Contact Report 476
This contact report was copied from
• Page number(s): Unknown
• Date/time of contact: Tuesday, the 3rd of February 2009
• Translator(s): Christian Frehner and Willem Mondrian
• Date of original translation: Thursday, the 10th of September 2009
• Corrections and improvements made: N/A
• Contact person: Ptaah
2012: What We Have Brought Upon Ourselves
In the following transcript of Billy Meier’s conversation with Ptaah, on February 3, 2009, information regarding the much publicized, and feared, catastrophic events now being associated with 2012 are discussed and clarified. Perhaps even more importantly, the truth about the actual depth of our climatic/environmental problems – and the direct link to the role of the endlessly greedy corporations and multinational corporations in denying it – is plainly stated. Also covered is how human thinking, especially the apocalyptic, fearful thinking prevalent among members of various fundamentalist groups, creates self-fulfilling prophecies, actually helping to bring about the negative events that they fearfully focus on.
Meier is on record as far back as 1951 in his warnings about climate change and the threat to our survival contained therein. And of course he also clearly pointed to the thoughtlessness of human behavior that could lead, and now actually has led, to our being on the brink of enormous, unprecedented upheavals and destruction. The latest news regarding warming in the Arctic can now only be ignored by the most foolish and deliberately blind of human beings.
While the bought off scientists and others tow the corporate (and political) line and promote the lies and denial, incontrovertible information about the effect of the melting of the glaciers seeps through, just like the waters from those glaciers that will raise sea levels worldwide. In the process of the glacial melting, the ever-increasing weight of the resulting great masses of water brings with it disastrous consequences, largely unforeseen and/or denied by most of our scientific “experts” This will take the form of both releasing long suppressed earthquakes, where glacial pressure once actually prevented them, and putting unprecedented pressure on the tectonic plates underneath the ocean floor, which also could lead to massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. (See scientific corroboration.)
Additionally, the possible collapse of the Antarctic Ice Sheet would also lead to huge problems that would have a worldwide effect, including putting Washington, D.C. under water; millions of environmental refugees, predicted by Meier, would be made homeless right in the U.S.
Routinely overlooked is the fact that we live on a…ball, a completely interconnected planet where, according also to the laws of cause and effect, the negative consequences of ill-considered actions eventually arrive, despite our ignorance or denial of the causal connections. Not surprisingly, Texas is experiencing the delayed effects of earlier, frequent drilling. Such appears to also be the case even in Oklahoma, where nine earthquakes occurred in a 24-hour period. It should be mentioned that oil extraction in Oklahoma first began around 1896.
Meier also introduces us to other, very unexpected, global consequences of our neglect and abuse, which may even spread out into space itself.
In addition to the following transcript, readers are advised to carefully study all of the warnings contained in Meier’s prophetic writings and their ever increasing corroboration. Unfortunately, many of the specific things he forewarned about, with the hope that humanity would awaken and take positive action to prevent them from occurring, are said to have now crossed the point of no return and to be predictions, i.e. unpreventable, inevitable events.
UPDATE: September 17, 2009
Six Volcanoes Erupt in Russia
2009-9-17 4:2
Six volcanoes are currently erupting in Russia's remote Kamchatka region.
Volcanologist Yaroslav Muraviyev says so much activity was last recorded 55 years ago.
He says the number of eruptions is increasing all over the world.
[Yaroslav Muraviyev, Deputy Director of Science, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Institute]: "We have seen two, three, up to five volcanoes erupting simultaneously, but we have six volcanoes erupting this year and it is not just happening here, this is a global trend."
Despite the obvious dangers, there is mixed reaction among local people.
Olga Shepetovskaya says the volcanic ash improves her vegetables.
[Olga Shepetovskaya, Local Resident]: "Some people are saying that this ash brings natural mineral fertilizers. When we first came here the snow was grey and everything was melting in spring time, fertilizing the soil. Just take a look around and you will see that the plants are flourishing at the bottom of the volcano."
Another villager sees the health hazards.
[Alexander Shepetovski, Local Resident]: "This volcano was dangerous, we were breathing in the volcanic ash and it was harmful to our health but now the wind is blowing in the other direction."
