Appendices 附錄
The following is a list of topics that are presented in the first 76 Contact Reports of Eduard Meier. The heading at the beginning of the list of topics for each contact includes the sequential contact number, date and time of the contact and the persons that Meier contacted. The numbers after each listed topic represent the contact number, a period, and the associated sentence reference numbers. The beginning and ending numbers are seperated by a hyphen. Unfortunately, sentence reference numbers were not included at the beginning of the first contact report. In some cases, the reference numbers are preceded by a letter that identifies the person speaking such as: A=Asket, P=Ptaah, Q=Quetzal, N=Nera, and S=Semjase. When no letter is specified, then the person speaking is Semjase. Except for the first contact, there are additional numbers after the reference numbers. These numbers consist of the chapter, section, and sub sections, separated by periods, where the information is presented in the book, “The Essence of the Notes”. If no numbers exist, then the topic was not included in the book.
[Tuesday, January 28, 1975, 2:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier – qualities
Meier - reason chosen as a contactee
Charlatans & frauds
Meier’s mission
Charlatans & frauds - false contactees - 1.1-11; 6.5.2
Religion - 1.12-16
Photographs of craft - 1.17-18
Pleiadians/Plejaren / Extraterrestrial humans - 1.19-23
Hyperspace propulsion system and "Null-time" - 1.24-26
Other life forms in other star systems - 1.27-33 6.
Barbaric/dangerous extraterrestrials - 1.34-38
Creation - laws of "God" – defined - 1.40-59
Talmud Jmmanuel - 1.60-66
Future Contacts / "Thought Transmission" - 1.67-79
[Monday, February 3, 1975, 10:10 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier - thinking capabilities - 2.1-25; 3.1
Other extraterrestrials visit Earth - 2.26-28; 6.5
UFO "abductions" - 2.29-37; 6.5.2
Barbaric/dangerous extraterrestrials - 2.38-51; 6.2
False contactees - 2.53-66; 6.5.2
7 important people to Meier's mission - 2.67-68; 3.2.3
[Saturday, February 8, 1975, 3:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier has "finished writing his book" - 3.1-4; 3.1.2
Deceivers - 3.6-9; 8.4.5
Pleiadians/Plejaren - 3.10-17; 4.2
Why they don't reveal themselves publicly - 3.18-26; 4.2.7
Talmud Jmmanuel - 3.30-32; 9.11
Life span of humans - 3.33-36; 8.4.1
Semjase's age - 330 years - 3.37-44; 4.3.1
[Saturday, February 15, 1975, 1:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier - "strong thought force" - 4.1-3
Security - 4.4-8; 4.2.7
Knowledge of all Earth languages ever spoken - 4.9-24; 4.2.1
Beamship hyper-drive - 4.26-42; 10.6.4
Comets - some hurled through space - 4.43-49; 10.2.6
Hyper-drives - 4.50-60; 10.6.4
Beamship - "protection-beam-belt" - 4.61-69; 4.2.9
Gravity & effects on/in beamships - 4.70-78; 4.2.8
Earth humans - barbarous, greed & want for power - 4.79-83; 8.4.2
Other extraterrestrial intelligences - 4.84-94; 6.2
Earth humans need to unite against intruders - 4.95-99; 6.2/8.5
Spiritual reason & wisdom of Earth humans - 4.100-101; 5.
Malona - planet destroyed by war - 4.102-105; 10.2.11
[Sunday, February 16, 1975, 11:41 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier’s mission - 5.1-8; 3.1.2
False religion & lack of spiritual progress - 5.9-24; 9.9
Chronology of Earth's history - current "history" - 5.27-30; 7.3
The Great Flood (The Deluge) - 10,079 years ago - 5.31-36; 7.3.1
Destroyer planet - origin of & extensive details - 5.37-57; 10.2.8
Venus and Moon origins - 5.58-63; 10.2.13/15
Destroyer planet – affects caused - 5.64-134; 10.2.8
Earth history - 5.135-187; 7.3
[Sunday, February 23, 1975, 10:30 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
7 main stages/periods of development - 6.6-45; 5.9
Talmud Jmmanuel and Isa Rashid, co-discoverer - 6.50-55; 9.11
[Tuesday, February 25, 1975, 6:02 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase's new beamship - 7.2-4; 4.3.1
Meier forbidden to photograph inside craft & Semjase - 7.5-7; 4.2.7
Confidentiality - 7.8-12; 4.2.7
M.R. [Isa Rashid] and the Talmud Jmmanuel - 7.22-48; 9.11
"Spiritual healers" - many are cheats - 7.76-79; 8.4.8
Uri Geller, George Adamski and Karl Michalek - 7.80-92; 6.5.2
Witnesses not allowed - 7.94-99; 4.2.7
Origins of the many human races - 7.100-143; 8.2
Giants & titans once lived on Earth - 7.143-151; 6.3.7
Meier and his group - 7.156-165; 3.2
A "spirit world" - 7.168-173; 5.7
Reincarnation - 7.174-185; 5.5
Ability to communicate with spirits - 7.186-192; 5.4
Mediums - only a few capable of contacting spirits - 7.193-200; 5.4
Voices heard on tape recordings - 7.201-210; 5.7
Pleiadians/Plejaren – bases and stations - 7.215-223; 4.2.5
"Ghost music" - music compositions transmitted - 7.224-232; 5.7
Meier will be allowed to take pictures - 7.241-257; 4.4.1
Meier to form a group which will inform leaders - 7.261-276; 3.2
Ozone layer depletion - 7.277-303; 7.2.9
[Tuesday, March 18, 1975, 3:04 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Matter/rough-material stuff - 8.2-14; 10.5.2
Spiritual energy - 8.15-24; 5.6
Conditions for questions being asked & answered - 8.25-43; 4.2.1
Molecular biology - 8.44-64; 10.3
Brain acids - carry spiritual wisdom - 8.65-79; 10.3
Mental illness - 8.80-90; 8.4.11
Theory of Relativity and Hyperspace - 8.91-108; 10.6.4
The mass of objects increases in relation to speed - 8.109-119; 10.6.4
Time travelers - occasionally appear from the past - 8.120-129; 6.3.13
Dangers of speed - 8.130-152; 10.6.4
Extraterrestrials have influenced technology - 8.153-157; 6.5
Aquarian Age - brings great changes, religions - 8.158-161; 7.2.11
Creation - behaves neutrally; creates life - 8.162-166; 5.1
Soul and spiirit are the same - 8.167; 5.6
Age is controlled by genetics and environment - 8.170-176; 8.1.12
Talismans, amulets, metals, crystals, and stones - 8.177-193; 10.4
Origins of first life - atmosphere & amino acids - 8.194-195; 8.1
Jmmanuel and Talmud Jmmanuel – retrieved - 8.196-206; 9.11
Doubters of the Pleiadians/Plejaren - 8.208-238; 8.4.5
[Friday, March 21, 1975, 4:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Pleiadians/Plejaren - humans like us - 9.1-14; 4.2
Natural barbarism – usefulness - 9.15-29; 8.4.2
Scientists - danger in their misuse of knowledge - 9.30-35; 10.1
UFOs (beamships) - "distorter screen" - 9.38-54; 4.2.8
Meier asks if he can tape record Semjase's voice - 9.55-69; 4.2.7
Talmud Jmmanuel – doubters - 9.71-99; 9.11
Pleiadians not interested in responding to doubters - 9.100-114; 4.2.1
History of Mankind - 9.115-162; 8.1
3 special races - 9.151-158; 8.2.1
Age Of Aquarius ("Golden Age") - 9.163-212; 7.2.11
Meier exhorted to begin his mission of teaching - 9.213-260; 3.1.2
[Wednesday, March 26, 1975, 3:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Spirit within humans - 10.1-19; 5.6
Happiness - 10.20-33; 5.3
Wisdom and spirit - 10.34-43; 5.6
Creation - 10.44-56; 5.1
Love and wisdom - 10.57-76; 5.3
Peace - 10.77-92; 5.3
Sense and function of the spiritual teachings - 10.93-115; 5.
Religions' false teachings - 10.116-136; 9.9
Perception of other human beings - 10.137-192; 8.4.6
Truth and ignorance - 10.193-211; 8.4.9
Awareness of oneself, the spiritual consciousness - 10.212-265; 5.6
Semjase informs Meier that he is the prophet - 10.266-270; 3.1.2
Talmud Jmmanuel - 10.272-276; 9.11
Semjase wants copies of Meier's photos & film - 10.277-283; 4.4.1
Meier’s character - 10.284-291; 3.1
[Tuesday, April 15, 1975, 3:40 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier again exhorted to form a group - 11.3-20; 3.2
Meier often exhausts himself from manual labors - 11.21-42; 3.2
Meier given permission to take more photos - 11.43-45; 4.4.1
Pleiadian scientists have analyzed the photos & film - 11.46-53; 4.4.1
Spiritual Teachings - 11.54-149; 5.
Nature & qualities of a spiritually developing person - 11.54-71; 5.9
Spiritual intellect & material intellect - 11.72-77; 5.6
Nature & qualities of the spirit within humans - 11.78-97; 5.6
All experiences are hidden in the subconscious - 11.98-110; 8.4.15
Awareness of one's spirit through meditation - 11.111-116; 5.2
Material life is a ladder to the spiritual life - 11.117-137; 5.9
Religious philosophies - monstrous confusions - 11.138-149; 9.9
Meier hears the sounds and sees a strange UFO - 11.150-158; 10.6.3
[Sunday, April 20, 1975, 3:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Photos taken of Semjase's beamship must be destroyed - 12.1-11; 4.4.1
Doubters - 12.12-27; 8.4.5
Crystals & minerals brought from other worlds - 12.28-36; 10.4
254 stars in the Pleiades star system - 12.37-38; 4.1.4
Semjase sent her thoughts about people in photos - 12.41-108; 4.4.1
Semjase's remarks on the book - 12.109-122
[Friday, April 25, 1975, 5:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase returns the book "Living From The Spirit" - 13.1-6
Semjase decides to destroy the film from April 20 - 13.7-20; 4.4.1
Semjase suggests using his influence on other craft - 13.21-24; 4.3.1
Semjase agrees to bring Meier stones & crystals - 13.25-28; 3.2.1
Pleiadians want to limit the number of pictures - 13.29-35; 4.4.1
Meier asks for photos of other planets - denied - 13.36-39; 4.2.7
Authorities & military feel threatened by UFOs - 13.40-50; 6.5
[Tuesday, April 29, 1975, 2:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase suggests that Meier "raise a center" - 14.51-61; 4.2
Semjase comments on our "stupid & primitive" laws - 14.62-67; 8.4.10
Possibility of allowing "Mr. J." to be informed - 14.68-106;
No photos of craft permitted - 14.107-110; 4.4.1
Meier tells Semjase she destroyed the wrong pictures - 14.111-121; 5.
