Contact Report 299
• Contact Reports volume: 8
• Page Number(s): 246 - 248
• Date of contact: Thursday, March 22nd, 2001, 10:11PM
• Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
• Date of original translation: Unknown
• Corrections and improvements made: N/A
• Contact person: Ptaah
Billy and Ptaah discuss the causes of BSE and CJD.
... What actually is the trigger of BSE [Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/"Mad Cow Disease"] which agglomerates the prions?
Do you people have some cognitions?
39. Unfortunately, I cannot allow anything concrete to be reported about that yet.
40. That is why only as much as can be said is that the Earth human himself carries the greatest guilt that the epidemic could spread so far, and indeed primarily thereby, because animal meal was manufactured from perished, diseased animals and was sent to many countries for animal feed.
41. Thereby, in many cases chicken excreta was also worked into the animal meal and it is indeed this chicken excreta which is a carrier of much manganese.
42. It is precisely that manganese, however, which produces a dangerous effect and indeed such that it drives prions towards agglutination.
43. So, chicken droppings on the pasture are also dangerous for cattle and sheep, and so forth, because the animals ingest much manganese in this way.
44. But a further factor also lies therein that the so-called Bumble-bee-Fly/Warble-Fly, on the pastures, stings the animals, which are then sprayed with the remedy "Vismet" in order to kill the insects.
45. It is again precisely this remedy, however, which to a great extent, binds the manganese, whereby the insect-combating remedy precisely causes that manganese to become a dangerous factor.
46. Besides that, "Vismet" also reaches the cattle and other animals through the animal food because this insect poison is also employed with citrus fruits against pests in the form of insects.
47. The citrus fruit peels are naturally not thrown away as useless, rather they are further utilised and indeed in the manner that they are dried and then ground into meal.
48. After that, this then finds application as an admixture to the animal meal and other animal feed.
49. And because the peels of the citrus fruit naturally absorb the insect-combating poison, this thus arrives inside the animals with the animal meal and other animal feed, in which it then binds the methane through which the prions are then agglomerated.
And how does it stand with that which is always asserted: that BSE only appears in certain parts of the animal?
50. Under certain circumstances BSE is also infectious through blood and meat.
That means therefore, that, under certain circumstances, the human can also be infected from animal meat and animal blood products.
51. Yes, that is the case.
52. With people, a form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome then comes about.
That therefore, because an alteration comes about if the species barrier is breached, or some such.
That is known, as is also that the epidemic can spread to many other forms of animal which however is always still disputed by our scientists, because they have not yet recognized and investigated the different forms of disease of the different animals that come about through the transmission of the BSE.
It would indeed also not be spoken about that bloodsucking insects or bats, and so forth, can likewise transmit the epidemic, if they are BSE carriers.
Also it would not be spoken about in this relationship in regard to the hoof and mouth epidemic, although not only the wind, rather also insects - principally bloodsuckers - as well as foxes, dogs, birds, mice and rats, and naturally also cats, can further spread the disease.
Also other wild animals like roedeer, deer and wild pigs are included therein if they come into contact with the epidemic-virus.
Also even vehicles, and so forth, as well as the human, are indeed already sufficient for the spreading of the epidemic.
53. That corresponds to correctness.