Corina virus, which, as soon as it enters the bloodstream, can cause severe to irreversible damage almost solely to the cardiovascular system. In addition, Ptaah further explained, the pathogenic spike protein also crosses the blood-brain barrier and also causes serious and irreversible brain damage, as well as blood clots and serious heart problems.


He goes on to explain that our research proves beyond doubt that vaccine nanoparticles penetrate the body's organs, accumulate in the blood and become highly concentrated in the bone marrow as well as in the liver, spleen and adrenal glands. In the female sex, our research clearly proves that the vaccine nanoparticles concentrate in the ovaries and lead to severe birth defects in newborns during pregnancies. However, symptoms of this kind have been occurring since the first vaccinations, which, as our observations and clarifications show, among other important information, is also concealed or denied to the public, such as the fact that the consequences of vaccinations can often be fever of over 38 degrees as well as joint pain, abdominal pain, headaches, diarrhoea, tiredness, hearing problems, vomiting, dizziness, shivering, nausea, shortness of breath and muscle pain, etc., even to the point of life-threatening or even fatal effects. These are thus some vaccination consequences to be mentioned – or can be – although these are determined by the negative susceptibility of the overall physical-organic constitution, such as a mentally negative attitude and thus a psychologically negative constitution. Negative consequences of vaccination result mainly from the degree of effectiveness of the immune system, although this degree is determined in particular by the human beings themselves, namely by their behaviour in relation to their entire way of life. Unpleasant susceptibilities with regard to the immune system arise mainly in the case of immunosuppression, namely because the body's own defence system or the immune system is forcibly suppressed by this. This results in particular from an organic disease or excessive physical or psychological stress, whereby addictions are particular risk factors and play a major role, but also a negative mental attitude, hypochondria, nicotine, an excess of caffeine and teaein. Also amphetamines, sniffing substances and even sports addiction, insufficient personal hygiene, tranquillisers, too little physical exercise, as well as the deliberate consumption of alcohol, drugs and medicines increase the susceptibility to infection, as do anorexia, bulimia nervosa, obesity, an incorrect diet and eating disorders, etc.

他進一步指出,我們的研究毫無疑問地證明,疫苗納米粒子(nanoparticles)會穿透身體器官,在血液中積累,並在骨髓以及肝臟、脾臟和腎上腺中高度集中。在女性方面,我們的研究清楚證明,疫苗納米粒子會集中在卵巢中,並在懷孕期間導致新生兒嚴重的出生缺陷。而從第一批疫苗接種開始,這種症狀就已經出現了但正如我們的觀察和釐清所顯示的那樣,這些症狀和其他重要的訊息也被隱瞞或否認了,例如,疫苗接種的後果,經常會出現38度以上的發燒,以及關節痛、腹痛、頭痛、腹瀉、疲勞、聽力問題、嘔吐、頭暈、發冷、噁心、呼吸急促和肌肉疼痛等,直至威脅到生命甚至導致喪命。因此,這些都是 —— 或者可能 —— 會出現的一些接種疫苗後果,而這些狀況,主要是由整個身體的負面敏感性(negative susceptibility)體質所決定的,例如,由思想的消極態度,導致精神上的負面體質。疫苗接種的負面後果主要是由免疫系統的效率所引起,但這在程度上主要是由個人本身所決定,也就是由他的行為與他的整個生活方式有關。有關免疫系統這種令人不快的敏感性(unpleasant susceptibilities)主要來自於一種免疫抑制immunosuppression),因為人體自身的防禦系統和免疫系統被強行抑制了。這尤其是由於器官機能疾病(organic disease)或過度的身體或心理壓力,其中成癮addiction)是特殊的風險因素,並發揮主要作用,但消極的心理態度、疑病症hypochondria)、尼古丁,以及過量的咖啡因和茶也有影響。此外,安非他命(amphetamines)、吸食管制藥品(sniffing substances)甚至運動成癮、個人衛生習慣不佳、使用鎮靜劑、體育鍛煉太少,以及故意飲酒、服用毒品和藥物都會增加感染的可能性;至於厭食症(anorexia)、神經性暴食症bulimia nervosa)、肥胖症、不正確的節食和飲食失調等也是如此。