[Thursday, May 1, 1975, 3:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Pleiadians are not perfect and make mistakes - 15.5-45; 4.2
Meier urged to give a lecture on spiritual cognitions - 15.46-66; 3.1.2
Meier urged to keep certain things among the group - 15.67-79; 3.2
Astral travel claims are deceit, lies or delusions - 15.80-99; 5.2
Semjase proposes an experiment of spirit imaging - 15.100-106
[Saturday, May 3, 1975, 8:17 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Notice of having to eliminate the weather-fir tree - 16.1-25; 4.4.1
Crystals & stones allowed to be analyzed - 16.26-32; 10.4
Eavesdropping on Meier’s conversation with Mr. J - 16.33-38;
[Friday, May 9, 1975, 2:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Due to films, forms of life had to be eliminated - 17.1-8; 4.4.1
Military personnel investigated landing sites - 17.9-11; 6.5
Pleiadians eliminated memories in this respect - 17.12-18; 4.2.7
Meier unable to be hypnotized, with "defense block" - 17.30-48
George Adamski - fraudulent contactee - 17.49-65; 6.5.2
Pleiadians have 2 ways to know the future - 17.66-73; 4.5
Predictions for Switzerland 1975-1977 - 17.74-101; 4.5
Semjase leaving for some time, will use telepathy - 17.104-116; 4.3.1
[Thursday, May 15, 1975, 9:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Spiritual Teachings - nature & term of The Creation - 18.1-24; 5.1
The nature & qualities of a "spiritualized person" - 18.25-100; 5.
Warning of laying basic stones near an avalanche - 18.101
Talmud Jmmanuel’s definition of prayer - 18.105-121; 9.11
Interpretation of the "Lord's Prayer" - 18.122-135; 9.11
Meier asks Semjase to evaluate a man named F.O. - 18.136-140;
Semjase asks Meier if he failed a mission - 18.141-143; 3.1.2
Semjase wants to demonstrate her craft for the group - 18.146-163; 4.4
[Friday, May 16, 1975, 2:09 p.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Spiritual characterization of the person F.O. - 19.1-26;
[Tuesday, May 20, 1975, 10:14 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier’s contact with Arahat Athersata for a book - 20.1-24; 6.4.1
Meier gives Semjase 2 writings to read and judge - 20.25-31
Group members find Meier's writing style too harsh - 20.32-50; 3.1.3
Meier studied thoroughly by the Pleiadians - 20.52-53; 3.1
Analysis of a birth horoscope of Meier by a woman - 20.54-61; 3.1
Semjase speaks about the character of Meier - 20.62-93; 3.1
[Tuesday, May 27, 1975, 2:06 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier's financial concerns - 21.1-17; 3.2.1
Proposition to bring Meier crystals to sell - 21.18-22; 3.2.1
Radiations are absorbed by all material things - 21.23-26; 10.4
Meier’s character - 21.27-32; 3.1
Pleiadians technically able to withdraw radiations - 21.33-39; 10.4
Meier’s problems - 21.44-48; 3.2.1
[Wednesday, May 28, 1975, 6:17 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Publisher Karl Veit want to visit Meier - 22.1-11;
Knowing the future is useless - 22.8-14; 4.5
Meier critical of Contact conversations being omitted - 22.15-17; 3.1.1
Meier figures out the subconscious-retrieval machine - 22.18-28; 3.1.1
Semjase ponders removing his knowledge, Meier objects - 22.29-62; 3.1.1
Meier offers alternate solution - 22.63-77; 3.1.1
Precious stones could become dangerous for humans - 22.78-106; 10.4
Minerals are receivers & transmitters of emotions - 22.107-117; 10.4
Process for neutralization & clarification of stones - 22.118-119; 10.4
[Tuesday, June 3, 1975, 10:44 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 30-31,35
Meier told to have others in group help him - 23.1-11; 3.2
Laws of sex & matrimony still valid today - 23.12-34; 4.2
Pleiadians have more spiritual laws for criminals - 23.35-39; 4.2
Earth was once a penal/exile planet - 23.40-42; 7.3.3
Pleiadians are monogamous and procreate - 23.43-50; 4.2
Christian doctrine of the virgin birth false - 23.51-65; 9.9
Women may become impregnated without a man - 23.66-74; 4.2
Laws of Pleiadian marriage & procreation - 23.75-87; 4.2
Meier asks about underdeveloped humans loving others - 23.88-103; 5.3
Pleiadians are connected to an alliance of planets - 23.104-108; 4.2.2
Earth's neighboring planets were formerly occupied - 23.109; 10.2.11
Claims by people of having flown in UFOs are false - 23.110-118; 6.5.2
Claims of contacts with spiritual beings also false - 23.119-130; 6.5.2
A booklet by Gloria Lee has some value - 23.131-143;
Meier asked to produce a guide for understanding it - 23.144-148;
Semjase sometimes feels that Meier is a Plejaren - 23.149-150
[Saturday, June 7, 1975, 9:08 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Conditions for Pleiadians to contact an Earth human - 24.1-18; 4.2.1
Matters regarding H.J. and a woman visiting Meier - 24.19-31;
"Religion" vs. "Relegeon" - defined - 24.32-38; 9.9
"Evolution" - 2 meanings - 24.39-41; 5.9
The spirit that dwells within humans - 24.42-44; 5.6
"The spirit continues after the material death - 24.45-47; 5.6
Analysis of Gloria Lee's book - 24.51-56;
Semjase went to Mars and obtained precious stones - 24.57-65; 3.2.1
[Monday, June 16, 1975, 1:46 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
No demonstrations of beamship - 25.1-10; 4.4
High Council has agreed to Meier's suggestion - 25.11-13; 3.1.1
Meier rebuked for not beginning his lessons - 25.14-25; 3.1.2
Semjase informs Meier that he is not coerced - 25.26-41; 3.1.2
Meier is the first human in 2000 years to be chosen - 25.42-47; 3.1.2
Former prophets became enraged - 25.48-51; 3.1.2
Pleiadians are unable to financially assist Meier - 25.52-56; 3.1.2
Mission of the Pleiadians - to help Earth humans - 25.57-70; 3.1.2/4.2.5
Communication with the dead, mediums, & séances - 25.71-96; 5.4
There are only 4 true spiritualists/mediums on Earth - 25.97-98; 5.4
[Wednesday, June 18, 1975, 4:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase is tasked to the moon and other planets - 26.1-8; 4.3.1
America & Russia will be cooperating on space lab - 26.9-22; 10.6.4
Pleiadians have helped projects fail space lab - 26.23-32; 10.6.4
Other extraterrestrials visit Earth and interfere - 26.33-52; 6.2
Contact with Karl & Anny Viet will occur soon - 26.55-66;
[Wednesday, June 25, 1975, 2:37 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Pleiadians take Meier on a flight to Saturn - 27.3-46; 4.4.2
Meier told of being taken on a much greater journey - 27.47-48; 4.4.2
[Friday, June 27, 1975, 10:47 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
Meier meets the Plejaren station leader Quetzal - 28.Q1-2; 4.3.2
Quetzal reiterates about Gloria Lee's book - 28.Q3-19;
Quetzal says that special orders are to be followed - 28.Q20-31; 4.3.2
Pleiadians about 3000 years ahead of Earth humans - 28.Q32
If a person disregards a law, it harms others too - 28.Q33-46; 4.2.6
Comments on the character & tendencies of H.J. - 28.Q47-54;
Pleiadians insist reports be published word-for-word - 28.Q55-70; 4.3.2
Things explained once should not need repetition - 28.Q71-75; 4.3.2
"By no means do we exercise dictatorial measures - 28.Q76-80; 4.3.2
[Monday, July 7, 1975, 10:37 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Pleiadians destroyed the motor when Veits visited - 29.3-12
Anny Veit's work deemed highly by the Pleiadians - 29.14-27;
Meier is warned that he is being watched - 29.20-32; 3.1.3
Pleiadians are the highest developed creatures here - 29.33-43; 4.2
Contactees with beings from Venus are deceivers - 29.44-47; 8.4.5
Comets, wandering planets & wandering stars - 29.48-68; 10.2.6
Venus - atmosphere, surface, climate, history, etc. - 29.69-122; 10.2.15
Other solar system planets contain no human life - 29.123; 10.2.11
Karl Michalek & George Adamski, fraudulent contactees - 29.124-142; 6.5.2
Gloria Lee's book should not be spread as is - 29.143-146;
Contact reports should be censored of personal data - 29.147-152; 4.2.1
Notice of Meier’s upcoming "great journey" in space - 29.153-155; 4.4.2
Photos Meier took of Saturn trip turned out bad - 29.156-159; 4.4.1
Pleiadians have a special apparatus for taking photos - 29.160-162; 4.4.1
[Tuesday, July 15, 1975, 9:46 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier told to prepare for his great journey - 30.1-8; 4.4.2
Hyperspace travel possible by advanced technology - 30.9-14; 10.6.4
Asket known by Semjase - 30.15; 6.4.2
"Great-space-fitted ship" "great-spacer" to be used - 30.16-18; 4.4.2
Pleiadian ancient home was the Ring Nebula of Lyra - 30.19-33; 4.2.3
They will travel to "a barrier of this Universe" - 30.34-37; 4.4.2
A task is connected to the universe barrier - 30.38-39; 4.4.2
[Thursday, July 17, 1975, 10:14 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah, Asket, Nera
Meier's "Great Journey" with the Pleiadians - 31.1-7; 4.4.2
Travel first to Venus - 31.8-11
Apparatus for taking photos outside the craft - 31.12-16
Semjase uses a second camera purchased on Earth - 31.17-19
Meier proposes Semjase go out for an evening with him - 31.20-23
Pleiadians don't use personal identification papers - 31.24-29
Venus - description of atmosphere and landscape - 31.30-40; 10.2.15
They visit Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Mars - 31.41-42
Meier observes the linking of Apollo & Soyuz - 31.43-50
Earth humans are at the beginning of space travel - 31.51-57
Meier becomes anxious of the tiny space capsules - 31.58-59
Meier takes photos of the Apollo-Soyuz docking - 31.60-70
They approach the great-spacer spaceship - 31.71-81; 4.4.2
Meier questions Semjase on how she knows Asket - 31.82-87; 6.4.2
Meier given permission to publish his Asket reports - 31.88-90; 3.1.2/6.4.2
Pleiadians obtained higher technology for hyperspace - 31.91-10;0 3.1.2/6.4.2
Meier asks about a letter to K. Veit from E. Schroder - 31.101-109
Semjase & Meier enter the great-spacer - 31.110; 4.4.2
Semjase & Meier move thru the spaceship - 31.111-114; 4.4.2
Mount Everest not the highest mountain on Earth - 31.115-129; 7.2.7
Mt. Chimborazo in Ecuador was important to ETs - 31.130-132
Semjase & Meier move to the control center - 31.133-134; 4.4.2
Salutation ceremonies, Meier to meet IHWH Ptaah - 31.135-138; 4.3.3
Great-spacer - speaker system of the control center - 31.139-140; 4.3.3
Semjase tells Meier not to call Ptaah 'Dear God' - 31.141-148; 4.3.3
Great-spacer, cupola's cockpit control center - 31.149-155; 4.4.2
Ptaah - Semjase's father, speaks to Meier in German - 31.156-161; 4.3.3
Meier & Ptaah then speak in modern Greek - 31.162-168; 4.3.3
