

Contact Report 826第826次接觸報告



最初英譯:20221202日,星期五,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20221207日,星期三,DeepL Translator, James Hsu










This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!




Hello everyone.


Greetings to you both, you, Bermunda, as well as you, Ptaah, are welcome to my humble den.



1. Thank you.


2. Greetings too, but I only come here because you called me, because I want to see the pictures Berke has finished regarding Menara's dress, as well as Asina's eyes, mouth and complexion.



Oh, I see.


Wait, these are them, look.


It is not how everything really was when I saw them both, but …

這不是我看到她們倆時的真正樣子,但 ...


3. I think it's quite passable, even though it does not correspond to how it really is. – They are both photographed now, so I will take it and let Menara see it and hear what she has to say about it.


4. The one of Asina I want to correct quickly, because the body colour resp. the face colour is much too faintly coloured green here, but here it is too strong.


5. In addition, the eyes are much too small in this picture and also too little off to the side, on the contrary, this is better here, but too little slanted downwards.


6. Make the eye on this one a little downwards …, yes, like this, then also the lip at the top a little bigger.


7. Good, then the eyebrows a little further down … That's good, … then I will go again, because I am on duty.

很好,然後眉毛再往下一點...很好,... 然後我要再回去,因為我在工作。

8. Goodbye, dear friend.



That was quite a short visit.


Goodbye too, Bermunda.



9. Yes, but I must go about my duty.



Yes, yes, I understand.


Goodbye, I was still glad you could come here for a moment.



10. It was also a pleasure for me to see you and to be able to greet you.


11. But now, goodbye.



And away she goes – it is a pity she is busy.


Then we can talk now.


Greetings and welcome again, Ptaah, dear friend.



1. Yes, greetings to you too, Eduard, dear friend.


2. Bermunda is indeed very dutiful.


3. She is currently assigned the task of observing what is happening in Ukraine.



The theatre there goes on, after all, because the idiots of various countries who supply weapons etc. to Ukraine have still not realised that Selensky wants to continue the war and is a real war addict who therefore does not want peace either.



4. That is indeed the case, and he also approves of the war crimes of his own military, which rages very viciously and also shoots prisoners of war, but which Selensky and all the anti-Russia journalists and war-watchers vehemently deny, who are also not allowed access to those places where the crimes of the Ukrainian military take place.


5. Selensky is a war addict who even aspires to a great world war and hopes that he can take a leading position in it.

澤連斯基是一個好戰成癮者war addict),他甚至渴望一場偉大的世界大戰,並希望自己能在戰爭中佔有主導地位

6. The guilty parties, however, are all the leaders and those from the populations who supported and still support the delivery of weapons, which means that a war is still being waged in Ukraine that would have ended within 16 days if no weapons had been delivered, as we have now thoroughly investigated and have also seen that the Ukrainian army is firing at and destroying its own achievements with weapons that have been delivered, but then falsely blames this on the Russians.


7. The fact that the war continues – which is actually being waged by the Western states because they are supplying weapons to Ukraine in order to destroy Russia – and that many human beings are dying and immense destruction is solely due to the support of the state leaders and their arms supplies as well as those sections of the population, who interfere in the war in a partisan way and thus continue to allow the war-mongering leader Selensky to indulge in his ambition, who can hypnotically influence the really stupid leaders of various states and also stupid sections of the population, whereby weapons continue to be supplied and many deaths and destruction are to be mourned.

戰爭仍在繼續 —— 實際上是由西方國家發動的,因為他們向烏克蘭提供武器以摧毀俄羅斯 —— 而且許多人正在死亡,並造成重大的破壞,這一事實只能歸咎於那些國家領導人的支持和他們的武器供應,還有以黨派立場干涉戰爭的那部分人,從而繼續讓戰爭狂熱頭子澤連斯基沉溺於他的野心中,他以催眠的方式影響各國愚蠢的領導人和人民中愚蠢的那部分人,從而繼續提供武器,並令人為許多死亡和破壞感到哀悼。

8. However, the most diverse state leaders from various states, as well as large parts of the populations, close their eyes and all their senses to this out of sheer stupidity.



That's what I also wanted to say, although it's actually pointless to say anything, precisely about what can or will happen, so that one makes a prophetic effort, because the majority of humanity is as stupid and simple-minded as those in power, who do everything to ensure that the world is in disorder and whose security is endangered in every respect.


Basically, unfortunately, there are people in power, as has always been the case, who have no idea whatsoever about how a people should really be led and guided correctly.


When I think of all that Sfath has explained to me in this regard concerning the leadership of a people and only of a few human beings, then here on Earth the rulers are doing exactly the opposite of what should be done resp. how they should be governed.


This is the way it has been since time immemorial, with very, very few exceptions in the case of rulers, who, however, have hardly had the opportunity to assert themselves.



9. Which indeed corresponds to what really always was and still is, which is why you have also been hostile and harassed throughout your life, leading up to assassination attempts and threats, which you are still threatened with today.


10. For this reason, we have been exploring the future for some time to find out what it holds.


11. Your security is somewhat better since you have been careful to set up a special surveillance of the FIGU area, but 100% security is not given, as recently proved by the shot that could have hit Mariann or Willem, who were sitting in the field of fire in front of you.


12. Fortunately, however, it happened that the shooter …

然而,幸運的是,槍手發生了 ...


… it turned out well.

... 幸好結果沒事。

Besides, 25 times is really enough, and the police did not do anything and just made a mockery of everything, except once, when I was shot in the arm and a police report was made, but that was only because Dr Radakrishnan insisted on it, who was there, together with Mrs Fisk and Miss Crystal Rogers, when I was shot.

此外,25次真的是夠了,而員警什麼也沒做,只是把一切都當成了笑話,只有一次,我的胳膊中了槍,員警為此作了報告,但那也只是因為Radakrishnan博士的堅持,我中槍時,他和Fisk夫人以及Crystal Rogers小姐都在場。

But we should not talk about that anymore.


But for you to fathom the future to find out what will come about concerning me, I suppose that is superfluous, for I am – even in purely earthly terms – no longer the youngest.