There are various factors that I have to mention in this connection, such as how, in addition to a usual-normal transmission infection, an infection of the corona disease arises as a result of other serious additional factors, for which the human being bears personal responsibility in terms of his or her overall behaviour, etc. This is an effective fact. And this corresponds to an effective fact which, however, as we have always known from our research and observations, is denied by all the 'knowing' earthly disciplines of the medical faculties of all universities, such as especially by virology, epidemiology, infectiology, immunology, immunohaematology and psychology, because they are all too uneducated and too ignorant in these incidental disciplines and, moreover, also stuck-up, as you once 'conceded' to these persons.


What is to be explained further, according to Ptaah's instructions, corresponds to the fact that the Corona virus, like any virus at all, persists or persists permanently as a pathogen for thousands of years, because viruses that have once become active can be contained, minimised and made to disappear, but never eradicated. Contrary untrue claims of earthly virology and immunology etc. correspond to an ignorance or a deliberate untruth.


After an infection, the viruses, despite effective serum antibody dilution, and the antibody carriers themselves form potential sources of infection. Viral multiplication is usually inhibited by vaccines, but the vaccine substances never lead to convincing results with regard to each individual type of virus. Consequently, viruses can also never be eradicated, but only paralysed or their activity restricted for a shorter or longer period of time – even over millennia – although they can lapse into new activity again at any time.


If the pandemic infestation of the earthly world population is considered, then it is affected by the Corona virus in different regions and varies greatly in every respect between the industrialised countries and the Third World countries, because these developing countries are generally unrestrainedly disadvantaged and unconscionably exploited in every conceivable respect by the leaders, companies and corporations of the industrialised and ruling states, and the Third World peoples are driven into misery, hardship and ruin, into hunger and even death.


Further, I have to explain that dilutions for vaccines, for antibodies or antigens can only just give a positive antigen-antibody reaction, consequently the dilution level can just be shown positive in a diagnostic test. And because the dilution ration in chemistry corresponds to a different process, it is therefore to be explained that it is correctly said to be an antibody dilution.


If a vaccine dilution is to be meaningful, then it must be at least 4 times the existing basic dilution of the substance. However, if there is an increase, then this indicates that there is a fresh infection, whereas a decrease indicates that the infection has subsided. So it is also to be said that a single measurement of the whole is therefore often of little significance.


An increase is necessarily linked to the presence of the antibodies examined in each case, and since the production of antibodies only starts after approx. 10-16 days, an increase is also only detectable after 10-12 and more rarely after 14-16 days if an infection is suspected.


An explanatory approach to the whole of what I now have to call the biopsychosocial factor, which finds its development in disorders in those origins that are founded in physical levels as well as in thought-feeling-psychic levels as well as in the social level, provides an explanation. On the physical level, these are, for example, reactions in the consciousness and brain that occur during substance use of the various levels. On the psychological level, for example, certain thought and feeling patterns – such as a lack of self-esteem, hatred, lying, slander, revenge, retaliation and deviousness, etc. – can lead to substance use. On the social level, relationship groups also play an important role, such as peer groups, which are important for the human being as a primary social reference group.


All levels influence each other, and they are also crucial in determining the causes. Finally, the various factors contribute to a change in consciousness and in the brain, through which messenger substances are released in the brain that influence both the entire body system with all its organs, as well as consciousness. Various strenuous learning processes that require a lot of strength can also cause a weakening of the immune system and thus contribute to a virus infection. The changes in consciousness and brain in this way ultimately lead to the efforts creating negative thoughts and feelings, which have a negative effect on the psyche and weaken the immune system. However, the human being who becomes dependent on these changes does not perceive this, feels neither pleasure nor joy, but tiredness and falls into a bad mood, which has an overall negative and weakening effect on him.