Ptaah explains to Meier about being called a prophet - 31.175-179; 3.1.2
Hyper-leap 500 light years from Earth near Pleiades - 31.180-190; 4.4.2
Photo screen brought to control center by an android - 31.191; 4.4.2
Android - speaks to Meier, wishing him success - 31.192-194; 4.4.2
Hyper-leap to Orion Nebula, 1,800 light years away - 31.195; 4.4.2
Hyper-leap to Crab Nebula, 3,150 light years away - 31.196; 4.4.2
Hyper-leap to Horsehead Nebula, 1,810 light years - 31.197-199; 4.4.2
Hyper-leap to the "Eye of God", Ring Nebula of Lyra - 31.200-201; 4.4.2
A series of several hyper-leaps, 20 seconds apart - 31.202-205; 4.4.2
Meier asks Semjase to write letter for Meier's group - 31.206-218; 4.3.1
Meier observes in Semjase certain female traits - 31.219-228; 4.3.1
CONTACT 31 (Continued)
[Thursday, July 17, 1975, 10:14 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Asket, Nera, Ptaah
Great leap - jump 7 minutes into the "eternity" - 31.240-245; 4.4.2
Pleiadians unable to receive Meier's thoughts - 31.246-247; 4.4.2
Technical assistance needed for "true word repeats" - 31.248-251; 4.4.2
Apparatus - booths equipped with all necessary means - 31.252-260; 4.4.2
Hyper-leap, Meier's ecstatic experience - 31.261-271; 4.4.2
Semjase embraces Meier to stabilize him - 31.P162-163; 4.4.2
At the end of the universe - 31.P164-165; 6.3.3/4.4.2
Meier felt apart of eternity - 31.272-276; 4.4.2
Ptaah is surprised by Meier’s realizations - 31.P166-169; 4.4.2
Ptaah considers erasing Meier’s memory - 31.P170-177; 4.4.2
Caltos - last star in the space they were in - 31.P178-179; 6.3.3/4.4.2
5 "blue stars" beyond Caltos, actually 11 stars - 31.P180-192; 6.3.3/4.4.2
No life forms exist on Jupiter, Saturn & Uranus - 31.P193-200; 10.2.11
Jakob Lorber’s books are products of fantasy - 31.P201-206; 8.4.5
"In a few cases, such inspirations are true" - 31.P207-213
Jesus Christ - “...these delusions of your world..." - 31.P214-230; 9.9
Asket, huge DAL Universe beamship not far away - 31.P231-234; 4.4.2
Through a tunnel into the DAL universe - 31.286-293; 4.4.2/6.3.3
Meier steps inside box and slides down to the hangar - 31.294-299; 4.4.2
Meier & Semjase in her beamship - 31.300-301; 4.4.2
Meier - must accomplish his mission to evolve - 31.302-309; 4.4.2
Huge DAL beamship - Meier & Semjase arrive - 31.310; 4.4.2
Meier goes to meet Asket, she notes his missing arm - 31.A1-18; 6.4.2
Nera - female, Asket's deputy (Second Coordinator) - 31.A19-21; 6.4.5
Stalor - male, DAL ship commander - 31.A22-29; 6.4.7
Nera - on Earth at various times long ago - 31.N6-16; 6.4.5
DALs - don't differentiate between the sexes - 31.N17-19; 6.3.3
DAL beamships crewed by male & female - 31.N20; 6.3.3
Meier - able to deal with female forms of life better - 31.N21-25
Semjase returns a "recording device" back to the DALs - 31.N26-34
Returned personally, feelings not outwardly shown - 31.N30-39; 6.4.5
Asket "will not come to Earth again for a long time" - 31.A33-53; 6.4.2
Secrets kept for natural evolution of humans - 31.314-316
Asket speaks with Meier about his failures - 31.A54-S326; 3.1.2
"We do not come to command you, but to advise you” - 31.327-337; 3.1.2
Meier given notice of last public beamship sighting - 31.A118-139; 4.4
"Insane" Earth individuals "are only underdeveloped" - 31.A140; 8.4
Higher developed creatures have been called Prophets - 31.A141-150; 9.8
Other ETs on Earth are of different evolution levels - 31.A151-154; 6.2
Deceivers and Charlatans - 31.A155-161; 6.5.2
Many leaders of Earth are unconsciously led astray - 31.A162-171; 6.2/8.4.7
People are influenced religiously by evil ETs - 31.A172-179; 6.2
Asket showed Meier inside Gizeh pyramid in 1964 - 31.A180-181
Meier deliberates revealing this prior secret - 31.A182-200
Meier asked to insert prior contact notes with Asket - 31.A201-347
ASKET'S AQUAINTANCE: takes Meier inside Gizeh pyramid - Pg.431-438; 1.2
ASKET'S EXPLANATION on February 3, 1953 - Pg.438-461; 1.2
Description of the Creation - A1-2
Neutralization of time and space - 3
Asket is from the DAL universe, in the Akon system - 4-7
Asket’s purpose for coming into our universe - 8-11
Human Origins from Lyra, descendants from Pleiades - 12-17
Meier’s mission as a truth-teller - 18-45
Evil occurrences on Earth affecting whole universe - 46-104
Future destruction must be prevented - 105-126
Meier’s mission - 127-130
Dangerous intrigues with Zionists to be kept secret - 131-155
Prophases, historical events, & religions by ETs - 156-240
Meier with UFO magazine, preparations, & past contact - 241-261
EXPLANATION of time with Asket and another man - Pg.461-463; 1.2
ASKET'S EXPLANATION OF FEBRUARY 4, 1953 - Pg.464-468; 1.2
Mathematics of Creation cannot be revealed - A1-23
Meier’s mission to announce the truth - 24-32
Danger from the Bafath in Gizeh pyramid - 33-44
EXPLANATION of 2/4/53 of a ride to the Dead Sea - Pg.468-469; 1.3
Prophases of hardship, mission, & world events - A11-89
Cautions about deceivers - 90-109
Automatic writing of reports explained - 110-114
Preparations for time travels - 115-122
EXPLANATION of travel to the 13th century with Jitschi - Pg.478-492; 1.3
EXPLANATION of reactions to 6 days of time travels - Pg.492-494; 1.3/1.4
ASKET'S EXPLANATION of the Pyramid used for survival - Pg.494-497; 7.3.4
ASKET'S CLARIFICATION of true historic events - Pg.497-498; 7.3
PERSONAL EXPLANATION of Meier’s perspectives - Pg.498-500
EXPLANATION of Meier’s contact with Immanuel - Pg.500-530; 1.4
EXPLANATION OF 9/7/75 of lost reports - Pg.530
[Monday, September 8, 1975, 2:16 p.m.; thought transmission
+ thought transmission, Tuesday, September 9, 1975]
Contact persons: Semjase, Asket, Nera, Ptaah
Meier's notes with Asket lost, to be retransmitted - 32.1-19
"GREAT JOURNEY" CONTACT 31 REPORT, PART 2 on 7/17/75 - Pg.533-
Predictions - "Only tell after they have happened." - A203-206; 4.5
Nera to Meier - "Perhaps we will meet another time." - N30-39; 6.4.6
New photo apparatus from Asket for Meier's travels - A211-214
"I will first "abduct" you into another dimension" - 354-363; 4.4.2
Semjase wants to leave and return - 399-347???; 4.4.2
Universal Barrier - return to the DERN Universe - P243-246; 4.4.2
After closing barrier, will jump to different systems - P247-248; 4.4.2
Plejaren negative remarks are about a certain form - P249-332; 9.9
"You are awake inside. You have become wise." - P333-339; 4.3.3
No ETs cooperating with Earth governments - P340-350; 6.5
Groups pretend to be with ETs for religious reasons - P351-354; 8.4.16
Earth-built UFOs, people think them to be ET UFOs - P355-374; 10.6.3
Some evil-minded ETs lost here, are not important - P375-376; 6.2
Many observations of UFOs are deceptions - P377-382; 6.5.1
Everything may be reported now - P383-386; 3.1.2
Hyper-leap, "we will show you very different things" - P387-390; 4.4.2
[Friday, September 12, 1975, 10:57 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier & group spot a 700 meter spherical ship - 33.1-5; 6.5.1
It belonged to evil-minded Gizeh Intelligences - 33.6-30; 3.1.3
Pleiadians have been able to "control their limits" - 33.31-36; 3.1.3
Meier always carries a gun and is prepared - 33.37-67; 3.1.3
Bermuda Triangle - ETs, natural events and pirates - 33.68-75; 7.1.3
Satan - "only a product of fantasy for Christianity" - 33.71-88; 9.13
Meier told to "write down essential spiritual lesson" - 33.89-92; 3.1.2
[Sunday, September 14, 1975, 1:43 p.m.
+ thought transmission Tuesday, September 16, 1975]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
Hans Jacob’s letter from Rickenbach about Gloria Lee - 34.8-31 8.3.3
Contact with an ET from Alpha Centauri named Sefh - 34.32-36
Details about Rickenbach etc. were found by Ptaah - 34.37-66 4.3.3
"Ashtar Sheran"/"Asthar Sheran" - 34.67-74 6.4.3
Aryan race - 34.78-86 6.4.3
Thule Society - secret society in Germany - 34.75-102 6.4.3
Bermuda Triangle - natural dimension doors & ET bases - 34.103-182 7.1.3
Rare abductions by Gizeh types & time travelers - 34.183-185 6.5.3
So-called "appearances of the saints" - 34.186-198 9.12
Unlimited memory is attained in pure spirit forms - 34.202-214 5.6
Meier to write introduction to Gloria Lee’s book - 34.215-231 8.3.3
Meier remarks on Semjase's beauty, wife was jealous - 34.232-237 4.3.1
Meier’s abilities to ascertain truth - 34.238-251 3.1
Arahat Athersata - "He is of pure spiritual form" - 34.252-264 6.4.1
Caution advised against evil intentions - 34.265-273 3.1.3
Instructions to influence FBI against SLA plots - 34.274-300
Remaining travel reports to be transmitted - 34.301-311
"GREAT JOURNEY" CONTACT 31 REPORT, PART 3 from July 17, 1975 aboard the Plejaren great-spacer
[Tuesday, September 16, 1975; thought transmission]: P391-
ETs brought Christianity to NESAR, then hostilities - 34.P391-437 6.3.11
Hyper-leap to planet Desmon in the ASAP galaxy - 34.P438-439 4.4.2
Humans lived like in our Middle Ages - 34.P440-S378 6.3.4
Hyper-leap to Lesa system in the Nepon Galaxy - 34.P450-451 4.4.2/6.3.9
2 sister planets of immense size with humans - 34.P452-S303 6.3.9
Hyper-leap, to a primitive planet in the Lesa system - 34.P456-467 4.4.2/6.3.9
Hyper-leap to stars in Taro system of the Mara Galaxy - 34.P612-615 4.4.2/6.3.12
Over a volcanic world, Meier spots a flight machine - 34.S389-397
Hyper-leap to Eses system in Deron Galaxy - 34.P616-621,S398/6.3.6
Hyper-leap to a star cluster & giant ice-world planet - 34.P622-625 4.4.2
Meier asks about the security distance from planets - 34.P626-638 10.6.4
Meier asks if a planet exists similar to Earth - 34.P639 10.2.11
After this journey Meier will be a half hour younger - 34.P648-S428 4.4.2
"Miracles" versus logical reason - 34.S429-434 8.4
[Tuesday, September 16, 1975, 9:14 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact persons: Ptaah, Semjase
"GREAT JOURNEY" CONTACT 31 REPORT, PART 4 from July 17, 1975 aboard the Plejaren great-spacer:
Kartag similar in evolution to Earth humans - 35.P656-661; 6.3.8
Kartagians don’t have airplanes but beamships - 35.447-459; 6.3.8
Interference only permitted if catastrophe - 35.P669-730; 6.5
Hyper-leap to the planet Kartag - 35.P773-S483; 6.3.8
Hyper-leap to Neber in the Kras system of Beberas - 35.S484-527; 6.3.10
"The human form is indeed a creation of The Creation” - 35.S528-556; 8.1
Final hyper-leap back to near the SOL system - 35.P740-753; 4.4.2
Plejaren planets - each planet has only 1 nation - 35.P754-759; 4.2.2
High Council - the essential government over all - 35.P760-790; 4.2.2
The whole Universe are innumerable forms of life - 35.P791-809; 6.