但是,對於你們來說,要想知道關於我的未來會發生什麼,我想那是多餘的,因為我 —— 即使在純粹地球人的角度來看,也已經不再年輕了。


13. I also know that, like everything you say, but in spite of your investment you will not be absolutely sure, because … But let us leave this subject, you are right.

我也知道,就像你說的一切,但儘管你們有所預防,你也不會有絕對的把握,因為 ... 但讓我們離開這個話題,你是對的。

14. Let us turn to the other things we have been talking about. – In particular, America is at the forefront of the drive for world war, because its desire for world domination will stop at no devious intrigue and dishonesty to achieve its secret and reprehensible aims.


15. This also includes the concealment of war crimes by the Ukrainian army, about which America is well informed, but tolerates everything and ensures that only the war crimes of the Russian side become public.


16. This, however, is also mainly the politicians of Germany and the European Union who give free rein to their hostility towards Russia, in particular this man Scholz, as well as the clueless and boastful woman called Baerbock and, in the European Union, the equally clueless Mrs von der Leyen.

然而,這也主要是指德國和歐盟的那些政治人物,他們放任對俄羅斯的敵意,特別是這個叫蕭茲Scholz)的人,以及那個叫貝伯克Baerbock)的愚蠢而自負的女人,以及歐盟中那個同樣愚蠢的馮德萊恩von der Leyen)夫人。

17. But they also include all those leaders of various states – especially America's leaders, who are speculating on world domination and the downfall of Russia – who supply weapons etc. to the warmonger Selensky.

但他們也包括所有那些向好戰的澤連斯基提供武器等的各國領導人 —— 尤其是美國的領導人,他們正在寄望著世界的統治和俄羅斯的衰落。


We do not need to talk about that anymore, because it will not do any good anyway, so that the guilty Selensky supporters and arms suppliers would be taught better and finally realise what is actually going on in Ukraine.


Of course, both sides of the war are committing war crimes, but it is only reported one-sidedly, consequently Ukraine is lifted to heaven, but Russia is promoted to hell.


This one-sided war reporting is not justified and misleading, but the idiotic rulers of the countries supplying weapons to Selensky do not realise this.


This also applies to that part of their populations which foolishly and stupidly supports the arms deliveries and helps Selensky in his delusions of power and war so that he can continue to indulge in them.


This war is a form of a strange world war, because various countries are interfering and supplying weapons to Selensky without thinking.


However, all those who believe everything Selensky says and see him as a hero do not consider this.


This is despite the fact that thousands of human beings are being murdered by the war through his fault.


And that that part of the USA trabants of the rulers is behind everything, who speculate on world domination with everything and have been working towards it for about 250 years, is neither considered nor understood by the stupid ones.


The hammer, of course, is the missile attack on Poland, which was probably intended to blame the Russians for the whole thing.


I do not think that they are any better than the Ukrainians and that there are also many war criminals among them, but the fact that they are still acting underhandedly indicates to me that the USA has its dirty hands in this matter, because they probably think that this will enable them to realise their plans for hegemony better and faster.



18. It is correct, however, that many of the war crimes committed by the Ukrainian army and for which the Russians are blamed, although they have nothing to do with it, create the enmity of those pro-Ukraine and supporters of Selensky who do not bother to judge and think for themselves, but simply believe what is unilaterally thrown at them as information.


19. Many of the Russian soldiers are very young and not yet as 'hardened' as you once said, that they would have degenerated.


20. As for the rocket fire into Poland, this was done calculatingly with old Russian-made rockets, deliberately fired into Poland to mislead Poland and the world and deliberately blame Russia for this wrong and underhand action.


21. However, as we also see time and again in various other criminal incidents, war crimes and military actions are being carried out by the Ukrainian army in various places, blaming the Russian military for this, although they really have nothing to do with it.


22. Of course, it is the case that the Russian military are also guilty of egregious war crimes, which unfortunately cannot be denied, but they do not blame the other side for this, as is done by the Ukrainian side, thereby misleading those who stand helpfully by Ukraine and are deceived.



Yes, but Bermunda also told me that some time ago, and the thing with the missiles on Polish territory went wrong because it was suspected that these projectiles 'accidentally' hit Poland.


But talking about it is really like carrying water into the Rhine, because the uninformed part of the human beings who foolishly do not think and consequently stupidly simply take sides and champion one side or the other cannot be taught.


This also applies to those stupid and idiotic people in Switzerland who made and continue to make a pig of our country's neutrality because they are not at all responsible, nor can they think.


Just by taking and applying any sanctions against Russia as well as against any other country, neutrality is not only violated but destroyed.


This is also true when money is spoken for and paid out to a party that is in a clinch with another party, thus helping one and disadvantaging the other.


But it is absolutely impossible to make this clear and understandable to stupid idiots, especially when they sit in government and think that they are now more than the ordinary citizenry, from whom they are also paid horrendously, for which they have to pay taxes.


But let's leave it at that, because all the talking is useless, because the majority of the peoples worldwide are behind those idiots in the governments who are incapable of logic, understanding and reason.


Something that is consistently proven with the senseless war in Ukraine and with the arms deliveries to Selensky, as well as by the endorsements of those parts of the population of various countries that are partisan … oh, let's not go there, because it's useless anyway.

這方面在烏克蘭的無意義戰爭和向澤連斯基運送武器,以及各國部分民眾對黨派的認可中不斷得到了證明 ... 哦,我們不說這個了,因為反正也沒有用。


23. That is so – in fact.



Yes, that's just what I think, so it's better if we talk about something else, like I was talking to Michael about time, how that is an earthly invention after all.


You Plejaren do not know the concept of time, which is why Michael wonders how you handle everything in order to cope with everything you have to do.


Unfortunately, however, it is very difficult for the earthling, who is time-dependent, to understand the whole of duration and how to cope with it without the concept of time, which is why I do not want to go into it here in order to explain what is not understood after all.


To be honest, I did not understand the whole thing as a boy either, and it was only when Sfath explained it all to me that I got it.


So I would better keep my mouth shut and not try to explain everything again, precisely because the whole thing is beyond the earthling's intellectual horizon.