But Anatoly Molchanov has gotten used to the risks.
[Anatoly Molchanov, Local Resident]: "I don't worry too much about the volcano erupting or not, the main thing is to have time to run away."
With any luck he won't have to run away from his home any time soon.
This is a small excerpt of the entire contact.
… Besides I would like to officially speak about the 21st of December 2012, because I am asked again and again about the meaning of this date with regard to the Mayan calendar. Admittedly I know from your explanation what will happen on that day and over the whole year, but I shall keep silent about this so as to not be causing fear and panic mongering. I was thinking, therefore, to write something about it in a Special-Bulletin. Perhaps it would be good that I am saying some things that I know from you, at least in some general way, perhaps as some minor probability or possibility. What do you think about it?
... Concerning the 21st of December 2012 and the entire year, you can mention some things openly, but withhold those things that you were advised to remain silent about. If you are using the forms of possibility or of a small probability, then that may be all right.
Then I would like to read this here to you, that I already wrote for a Special-Bulletin. Probably it would be good that – when I go into it in our conversation – you could interrupt me or stop me if I am telling something that should be kept a secret.
Your idea is good, and, therefore, let me hear what you want to explain.
Good; what you did explain to me regarding the year 2012, I don’t want to treat as a prophecy or prediction, but as a possibility and a minor probability. I want to begin with a question that was posed to me.
What can you, Billy Meier, tell us about those things that are circulating everywhere regarding the Mayan calendar and especially the 21st of December 2012 when the world shall come to an end?
W. Hiestand, Switzerland
My answer to this:
Regarding the question I will begin by saying that the entirely nonsensical claims by all fear- and panic-mongers, who are “prophesying” the world’s end or the end of the world, is absolute rubbish. Just as the end of the world, prophesied by astrologers, esoterics, know-it-alls and panic-mongers, did not happen on the turn of the century or millennium in the year 2000, the end of the world will also not happen on the date in question. Such panic-provoking erroneous claims are, just as all conspiracy theories, absolute nonsense and a common thing since calendar calculations and certain and rare astronomical and climate-related phenomena exist.
Claims regarding an end of the world always occur with absolute certainty when there is a turn of a century or a millennium. But the same is happening also if special astronomical constellations or comets etc., as well as special terrestrial natural phenomena, appear. These are factors which are used by the panic-mongers, “seers”, false “knowing ones” and all kinds of end-of-the-world prophets to disseminate their nonsense and to frighten masses of people.
Regarding the Mayan calendar it must be said that the year 2012 will bring a whole series of quite special events, to which the central star of our system, our sun, will contribute its share, because on the sun’s surface violent outbursts will occur and sun storms are caused, which will be very intense and will influence Earth’s geomagnetic balance.
Through the very strong X-rays falling down on Earth, the magnetic field can suffer from very strong fluctuations. And through geomagnetic storms, power supplies and all electronic appliances can collapse, also those in the satellites, and the ISS may also suffer great damage or may even have a complete (power) failure. Such solar storms may lead to enormous natural catastrophes, and in a worst-case scenario, to a polarity reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field. What has to be said also is that such solar storms are forming up to a climax in an exact rhythm of eleven years, which is a normal occurrence, but in the year 2012 it may happen in an extraordinary magnitude. The Earth will fall victim to a very strong bombardment of hard radiation, which may have a very negative effect on the Earth’s ozone layer.
Due to the entire resulting process, nitric oxides and acid rain can be formed worldwide, which may have evil and devastating effects on the entire plant life. The enormous solar eruptions can lead to further very strong climate changes and, with it, to immense droughts, bad weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, crop failure and, therefore, to even greater famines than have existed up to now. Besides all this, the year 2012 brings other unpleasant events, like e.g. an unknown, invisible, dark and huge space wanderer that is threatening from the fringe of our solar system and could wreak tremendous havoc regarding Earth.
And if this should really occur, the fact of its existence would be openly proven starting with 2010 or 2011, if at all, because the possibility of a “dark” and, therefore, non-observable passage of the colossus is also possible. Besides, all kinds of unpleasant machinations regarding discord, worldwide heavy warlike actions, as well as increasing degeneracy and excessive human ways of behaviour are threatening for the year 2012, whereby all those things are especially evil.
