Contact Report 238


•  This contact report is translated from volume 6 of the Contact Reports

•  Contact Report Volume: 6

•  Pages: 283-284,377-378,379,397-402,406-413,436-437,443-444

•  Date/time of contact: 18th May 1991 12:55

•  Translator(s): Christian Frehner (pages 397-402), Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg (page 379, pages 406-413, 436-437, 443-444),

•  Benjamin Stevens (unofficial and unauthorised translations of pages 283-284, 377-378)

•  Date of original translation: September 2005 (pages 397-402 on February 17, 2008)

•  Amendments made: 17th December 2006 with corrections from page 45 of the December 2006 Stimme der Wassermannzeit

•  Corrections and improvements made: 17th December 2006


Billy and Ptaah discuss in great detail the malicious religious influences, a prediction of the discovery of a 5,100-year mummified corpse (the Iceman), why the truth needs to be delivered harshly, the ages of the various celestial bodies, the establishment of the current conditions of Earth, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US American nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, amongst other topics.

But this is just an excerpt of the entire contact.


I’m very pleased to be allowed to welcome you again after more than a year, my friend. I thought that you would appear again, at the latest, at the end of April, once you were back from visiting Semjase in the DAL Universe. But be greeted and cordially welcomed, Salome.


1.   Your greeting is returned to you in the same manner, whereby I am also to greet you very dearly for my daughter Semjase and for her friend Nera.

2.   In addition, the many greetings from all others shouldn’t be forgotten, so also not those of Quetzal, who has passed all of his tests with bravado and now bears the title of an Jschwisch, about which he is extremely pleased and cannot conceal a certain pride.

3.   On occasion, he will visit you, but first once he has dealt with the important issues that are yet to be incurred.

4.   Even for me, it will still take a little time before my next appearance again because not until the second half of the year will an opportunity for this be offered to me again.

5.   But the fact that I appear so belatedly with you now, after my one-year visit with my daughter Semjase in the DAL Universe, this has a specific reason.

6.   I was already back on the 3rd of February and, moreover, in your workroom, which has advantageously changed a lot again during my absence.

7.   Actually, I was just about to call you when I saw the book leaves of the Talmud Jmmanuel on your desk and was astonished to find out that you corrected the entire script.

8.   This compelled me to investigate the matter more closely.

9.   A not-mild shock seized me when I looked through the printed copy that’s been in circulation for many years, which we don’t have in our possession for reasons that are well-known to you, for it isn’t decisive for us in reference to the teaching.

10. But still, we are well aware of the exact contents, and these were not identical to my browsing of the script.

11. So I quickly went back into my aircraft and ordered the control element of the control disk to turn on, which I then promptly examined.

12. I noticed that at that time in the seventies, you coded everything correctly, in accordance with the translations of Isa Rashid, but then, due to lack of time, you sent the pure copy of the manuscript to a female person by the name of Krauer and then paid 1,460 Franks for it.

13. But then, this person mutilated and falsified the Talmud Jmmanuel and your code to such an extent that the Talmud became as good as worthless for the mission and for the determinations and for the code-affected persons, and since you couldn’t spare any more time at that time in order to look through and correct the copy again, the falsified Talmud Jmmanuel was then accordingly printed with all changes, omissions, and falsifications, without you knowing anything about the destruction of the code and of the contents of the writing.

14. Only through the fact that the Talmud Jmmanuel was sent to you by an American publishing company for inspection and correction, because it wanted to publish the work, did you then discover the evil machinations of the copyist.

15. I, however, was interested in the reason behind this act, so I endeavored to get an exact clarification, whereby I came across some things and connections that have surprised me, just as they will surely also do so with you:

16. Until yesterday, I strove for a clarification of the things surrounding the falsification of the Talmud Jmmanuel and surrounding the destruction of your code, and what resulted was really astonishing:

17. The person Krauer is not just an uncommon Israel-related sympathizer but also a follower of Zionism, for whom every means is right which can contribute to the achieving of world domination by the Zionists.

18. However, this whole situation with her didn’t just happen out of nowhere because it is based on a very specific background, which surprised me greatly:

19. My remaining investigations revealed that the person Krauer also lived during Jmmanuel’s lifetime and came into direct contact with Jmmanuel.

20. But at that time, her gender wasn’t female as it is now but rather male, and at that time, her current spirit form animated the Pharisee Simeon, the father of the traitor Judah Ihariot.


That is, indeed, something, but you tell me nothing new, for in the meantime, I’ve already discovered all this myself, as some group members can attest to this, to whom I told my thoughts. Through your investigations, however, everything is now confirmed.


21. And here, I actually thought that I could tell you news that would be astonishing for you.

22. But for a long time, it has no longer been new to me that you are always somewhat ahead of us.

23. I also only know this, however, because I know about your true origin and about your true, original person.

24. During all the years of our contacts, you have very often put us to the test, when you approached us with questions that you could answer better than we can do in our present lives.

25. Through this, you gave us the impression that you would have to be taught by us, with regard to the spiritual teaching and the Creational teaching, etc., even though in truth, just the opposite is true, as we now know.

26. This approach of yours seems to be a special type of human testing, which you also bring to use very frequently with the Earth people.

27. Concerning this, I would just once like to address your language cognizance or your skilled-labor and knowledge-related cognizance, which you always or very often conceal, by presenting yourself as ignorant or without understanding, but we now know that the exact opposite is the case, just as well as also various group members know this.

28. As is so nicely said, you very often hide your light under the bushel, present yourself as naive and uncultured, a hillbilly and insignificant, even though there can be no talk in relation to this at all.

29. But through this, that you present yourself in such a way, you find out a lot more things than what one actually wants to tell you, and above all, through your relevant style, you can examine and analyze people down to the last detail in such a way that almost nothing remains hidden to you.