Other ETs occasionally contact Earth humans - 35.P810-886; 6.2
Earth's magnetic field disturbed by atomic explosions - 35.P887-896; 7.2.1
Atomic explosions effect the atmospheric stratums - 35.P900-927; 7.2.1
Van-Allen Belt consists of electrons & protons - 35.P928-933; 10.2.2
Contactees - about 17,422 real Earth contactees - 35.P934-940; 6.5.2
Pleiadians have taken 3 Earth humans on flights - 35.P960; 4.4.2
Gizeh Intelligences - influencing an Earth couple - 35.P961-963; 6.5.2
Other ETs kidnap Earth humans, seldom returned - 35.P964-968; 6.5.3
Pleiadians "not allowed to interfere by force" - 35.P969-977; 6.5.3
Plejaren weapons intended for defense alone - 35.P978-996; 4.2.9
Weapons are necessary - 35.P980-985; 6.2
Akart - planet in the next inhabited star system - 35.P997-1065; 6.3.1
ETs will abandon Earth if certain circumstances arise - 35.P1067; 6.5
Open contact of Pleiadians & Earth not provided for - 35.P1066; 4.2.1
Peaceful ET race to officially visit Earth - 35.P1068-1083; 6.5
Meier's mission - prepared a lecture on Pleiadians - 35.P1084-1131; 3.1.2
[Monday, October 20, 1975, 1:57 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
Petale - defined - 36.1-11; 6.4.6
Arahat Athersata - 36.12-15; 6.4.1
Adolph Hitler / Thule Society - 36.19-28; 8.3.3
Gizeh Intelligences - 36.29-33; 6.2
"Ashtar Sheran" / Aruseak - 36.34-37; 6.4.3
"telenotical" - word defined - 36.38-40; 4.2.4/6.4.3
Meier not lecturing - 36.41-100; 3.1.2
"Ashtar Sheran" / Aruseak - 36.105-107; 6.4.3
Moses and the Ten Commandments - 36.108-110; 9.9
Position indicator (apparatus) to see into the future - 36.111-144; 4.2.9
Subconscious - 36.145-146; 8.4.15
Francisco Franco - death prediction - 36.147-154; 8.3.1
Pleiadian Feelings and the High Council - 36.163-169; 8.4
[Monday, November 3, 1975, 7:43 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Zeta Reticuli Intelligences - 37.8-18; 6.3.14
Betty Hill & Barney Hill - 37.19-28; 6.5.3
"Radio-photography" - apparatus - 37.29; 4.2.9/6.5.3
Betty Hill & Barney Hill - 37.30-34; 6.5.3
Reticuli Intelligences - 37.36-62; 6.3.14
Meier prepares a lecture - 37.63-68; 3.1.2
Contactees - 37.69-71; 6.5.2
Crystals from the Pleiades & Venus - 37.86-87; 10.4.1
[Thursday, November 13, 1975, 9:36 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
Life’s lessons require patience - 38.1-5; 5.9
Not withheld data, only waited until certain of it - 38.6-21; 6.4.2
"Ashtar Sheran" / Aruseak - 38.Q1-4; 6.4.3
Evolution, Negative & positive forces for balance - 38.Q5-14; 5.9
Kamagol I & II, Ashtar, and Arussem / Jehova - 38.Q11-23; 6.4.3/.7
Hebrews as power-thirsty gipsies - 38.Q24-27; 8.2.4
Kamagol I and religious cults - 38.Q28-31; 6.4.4
Center under Great pyramid of Giza & Kamagol II - 38.Q32-34; 6.4.4
Gizeh Intelligences - 38.Q35-37; 6.4.4
Influences in Germany, America, Argentina & Brazil - 38.Q38-40; 6.4.3
Ashtar’s splinter group - 38.Q41-63; 6.4.3
Predictions - 38.49-58; 4.5
List of contactees - 38.59-91; 6.5.2
Daniel Fry - contactee:
Professor Joao de Freitas Guimaraes - contactee: [half-way down]
Viktor Schauberger - contactee:
Gustav Meyrink - contactee:
Ray Stanford - contactee:
Mario Bertossi - contactee (see Contacts 38,51,63)
Albert Einstein - contactee:
Albert Schweitzer - contactee:
Charles Hickson - contactee:
Calvin Parker - contactee:
Betty Hill - contactee:
Barney Hill - contactee:
3110+ other less-important contactees
Josefina Burkman - contactee
Yuri Gagarin - contactee:
Dr. James E. McDonald - contactee:
Rudolf Steiner - contactee:
Alois Rikenbach - contactee
Horst Raps - contactee: [entry 25]
Professor Charles A. Maney - contactee:
Wilbert B. Smith [Wilbert Brockhouse Smith] - contactee:
3 other world-recognized contactees - not named - 38.92-94; 6.5.2
Guided "real vision" contacts - defined - 38.95-119; 4.2.9
Spiritual forces which lie sleeping in subconscious - 38.120-123; 8.4.15
Jmmanuel - feeding of the 5000 with bread - 38.124-130; 9.5
Ashtar "contactees" Herbert Victor Speer - 38.131; 6.4.2
Ventla Verlag books (Karl Veit, publisher) - 38.132-136; 8.4.16
Francisco Franco - prediction letter to Hans Jacob - 38.153-167; 8.3.1
Bermuda Triangle, Several worlds & several dimensions - 38.168-169; 7.1.3
World with 3 like kind planets in one line in it - 38.170; 7.2.10
Dimension of Earth during the age of the dinosaurs - 38.171-173; 7.2.10
Door opens to different dimensions or spheres - 38.174; 7.1.3
[Wednesday, December 3, 1975, 1:37 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
"Scanning instrument for photographing" - apparatus - 39.13-15; 4.2.9
Asket - 39.16
Arahat Athersata and Petale - 39.17-18; 6.4.1
Meier’s abilities - 39.19-32; 3.1
Bermuda Triangle - "dimension portal" - 39.33-36; 7.1.3
Beamship - radiation shield - 39.37-41; 4.2.9
"Energy bales" that circle the Earth - 39.42-44; 7.2
"Passion for adventure" - 39.45-57; 8.4
Jehova - died "around 2,150 years ago - 39.62-79; 9.6
Meier pilots the beamship around the Earth & the Moon - 39.80-82; 4.4.2
"Arimo" - word defined, "hold on" - 39.83-95; 4.2.4
Beamship - automatic guidance control, "3 buttons" - 39.96-97; 4.2.9
Semjase - reason & logic - 39.101-117; 4.3.1
Jehova - drawing by Semjase - 39.118; 9.6
UFO observers - data not tracked, near "1 billion" - 39.135-146; 6.5.2
Contactees statistics - 39.164-177; 6.5.2
Contactees - by higher spiritual forms, only 16 - 39.180-192; 6.5.2
Contactees - by medium-level spiritual forms, 268 - 39.193-195; 6.5.2
Contactees - by lower spiritual forms, many millions - 39.196-198; 6.5.2
Time travel - the riddle of the process - 39.201-225; 10.6.4
Extraterrestrials statistics - 39.238-244; 6.
Age of Aquarius / "Anti-Christ" Age - defined - 39.245-247; 9.1
Atomic War - 99.8% probability not occurring - 39.248-253; 4.5
Mount Shasta - subterranean town of Hyperborean ETs - 39.254-263; 7.1.5
Mount Shasta - descendents Alaska & Aleutian Islands - 39.264; 7.1.5
Hyperboreans 12,000-13,000 years ago colonized Earth - 39.265; 7.1.5
Noah - ark built by Hyperborean IHWH's guardians - 39.266; 8.3.5
Meier - "traveled 43 lands of the Earth" - 39.270; 3.1
Scanner instrument and "Lightcable" - apparatus - 39.274; 4.2.9
Meier - told to look for a new home - 39.277-287; 3.2
Asket - Meier told family life would be calmer 1975 - 39.288-290; 3.2.3
Meier - anti-materialist - 39.291-306; 3.2.1
Meier cuts a tuft of Semjase’s hair as a remembrance - 39.307-309; 4.3.1
Bermuda Triangle - dimension passage - 39.312-323; 7.1.3
Future Earth world - sometimes come into our time - 39.317; 6.3.13
Protective suit - for Meier to explore ancient Earth - 39.324-325; 4.4.2
Ancient Earth world - movie of dinosaurs & landscape - 39.326-328; 7.3
Ptaah's (literally "great spacer") - space ship - 39.P1-2; 4.4.2
Photo of Ptaah & Meier in their protective suits - 39.P3-6; 4.4.2
Future Earth world - "470 years beyond your time" - 39.P8-11; 4.4.2
"Middle world" - not explored, not of such important - 39.P12; 4.4.2
"Overdue beamship of a form of life known to us" - 39.P14-15; 4.4.2
Space-analyzers - apparatus - 39.P16-17; 4.4.2
Petale, Arahat Athersata & High Council - 39.P19-20; 6.4.11
12 Commandments - 39.P21-30; 9.9
Salvador Villanueva Medina - deceptive "contactee" - 39.P31-32; 6.5.2
George Adamski - false contactee - 39.P33-36; 6.5.2
Earth humans - forefathers defined - 39.P37-38; 8.1
Pleiadians - 3,500 years ahead of us in development - 39.P39-40; 4.2
"Adonis" - ancient Greek word, physically beautiful - 39.P41-42; 6.3.7
Earth humans - physical form, beauty - 39.P43-47; 8.4
Material things - limitations - 39.P48-49; 8.4
"Forces of thinking" - effect on others - 39.P50-58; 5.6
"Age of each creature" - factors - 39.P59-63; 8.1.2
Earth humans - life span in earliest times was 1,007 - 39.P64-76; 8.1.2
"Heresies and other misguidance of religions" - 39.P77-80; 9.9
Precious metals, stones & crystals - dangers - 39.P81-82; 10.4
"Right thinking" - defined - 39.P83-85; 5.6
"Value of the spirit" - 39.P86-89; 5.6
Materialism & anti-materialism - defined - 39.P90-148; 8.4
Mount Shasta - 39.P182-187; 7.1.5
Hyperboreans - 39.P188-196; 7.1.5
North Pole - in Enoch's time, located at Florida - 39.P182-189; 7.2.5
Hyperborea - average yearly temperature 24.7 Celsius - 39.P190-191; 7.1.5
Tir Nan Og - "Green Lands", "Land of Youth" - 39.P192-195; 7.1
Hercules/Gilgamesh/Enoch/Jmmanuel/Amitaba/Methusalem/Noah - 39.P196; 8.3
Jmmanuel in Florida - 39.P197; 9.5
Meier in India met the "blue human beings" - 39.P198-202; 7.1.1
Agharta - subterranean kingdom near Shingatas - 39.P203-208; 7.1.1
"Earth moon of the 3rd earth" - space stations - 39.P210-212; 4.4.2
Future earth humans "of this dimension & time" - 39.S342-346; 4.4.2
Photos of venus, the moon, saturn & jupiter - 39.P213-221; 10.2
Photos of Asket & Nera - their female look-alikes - 39.P222
Asket look-alike Tara Leigh, The Golddiggers - 39.P223-225
Ships of future Earth humans like "Orion" TV movie - 39.S347-349; 4.4.2
Impulse contact information sent to authors, etc. - 39.S350-353; 4.2.1
"Earth in another Universe 500 years in the future" - 39.S354-355; 4.4.2
[Thursday, December 18, 1975, 2:29 p.m., thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier's mission - 40.1-47; 3.1.2
"Theckla" - fictitious "girlfriend" of Semjase - 40.48-61
Else Schroder - accidental contact with Semjase - 40.62-63
[Wednesday, December 31, 1975, 2:40 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Sexuality - 41.3-13
Religious UFO sects & Jmmanuel - 41.16; 9.5
Pleiadians procreate the same as Earth humans - 41.21-25; 4.2
"Mental procreation" - defined, "a very seldom event" - 41.26; 4.2
Artificial impregnation - dangers - 41.27-31; 4.2