Which thereto ...
You should not say more, because what you explained should be enough.
Good, then it’s enough. But the human beings of Earth would be interested in what the Mayan calendar has to do regarding the 21st of December 2012.
That is possible, yes. Regarding the Mayan calendar, the 21st of December 2012 represents the culmination of a star constellation that occurs only every 26,000 years. The Mayan calculations are assuming that the Earth – on the 21st of December 2012 – shall lie on an imaginary line that fits together the star over the left side of the constellation Orion with the central sun, i.e. the centre of the Milky Way. The Sun meets the Milky Way at a location that is built by interstellar dust clouds, and is called “dark cleft of the Milky Way” by the human beings of Earth. On the 21st of December 2012, at nightfall of winter solstice, the Sun is directly in that cleft, and it is in such a position that the Milky Way covers the horizon in all positions all around.
From this is resulting the optical impression that the Milky Way would touch Earth all around and that the galaxy would lie directly on the Earth. On the whole that’s the end product of the Mayan calendar recording. This should suffice, my friend. To say more would be too much of a good thing, because it would foster the fear of the human beings of Earth, which should not be, however. So keep silent regarding the further explanations that we gave you.
I will, but otherwise I would like to say something regarding the climatic change that shall not be allowed to be forgotten, but is deliberately disputed by irresponsible scientists as well by non-profit-making organisations. This is so because they are bribed by big oil and tobacco companies as well as by noted chemical multinational companies with great amounts going into the millions; as a result the venal “experts” construct false experts’ reports and are telling lies that there is no increase in climatic temperature and that no catastrophe is threatening. Groups of companies that are criminal regarding this are gathering scientists and organisations which they have bought or who are submissively dependent on them, because they (the companies) assume that the ignorant terrestrial population would rather believe in the lies of the bought-off scientists and organizations, than those scientists who are demonstrating the increase of the climatic temperature.
They want to give the impression that there are a great number of good scientists and organisations who can prove that there is no increase in climatic temperature and, therefore, no related catastrophe may be expected. In fact, it is not only a case of amounts going into millions, but of billions and those who are greedy for profits do not care if the world and the life foundation of the entire humankind is destroyed. All those who are entangled in this are leading a conspiracy campaign through which the effective truth of the climatic change is disputed, and through it there shall be prevented that worldwide effective climate-protecting laws are enacted and implemented. If such laws were enacted and be effective, the groups of companies etc. would lose enormous amounts going into the billions just as profitable sources of income of the submissively dependent scientists and organisations would run dry. So they are vehemently working on their false experts’ reports which are full of lies, and with which they are trying to boycott the really serious research results of the honest and good scientists, and to insult them as figments of the imagination.
As a result, measures for the protection of the climate have been delayed for decades, so the groups of companies, which are denying the climatic change, have earned many billions. But it is true that the climatic change takes place, however not alone through circumstances that have appeared since time immemorial in a natural way, but more than 75 percent because of factors caused by the human beings. But ultimately, the climatic change does not only have an effect on the Earth and its waters and nature, because it is already verifiable that the glaciers and poles are melting in a catastrophic way, and that the ocean currents are changing, through which – still on a small scale – new gravitation waves are built that are also running into space at very high speed. So the Earth’s gravitational field will also change by this, and not only through the threatening sun storms in the year 2012, and this will not be restricted to the planet alone, but will also have an effect out into space, as a gravitation-space-tsunami, so to speak.
The climatic change does not change Earth alone, but it bears effects into the SOL system to the Kuiper Belt, and probably even much farther into space. If the ocean currents are intermingling, they create tremendous amounts of energy through their huge masses of water, which are influencing the gravitational field, besides the contraction and compression of the Earth’s atmosphere, which has already imperceptibly started. Through the whole thing of the already occurring climatic change, inevitably the first changes have arisen in the fauna and flora which are not yet been detected by the scientists, unfortunately, but from which sooner or later visible consequences will emerge. The time has already come that the climate change is moving around gigantic masses of ice and water through which dangerous pressure effects on the earth’s crust are created and tectonic shifts are provoked.