30. Sometimes, it’s even amusing to observe you and those who come before you with lies and who are of the acceptance that you wouldn’t recognize and wouldn’t understand their webs of lies and other untruths.

31. Anyway, it didn’t escape me on several occasions that you simply allowed yourself to be lied to, without you having kept yourself from it, even though you knew very well that one was lying to you, but it would actually be extremely difficult to be able to lie to you at all.

32. Your face, however, and this is certain, never betrays that you recognize the lie; quite the contrary, you can still conjure up an expression on your face, as though you would accept the lie, whereby you still often amuse yourself, while the liars stand there stupidly and are of the crazy belief that you would take their falsehoods at face value.

33. I already became aware of these facts at the beginning of our contacts, but still, you could so distract all of us from the reality and truth of your person and origin, etc., with your so innocent and seemingly ignorant questions, that we let ourselves be deceived only too quickly.


You reveal secrets again that you should actually conceal.

Pages 377-378


478. … those prophecies that stand written for two millennia begin to fulfill themselves.


Your words refer to the prophecy that says: “Then many will succumb to the temptation, and they will betray and hate one another because they remained small in consciousness.” *


479. My speech is of that and of that which is recorded as a prophecy in the Talmud Jmmanuel.

480. “Very many won’t resist the hostility and will succumb to it, so they are falling away from the truth and begin to work against it.”

481. Especially within the internal area of the group, the forces of the hostility will become very great and will throw certain group members into doubt and dissension.

482. But even outside of the groups, the religious and sectarian forces are sabotaging all those who want to seek after the actual, creative, and original, eternal truth and live accordingly.

483. However, felonious and criminal, negative elements are also attacked, in order to sow by this murder and mayhem, discord, revolution, enslavement, terror, hatred, and many other malicious, negative values.

484. So it will also be with the rebels in Moscow, who will be influenced by these murderous and truth-hostile forces to overthrow Mikhail Gorbachev, which they fortunately won’t succeed in doing; however, he will already assume his office again just days after the coup attempt.

485. Thus, he will continue his positive reforms, even against all adversities that are placed in his way, whereby in particular, the power-hungry Boris Yeltsin will become a talking point, in terms of hostility against Gorbachev.

486. But unfortunately, many are not as strong in their truth conviction and in their actions as Mikhail Gorbachev, which is why many fall to the hostility of the sectarian forces, either in the way that they fall into doubt and dissension or in that they become sick in consciousness and confused and overtaken by delusions, as this becomes more and more prominent the more that the time approaches the point when the power of the worthless number, 666, openly manifests itself by force, namely in the sense of the murderous, criminal, and destructive power of sectarian Christianity, which, in many respects, holds the lethal value of 666 in itself, as you know very well.

487. The Anti-logos will become more and more apparent and will demand more and more victims, from which also group members will not remain spared, but also not many outside of the groups, who strive for the real creative truth and for the observance of the creative laws and commandments.

488. In the future, all of these will increasingly and often very strongly be endangered in life and limb and in consciousness.

489. Accidents of all kinds and also diseases, discord and strife, denial, dissension and doubt, hatred and betrayal, as well as quite sudden, unexpected, and inexplicable mood changes, as well as emotional and feeling-related outbursts of evil kinds will appear more and more and will threaten the peace and the truth.

490. So it already began more than a year ago, and so and even worse it will develop itself in the coming and future time.

491. Through this, not only will you be increasingly endangered in your life again but also certain group members are now included therein.


Do you mean that assassination attempts could be launched again?


492. That is the meaning of my words, in the form that now, certain group members could also be endangered by assassination attempts.

493. At the same time, this not only applies to certain group members of the center but also to group members who exist elsewhere all around the Earth in other groups.

494. In addition, attacks on the lives of individual group members can occur in any conceivable form, such as during the use of all kinds of vehicles, during the use of aircraft, while at work, or otherwise during any activity and other doing.

495. The possibilities of an attack on life and limb as well as on consciousness are limitless.


So in the future, constant and attentive planning is the maxim.


496. That corresponds to the circumstances.


Then that is also clear. ...

Page 379


502. Already since time immemorial, since malicious cult powers and religious-sectarian powers came into existence, the truth seekers and truth lovers were attacked and often driven to insanity or misery and death by these, just as much as were, the might-greedy delinquents and criminals who pay homage to the evil and negative ones.

503. Also all the prophets who wandered the Earth again and again, since the earliest times, did not remain spared from that.

504. All of them, no matter whether they are man or woman, always resist these evil powers and attacks, which unfortunately cannot be said of the those who emerged as simple believers or as the heads and preachers, or religion founders, and so forth, and will always still further emerge, and further emerge.

505. With Earth humans, predominates quite especially, the erroneous and dangerous view that a good announcer of truth, a good preacher or a good teacher of the true teachings, and so forth, and therefore also a good prophet, must be full of humble bearing, only speak pleasing and elegant, chosen and diplomatic words, and must always only be friendly.

506. The Earth humans think it must be just the same as, for example, the Pope comports himself, and therefore many gentleman ministers and sect leaders, who truthfully, however, do nothing other than hide their true faces and appear friendly and neighbor-loving, to thereby mislead their believers about their actual nature, and to be able to exploit them.

507. It is exactly such religious, or often only apparently religious, elements who are then the quite especially valuable objects of attack of the sectarian powers, and who then commit the most monstrous inhumanities and crimes, as is, however, also characteristic of all believers when it concerns their own profit and with their own lives.

508. But truthful and good prophets and bringers of truth are never humble and never compliant with enticements and such things.