Consequently, I think it is pointless to ever try to explain how you come to terms with duration.





Well, good: time is relative and divided by human beings into exactly 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours for a day.


Furthermore, 365 days are 1 year, while 7 days are 1 week, 1 month is 4.34524 weeks and 52.1429 weeks are 1 year.

此外,1年是365天,1週而是7天,1個月是4.34524週, 1年是52.1429週。

These are human calculations, but time is nevertheless, in my opinion, deeply relative.


But if I want to describe time, then the following results: In the beginning there was the so-called Big Bang, whereby our Creation resp. our Universe came into being from an infinitely tiny point, whereby I have endeavoured to describe the preliminary process up to that point in my book Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ursprung.

但如果我想描述時間,那麼就會出現以下結果:起初有所謂的大爆炸」(Big Bang;又稱「大霹靂」),我們的創世宇宙」(CreationUniverse就是從一個無限小的點而產生,我在《Ur-Ur-Ur-Ursprung》一書中已盡力描述到這方面的初始過程。

Our Creation, which is the 7-fold universe in 7 different dimensions, but which does not form the cosmos, is for the human beings of the Earth, and in particular for the cosmologists resp. astronomers, simply the cosmos.


But the truth is that the cosmos is nothing other than the material belt, whereby space has always existed, precisely since the Creation resp. the universe has existed.

但事實是,這個宇宙只不過是一個物質帶」(material belt),這個空間一直存在,正是因為「創世宇宙」的存在。

This, if I may say so, hovers timelessly in the 'Endless Duration' in the 'Nihilo' resp. in the 'Absolute Nothing' or 'Nothing-Space', if I am to define this in earthly terms, so that we understand what is meant.

如果我可以這樣說的話,它永恆盤旋在“無盡的時間”(Endless Duration)中,在“虛無”(Nihilo);也就是“絕對虛無”(Absolute Nothing)或“虛無空間”(Nothing-Space)中,如果我用地球上的術語來定義它,這樣我們就能理解它的含義。

If the universe is considered, i.e. the Creation, then for us only that and the dimension in which we live is to be seen, while, however, 6 further and other dimensions exist alongside it.


In addition, our universe has 7 belts, namely 6 space belts that consist of gaseous matter, while the material belt is generally called the cosmos by astronomers and earthlings.


Three of the gaseous belts are located in front of the material belt, and three more are located behind, which, however, enclose the material belt as a whole, whereby it already becomes clear that the material belt resp. the cosmos floats or exists as the fourth belt between the six others in the middle.



Our astronomers etc., however, have since time immemorial made a completely false picture of the whole, just as they are not to be taught about reality and its truth, as is unfortunately also the case in every respect with the majority of earthlings.


The universe is also not infinitely large, and it has not always been there, as certain scientists etc. assume, because its existence came into being and will also have an end again, but completely differently than earthly astronomers etc. imagine.


That a change resp. a constant renewal of the galaxies and the universe takes place every 49 billion (49,000,000,000) years is obviously also unknown to our astronomers, that there are galaxies up to 12 times bigger than the Milky Way, such huge spiral galaxies that they seem to be infinite.


But back to the explanation regarding time: In earlier times, burning candles were used to measure certain durations, not time, but durations.


These candles were precisely weighed and provided with markings carved on the side, which served to measure a certain duration that the candle needed to burn.


So there was no time, only a certain duration that was needed during which, for example, something had to be done.


If you like, you can say that this kind of permanent meter was a 'timekeeper'.


At that time, human beings had not yet invented 'time'.


The permanent knives served as 'timekeepers', just like nails, among other things, which were inserted into wax candles and fell down when they reached the point that was calculated for a certain duration and made a noise when they fell down.


So that shaped the duration in early history, which was then followed by the time, and that was at the end of the Middle Ages, about 600 years ago, when the idea of a mechanical alarm clock came about.


As far as I know from Sfath, this actual alarm clock was invented in Italy, by a Benedictine monk in a monastery not far from Milan.


The monk, he was called Fratello Arminius, I remember, was very concerned about keeping to prayer times, which is why he invented the alarm clock, which then actually led to the origin of the development of the clock.

我記得這位修士名叫Fratello Arminius,他非常在意遵守祈禱時間,這就是為什麼他發明了鬧鐘,然後實際上就成了時鐘發展的起源。

Well, what I learnt was that time is finite and does not expand infinitely and is not of only one dimension as 'scientists' claim.


Thus, the past, present and future are not uniquely fixed, but are changeable in themselves through a wide variety of dimensions, which means that there are an infinite number of dimensions to the past and future, while the present has only the dimension of the moment.


What I learned and could see on all the various time journeys with Sfath, the ancient Egyptians already had all kinds of methods to divide the day; among other things, I could see that the day was divided according to the position of the sun, for which even large obelisks were used on which the movement of the sun was tracked, which I also saw, for example, with Sfath in the city of Tunis or Tanis, or whatever it was called.


Also, when I was able to see the huge lighthouse in Alexandria back in the past – Sfath said at the time that this tower was about 111 metres high – there was a stone structure next to it that also had a solar altimeter on it.

另外,當我過去能夠看到亞歷山大港Alexandria)的巨大燈塔時 —— Sfath當時說這個塔大約有111公尺高 —— 旁邊有一個石頭結構,上面也有一個太陽高度計。

During my travels with Sfath, I got to know that observations of the celestial bodies were already being made at that time, after which calculations were made that were probably based on distances, but which I did not understand, as I was also not interested in, because, as Sfath told me, they were wrong anyway.


It was also the case at that time that a scorpion was very important in an Egyptian kingdom, why I do not know, it was about 3,000 years ago or so, if I remember correctly, because human beings spoke of it, as well as the position of the sun, as I could understand with Sfath's language device.


Water clocks, I also know, were among the first 'timekeepers', the division of the day into twelve parts coming from that, which probably comes from the sundials of the ancient Egyptians, where the division of the day was done with the help of sunlight.