Pleiadians procreation when the husband is infertile - 41.32-46; 4.2
Pleiadians/Plejaren - sexual stimulation - 41.47-62; 4.2
Semjase's husband - 41.63-71; 4.3.1
Pleiadians - birth process the same as Earth humans - 41.72-74; 4.2
Pleiadians - benefits of natural child birth, dangers - 41-75-78
Pleiadians - physical maturity at 12 years of age - 41.79
Pleiadians - spiritual maturity begins at age 70 - 41.80
Pleiadians - minimal age for matrimony is 70 years - 41.81-85
Pleiadians - love (defined) - 41.86-92
Pleiadians - education of children - 41.93
High Council - 41.94-95
Pleiadians - differences of opinion between spouses - 41.96-101
Evolutional law - 2 different-oriented poles attract - 41.102-105; 8.4
Jmmanuel - drawing by Semjase - 41.114-115; 9.5
[Wednesday, January 7, 1976, 00:19 a.m., thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier - first assassination attempt - 42.7-26; 3.1.3
Intuitive dream warning - 42.27-40; 3.1.3
Pleiadians - disposition of cadavers: burial, etc. - 42.46-52; 4.2
Meier - burial directive - 42.54-57; 3.1
Auric forces in a cadaver can linger for centuries - 42.58-62; 5.6
Transplants - dangers - 42.63-72; 10.3.3
Pleiadians - able to regenerate body parts - 42.73-78; 4.2.9
Pleiadians - housing, no currency - 42.80-94; 4.1
Pleiadians - factory work performed by robots - 42.95-98; 4.2
Pleiadians - household: maximum of 5 - 42.99; 4.2
Pleiadians - mother-in-laws ("Geranisa") - 42.100-104; 4.2
ET & Pleiadian - music, literature, arts & schools - 42.105-109; 4.2
Semjase - opinion of Earth music (pop & "harmonic") - 42.110-112; 4.3.1
Pleiadians - not allowed to bring any things to Earth - 42.113-116; 4.2
Pleiadians - how they obtain Earth money to buy - 42.118-119; 4.2
[Tuesday, January 27, 1976, 2:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Contactees List - true, false & "unknown" contactees - 43.1-12; 6.5.2
Truman Bethurum - false:
Narciso Genovese - false: [pages 9-16]
Karl Michalek - false:
George Adamski - false:
Dr. George Hunt Williamson - true/false:
Hans Klotzbach - "unknown" [Switzerland, 1962]
Howard Menger - false:
Bob Renaud - false [see Stevens' "UFO Contact from Planet Korendor"]:
Salvador Villanueva Medina - false [see also Contact 39; Mexico, see book "Yo Estuve En Venus" (I Was In Venus)]
Francisco Castillo - false
Fernando Sesma Manzano - "unknown" [book "Ummo: Another Inhabited Planet" (1967) & Stevens' "UFO Contact From Planet Ummo"]:
Ing. Reeve - "unknown"
Cedric Allingham - false: [entry 19]
D. Marachi - true
Lawrence W. Vinther - true:
Captain Thomas Mantell - true:
Lieutenant George Gorman - true [October 3, 1948, Fargo, North Dakota]:
Stefan Denaerde - "unknown" [see Stevens' "UFO Contact From Planet Iarga"]:
Jeff Greenhaw - "unknown" [October 17, 1973, Falkville, Alabama]:
Antonio Villas-Boas - "unknown":
Eugenio Siragusa - false:
Orfeo Angelucci - true, with reservations on added religious thought:
"Orfeo Angelucci" - fake/impersonator, false
Emanuel Cihlar - false [August 30, 1954, Austrian Alps]
Dick Miller - "unknown" (Richard T. Miller, see Contact 47--false):
Buck Nelson - false:
Alberto Sanmartin - true, with reservations on added religious thought:
Henrique Castillo - "unknown"
Herbert Nielson - "unknown"
Carl A. Anderson - true, with reservations on added religious thought [1950's, Fullerton, California; "Kumar" & "Verkuender" from Mars]
"Carl A. Anderson" - fake/impersonator, false
Igo Etrich - true:
P. Leopold ["Homogenius Rho"] - "unknown" [1974 book "Wissenschaftler des Uranus testen Erdvölker"]
Frank E. Stranges ["Valiant Thor", "Jill" & "Donn" from Venus] - false:
Reinhold O. Schmidt - false:
Haruhiro Tsukamoto (Harushi Tsukamoto) - false
K. Gosta Rehn [book "UFOs Here and Now!", 1974] - "unknown"
Joachim Pahl [Joachim Puhle; 1971 book "Sternenmenschen sind unter uns : die Rückkehr der Boten aus dem All" (Star People Are Among Us: The Return Of The Messengers From The Universe)] - "unknown"
"Unknown" contactees - defined - 43.49-54; 6.5.2
Gizeh Intelligences - unknown contacts - 43.55-60; 6.5.2
Last/lost contact reports of Asket - 43.75-76
Petale - 43.75-80; 6.4.6
"Genesis" - FIGU book - 43.77-80; 3.1.2
Thule Society - 43.81
"after your death we have fulfilled our mission here" - 43.94-96; 3.1
Arahat & Petale - "will discontinue their messages" - 43.97; 3.1
The Mission - defined - 43.98-121; 3.1.2
Chair apparatus - cured Meier's cold & overexertion - 43.130-143; 4.2.9
[Monday, February 16, 1976, 3:10 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Decalogue [Dekalog]: Hutter Publisher (Munich) - 44.5-6; 8.4.16
Ilse Von Jacobi [German UFO researcher] - 44.7-12
Great White Brotherhood - 44.13-26
DUIST [UFO organization] - 44.27-35
Karl Veit - 44.36-46
St. Germain & Ancient Mystical Order (Rosicrucians) - 44.47-40; 8.4.13
Horst Raps: [entry 25] - 44.62-69; 8.4.16
Gizeh Intelligences - 44.70-82; 6.5.2
German "UFOs" - 44.82; 10.1.1
Ashtar Sheran - 44.83-92; 6.4.3
Semjase's mother - 44.95-102; 4.3.1
[Wednesday, February 25, 1976, 3:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Quetzal - "money collector" - 45.7-8
Spelled: Semjase, Ptaah, Asket, Quetzal, Nera, Sfath - 45.9-23; 4.3
Richard T. Miller (false contactee) channeling tape - 45.24-38
Beamship metal - obtained from converted lead - 45.39-55; 4.2.9
Mining - only done on Erra in extreme emergency - 45.56-58; 4.2
Effects of mining, oil drilling, dams, atomic tests, etc. - 45.57; 7.2-63
Spharmiddon - word, meaning the end of the Earth - 45.64-68; 4.2.4
Secret "super" atomic bomb - 45.69-74; 10.6.3
Age of the Earth - 646 billion years - 45.75-100; 7.1
Oil, reserves, exploited, destroyed production - 45.101-111; 7.2.8
Fertile ground reduced from 86.1% @1940 to 39.7% - 45.112-116; 7.2
Politicians & Scientists - removal from power - 45.117-119; 8.4.7
Births, exploitation, atomic testing, dams, nuclear power - 45.120-125; 8.5
Prophecies & World War 3 - 45.126-137; 8.5
The Revelation of John - 45.133-140; 9.9
666 = "Jesus Christ"; "the value of the number 666 - 45.141-148; 9.9
Jmmanuel - 45.149-151; 9.5
The Beast = W.U.V. organization pollution - 45.152-160; 9.9
Cheiro (Count Louis Hamon, aka William John Warner) - 45.161-165
Meier's new typewriter - 45.166-168; 3.1.1
[Thursday, February 26, 1976, 2:04 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Apparatus - area-analyzer - 46.; 4.2.9
Gifts from Semjase of ruby, emerald, malachite & fluorite - 46.
Beamship metal - from lead, 7 processes - 46.; 4.2.9
Cold fusion welding unit for beamship construction - 46.; 4.2.9
[Sunday, February 29, 1976, 1:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Richard T. Miller (false contactee) channeling tape - 47.
Haton [Hatonn] - 47. 6.4.12
Usamine - girlfriend of Semjase, language specialist - 47.
[Sunday, March 14, 1976, 00:04 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
Display of atmospheric electrical energy elimination through burning by a beamship; must be done above 2,500 meters - 48.; 4.2.9
Richard T. Miller (false contactee) channeling tape - 48.; 6.5.2
Howard Menger - 48.; 6.5.2
Meier's mission now & next life - 48.
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts - 48.; 6.2
Communication with higher spiritual beings - 48.; 5.4
seven-fold laws - 48.
Semjase's new beamship can go thru dimensions in 2 directions - 48.; 4.2.8
[Sunday, March 28, 1976, 00:58 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Apparatus - guiding instrument for unrecognized brainwaves) - 49.
Meier - moped accident, 2 broken ribs - 49.
Apparatus - for curing the injured ribs - 49.
[Sunday, April 6, 1976, 1:37 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Apparatus, magnetic beam used to turn off car engines - 50.
5 Explorer Class beamships
Pleiadians/Plejaren - anger & loss of emotional control
Apparatus - for curing the injured ribs
Apparatus - for curing the inflammation
American Government in possession of destroyed spaceships & dead dwarf-like Extraterrestrials - 50.
ET stations on Earth - NOT at Calvert Texas, Unterberg Austria, or Bodensee Germany
Secret group at Unterberg with WWII German flying discs - 50.; 8.4.13
Tunnel systems all over Earth, including Ecuador: - 50.; 8.4.13
Metal foils with unknown letters (fabrications)
Pleiadians/Plejaren - conversion of trash/rubbish into useable soil, done by robots - 50.; 4.2.9
Pleiadians/Plejaren - do not smoke - 50.; 4.2
Pleiadians/Plejaren - do not drink alcohol, but have drinks similar to alcoholic beverages
Meier attacked at Bachtel by triangulation device emitting negative radiations - 50.; 3.1.3
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts ("Brucke zur Freiheit" [Bridge To Liberty] & "Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl Brugger] see Contacts 48,50,53,55,62):
High Council
Arahat Athersata
Secret of the 5 women in Meier's group - communication with Semjase
[Tuesday, April 27, 1976, 5:26 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier's 1st lecture, April 21, 1976 in Munich, Germany - 51.; 3.1.2
Mario Bertossi argues with Meier over ET spiritual philosophy - 51.; 6.5.2
Details of attack on Meier at Bachtel by triangulation device - 51.; 3.1.3
Gizeh Intelligences - 51.; 6.2
Age of the Earth - 646 billion years from gaseous state - 51.75; 6.1/7.1/10.2.1
Age of the Earth - 600 billion years to form into a solid body - 51.; 6.1/7.1
Humans arise on Earth 40+ billion years, 6 billion years ago - 51.; 6.1/8.1
Early Earth humans encountered space-traveling humans - 51.; 6.1/8.1
Helix Nebula [NGC 7293] - origin - 51.; 10.2
Solar System's rotation around the galactic central sun = 25,860 years - 10.2.5
Meier receives a symbolic mental picture of Semjase’s rage - 51.