509. Neither their speech nor their demeanor is ingratiating, and their style and manner of saying the truth is cutting, deeply striking, and in a form that is not loved.

510. With that, it is truly recognized whose child of the spirit a prophet, or truth announcer of whichever kind, or an actual truth-bearing teacher, is.

511. Religious sectarians, fanatics, extremists or other proscribers of truth avoid true prophets or other truth announcers, or they try to annihilate, to damage or even to kill them with all existing means available to them.

512. The only people well disposed towards the prophets and other truth teachers and truth announcers are, since time immemorial, only those people who are openly devoted to the truth and thankful for the delivered teachings of the truth.

513. It is also only these people who recognize, in the true prophets, the endless universal love for all forms of life, as well as the righteousness that they exercise, even when, here and there, they themselves are perhaps rebuked and instructed in a hard way by the prophets and other truth announcers.


You embarrass me, my friend.


514. That was not my intention.

515. Rather be pleased about that, because you are a true prophet, and allow the love and respect of your worldwide group members to be assured.

Page 397 to 402


586. The next thing will happen in the Oetztal Mountains, on the Similaun glacier.

587. There the mummified remains, or more precisely the mummified corpse of a man will be found who has lost his life there 5,105 years ago and was preserved by nature’s forces.

588. His death happened at that time in such a way that he fell (Note by CF: not just from standing to the ground, but some distance down) - caused by an epileptic fit - and was severely injured by one of his own arrows when he fell on his back, just at the moment when a primeval ice storm started.

589. As a member of a group of 14 persons who had camped there in the mountains, he was left laying on the ground because of his critical injury. Since the remaining 13 human beings were fully occupied with saving their own lives, they did not care for him.

590. Nevertheless, not all of them survived, as several of them died in the ice needle storm.

591. The storm covered the mountains under (a) thick (layer of) ice, and in it the corpse of the "fallen one" remained mummified and preserved until today; so it (he? the corpse) will be found this year around the 20th of September by a mountain hiker, together with his equipment, like clothes and weapons, etc.


Fantastic. Do you also know what the man and his comrades wanted to do on the mountain, and who the man was, and where he came from?


592. Certainly, I can give you precise information.

593. His name was Urk, and he belonged to the sib of the Suren (plural), to a tribal community which lived on pile-dwellings. This was in Switzerland and before the time when the Vikings were settling in Central Switzerland and the other parts of Switzerland.

594. The pile-dwellings of the tribal community of the Suren were located in the banks of Lake Zurich, from where they took long expeditions which led them to the Mediterranean Sea and to the North Sea, to the Atlantic Ocean and even to the Bosporus.

595. At his death, Urk was exactly 37 years and 8 months old, and to be exact, 17 days.

596. The reason why he and his group was so far away from home in the Oeztal Mountains, was that he as the chief of his sib and as an influential man was in connection with our forbearers. Through them he gained certain knowledge and lived - just as all members of his entire sib - according to certain rules of our making.

597. Thus, the obeyed the hygienic rules which had been put up by us at much earlier times, which also related to the removal of unhygienic body hair growth.

598. After having been informed by our forebearers about the wideness of the countries in the East, many of the sib of the Suren felt an urge for the East. That’s why they set off under the guidance of their tribal chief Urk to discover the far-away countries and to find valuable material, like crystals and ore in accordance with that time, and flints and all kind of other things.


You could say then that this Urk was an original Swiss, so-to-say, whereby his mummified body would be brought to Switzerland. Research will surely be done on him, what then would righteously be the task of Swiss scientists, isn’t it?


599. If looked at it from a legal angle, it would have to be that way, that’s right.

600. However, neither the Austrians nor the Italians will be drawn into this, and they will mutually claim the right on the mummified body because there will be border disputes regarding the location where the corpse will be found.

601. Of course they wouldn’t pay any attention to my words and would call you a charlatan, cheat and liar, who would have purely invented my explanations, if you or someone else would make some claim on the mummy in the name of Switzerland.


That’s clear to me. - But why, that’s my question, were your forbearers in contact with this Urk, and of what kind were they?


602. The contact resulted from an unwanted stroke of fate, when a flying device of our forbearers had an accident.

603. Urk observed the emergency landing of the device and saved the life of two crew members when they - while exploring the surroundings - were attacked by a big bear and were severely injured, without having any chance to defend themselves in the first place.

604. From this happening resulted a deep friendship between Urk and the two space travellers, and so human beings of a still very primitive kind and very advanced form formed a very uncommon alliance.

605. Urk, who was naturally gifted and contrary to his sib comrades very understanding and knowing to a good extent, learned fast and became the leader of his sib within less than three years. According to the standards of that time he was wealthy und influential to a great degree, whereby it was helpful that it was frequently observed that the flying devices were landing or starting, with whose passengers Urk liked to have long talks, and since he was often taken into the flying devices for trips to somewhere.


At what age did he become the chief of the sib? And why didn’t your forbearers help him in that blizzard?


606. He was nearly 21 years old when he became the leader of his sib.

607. My answer to your second question is that our forbearers were not present when death came upon him, because they were occupied elsewhere and were absent for more than 18 years.

608. When they returned, Urk was already buried deep beneath the ice, and they let him lay there.


Aha, now the matter gets understandable.

Pages 406 to 413


My question concerns our Milky Way, and indeed in relation to the age of the lady.

On the same point I also want to know something more in relation to the oldest planetary body that arose from our Milky Way.

The Earth itself had the beginning of its origins 646,000,000,000 years ago, as the first gasses, molecules, and atomic particles and quarks, and so forth, formed, which, in the course of time came together and solidified, flew apart again, newly came together and solidified again and so on, until finally everything was bound together in such a way that about 46,000,000,000 years ago the solid body of Earth began to form, which then, about 5,000,000,000 years ago, was so hard and solid, that slowly life developed on it, first only seas of lava and volcanoes and then, in the course of time, also the very first and ur-primitive life in the form of lichenoid plant life.