我還知道,水鐘water clocks)是最早的“計時工具”之一,將一天分為十二個部分的作法就是來自於此,這可能來自於古埃及人的日晷sundials),在那裡,一天時間的劃分是借助於太陽光照射的位置計算的。

I know that Egyptian astronomers also discovered over 30 stars, which then divided the sky into equal parts.


Then somewhere, I do not remember where, but I remember that it was 5,000 or 6,000 years ago, I saw a kind of sundial made of clay or something, into which a wooden stick was stuck, which cast a shadow on the plate in which it was stuck.



24. With Sfath, my father, you were often travelling in Egypt, consequently you experienced things that ….



… yes, that was the case, so I know what …, but I'm supposed to keep quiet about it, which is also certainly good.

... 是的,就是這樣,所以我知道 ...,但我應該對此事保持沉默,我相信這樣才對。

And I also stick to that.


But then I still have …



25. … unfortunately I have to go away.


26. But I will be back, which will apparently be in the early hours of the morning.


27. So until then, goodbye, Eduard.



So be it. – Goodbye, Ptaah.


接觸時間:20221124日,星期四, 0747


There you are again, be welcome and greetings again.



28. My recall was really very important.


29. However, be greeted again, Eduard, my friend.



I guess that is so, that it was important to recall you, because they do not recall you for nothing.


But I do not think we need to talk about that, but I think I have to say something about overpopulation, because the protesters who demonstrate against pollution, especially in countries like Germany, are getting stupider and more idiotic overall.


What they are offering is completely irrational, criminal and even terroristic, especially the 'last generation' who have recently been demonstrating in a stupid way in Germany and who demonstratively stick their hands to the floor or walls, besides damaging or destroying cultural property in their stupidity, that is unacceptable.


But I have already mentioned this several times, also that the demonstrators really do not know what they are demonstrating for, and also that the demonstrators – mostly young or younger and extremely inexperienced earthlings – simply want to freak out and make themselves important, that is the truth.

但我已經多次提到這一點,還有,示威者確實不知道他們在示威什麼,以及示威者 —— 大多是年輕或更年輕的、極沒有經驗的地球人 —— 只是想發飆,讓自己變得重要,這是事實。

But the fact that the demonstrators do not really know what they want to make themselves important for, and that they are terrorising and causing irreparable damage and endangering lives, is really the bottom of the barrel of stupidity and unreasonableness.


All these stupid demonstrators of both sexes, however, do not care about what really and truly is the full truth and the reason for all the disasters and the destruction of the environment, the destruction and the extinction of the diverse life of nature and its fauna and flora, but ultimately also of the human beings themselves, namely the ever more and more rampant overpopulation.


But these demonstrators, addicted to sheer stupidity and consequently to non-thinking, do not want to pay any attention to this, because it affects them and they make themselves guilty.


This is because they themselves promote the whole evil of environmental destruction, namely because they again produce more and more offspring, who then have needs that are naturally fulfilled, such as food, clothes, vehicles, luxury articles and so on.


The resulting waste is then simply thrown away senselessly, thoughtlessly and irresponsibly in the open countryside, thus causing environmental destruction.


This is in addition to the fact that the production and transport of all commodities for the offspring and overpopulation, as well as for the stupid demonstrators themselves, produces a lot of waste.


This, just as poisons are also spread by agriculture for the cultivation of food and for the extermination of insects, but just as all production processes and transports of all commodities also produce vast quantities of poisonous gases and exhaust gases etc., which then cause environmental destruction and even burden the life of human beings as well as fauna and flora.


In this way, many living beings of nature and the human beings themselves are affected by the environmental pollution and become life-destroyingly ill.


They all suffer painfully until they die – and this happens until the death of the living beings, as well as the human beings, who languish miserably.

他們都在痛苦中煎熬,直到死亡 —— 這種情況一直發生,直到活著的生物和人類在悲慘中死去。

But all this is not considered by the effectively stupid demonstrators, who demonstrate stupidly and blame only the governments for everything, but are themselves the greatest evil of all environmental pollution and destruction and the culprits.


This is because they are the ones who bring offspring into the world who do even more to further pollution and environmental destruction.


But this is not thought about, but senselessly blaming the governments for it, just by demonstrating stupidly, senselessly and idiotically and causing harm, such as endangering human lives etc.


Of course, many governments are out of place and useless in their office, but it is not their fault that the demonstrators are stupid and idiotic, that they do not think for themselves and do exactly the opposite of what should be done to stop and end environmental pollution and destruction.


That it is in fact they themselves who are doing everything to ensure that the great evil can continue to rage, because they cannot let go of the 'beautiful' procreation and the bringing forth of offspring, because they are in no way willing to think about it thoroughly logically, intelligently and responsibly and to act in accordance with what the need requires, that is why the foreseeable disaster will not be avoidable.


So why pollution and general destruction of the environment can be so rampant in the first place, and where the evil comes from in the first place, is something all the stupid and sick demonstrators do not want to know.


Apparently, it is much easier for them to indulge in stupidity than to use their brains to think, to recognise the evil and to do something about it themselves, namely to stop procreating and simply let it go.


This is because it alone reduces the mass of overpopulation, which is responsible for the fact that the entire environment is polluted, everything and the entire environment is destroyed, the Earth is robbed of its resources and exploited, the air is polluted, climate change is rampant, as well as the plant and animal kingdoms and the entire world of living beings in general are becoming more and more extinct and the world in and of itself is gradually being completely destroyed.


And this as a result of overpopulation, whose needs are increasing higher and higher, especially because more and more human beings are being born, who in turn have high needs that have to be fulfilled and contribute more and more to the fact that ultimately there is no further progress of life as a result.


In particular, through the growing needs of the ever more and more and completely rampant offspring, all the last remaining resources are being snatched from the planet and it is being completely killed off, just as the planet's surface is being destroyed, everything of the environment is being poisoned and polluted by waste, nature and also its fauna and flora as well as all life itself is being destroyed, annihilated and wiped out.


We have already seen everything that is in the offing when your father Sfath and I were often travelling in the time of the future and saw everything that is in the offing, what fools do, how they cause harm and no one can be taught any better.


