Contact Report 475
Part 1
• Contact Reports volume: Unknown
• Page number(s): Unknown
• Date/time of contact: Wednesday, the 26th of November 2008, 2:16 PM
• Translator(s): Reece Stiller
• Official/unofficial translation: Unofficial
• Authorised/unauthorised by FIGU: Unauthorised
• Date of original translation: Sunday, the 27th of September 2009
• Corrections and improvements made: Nicolas Weis
• Contact person: Ptaah
Ptaah talks about why Plejaren names and terms must be pronounced the same as they are in the Plejaren language even when translated into the earthly languages.
This part is an unofficial and unauthorised translation and may contain errors.
... But one thing of which I already addressed twice in the recent past:
How should it really be kept in relation to names of Plejaren persons and general Plejaren terms and names, etc.; you've once said that they are to be maintained and should not be changed if, for example, Contact Reports are translated into other languages?
I indeed said that, because due to the importance of names and terms, it is imperative that they are written and pronounced in the same form as the Plejaren language.
If this is not done, then completely false meanings form, that don't harmonize anymore with the proper meaning of the name or term.
So the names and terms should, respectively must sound the same as they are in your language in all earthly languages, as it is already the case with German and Swiss German, and the same applies if the names and terms are used in other languages such as English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, etc.
If this is not done, then name and term distortions will arise.
This corresponds to the meaning of my words.
Only a single alteration of a single syllable respectively of a single letter creates an entirely different and as a rule, negative sense and unworth, for example the name of my daughter Semjase when the E at the end of her name in English is pronounced I.
Semjase is a very old name that we Plejaren adopted from the Ancient Lyrian dialect, it means “The Demigoddess”.
If the E at the end of her name, as I spoke of in the English language example is pronounced I, then there is a very bad misnomer.
“Sem”, from Semjase means in the Ancient Lyrian dialect “Half” while “Jase” means goddess, but “Jasi” means “Bane Goddess”.
Hence, if in the English language the E at the end of Semjase is spoken as I, so therefore Semjasi, the name means “Demigoddess of Bane”.
Such false names and unworthy concepts respectively are unworthy of our languages and dialects, even if only a single letter in the word itself is wrong and is pronounced differently than the written form.
Then it is the same in the German language, that every name and every term only is in rightness and has its real value when it is read and spoken as it is written.
Even with name abbreviations the meanings can sometimes change into the negatives, such as in the worst case the name Andres or Andreas, if these are abbreviated as “Andi” which then means “Dirt Dog” respectively “Dirty Dog”.
Regarding the term “Plejaren” it is therefore my opinion that they must not be called anything other than just Plejaren.
What you say corresponds to rightness, and about the term Plejaren, it is the name of our system according to the very old dialect of the Ancient Lyrian language.
“Ple” means “Sevenfold“ and “Jaren” is equated with “Law”.
As inhabitants of this system, we are called Plejaren; however in relation to the individual the N at the end of the term changes or is omitted, so therefore a woman is a Plejara and a man is a Plejare.
The term Plejaren has the value “Law of the Sevenfold”, whereas “Jara” in the term “Plejara” means “Denzien” and thus “Denzien in the Sevenfold” and “Jare”, the second word in “Plejare” means “Dweller” and thus “Dweller in the Sevenfold”.
If the end of the term Plejare is pronounced as I, an unworthy meaning arises: “Destruction”.
Changes in the pronounciation of Plejaren and Plejare bring negative respectively unworthy results.
If the term is pronounced wrongly with I at the end, thus as “Plejari”, the part of the word “Jari” means “Destruction”, consequently the term becomes unworthy and means “Destruction of the Sevenfold”. ...
Part 2
• Contact Reports volume: Unknown
• Page number(s): 3486
• Date/time of contact: Wednesday, the 26th of November 2008, 2:16 PM
• Translator(s): Unknown
• Official/unofficial translation: Unofficial
• Authorised/unauthorised by FIGU: Authorised
• Date of original translation: Unknown
• Corrections and improvements made: N/A
• Contact person: Ptaah
The danger of the Red Meteor.
This part is an unofficial but authorised translation.
Regarding the Red Meteor that endangers Earth on the 13th of April, 2029 and of which we have already spoken on the 16th of September, I have been asked about certain things and, therefore, would like to know how big that bloke is.
To my knowledge the terrestrial astronomers have already detected it for quite some time and are calling it Apophis or something.
It shall either hit Earth in the year 2029, or only whizzing by very closely.
Should it be the latter case, it (the meteor) would reappear in the year 2036 and its close approach to Earth could really lead to a catastrophe if the scientists undertake nothing against it.
Its size is about 350 metres.
What you are saying regarding the great danger that the Red Meteor represents to Earth: the scientists know about it.
And if there will be no special influence by the outer SOL “trabants” (note by the translator: objects circling around and at great distance from our sun), a catastrophe really threatens the Earth.
In order to avoid it the terrestrial scientists are also urged to undertake every conceivable possibility to ultimately push the meteor from its orbit.
To my knowledge various models exist for this purpose, but the scientists cannot come to a mutual agreement on this.
You are saying that the fellow shall be pushed from its orbit, and I gather from it that blowing it up is out of question.
Therefore, only a reaction principle could be applied, like e.g. an extremely strong nuclear reaction unit, sun sail principles, or atomic explosions near the meteor.
Whereby atomic explosions near the meteor should be considered, because they are very efficient and produce a strong drift(ing) effect.
However, the explosions may not occur too close to the meteor in order to avoid breaking it up, from which an even greater danger would result.
Such a project must be executed early and not at that time when the real danger is starting to threaten, because otherwise it would be too late for a success.
Therefore working towards it must be started today.
And what about big reaction units and sun sail principles?
Those are also possibilities, but they are much more difficult to carry out, and the necessary effectiveness is questionable; besides, with regard to their efficiency they are not to be recommended because meteors are unstable with regard to a regular self-position which makes the application of any effective reaction units and sun sails etc. nearly impossible.
Those things have to be profoundly thought about by the scientists.
That’s really so, but time presses.