That was about 5,000,000,000 years ago.

At the least, concerning the age of the solid material in the SOL system, everything may just be about 5,000,000,000 years old, if one conceives that the youngest material would only be about 200,000 years old, as Quetzal explained.

In regard to that, I am also still able to remember that he said that during the first time that the planetary bodies were solid, and thus the Earth and all planets, which, due to the monstrous volcanism, so to speak, would allow no cosmic rays at all to penetrate onto the still, partly fluid, solid bodies, consequently such radiation could only penetrate onto the planets very much later, whereby this later time can be up to 1,000,000,000 years depending on the development of the planet.

This, so he explained, led thereto, that the radioactive material would exhibit completely different particulars of age than that which would correspond to the actual age of the solid bodies and so therefore to the planets.

Unfortunately I don’t understand much of that.


637. Your explanations correspond to our knowledge, and actually there is no material of a solid form in the SOL system older than about 5,000,000,000 years, which also corresponds to the average age of the planets and their moons.

638. Whereas the youngest coarse matter material is only of an age of not yet fully 200,000 years.

639. SOL moves itself forward in space, with the entire system, in two directions, so on one hand in the direction of the constellation of Hercules at about 20 kilometers per second, but also, on the other hand, around the entire Milky Way, and indeed with a speed of 257.07 kilometers per second, whereby one rotation of the Milky Way, as the Earth human names the galaxy that he and the SOL system belong to, takes 311,000,000 years, which is in comparison to the erroneous assumptions of the Earth scientists, who take only about 200,000,000 years as the starting point, because they measure too small a distance to the center of the galaxy.

(This distance-related information can be found in Contact Report 236 - The Chronology of the Arrival of the Different Earth Peoples)

640. The age of this galaxy amounts to close to exactly 810,000,000,000 years since the beginning of the first formations of gas, whereby I also have answered your question in relation to this.

641. Consequently, only your question still remains to be answered regarding the oldest solid material, respectively, according to the oldest planets in this galaxy, about which I have already thereby answered you, as I explained to you, that the oldest material in the SOL system indicates an age from around 5,000,000,000 years.

642. All further, and the oldest systems of suns or planets in the outer and outermost realms of the galaxy’s spiral arms, indicate the same age, with insignificant differences which, as a rule, do not exceed 500,000,000 years.

643. The SOL system exists in the outermost realms of a spiral arm, and forms, so to speak, an enclave, and therefore the SOL system is one of the oldest systems in the galaxy.

644. In spite of its state, of being one of older solar and planet systems, it is, however, still a young system, in contrast to other systems in the most distant galaxies, because the Milky Way galaxy itself is still very young, with a total age of only 810,000,000,000 years.

645. Other further and very much further galaxies are much older, and these naturally also show very much older solid material, because naturally, due to of the greater age of the galaxies, their suns and planet systems are also older.


Then the Wanderer, or now the Destroyer, as you have named it, must actually be about 5,000,000,000 years old, I mean as a solid body.


646. Your assumption is correct, at least concerning the age of the destructive wandering planet.

647. However, regarding the designation, Destroyer, you have erred with your words, because our earliest forefathers had already given it this name.


Also right.

I also want to give your forefathers some respect.

OK, but how old now is the oldest solid material, or indeed coarse matter, in our universe?


648. Unfortunately we don’t know that.


But then can you at least tell me which age is indicated by any materials, in the form of coarse-matter, as is known to you?


649. That is no secret over which I must remain silent:

650. The oldest solid material known to us is numbered by our scientists with an age of 37,100,000,000 years, whereby it deals with the material of an iron meteorite, which originated in a very distant galaxy, which is about 2,763,000,000 light years away from the Pleiades stars.


Since you can also equally say, that any galaxy – what are they actually called?, is about this distance away from the Earth or SOL system, then the 500 little light-years from the Earth to the Pleiades also don’t carry much weight compared to these gigantic distances.


651. That is naturally correct.


Exactly, exactly, so why then also so complicated when it also goes simply.

2,763,000,000 light years, that is a figure with about – wait a moment – yes, indeed with about nine zeros, therefore ten to the power of nine.

A quite tidy quantity of light-years, if one thinks that way.


652. Certainly.


You said that the oldest solid coarse matter known to you indicates an age of 37,100,000,000 years.

Our DERN universe is now just 46,000,000,000,000 years old, even when the smart Earth scientists ignorantly and uncomprehendingly assert that this cannot correspond to the truth, because, since the formation of the universe, only 13,000,000,000 years have passed, over the entire course of time.

On one hand I, indeed, understand their error, on the other hand, however, their narrow-mindedness and megalomania are simply repugnant to me.

According to your statement alone you are in possession of coarse matter material which is already double the age that the Earth scientists assert that the universe is.

Already that testifies to how short-sighted the Earth scientists are, who often only assert things according to erroneous measurements and assumptions over which nonsense one bristles.

Indeed I understand that they can err regarding the age of the material, because they indeed only have at their disposal material pieces which stem from the realm of our solar system, and which on average are about 4,600,000,000 years old, whereby the greatest part of such material consists of stone and iron meteoric material.

That the scientists are thereby, however, blinded and let themselves be deceived to megalomania and, from that, draw their wrong conclusions that the universe is just 13,000,000,000 years old, already borders on narrow-minded stupidity and arrogance.

It is completely striking that an unrivaled narrow-mindedness dominates here, even though actually a great many things indicate that the scientific astronomical calculations, data and assumptions, as well as measurements, and so on and so forth, are not correct, or in certain things simply cannot be applicable.