Michael Arends (Rimsting, Germany) - 51.; 6.5.2
Theosophical book from Mr. Sloman given to Semjase for comment - 51.
Pleiadians and their contacts with Earth humans - 51.; 4.2.1
Meier acquainted with Semjase many thousands of years - 51.; 3.1
[Monday, May 17, 1976, 00:47 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase's work at North Sea oil rig disaster - 52.
Document from Mr. Ruedi Schultheiss from Biel given to Semjase for comment; a forged "message from extraterrestrials"
Theosophical book from Mr. Sloman given to Semjase for comment; of worth but its components need to be rearranged; shouldn't be made generally available to the public as it will be misunderstood; won't be generally understood for another 150-200 years
Petale - prophecy given to Meier on May 10, 1976 which he is to interpret in poetic form
Red-haired, tall, extraterrestrial-descendent Chanka (Chanaks, Chancas) Indians of Peru; average height of 7 feet; retreated to a subterranean village 500 years ago, though they also live in huts above ground; lineage traces to the Incas; kidnap white women - 52.24-38; 6.3.7/8.2.5
Inca Indians
"Curse of the Pharaohs" - figidindus ["figadindi", "prickly pear", "teen shouki"] cactus fruit hair-fine surface spines treated with poison, used in mummy wrappings:
Great Pyramid of Giza - mathematical design & prophetic dates - 52.; 7.3.4
Great Pyramid of Giza - Opening of Revelation & light from a distant star
Pyramids - built by telekinetic spirit forces - 52.; 7.3.4
Numerous beamships sighted over Hinwil, Switzerland @May 8, 1976; Pleiadians/Plejaren checking for remnant ground radiation from their landings due to "an army organization" searching the area - 52.; 6.5.1
Beamship sound recordings of April 16, 1976 - many observers showed up
Swiss air force jet fighter tried to intercept beamship (April 14, 1976); jet camera damaged - 52.; 4.2.8
Telemeter discs
Meier asks Semjase to bring him some Plejaren food - 52.; 4.2
Beamship anti-gravity shaft - Meier descends through this from the ship to the ground - 52.; 4.2.9
[Thursday, May 27, 1976, 1:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Mr. Reizs Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts ("Die Brucke Zur Freiheit" [The Bridge To Liberty] & "Die Chronik von Akakor" [1976, Karl Brugger] see Contacts 48,50,53,55,62):
Semjase's commentary on Mr. Reiz's charts & notes (Creational power, etc.)
7 all-universal spheres
Truth is not complicated - 53.
"The Universe is the inner & the outer body of Creation" - 53.; 5.1
Absolute force
"The egg-formed spiral of Creation":
Fine matter & coarse matter
"The material will of intellect"
False prophets & deceivers
2 scam artists & their past lives (judgment in 1884)
Yeti (Bigfoot, Sasquatch) seen by Meier
Meier's spiritform on Earth as a human being for 25 million years - 53.; 3.1
Amata Stetter - relationship to an ancient Aryan group hidden on Earth - 8.3.11
"Mistakes and errors have to be confessed"
Friends To The Stars (secret UFO group in France @1953/54) 1997 books are a fraud - 53.; 8.4.5
Dimension door near Madagascar - 53.; 7.1
Antonio Giannuzzi [Centro Studi Fratellanza Cosmica, Lecce, Italy, 1975]
Eugenio Siragusa - 53.165-174; 8.3.10
Assassination attempt -damaged notebook & breastplate - 53.175-192; 3.1.3
Flowers picked by Semjase for Kalliope Meier - 53.193-200; 4.3.1
[Tuesday, June 8, 1976, 1:27 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
SENAN (name of our universe in Asket's language - 54.11; 4.2.4
Asket - earlobes, anatomical difference only - 54.12-22; 6.4.2
Pleiadians/Plejaren - eye colors vary - 54.23-24; 4.2
Plejaren women - makeup/cosmetics - 54.25-27; 4.2
Smoking, negative & positive effects, natural tobacco- 54.28-40; 8.4.14
Erra, 1 of 9 planets in the Taygeta system - 54.41-44; 4.1
Semjase - obligations on earth since 1903 - 54.45-46; 4.3.1
Station in Switzerland established 300+ years ago - 54.47; 4.2.5
7 other extraterrestrial races located on Earth - 54.52-53; 6.
Gizeh Intelligences - 54.54
Animal spirit forms - evolve to assist nature - 54.55-58; 5.6
Communication by hyperspace "radio" transmissions - 54.59-62; 4.2.9
Gravity - nature of & defined with electromagnetism - 54.63-75; 10.5.3
Evaluating the position of consciousness of Ebner - 54.76-85; 5.20
Erra - 400 million humans, Taygeta system - 9 planets - 54.90-92; 4.1
Earth, the only inhabited planet in the SOL system - 54.93-94; 10.2.11
Astrology - 54.95-98; 10.1
Erra - particular details about the planet - 54.99-106; 4.1
Plejaren units of time and date - 54.107-109; 4.1
Semjase's birthday - February 7th - 54.110-113; 4.3.1
Evaluating the position of consciousness - details - 54.132-143; 5.20
Spiritual-intellectual level of consciousness - 54.144-145; 5.20
Results of Ebner’s spiritual analysis - 54.146-157; 5.20
Meier learning spiritual calculations, rest needed - 54.158-185
[Monday, June 14, 1976, 10:37 a.m.]
+ additional contact June 14, 1976, 5:53 p.m.
Contact person: Semjase
Meier learns to calculate spiritual development - 55.1-16
Semjase's written greeting to the children at FIGU - 55.17-21; 4.3.1
Yukata and Pleja are Semjase's brother & sister - 55.22-23; 4.3.4
Kalliope Meier's dream about Pleja - 55.24-35; 4.3.4
Ptaah's age - 759 years (as of June 14, 1976) - 55.36-37; 4.3.3
Ice ages (glacial periods) defined - 55.38-45; 7.3.2
Interglacial periods - 55.46-48; 7.3.2
Earth proceeding towards another glacial period - 55.49-51; 7.3.2
Natural evolution of life forms is universal unity - 55.52-62; 5.9
Mammoths & elephants - 55.63-69; 7.2.6
Pope Paul VI poisoned - 55.70-76; 8.3.6
Strange UFOs sighted in Robenhausen & Fehraltorf - 55.78-82; 6.5.1
5 strange ships altogether, < 4 meters in diameter - 55.83-88; 6.5.1
Ganymede (Jupiter moon) - Gizeh Intelligences station - 55.89-95; 8.4.13
Great White Brotherhood locations - 55.96-106; 8.4.13
Hierarchy influences on humanity - 55.107-114; 9.9
St. Germain - 55.115-120; 8.3.9
Christ-consciousness - 55.121-124; 9.9
Values of colors - 55.125-139; 5.21
Light-emission beamship Tachyon propulsion system - 55.140; 4.2.9
Beamship - word defined - 55.141; 4.2.9
Semjase's first ship while contacting Meier - details - 55.142; 4.2.9
Anti-gravity propulsion drive - 55.143-146; 4.2.9
Anti-matter - 55.147-149; 10.5.1
Semjase's current beamship = 1.5 tons in weight - 55.150-151; 4.2.9
Sigma Roma an evil intelligence code - 55.152-173; 6.4.7
Quetzalcoatl - 55.174-176; 8.3.7
Aztecs - 55.177; 8.2.3
Huitzilopochtli - a leader of Gizeh Intelligences - 55.178-181; 8.3.8
Egypt - 55.182; 6.4.7
Greater-Atlantis - location - 55.183-185; 7.1.2
Mu - located at Gobi Desert in China, built by Lyrans - 55.186; 7.1.2
Agharta - subterranean, part of Mu, built by Lyrans - 55.187; 6.3.2
Small-Atlantis - 55.188; 7.1.2
Mu - 55.196-198; 7.1.2
Reincarnation on other worlds - 55.199-203; 5.5
Freemasons - 55.208; 8.4.13
Mongoles - 55.209-210; 8.2.6
All earth races have a mission - 55.211-214; 8.2
Sun - universal energies - 55.215-217; 10.2.5
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts - 55.220-222; 8.3.8
Pleija (Semjase's sister) - 55.229-230; 4.3.4
[Saturday, June 19, 1976, 11:30 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Pope Paul VI dethroned & murdered by poison - 56.1-11; 8.3.6
Meier invited for an airplane flight - 56.14-21; 3.
Reporters to visit Meier for a story on June 21, 1976 - 56.22-24; 3.
Malicious person trying to gain technical details - 56.25-29; 8.4.5
[Wednesday, June 23, 1976, 8:54 p.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal
Glacial & interglacial periods reiterated & clarified - 57.1-5; 7.3.2
Hobby journalists & trained scientists - stubborn - 57.6-16; 8.4.5/10.1
Glacial & interglacial periods reiterated & clarified - 57.17-35; 7.3.2
Erra (Plejaren planet) - sickness (under control) - 57.36-41; 4.1
Cancer - eradicated by Pleiadians/Plejaren long ago - 57.42-54; 4.2.9
Pope Paul VI - homosexual - 57.55-58; 8.3.6
White Eagle Lodge (Liss, England) - secret sect - 57.59-62; 8.4.17
Semjase's written greeting to the children at FIGU - 57.63-64
Plejaren beamships unable to crash - 57.66-67
10-16 dead alien bodies (120 centimeters tall) - 57.68-71; 6.5/10.1.1
Apollo 13 - oxygen tank - 57.72; 10.1.2
114 Pleiadians/Plejaren stationed on Earth - 57.73; 4.2.5
Tayget (Plejaren sun) - pronounced Taget in Plejaren - 57.74; 4.1.4
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have not incarnated on Earth - 57.76; 4.2
Erra - composition of the troposphere (atmosphere) - 57.78-84; 4.1
Erra - surface gravity, density, axis, etc. - 57.85-91; 4.1
Plejarens made first spaceship 21 million years ago - 57.92; 4.2.8
Destroyer planet broke through the Vega system - 57.93; 10.2.8
Age of Sun, Earth, Jupiter & Saturn development - 57.94-97; 10.2.1
George Adamski - all his pictures are frauds - 57.98-101; 6.5.2
Pleiadians stationed on Earth - fluctuates monthly - 57.111-113; 4.2.5
Agharta Alpha (of Mu) - inhabited, below Gobi desert - 57.114-116; 6.3.2
Agharta Beta (of Mu) - inhabited, below the Himalayas - 57.117-122; 6.3.2
Agharta Alpha & Beta - connected by tunnel - 57.123-125; 6.3.2
Unknown name claiming "High Chief of Agharta" a fraud - 57.126; 6.3.2
Regent of Agharta - actual leader of that dual city - 57.127-128; 6.3.2
Pleiadians/Plejaren - birth control measures - 57.143-150; 4.2
Spirit first inhabits a human 3 weeks [21 days] - 57.151-152; 8.4.3
Abortion (on Earth) - murder - 57.153; 8.4.3
Plejaren birth control - 1 method is "pulling out" - 57.154; 4.2
Plejaren birth control - Harmony of mates is demanded - 57.155; 4.2
Pope - influences the prejudices of birth control - 57.156; 8.4.3
Mr. Reiz - paper concerning Lord Surya [Sun God] - 57.157-158; 8.3.8
"Disclosed Secrets" (book) - "Castel del Monte" - 57.159-160
Semjase's knowledge fields connected to her mission - 57.161-164; 4.3.1
Plejaren beamship "energy burnings" - 57.165-177
Meier's 2-hour airplane trip June 20, 1976 - 57.178-180; 3.
