Contact Report 256
• Contact Reports Volume: 7
• Page number(s): 428
• Date/time of contact: May 13th, 1996, 2:05 PM
• Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
• Date of original translation: January 2006
• Contact person: Ptaah
Billy and Ptaah discuss the most primitive form of (non-carbon-based) life, called talposbacteria, which is not yet recognized by terrestrial science.
You and Quetzal, you have once spoken of talposbacteria, so-called heat bacteria, that, for example, live in fire, as also in lava and magma and in hot springs, in hot mud and even in suns.
86. That is correct.
87. It thereby concerns itself with bacteria, which first become properly alive and active with high temperatures.
88. The activation temperatures of the talposbacteria are different according to their kind; so there are indeed those which begin to develop their activity at eighty degrees (C) of heat, as also those which are properly in their living element with several hundred, or thousand, with tens of thousands or even indeed first with a million degrees of heat.
89. As a rule, their nourishment comes from different kinds of hot gasses, which, in part, are also radioactive.
That indeed also explains that they exist in the suns and hot nebulae of outer space.
Is that also the case with galactic central suns?
90. This question is actually superfluous, because the talposbacteria exist in their thousandfold diversity wherever heat exists.
91. They are different in form from the common bacteria and are absolutely insensitive to antibiotics, as is not the case with the heat-intolerant bacteria.
92. Earth scientists only know very little about the thousands of kinds of talposbacteria, whereby they would name the remainder of these archeobacteria, from which presently about 20 may be known, which corresponds to an extremely small number if one considers that these bacteria, in their kinds, go in their thousands, and they exercise various functions.
I know; one form makes, for example, methane gas, whereby it takes carbon dioxide and hydrogen as nourishment and transforms it.
Others nourish themselves from salts, from sulfurous gasses, from different kinds of gasses carrying radioactivity, as well as from acidic gasses, etc., whereby they always transform these substances into other forms, whereby a greater part of life would be guaranteed.
As in the realm of common bacteria, the talposbacteria, respectively the archeobactria, also work in the manner of constant conversion of material, the change and alteration, through which the one disintegrates and would be converted into something new.
But how far are the Earth scientists in these cognitions?
93. They stand yet seemingly at the start of their efforts and research and yet have no idea about how far-reaching the talposbacteria are in their functions, and how multifaceted in their number.
But you say at least they have made a start.