Even if the authoritative scientists perhaps really think a lot, they indeed very often think erroneously and in a short sighted way.

Naturally that can happen to anyone, so therefore also you and me.

But yet I find that people other than even downright narrow-minded scientists often think more accurately and sooner recognize the reality than even the so-called learned, who are often not more than specialist-idiots and, in this characteristic, have a constructed framework in front of their skulls.

Indeed, I am also not exactly a luminary regarding astronomy, and so forth, yet I think that at least I am able to think logically, and likewise, put two and two together, whereby I can often get to the bottom of things and facts, which appears to be phenomenal to others, although there is nothing phenomenal about it.

Thinking logically, logically combining and acting logically, often emerges over long years of study and brings more than any irritating shop-talk about things and matters of which one has only a little knowledge.

You see, Ptaah, therefore, once again I am struck by something that is, to be sure, only a theory and therefore an assumption from me, but of which I am certain that some of it must correspond to the truth.

It therewith deals with the age of the universe, which reaches 46,000,000,000,000 years.

When, every now and then, I spoke with Semjase or Quetzal or with somebody else from you about the age of the universe, then the talk was really always only about the age of the universe, and only since the course of recent time, did I come to the salient point that therewith something very essential was forgotten.

The universe is indeed comprised of seven different belts, and indeed the talk about that was always that these seven belts, namely, together and entirely, form the universe.

We only ever spoke of that.

It never came to our minds to be more exactly precise in regard to that which we essentially meant and really wanted to know, namely, how old actually the oldest galaxies and their suns and planetary systems are, and which age the materialization belt indicates as it began to form the first denser, and therefore coarse, matter.

I want information about that from you, friend Ptaah.


653. First I must clarify just once that we speak, then, of a solid material, when this is entirely formed as such.

654. It ...


Just a moment please.

Therewith, you presumably want to say that your term solid material, according to terrestrial understanding, designates completed course material, and indeed such that it is already developed to the extent that the lowest life is able to emerge out of it … or?


655. That is actually what is meant by that.


Good, then you can answer my question further, which is directed thus; that the solid coarse-matter material, in its emerging, cannot indicate the same age of 46,000,000,000,000 years as does the actual universe, rather that this material in the materialization belt perhaps first had its origin about 40,000,000,000,000 or even only 39,000,000,000,000 years ago, and then the first galaxies, and so forth, formed out of it.


656. Has anybody already informed you about this?


No, why?

I have never yet spoken with anybody about that.


657. Then you now see me astounded, as your assumptions come very close to reality.

658. According to our research, and according to information from higher planes, what occurred is that approximately 41,800,000,000,000 years ago that stage of the universe’s development was reached in which the first fine matter began to change into its transitional form and …


Excuse me, do you mean that transitional form that looks like a fluctuating, translucent and ungraspable mass, as when, in the reverse case, solid material transforms into fine matter energy or fine matter material?

I mean, exactly as is presently the case with the Supreme Council?


659. That corresponds to the meaning of my explanation.


And then how long did it take for the first solid material to come into existence?


660. Approximately 1,500,000,000,000 years.


And when did the first human life forms come, which then also developed in higher levels, and where did the spirit forms of the different levels come from, like, for example, Arahat Athersata and Petale and so forth?


661. At their formation, all higher levels, through the creativity of Creation, are already equipped with spirit forms which are equipped with the required knowledge and all the wisdom of that pertinent level.

662. These spirit forms then further develop themselves quite normally, so they thus are subject to natural evolution.

663. They are then, now and again, also the leading and guiding spirit-form powers of these levels for those evolving ones following from lower levels.

664. The first higher forms of life came into being seemingly exactly 39,260,000,000,000 years ago, after which, the possibility was created, through fauna and flora, that even human life could develop, which, since then, evolves during between 60,000,000,000 and 80,000,000,000 years in such a way that it can enter into a half spiritual, and later in a purely spiritual, level of a higher form.


I’ve also thought everything was approximately like that.

Then I haven't been horribly off the mark.

Perhaps I lie in the realm of the possible, when I assume that coarse matter material does not exist very long, rather, is subject to a constant change of coming into being and passing away.

This might also be the grounds for why you have only found pieces of meteorite as the oldest material which exhibit an age of 37,100,000,000 years.

If I have really correctly understood cosmic life, then the coarse material forms out of fine matter material, which, in its turn comes out of fine matter energy, and so forth.

But the coarse matter material, as, for example, suns, moons, asteroids, comets and planets, and so forth, again disintegrate, become dust and gasses, and change back again into energy, into gasses and radiation and the tiniest particles, and so forth, which through the cosmic laws, inevitably again finds itself together, and conglomerates, and new gas and matter clouds form, as well as new galaxies with new sun and planet systems.

So there is practically no coarse matter in the universe, neither iron nor other metals nor stone nor minerals, and so forth, which would be older than even perhaps 37,000,000,000 or 40,000,000,000 years, indeed, then, these also exist only in places in the universe where similarly old suns or planet systems and, naturally, also such old galaxies exist, or existed.


665. You could be one of our scientists, because they have the same explanations.


You’re joking.

But now tell me, is it also known to you or your scientists when the first human life formed in the region of our Milky Way?


666. I can serve you with some information about that.

667. According to our research and according to the information from the Arahat Athersata level, the first humans, in their original form, came into being on the oldest planetary systems nearly 28,000,000 years ago, after which, then, about 27,000,000 years ago, the first physically recognizable humans emerged from them quite certainly as the life forms named hominids, which, however, first appeared very much later on the Earth.