Sense of orientation & balance by the internal ear - 57.181-185; 10.3
Barbarianism - comment by Meier - 57.186-190; 8.4.2
Plejaren ancestors flew in "airplanes" - 57.191-192; 4.2.3
Amata Stetter's teleprojection experiences - 57.Q 5-9; 8.3.11
Pleiadian star system; IHWH & other humans - 57.Q13-21; 8.3.12
"Heavenly Sons" - title given by early Earth humans - 57.Q22-24; 8.1
Pleiadians "take Amata under their control" - 57.Q28-38; 8.3.11
"Maintain the peace inside of you" - Semjase quote - 57.196
[Sunday, June 27, 1976, 1:47 a.m. + thought transmission addendum 4:14 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase
Plejaren birth control - natural plant preparations - 58.3-11; 4.2
Mr. K. - reason for his depression & behavior - 58.Q4-10;
Typewriter given to Semjase from Olga Walder - 58.13-19
Pleja (Semjase's sister) - coming next contact - 58.20-23; 4.3.4
Jura Mountains - task their for Semjase - 58.24-27
Pleiadians "take Amata under their control" - 58.Q13-18; 8.3.11
Additional thought transmission: time changed - 58.28-30
[Monday, June 28, 1976, 4:14 p.m.]
Contact persons: Quetzal, Semjase, Pleja
Punctuality & non-punctuality - 59.1-6
Typewriter & paper to Semjase from Olga Walder - 59.9-10
Pleja - "as pretty as Semjase" - 59.P1-7; 4.3.4
"Occupy yourself with the past of that time" -Pleja - 59.8-12; 4.3.4
Meier instructs Pleja about driving the moped - 59.13-20; 4.3.4
Gizeh (or Thule) - 59.31-50
[Thursday, July 8, 1976, 2:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
American government - comprised of 3 powers - 60.1-8; 8.4.7
History of Atlantis & Mu - 2 largest Earth cities - 60.11-53; 7.1.2
Azores Islands are only remainder of Greater-Atlantis - 60.54-97; 7.1.2
Otto Muck - spirit-form of Plato reincarnated - 60.98-110; 8.3.4
"Adonis Group" - term by Otto Muck for "planetoid" - 60.111-113; 8.3.4
Mars - "has much more water than assumed" - 60.114-122; 10.2.12
Proxima-Centauri, Alpha-Centauri, Beta-Centauri - 60.123-124; 10.2.4
Athar & Kohun of Proxima-Centauri friends of Semjase - 60.125-138; 10.2.4
FIGU group members - their missions from obligation - 60.139-172; 3.2
Otto Muck - "controlled" & inspired by the Pleiadians - 60.173-178; 8.3.4
[Thursday, July 29, 1976, 00:43 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Menara
Olga Walder photos 2 Explorer-class beamships - 61.2-4
The Deluge (Great Flood) - occurred 10,080 years ago - 61.5-10; 7.3.1
2 other "great floods" since then by Destroyer planet - 61.11-20; 7.3.1
Atlantis & Mu destroyed 11,498 years ago - 61.25-30; 7.1.2
Destroyer planet attracts Venus to present orbit - 61.31-36; 10.2.8
Sanskrit texts "very exact & precise about history - 61.37-44; 7.3
Destroyer planet - extensive details - 61.45-50; 10.2.8
Venus torn from Uranus "sun system" by the Destroyer - 61.51-66; 10.2.8
Last appearance of The Destroyer planet was in 1680 - 61.67; 10.2.8
Next appearance of Destroyer planet will be in 2255 - 61.68-76; 10.2.8
Sun system - defined (Uranus, Jupiter & Saturn) - 61.77-93; 10.2.1
Destroyer planet orbits only in the SOL system - 61.94-95; 10.2.8
Letter from a psychologist (Mr. Andersen) for Semjase - 61.96-97
Ilse Von Jacobi - manuscript about the Meier case - 61.98-115;
Otto Muck - communication with him not possible - 61.116-118; 8.3.4
Hans Jacob - previous incarnation (question) - 61.119-121
Self-knowledge of previous incarnations "not good" - 61.122-125; 5.5
Mr. Reiz - pretends telepathic contact with Semjase - 61.126-128
2 women in telepathic contact with Pleiadians - 61.129-134; 4.2.1
Black & white photos taken by Hans Schutzbach - 61.135-141; 4.4.1
Plejaren beamship landing supports cause impressions - 61.142-143; 4.2.8
Plejaren ships - 4 anti-gravity oscillation centers - 61.144; 4.2.8
Effects of touchdown oscillations upon plants - 61.145-150; 4.2.8
Freemasons - no help given by ETs or other spirits - 61.153-156; 8.4.13
Number of chemical elements that exist in universe - 61.157; 10.5
Number of elementary particles in the universe - 61.160; 10.5
FIGU children want to give Semjase a kitten - 61.161
Pleiadians/Plejaren - have domestic pets - 61.162; 4.2
Animals from other worlds only allowed if necessary - 61.165-166; 4.2
"Ether" - a fine-substance that penetrates all - 61.167-168; 10.2.7
Plejaren "government" - High Council - 61.169-171; 4.2.2
Plejaren shoes & clothing similar to ours - 61.172-174; 4.2
Menara - a girl from Vega system to take over contact - 61.177-188; 4.3.5
Menara - "very pretty, very dark-skinned - 61.189-191; 4.3.5
3 gifts from the FIGU group members for Semjase - 61.192
Hans Schutzbach - "a secret between him and" Semjase - 61.198-201
Pleja (Pleija) (Semjase's sister) - 61.206-207
Menara's beamship - anti-gravity tube - 61.208
Menara - 10 centimeters shorter than Semjase - 61.M1-3; 4.3.5
Semjase & Menara laugh at Meier saying "earthworms" - 61.4-6; 5.3.5
Menara's race - early Earth ancestors - 61.9-11; 4.3.5
Sarat language - Plejaren language - 61.215-216; 4.2.4
Kosan language - common intergalactic language - 61.217-219; 4.3.5
Jenan language - language of Menara's race - 61.M12; 4.3.5
Menara - on Earth for the first time - 61.227-230; 4.3.5
Semjase - had to exercise 4 years of intensive study - 61.231; 4.3.1
[Thursday, August 12, 1976, 3:03 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase postpones her vacation from Earth - 62.1-24; 4.3.1
Herbert Runkel wrote a letter to Semjase - 62.25-32
Mrs. W. - delusional woman claiming contact ETs - 62.33-39
High Council - possible for Meier to get in contact - 62.40-45
Menara's race - 3,150 years ahead of Earth - 62.46-48; 4.3.5
Plejaren race - 3,500 years ahead of Earth - 62.49-53
1950's Russian flying disc launched into space - 62.62-69; 10.6.3
Quetzal takes a vacation from Earth - 62.70
Mr. Reiz's Theosophical/Rosicrucian notes & charts - 62.71-81; 8.3.8
Book from Mr. Reiz unable to substantiate anything - 62.82; 8.3.8
Religious & religious heresies, cheats & imposters - 62.83-84; 9.9
Extraterrestrials can eliminate lost items on Earth - 62.93-97; 4.2.9
Selective warning device - "small white object" - 62.98-100; 4.2.9
Instrument that incinerates items - 62.101-109; 4.2.9
[Wednesday, September 22, 1976, 4:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Menara's beamship - only has a planetary drive - 63.7-12; 4.2.8
Laser pistol - Meier asks to borrow Semjase's - 63.13-16; 4.2.9
Carl J. Disch - fraudulent contactee, 1960, Eloa - 63.17-20; 6.5.2
UFO in Iran - report read by Meier September 22, 1976 - 63.21-22; 10.6.3
Cassiopeia - only a few star systems have humans - 63.23-25; 10.2.11
Meier should address needs of family and group - 63.26-45; 3.1
Cows disturbed by Semjase's beamship - 63.48; 4.2.8
Michael Arends & Mario Bertossi - critics/defamers - 63.50-64; 8.4.5
Switzerland - map where earthquakes may be expected - 63.70-71; 7.2.3
Pleiadians not allowed to determine group members - 63.72-81; 3.2
Sfath (Semjase's grandfather) - died - 63.82-84; 4.3.6
Sfath's pear-shaped ship - gift from Sirius system - 63.85-88; 4.3.6
[Saturday, October 2, 1976, 5:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
"Public ufological circles, where idiots know it all" - 64.7-22; 8.4.16
Duplicity of Earth humans - 64.23-48; 8.4
Reading human thoughts - 64.23-31; 4.2.1
Discovering people’s true thoughts - 64.37-57; 4.2.7
Ufologists - 64.49-50; 8.4.16
200-300 years Earth humans will recognize ETs - 64.51; 8.4.16
Possible official extraterrestrial contact at 2000 - 64.52-57; 8.4.16
Probability of 34% chance of Meier rejecting contact - 64.58-62; 8.4
Letter from Herbert Runkel for Semjase - 64.63-71
Martin Sorge & Mara - friends of Meier, astrologers - 64.72-77;
Carl J. Disch - fraudulent contactee, @1960, Eloa - 64.78-83; 8.4.5
2 ships from Cassiopeia early-1960s, 4 month stay - 64.84-93
Menara's laser pistol used by Meier - 64.94-95; 4.2.9
Secret Brazilian neo-Nazi group flying disc attack - 64.96-106; 3.1.3
Semjase arrives in Menara's beamship - 64.107-109
[Saturday, October 23, 1976, 2:47 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah
Secret Brazilian neo-Nazi group flying disc - 65.P5-9; 4.3.3
Ptaah induces certain feelings in some people - 65.P10-16; 4.3.3
Secret organizations in Germany and Canada - 65.P17-26; 8.4.13
Dunneberg - German head of a secret neo-Nazi group - 65.P27-42; 8.4.13
"Do not constrain your assumptive feelings" -Ptaah - 65.P43-45; 4.3.3
Attack against Meier - wheel lug-nuts loosened - 65.P46-51; 3.1.3
Secret Brazilian neo-Nazi group flying disc attack - 65.P52-78; 3.1.3
Meier feels like an idiot - 65.P80-S10; 4.3.3
Carl J. Disch - fraudulent contactee, @1960, Eloa - 65.S24-38; 6.5.2
Martin Sorge & Mara - friends of Meier, astrologers - 65.P82-88;
[Wednesday, November 10, 1976, 2:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Presents - usually given by humans as an obligation - 66.1-8 8.4
The meaning of words & their exact values - 66.9-11 4.2.1
Teddy bear - gift from Herbert Runkel for Semjase - 66.12-22 4.3.1
Pleiadians - do not have things like teddy bears - 66.23 4.2
Astrological signs & symbols, origin 12,000 years ago - 66.25-32 10.1
Astrology - necessity of getting the concise time - 66.33 10.1
Time of birth - when top of the head first emerges - 66.34-38 10.1
Meier - exact birth time, measured by Sfath - 66.39-42 10.1
Astrological symbol for Erra (Plejaren planet) - 66.43-47 10.1
Astrological symbols - the degree of balance - 66.48-52 10.1
Martin Sorge previous incarnation connection to Meier - 66.55-61
"Your dreams are a medicine for you." --Semjase - 66.62-73 4.3.1
2-page letter from Martin Sorge & Mara - 66.74-78
The natural cosmic laws order a unitary & harmony - 66.79-80 5.8
Levitation - control of gravitational forces - 66.81-91 5.2
Earth humans governed by materialism causing injury - 66.92-93 8.4
Age of Aquarius moving humanity away from materialism - 66.94-96 7.2.11
Age of Aquarius began February 3, 1844 - 66.97-99 7.2.11
A hard language is demanded for telling the facts - 66.100-105 4.2.1
Materialism - influenced by one’s earlier ages - 66.106-108 8.4
Love & hate - 66.109-111 5.3