In addition, certain situations in daily life can also have an equally weakening effect on the immune system, such as the appearance and smell of persons as well as certain foods and all kinds of substances. This leads to conditioning or to forms of stimulus-stimulus associations or stimulus-reaction associations or to repetitive couplings of stimuli or linkages of ideas that create psychological restlessness and behavioural patterns that have an immune-weakening effect. This means that the situation itself triggers risk factors in human beings that play a negative role in maintaining the immune system and weaken it instead of strengthening it.


The susceptibility to what is explained differs from human being to human being due to different hereditary, environmental, developmental, ethical, character and moral factors. Ultimately, then, it is an interplay of different factors that can increase the risk of – or protect against – immunodeficiency and thus infection by a virus.

由於不同的遺傳、環境、發育以及倫理、性格和道德因素,對所提及事物的易感性因人而異。因此,歸根結底,是不同因素的相互作用增加了免疫缺陷的風險,從而增加感染病毒的可能 ——反之,則可以保護其免受病毒感染。


Excuse me, everything you say and explain, Sfath has already taught me, to which, however, he also said that the whole thing would not be understood by all earthly scientific greats who would deal with virology, epidemiology and immunology etc. But he also said that the whole thing would never be considered, let alone accepted, by all the terrestrial scientists who deal with virology, epidemiology and immunology, etc. – and especially by our earthling superpsychologists who always want to know everything better anyway and think they are superintelligent and above their fellow human beings – because in their narrow-mindedness they are incapable of even the slightest intellectual and rational thought in this direction. But go on talking, for I only wanted to remark this in passing.

對不起,妳所說明的一切,Sfath已經教過我了,對這方面他還說,所有地球上處理病毒學、流行病學和免疫學等的科學大師—— 特別是超級心理學家,他們總是以為瞭解更多狀況,認為自己具有超級智商,高於人類同儕之上 ——由於他們的狹隘思維,甚至無法在這個方向上作出哪怕是一點點的理性思考。但請繼續說,我只是想順便提一下。


What you say, Ptaah has also already told me, and besides, I know much from his explanations, which he passes on to us from the records of Sfath, to inform us generally about what is of importance for us to know about your personality as well as about your abilities and all that you have learnt.


But now I want to mention the rest of what Ptaah told me to explain: As far as the risk of suffering an immune deficiency is concerned and thus more easily causing a viral infection, which will be denied by earthly virologists etc. – as Sfath has already explained to you, as you say – the most diverse individual factors of the individual human beings also play an important role in the whole thing, so also the environment in which the human being lives, acts and acts, as well as his behaviour, his life and learning characteristics and even all substances with which he comes into contact in one way or another. Together, these can induce and increase the risk of immune weakening to such an extent that they can lead to a viral infection practically without any other susceptibility. Therefore, various risk factors can occur, of which even virologists, epidemiologists, physicians and especially psychologists have no idea and will therefore deny everything, such as that hereditary, but also purely individual factors of a traditional, recent or current nature can be significantly involved in infections, such as:


1. Depression,

2. substances taken in childhood or in the course of life that have a lifelong effect,

3. Pressure to perform,

4. stress load,

5. high pressure to perform and compete,

6. Anxiety,

7. stressful personal circumstances,

8. Overstrain of any kind,

9. Sleep disorders or painful conditions,

10. mental disorders or illness,

11. Attention deficit,

12. Decision-making pressure,

13. Hyperactivity,

14. wrong social environment,

15. bad acquaintances, friendships or family relationships,

16. stressful or unpopular professional life or work,

17. Risk factors due to abuse of substances of all kinds, etc.?

18. interpersonal conflicts with parents, siblings, friends, acquaintances, strangers,

19. poor performance at school,

20. Underachievement,

21. Separation from a loved human being,

22. Death of a loved human being, etc.?


These are Ptaah's explanations for me to give you, to which I think I have named everything and forgotten nothing.



Thank you, and if it was not complete, you could always say it afterwards and elaborate. Anyway, thank you again. …


… … …




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