Aha, and therefore that means that, until now, no human life forms whatsoever in our Milky Way system could have developed as far as those only in the form of the fluctuating Supreme Council, not to mention, also then being able to enter into a higher level, as, for example, in the Arahat Athersata level.

As is generally known, it indeed takes 60,000,000,000 to 80,000,000,000 years until the form of spirituality is reached which leads to the Arahat Athersata level which comprises the first pure spirit level.

But now the question remains open, where did, for example, Nokodemion come from, who not only established and engendered new peoples, rather he also created new peoples, who he then equipped with an advanced knowledge.

It is generally indeed known that Nokodemion knows an age of 86,000,000,000 years and his oldest created people 29,500,000,000 years.

Therefore he can certainly not stem from this Milky Way system, nor can the old Lyrans and their direct ancestors, nor can the Plejaren.

The first genuinely recognizably human forms of life were created on the oldest planets of our Milky Way system about 9,000,000 to 12,000,000 years ago, and, before these then became real humans, who could really be designated human, certainly yet nearly another 1,000,000 years passed, or perhaps even more.

Therefore Nokodemion and his peoples could never have stemmed from the Milky Way system.

So, from where did he and his peoples come?


668. This question also occupied us, so we asked the Arahat Athersata level, who explained to us that Nokodemion was a creation of the planet SADR, which was in the WARON sun system, which moved in the LYREN galaxy, 3,816,000,000 light years distant from the SOL system.


You said it moved.

Then does it no longer exist?


699. The LYREN galaxy also went the eternal way of coming into being and passing away.

670. It dissolved itself and turned into energy, out of which new stars and planets and a new galaxy came into being.

671. This happened 26,000,000 years ago, which is why Nokodemion left the home worlds with his peoples prior to that and settled on the worlds of the LYRA and VEGA star systems, however shifted a little and only about a fraction of a second from the present time.

672. So Nokodemion and his peoples therefore came very far out of the depths of the universe and settled themselves in the oldest space-shifted system area of the Milky Way galaxy.

673. However, this was already Nokodemion's third exodus, because before he established or created his people on the planet SADR, he came from other galaxies and planets that were older than the LYREN galaxy, and which also passed into the way of decay.

674. But he established, engendered and created his peoples shortly before he became a purely spiritual form, whereby he attained that form at 58,000,000,000 years, which today the Supreme Council possesses, in order to then transform to the Arahat Athersata level in the same rapid way.

675. He spent several billion years there before he again took on a material body to create order among his peoples and to give the creational laws and commandments attention, because his peoples had degenerated.

676. Thus he came back out of the Arahat Athersata spirit level for the sake of his peoples, who followed no creational laws and commandments at all, to bring his peoples to reason and therefore to rationality.

677. That was 12,000,000,000 years ago.

678. As he had to recognize his peoples’ lack of understanding, he decreed a logical use of force, because the people were so degenerate that their senses and aspirations were, with all murderous means, only after boundless power.

679. Uniformly, as one, the peoples had the audacity to violently spread out in the universe, and, autocratically and usurpingly, named themselves representatives of Creation.

680. An insane idea that they had already tried to actualize, in that they attacked foreign planetary systems, bestially murdered millions of people or clapped them in chains and enslaved them.

681. Thus Nokodemion was faced with the choice of leaving his peoples to degenerate into universal monsters or command a halt to their murderous and power-hungry deeds.

682. Naturally he decided to command a halt, accordingly he issued his decree.

683. This was based on his sense of justice and his loyalty to Creation. Accordingly he sought a solution which was anchored in the powers of the creational laws and commandments.

684. First, in the course of only a few decades, he established gigantic armies which were of an exclusively android nature. Then he armed them with all conceivable weapons and robots, whereby hard-hitting armies arose, sworn singly and alone to Nokodemion's high command.

685. The single leaders of the individual armies and troops finally were taken over and managed by the leaders and war-experienced of the different planets, whose governments united and were able to defend themselves against the criminal and unhesitatingly murdering conquerors.

686. With these war-experienced ones and leaders, stemming from many different planets, and together with the robots and weapons built with the help of governments, and with the androids, Nokodemion constructed a multinational peacekeeping troop, so veterans instantly appeared everywhere, and fought the criminal conquerors, or imprisoned them, where these led their conquering campaigns.

687. Within fewer than eight years all of the criminal peoples were in the custody of multinational peacekeeping troops, deported to a distant planet that was hermetically barricaded and guarded so that nobody could escape, even if anyone possessed flying machines capable of space travel.

688. In conformity with the law of logical force, Nokodemion issued the decree that both sexes of the peoples were ordained to sterility in a lawful and humane way.

689. And thus the order and decree was passed, through the engagement of the Arahat Athersata level, that those who passed away in the course of time to a natural death should not be ordained a reincarnation, rather that their spirit forms had to stay as long in the realm of the other side until they, one day, through a new decree of Nokodemion, could again find an existence in human bodies.

690. However this had to continue for a very long time and, in addition, led thereto, that almost all knowledge had to escape out of the storage banks of all personalities, and new personalities were created through the collective consciousness block.

691. Thus this process of exhausting the greatest part of all the knowledge stored in the storage banks continued for almost 4,000,000,000 years before Nokodemion, with the help of the Arahat Athersata level, again called the aforementioned spirit forms, and newly ordered them into human bodies, and indeed in his newly engendered and created peoples who found their origins 8,000,000,000 years ago on LASAN.

692. That, my friend, is the answer to your question, yet that may all indeed be known to you.


Perhaps, yes.

But now since the entire knowledge out of the storage banks was not exhausted, which corresponded to the intention, naturally some soon broke through again, and over 8,000,000,000 years later there was again, as ever, a stink.