中譯者註:有關「人口過剩」(overpopulation)這個議題;或更精確的說是「人口過多」(Human overpopulation),人口過多討論的是整個人類數量和環境之間的關係。人口過多可以由出生率增加、死亡率降低、移民湧入、生物群系不可持續或資源枯竭造成







30. Yes, that you undertook many strolls with Sfath, my father, into the future and also into past ages, that is recorded in his annals, as also that you observed much in future times, but about which you are to keep silent concerning … and other occurrences.

是的,你和我父親Sfath一起多次逗留在未來和過去的時代,這在他的《大事記要》(annals)中有記載,你也觀察到未來時代的許多事情,但關於 ... 這些事情和其他事件你要保持沉默。

31. However, he did not record all those things that you observed and saw, also with which persons you were able to speak apart from well-known persons.


32. This, however, would be of particular interest to me.



Yes, at that time it was indeed like that, I never forget that, but when and where it was everywhere, I do not remember.


What I do remember is that it was once close to the time of 300,000 years ago, then once in primeval Egypt, which was about 75,000 years ago, but most of the visits there were always in times that were between about 2,500 and 25,000 or so.


So that is apart from the trips back to very ancient times, when the first vegetation on Earth was formed.


But I do not really want to talk about that, because all the things I've heard about …

但我真的不想談這個,因為我所聽到的所有事情 ...

So it is better to keep your mouth shut.


What I still want to say is this: Sfath once let me see that even then there were drugs through which human beings became intoxicated.


This was not only in Egypt, for example, where I saw how it is with human beings in this respect and how they behave when they artificially put themselves into a poisonous intoxication.


I saw the reaction of some people who had dipped a flower in a liquid and then eaten it, after which they behaved very uncontrollably.


The flower, according to Sfath's explanation, was from a plant he called lotus or something.


There was also a coca plant, which at that time was still indigenous somewhere in the south of Africa and grew there, which was occasionally used by Egyptians, also as an intoxicant resp. as an early cocaine.


Drugs were already used thousands of years ago in many places in the world, not just today.


In addition, I think that drug prohibitions are not exactly a good means of combating drugs – a Swiss in America has made it a punishable offence, which was probably not very clever, because in my opinion a prohibition only encourages their illegal trade and thus crime and criminality, up to and including murder and manslaughter, because what is prohibited is all the more tempting.

此外,我認為禁止毒品並不完全是打擊毒品的好手段 —— 一個瑞士裔的美國人把它訂為一種應受懲罰的罪行,這可能不是很聰明,因為在我看來,禁止毒品只會鼓勵它們的非法交易,從而鼓勵違法行爲和犯罪活動,直到發生謀殺和過失殺人事件,因為被禁止的東西會更有誘惑力。


33. That is unfortunately the case – at least on Earth.

不幸情況就是這樣 —— 至少在地球上是這樣。

34. Moreover, many other things are misunderstood, misinterpreted, assumed and asserted, which do not correspond to reality and truth.


35. It prevails like a disease among Earth-humans that assumptions and presumptions are spread for assertion and ultimately as truth, allowing misinformation to take hold as real, truthful results.



I know that, and it is especially true in ancient studies, by which I mean mainly archaeology and all related fields.


Unfortunately, many things are still unknown, misjudged, defined and incorrect, or deliberately distorted out of selfishness and grandiosity or something like that, so that it is difficult to get through with the truth.


And very often this happens because of incorrect and even false assumptions, as well as false assertions and simply assumptions etc. that alleged 'truths' become naturalised, which are vehemently advocated.


So also, for example, with regard to extraterrestrials who really came here, such as the long-skull ones who came from outer space and … to Earth, as Sfath said, but which I should not say and keep silent about.

同樣,舉個例子,關於那些真正來到這裡的外星人例如長頭骨族」(long-skull),他們從外太空和 ... 來到地球,正如Sfath所說,但我不應該說說出來並繼續保持沉默。

However, they were human beings who were also able to mix with the human beings and did so, such as the long skulls and the giants and dwarves, of whom there is talk in fairy tales, who had taught and taught the early earthlings many things.


Also with regard to the 'foreigners' … we must be silent, because … That extraterrestrials were here in early times, like …, this is vehemently denied, not only by many earthlings of the peoples, but also by unteachable scientists, as well as by those who really know better and have solid evidence for the existence of the far travellers and the ….

關於「外星人」(foreigners... 我們必須保持沉默,因為 ... 外星人在早期就在這裡,就像 ...但這方面卻被強烈否認,不僅是許多地球一般民眾,還有那些不可教化的科學家,以及那些真正瞭解並有確鑿證據能證明遠來者(far travellers)和 ... 存在的人。

Well, the fact that these 'foreigners', as we call them in each case, although we know about their origin – along with the other … about whom we are supposed to keep our mouths shut anyway – were here after all and that their distant descendants are still here, is something that the triple-smart people do not want to admit, or it is simply concealed against their better knowledge.

好吧,這些外星人」,正如我們在各種情況下對他們的稱呼,雖然我們知道他們的起源 —— 連同其他 ... 反正我們應該閉口不談 —— 畢竟都在這裡而且他們的遠方後裔仍然在這裡,這是“絕頂聰明”(triple-smart)的人不願意承認的事情,或者這樣只是為了掩蓋他們更多的訊息。

This is just as common as the governments also conceal a great deal from the peoples and classify it as a 'secret matter', about which, however, the peoples should be informed.


This, as certain governments and military also know exactly and have proof that you Plejaren really exist and are not simply a figment of my imagination.


However, they do not know that you do not come from this universe but from another universe of our Creation, because they have to rely on my information.

然而,他們不知道你們不是來自這個宇宙,而是來自我們宇宙的另一個「創世宇宙」(universe of our Creation),因為他們必須依賴我的資訊。

Also that the Creation consists of 7 universes and consequently has different 7 dimensions, which are, however, completely separated from each other – which in turn have in themselves an infinite number of dimensions of the past and the future – that they – as well as astronomers and others – can of course not comprehend, as well as astrologers and cosmologists etc., who after all have no idea of the reality of the whole.