This inevitably leads to more severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as is also the case with large reservoirs, which is still disputed by the bigoted scientists; not seldom because they don’t want to admit the truth or are paid for their false calculations by the billions-worth companies. However, what is not heeded with the necessary care is the fact that through the melting of the inland-glaciers of all countries, as well as the melting of the glaciers of Greenland, the Antarctica and Arctic, the sea level rises, which finally leads to disastrous geological consequences. Greenland's gigantic ice-surfaces, the two poles and the inland-glaciers of all countries with many billion tons of weight on the underground, which is pressed deep into the earth's crust, by which great depressions have been formed. If the gigantic masses of ice now are melting, the pressure on the underground diminishes and, as a result, it is moving very quickly upwards, and the relaxation leads to the disappearance of the depression.
This is not harmless, however, because tectonic movements are resulting through the relaxation, through which earthquakes of all strengths are increasingly released. In another way, through the emerging melt-water the sea level is rising, through which the coastal regions are plagued by new hydraulic pressure. As a result, the underground is changing, however at great depths, where great magma-masses are moved and driven into volcanoes, which leads to new and increased volcanic eruptions. But the total of the immense increase of the water-masses in the oceans leads to another evil effect, because they (the water-masses) are influencing the rotation of the earth, in a way that the planet starts turning faster, and a change in the time of day is caused. However, this is not all that results from climate-warming because, truthfully, the human being is also negatively influenced by it in a physical, psychic and mental way.
Thus depressions arise that are spreading more and more among many people on earth and are turning into chronic conditions. Disorders of consciousness also appear more frequently, and so states of anxiety as well as thoughts and feelings of loss are spreading more and more, just as the cooling of thoughts and the resultant callousness. Brutality, violence and unscrupulousness become ever more blatant and lead to the murder of fellow human beings. All evils are increasingly getting out of hand, just as greed for enjoyment and the addiction to alcohol, medications, drugs and the adrenaline-kick. This is happening because the human being’s mental health is damaged by the climate change, and the anatomy of the brain is changing, even if this happens only imperceptibly for the time being and has not yet been recognised by the scientists – and will probably be disputed, since I openly mention this fact and truth.
What you just said actually lies on the border of that which you may say openly. You should not disclose further explanations.
Understood. But something should also be said about the fact that the human beings of Earth are causing many evils and catastrophes themselves, not only with regard to the climate warming, but also because they collectively direct their thought and their sub-consciousness forces so powerfully on evils and catastrophes etc. A part of this is also the false claims and lies by fear- and panic-makers as well as “end of the world“-prophets, religions and their sects etc.; onto which susceptible human beings are focussing and through which the evils and catastrophes etc. then actually come true. Nowadays, through the internet, it is even worse than in the past, when evil news, fears and “end of the world” fables, as well as other absurdities, were spread alone by religions, sects, “end of the world” prophets, newspapers, journals and by the radio. A majority of human beings constantly occupy themselves with dreadful things that are “prophesied” by alarmists and conspiracy-theoreticians, who are terrifying those people who are susceptible to it.
And the more people believe in this nonsense and are building it up to a delusion within themselves and in the environment, the more powerful becomes the force of the related common thoughts, until it becomes the decisive might and is triggering and causing the made-up catastrophe or evil. The power of thoughts brings about everything, so to speak, and in fact all the more certain, the more the thought forces of many people unite in the same cause. This means that what the human being nurtures and maintains in his thoughts, inevitably fulfils itself. And the that more people are directing themselves onto something certain with their forces of thought, onto something that could or should turn out, the more certainly it will actually come true. This refers to everything and everyone, respectively to everything that is imaginable, therefore also to factors of nature which, when influenced by the powerful human forces of thought, can trigger immense catastrophes.
An indisputable fact. I would like to remind you now once again, that you should not announce any further details with reference to the year 2012. What will be necessary to be openly mentioned, I will explain to you in good time.
Further Reading
• Contact Report 480
• Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012