Not only that an Ischwisch [god/king of wisdom] created the Ring Nebula in his megalomania, which has since then been named the Eye of God, but his most distant descendents finally also came to Earth and terrorized this world here, and so on, which, at any rate, as a rough measure happened essentially for the first time only 389,000 years ago when one disregards those deportations and conquests and other skirmishes that go back to around 20,000,000 years ago.


693. Indeed, I knew that you know the connections.

694. You have surely only wanted to test how familiar I am with this story myself.


That was not quite so, my friend.


695. It appeared that way to me.


But it was not so.

But yet a question about the first people on the Earth.

From which point in time can one speak of terrestrial primal humans effectively as higher developed hominids?


696. The point of time moves around from about 4,800,000 to 8,000,000 years.


Therefore very much more than the Earth scientists accept.

They indeed reckon with only about 2,500,000 years, in the highest case with 3,000,000 years.


697. I know that the terrestrial scientists and researchers are in error in this regard, as much as in many other things.


Nicely put.

Now, but yet something in regard to Nokodemion's peoples: Essentially he indeed twice imposed on himself the mission to engender and create peoples, and indeed once in that fluctuating material state in which he found himself, that today the Supreme Council also possess.

I mean therewith the fluctuating condition between course matter and fine matter form.

Thereafter Nokodemion moved to the first stage of the purely spiritual form, and indeed to the Arahat Athersata level.

Nokodemion established his first peoples at the age of a total of 56,500,000,000 years, in this form; that he engendered a lineage which then independently further increased itself.

As he then entered the transitional level of the fluctuating material state at the age of 58,000,000,000 years, he created there, through spiritual potency, a further people, after which he seemingly spent precisely 2,000,000,000 years in the transitional level.

Thereafter he remained for a further 4,000,000,000 years in that level, after which he shifted in a rapid manner and entered the Arahat Athersata level, where he remained during the next 10,000,000,000 years, before he determined, as a result of the degeneration of his begotten and created peoples, and in unanimous accord with the entire Arahat Athersata level, to change himself back into a material human life form, in order in this way to command a halt to his degenerated, criminal, usurping peoples and to bring them to reason.

Thus, 12,000,000,000 years ago he came back into the coarse-matter universe out of the Arahat Athersata level in order to fulfill his mission.

But his return meant for him that a new evolutionary course of 60,000,000,000 to 80,000,000,000 years was ordained, entirely in accordance with the creational laws and commandments, with all the suffering, pain and need and all things which also, through the creationally-determined given course of evolution, belong to every other human life form.

Nokodemion himself was entirely conscious of this, yet in spite of that, he decided to take this step, accordingly therefore, because his sense of duty was so pronounced that he knew the obligation which he took upon himself with the engendering and creation of his peoples, who he had to again bring onto the correct path of the recognition and fulfillment of their duty to creation and its laws and commandments, and regarding all life.

Therefore Nokodemion now lives a second series of material lives and reincarnations, in order therein to resolve a material part of life into purely spiritual form for a second time and enter into the Arahat Athersata level, which appeared to him more as the real homeland the longer he was in a material life.


698. It has been clear to me for a long time that you know much more about these events than I myself or indeed any one of us.

699. And your allusion to the Arahat Athersata level as Nokodemion's homeland, that I can fully understand.

700. Nokodemion must feel very foreign and uncommonly lonely on the worlds and through all the times which have passed, in our coarse-matter universe, even if humans from his own peoples, engendered and created from him, who he loves and who love him, stand at his side.

701. But he will certainly remain a stranger for all times, and lonely as well, which will only be alleviated when he returns again to his real homeland in the Arahat Athersata level.

702. For my part, I do not, and would never, want to have to take up his position, which also certainly no reasonable person would ever want, if he knows Nokodemion's history.

703. Also with our people, who are likewise indeed the distant descendents of Nokodemion's engendered and created (ones), you would never find anyone who would want to take his position, of that I am absolutely certain.

704. For my part sometimes feelings of sorrow move inside me for him when I think about him and recognize that he must be arranged into yet almost a further 50,000,000,000 years of his self-chosen duty, and uncountable reincarnations, before he again has the possibility to return to his real homeland which he constantly misses.


A powerful speech, my dear friend Ptaah.

If Nokodemion has, however, already withstood uncountable reincarnations during his first 58,000,000,000 years of comprehensive course-matter development, and therefore also the uncountable reincarnations of the last 12,000,000,000 years, then he would still accomplish the remaining 47,000,000,000 to 48,000,000,000 years.


705. Sentiments speak through you that demand respect and reverence from me.


It would be better if we would now end this theme.

Pages 436 to 437


... Earlier we spoke of the Americans, who, with the alleged Moon landing in the year 1969, made fools of their entire population and the entire world. That was indeed not the only time, as you explained to me that time on the great voyage, and about which I was to remain silent. Now, it deals, thereby, with the events on December 7th, 1941, as the Japanese executed the great attack on the Hawaiian harbor, Pearl Harbor, whereby the flagship ARIZONA and many other American ships sank and thousands of humans were killed. You told me then, in 1975, that I was not permitted to speak about the actual occurrences until the events reached the fiftieth year memorial. On the coming 7th of December this year, it will be so far along, that the events of that time lie 50 years ago.


803. That corresponds to that which is correct, therefore, now these evil machinations of the Americans can be spoken about.