另外,「創世宇宙」由七個宇宙帶組成,因此有不同的七個維度,然而這些維度是完全相互分離的 —— 這些維度本身又有無限多的過去和未來 —— 他們 —— 以及天文學家和其他人 —— 當然不能理解,還有占星家和宇宙學家等,他們畢竟不知道整體的現實。

As Sfath said, the majority of Earth-humans and even life-forms with highly developed forms of consciousness of very modern civilisations on foreign planets of our cosmos would not understand this, even though they would be able to travel through world-space and travel in time.


Since you can shield yourselves resp. protect yourselves against any sighting and locating, even those who have travelled far away from the depths of the cosmos, as well as …, are not able to perceive you.

由於你們可以遮罩(shield)自己,保護自己不被發現和定位,即使那些從宇宙深處遠道而來的人,以及 ...,也無法感知到你們。

That they or the Earthlings could even get hold of you remains as impossible as that the really dead can rise again, for the foreigners and the human beings of the Earth cannot penetrate into your universe, and besides, you are careful – just in case – that your transitions into your space-time structure resp. into the universe cannot be determined.

他們或地球人甚至想要掌握你們的行蹤,但仍然像要使真正的死人復活一樣不可能,因為外星人和地球人不能滲透進你們的宇宙,此外,你們也很小心 —— 以防萬一 —— 你們在進入你們的時空結構或宇宙中的過渡階段,不能被確定。


36. That is all correct, but we do not have to explain that specifically, because …

這都是正確的,但我們不必具體解釋,因為 ...


… yes, we have already talked about it several times.

... 是的,我們已經談了好幾次了。

Also once I am gone from this world, it will be impossible because you will withdraw for good.



37. That will be so, yes.


38. But the fixed course of events will automatically be preserved for the preordained, and that will be until the year 3999. But I am interested in some of the past from your mouth.


39. If you want to tell some things in your own words?



By which you are undoubtedly referring to the FIGUans with the predestined.


Well, what was from the past, back then, to come back to your question, which is not directly related to that: What I can tell you myself is that – when the FIGU was not yet founded in the 1940s and therefore did not exist – I was digging around in the past with your father, for example in Teotihuacán, where human sacrifices were common.

好吧,回到你的問題上來,那是過去的事情,這與你的問題沒有直接關係:我自己可以告訴你的是 —— FIGU1940年代還沒有成立,因此還不存在的時候 —— 我和你父親一起在過去四處發掘,例如在特奧蒂瓦坎Teotihuacán),那裡的人祭human sacrifices)很普遍。

There they mainly massacred and beheaded captured foreign human beings, but also local people.


First they had to work hard, often in tunnel construction etc., then their heads were chopped off or they were buried alive.


All this took place in honour of the 'Feathered Serpent' resp. the serpent god Quetzalcoatl, who was the creator god of the wind, the sky and the Earth, and he was also the ocean, and the largest pyramid ever seen in the world was built in his honour.

所有這些都是為了紀念「羽蛇神」(Feathered Serpent),也就是蛇神「魁札爾科亞特爾」(serpent god Quetzalcoatl),他是風、天空和大地的「創造神」(creator god),他也是海洋,而且世界上最大的金字塔就是為了紀念他而建造的。

But also the journeys to Egypt at that time are to be mentioned, especially the long-skulled people, who were strongly represented there, as they also established themselves as a people in South America, as well as somewhere in Asia, from which many Huns later emerged as descendants.


They then spread westwards, especially under the leadership of Attila, who carried out war campaigns in the west, and his warriors spread out there and of course multiplied with local women.


The long-distance travellers from the cosmos were 'compatible' with the human beings and also mingled with the human beings' women, whereby their tendency for long skulls spread in such a manner that the humans of various regions imitated their long-skulls, namely by binding their newborns' heads so that they deformed and the skulls became longer, so that over the years long-skulls also became common among certain human beings.


In rare cases, this long skull has been preserved from ancient times until today, so that it can sporadically happen that a very distant descendant of the long skulls is born again, but as a pure earthling, whereby the long skull breaks through again in a genetically visible way.


An absolute rarity, but nevertheless effective, even if no one shouts about it and no human being knows about the connections.


This also applies to the giants who, as I remember, were about 2.70 m tall, next to whom Sfath and I looked like dwarves.


But to tell everything in more detail now, I would actually like to avoid that, so I would rather be able to do that outside of our open conversations.



40. That is perhaps also more sensible.



Exactly, that's what I mean.



41. Then so be it. – But it must be very difficult for you to come to terms with all that is occurring on Earth today through humanity in terms of destruction, damage and annihilation and of all that is natural and of all life, as well as in terms of all the many precious and rare achievements of Earth's humanity.



Tell me about it – – yes, it really is.

那還用說 —— 是的,的確是這樣。

You can really say that aloud.


Talking and explaining is of no use, because people do not even listen when something warning is said.


Only a few human beings really listen, work on themselves and take everything seriously and act accordingly, which makes them feel better themselves, as I sometimes experience.


So also only these do something to do the correct thing against the destruction of nature, fauna and flora.


In particular, they do not listen when something is said against the too great humanity, which has multiplied horrendously beyond any reasonable measure.


On the contrary, when something is said against overpopulation, the response is a nasty insult and a rebuttal that the Bible says 'go and multiply'.

反之,當有人說反對人口過剩時,得到的回應是討厭的侮辱和反駁,說《聖經》上說“去繁殖”(go and multiply)。

It could not be more stupid, because that is the highest level of Earth's human Intelligentum of the majority of Earth-humans.


It really was better in the past, even if this is contradicted by 'brainiacs' and they say: "Oh, you old farts, your better past – you're dreaming." But it really and in all truth is the case that things were better in the past; the earthlings were not as stupid and dumb as they are today, because there was much more thinking, decision-making and correct action.

過去確實更好,即使這被那些“聰明人”(brainiacs)反駁,他們說:「哦,你們這些老傢伙,你們的過去更好 —— 你們在作夢。」但事實是,過去的情況確實更好;地球人並不像今天這樣愚蠢和笨拙,因為有更多正確的思考、決策與行動

The majority of humanity was still modest and not mendacious to the end, and also the greed for money was not as great as it is today, since many millions and even billions are hunted down and also litigated, mostly with lies and wicked slander.