Erra (Plejaren planet) - envy no longer known - 66.112 4.2
Materialism & anti-materialism - defined & effects - 66.113-115 8.4
Marriage - meaning for each partner defined - 66.122-125 8.4.4
Pleiadians/Plejaren - human like us, have feelings - 66.126-128 4.2
In evolution, all feelings become finer and detailed - 66.129 4.2
ETs - made the mistake of controlling their feelings - 66.130-139 4.2.6
Meier - "you are often guided by your feelings alone" - 66.140-145 4.2.6
Pleiadians are "more developed ones of the alliance" - 66.146-148 4.2.6
Passions - established within spiritual development - 66.149-150 4.2.6
Passions - fade when physical body dissolves - 66.151 4.2.6
Pleiadians - don't have wild passions anymore - 66.152-158 4.2.6
Semjase - no more presents to be accepted - 66.159-166 4.3.1
Olga Walder - troubled for Semjase's security - 66.167-171 3.1.3
Assassination attempts on Meier - 3 attacks - 66.172-173 3.1.3
Israelis and 2 by secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil - 66.174 3.1.3
Isa Rashid - murdered March 1976 by Israelis - 66.175-177 8.4.13
Zionists - destroyed the truth 2,000 years ago - 66.178-181 8.4.13
Secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil - flying discs - 66.182-187 8.4.13
ET crew who made an emergency landing in Brazil - 66.188-193 8.4.13
Neo-Nazi group in Brazil fear for their existence - 66.194-198 8.4.13
Mars - exotic life forms that feed off all life - 66.199-205 10.2.12
Mercury - metal core; planet is contracting - 66.206-207 10.2.11
Universal barrier photo-inspired painting by Guidice - 66.208-221 10.2.10
Meier's writing style - Contact Report transmissions - 66.222-223 3.1.1
Increase in ET ships, abductions, experiment, testing - 66.224-227 6.5.3
Carl J. Disch (fraudulent contactee) - Elhoa - 66.228
[Thursday, November 11, 1976, 3:45 p.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Carl J. Disch - Elhoa (ET from Cassiopeia) no contact - 67.1-11; 6.5.2
[Friday, November 12, 1976, 00:47 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Secret neo-Nazi group in Brazil - 68.10-13; 8.4.13
Illogical thinking of Earth humans - 68.14-22; 8.4
Sigrid Kinet - letter to Meier containing article - 68.23-29
Universal Barrier painting has it as circle-shaped - 68.30-32; 10.2.10
Mars, Venus & Jupiter - photos by Meier July 17 - 68.33-34; 10.2.12
Jupiter & spaceship photos - hoax copies made - 68.35-40; 8.4.5
In excited state, you regard everything for too dark - 68.41-44
Intuitively inspired paintings and drawings - 68.45-48
Meier to move from Hinwil to Hinterschmidruti - 68.49-50; 3.2.3
Contact Report transmissions - symbolic picture - 68.57-58; 3.1.1
Meier's writing style - group write similarly - 68.59-60; 3.1.1
Humans overtake the true-to-the-word kind of another - 68.61; 8.4
[Friday, December 10, 1976, 00:41 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase was on vacation on Erra for 3 weeks - 69.1-2; 4.3.1
Easter Island - symbol-form of writing - 69.4-7; 6.1/7.1.4
Last ET colonization of Earth was 13,000 years ago - 69.9-14; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Viracocoha - semi-IHWH, fled from Lyra with followers - 69.15-17; 6.3.7/7.1.4
In Plejaren; "Mot-Isle" means "Island of Bird-Humans" - 69.18-21; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Easter Island & Tiahuanaco - inhabitants were ETs - 69.22-25; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Pisco, Nazca & Sacsayhuaman settled by Lyranians - 69.26; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Easter Island; egg-shaped stones represent spaceships - 69.27; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Lyranians - an epidemic struck them and they fled - 69.28-33; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Easter Island Heads - an attempt by the islanders - 69.34-42; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Last sign of giants was in a system of Andromeda - 69.43-46; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Tiahuanaco - Andromedans constructed energy centers - 69.47; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Andromedans in Tiahuanaco - hit by the same epidemic - 69.48-56; 6.3.7/7.1.4
Other giant ET races - colonized all continents - 69.57-58; 6.1
Cyclops, titans, dwarves - settled and left or died - 69.59-60; 6.1/6.3.7
Hyperboreans - splinter group of their descendents - 69.61; 6.3.7/7.1.5
Heracles - @3 meters tall [son of Zeus] - 69.62; 6.3.7
Adam - slightly less than 4 meters tall - 69.63; 6.3.7/8.1.1
Gilgamesh - Sumerian king/semi-god, 7.5 meters tall - 69.64; 6.3.7/8.3.2
Height - normal to race, abnormal if degeneration - 69.68-70; 8.4
Height of Earth humans - why so small - 69.71-76; 8.4
Dwarf-like races - 69.77; 8.4
Names - elected according to evolutional position - 69.79-80; 8.4.12
Meier - name defined as "Preserver of the Treasure" - 69.81-82
Meier - nickname "Billy", concerns it being used - 69.83-86
Semjase's name - female form meaning semi-IHWH - 69.87-97; 3.4.1
Milky Way galaxy - galaxial central sun/star - 69.98; 10.2.5
Universal central sun (star) - origin of all matter - 69.99-103; 10.2.5
Universal central galaxy - a flash always enlarging - 69.104-116; 10.2.14
"Genesis" - FIGU book, explains the creation - 69.117-119; 5.1
The Creation - the universal consciousness - 69.120-124; 5.1
Pleiadians - "how little we know in spite of all" - 69.125-126; 4.2
Petrified 90cm footprints of adolescent giants - 69.131; 6.3.7
Pleiadians - those on vacation return mid-May 1977 - 69.136-137
Gizeh Intelligences - triangular delta-shaped craft - 69.138-143; 6.5.1
Meier group communication system arranged by women - 69.144-158
Incident involving an "SS chief" (ex-Nazi) at Uster - 69.162-163; 8.4.13
December 7, 1976, dwarf race visited the Earth - 69.164-180; 6.3.5
[Thursday, January 6, 1977, 00:01 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Noah - 3.10 meters tall - 70.2-3; 8.3.5
A primary molecule becoming matter contains 49 atoms - 70.4-8; 10.5.2
Seven-fold synthesis of matter - 7 planes - 70.9-18; 10.5.2
HISTORY OF THE ARYANS - ancient home worlds were Lyra - 70.19-91; 6.1
HISTORY OF THE ARYANS - Recent Plejan history - 70.92-100; 6.1
HISTORY OF THE ARYANS - ancient home worlds were Lyra - 70.101-171; 6.1
Sumerians - 70.130; 8.2.7
Sumerians - 70.173; 8.2.7
No new IHWH - "god", "king of wisdom" since 1976 - 70.180-182; 6.4.5
Pleiades - the stars' name traces back to Pleja - 70.183-184; 4.1
Calendar year - also maintained on Erra - 70.185; 4.1
Plejaren calendar year begins 49,711 years ago - 70.186-187; 4.1
Planets named by numbers until the High Council - 70.189-192; 4.1.4
Pleiadians/Plejaren use 2 yearly chronologies - 70.193-195; 4.2.3
Earthquake in Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976 - 70.196-209; 7.2.3/4.5
ET spaceships come to Earth for contact with humans - 70.214-217; 6.5.2
Meier - departs the ship leaving footprints - 70.218-219; 3.
Meier - asks Semjase to greet his friends by radio - 70.220-221
[Monday, January 10, 1977, 2:14 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Predictions for 1977 - based on insight & probability - 71.1-59; 4.5
[Thursday, February 3, 1977, 00:07 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier's 40th birthday - Pleiadians "very best wishes" - 72.1; 3.
Meier instructed to look for new home/location - 72.3-12; 3.2.4
Group financial concerns - "impulses of truth" - 72.13-15; 3.2.1
FIGU Group members, Many will incarnate in the Center - 72.16-28; 3.2.1
Meier - knows when & how he will die - 72.29-39; 3.1
FIGU Group members - "will always recognize "Billy" - 72.40-57; 3.2.1
[Monday, February 7, 1977, 6:34 p.m. + additional contact at 11:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
guest by radio contact: Jacobus Bertschinger
Hinterschmidruti house & property up for sale soon - 73.3-9; 3.2.4
FIGU Group members - able to determine incarnations - 73.10-15; 3.2.1
Hinterschmidruti land - to be bought in spring 1978 - 73.16-18; 3.2.4
Meier speaks to Bertschinger from Semjase's beamship - 73.19-25
FIGU Group members - list of descendents names asked - 73.26
Semjase observes airplanes taking off at airport - 73.27-29
Meier appears on the ground in front of Bertschinger - 73.30-32; 3.
Beamship apparatus - teletransmitter - 73.33-36; 4.2.9
[Monday, February 14, 1977, 6:11 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Hinterschmidruti house & property; financial concerns - 74.1-8; 3.2.4
FIGU - guidance advice given by the Pleiadians - 74.9-49; 3.2.1
Photographic evidence to be sent to Meier - 74.50-52; 4.4.1
[Monday, February 21, 1977, 11:31 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Dwarf ET group - 4 ETs visited; 115 cm tall - 75.3-17; 6.5
FIGU group members - list of names given by Semjase - 75.22-26
Plejaren instrument that registers sleep - 75.27-30
Menara in her ship chased by a Swiss jet fighters - 75.31-33
Semjase writes a greeting to the FIGU group members - 75.60
Meier - teleported in front of Bertschinger's father - 75.61-65; 3.
[Monday, May 23, 1977, 7:43 p.m.]
Contact person: Menara
Race & racism (racial prejudice) - 76.1-6; 4.3.5
Meier - "give[s] no compliments" - 76.8-9; 4.3.5
Meier asks Menara if she will leave a landing trace - 76.10
Appendix 2
1 01/28/75 26 06/18/75 51 04/27/76
2 02/03/75 27 06/25/75 52 05/17/76
3 02/08/75 28 06/27/75 53 05/27/76
4 02/15/75 29 07/07/75 54 06/08/76
5 02/16/75 30 07/15/75 55 06/14/76
6 02/23/75 31 07/17/75 56 06/19/76
7 02/25/75 32 09/08/75 57 06/23/76
8 03/18/75 33 09/12/75 58 06/27/76
9 03/21/75 34 09/14/75 59 06/28/76
10 03/26/75 35 07/17/75 60 07/08/76
11 04/15/75 36 10/20/75 61 07/29/76
12 04/20/75 37 11/03/75 62 08/12/76
13 04/25/75 38 11/13/75 63 09/22/76
14 04/29/75 39 12/03/75 64 10/02/76
15 05/01/75 40 12/18/75 65 10/23/76
16 05/03/75 41 12/31/75 66 11/10/76
17 05/09/75 42 01/07/76 67 11/11/76
18 05/15/75 43 01/27/76 68 11/12/76
19 05/16/75 44 02/16/76 69 12/10/76
20 05/20/75 45 02/25/76 70 01/06/77
21 05/27/75 46 02/26/76 71 01/10/77
22 05/28/75 47 02/29/76 72 02/03/77
23 06/03/75 48 03/14/76 73 02/07/77
24 06/07/75 49 03/28/76 74 02/14/77
25 06/16/75 50 04/06/76 75 02/21/77
76 05/23/77