Good. If I still remember correctly, you explained to me at that time, that, through their spies and through the CIA, the America government was fully comprehensively informed that the Japanese Air Force would attack the American fleet in Pearl Harbor in the early morning hours of December 7th 1941 and would certainly destroy it. This would happen practically without the Americans' resistance because they were not at all interested in a defence. According to your explanation, those responsible, in the American government of that time, quite consciously sacrificed thousands of Marines and others belonging to the Army, as well as their flagship Arizona and many other ships, and with the intention, on one hand, to have a convincing basis for attack against Japan in order to be able to carry out official atom bomb tests on real objects, for which the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were sought out, and secondly, to prove their war power and greatness, when they atomically destroyed two cities and annihilated hundreds of thousands of human lives with only two bombs, and made many cripples and programmed birth defects, on which their scientists could then drive forward relevant studies. Therefore, the then American government and the initiated scientists, military and other kinds of criminals, quite consciously sent their own people to death, let an entire fleet be destroyed and committed a war crime without compare with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and with the murdering of hundreds of thousands of humans, as well as their mutilation and evoked birth defects, without the truth being known until now in the public world, and without the Americans having been brought to justice for that, as it was also with many other cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity which the Americans have committed.


804. That is what I spoke about then. That is correct.

805. But the truth about the Americans will also, however, not simply fade away, rather it will strive for the light, whereby sooner or later their atrocities will also be exposed, even if they are so shrouded and made secret and, in the denying of truth, are initially always managed in silence.


You've once again said that quite skillfully, therefore we certainly don't have to lose further words about that ...

Pages 443 to 444


... Now, I still have another question regarding Pearl Harbor, respectively in regard to the dropping of the atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You said that the Americans had thereby toyed with the idea that, then on December 7th, 1941, the Japanese, unhindered and without defence, could attack and destroy the ships of the American Pacific fleet lying in harbor, to thereby have a basis to annihilate Japanese cities with atom bombs, and thereby, one one hand, to be able to carry out necessary tests on living and dead objects, and on the other hand to demonstrate military power. However, now there is a worm somewhere in your explanation, because at the time that Pearl Harbor was bombarded flat, there were still no atom bombs. To my knowledge the Americans officially launched the first atom bomb for tests first in the month of July 1945, in the air, some three weeks before Hiroshima was annihilated, so the first atomic explosive therefore exploded in about the middle of July, or was even permitted to be detonated.

To my knowledge it was a uranium bomb, like that which was dropped on Hiroshima, while Nagasaki was destroyed with a plutonium bomb. Hereby, it would also be important to finally know how high the number of the actual dead at that time was, which must be accounted for, as the assertions of the Americans, and so forth, which speak of 260,000 dead for Hiroshima and 75,000 in Nagasaki, cannot be given any credibility at all. These are indeed numbers that do not accord with the truth. The bombs corresponded, at that time, to about 20 kilotons of TNT, if I remember correctly. However today these sorts of bombs are supposed to correspond to 100,000 kilotons of TNT.


826. I see already that I must give you some further explanations, even though I actually did not plan on that.

827. Naturally your statements are true, and also you are naturally correct with your amusing worm.

828. The first atomic explosive device was detonated by the Americans on July 16th, 1945 on the Alamogordo testing grounds in the United States of America.

829. Nevertheless, the American scientists and all the responsible ones of the government already knew, however, at the beginning of the year 1941, that somewhere around the middle of the year 1945 the nuclear weapon test, regarding the first bomb capable of being detonated, would be ready to the extent that the first attempt could be carried out, which indeed then also actually took place at the intended time, and succeeded.

830. And what could be easier for the Americans than to immediately further test these A-bombs on suitable objects, as it had been already determined five years before.

831. To that end, it only thus needed the suitable objects, which it had been decided five years earlier would be destroyed, as it could be thereby reckoned that the first atom bomb test would succeed in the year 1945.

832. Japan was, for one such further test of atomic weapons, as good as done, because the Japanese were, for the Americans, in many kinds of regards, still quite discomforting and also a potential danger.

833. Therefore it only now depended on one being able to enter into a war activity with the Japanese in order to bring them to their knees at a given time with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, if the atom bombs were developed so far that they could be employed.

834. Thus the Americans began drawn-out negotiations with the Japanese, and made demands which the Japanese could not fulfil under any circumstances, and which therefore could not be accepted.

835. Quite the contrary; the American demands of Japan were quite consciously formed in such a way that the Japanese had to say no to them, and, as a final answer, could only defend their honor with a war-like attack.

836. So it came to be that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor succeeded and that the Americans offered no defence.

837. Had the Americans namely stopped the attack, then that would have meant the quick end of Japan, whereby the entire plan for the future bombardment of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have fallen through, and indeed precisely for that time when the atom bomb was then developed.

838. So the Americans therefore constructed a five-year plan, let the Japanese attack and destroy Pearl Harbor, and sacrificed thousands of humans, thus finding a way to enter the Second World War themselves, which they also still wanted on other grounds, and configured everything so that America, in every respect, became the world's greatest power.

839. A position that was already striven for in the last century by America, who also today and into the future will still try to maintain it with every evil means.


I am satisfied with this answer; you completed the picture of events for me.

Notes from the translators

You can go here to read about the origins of the human species

Billy's question immediately preceding Ptaah's sentence 655 concerns the most primitive form of (non-carbon-based) life, called talposbacteria, which is not yet recognized by terrestrial science.

From 690. " ... the collective consciousness block" means "block", as in "block of flats/apartment block" and "block of ice", NOT "block", as in "road block" and "mental block"

From 693: "Ischwisch" [What is an JHWH?]: Strictly human title for a material male human being that has reached the level of king of Wisdom.

These human beings live in the last stages of human-material existence before changing over in half-spiritual forms.

The male version means: JHWH (phonetic = Ischwsch)

JHWHs are human beings like everybody else, but much higher in consciousness and spiritual development then -average- human beings.

A JHWH can never be compared to Creation itself, because Creation is immeasurably higher then any other life-form in its universe.


Jehova was not a JHWH in the common sense, but a JHFH, which means king of falsehood, malice






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