In addition, completely unfounded accusations, lies, hate slander, misunderstandings and assumptions etc. of alleged rapes and other sexual abuse etc. are often cited, which have no basis in fact.


Hate and revenge and retaliation are also often behind such allegations, but that is not really what I want to talk about.


What is happening is that pathologically stupid people, such as demonstrators and also religionists, as well as stupid rulers, are claiming that overpopulation is not a problem, contrary to the effective truth.


This ill-considered and false assertion, which contradicts the truth, leads to the fact that descendants continue to be brought into the world en masse, who of course again have needs of all kinds that have to be fulfilled.

So the planet Earth continues to be plundered and robbed of its resources, all 這這種不假思索的錯誤論斷,與事實相悖,導致後代繼續大規模地被帶到這個世界上,當然他們又有各種需要必須得到滿足。

kinds of poisons and necessities of all kinds as well as food are produced, which in turn creates vast amounts of waste and rubbish, which are simply thrown away into nature without any consideration.


Not only are the land, the forests and waters, as well as the seas and mountains disfigured, but everything is poisoned and polluted to the point of endangering life, as a result of which many human beings become ill and die, as well as the fauna and flora fall prey to destruction and extinction.


So not only is the planet completely robbed of its resources and nature destroyed, but also its life slowly but surely wiped out.


The earth's resources of all kinds will soon be exhausted and the planet dead.


But nature, its fauna and flora, is also being largely destroyed by the machinations of overpopulation, whereby a very high percentage of the plant and animal world, as well as the animal world and the other diverse living beings, is already extinct without salvation and irrevocably.


In addition, human beings are destroying themselves and, in time, will largely exterminate themselves.


The extinction of species through the fault of overpopulation is irresponsible, but these irresponsible people deny the fact that the whole world and all life is being destroyed to the hilt through the excessive human masses and precisely through their machinations.






The pathologically stupid demonstrate for environmental protection, destroy cultural assets, even endanger human lives, etc., but all these demonstrators, who are not only stupid and dumb, are also devoid of logic, reason and rationality.


These stupid ones, and that is the majority of God-believers and thus of Earth's humanity, even promote war and massacres as they have done since time immemorial, only much worse than before.


The pathologically stupid, and this is obviously the majority of the peoples, again elect stupid people into the governments, who do not understand anything about the people's leadership and about government, but instead muddle about in a self-important and stupid manner, whereby they themselves are so stupid and, moreover, limited in their consciousness, that instead of creating peace among their own people and with other countries, they are threatening to keep the military and an arsenal of weapons, so they are hostile to everyone, because all countries are seen as potential enemies, which is also the case when there is 'peace' all around, which changes quickly as soon as someone in a government goes crazy.


War is therefore a constant lurking danger in a government even in 'times of peace', because there are always madmen who can strike with war even when 'the thickest peace' prevails.


This can be out of revenge, wantonness, greed for land or for domination – such as America with its lust for hegemony – as well as out of sheer stupidity or clear loss of consciousness.

這可能是出於報復、恣意妄為、對土地的貪婪或統治 —— 如美國對霸權的渴望 —— 以及純粹的愚蠢或明顯的喪失理智。


42. The people must immediately depose the leaders of the state if they want to start a war.



This is quickly said among the earthlings, but it is certainly not done, because the bulk of the peoples lack initiative for such action, preferring to demonstrate rather than actually act.


Of course, there are also the security forces of all kinds defending their governments, but if the people would stand together and act unanimously, then victory would be preprogrammed.


Unfortunately, however, it is the case on Earth in every single nation that there is no unity, consequently it is not possible to overthrow the wrongdoers from a government.


And this is practically the case in every country on Earth, so that nothing can be done and there are only a few right-minded citizens who would do the right thing.


Even 30,000 right-minded people are of no use and can also do nothing if the other-minded masses do not join in and, in addition, the security forces of the respective government stand by the government instead of the people.


In addition, the might of misinformation plays a role, whereby the people are completely misinformed, which practically leads to a tug-of-war between the parties and to an ups and downs, which in turn leads to confusion and no clear result.


Human beings are human beings, no matter what their religion, and as different as they are, as different are the views and opinions of the individual.


A general consensus would have to be found by which common action could be taken, e.g. in such a way that a union of consciousness would take place and common action would be taken, as is done, for example, by dolphins, which also have a consciousness that is in accordance with their species, but is nevertheless a correct consciousness, and consequently the union also comes about in such a way that they act together.


This also applies to animals and creatures, which therefore also have a psyche according to their genus or species, as do all other life-forms, which in turn, according to their genus or species, also have a form of instinctual consciousness or impulse consciousness.

這也適用於其他動物和生物,因此,牠們也有符合其屬或種的心智(psyche),所有其他生命形式也是如此,根據其屬或種,牠們也有一種本能意識或脈衝意識(impulse consciousness)。

Consequently, higher living beings are also classified as psychic beings, as are all animals and creatures as well as various other life-forms, such as lizards, frogs, fish and birds, as well as creepers and others.

因此,高等生物也被歸類為通靈生物(psychic beings),所有動物和生物以及其他各種生命形式,如蜥蜴、青蛙、魚和鳥,以及爬行動物和其他生物也是如此。

But we have already spoken about this many times, only the majority of the earthlings neither want to hear nor understand this, consequently cruelty to animals is still commonplace and it is not understood that an animal is not simply an animal, but according to its genus or species is to be classified as an animal, i.e. a mammal, as a non-mammalian animal, bird, creeper or frog, fish, etc., which according to their genus or species have a form of consciousness, a psyche and a form of sensation of pain.


I have already learnt all this from Sfath, whereby he also proved all this to me in a thousand ways by means of apparatus and devices, etc., and I was able to experience in my own body and in my sensations what goes on in animals, creatures and other life-forms in terms of consciousness, psychic and impulse sensations, etc.


What all this means, the human being of the Earth cannot imagine at all, and if he could do so even in a small way, he would treat the world of nature and with it the whole fauna and flora highly and with dignity.


