BASHAR:Blueprint for Change —— A Message from Our Future
巴夏:作為改變的藍圖 —— 來自我們未來生命的訊息
CHAPTER ONE Masters of Limitation
第一章 自我設限的大師
What is your purpose in coming here, Bashar?
First of all, let me say that even though you seemingly perceive a single identity, I represent hundreds of thousands, even millions of consciousnesses that make up the Association of Worlds. In their own manner they have – telempathically, you could say – "plugged into" my consciousness for each of the interactions we have with you. So understand that while there may be a gathering of individuals on your side for these channelings, there is a gathering of individuals on our side as well.
首先,讓我說明一下,雖然你們似乎覺得我只是一個人面對你們,然而我卻是代表著成千上萬,甚至是幾百萬生命意識的結合。在我這裡,他們以自己的方式 —— 心靈感應(可以這麼說)——“連進”我的意識之內,而介入我們與你們之間的每一個互動之中。所以請瞭解,雖然在這些交流過程中,你們可能有許多人聚集,而我們這一邊,也是有許許多多的人一起參與。
We have interacted with many other civilizations that are going through transformations such as yours, civilizations that are in stages of development where they have not yet allowed themselves to realize they could interact with other worlds in an open way. Those of us assisting in your transformation do so in an unobtrusive way that allows you to know you are responsible for that transformation, and not us.
我們已經與許多其它 —— 像你們一樣正在經歷轉型的文明有所互動,這些文明所發展的階段,還不允許他們自己明白,其實可以用一種很敞開的方式來與其他的世界互動。我們正在以一種不唐突的方式,協助你們的轉化,好讓你們明白:是你們自己要對轉型負起責任來,而不是我們。
Be aware, however, that we have a non-interference directive totally in effect. This is the idea that any new civilization is left alone if it is in an evolutionary stage where it does not necessarily express an absolute conscious recognition that there are other civilizations with which it could communicate. The idea of our existence is not forced upon any world until such time as that world exhibits the willingness to communicate in positive, loving ways.
Using this format we thus stay one step removed for that and many other reasons. First of all, we recognize that you usually have a penchant upon your planet -- at least in the past have had a penchant -- for following the messenger, and not listening to the message. Therefore, since the information is more important than whom we are, for now we remain removed, allowing the information to have a paramount place in your minds. For if we were to appear and utter these phrases ourselves in physical form, people would be bowing left and right. Rather than your continuing to hold us above yourselves in some sort of awe, we wish to assist you in returning your power to yourselves, helping you to wake up and take back responsibility for the creation of your lives.
由於此一原則,所以我們便不被人類文明所知,當然還有很多其他的理由。首先,我們發現到地球人有個毛病 —— 至少在以往有這種毛病 —— 只肯跟隨先知,而不聽先知所傳遞的訊息。因此,由於我們的訊息遠比我們是誰要重要許多,所以現在我們保留隱形,好讓訊息能夠落實在你們的心靈裡。因為如果我們現形,以肉身講出這些話來,人們就會跪拜不已。與其讓你們對我們敬畏有加,不如協助你們贏回自己的力量,幫你們清醒,並取回創造自己生活的責任。
Why are you here at this time in our history?
We have always interacted with every civilization knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are in every way equal to any civilization of which we are aware. If you, however, label other civilizations more advanced than your civilization, know that this is not just a matter of labeling; it is also a matter of perspective. But this may now afford you an opportunity to realize your civilization is changing and expanding, perhaps in ways similar to how our civilization has expanded. We recognize that your world is exploring ideas and levels of consciousness we have already explored, ones that have worked for us. As you create that exploration in your consciousness, we note that you radiate a particular frequency. We have picked up on this frequency and accepted it as an invitation, in a sense, to interact with you.
We communicate in order to reflect to you some of the ways these ideas you are exploring have worked for us, so that if you wish to, you can adapt and adopt some of them into your own reality – IF you find they work for you. This method always works best, because it allows you to decide for yourselves what the information is and whether it works for you or not.
We are in this interaction to put ourselves out of a job. Our dearest desire is to have there come a day on your planet when you do not need us at all. And then on that day we will be able to interact with you on an equal level. However, for that level of interaction you must open the door for us. It's your planet. The way you open that door is not by wishing for us to interact with you, not by the desire alone, but by expressing more of a desire for you to interact with yourselves as equals. Only when you do that among yourselves do you create the vibration that makes it possible for us to be able to come through into your dimension and see you face to face.
(續接 來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-02)