But explaining this to the earthling and making him understand it has never succeeded since time immemorial, just as it has not succeeded in explaining that he should neither practise hatred, revenge nor retaliation, nor wage war.


This is because the human being, as a consciously thinking being capable of evolution in this respect, is obliged to do so and to take care of everything and everyone that is given by nature and thus by creation.


Animals and creatures as well as other life-forms are in this respect subordinated to other ways of life and laws of life, depending on their species and kind, whereby there are also degenerations among them, such as man-eaters or other aberrations from the normal.


However, as in the case of human beings, this can be traced back to illnesses, deformities, disorders of the consciousness, false education, bad experiences or other degenerations that cannot be brought under control.


This, however, is not the normal of nature, but all this is obviously not understood by the majority of earthlings, which is why strife, crime, hatred, vengeance, revenge, crime, murder and manslaughter and effective war constantly threaten or prevail.


This also applies to quarrels on a purely private basis, as well as between neighbours in relation to both sexes; between husband and husband, wife and wife, child and child; in marriages where quarrels, hatred and murder are very often the 'order of the day', whereby it often happens that wives or girlfriends are simply killed – rarely men – as well as whole families.

這也適用於純粹的私人爭吵,以及男女鄰居之間的爭吵;丈夫與丈夫、妻子與妻子、孩子與孩子之間的爭吵;在婚姻中,爭吵、仇恨和謀殺往往成為“家常便飯”(order of the day),因此經常發生妻子或女友(很少是男性)以及整個家庭被殺害。

And all the atrocities that have happened in the name of religions and faith since their existence, and are still happening today, are unbelievable, as they say.


But as a rule, all this is concealed from the public or even denied, whereby the saying 'truth dies first' comes into play, just as it does, for example, with regard to the presence of so-called UFOs, whose presence has long been proven even militarily and through the testimony of airline pilots, etc., on film or photographically.

但通常情況下,這一切都被掩蓋了,甚至被否認了,因此,“真相見光死” truth dies first)的說法開始發揮作用,就像所謂的UFO的存在一樣,而其存在早已被證明,甚至在軍事上並通過航空公司飛行員等的證詞,在影片或照片上得到證實。

But what is not allowed to be for 'state security reasons' etc. simply does not exist – even if everything to the contrary can be proven to be correct.

但是由於“國家安全”等原因不允許存在的東西根本就不存在 —— 即使所有相反的東西都可以被證明是正確的。

So the effective truth is simply turned into a conspiracy theory, just as otherwise pathologically stupid people make up stupid and idiotic conspiracy theories that are foreign to the effective truth and illogical.


This is what religions do, for example, whose conspiracy theories are religious faith stories and faith hatred, because of which racism has prevailed for millennia, which is actually religious hatred, just as millions of Jewish believers were murdered by the Nazis in the 1939-1945 world war.


This is because a hatred of Jews prevails, which fundamentally really was brought into being by the first Christians in its origin, but which is vehemently denied by Christianity, although this corresponds to the truth.


The first believers in Christ – who falsified and misunderstood Jmmanuel's (allegedly called Jesus) teachings – were the ones who hatefully and completely groundlessly accused the Jews of having crucified Jmmanuel (alias Jesus).

第一批基督信徒 —— 他們偽造和誤解了以馬內利(Jmmanuel;被稱為耶穌)的教導 —— 是他們憎恨地、完全無根據地指責猶太人把以馬內利(別名耶穌)釘死在十字架上。

But this turned into scare lies, whereby the believers in the Jews were later even accused of infanticide, among other things, namely that they were supposed to have killed Christian children in order to drink their blood, etc.



43. I am aware of all this, but it remains incomprehensible to me that even today, since enlightenment and information are flowing and consequently everything concerning this should be understood correctly, a completely unfounded religious hatred is still maintained, especially from Christianity and Islam against the Jews.



That is the point, because stupidity knows no bounds, resp. non-thinking and consequently faith rules the religious earthlings.


And what they believe is also law, which inevitably demands that something can only be atoned for through punishment – and it does not matter that it is hatred, as well as the revenge and retribution that result from it, which even brings killing into play, be it through the death penalty, assassination or war.

他們所相信的也是法律,法律不可避免地要求某些事情只能通過懲罰來彌補 —— 這並不重要,重要的是它是仇恨,以及由此產生的報復和懲罰,甚至是殺戮,無論是通過死刑、暗殺還是戰爭。

But to say something against it is like water being carried into the Rhine, no matter whether it is earthly water or whether it was already there at the beginning of the formation of the Earth – as it really was – because it was brought here by gas and dust and further by asteroids from outer space during the formation of the Earth, before the Earth then continued to develop itself.

但是,說一些反對的話,就像水被倒入萊茵河,不管那是地球上的水,還是在地球形成之初就已經存在的水 —— 因為確實是這樣 —— 因為它是在地球形成期間由氣體和塵埃帶來的,並進一步由外太空的小行星帶到這裡,然後地球才繼續自行發展。

Even now – if I deviate from what I have actually been talking about – the earthlings are still asking themselves how the water came to the Earth.

即使是現在 —— 如果我偏離了我實際談論的內容 —— 地球人仍然在問自己:水是如何來到地球上的。

Apparently the Intelligentum of the scientists correspondingly responsible for this is still not sufficient to clarify even this question and to find the correct answer to it, which is now given, and indeed in the way Sfath explained it.


But the whole Creation with its 7 universes and the cosmos therein is what keeps them so alive in their researches that perhaps one fine day they will find correct answers to their questions after all.



44. You should not be so hard on them, for they are still learners who do not yet have the necessary apparatus and devices, etc., at their disposal, that they are not able – if I may use the words you always use – to fathom and recognise effective reality and its truth.

你不應該對他們太苛刻,因為他們仍然是學生,還沒有掌握必要的儀器和設備等,以至於他們不能 —— 如果我可以用你經常使用的說法 —— 深入瞭解和認識實際的現實及其真相。

45. But now I have something to discuss with you that we can only discuss among ourselves….

但現在我有件事要和你討論,我們只能在彼此之間討論 ...




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